July 2 Stardew Valley late streams

[Music] p [Music] a [Music] p [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] love oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] la oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up everyone hello hello hello and welcome it’s time to end my streaming week a little early this week you know usually Wednesday would be my final streaming day this this mon or this week it is Tuesday because I have some appointments and things lined up for tomorrow really it has to do with the 4th of July holiday had to do things the day before because not everything is available on Fourth of July here in the United States so hello everyone and welcome to the night stream the chill stream of star do Valley I’m excited for this as you know it is a very relaxing stream it breaks up the stress of all the other games that I’m playing um we get a lot of interaction you guys help me out a lot understanding the game mechanics of the game itself it always ends up being a very fun time and tonight we’re actually starting off with a thunderstorm the first one that we’ve had in the game and from what people told me last time apparently the thunderstorm is like the best time in the game to fish I just don’t know where to fish I’ve been fishing at the beach the entire time maybe I should do something different this time I don’t know but anyway good evening everyone hello welcome to the late stream how are you all oh if you’re ready to relax you’re in the right place for sure definitely happy to break up this content this week the stressful Street Fighter stuff you know Elden ring it’s stressful but it’s not being that this is the DLC it’s not as stressful as the main game like in the main game it’s like oh man you need every single soul possible every Rune possible to be leveling up all the time and everything and this DLC it’s kind of like I could probably beat the DLC without leveling once from now on you know what I mean like it’s so it’s a lot more relaxed in that regard um I’m sure I’ll be coming up against stuff that will uh you know be challenging to me uh as I move forward in it but it’s really Street Fighter that’s stressing me out more than anything right now so anyway uh good evening what’s going on first of all uh thank you to ha the dog and then juicy B both of which did Super chats here to start the night let me get juicy bch on the leaderboard because juicy B is the latest super chatter my mouse wheel does not want to work it really wants to be a pain in the butt tonight thanks a lot Mouse wheel what is up blimp he says stardo is giving bass master Vibes well you mean the whole idea that we relax while I I play a game that doesn’t really take a lot of hyperfocus I totally know what you mean I gotcha what’s uh what’s the deal what’s going on tonight any any topics anything going on that I missed earlier today or is it just a very chill day in general I haven’t really heard that much you know I follow the different trends on social media and the like and I didn’t really see anything going on too big today what is my favorite form of protein intake uh probably meat as opposed to I don’t know plant-based protein or like beans or nuts I probably eat more meat than anything else like today I had chicken quesadillas homemade for dinner that had uh Pita Chicken in it you know fajita flavoring seasoned chicken so meat okay onoy says yes uh this is one of my favorite games that I’m playing right now I’m glad to hear that good evening Adam how are you welcome to the stream kind of Stuffy in here turn my air conditioner here would I eat lab grown meat I don’t know maybe I already have how do you tell the difference can you even tell the difference right good evening Derek do I like spam no spam is too salty I do like ham but I feel like spam is actually just too many preservatives too much salt in it I prefer like a honey ham bed Rogers says theyve had a mid-season update for multiverses freefor all mode and some changes to the UI and Fighters still no ranked matches there you go thank you for the update fed Roger hate to say it but sadly uh I don’t think I’ll be going back to it you guys did not like it when I played it I only did two streams and you guys were already tapped out and saying no no more so sadly I don’t think I’ll play multivers again I liked it both times when I played it uh previous when it was in that beta and then when it’s full release but some things just don’t catch on with the audience I can’t make you guys like something you don’t like you know what I mean so I guess uh it is what it is yep I don’t know I don’t know exactly what a thunderstorm will be like in the game will it be like remember in Minecraft when lightning would actually strike the water and stuff that was kind of cool I wonder if they’ve done anything that crazy or not shooter good evening how are you Spidey 5000 says Hawaii is the biggest consumer of spam yeah from what I’m understand Hawaii they eat a lot of more lowbudget foods like that because it was part of their culture around World War II and it just kind of got ingrained in their cuisine at that point and has stayed a part of their Cuisine like spam musubi is literally a slice of spam fried up over rice wrapped in seaweed and they think that that’s like a high-end delicacy I’ve had one and I was like not very impressed I was like wow this is pretty lame uh but different cultures like different things right oh yeah I do remember that Ono says remember in Minecraft there was lightning and all of a sudden it summoned skeleton horses that’s right and I fought them and killed the skeletons and I took one of the like the demon horses for my own remember I had it for a long time yeah yeah yeah I remember that that was pretty randomly Cool D says he uses spam sometimes as an ingredient in other foods like Chinese Ramen with bra as an ingredient with something else maybe it would be pretty good I don’t know like I said it’s so salty that I prefer like you can buy an actual slice of ham you know what I mean like an actual round slice that you can fry and it doesn’t have insane amounts of salt preseries on it and that tastes better to me or like I said you can get like honey flavored ham and stuff I like that better than just like a salted spam you know I think I don’t like that much seasoning OMG I have never been outside the United States except for for New Foundland Canada so you don’t have to ask me about if I’ve been to random places I literally have not been there unless it was New Foundland Canada if it’s outside of the US I’ve never been there Dark Souls Master says good evening how was dinner pretty good like I said homemade chicken Cas it is so you know chicken and some Pico Deo and um flavoring sauce it’s a little bit of Mexican cheese all like uh put together in the folded over tortilla and baked and chop it up into the half slices pretty good had guacamole with it I put guacamole on top of it yeah I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to Minecraft maybe just for nostalgic purposes at some point but quite honestly I feel like we did so much of it that there’s not much else to do there’s so many other chill games to play that we’ve never played that I feel like I would much rather go try those out than play the game we played for a year and a half again and I pretty much have seen everything you know what I mean no I’ve never tried caviar I have no idea what that would be like no cat does not play stardew Valley not interested in that no interest it’s not that Minecraft is bad or got played out or it’s boring just We we played it for a year and a half I feel like that’s enough you know what I mean like let’s there’s so many other cool chill games that have been made for the similar kind of stream that we were doing with Minecraft I would much rather just do it with a different game than go back to the same game again you know I I remember a game being made you were hyped for it then it got cancelled yeah Silent Hills of course we all wanted Silent Hill to come back and it had been a long time since this new Silent Hill game and then when you found out hideo kajima was working on it Norman Reus was going to be in it gal Del Toro was involved it’s like dude it’s be like a perfect collaboration and then just canceled by Konami I I I think I own Terraria I’m almost positive I own Terraria uh I actually don’t know how to see that in big picture though big picture I think I owned Terraria because it was for an Indies Marathon like a very very long time ago but I don’t think I ever booted [Music] it yeah in library so I do I bought it here it is I bought it ages ago yeah I never played it I never booted it it would say here if I booted it so I bought it for an Indies Marathon but we never got to playing it so it’s just sat here unplayed uh they have a Terraria graphic novel available if anyone’s interested there it is wow wow make a wish in Terraria I guess it was a Terraria player who who I guess was sick and had to Make A Wish Foundation something oh but I never played it [Music] okay the combat is similar to stard Valley oh yeah what’s up everybody what’s up we’ll be starting in a few minutes here two chill hours of stardew Valley tonight I hope you guys will help me right off the bat it’s we’re in the middle of our first thunderstorm and I want to know how to go about uh fishing for it like what’s the best idea of what to do during the thunderstorm with the fish should I go to the beach should I go somewhere else any game plan anything different from a normal day when it’s raining with the thunderstorm I don’t know I never seen one yet what’s the first sandbox Style game I ever played oh geez geez I didn’t play any of the original GTA I’m trying to remember did I play any sandbox game before I played GTA 4 I don’t think so I literally skipped that entire PS2 console generation when I would have been exposed to sandbox games I just I was only playing street fighter and stuff like that so yeah so probably GTA 4 honey bun you’re right honey bun says the day before the thunderstorm is when you should have taken your watering Canyon for an upgrade and we we we got so busy we forgot you were absolutely right that’s what we should have done and I didn’t do it so now we’re screw I guess we’re never going to get to upgrade the watering can at this point juy Bo thank you for a second Super Chat he says a smooch and gaming juy B are you smooching everyone in chat are you are you smooching left and right you better at least get permission before you Smooch you must get permission before you Smooch I can’t have people getting into trouble here on my chat all right Mr to stool four months as a member says that he missed the birth of his child to see this stream Mr Toad stool your name is Toad stool but your profile picture is a toad that’s completely different things there you go and by the way if you’re a toad stool you don’t have eyes so there’s no way you could have seen the birth of your child regardless you would have missed it anyway there’s also no way you could be watching the Stream so you out did I really ER is saying I played Terraria it doesn’t say so in Steam steam would say when you booted it and how long you played it but maybe that’s something that they’ve changed in the last seven eight years and it didn’t say it when I played Terraria or didn’t record it at that point maybe lightning can hit crops during storms at foraging six you can make lightning rods oh I definitely don’t have oring six yet did I play Saints R before GTA 4 nope GTA 4 I played before I was a YouTuber when it was a brand new game I played it and then uh I started playing uh SRO 2 as a YouTuber in 2008 although I wasn’t really like a full-time YouTuber it was just my hobby at the time your mouse sounds like a duck when you scroll it what the hell does that me how would you even know what my mouse sounds like I’m not like what are you talking about what on Earth are you talking about uh anyway good evening everyone we’re gonna start in just a moment here tonight guys please support the Stream usually these stard do Valley Streams have had a lot of support it’s actually been some of my highest supported streams I’ve done in months and I really really appreciate that I you know would appreciate any support we don’t have to have crazy supportive night but I try to hit 50 bucks and tips every stream if we hit that tonight I’d be very happy it would actually help out because yesterday we had a very slow Street Fighter stream so it would help to kind of make up for that um so please consider it especially if you like these late night chill streams you’ve been enjoying the Vibes of stard Valley I hope that you will support it if you can and as you know since it’s a very interactive stream I’ll give you a shout out for your contributions all right okay let’s see how the game sounds again you know this uh sounds of every game are different so I wonder if this will be loud or good I already adjusted the volume a little bit to lower it I played tar on PS4 well that will explain a that [Music] I’ve never heard of ghost Watchers [Music] now okay hello everyone and welcome back to stardew Valley we’re about to start our chill night stream here and uh if you remember I just upgraded my home which is why it’s much bigger now and we’re about to head out for a full day of fishing in this thunderstorm that you can hear okay but before I head out I was going to ask the chat for advice because I’ve never been doing anything during a thunderstorm before and someone already had given me some advice and said FYI just so you know sometimes lightning can hit your crops and then it kills it and there’s nothing you can do about it that would suck but at the same time I have an entire Farm plot full of crops so even if I lose a few of them I don’t think it would be that big of a deal the question I really have for everyone here is where should I fish I’ve been fishing at the beach pretty much nonstop but as you saw at the community center there’s these challenges to get fish from other areas and stuff and I’m wondering you know taking a look at the game should I possibly try to fish somewhere else should I try to fish in the river down there to the South should I fish in that Lake you know like what’s the best option or should I just go straight to the beach Mountain Lake oh that’s not unlocked yet we don’t have access to a mountain lake do we or are you talking about right outside of the mine is that what you’re talking about there Mountain Lakes is honey bun but I don’t know what he means if you can explain if he means the upper right in front of the mines um and then oky Okie doi to the lower right in the Estuary what is an estuary outside the mines of the Mountain Lake should we fish there and see what we get I don’t think we’ve ever fished there before let’s go for a wall let’s Harvest what we can Harvest I’m not going to plant anything today cuz I want to get maximum fishing we do have extra time I’ll come back and I scared off 10 crows thank you we do have time we’ll come back now do I need any of these things yes I need one of these for the community center I don’t need any of the flowers or the squash so I’ll sell all the squash and the flowers I’ll sell all of the say we need one for Community Center but I guess the question is of what variety see because we need different Rarities and I’m wondering what Rarity is actually needed for the community seter is it high is it medium low I don’t know not silver though I’m going to sell some stuff quick what’s up Jay good evening what’s up j i we did did fish in the underground cave last time yes we did how do you split oh there you go there I’ll just take one of each okay now we can go to the community center drop off this melon on the way right and then we can fish fish at that Mountain Lake very good your dad and his friend’s called a mahi mahi deep sea fishing this week they fated it and have 10 pounds of my freezer says Sith wow that’s awesome M Mah are huge right those are those really really big fish that’s amazing get a lot of food out of that sucker let’s drop off this melon [Music] aha wait what I can’t just put down one they’re making me accumulate five are you for real they won’t let me put one what the hell is that about and by the way I didn’t know know that if I had known that I would have kept the two that stinks that legit stinks all right all we need is the blueberry which is growing and then we will have the regular summer crop bundle but this really stinks I just sold one of these that I didn’t realize we were going to need yeah uh first tip of the night has rolled in a $20 tip from August he says happy farming my friend thank you very much August I appreciate that first tip of the stard do stream tonight thank you August game over indeed okay I wonder if anything ever happens in this community center besides you just bring the items and then they give you rewards wonder if there’s any more story or anything cuz there hasn’t been anything in a while right okay so we’re going to have one inventory spot taken up by a melon there’s not much I can do about that okay well let’s head up to cave and we we we’re going to fish right outside of the cave in the Mountain Lake see what we can get hopefully some good stuff never fished there before blueberries take 13 days to grow well guess what it looks like we’re right about there all right so here it is I just fish right here I guess I’ll fish [Music] here let’s see what we can get in the mountain lake here we go yes I’ve caught fish in real life I went fishing with my dad several times when I was a kid it should be new we haven’t caught anything from the mountain lake yet oh man okay good immediately got a reward a bullhead brand new fish right off the get-go that’s very very good I don’t see any bubbles in the lake someone had said it actually doesn’t affect much anyway Deluxe bait just add it to my other Deluxe bait sounds good to me actually should I start using the deluxe bait maybe I should use that instead of the regular bait oh there you go let’s use the deluxe bait see what we get see if this works wow this one’s like not moving at all the most sluggish fish I don’t have to do anything it catches itself a carp 41 in and I got the old Mariner achievement cool that’s pretty cool oh this one’s hard to catch oh wow I’m not going to catch it wow that thing moves like crazy man why was I supposed to catch that that was annoying I’m all right tonight Jade thanks for asking another Bullhead new record size maximum casting oh hold on oh I can’t yet I got to move the leaderboard to the top wow either these are the easiest fish on on ever to catch or either they’re the easiest ones ever to catch or they’re incredibly tough okay so I want to move this leaderboard to the top so that way it’s not overriding our uh inventory in the bottom there let’s do that there we go good stuff [Music] okay here we go lot of these bullheads whoa Thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening no I’ve never had a carp before in real life got it was this one a sturon oh that’s cool sturen swimming for the very first time like a [Music] stur I got tasty B on my mind dude there’s so many bullheads another record Bullhead here perfect large mouth bass and that’s actually what our bait is for I think that’s the rare fish in the lake is the large mouth Fass y we have seven more to go but then I have to put on the regular bait after the fact I’m pretty sure large mouth is the rarest one right oh I want that nice we yeah maybe more bait nintend or two months as a member says shout out DSP stardo doing numbers for you laughing out loud stardo does not really do numbers in attendance but the people oh rare magma geod because we haven’t even gone down to the the levels of the mind that’s that’s magma yet but we just got magma geodes to open so that’s kind of cool anyway I’m just GNA eat this now can I eat this yeah just eat the algae yummy inventory space get some energy right there but uh it doesn’t do numbers in in attendance really but for the people that are here they love it and they support it and that’s enough for me I’m happy to play a game that the audience enjoys because we get to interact so much so that’s excellent another chub oh dck says yesterday was candid a day for him he enjoyed fireworks in the park but there were also a lot of bugs Jade I am good tonight you can see I always enjoy our relaxing stardo streams it allow me to unwind tonight is actually my final stream of the week I have tomorrow off although tomorrow is a very let me put it this way it’s not going to be a very fun day I’ve got to spend a lot of time running Here There and Everywhere for appointments uh it’s going to be the day before the 4th of July national holiday here so probably it’s going to be very busy with people out and about getting supplies for the 4th of July so I’m not expecting it being a very relaxing day tomorrow honestly I wish it were but my life you know sometime I have these days off and they’re not exactly the epitome of relaxation Alex Roberts thank you for three months of support it I guess we probably got all the fish out here the bass the chub the sturgeon there’s five kinds right there’s five kinds in each body of water and I think we’ve seen them all already you guys think we should keep fishing here or should we move maybe move to the river take a look the river would be further down if we just walk down right we’d be able to do that so maybe we should just walk down uh and maybe do some River fishing as well I mean there’s the this River you can walk down but also there’s the whole river to the South that I think you can fish in too but I’m not sure I mean we might catch rare riverfish there too right might almost be out of uh bait now I want that all right what’s it going to be come on give me something good give me something good oh I just got a large mouth bass and I got more I got three more magma geodes wow I got a lot of magma geodes that’s it we’re out of bait oh [ __ ] so we’re back to regular let’s do a couple more cast regular bait and maybe we’ll go down to uh do go down the river here perfect another Bass Beautiful I I I feel like the bass are the best ones today is World UFO day oh boy everyone raise your hands for those plutonians [Music] wow was an immediate hit huh an immediate hit new record carp okay I think we should head south now and do some fishing along the river and see if there’s different fish in the river I don’t have any wild UFO stories I have absolutely no experience with unidentified flying objects so no stories to tell here we go this is the river Let’s uh let’s fish [Music] here what will we catch here let’s find out new one a pike oh I guess we already caught a pike I don’t remember catching a pike but okay maybe we caught it in a in a lake there’s also the other River to the far south of the map that we can do too perfect a Shad oh Shad FY 5000 claims to have seen the UFO over his house and he has pictures to prove it have you turned those over to the authorities or to a t sleazy taoy I feel like both groups would be interested in that fighting you got a Baskin Robins milkshake Generation Z what kind I don’t think I’ve ever had a Baskin Robins milkshake there always a few Baskin Robins around me particularly my local mall but I never actually went to one for ice cream and now they don’t like exist anymore around here Shad I’ve never seen a ghost or anything Supernatural no Derek me changing my day off had absolutely nothing to do with it being the 4th of July intentionally but the thing is it so happens that there were a few things that my wife and I had to do while we were out some appointments we had to make and good luck getting those on the 4th of July so we ended up having to change our day off uh to ACC custom to account for that I just had forgotten about it like we knew about this a while ago I had totally forgotten about it though I hadn’t actually told you guys or anything because I had forgotten that the day off was going to be different then my wife reminded me like a day or two into the week and I was like oh yeah that’s right [ __ ] I had to adjust the schedule whoop damn that Pike went flying we’re going to see what the item is in a second but DC has laid a h coup down on us says a fishing in the rain High coup enjoy fish in a chill place the relaxing rain drop sounds a cooling feeling coal H I don’t really need a lot of coal but we’ll take it um all right I actually want to check out the other River all right so to do that we have to walk all the way south and then West I want to try the other River I’m doing all the fish today see what we can get a red snapper frenzy begin at the beach oh we don’t have any red snapper all right all right we got to go to the beach then I have never caught a red snapper before have I I don’t think so so let’s go down to the beach and get part of this frenzy going that sounds like a plan to me oh Jasper’s good tonight he’s relaxing with cat downstairs I know he hasn’t been on streams this week he misses everyone oh red snappers give me a red snapper right now frenzy [Music] frenzy red snapper frenzy wonder if red snappers worth a lot or something I don’t know but they’re jumping out of the water they’re very exciting T tonight was great king Michael was homemade chicken quadas I already told everyone that story though all right here we go red snapper and we got iron ore oh that’s lame that’s a lame item I actually I kind of don’t even want it Mazy thank you for Super Chat said for Jasper thank you Mazy yeah guys I’m going to I’m going to point right now I talked about this a little bit earlier today uh behind the scenes things are pretty uh little chaotic a lot of issues have been going on behind the scenes with me and my family and because of that it’s affected things and schedule’s off timing’s off on certain things you know my wife and I wanted to do that Co-op for you guys months ago and it just never worked out because things kept changing with schedule and health and all kinds of stuff and you know I’m not going to sit here and tell you every detail of my life because you don’t need to know that stuff nor is it really anyone’s business but you know I’ll tell you some generalities and stuff you know yeah it’s been chaotic behind the scenes very stressful for in certain ways and uh that’s life it happens we’re in a situation right now where things are a little bit what the I don’t know what happened there it junk by itself but things are a little chaotic and so don’t really particularly know exactly what my schedule might even be for the next few weeks my my schedule may actually be like adjusting uh for the next few weeks on and off I’ll let you guys know when I know if anything changes if anything the only thing that would ever change is the day off like the day it would be it’s not like the times of day that I stream or anything like that would ever change it’s just the actual days off would change and shift around a little bit so just so you know well the red snapper fren is nice but we’re not getting we’re not getting like rare fish I’d like to see if I can catch some rare fish so let’s go for that for the next hour oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up it up see if I can get some rare fish here oh what why did they have to get that [Music] whoa almost time to leave man what’s going on here why am I getting junk now out of nowhere I’m getting junk hopefully will not be junk it’s pretty crazy crazy oh it’s fighting me all right probably an eel oh it’s one of the sea cucumbers it’s a super cucumber not a CA cucumber a super cucumber that’s awesome have a little bit of time left to fish have I ever tried a water bed back in the day water beds were all the rage and I always saw them in stores and sometimes you could just lay down test the bed which was always fun and water beds were wild man I don’t know how anyone could sleep on that I don’t it really didn’t feel like super comfortable to me or anything it just felt weird it’s like you’re on a boat but on a bed at the same time it was really odd palit I think the whole idea is that because the bed moves back and forth I definitely don’t need this wood because the bed moves back and forth simulates the ocean or something like that want the deluxe bit so because it simulates the ocean maybe it’s supposed to rock you to sleep or something I I don’t really know the exact reasoning or rationale behind it oh wow they really want to screw me over here at the last minute don’t they have have a couple more cast left before I run out of energy incidentally we didn’t need the food all this time I was waiting to do stuff like this until until I had food and now I realize I didn’t need the food at all I had enough energy to last the whole day yeah no I got another H it and I also received a $2 tip let’s see here from Dan the man thank you to Dan the man for a $2 tip tonight good to see you here haven’t seen you around in a little bit Dan hopefully you’re doing well welcome to the chill stream for the end of my week oh [ __ ] it’s 10 o’clock we got to go time’s up we got to go we don’t even have time to go to the community center do we well we might H nah it might be out of the way might be too far out of the way maybe we do it tomorrow I got to get home yeah let’s uh let’s just go straight home that way I don’t overexert myself here I have to see which ones are needed for the uh Community Center though did I just go the wrong way oh my god did I really no I’m all right right yeah go this way here we go the better way I never played a dark cloud game except when I was playing ps+ premium a few years ago when it first launched I think one of the dark clouds was on there it was like Dark Cloud 2 or three and I I played a little bit of that one but I’ve never actually rented owned or played a dark cloud game so before we adjourn what is needed not that so we need a Shad and we need a large mouth bass and we need a red snapper no h of it no super cucumber we can sell those it doesn’t say what quality we need those we even need a bullhead we need a sturgeon oh my God so I can sell the chub okay hold on and sell the chub it said it needed a largemouth bass but it didn’t say what quality probably gold so I’ll get rid of the perfect it didn’t say we need Super cucumber I know that it said we need a red snapper but if it needs a red snapper it’s going to want a higher quality so let’s get rid of that one and that one and give it the gold uh I think it said it wanted the Bullhead too but again it wouldn’t be the purple level I think it said it wanted a Shad I don’t know if it said it wanted a pike let’s check wants a Shad wants a largemouth bass does not want the pike I can sell the pike wants a carp yeah I don’t know how many of each so wants a sturgeon it doesn’t want the house I can sell the halit and I can sell the pipe hell of it and the rest might be for the community center all right anything else that I want to do I mean if I get some seeds maybe I can do some quick planting five summer seeds just plant miscellaneous seeds that’s all I really have to plant here you go I don’t have any more seeds and we’re pretty much out of time I wonder when this works this thing to harvest the sap I’ve got it there but I it never does anything I wonder if it takes does it take a whole season or something to harvest that sap does anyone know how that works did I like my first thunderstorm uh it was pretty cool we got a lot of fish of a good quality so I make a lot of money as a result I have no idea what I should do tomorrow tomorrow will be beautiful sunnyday was neutral neutral luck all right I guess we’ll hit the hay nothing else to really do got to go to the community center with all these fish tomorrow if tomorrow’s good luck we got to go do all those magma geod all right forming has gone forming farming has gone up to level four watering proficiency went up whole proficiency went up I can now make an iron fence I can now make a preserves jar I don’t know what that is and basic retaining soil I don’t know what that is either I wonder what the what those are level seven fishing fishing rod went up a cork bobber recipe and treasure hunter recipe what is treasure hunter huh damn I made almost $5,000 from one day’s work damn that’s a lot of haul right there that’s a huge haul bro bro COA doodle Duty uh-oh tomorrow’s weather there appears to be some kind of anomalous reading I don’t know what this means what the hell does that mean who knows I got to figure out what that means right for tomorrow Fortune cheller very displeased so don’t do the the geod today I’ve learned the pancake recipe you need wheat flour and egg but we don’t have any of those no I’ve never had a deep fried Oreo I don’t know if they’re any good or not no clue doy doy doy doy doy doy doy doy like this music we got to put a lot of these fish uh we have to put these fish at the community center right Ellen no we can’t do anything until we have five right we’re not fishing today what was that treasure hunter thing I said I can craft fishing tackle treasure hunter you need eight gold bars fish don’t escape while collecting Treasures slightly increases the chance to find treasure so it’s a treasure attractor all right [Music] can I Clap the grow glow ring uh no I don’t think so I need nine five iron bars and five solar Essence do I have five solar Essence no I only have two so I cannot craft it yeah I can’t nope can’t do that well I need my watering can I left it outside look at all this oh blueberries look at all the blue blbs that’s a lot of [Music] bloobs oh my God look at this Harvest okay one of the crops did die as a result of the lightning see that Holy harvest my inventory is full oh my God yeah my inventory is completely full wow berries oh my Lord a summer spangle I got to sell some of these blueberries but I do need one blueberry to give for the to complete that set at the community center right so let me do this wait what am I doing that was dumb cuz I want to sell them all yeah I shouldn’t have done that ooh sunflower seeds I’m going to replant these right now I’m going to sell most of this see I’m going to sell all the blueberries except for one for the community center and then the rest we’re going to go to the community center and then let’s let’s plant these sunflower seeds and let’s water it’s dead why’ I water it I watered a dead plant oops I wasn’t even done uh harvesting I ran out of inventory space don’t worry Dudley I’m going to come give you some water Dudley no worries gu I was checking the description of the cork bobber and I get distracted what am I watering there’s nothing there I’m watering where there’s no plants wow I’m a genius was that a starfruit I think it was a squash how do I like the hippo boss and Elden ring I don’t know I I beat him so fast I don’t think I even got to see him I I’m not even kidding I had five minutes left on my stream and people were like why don’t you just go right to the entrance of shadowkey because there’s a boss that we want to see fight and I was like yeah I Got 5 minutes I got enough time and everyone’s like ha he thinks he’s so bad I I beat it so quickly I don’t I didn’t really see any many of its attacks I it killed me once because I accidentally kept activating an extra attack I didn’t want instead of counterattacking and then the second time I again I kept like accidentally doing swings I didn’t want so the third time I just blocked and and just Counterattack every hit it did and I killed it in like 2 seconds it turned into a hedgehog and then I murdered it right away I never got to see any of the Hedgehog Moves like oh okay that’s the deadly boss huh who say so yeah starf fruit all I’m going to sell some of this stuff Sumer Spangles these sweet let’s pop these into the box oh look greetings it’s our pleasure to inform you your farm will be featured in next week’s up and cominging column of the stardo Valley Tribune congratulations we impressed with your quick progress wow Hey kid my throat’s about as dry as a desert I’m real thirsty for a pale ale do you have one Pam I don’t even know where would I get a pale ale from right I have no idea all right so what do I want to sell I want to keep one blueberry everything else I can sell here we go I don’t need a sunflower don’t need a squash the fish I got to keep in my inventory but I can sell everything else outside of the fish yes wait I have three more sunflower seeds to plant okay hope I make a ton of money on this let’s go plant those sunflower seeds and water them then we’ll go to town and do the community stuff we’ll figure out what we want to do next where are the seeds did I put them in the thing by accident I wanted the watering can here we go I also have to go water Dudley’s Bowl I almost forgot can’t forget little Dudley Kitty hello have some water you can either make it with a keg or a buy at the ginger Island Resort I don’t even know what the ginger Island Resort is and I don’t have a keg so I guess I’m not giving her her pale ale then oh well just have to wait okay I’m going to go donate some of these fish if not all of them um I feel like I should pick up some bars because I want to see if I can build anything but I think I need metal to do it either metal or wood let’s see what I have no bars and no wood in this one no bars and no wood in this one okay I know I don’t need gold bar where’s my wood I have no wood at all or I think it’s outside isn’t it I think I have wood outside I have no iron bars or no copper bars that sucks actually I have no copper bars at all I must have used them for the last upgrade so with no copper bars that means that I actually cannot uh sell this I actually cannot do upgrade I don’t think yeah I don’t think I’m able to do an upgrade because I don’t have any copper bars I don’t have any copper ore either so I would have to go mine at the lower levels and get copper ore and refine it into copper bars yeah and then I could do more upgrades but I don’t think I can do any upgrades I don’t have any copper this micromanaging is kind of silly honestly the micromanaging of inventory like this and you need this but not this and this it’s it’s kind of frustrating all right let’s go put stuff in the community [Music] center need copper and iron bars for the sprinklers h [Music] so this is probably all the fish okay okay here we [Music] go ooh we can do this whole bundle right now [Music] [Music] bundle complete what do I get nothing I get nothing oh here it is a dressed spinner I already have that you gave me something I already have GE thanks so much WoW wait I have another reward I don’t want it I I literally don’t want it I got to take a reward I don’t want wow well that was a complete waste seriously all right so we could complete oh what’s going on here look I wonder what this one is let’s find out we can also complete the blueberry [Music] bundle blacksmith bundle six okay they only want one iron bar all right or one copper bar there we go ooh slime batwing solar Essence and void Essence we never seen void Essence before quartz Earth crystal frozen tiar and Fire Quartz we have most of these we don’t have Fire Quartz but we have the other three so we can almost do all of these this one we can do I just got to get a copper bar this one is doable for for sure let’s go give this blueberry The Spinners run out yeah but I can’t even use the Spinners cuz I don’t have the level of um I don’t have the level of uh fishing Rock to use them I can only use bait right now here we go bundle complete what do I get for this one what crappy reward will I receive a qua oh I got a quality sprinkler for free ooh that’s actually not bad at all I can go install that right I don’t know if I need to do anything else with it but I can go install that for free that’s a good one actually nice oh look something else is opening up on the bulletin board what could that be Chef’s bundle oh it’s food enchanter bundle wow am I going to get these I had a red mushroom but I got rid of it I have a sea urchin right now I I was growing sunflowers I’ll probably get more back a chub I sold my chub but I can get another one Frozen geod I can get that reward friendship so your friendship will go up with these certain people when you level these up okay oh all right well we did a bunch here uh so I have a quality sprinkler now that’s cool I can sell this now this cart I forgot to sell all this stuff son of a [ __ ] I guess what we can do like see what we can upgrade at the stores or at the carpenter carpenter is North go north and see what we can do with the carpenter [Music] the kitchen is amazing yeah problem is I don’t have any ingredients or recipes really do much with it which kind of sucks so oh I can increase the size of your house and add a nursery but it costs 65,000 gold and 100 pieces of hardwood I guess I will not be doing that wood and stone I don’t have it I need to go go grab wooden Stone but I could maybe have time to do this the [Music] coupe or a barn I don’t know what’s better the cop of the barn but I could afford either I just need to get the resources 350 wood 150 Stone I don’t have the copper bars to do The Silo I got to do a mining run and get copper ore a mill I don’t have any cloth shed just an be willing you do whatever with you can raise fish and harvest their produce oh I don’t have these though right no I could I could get seaweed and green algae I just need to save it from fishing I don’t have any hardwood yet I don’t get hardwood until I upgrade my axe correct yes super back hat tomorrow is my day off and then I’m back on Thursday thanks for stopping by tonight I me see you the SLO Hutch raise up to 20 slimes I don’t have idium or refined quartz as of yet chipping bin all right so I should go for either the Cooper the barn right but I need 350 and 150 Stone to do that or 300 so let’s go back see maybe we can go grab that fast I think I have that I’m almost positive I have that [Music] went the wrong [Music] way the problem is I’m probably not going to make it back in time when you walk across this town once you literally have no time to walk back across the town to do something in one given day you’ve got to like got a rocket in your butt I hope maybe later on you get like stuff that makes you move faster right maybe like speed shoes or something or you’re so slow walking across town it takes hours to get across [Music] town I got to figure out how to do this how do I do this quality sprinkler I have 46 wood that’s enough right that’s definitely enough I should sell this other [ __ ] but go put it and sell it I don’t know what you do with coffee plant in the spring or summer to grow a coffee plant that’s interesting we can’t all be Usain Bol well that’s true do I like this better than Animal Crossing honestly yeah I think I do like Animal Crossing was the first kind of game that I ever played like this but I think I like this one better there’s more there seems to be more to it in my opinion uh I got a dollar tip from someone saying organize your chest each chest contains a certain kind of items there’s a white sword button on the right when you have a chest open the blacksmith sells copper or you can buy if you don’t feel like mining them don’t waste your time upgrading the house work on upgrading your axe to get hardwood Hoops give you chickens and ducks for eggs Barnes give you cows go cheap for milk and wool all good right it’s all stuff that I need so I have enough wood oh I have seven copper bars [ __ ] maybe I can go upgrade my axe I might be able to upgrade my axe if I go over there in a hurry um but I need Stone which is inside so I really have to hurry I have it okay I have what I need here’s the red mushroom by the way I knew I had one that’s going to be for the community center the Slime is what you need a bunch Dave carrot 2 is for something can’t remember what community center we’re going to head over we’re going to see if we can upgrade the axe and we’re going to see if we can buy either the coupe or the barn but we have to hurry hurry hurry cuz time is going to run out if I can get the axe to this guy right now I will do it I need that Hardwood where’s the bridge there it [Music] is you can buy ice cream look at this how many can I buy unlimited I bought four ice creams [Music] okay yes steel axe wait I yes I have it right yeah I want to make the steel axe let’s do it nice that’s exactly what I needed now can I still get back to the carpenter in time or is the time going to run out wait I might not have enough money actually to do it I just spent 5,000 on the axe [Music] well we’re going to find [Music] out heard you got a new kitchen you think you’ll be doing a lot of cooking I plan to it’s a good skill to have and with all those fresh ingredients on your farm you’ll be sitting pretty I guess she like that she likes that I have a kitchen now Derek yes they just added the ability in Street Fighter 6 to have sound uh uh like challenge screens from the other Street Fighter games which is probably what you’re referencing well I can do the coupe that’s all I can afford is the coupe I can’t afford the barn cuz I spent too much money I guess we’ll get the coup why not let’s get the coup that way we could start doing baking recipes yeah build it [Music] choose the location this would be it right here [ __ ] all right maybe put it right here sure I’ll start working the first thing tomorrow morning I wonder how many days it takes well this is a productive day right we just got a lot done we got our axe being upgraded and we’ve got a coupe now now being built so that was pretty good progress and the question is what else do I want to do I definitely want to go install my sprinkler I want to sell some more of this stuff [Music] okay all right head [Music] back oh that’s right I got to put a copper bar at the community center let me do that right now before I forget well I have on me I have gold bars but I wasn’t ready for this over here ice cream is one of the best food items in the game cool I have the gold bar but I don’t have it on me we got to go get it from inventory I probably have time to do that finish that Community saying dude I finished a bunch of community stuff I’m upgrading my axe I got a coupe filling built this was a very very productive day in game right excuse Meo if I get 10,000 gold again I could uh buy the maximum inventory upgrade which I probably also want that way I never run out of inventory space when I’m on these trips ose another dollar tip when you get a horse table you can ride around town on the horse you need hate for the animals which you get by cutting grass with the size uh crafter buy grass starter to plant more grass sprinkler you just sit on the ground and a water plants around every morning okay we need to do that we got to get that sprinkler down so I don’t have to do as much watering every morning okay hopefully make a lot of money with all the [ __ ] I just did now how do I move move this guy how do I move this guy oh there we go there was a plant dude there was a plant behind it the whole time I had no effing idea there was a plant that I’ve never watered sitting behind that scarecrow so where should I put the sprinkler where’s the best spot like right here yeah probably right here there you go but sadly I don’t I need one more plant to put here but I don’t have any seeds so we’re kind of wasting One Direction of the sprinkler dude how long was that plant behind that scarecrow and I had no idea here we go all right uh what else do I want to do I only have I it’s 640 what the heck do I want to do mixed flower seeds I guess we do mixed flower seeds just to have something growing why not and then water them oh and I want to sell these hot peppers I didn’t mean to have those in inventory we’ll sell those poppy oh I need that I need that for the Community Center the poppy I think it’s supposed to be a rare flower Jade no I’m off tomorrow I’m not here tomorrow Jade when I come back on Thursday it’ll be Emison on the first stream yes but I’m not here tomorrow so if I go back to the community center I can do the poppy and I can do uh I don’t know if I need the cave care I’ll try I can do the popping and I can do the gold bar they want wheat but I think they wanted a bundle of Wheat and I don’t have enough I don’t think it was one piece of wheat that they wanted I can try anyway they want a frozen geode now yep I have that they want one Earth crystal I could do that the gold bar there you go I could do that you do all this stuff I have the Earth crystal already oh I want one quartz correct just one I don’t know how many cave carrots they want I’ll take two just in case I know they wanted a ton of slime so this isn’t enough they wanted bat wings I think I have enough bat wings and it’s they wanted one mushroom I could do that I’m going to do all the community center stuff they wanted one urch yep do the urchin going to do all Community Center all at once dump all this [ __ ] yeah more slimes but that’s not enough I think they wanted like 99 slimes yeah and this they wanted a bunch too a bunch of solar I they wanted five I only have two so that’s not worth taking Frozen tier I have that already cuz they want them I take them I think I think that might be enough okay I have full inventory but we’re about to go do all this community center stuff all at once did I have any favorite ice cream growing up as a kid uh mostly anything chocolate used to be this good one from Ben and Jerry’s that was like chocolate with fudge and also like chunks of chocolate brownie in it I have no clue what it was called but I liked that one if I went to Dairy Queen I would usually get uh like a blizzard with a bunch of candy in it and depending on what candy I was in the mood for like I I did uh Butterfinger was a favorite um M&M’s uh Reese’s Pieces Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup D I can tell you like a ton I used to get Heath bar blizzard I used to really like I like toffee flavor all right so I think I have a ton of [ __ ] that I can do there we go almost completed this one but I haven’t seen any of these others sadly yeah I haven’t seen those yet oh [ __ ] I’ll do this now [Music] let’s get these done nice you can always get more wood and more uh more Stone that’s not a big deal at all okay there’s the poppy let’s do [Music] that oh nope they want 10 don’t have that 10 wheat I do have one here ah nice all these done look at that nothing for the enchanter here we can do the gold ore and we’ll finish a whole set here we go cool we did a lot of bundles in this this uh run here all right what are we going to get we’re going to get a furnace so I’ll have an extra furnace oh that’s not bad at all sweet ah here we go oh you know what I only needed one of these solar Essences and I have two all right I can do that I see I need 99 slimes so I got to get those but oh wait no I can actually complete this you only need one solar Essence in the bat WIS and you’re done so actually I could go get that I me it’s too late maybe now but maybe I could do it h I’m good aest thank you for asking quartz Frozen tier look at this we’re so close all I need is one of these magma or fire quarts which I could probably get the moment I get to the fire levels in the in the caves right that’s nice Vietnamese comrat says how are you doing I’m doing good migs says Marvel versus Capcom finding arcade classic is available for PS4 but not on the PS5 and now has saving and loading your States nice save states are always great for those collections all right so the only thing I could do I could come back with solar Essence but it’s not that important there’s another new set what’s this one now wow we just BR new sets this one is 2,500 bundle literally all you need to do is spend money oh all you do is spend money do you need 75 1750 like like 4250 42,000 500 gold and you get the bus repaired but I don’t know what that does I don’t know where the bus would take you so 42,500 gold and we can take a bus trip and probably opens up new content so now even if we have nothing to spend money on we still have something to have money to work towards so that’s cool all right well I think we’ve done all we’re going to do I think we’ll sell what we’re going to sell maybe set up this other furnace in the house and plant maybe those two summer seeds call it a night maybe we’ll do a min run tomorrow to see if we can get as far as we can get and get down to the magma levels cuz if we can get that one magma Crystal or fire crystal that’s that sets done we’re getting a lot of progress tonight particularly with this community center stuff this is very very good right it’s good stuff Let’s uh let’s sell uh these Peppers let’s go plant these seeds I don’t know if you guys can hear me whistle anymore cuz the limit I put on my mic can you hear this do you hear that at all or is that way too pitched high pitched you can’t hear it everything here is good except why can’t I get rid of this plant how do I get rid of this plant I’m using my hoe and they won’t let me get rid of this you can hear that okay I can’t get rid of this plant that’s that’s damaged do I use the size oh use the side okay now it’s good all right I think we’ve done a heck of a lot today right let’s go restore some of our items that I don’t need and then tomorrow I think we’re going to do a mining run which means I will definitely need this and I will need this and I’ll take that but I won’t need the hoe I won’t need the wood oh my new furnace let me set up my new furnace that’s pretty cool I got a Bonus furnace double furnace baby that’s awesome so what’s the weather tomorrow oh that’s right the anomalous reading we don’t know what the hell that means I wonder what the heck that could possibly mean an anomalous reading is going to happen I that could be anything right I mean that kind of is a little makes me a little nervous this hope it’s not something insane but I guess we’re going to find out [Music] right P the can out it better not be acid rain that’ be incredibly disturbing all right let’s sleep pass the day it’s time to split the part as well here we go I made 8,493 gold in one day that’s my most profitable Day by far holy moly what is going on a green rain that’s seriously disturbing a green rain all right let’s split the part everyone thank you for watching I hope you’re enjoying I’ll see you in the next part of stardew Valley okay everyone it is time for a quick break I have to pee thanks for being a great audience and now if you guys are enjoying tonight’s stream please support it uh right now thanks for the few people who super chatted and thank you for the 24 bucks and tips we have another hour left okay so far these stardo Valley Streams have been some of the most supported i’ I’ve literally ever done so I would appreciate it if you can keep that going that’s amazing I love doing these chill streams with you guys and this has helped a lot especially when I have slower streams with things like Street Fighter so thank you I’m going to go use the restroom I’ll be back we’ll continue on for another hour and uh I’ll be right back [Music] [Music] okay okay um let’s see here thank you guys for being patient I’m back and I just received a $50 tip from an anonymous Tipper who says have a great day off good luck with your appointments tomorrow thank you very much for that that is greatly greatly greatly appreciated that is by far our biggest contribution of the night you can now see me in a diaper live on stream right there and let me get that updated on the leaderboard and that gets us up to $74 in ticks very nice actually I’ve never seen the movie City Hunter that’s what all these few fighter Clips are from I would like to see it someday I’ve never seen it all right guys ready second half of the night let’s start Vietnamese comrade says handball is like you throw a ball using your hand into a goal similar to football with a hand only gotcha okay hello everyone welcome back to stardew Valley in our second half of tonight’s stream my plan okay is to go do mining for today to try to get as far down with mining as I can however we’ve got some weird rain going on and I don’t know what this is going to do I saw an article about you in the local paper it sounds like the country life is a good fit for you I’m proud of you take care sweetie love Mom of course there was absolutely no need for us to put the sprinkler in because now it’s raining of course right sell this stuff all the weather report I’m not sure what will happen but if anyone wants to take shelter in the saloon I’ll keep it open all day Gus so maybe there’s a special thing going on at the saloon as a result of this weather should we go to the saloon and see what’s going on before we go mining just to see what’s H what the hell the plants are all overgrown the plants are all completely overgrown this rain is some weird rain that makes plants go crazy or something look at this I saw the weather report I really gave me a scare let’s not get any tizzy I propose a round of drinks to settle the nerves don’t think I’ve ever set foot in this place I think it’s kind of cozy there must be a meaning behind this nature is trying to tell us something it’s situations like these where a person’s true character is put to the test you guys are right I need the Gunner glasses thank you thank you for telling me I did forget oopsie I was so eager to jump right back in the stard after the break I didn’t even think about the Gunner glasses reward for level of tips tonight thank you guys even Kings the Mist going on here yeah you that our Creep Show remember that that one where the all the uh plants kept growing uncontrollably and turned everyone into plants I just got off the phone with the governor apparently the rain is supposed to be completely harmless just an unusual phenomenon of nature of the Town work are panicking which is never good do they not notice that some of the trees are mutating hope these weird rains don’t bother the fish it could ruin me life time from almighty we’re doomed you’re all right we’re wondering what’s going on I brought some medical supplies in case be careful out there so really nothing happens right there’s a moss Ivy that I need how where do I get the Moss or Ivy what are you talking about Yuri cypess TV says apparently during green rain it’s best to get moss usually rare but during green rain it’s all over and there’s other rare things where can I get moss I don’t see moss anywhere all I see are bigger trees like this see I don’t see any Moss let’s head towards the cave slime Hunter dislay 10 frost jellies in the Frozen deps of the mine sounds good to me at the trees I just tried look nothing no Moss look at this mutant mutant plants bus stop where what bus stop the bus stop is way to the West over there I can’t get to it from here there’s no moss in these trees though the green waterers tilled soil and brings new bushes to the world new bushes drop Moss mix seeds and fiber new bushes uh not for me the new bushes don’t do anything for me weird well I think we’re just going to do what the hell don’t mind me I’m just collecting samples this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity he’s in a freaking hazmat suit wow Moss okay all I want is the Moss I don’t want anything but the Moss yeah there is moss in these plants well now I know how to do it but now it’s too late I need to go mining I need this inventory space for the mine okay ow D me bastard gunked me I need figle Fern when the holy hell is figle Fern whoa I immediately found the way down o I needed the aquamarine cool I need aquamarine I think for the community center another way down multiple ways down I need the Slime jellies as well you got Steven Co bear flavored Ben and Jerry’s ice cream what is that what’s his what is his flavor even Co bear what is he like never had that that one five of 10 slimes killed very good we’re doing it it we’re doing it man why does this one look so out of place there was an emerald in it it was a rare rock with an emerald in it cool oh found the way down very cool am I F Sylvester Salone yes six of 10 Satchel nothing in it nothing in it empty satchel [Music] all right let’s go down stuck immediately I’m stuck oh we’ve been here before remember we had walked in this rotating Circle we ran out of time we didn’t have any energy well now we got tons of energy that’s a sneak attack right there by is slime seven of 10 down oh so many enemies eight of 10 two more to go human Co bear flavor has hold on American Dream what is that I don’t know what that means a year ago he was outraged over it over what I don’t know what you’re talking about why would he be outraged over an ice cream that’s in his name I don’t get it didn’t didn’t agree to it they just do it without his permission did they so that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen if they made a flavor of ice cream in my name it would be called Dark Side chill that would be the name of the ice cream Dark Side chill one more to go okay did it a sword I probably don’t need Crystal dagger let’s see 4 to 10 damage critical damage plus 50 critical power and weight of five nope mine’s better mine’s incredibly better so I can sell that I guess I don’t totally don’t need it a new fishing spot cool that’s cool you there I can make five more I might be able to do five more Dark Side chill ice cream what flavor it would be I’d have to think about I don’t know what flavor of ice cream I would want I said I a few things I like I definitely like mint I like dark chocolate I like pistach iOS there’s quite a few things I like in ice cream I like coffee I have to really think about what I would want in my dark side chill ice cream peanut butter oh now we’re getting like crazy with peanut butter and stuff I love peanut butter and ice cream [Music] oh oh here the way out good all we need is one more slime for that achievement or that uh that challenge there it is there’s a slime we’ve done it talk to LS yeah dark chocolate mint chip or just like mint chocolate chip super good too W this is the combat floor nice look at this what’s this fish why is there a fish what do I do with this fish oh I have a full inventory hold on what don’t I need what’s common I don’t need sap I got the fish a ghost fish oh I got a few hard wood get these stupid seeds that was not the time to fill my inventory with seeds Okay it exploded it was disgusting heard that he’s like win’s route let me guess this is the I have to kill every enemy to find the way down combat floor sure seems that way yep damn it’s 9:00 I can only be in here till like 10: so I might have to go up damn it I was hoping I could do five floors not looking good I found I did it I did five floors cool that was absolutely perfect we made it to 65 sweet made it all the way to 65 that’s really cool D it’s dark in here at night all right we did a lot we did an incredible amount of stuff we got down to 65 we’re trying to get to the magma level which is what uh probably like 70 or 80 no weapons don’t break in this game nope they do not I might be able to drop some stuff off the community center right now while we’re on the way Winter’s route slim we don’t have enough we need 99 slimes the aqua marine I think we only need one the solar Essence I know for a fact we only need one hardwood we need more more than that okay so let’s do those it is for D cool money we can spend some money sure let’s do it a chocolate cake for cooking let’s buy the other one a qual quality fertilizer nice all right let’s do that later quality fertilizer increase your chance to grow quality crops mix it tilt into tilted soil very good can you use my your Twitch Prime sub on my twitch Channel no my twitch channel is not partnered so it would not qualify for that thanks for asking though here we go bundle complete even Co bear was outraged because there’s an O Canada flavor in Canada that has the same ingredients is his americone dream Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in the United States oh oh small magnet ring we already have that we’re already wearing that so I guess I could sell it yep with this so basically all we need to do is get to the floors of the mine where there’s fire quarts it’s probably like level 70 80 and then we can have the mine carts repaired and it’s going to take us to new areas we haven’t been to before so that’s really cool I think that’s it we don’t have enough hardwood I know that Winter’s route I wonder where do we put winter rout don’t know bu carts fast travel around the town that sounds good [Music] Intero these I’ve never found yet yeah and these oh oh I only have four I need 10 okay a shame cuz I would have had that spring foraging bundle but I didn’t understand the mechanic early enough to do it all right now we got to go home fast travel around town sounds good good to me if it saves time and that way we could do more in one given day that sounds like a great idea check the TV and see what it says for tomorrow like that Moss I know it’s getting late trying to get the Moss I guess we got a scadaddle why is she out here this late what is she doing should I should I sell my my cake there’s no baking stat right is there wait is there a cooking stat no there’s no cooking stat D I thought there was a cooking stat there’s not wow I’m about to hit level five on like everything see that like everything trying to get forage to level up okay so no weather report it doesn’t even work the TV doesn’t work at all today so I guess when we have this anomaly the TV will not work at all damn that kind of sucks here I’m going to put food in the fridge any food that I have the ghost fish in there I can’t see I can’t sell some of this stuff like I want to sell this stuff but I didn’t get to go to the adventurers Guild this quality fertilizer I could put down depending on what it’s doing tomorrow I don’t have any seeds right I don’t think I have any seeds to plant no so nothing new that I can plant all I better go to sleep do I ever bake bread in real life no my wife is bake some stuff but I don’t bake what will the next day be like about to find [Music] out sounds sunny I don’t hear any rain beautiful sunny day tomorrow good humor today a little extra luck so maybe I should go bring the magma geod to the store the blacksmith and my axe should be done my powered up Axe should be done so I can get more hardwood right [Music] yeah corn oh cool it’s high quality corn that’s what I needed too right for the community center high quality corn I [Music] think more [Music] coffee even with the sprinkler I still got the water so [Music] much is this ready to be harvested can’t tell maybe I need to get the side and harvest that I don’t know what it [Music] is oh what do you think do I need the side for that nope not ready yes I did listen to Corn when I was younger I owned uh at least one of their [Music] albums it’s summer time and you’re a farmer in the valley [Music] I need uh I need my hoe to till the rest of the [Music] plots where’s my [Music] hoe uh where’s my hoe there it is I was wondering have I checked the cave yet yes mushrooms right I need to go get more you’re right I should go check for more mushrooms I forgot to do that [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight hey ooh tomato delicious tomato these said that’s needed but I don’t remember how many I think you need five of those for it to count tomato it tastes so [Music] delicioso let’s go Harvest some mushrooms I like any Papa Roach songs the only one anyone knows is Last Resort right like do you know any other Papa Roach songs I don’t cool thanks for reminding me super S14 about that cave I appreciate that it’s our relationship with Dudley where’s Dudley two stars we’re getting there I’ll sell some stuff save the corn feel like you cook with a tomato but I don’t remember what I don’t remember what cook with it I’ll store it in the fridge okay so I guess we do magma geodes today I’ll store the corn too I guess we do magma geodes today and I go get my axe maybe I could actually work on some hardwood he we’re off o where’s a swirl oh I don’t want those fibers they were just sitting there just sucked on to me wait was that a moss tree I think this is a moss tree here yep Moss Tree thought so just everyone knows we got roughly a half an hour left on tonight’s stream in case so you’re interested in how much longer we got going here [Music] uh two try to catch two puffer fish he I haven’t caught a single one yet oh I have a quest to tr turn in right lwis who’s lwis it says final day anyone know where lwis is to trade this in I’d like my [Music] money what’s the next thing to get for the farm we’re actually the coupe is being built so once the coupe is built then we can start working on animals on the farm right now we’re kind of stuck waiting for the coup to [Music] finish [Music] yeah oh was I anyone know where lwis is if anyone knows where lwis is please let me know that I can uh I can trade this quest in I don’t see him [Music] L is the mayor bottom right [Music] house right here nice sweet sweet sweet we got it done now let’s go get my upgraded axe [Music] receed the steel axe we can now cut hard [Music] wood should we do that should we just go cut cut some hard wood bring this to the prize machine and Lou’s house for a reward really I didn’t even know about this how does this work what brand of shirt is this I think this is an Urban Outfitter shirt my friend you know how Urban I am oh look there’s a cut scene in [Music] here ah hello there Phil I was just loading some more prizes into the machine here a new program I’ve come up with to help promote a spirit of Goodwill among the town’s folk you included it’s pretty simple sometimes when you help out others in town you’ll receive a prize ticket you turn them in for rewards there’s some special stuff in [Music] there my only worry is that people will just go after the tickets rather than cultivating a true compassion for their fellow man I just want to help I didn’t even know I was going to get the ticket is that so I’m glad to hear that then at any rate keep checking to help wanted board in town that’s a good way to get your hands on more tickets good luck out [Music] there okay ready 12 be uh seeds yeah I don’t even know what that is does it it won’t let you see what it is is there squash scenes summer squash we go plant 12 summer squash sweet Jane says as a kid did you go golfing not official golfing I went to mini golf uh a bit with with my parents and or friends I never went real golfing no dark Soul’s Master thanks for the membership you ever been to a Nickelback concert no I have not you can unlock a new area if you used this steel axe on a log in the northwest corner of the forest thank you for telling me I think we’ll go do that right now then why not why not go do that immediately northwest corner of the forest is that from my house or is that from the train yard [Music] exactly I guess everyone in town is scared of that strange rain I had no idea I thought it was incredible [Music] went the wrong way didn’t I [Music] yep Forest The Zone south of the farm over here so you’re saying up here somewhere to the north to the Northwest here check it out I could also plant these squash Yuri Yuri you are you are delayed hold on Yuri here I’m going to tag him thanks but you are about 5 minutes behind the stream reload your stream to catch up Yuri is trying to help me in chat but he’s referencing things that we were doing like a long time ago so he must be way behind on the Stream okay now we got a water wait what happened to my watering can oh there I’m blind completely blind it’s right there ay okay I was going to do the the geod and I completely forgot I got distracted so what are these the stumps I can cut now nice oh that’s really good hardwood is very rare oh a stump to the Northwest that’s your grandpa’s shrine uh here I can’t see no a stump to the Northwest uh you’re the Wizard’s House oh that’s not even on this screen I got to go further south then I’m thinking the first thing I should do is use the hardwood on the community center that way I don’t blow through it new ideas I got new ideas sweet stuck on this little crap stupid little crap out of the way I got more important things to do oh I got a cursor on the screen don’t ask me how I got that I have no idea where this cursor came from or how to get rid of it oh there tweet tweet tweet tweet here oh I didn’t know you could chop those they were all over I didn’t get them oh crap there’s enemies whoa you guys didn’t tell me there’s enemies here a mahogany seed that’s new like the Lost Woods in Zelda Link to the [Music] Past there’s a lake I wonder if you can get rare fish in this Lake old Master canoli still searching for the sweetest taste what hardwood will respawn in this area every single day thank you for telling me that’s very useful huh yeah these slime to showing up look he a great a great song man Lost Woods all right one more I think we’re going to run out of energy though all right that’s it I’m not going to use any more energy mahogany seeds now special fish called wood fish will spawn in that pond next time it rains I think we’re going to fish in that pond exclusively see what we can get so what about the wizard we’ve been doing all Community Center missions you think he’s happy about that now do you think he’ll like say extra stuff to us because we helped out those creatures so much I don’t know I haven’t been back to him we have nothing important to tell me leave me be I have much work to do that’s it wow thanks [ __ ] what a dick what a [ __ ] thanks for nothing all right we got to sleep anything I want to sell like is any of this stuff special sadly we didn’t get to do the GEOS we ran out of time hardwood I definitely want to give some of it to the community center and then some of it is needed for building correct so we could go destroy those big logs to get to get more and see what we can build with it oh [ __ ] it’s dark and I can’t see now oh no I’ll go this way I got lost here before couldn’t see where to go see all these these knocked down knocked over trees I can also cut and get hard wood tomorrow I can get a ton of hard wood if I want [Music] put here for now okay well we have good luck tomorrow I’d like to do the geod but I forgot to do them today might as well just sleep and maybe get some extra healing sunny tomorrow Jasper sleeps on the bed all the time in real life yes he does my cat sleeps on my bed with my wife and I sometimes he goes between us sometimes he snuggles next to us level five foraging Cho your profession Forester gatherer trees will drop 25% more wood or a chance for double Harvest of foraged items the way I see it okay guaranteed 25% no matter what versus only a chance for double you go for the guarantee nice gatherer op in the end game well too bad I’m not a [Music] gathering Robin the carpenter lives north of town conru new buildings in your farm have a coupe or a bar so you can raise animals we did it okay what is this music Lear sunny all day tomorrow very happy we’re going to go do those magma geodes right now since the spirits are very happy okay then we’re going to cut some hard wood our Coupe is done what do we do how do we do this the hopper is empty build a silo cut grass with your si to refill it so now we got to make a silo does anyone know what resources I need for The Silo I think it’s both Stone and wood and money but I don’t remember how much it [Music] was I need the silo only have six wood there’s Stone [Music] up Jade taking off Dereck have a good night man I don’t think I have enough wood I’m going have to cut down some regular wood to do it going combine all my hardwood together doll’s farming theme returns to the game yes doll the farmer all the ingredients to make delicious Curry yum yum yum yum well we have tons of stone but we’re going to be short on regular wood we have to go get some regular wood but I think after that we can make the silo okay clay copper ingots and stone okay clay how many copper ingots does anyone know I have six hopefully that’s enough not wood that’s good to know it’s not wood here’s clay I have more outside it’s not wood I’ll go put the wood [Music] away 13 clay six copper ingots and 244 Stone I really hope that’s [Music] [Music] enough no not ready yet [Music] summer squash la la la Dark Souls Master thank you for Super Chat says stard Valley is a good chill and fun stream I agree we look at all the progress we just had tonight right this is a crazy amount of progress for one night the coupe doing insane amount of community missions going further down in the mines getting our first sprinkler we’re doing a ton of stuff tonight and we’re almost done you never have to interact with the silo it can be placed anywhere oh wow cool what they just said that you have to you have to cut the the uh grass they said right for The Silo so it doesn’t it matter where it is went to sleep Jade maybe we’ll do blue bison but I have done a lot of blue bison I want to I want to alternate the color so we’re not always doing the same ones there are quite a few colors of Bison we haven’t even used once yet jeez even with the sprinkler I got to do multiple water reloads thank you Dark Souls Master let’s get you on the leaderboard this will probably be our final day of activity for tonight’s stream last chance if you’d like to support the stream in any way and I appreciate everyone who has tonight thank you so much have I ever had marshmallow mango juice no I don’t think I’ve ever had mango juice okay I think everything’s watered I think we got every crap hopefully let’s go see if we can get the Silo and let’s go do our M our magma geod we go Silo and mag magma Geo time 3,000 should be enough with the silo right I think the silo was cheap I’m pretty sure the silo was not that expensive if I’m remembering correctly we’ll probably go back and we’ll Harvest hard wood and that’ll be our day slime hly six fro jellies in the depths of the M doesn’t have any time limit it doesn’t say I don’t think that’s good hey Farm guy I got a question do you think I’ll ever turn pro you’re destined maybe if you practice a lot let’s say that yeah I’m I’m not good I’m so good I’m not going to have to practice all that much well that was a stupid thing to say that was a really stupid thing to say [Music] ooh that’s one we don’t have yet a Jasper that’s actually the Jasper rock look at that stone that’s a waste of time oh I don’t know what that is might be a new rare thing big site what is that iridium ore what is that they’re all rare helite oh that’s what I need I needed that for the community center we could finish it right now and that’s going to open the mine carts holy crap that’s amazing wow we totally got a really good haul right there obviously I want to donate a couple things here now I’m not donating that we need that but other ones we can donate [Music] yeah not the fire cords we need [Music] that nice we get a reward let’s see what it [Music] is what did I get collect rewards a singing Stone it rings out with a pure tone when struck I don’t know what that’s for is it just for decoration does it have any practical purpose don’t know but we go Community Center and carpenter shop now we’re going to unlock the mine carts that was pretty lucky getting that fire Crystal that we wanted or the chances [Music] well it was a good luck day so the chances were good that’s the answer that’s the legit [Music] answer here we go this one was pretty easy compared to the others this was pretty easy one here we go first one we’re actually fully completing so we get an omni geode look at this look how happy they are nice our first big reward we are the junos keepers of the forest jinos or Jun junimos junimos oh this is the music they’re super happy look he’s saying something blah blah blah blah maybe now we can go talk to the [Music] wizard whoa he’s going to put a star up oh this is cool I like the [Music] music that’s awesome thank you junimo thank you for unlocking the mine carts now we got to go check those out see you later but let’s go to the carpenter [Music] [Music] first hope we get the silo hey got it we can put it right here perfect build The Silo all right excellent so cool and now we can go check out the mine carts and see how they work and then what else do we have that we want to do uh um a singing stone I can place somewhere I guess and oh I have five Omni geod I want to go do too yeah let’s do the Omni geod first then let’s go find the mine carts anyone know where the mine carts are what am I playing on Thursday Street Fighter 6 and Riven good variety day [Music] oh man what’s my favorite anime don’t really have one not a giant fan of anime I’ve seen many over the years like obviously Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball GT uh try gun um Full Metal Alchemist Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood uh YuYu haaka show just to name some but I’m not a giant anime fan so I haven’t seen many recently or anything recently honestly let’s do it Omni Geo time Limestone just regular Rock uh Frozen tiar not anything special Duty pile of Duty oh it’s mudstone and five copper ores nothing too special there right gun can tell me about limestone I guess I’ll go donate the Limestone piece of Duty [Music] okay I not see the try gun remake no I’ve only seen the original try gun oh yeah I like Miaki stuff like uh spirited away and stuff like that yeah I like those Studio GBL uh okay anyone know where the m carts are to chest them [Music] out wasn’t there one up here I feel like there was one over there I feel like there’s one to the upper right over here too was there not yeah here it is look out of order I thought said the mine carts were they’re out of order what the hell you’ll see a cut scene after the carts are fixed so it didn’t happen yet they get fixed overnight [Music] [Music] oh oh okay thanks for telling me I didn’t understand that I guess we’ll go get a lot of hard wood then [Music] oh can I talk to the wizard now would the wizard now be happy that I just helped out those uh junimos oh I get it now it takes years of study to understand the language of the Elementals actually speak their language reques a life a lifetime of devoted effort you’ll excuse me that’s it all he asked to say wow it didn’t help me at all this guy’s a waste of my time what is he in the game for he hasn’t done a lick of of anything to help at all Naruto I used to watch Naruto first three seasons of Naruto I watched what else I’ve seen some one piece not a lot but I’ve seen some one piece like nine Strokes to break that giant log it is nine and let me guess we need the super special axe to break like this rock right no I only found the two dwarfish Scrolls and we talked to the dwarf after finding those two I haven’t found any more dwarfish scroll since then I’m accumulating quite a lot of hard wood that’s kind have a good night Jade see you Thursday Jade any other stumps yeah see these are the big rocks that’s what you need the pickaxes for so I can’t do those I don’t see any more big stumps uh Mr Enigma I have no clue what you’re talking about he says I’ve talked in previous previously about selling streaming stuff I have no clue what you’re speaking of when did I ever say I was going to sell streaming equipment unless I’m completely misunderstanding you what is grippy what does that mean grippy what the hell that Dudley was in the tree dy’s like in that tree that was really weird looking there we go I don’t know when that sap thing is ever going to work I’ve had it on that tree for ages trying to get tree sap and itn’t doesn’t do anything it just sits there I have no idea how to get it to work [ __ ] I forgot to go to the area to get the special hardwood it’s too late now oh Retro Gaming stuff I thought you said streaming stuff I do have retro games that I I don’t basically want it was about two years ago now we cleaned out my closet during the summer when there wasn’t a lot going on and we found a whole bunch of old games for my old collection that I still have and uh at that time people were like yeah some of those are really valuable like I have Sega CD Sega 32x Game stuff like that that’s like rare and people were looking the prices up online they were like yeah I have I have a Sega CD earthworm gym that apparently is worth like hundreds of dollars I don’t know but that’s people were telling me so apparently I have some stuff that’s worth something the problem is I can’t sell it and the reason I can’t sell it is simple um I can’t go online and sell anything because people troll me too much but they would literally just go online and pretend to be you know legit uh legit buyers just to troll me with fake bids and [ __ ] and I I I was wasting my time doing that so I mean it kind of sucks I wish that I had the ability to do it like everybody else but I don’t because the amount of [ __ ] stupid trolls that I have [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] NOP I need five ores to do that [ __ ] I have aridium can’t do anything with it yet probably like the lowest level is aridium so I got this like way early right prob probably all right well I think we’re pretty much done I mean what a what uh a couple of awesome days here right we have really improved everything sunny tomorrow wow all right so let’s adjourn let’s sleep let’s see what happens and then we’re going to save up here and then next time around we resume right from here oh look at this mine carts now they’re fixing the mine carts the junimos oh junimos fix the mine carts for me nice junim Mo oh oh junim mo turn Sunny another good fortune day okay folks that is it for stardew Valley tonight that was a really fun session we got a ton done we got the coupe build we got a silo build right or in progress we got the better axe allowing me to finally get hard wood we got much further down in the mines we got a bunch of items we got all kinds of stuff so that was major major major progress all at once I hope that you guys enjoyed the stream thank you to everyone who chilled and of course everyone who supported this late night stream as well I really really appreciate you uh I like keeping this chill stuff in the rotation and I certainly will as long as people keep showing up engaging and supporting so thank you guys so very much and uh next time we’re playing this will be the weekend um no I take oh yes uh Saturday night yeah we’re playing this again on Saturday night we’re going to try to keep it in the rotation about twice a week moving forward so Saturday night will be the next time that we play DW Valley okay guys thank you see you next time okay yes good stuff guys so I hope that you guys enjoyed I had a great time with you all tonight yeah um and I really like the game the game is just really good oh I actually got old Mariner look at this old Mariner catch 24 different fish I got tonight cool very nice okay so quick reminder everybody I am not here tomorrow I know that’s sad many of you will be be disappointed because I will not be here uh when I normally am here on Wednesdays I guarantee people are going to show up and be like where’s Phil because people just don’t pay attention they don’t so I know I know people will be here tomorrow and be like where’s Phil where’s Phil even though I told you guys all week that I wasn’t going to be here tomorrow okay I’m going to return on Thursday the daytime stream will be me continuing my efforts to get M bison to master in Street Fighter 6 okay the late stream will be more of the Riven remaster which I started last night if you did not see it I urge you to give it a watch not only is The Game’s Graphics dramatically improved from the original 1990 Edition because everything is now 3D rendered but actually the game is quite good like I’m actually really enjoying exploring these different islands with different themes and crazy different puzzles and stuff it’s really really neat and I’m actually looking forward to playing it again uh Thursday night Friday it’ll be Elden ring DLC and Street Fighter 6 Friday Night Fights so then Saturday will be Elder ring DLC and more stard new Valley okay sound good guys thank you again so much great streaming week even though it was a shorter week it was still a super fun week I had a great time with all of you I wish you the best please be safe uh over Wednesday and I’ll be back on Thursday to hang out with you some more all right guys thanks peace out see you later

Join me tonight for Stardew Valley CHILL on the late shift starting at 6:45pm PDT! See you then!

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