Terraria Double Legendary Mode: Part 5

I am confused though it should be showing that it’s on by this point oh okay yep it’s working took a while to actually show up though okay so I’m back I did a little bit of stuff off screen not much so the biggest thing I did is I went I was I explored a wee bit of the underground ice bam just just a little bit I was I was finally able to get the uh ice Boomerang so now I have the full Trang which is a very good Improvement um oh yeah also after fishing for a bunch I finally got Hermes boots or the sailfish boots so now I finally have sector boots which is very nice um all I need now is just an anklet of the wind and then I can get the uh lightning boots which will be really good as well but first however what I want to do I have gravitation potions I’m going to try to actually find Sky Island if I can get fledgling wings or angel wings whatever they’re called yeah fledgling wi fledgling Wings that’ be very nice that prevent me from taking fall damage and drastically increase my movement speed yeah the triang is really nice because it allows you to shoot three at once which means you can throw out a lot more and hit a lot more times which is very ni nice but then also I I was lucky enough to get GOI on it as well which is another really oh yes is that locked you’re kidding me is this a for the worthy thing dude that’s stupid at least I know where it is now they better not all be locked that’d be stupid if they are they probably are that one is also locked looks like I got to go to the dungeon some more yay oh wait no I don’t I haven’t even killed Skeletron yet have I know I haven’t it’s going to be a while so I can open those that’s unfortunate I thought I did kill oh that’s place I thick enough there’s so many harpes I’m not going to waste another gravitation potion because if I can’t actually open them up there’s no point in really exploring more I’m just using these last 16 seconds maybe I can find another one if I get lucky I did let’s go blocked again yep blocked again oh that’s three Skyland I know of now which is nice but I can’t actually uh you know do anything with them yet so I haven’t made a throne room yet so I’m just going to put them up here for now I’ll make one eventually but I don’t have one yet oh that’s cool I guess oh yeah bombed oh wait that that’s that’s a go man or Granite Golem swear I just hearing a one of those grite Golems getting hit nothing else oh cream beehive nice and I needed to explore the jungle so good thing I’m here oh oh oh now I get her boots now I get Hermes boots thank you thank you thank you very much I definitely didn’t need to use that uh like a few days ago where I didn’t need to do 20 hours of uh fishing it would been nice to have then but uh you know it’s always good to have it now too no let’s drain in the lava I don’t want to have a this lava sure is everywhere I I always find so bizarre these little structures like this like a random pool of lava honey oh Chris honey block I need that stuff or something I don’t what it was I need for something though oh Frick ah I still killed him dang it oh oh the fishing potions that’s what I needed live for so what I need is oh that was like right next to the end of where I was exploring I need an ankle to the wind that’s one thing I really need so I’m going to get for that I guess get is another beehive e I’m hitting him guess he ran away oh when they die they explode into freaking needles ohra on give me hearts give me an give me an ank come on come on give me an ank uh I’ll take a shotgun that works but uh I still need an ankl of the w okay a tree nope oh my goodness there’s like five of them there’s like five of them oh my goodness too many of them Retreat another beehive it’s think the sixth one what just hit me what just hit me for I could try for br culu how much money do I have 49 I could just give it a shot see how it goes sure I’ll just give it a shot see how it goes potions for c c good for okay this should be good uh 350 is hopefully enough how do you know I was there boy what okay so let’s uh he what Mak e okay we should be just about ready that’s lava there I didn’t know that thought it was water okay not quite regen some health I don’t think I even need to kill him actually I can’t even mind that yet thought I could okay here we go let’s buff up got all my Buffs and then let’s get to blow up okay let’s equip gesture arrows he always keep teleporting right where I’m running dude he what is this what actually was that what bro hold let me rewatch that my live stream what was that dude that’s so stupid you just you can’t use platforms at all anymore after that he just drops you onto the floor takes away half your health and then just prevents you from actually doing anything okay that’s actually the stupidest thing in the world uh but at least we got some tissue samples I guess so stupid what even is that oo I could get some crimon armor can’t afford all of it but oh I can do this oh none of the other bosses had some stupid gimmick like that I don’t know why he is okay anyway I could get the pickaxe o yeah okay I’m going to get the pickaxe and go get hellstone armor well no cuz healthstone armor doesn’t give me a boost and range damage which is what I using it’s going to give me huge boost in defense I think like I could just look it’s three more six more nine more plus set bonus that’s like it’s like 10 more defense that’s not worth it I think getting the armor sets prob the most worth it it’s three more defense is not much but it’ll also gives me increased health regen and some extra damage as well I think that’s probably worth it so that’s going to be a oh wait oh if I use a hunter potion I can just see which one’s the real guy I feel like I could do a lot better with that yeah I’m just going to try again honestly I think I can do better this time swiftness iron skin danger no that’s not it’s Hunter yeah Hunter sense that’s a good Eng just cuz Tian potion archery potion Night Owl Sashimi any other potions I can grab regen yeah let’s got some regen endurance how do you catch prismite the heck let me look that up ab um oh that’s that’s hard anyway CU I think this is good I’m just going to oh oh only melee so I think that’s good I have five potions I can get some more arrows actually I don’t have any stars so that’s that’s that okay just going to try it again see what happens I’m going to make the arena better for whenever I go upside down so I don’t die I’m actually getting prepared for that I did not know that was going to happen none of the other bosses had like really weird gimmicks like that oh there’s still actually stuff here that I haven’t picked up yet it’s funny I got a whoopy cushion no way they keep they keep coming stop spawning so much let me freaking kill your master want to hit him hit him thanks yeah with that next phase I also might just try going up and out but hope with the danger sense be easier well I didn’t bring any bombs die oh yeah I do I can find some bombs in a pot maybe hopefully oh this snip that was funny are there are there enough here actually oh not really honestly we have to go to the other one let’s got a bunch more bombs oh this is a whole different this is a whole new one nice one down all is there of Hearts between all these can I just th with my hammer I can oh cpsed Rod nice that help me out a little bit uh thank you oh you see he’s trying to heal his slime he’s too short that’s funny I broke I broke two right I think so pretty sure I broke to oh my goodness you did like almost half my health with a single hit oh legendary mode is not so the light of heart is back for the worthy can get potions on that’s one to the right isn’t it yeah okay come on dude heal up a little bit okay and here we go oh my goodness stupid freaking spiders dude these spiders these stupid spiders the stupid freaking spiders that’s so I hope all I can’t say that on live if I wasn’t live streaming oh man this is not working I don’t need to I don’t even really need to fight B Hulu I thought I could just make a better Arena that’ be so hard to make an arena in the crimson I also could just go get some more armor H I guess I can just try to make an arena so stupid all right okay I’m I have 15 bombs so those span thing up a little bit okay my good I actually hate spider so much against this should I just like remove all of the walls they can’t walk on them anymore can I do that where’s my there it is I can I can all the walls or at least half of them like this this is so get a whole lot easier this this is good for now I I have to break the whole L out I didn’t mean to break that one little guy this should be good I don’t need to break the whole thing I for I put away my all my uh platforms well no yeah Noto strong I think you can’t climb around the walls huh I need a lot more bombs I some Dynamite too it e he yeah I’m going to get some uh Dynamite I’m going to need a lot more than that oh that’s expensive still more than that use bombs though instead 20 more bombs okay this this should hopefully hopefully be enough I probably need to craft the spawner this time it’ll be easier to at least rather than destroying the hearts that ni uh bro you kidding me he I hate how high the spawn rates are in this place a Al I think I might go get hellstone instead I can still get lots of good stuff with the the hellstone uh bow the hellstone summon like that might not be a bad idea ah excuse me oh my goodness three more just fresh out of the blue spawn r m was such a good idea he my only fear is that he’s going to get enraged because this isn’t like a cpal map or something so many of them so much work just to beat one boss I guess that’s kind of the point of the game when you’re playing Max difficulty I’m going L of money just from killing enemies so I’ll take that at least I are you’ll be kidding me oh good just hang on to the freaking a wall dude why I don’t need to actually box the whole thing out probably wasn’t the best idea but oh well die die die die oh I can’t even destroy that single block nice all a a drown drown in there boy least the arena is going to be a lot bigger that’s nice right set gold just from sitting here Mining and killing mobs in the way wow H it’s 11:00 new em dropped I’ll give this thing one more try if it goes terrible uh that’s unfortunate if it least goes decent I’ll give it another go I’ll try it once without the hellstone stuff and if I fail again I’m just going to get the hellstone stuff this ain’t the best arena in the world but uh hopefully it works oh my goodness minion can you protect me for once in your life right okay maybe this is good enough maybe definitely increase the size of it a lot okay well I guess let’s go back craft the spawner inventory get the potions give another go regen swiftness iron skin Night Owl archery Hunter danger sense shimi endurance that should be all I need um how do how do I craft the spawner anyway uh what’s even called well let me get a fous mushroom uh fous powder bloody spine I need I need the powder and I need a spine I oh you need to be at a demon alter Okay just grab vertebrae and powder BT pow okay I got everything I need hopefully I can get this down now hopefully hopefully hopefully oh I’m getting actually destroyed in the way there I’m not going to make the same mistake as last time and use my uh potion already last time I used my uh healing potion before I spawn the boss so for the boss to yeah me I couldn’t heal okay let’s buy two spines almost three actually I probably get enough to get the third one fighting more guys okay so the the the the Buffs encom Encompass the whole Arena I just need some more lighting I guess okay that’s one more vertebrae I can’t get one more yeah you guys drop one more Yep there we go now is there de alter no there’s not do I not have enough I guess powder okay get this buff up okay locking locking I don’t need the royal gel so I’m just going to grab probably the aglet okay let’s go bro what are you doing okay that’s nice see no this is so stupid why is he just teleporting right into me it’s actually so stupid oh my goodness for the Worthy is so I’ll my mic for a second there we go I have one more try I’ll give it that one more try I didn’t get a single oh my goodness D this I didn’t get any my goodness dude this actually makes me mad this stupid pickaxe Obsidian Skin potions mining potions how do you even get calling potions I don’t know it go all the way down yeah all the way until you get to the underworld he i h could go for two uh potions worth of this yeah I might do that actually for the next 12 minutes or 11 minutes I’ll be mining hstone so no really need to watch this SK skip forward or something why is the hell why is the ash P so stupid what is this dude what is this the ash is acting like sand what is this bro bro what oh my goodness for the world is the worst thing in the game for the worthy actually sucks Beyond human comprehension why is the ass just falling and killing it’s so stupid well I guess I’m just going to use them all then I’m going to keep dying during it might as well just use them all get as much as I can like further worthy I would never recommend it to anybody it’s not the difficulty of the problem it’s the added on stupid things just make the game Dumb like ash falling stupid new boss mechanics I guess that is the whole point of the challenge is to be uh difficult think it’s typ thing it’s just an annoying thing but it is what it is actually I got to reip my uh shell my goodness oh my I didn’t even touch anywhere near that block why did it fall on me e he that part is starting to get annoying honestly I I sh he e e yeah we got plenty of the hellstone that’s nice hope we just have enough obsidian I got plent obsidian I think oh we don’t have an Obi forg though or whatever it’s called about that part hell forg all I have plenty not enough but still [ __ ] it they should move all down there right yeah I’m just going to set down one I guess you see now it’s only taking up just those three pretty much it’s nice dub okay let’s get some hellstone stuff then um imp staff that’s one of them for sure no why why am I healing imp definitely one of those it’s really nice um a flamarang I don’t have a take the boomerang anymore oh well oh that’s so much better than what I have now uh I can craft into into the boang can’t I yeah I need an actual Boomerang can I CFT the boomerang no I can get that between episodes I’m not going to bother fishing a bunch more okay um I see what else is there so I’ll get that um Hellfire Arrow molten Fury yeah I’ll get that I guess and then it’s molten everything’s just molten that’s what it’s called okay molten I did not spell that right let’s get the pickaxe get the armor it’s all melee Buffs but whatever so I have 26 armor I that’s five more armor that’s hard to be worth it it gives me a bunch of damage Buffs but it’s only for melee five more armor I guess it’s worth it I this didn’t give me any Buffs besides defense so I guess it’s something at least I do want to get that boomerang that that’s more of a quality of life thing though not an actual boss fight thing so I think I’m pretty set I guess so I don’t need this my L I’m going to sell some of these 18 gold nice Godly I’ll take that I guess why am I wasting money on this give me a speed buff give me a speed buff already bro speed there we go perfect legendary the best one I could have gotten nice hard useless wild useless that’s useless there we go anything else I can reforce M staff for now I guess useless useless there we go so that’s it then I guess it’s also shooting a lot faster than my old bow as well it shoots faster and does more damage that’s nice more armor and more damage hopefully this is enough to take out wow okay he go all the way down hopefully this is enough to take out the brain let Stack Up on potions again okay regen swiftness iron skin Night Owl archery Hunter danger sense shashimi uh I’m have endurance potions though which really sucks there’s nothing else I can really buy it’s useful either okay uh Thorns potion I think thn potion yeah that endurance potion not having that sucks oh oh well he let’s give it one last try see how it goes I can take a lot more hits and it’ll take a lot less hits to kill him so hopefully this is enough I’ll be having 36 defense in there oh no I’ll be having 44 defense that’s actually really nice 44 defense is nice cuz then we have the iron skin plus the uh Bast statue okay over to good arrows there’s no enemies here whenever I spawn him okay I’m coming the clear eat the Buffs 47 defense even better than I thought make sure I have my bow equipped right ammo equipped okay let’s go oh my goodness that guy just spawned in here and ruined everything oh my goodness nope that’s

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