Super Farming Boy Demo – Forager + Stardew Valley + Cuphead

greetings and welcome to Super farming boy this is a demo that you can play right now on Steam this is a hilarious little game that’s described as a sort of a mix oh my God look at it’s dancing vegetables it’s a mix kind of between a forager and a cuphead and I see the the the comparison to cuphead it isn’t the the sort of like paper drawn but it does have that kind of cartoony feel as well as the storyline kind of goes along with this so we’re going to play this demo um I played it all in one go when I was practicing this because I just I don’t know was so compelling and so fun I just was like let’s go so we come up with this very weird scene of this like octopus Jello thingy going on here we got yo yo yo wake up super me come on crops don’t grow themselves we’re on a mission here just five more minutes Mommy mommy’s here sweetie let’s begin our day so the mommy is actually the star not the octopus 10 more minutes then Super wake up now don’t make me do this that’s the house oh what oh no no we’re getting sneezed out I guess woohoo all right so here we learn a little bit about the crops here uh I hate it when he does that so we’re learning how the crops function so I’ll give you an example so click on a uh corn to harvest your first combo there we go notice they all combo to the right here you click on a plant to water it okay there we go we don’t actually need to water this cuz a whole bunch of plants around okay and these guys cannot be harvested unless they get hit by something else we can’t really do that the movement is a bit weird it’s like you grab the uh the screen okay this is these are kind of weird I forgot which way the carrots go are they ah the carrots are to the left so if we do this ah those don’t work at all okay so let’s see if we can do something here uh we need to do like this okay still can’t knock that one oh no no not that one not that one I meant the carrot okay and so we’re just kind of like practicing here with stuff okay we’ll finally be able to harvest these big guys here there we go woohoo so there’s some corn for us that’s a lot of um money there we go and then the potatoes are pretty spectacular they do this this whole like thing every different uh plant has its own combo and when you’re in a situation like this you can Everything grows again I don’t know if we’re going to get these let’s see but the corns the big corns are worth a ton of money oh they went the wrong way of course they did yeah anyway I should have done better and I should have stayed around here to harvest everything I think that’s pretty cool these are really fun to watch do their thing yay okay so here we got oh okay ooh what’s happening oh no oh it seems you like shiny pieces of gold huh this is corpo registered trademark copyright TM my name is corpo registered trademar carpy right TM and I’m always on the lookout for great business opportunities now you look like a chap with a very keen eye for Investments don’t you and would you look at that it seems that you have some very nice hard-earned crops let me set a tax on that a tax of 100% no what are you doing my crops shut it boy now let’s see what you got oh no my abilities my Powers you won’t be needing these anymore let me take that yeah we got to have stuff to buy later what are you doing stop give back our things oh do you need Mommy to stand up for you little boy let me take care of that no reduce back to his tiny star a oh no he ate mommy listen boy you seem like a decent kid you want more of these I got some work for you uh keep it with the keep it up with the little crops I’ll return oh Mom all right so we’re in a bad spot here we need to start collecting just random stuff from the ground is okay ah we found a crop that’s good aha no dude let’s see we can we can actually pull up crops um we can’t once they plant themselves we’re in we’re in a we’re we’re not oh no no no no no no come here come come come cuz they they often go where you don’t want them to be which is annoying okay the town is up there we can go and explore that in a bit but first we really need to well follow sleep I guess all right we’re at energy our energy bar is on the right hand side it’s a vertical bar mom is that you super I what do we have here huh sorry about that little hostile takeover but you know how it is it’s a doggy dog world right in this world everything is up for grabs and everything is for sale even your own Mom congratulations super you’re now a proud member of corpal all Green Farm Inc and you are the one and only exclusive owner manager and farmer congratulations I guess he fired my mom now let’s see what you have for me okay so he’s going to eat all of our rocks and stuff uh we had a rescue fee of 50 coins which is bad so we’re actually in the whole 21 coins nice job loser here you go keep it up will you so it gives us one coin now are you keen on putting that cash to work here are some investment options for you and then he gives us all of these different things which we’re going to need uh but they cost much money 100 450 500 and then there’s many more I mean we can buy all kinds of stuff and there’s more after this as well but we can’t unlock those until we buy some of the first stuff so yeah it’s kind of rough wow that was insane I better get to work to get Mom back all right so here’s our world so we’re going to oh let’s grab these corns before they hop into the ground themselves okay you go there and then you go out out here come down here please I don’t want them to plant themselves cuz they always go in the wrong places you go there okay you go there are there any more no there’s no more that I see all right let’s go and collect things these shells are worth a lot of money so shells are good okay any [Music] shells shells shells shells nope get this corn now unfortunately we don’t even have a watering can so we can’t water stuff even though it’s screaming for water but yeah it’s not a thing we can do don’t bother picking up these uh weeds for now just uh focus on the Rocks oopsies come on and while they’re not giving us money now corpo gives us money overnight for the rocks and stuff okay let’s go so we’re going to go until we have basically no energy okay let’s go go go go go pick stuff up the first day is a little bit boring but uh after this it should get better it does get better it’s a very addictive game I know it doesn’t look like it right now but I promise you it is okay let’s move him all right and now we go to the bed to go for day two let’s go now let’s see what you have for me all right he’s going to scoop all my stuff we get a coin all right and see here we see Stone times six and stone time 9 I’m not really sure why these are different but they do give us a little bit of money 378 Al together which is not bad so that means we could buy our watering can which is pretty important so let’s go ahead and buy this now we can’t afford anything else here but we can afford some seeds so let’s go ahead and get some seeds real quick and I’ll show you how all of that gets going okay so here we go this one let’s get this one let’s take this one yeah I’m aware thank you okay so we’re going to get some crops here uh go and buy some so let’s see how many do we want we want one two three four probably four uh corns four corns and two Tomatoes I’m going to leave these other corns these random corns out here I don’t really care about them that much ah one other random corn fell in okay let’s go so let’s buy four corns if we can afford them or whatever we can afford really okay so we talked to this guy we can actually move these people around which is kind of Handy okay so let’s see one 2 3 four okay we can buy them and then carrots have a different um a different direction but notice the animation carrots you cannot um replant they don’t replant themselves so I prefer to buy eggplants if possible so let’s buy one eggplant oh I should have bought some Tomatoes whoops e it’s okay all right let’s go down here and the corns and stuff will follow you down which is kind of nice so come on guys where are they there’s the eggplant let’s move the eggplant up here yep and then the corns go down here now I’m aiming to make a couple of giant corns down here I’m going to go ahead and harvest these because come on now when you get combos you sometimes get some energy from that which is kind of nice so we did get a little bit of energy from the watering I think or is it the planting I don’t know what it is a darn it 50 gone no all right well that’s okay we did get a fair amount of harvesting done which is kind of cool all right there we go 225 not too bad we got a lot of oysters and then uh the corn time 6 was worth 60 um but hopefully we’re going to get some better prices on that as well all right the hoe is450 we can’t that’s the lowest price thing they have it’s listed in order from most uh cheap cheapest to most expensive so there we go now lucky day it is a rainy day this is Fant fantastic so we’re just going to wait for stuff to grow really that’s all we need to do here now one thing I do want to buy is two tomatoes and there are reasons for this actually we can buy well yeah we don’t have the hoe yet so two Tomatoes is all we can afford so let’s go up there we’ll not afford but two Tomatoes is all we can put in right now oh there’s a potato interesting uh okay sometimes you get like free crops I’ve noticed it’s kind of interesting okay so let’s buy two Tomatoes now no noce they also grow during different times of day this is a $1,200 night NightLight so we don’t want to buy that yet let’s just get out of here and go down all right dude let’s go it’s a very interesting movement kind of thing I’m not sure if I really like it it’s kind of it feels very weird when you’re doing it uh okay here we go now we need tomatoes there’s one and two so so we’re going to put you there and actually we’ll put the other one here and I don’t know where you are supposed to go huh let’s put you there for now okay let’s go so let’s see we can do this these kind of grew a little bit weird but when it’s raining stuff keeps on growing and you don’t have to worry about watering it which is nice okay let’s go get these keep picking up stones and these guys and then we can check on our crops again later we’re going to be able to harvest uh other stuff once we get other tools but yeah right now so let’s go let’s do the um this one so this one gets down to one and here we go clunk clonk boom that is nice aha now we have the magical thing going on here so we want to just like move uh as much of these as possible there we go no whoops ah here we go CLK CLK CLK CLK CLK all right here we go do it again all right that was kind of awesome so we don’t want to take this tomato cuz it’s going to cause a chain reaction down we don’t want to do that now unfortunately you can’t dig the these up and then reuse them kind of you uh kind of are stuck a little bit that way so let’s see let’s keep on let’s get you all right is there any other like stones there’s a stone ah here we go here we go let’s do this again watch this is cool CLK clonk clonk yay nice so that’s kind of what we’re aiming for with those kinds of things let’s see can we get this one yeah and then our eggplant oh our eggplant only grows at night of course it does yep mhm and these guys are not growing because it’s night so let’s just go to bed even though we have energy left I don’t think we can do much more today actually no you know what we can do we can buy some eggplant let’s let’s go up we’re going to need to buy a lot of eggplant and the merchant only sells a certain amount per day like I think it’s five or so it tells you in the shop here so midnight eggplant he’s got six so let’s buy all of them or as many as we can okay let’s go down guys come on little eggplants let’s go all right so we’re going to wait for them to come there we go okay grab you grab you where’s the rest come on was that it surely not there only two no I know there were more there’s one okay and there’s another one over there there huh there’s another one uh there we go okay and then we can Harvest this one if we want to oh there’s another one yay let’s pick you up there okay is that it I think that’s it all right so now we can go to bed that was very profitable yes let’s go now let’s see what you have for me okay okay so corn time 27 is only 270 but giant corns time 6 2400 we earned 4,000 isn’t that awesome so potatoes they look like they sell for a lot but uh that’s only if you get them for free because in the shop they cost 800 so it’s a profit of 100 but still it’s it’s expensive um the corn keeps replanting itself though it’s only worth1 so it might be worth getting a bunch of potatoes uh but yeah it’s yeah hoe is nice let’s get that uh going okay and then we can get the combo vision is amazing we definitely want that that’s so we can see where which uh where the combos are let’s see stamina we can buy that too that’s 800 yay all right next item axe now we can chop down the uh uh logs and stuff we get a tur uh Turtle snail uh let’s save our money well we can’t really buy it anyway cuz we don’t have 2,000 but yeah we can save this and buy some more eggplants or something and get that going okay so here we go um this is in kind of a weird spot not a big fan of this situation here um okay you need water you need water okay so let’s leave that for now we’ll go ahead and pick up these guys you guys okay and then you yes and then you uhhuh okay there we go let’s uh are we good now there is a maale box it’s just kind of random messages that don’t seem to be uh yeah there’s the there’s a drink bar um or a cafe I guess cool new seeds Okay so they’re just telling us about the seeds and stuff Let’s see we can get maximum amount of eggplants and one tomato let’s actually let’s go down here and I want [Music] to hoe this area oh darn we can’t get rid of that yet that is going to mess me up I think we leave that probably maybe we hoe over here instead okay that’s fine all right let’s go then actually let’s let me show you the drink bar so this is the the sort of like little cafe here they have all kinds of different stuff um I have never bought any I guess we could um cakes made in a pan now with syrup there’s bread we could buy one try it I don’t know I don’t know if we eat it right away or what um not actually sure how that works ah there’s a carrot out here hi carrot there’s another one out here too there’s a whole bunch of like stuff in the forest wow there’s many I wonder if like notifying them lets me oh look at this we’re swimming H that’s so cute that’s adorable wow all right and then oh hello who are you hey how’s the farm okay it’s doing okay what’s this no idea okay and then there’s this place which is lackluster looks like the old blackbuster video uh full game only too bad well if you say I have money uh what does they say yeah you can’t afford it no the sadness real okay relaxing pool okay yeah just look for it dude I found it right away I don’t trust that Toto Guy where does he get his seed creatures well I don’t know feel so drained of energy I better get something to eat from the chef to keep me going all right so there there are some plants following me here ah looks like we just got to go through the uh the forest and find a bunch of them hello again oh hello I want you take take you home with me uh meanwhile back at the ranch I want to buy just all of these basically Oh shoot no I should have bought the nighttime plant H I think there’s a tomato following me as well so let’s see what ends up on our farm I’m not actually sure what’s going to happen here so let’s see I do want to get out this hoe delete that for now and there’s a reason for this don’t don’t worry I am very cognizant of what I’m doing here there’s our tomato excellent okay you go here you go here and radishes go here oh what are you you’re a corn okay okay you’re a radish they look like space aliens or something you are something else I have no idea oh you’re a carrot uh we can put the carrot here for now cuz that’s um that’s a thing that gets kind of reused all right so corns let’s see if I go down here and I hope hope no no no no oh shoot I didn’t mean to do that whoops oh well well we have Replacements now now hooray you go here you go there and tomato you can go here here here here is fine and then I actually do need another corn um okay let’s see this is going to be fun all right let’s get another corn real quick oh whoops I meant to carry him there yep there we go all right Toto hey hey how you doing no do no okay I guess he’s gone to sleep now okay so that’s kind of the end of the day which is unfortunate we can do something like this clonk clonk clonk yay all right nice and I’m not going to worry about watering it just hoping tomorrow is a rainy day we’ll go and harvest these Tomatoes cuz if you don’t Harvest them they do kind of tend to go bad on you so let me go ahead and just clonk that all right that’s fine can I I forgot what I can chop okay we can chop these chop wood might as well use up the energy we have uh that’s kind of needed man we have so much energy but it’s getting late unfortunately cuz wood is used as a currency later oh no I hit one of the guys you can actually move these guys around with the mouse so I should have moved them and not tried to go through them that was very silly of me all right here we go okay we made some money not a lot giant corn times two non-rainy days are the hardest I think all right but what can we buy we could buy a snail um I think we want to buy the hammer better the snail does some but not it’s not great it’s okay reminds me a little bit of the snail on Plants versus Zombies uh maybe that’s where it’s inspired from I’m guessing um okay so all right no rain today which is also not ideal let’s go and water everything cuz otherwise we’re not going to get any produce at all today all right so we are allowed to chop up Boulders now which is great so these when we chop them up we get diamonds which are worth money which is good okay but we really want to focus on wood as a currency oh there’s a corn we also need to buy another corn I think and then maybe even another corn there okay let’s see let’s go let’s get one two corns maybe hello okay buy one two okay go away go on corins let’s go oh hi dude okay we’re going to water these while we wait for our corn to come in now I do want to save enough for one of those uh illumination plants those are kind of nice okay all right so corn you come down here with me oh don’t hide it’s okay no need to be shy all right Corin you go here somewhere oh yes here all right cool okay that’s one let’s go ahead and get these guys going all right just one more and we’ll have those couple of corns done all right very cool oh whoops got to get these radishes um as well oh what happened oh nice okay so we’re going to stay in this Zone here if we can and just try to get this thing done CLK CL clunk clunk yeah cuz this thing Waters everything boom nice a that was so nice cool all right well that was awesome I’m going to leave the rest here and the nice thing is when you’re getting really low on energy it um wait did we get that last piece there we go uh it will stop you as so you can go to bed oh I actually have more energy uh no not yet apparently we got more energy that I can I can use up let’s go any energy is really the most expensive commodity in the game so you want to use that as much as possible there we go let’s go to bed oh I got those coins over there yeah sure it’s like a couple of coins they’re really not worth a lot they’re like worth one each so uh I don’t care that much about coins there we go 4,530 that’s pretty nice giant corns yeah getting those combo streaks and getting that magical rainbow thing is kind of awesome there we go so I want to get maybe the pickaxe 20 wood uh and this is 200 Stones man now what I really want is this thing but I have not found a way to get these orange diamondy things I think that’s outside the demo I think that’s in a new uh it’s it’s in the full game cuz I haven’t found a single way to find those I I got the pick I got the pickaxe I got everything uh that like all the basic tools and I still haven’t found a way to get those uh those things all right so yeah these guys when you pound the small stones with this new tool or is it a hammer or Pi pickaxe I don’t remember but you get more small stones why is this happening this is a lot of pounding huh that was weird I think I hit a bug there okay so we’re here let’s go yeah there is a danger in in putting too many corns and stuff in a row or two rows of the same crop because of this this situation here where they they get into these big plants and that’s like oh how do I harvest those again this is kind of cool there we go now I do want to get one of those nighttime plants so here we go let’s go let’s get our streak clonk clonk okay and then I’m going to wait for it to respawn nice all right I’m going to go up and get one of of those uh nighttime plants uh where it makes Moonlight or night NightLight uh in the uh thing okay so here we go it’s called is it NightLight grows during the day grows at night grows at dead night uh emits NightLight to keep your night crops growing let’s buy that can also buy a daylight perhaps oh oh we don’t have enough money no we don’t have enough Stone to buy this one okay well that’s fine we can buy one of them at least hey there oh no no no no no no this way this way guys come on let’s go down let’s go down oh there’s a potato over here oh there’s several potatoes oh my God all right so let’s go and get all these crops and just put them in our farm kind of anywhere I think it’ll be fine uh okay so there we are let’s just put in let’s see all right we can put in potatoes all right you go here you go up there and then the night light we want this to be somewhere like right there but we don’t really have a spot for it let’s just put it here um I hope it covers what I want it to cover I’m not sure that it will but it’ll be fine it’ll be fine okay so here we go with this let’s get these going I really should put in a is there something that hits upward there must be is that does the Tomato hit both sides I forgot let’s see see tomato it is both sides all right so let’s buy one of these and then go back go on tomato let’s go okay so this NightLight basically covers this entire area it would be better if it’s in the middle but then you have problems of stuff not connecting with each other very well so this is kind of cool uh this is going to be a really nice little um thing uh once it gets going oh dude okay hold on hold on go here yep nice we want to grow some more go for it thank you this is our most expensive crop here so this is the one we definitely want to keep this little Fiesta thing going on here there we go there we have four surrounding it so that we can have this nice little string in reality we should keep this one for last what has that extra corn bonus okay here we go I really need to get some more wood as well I really wish it showed all the currencies at at all times cuz I don’t I have no idea how much stuff I have no idea how much wood I have or or anything um I find that a little bit frustrating about the game like now it shows wood but can it not just show like a rim World style like a basic display kind of thing okay watch oh the tomato is not there no okay it’s fine okay go away dudes I’m going home no a I I tried to move too far and it wasn’t the cursor was outside the screen anyway now let’s see what you have for me all right dude I got corn for you man 6,577 look at that giant corn time 12 check that out man kind of awesome those night rescue fees we don’t even care anymore it’s fine so we can buy this we can buy the sickle not yet can’t buy that either but we can get a um energy thingy but that’s 10,000 this one hammer level two is 16,000 so we’re starting to get way up there in terms of money here all right cool so there we go let’s water these guys we get some corn bonus here yeah days when it doesn’t rain are rough I really wish I I I had that water dog to try and see if that actually Waters stuff or not um I don’t know if it would be very effective uh or not if it’s just like the snail just sort of randomly Waters stuff or if it’s actually good I don’t know some coins over there that’s nice all right so what are we doing here ah here we go here we’re going to get our Chain Reaction finally there we go look at this very cool that’s kind of awesome yeah this is a really fun game I like this game I can’t wait for this to come out in full release because this has like very for forer Vibes which I really like forager it’s a fun game um really fun game so um yeah it’s really entertaining and good here so one two three and corn for the bonus boom boom boom nice okay and then of course we got to water everything to get back in shape here which I don’t find this part very fun I have to say this you know constant watering so I’m hoping like later we get like some sprinklers or something I don’t know something okay so that’s good all right what are you going to sprout with okay all right there’s our first big corn there’s our second one come on corns let’s go let’s go oh I didn’t oh it got messed up a little bit didn’t it all right well we now have new problems okay okay could do this and then this one yep then we need one more that’s uh rough when these things are not behaving the way you expect them to what I can do though is I can do this and get another couple of tomatoes see if we can find some Tomatoes oh whoops that one those didn’t get um because they’re not in the vicinity of the NightLight alas okay but we can do this here oh no no no don’t don’t no come on pick the stuff that grows man okay again yeah this thing instantly refreshes um the the watering and everything so it’s really nice combo there wow that’s cool all right so I need two more tomatoes oh there’s a carrot hello carrot carrot looks so strange all right two Tomatoes let’s do maybe another NightLight as well okay let’s get out of here then let’s go there was this guy down here let’s all go down guys come on I got to figure out where I want to have that other night light maybe like right there I’m thinking like here okay where is where are my plants okay you can just be here Tomatoes go down there night light you can be here you can go there you can go there okay Tomatoes let’s put these in so that I have extra coverage for those areas that are oh whoops that are not like if it if it gets a little bit offset yeah okay let’s uh um let’s see oh let’s just go to bed like whoa this is looking scary yeah we could Farm uh but yeah let’s just go to bed it’s fine all right we had a really nice um yeah [Music] 10,494 fantastic giant corns man saved today and potatoes were not bad either so that was pretty good 3600 just for those but of course I think they were free I don’t think we bought any of those sickle yeah 200 Stones is a heck of a lot of stones we could get the the snail just for fun yeah let’s get the snail oh man 7998 shoot all right well we can buy stamina we could buy the hammer let’s buy the hammer level two why not let buy that okay so let’s exit out now okay it’s a rainy day that’s pretty fantastic so now we pretty much don’t have to worry about picking anything up I think the snail picks up everything so it’s kind of nice it’s now taking a lot less time to gather stuff which is good okay let’s start our um oh whoops I should have done the other one first that was bad of me clonk clonk clonk yay that is pretty awesome I love that clunking okay so here we go we could use another uh eggplant here or two or seven all right let’s get this all right and then let’s get the hoe let’s get that one out of the way okay and then turn off that just basically buy as many many eggplants as as they have whoopsies come on pick these up okay wow they’re doing really well but again you need those Night Lights to make them grow during the daytime pretty important okay Midnight eggplant let’s buy all of them okay yep let’s go hey there let’s go down come on coming over do I need any more I guess I could put another tomato here since we got one for free clonk clonk clonk let’s go okay so let’s see the eggplants they go all here okay guys come on follow me over here please Nate oh there we are all right cool and then this corn do we have another corn spot I guess we can just build a corn spot here okay there’s corn there we go can join up these two corn spots oh that’s a lot of corn okay so we need how much more corn three corns actually we can do ah we can’t get rid of this so one two three four five corns let’s go up there and get five corns okay one two three four five okay let’s go so so far I have not seen eggplants grow into giant ones I don’t know if that’s just they don’t or or how that works but look at this combo nice wow there we go it sets it off on this massive combo let’s go down here and get the corns growing come on corns ah I kind of wasted that trying to plant these corns but it’s kind of important to get them in the right spot so it’s okay we’ll have more of those that’s fine okay let’s go and these guys can go now this might be a big problem because I think that having this break is going to have this be a one thing hitting a a big one so that’s probably not good I’m thinking it’s not good there we go really would like to get just regular stones and chop those up cuz that’s what we need for those 200 Stones is the little ones not the big ones cuz the big ones will give us diamonds but not little Stones which is kind of a funny thing I think oh it was too close I thought he was far enough away whoops oh well it’s okay don’t worry it’ll be fine all right corpo is back thanks 7,9 859 very nice that seems really good what can we buy anything no I don’t think so stamina oh we can buy more stamina the sickle again cost 200 of those stones so that’s a bit tedious to farm but I think it’s fine uh all right we just don’t have it have the the stones right now but let’s see what we get if we have like a sunny day I don’t like to water all these crops on a sunny day so that’s what we got today is a very sunny day so oh these formed very badly this is not good at all so I think I’m going to work on the stones today we’ll see if we get a couple of those things going but yeah this is a stone day for sure okay there’s one but yeah this is going to be a mess and a half to try to get these all right let’s see what we can do here clunk clunk clunk CL oh it did go nice oh wow okay no I I wanted this one not that one I want to see if I can get that other giant corn going so I’m going to water these real quick I need watering thing help help water help I really wish I could buy that watering tool whatever it is a watering dog I don’t know what the heck that means but sure let’s check in our eggplants as well oh things are happening there oh look at this we can set off a nice Chain Reaction this is so cool that’s fun all right we can Harvest our carrots as well okay let’s take this wood yeah six Strokes for wood that’s a lot all right we’re doing a lot of this farming of these um Stones here really wish there was a faster way to do this I think sometimes the big Stones Give like a heap of small stones but that’s not all the time so it’s not oh okay we’re a little bit tired oh man uh can I set off a reaction here will that help me no I wonder let’s go see if I can get a snack here real quick now I don’t know what this bar on the left is to be honest I have absolutely no clue let’s see out of energy yes let’s buy let’s buy the most expensive thing five pancakes so can I eat this oh wow that gave me quite a lot of energy nice like a I don’t know 40 40% of a bar or something like that okay so here we go one and two that is awesome I love watching that Chain Reaction that’s so nice all right I’m going to harvest those Tomatoes cuz if you don’t Harvest them for a while you see how it’s this weird kind of like gross color it rots so if you harvest that it doesn’t give you anything and it just pulls it up so yeah you want to try to keep um aware of that well now that we have all this energy we can get a bunch of rocks here oh wow we’re we’re rocking oh my God okay let’s try this then come on Pull It come on that’s weird oh because this one wasn’t watered okay nice oh that was really good oh no no careful oh 195 just one more of those heaps of stones please give yes ha 205 let’s go to sleep avoid the 50 uh 50 Crown penalty I think in crowns now all right let’s see let’s go I gave you some big corns you should be happy dude 6,800 for big corns nice eggplants 700 for that that’s not too bad now these aren’t earning us a whole heck of a lot but it’s a lot faster I feel like than replanting the same crops over and over again I’m not a big fan of the replanting idea anyway we can finally buy the sickle let’s see like that allows us to chop those grasses so let’s um let’s try that one see what it gets us I don’t know maybe those sparkly things come from grass I have no idea nope doesn’t doesn’t do anything it just gives us nothing so that’s not ideal okay we got lots of shells today that doesn’t really make a dent in our profits but it’s it’s fun to harvest shells oh there we go hello that’s a lot of crops popping up all at the same time I like that there’s this kind of like ability for these guys to continue onward and kill each other all the way down the line even though we have like this big boulder here okay let’s go and get this I’m just going to continue these corns on so that’s another five corns I think five is the maximum all right let’s go ahead and just set cut this one off that is such a nice reaction very cool surprised those other eggplants didn’t grow in the night okay oh there’s a potato there nice okay so I want five corns or as many as you can give me sure okay very good and then there’s a potato up here there’s one over here as well oh it’s a corn okay cool come on guys come on little corns come on fruit vegetables all the things let’s go and then I might need to chop some more here so let’s just take these out all right start planting let’s go don’t go into the sea it’s not for you okay let’s uh create a couple more patches here okay you go here you go there oh we need another one all right corn let’s go and then the potatoes I don’t know what the heck I’m going to do with them uh let’s see one here maybe one there I don’t know how many we need let’s see two only okay that’s fine for those guys I guess I should make another oh no I clicked the wrong one whoops okay well that’ll do its thing all right so let’s do this stuff two awesome okay okay go [Music] here all right very nice things are going very well indeed let’s just Harvest these and then are we good actually we can I can do these guys some potatoes nice woohoo now things are growing I’m going to just get the corn going okay come on oh shoot I was planning on doing another um thing before I got there nice wow so many I got a diamond for it that was quite cool that’s really neat cool well it’s been a very eventful day here in Farmland yay oh I got another bug there I think it’s just like endless harvesting okay very cool okay well I guess let’s go to bed okay kind of wondering if I expand my my farm stuff and have like a a a row of three corns or four corns how that works all right wow 8,400 for that giant corn boom we’re doing good all right we can buy a sickle stamina wait don’t we oh that’s level two sickle I don’t care about that I’d rather have a maybe the pickaxe buy that what else do we have in the shop here ah a ho watering can o I wonder how that works oh no this is from the beginning again where’s the mom I want to buy my mom looks like we ran out of upgrades here just about it’s kind of like cycling through now all right here we go here we go all right a non sunny day alas that makes me sad slightly let’s water these kind of curious what this is going to look like if we do like another row of corns and stuff here like two more no a no a darn it didn’t mean to do that click the wrong thingy shoot all right well let’s go let’s do this we also probably want to buy another one of these um um plants maybe here the midnight plants or night night plants okay let’s see corn let’s buy all we can and then we’ll buy how we can buy some midnight eggplant but we want to buy another nightlight okay cool there all kinds of radishes and random stuff here carrots would really like to see if there’s any corn in here there’s a radish there’s a corn all right guys lots to plant here I didn’t even make uh didn’t hoe any areas for the eggplants either which is not great there’s the night light okay uh we don’t really care that much about the carrots let’s see I’m going to have to hoe this that’s radish and another radish can go there okay and then the corn come on over here corn might have to prepare this area actually by making this one one shorter or something I think I know how to do this we just need to get rid of this giant corn here all right let’s get this uh oh okay good so we want to do something like this yeah yeah that’s what we want and that sorry Corin we apologize izee for the inconvenience you can be there okay good I think we got everything I hope it rains tomorrow I really don’t like all this hand watering it’s not great okay oh wow there’s more stuff here that’s fun come on all right let’s go to bed I wonder if the demo is time limited because I wasn’t able to buy a lot of the stuff we got in this run here wow decent okay we didn’t do that much but we still got uh some good money uh stamina level three oh we don’t have enough money never mind I wish I could get those gems I really wanted to try out that watering thing man oh no it’s not rain no you know what I’m just tempted to buy more corn 1 2 3 you know what I’m going to buy corn and then I’m going to go to sleep because I hate watering watering is not fun it’s just a click Fest okay let’s buy no no no no no no I don’t care about carrots go away NOP excuse me go down here thank you okay so here we go let’s go go and get corn come on corn come over here I’ll just chop stuff until they arrive I also don’t really like the screen Shake I wish you could turn off the screen Shake uh you can turn off Rumble you can play with this with the controller by the way but I haven’t found a way to turn off the screen Shake um yeah I don’t know why it just annoys me but I’m not a fan of screen shake at all cuz it like you can’t aim stuff on the ground at all you just kind no no no no no ah hold on there we go okay I don’t know if there was another one or not okay yeah like I said I’m going to go to bed I hate watering let’s go yep we don’t care if the guy is like you know going to take our stuff it’s fine thanks nothing ha that’s funny I thought we got something oh well okay it’s a rainy day oh no some of our Tomatoes died that’s not great oh there’s even Oh shoot that’s not good okay so we need to re plow this stuff as well so we need to get a few Tomatoes jeez okay definitely need a few tomatoes okay that’s opening up that’s good okay that was weird I was like why isn’t this thing working so Tomatoes yeah thank you and I would like to be able to like experiment with some of these others but I don’t like when it doesn’t regrow I feel like it’s a waste I feel like I’m wasting my time with stuff that doesn’t regrow all right let’s go down oh I don’t know don’t know if I actually needed that many tomatoes that seems like an awful lot now that I’m looking at it okay uh did this die shoot it died huh I wonder why it died and the to maybe they just die over time huh all right well I need a tomato here now all right tomatoes let’s go I need you down here please somehow I ended up with like millions of tomatoes that can go there that’s fine all right this is going to be interesting to see how this works how it functions uh you can just go there for now all right I think yeah I think they just must die over time all right so so let’s go back to the store we need another NightLight I don’t know if they have more than one per day let’s see hello oh yes we can buy more eggplants as well yep let’s buy one there we go oh no come on no every time I grab I oh Jesus every time I grab the screen I’m grabbing the character which is very annoying okay let’s see if we can get our Mouse fingers doing better now okay yeah I would like to be able to plant stuff while he’s chopping but it’s so annoying because it’s the screen moves so much with the screen Shake I find that really jarring I don’t know if other people feel that or not but I do definitely okay there we go so cool now we have that going now this is going to pop up here shortly I hope all right cool so now we have this one 2 3 4 wait why didn’t this one go off okay so this kind of like branching thing does not work all right right that’s good to know let’s take out these tomatoes and replace with corn maybe or replace with something I don’t know how what we’re going to do here I don’t think this is working very well at all yeah I guess if it’s not in a row it doesn’t hit it quite right or something all right right but our uh this stuff is growing yay oh there’s where we get those magical things ah wow okay fun it’s for huge chain combos had no idea wow okay now I got a bunch of those okay I found out where that that currency comes from pretty funny but man that’s a lot of chain that’s like 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so that’s like a 36 chain um I think they went go down here and then e they coming back like here maybe but I wonder if you have to be on a streak and have it produce many many times cuz that also happened so yeah all right let’s see all right lots of eggplant today some corn not enough corn cuz I messed up my my thingy so let’s get the water dog yeah not enough wood oh no shoot that’s unfortunate man oh man that’s not great not enough wood all right well today we’re farming wood that’s all I’m going to say about that wood let’s go mhm all right let’s see if we get stuff here there we go they are coming wow we got lots and lots of good stuff there very nice so yeah eggplant chain working well man working real well okay these guys need to be watered so I need to just remove these corns up here probably Harvest those okay good I need 30 wood that’s 29 okay I need one corn or three corns where is there wood I really need wood can we get wood from rocks oh there’s wood okay there’s a wood yay okay let’s go and get three corns get this going hey guy corn one two three all right let’s go down okay let’s go let’s go so I’m going to get this here okay Corin you go there you go there you go here and you can go there that’s fine okay so the object is to wait for these guys to kind of no I clicked that dude I did not click the giant corn I promise you I know how this game works dude I do know how it works okay so we just need these guys to hopefully grow a little bit okay so oh they’re not going to grow darn it cuz it’s yeah I would need one of those daylight night light light night things anyway let’s go to bed I mean we could stand around and farm some but I want to make an interesting YouTube video so here we go oh no mommy whoa it seems like you’re having a bit of fun here huh you know good things don’t come cheap no it’s not going to give me my water dog and I don’t like freeloaders if you enjoyed playing on my farm you better give me my money see you later cheap skate no too bad we didn’t get to play with that uh maybe I’ll try and and get to that thing and earlier and I had no idea where you get those Sparky things uh evidently I didn’t create a long enough chain before but yeah that’s how I kind of optimized for now um like I said you can you can do like those diagonal combinations but a lot of those crops they don’t replant themselves and I do find it takes a long time to go to the store come back put the crops in the ground every single time so I really wish a lot of them were more perennials even if you get less money for them it’s a lot of work to keep replanting them but man is this a fun game I really can’t wait till this comes out really excited huge thank you to the devs for mention for well bringing it to my attention I got an email just now uh telling me about it and it looked so cool I thought I’d give it a go so anyway this has been awesome thank you so very much for joining me huge thank you to all of my patrons and supporters you guys are absolutely great it means so much to me even if you know people are donating $2 a month $5 a month it’s literally the price of a cup of coffee it all of it added up people help make my life exist so I really really appreciate you from the from the bottom of my heart thank you so very much so uh that’s all we have for today so thank you so very much for joining me take care of yourselves and each other and I’ll see you next time [Music] [Music]

Super Farming Boy has the farming and energy of Stardew Valley, at the fast pace of Forager, and the comic-like humor of Cuphead, complete with evil villain!

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You can find Super Farming Boy in the Nintendo E-Store.
Super Farming Boy is available on PC, PS4, XBox, and Nintendo Switch.

A huge thank you to the developer for providing me with a game key!

Release Date: TBA

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Factorio Lunar Landings (Co-op with Mathias):
Flotsam (Survival Colony Builder on the Ocean!):

Copyright Ā© 2024 KatherineOfSky. All rights reserved.


About Super Farming Boy:
Super Farming Boy is an exciting mix of action, puzzle, and farming sim, heavily relying on chain reactions and combos.

In Super Farming Boy, you assume the role of Super, whose mom and friends have been captured by the evil nemesis, KORPOĀ®Ā©TM. Unlawfully hiring you to work on your own land, Korpo taxes all proceeds for himself!

Now, with your friends and mom up for sale, you must harvest your way through some wacky challenges, saving enough to rescue them back!
Gameplay Mechanics

In Super Farming Boy, there are no tools because you are the tool. With the simple push of a button, you can transform into a shovel, a hammer, a pickaxe, a watering can, and more! Super Farming Boy can even FLY!

The game’s central mechanic revolves around chain reactions and combos! The magical seed creatures in this world, once harvested, trigger specific chain-reaction effects that enable you to optimize your farm in ways never seen before in a farming game. These chain reaction and combo powers also serve as your means of defense against creatures, help optimize your daily stamina usage, and facilitate various actions such as chopping down trees, demolishing boulders, removing weeds, collecting items, defeating bosses, and much more!

Explore whimsical weathers and extraordinarily unusual seasons, such as Radioactive Season, Timewarp Season, and Volcanic Season. There’s even a season set underwater!

Super Farming Boy has been meticulously designed with touch controls in mind. The gameplay is incredibly intuitive: everything is draggable, tappable, pokeable, and supports both classic joystick controllers (XBOX, Bluetooth, PS), keyboard, and touch simultaneously!

Superhero abilities. Super Farming Boyā„¢ has the ability to walk, run, and even fly! Additionally, he can transform into any tool with a simple push or tap of a buttonā€”be it a shovel, pickaxe, axe, or hammer.
Chain Reaction & Combos. Optimize your farm by harvesting a single crop and witnessing the chain and combo effects efficiently harvest your entire farm at once. However, meticulous planning in your planting efforts is essential!
Lots of Supertools to Upgrade. All SuperTools and powers in Super Farming Boyā„¢ come in the form of old-school superhero trading cards. Unlock and upgrade them all!
Outlandish Seasons to Discover. Explore a plethora of unique seasons in Super Farming Boyā„¢, including Spring, Winteria, Volcanic, Radioactive, Underwater (coming soon), and Timewarp (coming soon).
Idle helpers to collect. Rescue all your pets by purchasing them back from Korpoā„¢Ā®Ā©! Each pet comes with a unique mechanic to help automate your farm.


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