Mikey and JJ Have 1,000,000 Emeralds in Minecraft (Maizen)

let’s get started today we have a challenge we survive but on condition that we are given emeralds we need a lot of emeralds because we need to buy armor and weapons but where will we find him oh Mikey I have an idea let’s run to the store as soon as possible it’s not far away now I have emeralds that we can use to buy armor let’s see how much it costs now I’ve just looked at the signs and we’ll only have enough if we stack emeralds with each other we have to buy it so take my part Trader maybe you can sell them to us a little cheaper we will be very grateful to you for a big discount no my prices are like this I’m waiting for emeralds from you then you’ll have to buy let’s get the weapons and armor now as soon as possible we already have to run to the Village we have a lot to do at home H I am extremely glad that we still managed to go to the merchant buy the weapons and armor that we wanted but now we need to run as fast as possible to another store we’ve been delayed a lot keep up with me my hurry up we don’t have much time right now we have to save up more emeralds and buy something I am very glad that they are accumulating very quickly Merchant we have emeralds sell us the HomeGoods you have we would really like to buy it from you and did not just run here we want to kidnap Mikey and JJ so that their emeralds can go to me in the gollem I have a plan how to do this now we continue to pursue them we are not lagging behind Wooh we ran ran home I have a huge amount of things in Furniture now I want to install a huge TV in our hall because I’ve always dreamed of it it’s good that we were able to buy it for emeralds but we definitely shouldn’t stop there I need to equip this house completely I will put cabinets and various bedside tables that I will like Mikey has now escaped to the second floor to put out the things we bought there I am very glad that our house is being transformed now it has really started to look much more beautiful now there is a huge bookcase with books a soft sofa and a large TV Mikey come downstairs I’m waiting for you here I’m just going to leave now and you’ll be alone in the house hurry up woohoo how beautifully you’ve arranged everything here I didn’t expect it it’s amazing and you’re doing a great job I want to tell you that you did a good job I also arranged the second floor and now we can spend the night there I really liked how this house has been transformed I heard the doorbell someone came my y it’s a Golem hi what happened explain it to us my friend the Villager urgently needs help he was attacked by a dangerous spider and can now bite him badly huh horror a villager is standing on a pole the spider is aggressively attacking him now it’s very dangerous but we have to help him let’s get to the spider as fast as possible now and hit it he’s already very close to attacking a villager I don’t want to let him get seriously hurt oh no Mikey it’s a trap we’re in a hole right now let go what are you doing now now along with the Golem spider is dragging Mikey and JJ to an abandoned house there’s a specially prepared pit for them they’re going to be dumped there now so they’ll never get out again now it will be very difficult for them because everyone who fell into this pit stayed there forever H I’m very scared right now what should we do now we can’t just get out of this hole there are some corpses lying here and it will be almost impossible to climb up too high a spider a villager and a Golem are shooting arrows at us the good thing is that they are leaving us now we’ll come back later when there are more emeralds Mikey we definitely shouldn’t relax just please don’t panic anymore now we need to think about how to get out of this hole H you do understand that they put us here on purpose because we can get emeralds then they want to take them away at the bottom there is a lattice through which the emeralds fall Mikey they’re only holding us back because of the emeralds I’ve already figured it out but we definitely can’t sit in the pit for a long time you know it’s very dangerous we need to get out of here as soon as possible and we still don’t have any plan I’m sure you’ll figure out how to do it because you’re much smarter than me Mikey I think I know what we need to do I have a brilliant idea do you see the workbench let’s look at the the funnels now we need to move a lot now in order for a large number of emeralds to fall down let’s try to make blocks of emerald on the workbench we need to get out of this pit if we do manage to do this then I will be the happiest only with the help of blocks will we be able to climb up we will need a lot more emeralds so we don’t stop and keep running I am sure that soon we will definitely make enough on the workbench to save ourselves Mikey the most important thing right now is don’t stop a lot depends on our movement it seems that I have already collected the necessary number of emeralds it’s time to try to climb up I will use the emerald blocks that I made the main thing is that we have enough of them in quantity we have to trick the Villager and the Golem yep great we are very close to the exit now you can’t imagine how glad I am that we can get out of this hole now we are moving very quietly deeper into the house let’s see what they have here in no case should we allow them to notice us it’s very dangerous now we’re at the top now the most important thing is not to speak loudly and move very quietly the most important thing is that we are free now look the Golem is sleeping Mikey let’s close him now behind the emerald blocks and try to make sure that he never leaves this room let the windows also be all an emerald it will be almost impossible to break it and the Golem will stay there for a long time that’s it we’re done we’re running away huh I can’t believe my eyes you just look into the distance a villager is running next to us and seems to be attacking the village let’s follow him now and see what he does next I don’t want to let him bring a huge amount of problems and dangers once again you see that the Villager is behaving very suspiciously others are suffering because of him we need to fix it urgently let’s run to the store faster maybe we can buy armor and weapons from the merchant in order to fight this terrible villager I don’t want him walking among us then we need to run very fast to the store now it’s not far away the most important thing is that nothing bad happens to the merchants he is the only hope for saving the village I can’t believe it oh no there is a merchant lying here and he is injured his store is completely destroyed I do not know what to do now you do understand that we definitely need to save him I’m panicking a lot right now I need to collect my thoughts okay Mikey now listen to me carefully I will give give you instructions now and you will do everything as I tell you first of all you calm down and take the merchant in your arms oh run faster to the hospital we have to help him we need to find a doctor faster you do understand that he doesn’t just see his patients we’re standing outside the hospital now but his appointment is still closed we will wait quite a bit I am sure that the doors will open soon and we will help the merchant he is very badly injured and only the best doctor will cure him I hope so oh Mikey open the door let’s go to the hospital I really hope that help will be provided here and everything will be fine hello we have a wounded man please help us I’m going to give you a huge amount of diamonds it’s important that he survives the doctor has now agreed to help us this is very good now let’s wait until the merchant is cured because he is in a very bad condition I’m sure everything should go well the main thing is that no failures occur during the operation I will be very happy if we do what we have planned without the merchant we will not defeat the Villager with the spider Mikey the operation is over let’s see what happened to the merchant I hope the doctor was able to cure him after all great he’s in good condition now he’s still lying down he can’t move again but now the merchant gives us the keys and now we can pick up all the necessary types of armor and weapons from the store oh let’s run we have very little time right now we need to hurry up you can’t imagine how glad I am that the merchant still gave us the keys to his store let’s look at every drawer that’s in there I am very interested in what materials are available in order to produce the best weapons as quickly as possible it will be very difficult to fight with a villager we need to find the chest with the lock Mikey I’m going to look somewhere among the drawers now it’s probably very well hidden let’s find out exactly where he lies I feel like he’s somewhere nearby great I finally found the chest with the lock I opened it with a key and found the sticks now we have the ingots and we can run to the forge that is it turns out that now we will make armor for ourselves from all the materials that we found this is very cool I will be very glad if the blacksmith will help us and we will finally strengthen a lot depends on armor and weapons because it is extremely difficult to fight with a villager he rides a spider now let’s explain to the blacksmith what he will need to do I am sure that he will not want to let us into the store yet so we must definitely come to an agreement with him woohoo hi we are ready to give away a lot of emeralds now but please make armor and weapons for us a lot depends on your work right now but I want to make a bow and arrow for myself it’s very cool I’ve always dreamed of using this weapon therefore now I will ask the blacksmith to give us exactly this I don’t want to walk around with a sword now it remains to wait our order will be fully completed soon I really hope that soon I will have a bow and arrow in my hand Mikey look out it’s a villager he’s going to attack us with the spider now let’s run out we need to fight him and do everything possible to destroy him you understand that it is very dangerous it is better to run and in no case stop he won’t leave us alone anyway it’s going to be very hard to get ready we have to defeat the Villager but you do understand that it’s very difficult to do it just like that he’s sitting on a spider right now and we can’t even attack him properly because he moves very fast I don’t want to go near him again right now oh no we’re surrounded by cobwebs now Mikey we have no other choice quickly we are starting to break down now we need to dig a lot of Earth deep in order to escape because the Villager will continue to pursue us it’s better not to take any chances and just keep moving in the dark the most important thing is that we don’t get trapped you won’t believe it but now I think I know where to go next I’m doing very well so keep digging after me soon we will find a way out and finally find ourselves in another part of the village I’m sure the Villager and the spider escaped long ago they wouldn’t have waited for us be patient just a little bit I already feel that we are very close to the exit H Mikey I still can’t believe we made it out we are now at the potion shop wait maybe this is our opportunity to defeat the Villager and the spider let’s buy a potion with emeralds and turn into werewolf wolves please give us exactly this potion I hope you understand what you’re talking about it’s very dangerous right now I don’t want to take that risk we must not make mistakes but if we do not defeat the Villager then he will definitely come back to take revenge and destroy the village the sorcerer will definitely help us Mikey collect as many emeralds as as possible we need to give them to the sorcerer only after that he will give us the right potion let’s not waste time now we don’t have it the battle with the Villager is coming soon and we are not ready for it yet I see that the sorcerer is happy that we gave him so many emeralds and now the potion is in our hands I’m very glad you can’t imagine how much I’m worried right now but if everything works out then we’ll have a chance to win let’s run outside and try this potion on ourselves we have to become werewolves now I really hope that the sorcerer did not mix up the potion and we will still be who we wanted it to be well Mikey let’s get started let’s drink this potion at the same time now the main thing is not to panic super we became wolves and it’s very cool look at how fast we are now and more now we can jump very high I want to test my superpowers I’m sure that werewolf wolves have a lot of them let’s take advantage of it and make sure to use every strong feature in the battle with the Villager I’ll even take out a weapon to see how I can use it when I have paws maybe we’ll practice on the sheep Wooh Mikey we’re ready to fight the Villager the most important thing is to act together as soon as you notice immediately attack I’m sure he definitely won’t want to fight us because he has no chance of winning but be careful he can use the web at any time and this is very dangerous the main thing is not to let him take us by surprise the best thing is the effect of surprise I think that when he runs out of strength he will definitely give up it is better not to relax in a battle with a villager the most important thing is to drive him into a trap we must defeat him there is no turning back Mikey let’s go into battle now we have to fight the Villager he came running here use all your weapons I will try to bite and do not let him destroy the houses and lives of others in this Village any further we need to catch him off guard now I can see that he’s trying to escape you can’t hide from us anymore you won’t believe it but I’m very good at running after him he can’t run away from me because I’m much faster a spider and a wolf will definitely not be able to compete because we are much stronger n but the Villager is trying to hide in every possible way we must not allow this Mikey catch up with him faster it is very important for us now to deliver a control strike to separate the spider from the Villager try a bite great we managed to do it but the Villager keeps running away from us don’t stop we have to catch up with him and neutralize him these are the most important villains H get out your weapon you can’t miss a villager just please don’t miss it in any case take a clear shot so that he falls and can’t escape anywhere else I see that he is close only with the help of arrows can you stop him just please don’t miss this moment I will continue to attack him further he’s trying to save save himself but I can see that Mikey is determined only to win I’m ready to carry out a control attack on a villager now look carefully oh I still can’t believe Mikey attacked him so abruptly and was able to knock him to the ground now we have to prepare a separate place in the cemetery for the Villager I hope he never comes out of there again you can’t imagine how glad I am that we have achieved the result after all and now no one is attacking our village I believe that we have done the impossible and now the best thing is if we lock the Villager in a cage so that he stays in it forever the criminals must be punished yep Mikey then now I’ll make a separate cage for him I am very glad that we managed to catch all the villains who tried to grab us and take all our emeralds but now they will not succeed and they will remain locked up forever you can’t imagine how good my mood is we did everything is planned and now in the guise of werewolves we can run around the village and have fun we were able to collect all the necessary emeralds after all that’s how our incredible Adventure ended

Mikey and JJ Have 1,000,000 Emeralds in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : @maizenofficial

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  1. The only way I could see the picture was to see if the other person had the picture and I would see it on my screen but it would not let you know so you can just show it on your computer or whatever it was on my computer or whatever I can show it on the phone or something

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