Hermitcraft 10: Episode 20 – I REDSTONE NOW

welcome back to hcraft season 10 this is episode 20 and today I do redstone somebody came up to me in the street the other day they said hi they said they love my videos they said they love my builds they refer to me as a really good Minecraft builder and obviously this is great I absolutely love the fact that people love my building but that shouldn’t be the first thing that you think of it should be oh you’re a little bit taller than I expected oh you don’t have a mustache in real life or at least is bad but I do like your Redstone videos and sometimes your builds are nice people are going straight for the builds now I need to do some Redstone let’s go and take a look at the database this is machine that I designed in I think episode 6 or seven of this series and essentially it stores redstone contraptions inside of it despite me doing a lot of building lately I do want to do a lot of inventing this season and I want to keep a record of all of the inventions that I’ve made let’s get to work on constructing the thing and obviously the first thing to work out is where this thing is actually going to be going and to start clearing out the space for it now it’s funny when this build is in the Redstone testing World it doesn’t actually look that massive I mean it’s a decently sized Redstone build like it’s obvious that there is some heft to it but when you actually start clearing out the space for it in a regular Minecraft world in the context of other builds as well it starts to feel absolutely enormous so now that we have the space all cleared out we also need to gather up all of the Redstone components and there are a ton of them specifically Hoppers there are absolutely boatloads of Hoppers I think in the region of five or six stacks and then we’ve got all the comparators and all the repeaters all of which is stuff that I don’t really have much of so I’ve made multiple trips to the shopping district used up Tango’s Redstone store which is quite pricey this definitely makes me think that I should redo my prices in my own shops again and finally it is now time to get to work on building this thing and of course I am using light MAA for this construction just because it is highly complicated there are plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong and me switching back and forth between screenshots is just going to mean that I am in integration hell for an incredibly long time so I thought I would avoid that by using light MAA and essentially just making my way up through the contraption layer by layer and it was a fun process you know doing it like that is it’s just it’s really nice for your brain you kind of know what you’re doing you can just you can just Chuck a handful of audiobooks and podcasts on and just crack on through and the build makes itself in a very very satisfying way now in its current states there are 40 different slots for different redstone contraptions so that’s how many inventions I can store within this thing but of course it can be expanded over time if I invent more things than that which is definitely a possibility and I cannot wait to start adding all of the things I’ve already invented into this machine however there are still a handful of things to do I haven’t fully filled up all of the RS nor lanches and things like that with items but I I this is the first time that I’m actually seeing this from a different perspective look how much bigger it has made my base look I don’t think I quite realized how the majority of my base despite this being a forest the majority of my base was kind kind of in a line this has really dropped the ey line downwards and it actually it makes it look massive which reminds me in one of the planning videos where I was laying out all of the wall structures and things somebody suggested that I put the farming bits down on the ground level and now that I’ve done this I 100% think that they’re correct so I might swap that out for a building supply store and then have the farm down here with crops making its way around oh then maybe I could have an industrial district over here and the farm supplies are actually separate from the storage system and the supplies get piped in from the industrial district okay that’s kind of got me excited but I’m getting very distracted the base looks ridiculously cool this fits right in the placement is perfect and I’ll finish up that build after this quick message from Big Ron himself hey hey buddy um how many sales have we made this month oh I’ll output that as a binary number how many times have I told you I don’t understand how which is also zero in the base 10 numerical system yes I understood that yeah the first recorded zero appeared in Mesopotamia around 3 BC the May invented it independently C 4 ad it’s times like these where I really regret not properly lighting up my redstone contraptions this this could be a rage quit in the making so that should potentially be our selector all done [Music] okay it looks like it looks like I’ve messed something up cuz that is definitely not the number six looks like one of those German o things is it an umlout i is I don’t think it is but I I know that that is a thing I hope I haven’t just said something incredibly rude apparently I placed a repeater in the wrong spot interesting it is now fixed it is now displaying number 26 slightly concerning that the first button that I pressed had a mistake in it and that’s not it’s not normally a good sign let’s just try something different oh yeah no I need to reset it that’s on me right does the reset circuit work yes okay that that is good but I do think things will now be out of sync like I’ll be choosing the wrong number [Music] now yes but three is a number at least that’s good right press the reset button clear that okay let’s try things again uh I’m assuming six is probably going to be broken on this one as well yes okay seems like I just I had an issue with the six uh if we try the number five five is correct oh wow that’s crazy this time the six was broken but for a different reason I think I’ve got to do a little bit more serious testing here um I don’t know how I got this so wrong okay all the other numbers seem to be working I just had problems with sixes yesterday apparently now I just need to remove all of the junk items that fell into our Redstone Contraption storage system now I need to stop more items from falling into these Hoppers so I’m going to cover them all up with furnaces this should also help the L and as far as I can tell every single one of The Hoppers inside of the system can actually be covered which is quite nice and now I just need to build an item elevator which will transport our books of redstone contraptions actually up to an output chest oh how do I have to do an input chest this Redstone build is like half finished in my Redstone testing world what’s going on all right so this Hopper line takes items from this chest here and puts them into the storage system excellent so this is where we’ll return our books when we’re done reading them and then I personally think that the book output should be underneath the button selector panel that just makes a lot of sense to me I guess it doesn’t even have to be a chest it can just be the exit of the item elevator right that took a lot more effort than I expected but it is now all in place all of the hopper lines are connected up the Redstone has been modified to accommodate for the HPP lines now it’s just the final job of adding in the bubble elevator which will take the items up to the surface and this thing should be ready to go cannot wait to get my sorting system I can find nothing oh in case you missed it I actually have designed a full multi-item sorter specifically for my type of Minecraft base it was my last Redstone video but it was kind of like a redstone video/ hermitcraft episode I cannot wait to build it how lazy am I feeling I need Soul Sand soul standand is what I need there Soul Sand right there would anyone notice it God no I couldn’t do it oh Soul Sand and now the build is finally all completed is there a shop that sells books and quills also would the plural of book and quills be books and quill quills or book and quills because the item is a book and quill oh gosh I’m going to move swiftly on from that one before my brain starts to hurt and talk about the inventions invention number one is the Flor to base item mover we made it on the 15th of Fe 2024 and it is a system that transports items from this input chest into the hanging base utilizing item elevators and item eers of course it is now defunct after the structural chickens died invention number two is the danger zone created on the 18th of February 2024 and that is a system that automatically transports the from ground level to Hanging Base by killing them with a llama who pushes them onto magma block invention number three is of course the database 25th of February a database that stores all inventions created this season stored in numerical order and searched for a keypad invention number four is the boulder Bros elevator which was on the third of June and this is an industrial elevator catering to both multi-ton loads and human Transportation using high torque piston feed tapes and my most recent invention that isn’t technically on the hcraft server yet but it has been invented is the two cart Mis which was created on the 26th of June and this is a multi-item sorter that organizes over 300 different types of items into different categories and then sends them off to the various businesses in the Magic Mountain town so this should now all be working if I place these items inside the system they should all be correctly sorted out and then if I request say Contraption number two let’s say so that is zero and then two everything should kick into place and eventually I should get a book in my inventory which is is is number three oh and I have just realized why it is because I never actually put something in for zero I was meant to put in an item that is a placeholder for zero so that there’s no such thing as a zero Redstone Contraption if you would just briefly forget that that ever happened the items have all been automatically sorted and now if we put in say the number let’s go for number four so that is zero and four okay that book should have been requested and it should end up in my inventory any second there it is book number four Boulder Bros elevator perfect okay so I’ve got the the description and things and then in if I press this button that will reset everything that book is going back to its correct place and now I can request another one let’s say number five let’s go for number five that zero and five and any second now that book should arrive in my inventory and hopefully everything should be matching up yes okay this is working correctly amazing okay let’s catch up with pearl about some trees and also some Redstone hello that was it hello that was pretty cool you’ve built so much since I last saw this place oh really do you think are you and what have you done with Mumbo I’ve trying my best to learn the ways of building a little bit this has been my my task for this season really is just trying to understand how building works I heard you’ve been doing Redstone by the way yeah um yeah I’ve been doing some Redstone I made W in Minecraft wait okay you can’t just jump like jumping a lot of steps you can’t just immediately go into making games and things that’s ridiculous it’s quite simple really that’s good I’m starting to get a bit concerned that we might have switched places or something this season cuz yeah I’m I’m trying to build with like bold colors and I’m about to ask for your advice on trees that is yeah I heard I heard that and you know the best thing you can put in trees this is this is the absolute best thing to make a tree pickles okay pickles oh and more pickles and and even more pickles wow okay that’s a lot of pickles how many yeah you just add pickles man that’s all you got to do add pickles you got to treat like on the top do I stack the pickles on top of one another do I just make like a part of pickles like how does this how does this whichever way it works you know this is a tree right that there a pickle tree there you go okay so I’ve got my trees over here these are this is my little Forest that I’ve constructed now I would say that my trees it was really fun working on them I would say they’re probably if I was to give my own critique they’re probably a bit dense I heard I heard someone say in the comment section but I think this is like artists advice is that trees you have to remember that birds can fly through them and I was like oh that’s a cool that’s a cool saying yeah that is actually a really good way of do of mentioning that yeah yeah so it’s like the idea that like my I mean I guess the thing the difference is is that I guess that is a saying for artists when you’re painting trees I guess when you’re playing Minecraft and like the smallest thing that you can possibly deal with is like a 1 M Cube you probably have to take that with like a bit more of a pinch of salt and probably on this scale maybe I might start getting running into problems but I trees can be DSE as well you know but yeah they do have a point I can absolutely see that I think I think you’ve done fantastic with those trees M this is your first tree that you’ve made you know yeah this is my first tree that yeah insane absolutely insane you you can call yourself a builder like these are fantastic how how how does one pickle in my previous episode I did a wo this is cool uh Montage of like a bunch of places on the oh did you nice well this is cool W this is cool yeah I mean I had to resist the urge to do it like four times in this base alone I think it actually started with this base I was like W this is really cool cuz just just like what you were saying loss has changed since I last flew over in this direction you know I kind of skim past this area on the way to the shopping district and then I kind of took like a a wider flight and it’s like whoa loss has changed this is cool this is cool yeah so like honestly I was kind of joking about the pickle thing you don’t have to have pickles in trees but it it does like it does something it’s a little decoration element yeah it does a little something it’s a little like different Hue in the middle of the tree don’t mind me I’m just bad at MRA you’re struggling down there a little bit you all right this is really not yeah I see what you mean it’s like it’s like a tiny tiny little thing it’s almost like when people use candles and stuff like that it’s like candles are also fall into that camp it’s like this really small thing that you can’t quite put your finger on like why it looks better it just looks better I I kind of I kind of want to see your Wordle I’m so aren’t I’m really curious this is would you like to play it first and then look at theed yeah yeah let’s do it you play it yeah let’s do it I’m so I’m so bad at wle as well my girlfriend is really good at wle so yeah we’ll see we’ll see well it is one Diamond per play attempt I I will you know just say that okay I will apparently a thing today that I’m luring people over just like clearly clearly right okay do I Chuck it in the barrel yep it doesn’t have any Redstone function it’s fine going to break anything oh so I could have just played it for free yeah technically but you know let’s not the honest no M that’s fine that’s fine I grab all of these that’s right they’re all your letters for guessing the words this is very this is very very cool thank you this is already that’s just the surprise no I know this is already super cool I’m trying I was trying to work out how you would do this okay this is interesting what’s going to happen is you’ve got five different guesses which display at the top right here so when you guess it’ll show with feedback how many guesses along you are you can guess on the fifth guess but you can’t guess more than that it locks the game automatically after five that makes sense uh so all you got to do is you’ve got two of each letter so you place you know your word that you want to guess in the item frames that’s just a manual tracker for you and then in the droppers above is where you actually place your input so match the one that’s on the item frame right I was after you’re done going to say I was like huh you understand more about like if it’s reading item frames I need to go back to Redstone school because I miss must have missed that right I am going to I’m going to do your name going to put part my name all right honestly it’s not bad like it’s got E and A in there yeah yeah that seems good nice okay and then where was the button and then confirm guess on your left big green one um yep that is nice o one and wait for it the process I’m going to add in some feedback sound between like the button press and then the letters coming back zero letters what yeah so what happens is when you get a letter correct in the right spot these coup of bulbs will light up to the corresponding letter okay that makes sense yeah all your incorrect letters come back in this Barrel over here perfect and then any letters that are correct but in the wrong spot are of course yellow Barrel this is really really smart this is really cool stuff oh I just got complimented by the Mumbo myself okay I think I’m going to do tough t o u g h five letters oh that kind of tough I’ve got Minecraft on the brain blocks yeah so I think that that seems like a good one that gets like the tea out the way which is always handy oh and you confirm guess you yep no is in the right spot but oh okay they all came back they place in the wrong spot you got all letters you need Mambo you just got to put them in the right order now oh no that’s that’s the this the worst outcome possible okay aha I think I think this is a word okay here we go press it yes yes nice oh flowers as well you you’ve done so good come back here if you’d like look at the noodles all right let’s do it oh wow you got mine carts in here yeah look keep in mind this is the very much the Pearl Stone area this is the hard mode timer right okay okay so we everything out the back here though this is all the the actual game functionality okay yeah you have done this is this is like yeah this is an actual Redstone Contraption and you just kind of you kind of Cobble This Together from from ideas and things that you know about how Redstone works yeah pretty much like I I had the original idea of doing like two item sorters so essentially what happens is when you guess your initial word the letters will fall down through their initial item sort y if they’re correct they’ll go straight through it if they’re not they’ll come to this second round of item sords which just tells you if there is a letter that like if it exists in the word and spit spat out into the barrel over here yeah um so what happened is is when I made this on stream of course I’m still learning about how Redstone works with the different powering system so they were able to kind of help tell me like which systems like I could use to power certain things that I wanted because I knew bulk pieces this is the beauty of this sort of thing like you’ve come up with an idea and then you’ve come with what I would definitely say is probably the simplest way of doing it this is what you you now fully understand the term it’s really quite simple cuz it is really it is really quite simple it’s like it’s like oh I well all I’m doing is like yes the Redstone does look complicated and it always ends up looking complicated but like effectively yeah you are checking does the item in the container match with the one that I want no or does it match with any of the ones that I want yes or no and then output the items into their correct area it’s like that’s all I’m doing um and then obviously there’s tons of things adding on top of it and stuff like that but like the main functionality of the game is that this is this is so cool this is so so cool it’s actually got me a bit inspired well that was genuinely incredibly interesting we have some work to do this thing it looks awesome like I this is the sort of thing that I get really excited for Expos Redstone and stuff but equally I do understand it can’t really stay like this can it I mean it could I I’m the person in charge here here I can decide what to do and if I think it looks cool I guess it could stay this way but let’s be real it’s also not really fitting in with the aesthetic of the entire base so let’s try our best to come up with something here and honestly honestly I’m not actually sure what I want to do with this I’ve popped back into the Redstone testing world just to play around with some block pallets part of me wonders do we make it look like a sort of early ’90s television or early 90s PC you know one of those like beige things this is running database XP I think this manages to look both old and new at the same time this color scheme is based off of an old Casio calculator the only thing is I I wonder is that orange a little bit too intense and would it be better yeah I think I think so I think this faded orange is the way I might also swap out the dark grays for something that contrasts a little bit less yeah I think that is probably better cyan terra cotta strikes again oh and just to be clear I was trying out two separate color schemes here we’ve got the green background and then we have the gray background and honestly haven’t decided just yet I I don’t know I think the green looks a little bit older the gray might fit in better with the rest of the build yeah I’m not sure I’ll work that out as I build it on the hermitcraft server so I’ve got four diamonds for the bone blocks now I just need the mushroom stems and this shop by Tango is beyond hilarious oh is this it’s a shroom light shop of of course it is so there’s no oh is there no mushroom stems place I was so excited to visit this ah okay five diamonds per stack wow this is this an expensive building like gray concrete four stacks of stained glass because that is the smallest amount that I can buy that’s genius by the way force people to buy way more than they need my goodness five diamonds for one stack God right I’ve decided I’m going to go for the gray background on this one so we’re starting off with deep slate and then we’re going to go into the cyan terra cotta and then it’s going to be some of the polished tough I think that seems like a good way to transition and then the top layer is just going to be regular tough blocks now this is where things get interesting now we’re going to start adding in the mushroom stems and all of the beess hopefully by removing these Redstone torches I should prevent a breakage when doing my button panel pleas don’t make a gigantic mess and just spit out every single one of my Redstone Inventions I think things are going well as far as I can tell nothing has broken I just need to remember to replace the redstone dust and the Redstone torches quartz is one of those blocks I only ever gather enough to use when I need it which means I never have it in my storage system but I also always refuse to believe that I don’t have Quartz in my storage system we’re on to the finishing touches now just need to do some terraforming around the bottom and around the sides and now everything is completed and our little mid99s database has been created and I think it looks really really cool I think it’s one of those things that once this build is done and also once I integrate some wires and cabling coming in and out of this thing then it will feel a lot more connected into the landscape but it still looks super cool originally I was going to go really minecrafty with this one and have it be made out of things like copper and and use all the blocks that I kind of use quite a lot for these more techy builds but this this feels this just feels right it’s big Asian beautiful I’m super curious to see how this looks from the forest uh not so good because I’ve forgotten to cover up a spot of course of course the one place I decide to show is the one place that I’ve also forgotten to do right let’s get the bone blocks in yes I have replaced those mushroom blocks with bone blocks don’t worry all right that’s a little bit more like it this is nice very very nice indeed we’ve got got the database the database has been installed into the base my redstone contraptions can be stored and I can live on forever this has been a really fun hermitcraft episode I hope that you’ve enjoyed and I will catch you in the next one see you

BUILDING IS OUT, REDSTONE IS BACK IN! Today we build up the database in the Mumbo survival base on the Hermitcraft season 10 server. This giant industrial minecraft redstone build is an automatic storage system for redstone contraptions to be categorised.


Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. Just got an email telling me my big ron t-shirt shipped while I was watching this video! Super excited to get it! 😀

  2. And he knows redstone, too!? Wow, to think all this time I thought he was just a builder. Never in my 5 years of watching mumbo would I have thought he could do redstone!

  3. this may be my favorite hermitcraft episode ever! i was giggling the whole time and when you and pearl met up to show off your new skills? god that’s my new favorite hermit interaction ever (pearl saying “i just got complimented by mumble jumbo!” was so sweet i just had a big ol’ grin on my face). mumbo i commend you i feel like you’ve managed to recapture your charm and excitement that i haven’t really felt in a video since maybe season 7? i can tell you’re really enjoying yourself making these and your enthusiasm and humor is truly contagious. i WILL be purchasing a big ron’s tee and i hope you continue the quality content in the future. massive kudos to you dude

  4. I love the idea that mumbo is just all of the residents in his village. Kinda like Tom Hanks and the Polar Express or Seth Macfarlane and Family Guy

  5. For the "book & quill" vs "books & quills" I like the later more, but both work because a shop selling them does so as a paired item. Singularly, you use a book & quill. When making a purchase of more than one, you've committed to buying multiple books, and multiple quills. (If you wanted to be pedantic about how you say it, anyway.)
    Mojang could have taken the monkeys out of the equation entirely by calling them a "writing kit", or something to that effect instead, but they probably wanted to capitalize on things like feather quill pens being popular because of certain media influences at the time this documentation tool was implemented. 🤷

  6. I like to think that the creation of the database was contributed by all the residents of the mountain. Big ron supplied the tech, boulder bros dug out the land, jill and bill provided nothing cause they be hoarders, etc

  7. Mumbo, the display would look a lot cleaner and be easier to read from below if you place blocks in the centers of the 8s. From below you see the lit underside of the upper lamp, it makes it confusing which number is being displayed.

  8. Thank you for checking out Pearl's Wordle game. A Pearl Mumbo interaction is not common and you made her day with your compliments!

  9. if you had a pile of books and a pile of quills it would be books and quills but since Minecraft treats them as one item I think it would be book and quills, though unless someone knew you were talking about Minecraft they might be confused

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