Stardew Valley 1.6 – Episode 45: Level 10 Fishing, Town Quests & Night Market Fun!

[Music] welcome beautiful folks it is Harvey’s birthday let’s give Harvey the best gift possible coffee that is one of his loved gifts so uh that’ll help quite a bit um I did top off uh Sam here uh we got Haley topped off I did pop by and give Marne a quick gift as well um it looks like we’re doing pretty darn nice on our gift front um I did drop off already a coffee to uh jod as well oh boy stop telling me how to live my life oh boy teenage fight or young adult fight with mom always fun um yeah yeah she wants to she just wants to go kill things let her go be adventur Guild let her go do her thing you know is someone there ah oh boy hide hide I swear this house is haunted probably because you have the Yoba Shrine in your like living room just throwing it out there all right anyways uh let’s throw a quick coffee around to a few folks here hello how’s it going there you go uh there you go excellent so that should I think are we maxed out now with uh Abigail not quite not quite close though very very close uh let’s also give a coffee to George uh we might as well get all the uh the church goers here uh while we go I got a bit of coffee which is great a fantastic gift for everyone which is always wonderful um not sure who else is supposed to be coming isn’t there supposed to be somebody some other people anyways that’s fine one of the things I was just thinking of we have the AR pick we have the aridium rod we’re still only at the steel watering can and hoe and we do have some money available to us now so maybe it would actually be a smart idea to uh head on back home and grab some of the stuff that we need to upgrade another tool right so I don’t know which one we should do next probably the app but I’m thinking we do all three hopefully before spring here uh gets really going uh I do have a quest for two Tunas as well today and we already completed most of our go around in the um in the base here so I think it’s a kind of a pretty simple day where we head on do I have the mine carts unlocked I think I do right yeah I do yeah I do okay perfect let’s just do this quickly let’s pop on down to go see Clint like so now that’s not worth it I thought about it but yeah not worth okay I think I’m going to do the axxe yeah we’re going to do the Golden Axe we’ll get that going that’ll be quite Pleasant overall very very good all right good and then I think it’s just a matter of let’s try to go catch a couple of Tunas I don’t have much for bait so let’s grab that as well uh Deluxe bait uh thank you that’s good 33 hopefully that’s enough and I think I have I do have that trap bobber I could use that uh at least for now I don’t think I oh no that’s right I do have other Bobbers as well uh maybe I’ll do a dress spinner and yeah I’ll bring the Trap bobber just in case as well so let’s put the dress spinner on there and let’s go get ourselves some tuna so it does look like we’re getting very close to leveling up uh which is great I caught of course a tuna on the very first cast and then uh been nothing since you know never fails right um couple of others though and it looks like I’m catching almost all aridium quality so that that is really good as long as I keep going on my perfect trains which uh so I cursed it I cursed it I see I cursed it it’s cuz I started recording as soon as I record my fishing game goes to garbage this looks like it’s going to be a tuna maybe maybe ohello yes there we go tuna and the level up at the exact same time time that is perfect um other than that uh yeah that worked out really really well I think that’s both of them oh return to Willie right here hi Willie how’s it going uh let’s return to you uh first of all have a tuna yeah good and have a coffee as well okay might as well you know little things um learning some things from Willie never a bad way to go extra 200 bucks can’t go wrong with that I was debating this catfish bait like just starting to buy some of these baits but you know you can also make them yourself so I’m kind of torn on if I should make them myself or you know utilize them together but we did get level 10 fishing which is phenomenal to say the least that’s going to help quite a bit in the whole grand scheme of things uh looks like we got ourselves a dried starfish as well for Turnin that is fantastic very excited about that um very productive day right we got an artifact oh there’s lights on the trees they’re so pry uh I don’t need any more powder melon I’m going to be good without that for right now there’s like colorful butterflies there why are there colorful butterflies hello they’re snowy they’re snowy and bright all right let’s pop on up quickly I did get that starfish so let’s throw that down um that’s probably going to be like an artifact kind of dried up artifact thing right yeah that seems about right okay so uh let’s bounce and let’s head on out and away we go uh I was trying to think of what else we kind of should or should not be doing there is still the way in here right yeah is there like a I don’t remember all the secrets around the stardew land uh but I swear there was one with that I just can’t remember what it is hi joa how’s it going what do we get here uh we have nothing perfect nailed it that’s exactly what I was hoping for all right that’s good uh that’s completed that the next few nights we have the night Fest which is really really good and uh will help us quite a bit in that endeavor uh let’s pop on in to uh the saloon what do we got here oh hi Hi Gus I’ll take your order in a few moments [Music] okay oh Elliot Elliot cutscene oh I did give him a coffee what a pleasant surprise I was just stopping in to relax after an 8 Hour writing session oof o nice free ale I love it I’ll take it I’ll take it I like free ale everybody does right uh looks like we have a few more people potentially here as well that we can uh we can uh at least give out some stuff wait I propose a toast uh to our friendship that’s a great idea Here’s to Us Elliot’s so handsome he’s like [Laughter] [Music] Fabio plus 50 energy strong stuff woo oh [Music] boy that’s some good stuff thank you Elliot I appreciate the extra energy and the tipsiness much appreciated all right um let’s see you know what we have Leia here let’s grab a salad let’s grab a I can’t remember who else is here and what they need I mean Pam loves beer don’t get me wrong maybe I get her a beer she’s my mother-in-law after all uh here you go Pam enjoy the beer Pam seems out of it oh boy Leah have a wonderful looking salad uh hopefully uh it’s good okay hopefully you like it Harvey’s here that’s good uh uh Sam I already talked to you today is there anybody else coming today uh we might see somebody come through at the end you know what I guess we could give Gus a gift right I sometimes always forget that we can give uh Gus Gus a present right he’s behind the uh uh behind the counter there so yeah one of those things uh is there anything else that we need to grab here o a chocolate cake tempting but no but no out of there Shane Sam very good popping by can’t go wrong with that Maru is heading on home it looks like that is about it for the day oh I love the little lights and everything so good it matches my Christmas festive shirt as well which is super important in stardo land of course um prehistoric vertebrae okay I don’t think we need that but that’s fine all right let’s put away some stuff oh we put away a lot of stuff there that’s good to see uh we can put away that trap bobber as well uh did it all go into different fish it did okay do we want to sell most of this fish I mean we could smoke it but oh man the old uh the old coal is going to hate me uh before long here so it might be a better idea to power some of this out of the inventory or you know what let’s just keep all the idium stuff right why not we have the ability to do so let’s keep it yeah I think that’s fine smoke tuna would be good though not as good as walleye though okay noted noted all right we should have some smoked fish some smoked squid and some smoked hbit that’s very nice I love it okay uh what have we been cooking up in here as well anything oh we’re doing pale ale right now okay uh we’ll probably be doing coffee again right away here so that’s good uh the other fish here so the smoked the clam oh I guess we have a sardine on us here let’s put that guy in there uh do we have yeah that’s that okay good very nice very productive day uh getting getting a quest done with Willie getting all those gifts given out which is really really good uh upped our hearts quite a bit with a lot of different people I was happy to see that and uh oh wow we got up there pretty quick with Willie too which is really nice um I think I’m going to do a little bit more designing and placement um to get things a little bit more set up like maybe some more hardwood fencing down this way as we need to get that done here uh before too long as well as a few other details all right after the bit of late night uh set up here I’m just going to make myself some more triple shot espressos because we can and let’s head to bed uh we’ll get a refill on our energy here for the evening and there we go okay uh angler right yeah I’m going with angler we’ll sell the fish for more I think that also applies for smoked fish so that would be quite nice right cuz we’re doubling our fish amounts and I think if I’m not mistaken angler helps with that so that sounds pretty darn good to me all right Penny good to see you darling have a good day uh we got a busy day ourselves as we have a visitor at the door oh and we got the band tonight okay bus stop around 4: this afternoon ooh yeah we’re not doing that today we have the night market I don’t think we’ll be uh participating in the old uh thing as you can see we have flushed out a little bit more of our fences um throughout which is really really good and we have obviously some cows to milk and things like that to do but but uh I also noticed there’s a quest for our sturgeon Pond that we need to go explore I don’t remember what it normally is but uh yeah basically we might as well go get that done here very quickly if possible what do we got sturgeons what do you need you need a nautilus shell awesome I think we have that capability uh quite nicely okay good is still going to be working today uh so we still can’t fix our dinosaur egg uh situation but we can at least uh get our chickens in order sort of kind of okay can we guys guys guys I need those eggs that you’re sitting on yeah that one thank you and that one no that one yeah good did we do it and that one there’s another another one here I know it I can I can sense it okay anyways let’s put him in here for right now let’s grab out ouro uh that’s very good for selling excuse me chickens I need an autog Grabber oh it’s there wasn’t one there you lied to me chickens you duped me uh tricky chickens you got to watch out for them all right because I didn’t have my axe I misplaced a couple uh spot and I wasn’t able to place those ones because Robin was in the way I guess I could have just like moved her as we do but uh yeah one of those things um do I need more I think I need more cactus fruit to uh dry those out so anyways uh as I’ve kind of been going around I kind of hit that spot there I come down to the greenhouse I’ve been watering my cactus fruit we got a couple of days on everything in here 5 days 6 days one day one day okay so every day we pretty much have to come back perfect nailed in all right that’s good let’s grab ourselves oh aged walleye row very nice uh let’s sell that I don’t think we need it oh we got some powder melons too excellent can’t go wrong with that all right let’s grab our nautilus shell wherever it may be I don’t remember where there it is right there excellent let’s grab that guy and we’ll throw it in for our sturgeons uh also we might as well uh well we not might as well we need to uh Harvest our powder melons here not the bottom ones that’s tomorrow okay good to know and there we go all of our powder melons been harvested let’s give our nautilus shell over to our sturgeons there now we can get to level 10 that is huge for our sturgeons uh that will help quite a bit to say the least now I do want to try to get uh this powder melon in next so let’s do that and then let’s add back in the blackberries and the row okay the cavar I think I’ll sell for right now as well as this additional powder Melon now I could have like made that into seeds I could have done all that stuff I know but uh for right now ooh purple mushroom do I have a purple mushroom I do I do have a purple mushroom Shane nice we can definitely get that done easily easily get that done okay that makes me very excited um yeah so we should be brewing coffee that’s good that’ll get our coffee Supply up a little bit we did get some Pale Ale and otherwise yeah we should be slowly but surely working our way through uh those items as well I think I think that’s almost everything that we absolutely had to get done and require to get done anyways today so let’s go pop down and see Shane who I think is still at his house for right now and give him the purple mushroom to uh complete that beautiful Quest all right let’s go unlock the dwarf as well here hi Mr dwarf uh I got all this stuff from the surface uh what is this concept called private property all right uh dwarvish safety manual yes please uh less bomb damage sounds fantastic to me uh to say the least they do also get you the weathered floor recipe I’ll grab that guy as well the big thing here is definitely uh well now this book which is pretty darn awesome not going to lie but the other good thing is it unlocks our ability to get ourselves well you guessed it did you guess it I don’t know if you guessed it did you that unlocks the ability for us to get bombs quite easily right um what did I need again I think I wanted to kind of just take a look see for some coal and some uh iron right just kind of quick glancer looks at each level uh for a bit of time here I do want to go to uh the the adventures Guild I have a few items to sell as well so that’s on my list of things to do here and get that completed as well um I mean killing some slimes and such might not be a terrible idea we are going to work towards our slime charmer ring which requires uh well a th000 slime kills I believe and is ridiculously awesomely powerful uh so I highly recommend it and with our burglar ring now we actually have a very very good setup when it comes to all of this stuff so uh we’ll grab a few resources as we go here uh nothing too crazy uh but little tiny victories as we go I probably should have gone to the skull Cavern but because of the Night Market we have a lot to do there tonight so I wanted to uh keep it a little bit closer to home and we’ll just do some minor farming in the mines the other thing that I was kind of thinking of is well maybe we can get our combat level we’re very very close on it maybe we can get it just to that next little step ST which would be pretty darn sweet so uh yeah couple little tiny details here in the mine okay on that note the night market is open let’s pop in here let’s sell our few items that we had to um very good otherwise around here should be fine don’t really need any of that um how are we doing 640 not too bad uh I did kill a few skeletons down there as well but didn’t really accomplish any of the quests as you can see 22 coal uh nothing too crazy to really write home about otherwise we didn’t even get a full iron bar or anything like that but uh in the meantime we have a lot to get done so with the night market it is a fantastic little market still one of the better ones with a lot of things that we can get done so there’s the mermaid show which we’ve already found the secret note for uh where is it here it’s somewhere here uh mermaid show 15423 so a little bit of a cheat to uh to get that as well but the nice thing about this oh what is the quest uh Robin’s project number of bats in the local CL cave all right let’s try to get hardwood for Robin’s project I think that we can pull that off but one of the nice things about the uh wonderful night market is free coffee no well that is pretty pretty darn wonderful I’m not going to lie and we’re definitely going to grab one because uh yeah thank you desert Trader thank you for the coffee all right very good um there’s all the things that are available for sale and people and whatnot that are down here which is pretty darn cool cool you have artwork uh I don’t really like that piece of art so yeah I’m going to leave that one for right now you can also get into some unique uh foods and such from the trader each day like an eel not a terrible idea uh peach tree of the winter star is good don’t get me wrong uh you also have this guy as well so you can buy the gravestone oh the stone frog let’s go of course the cone hat and then we could actually buy all of our uh spring seeds and I think they’re at a deal or they’re at regular price I can’t remember which one but uh we could load up on a few Jazz seeds at least for right now can also buy a few rare crows let’s load up on a few uh Jazz seeds for spring why not all right in the meantime let’s pop on down I probably should have just taken my horse but that’s fine to the mermaid show let’s go uh do I have to do it now I can never remember this part 1 5 4 2 3 okay no we got to watch the show first I remember [Music] now such beautiful singing [Music] oh yeah there we go [Music] so beautiful man love [Music] [Applause] [Music] it there we go thanks Miss Mermaid such a beautiful beautiful song now we do the event so secret notes 1 5 4 2 3 so 1 5 4 2 3 we got ourselves a pearl very nice that is a wonderful prize a rare treasure indeed and a fantastic way to start off our night market last thing definitely not the least that’s for sure is well we could buy some stuff from this guy but we’re not going to I mean the stump torch is nice seasonal Decor is nice all this stuff’s so nice but not tonight not tonight we are going to head over to our wonderful wonderful little uh submarine guy here and we are going to fish 1,000 gold let’s go we’re going to the bottom of Ye Old Ocean and we are going to try our luck at fishing up a few little uh new fish from the deep sea that we’ve never seen before and there’s definitely some in here that we we want to get that’s definitely a thing so okay and then we get our axe tomorrow so that’ll be a good time to uh kind of start won’t let you go until you finish that’s annoying um that’ll be our time to start farming hardwood for Robin oh boy what am I doing pay attention pay attention to your life pay attention it’s not easy fishing okay don’t get swindled you spent 1,000 gold to get down there get it done this is a good one right off the bat though okay no no no no oh it’s gone it’s gone I got to stop recording I suck at fishing on camera all right last couple uh because you still have the time that it takes to go back up that’s the one thing I’ve seen more P people Pap people pass out on the submarine uh due to uh not getting back home in time I don’t think that’s been fixed or edited or anything like that but uh you know it’s just one of those little details I did take a I got a sea jelly while I was down here which I guess makes sense we’re in the sea um but uh I ate it for the fishing buff cuz sounds good you know let’s get our blobfish Empire going let’s get our midnight squids going all that kind of stuff uh as required right so just some of those little details I can’t I think it’s only only the two right I think it’s only the two that we get down here that’s different I’m trying to remember but uh yeah one of those little details anyways we’re going to do our best to get ourselves at least one more they’re both fantastic for fish ponds so I’m very very happy to have a couple of them lying around this is probably the uh last cast last fish cast anyways uh before we head on up and hopefully we do not pass out uh at the same time oh I missed my perfect oh that’s what it is the spook fish I knew there was another one that I was missing there we go excellent uh yes please back up Pronto prontisimo as quick as possible please sir uh that would be great cuz yeah it takes like 30 minutes to get up [Music] time is ticking time is ticking uh there we go we’re out nice I think it’s 20 minutes I can’t remember the exact amount of time but I think we caught all of the unique fish we got ourselves the Pearl and we also uh got the free coffee and we got some jazz seeds for for next spring that’s very good we got our Stone frog that’s very important for decorations and uh yeah very very successful time at Ye Old fish market and in the mines as well both were phenomenal I think that uh really showed how worth some of that stuff is so uh in the meantime we do need to store some stuff and we are yikes run out of space to say the least um I don’t know what we’re going to do here but uh I’ll figure that out off the bed we go and what did we make hey not too bad all that caviar and dried mushrooms and such seems like we’re getting about 10,000 a day which is pretty good I’m not going to lie that makes me very very no I don’t want to go to sleep uh that makes me very happy to be honest I think that’s a good steady state number uh for the most part so we got a strange bun from Shane don’t give him a strange bun though he does not like that all right so keep that in mind there we go Stone froggy let’s go um other than that I think uh oh we got our Jazz seeds as well okay good good good good let’s put those away in there we’re making some more pale ale that’s fine no big deal there I’m going to do the uh the rounds as we do on the farm got to take care of all your animals you know it’s not not an easy job not anybody can do it you know only those highly trained can pull this one off all right okay so we have the dino egg ready to hatch so we need to change our building to the other uh Coupe for a chicken there we go and then this guy no do I have to reincubate the whole thing oh my goodness no way that’s terrible that is terrible all right well it is what it is I guess um yeah okay my my mistake right I can’t be that mad I’m mad but uh yeah now that we at least have uh our other chicken over in this Coupe uh we should be able to take care of Ang quite nicely otherwise but uh yeah that’s a bit of a setback to say the least um I have been uh I did do some dried powder melon um and I’ll explain why on that end here very very soon but I did do that okay we’re going to sell the cheese that’s good uh I do need to make room for that and we got some more coffee today so we’ll keep our kegs very nice and busy uh moving forward here which is good okay we also got some fairy Rose that’s nice and only a couple more days for our cactus fruit there so that’s good couple of the lingering uh fairy rose that we have from an earlier plant I think I’m going to sell them all because we can all right that’s how that’s going to roll right now okay uh in here uh we should be making why can you not make powder melon jelly yeah you can why is it pulling blackberries I’m confused confused I’m very very confused anyways not a big deal uh let’s drop off our coffee beans we’ll get that going as well we got some corn juice and some pale ale all working quite nicely and we got some seeds in there I could replant those fairy fairy rose seeds and I think we’re going to do just that down in the greenhouse to keep that going uh because we might as well and I’m also going to uh speed grow them are we one short okay that’s not ideal but uh yeah that’ll at least help uh quite a bit with our speed and optimization there as well okay very good uh that’s done that’s done can I make more speed grow is the next question Deluxe speed grow is Oak resin and Bone fragments I think I have the capability of doing this uh there’s that and do I actually have some Oak resin in here yes I do excellent let’s get ourselves some more deluxe speed grow to finish that off all right from there we’re going to head on over to uh the wonderful little uh Clint to get ourselves situated on a great new golden pickaxe all right well it looks like everybody’s off today it’s a Tuesday cursed Tuesdays what can you do hey what can you do uh I guess we’ll Harvest this last little bit of powder melon I’ll probably just sell it all cuz that’s what we do as well all right um in the meantime though uh I have no a which sucks but I do have the hungry need fruit so here is an interesting thing okay it’s requiring dried Cactus fruits right I don’t have five Cactus fruits but It ultimately just needs any dried fruit so I can use the dried powder melon and we can get ourselves to The Next Step the raccoon shop has expanded we get the raccoon Journal weeds have a greater chance to yield mixed seeds I guess that’s okay I don’t know that that’s okay but that’s fine all right but we already got that book so we’re good to go is that the only thing that expanded is we get the journal that’s it that’s it now we start family oh boy don’t do it don’t do it no just kidding just kidding so yeah we don’t have an axe so we can’t go chop down hardwood which is what we really needed to get done today so and it’s already 1: p.m. not ideal to say the least I’m going to run around and Forge a little bit here uh just what I can around the general area uh stuff like that because well we don’t have that much more else to do I might head on up to the mines I guess yeah not not ideal um so yeah I guess we’ll go work on the mines and some uh combat experience nothing else really needed so yeah it’s a thing it sucks but it’s a thing sucks almost as bad as me missing out on my dinosaur egg you know what I mean so there’s that as well all right let’s sell all of the stuff we just got we might as well and I think I’m going to head on off to the mines and uh get that going which means we have to farm a whole bunch of hardwood I don’t even know if we’re going to be able to do it to be honest uh before uh the end of the week it’s going to be a tough one it’s going to be a tough one all right looks like we got ourselves the vampire Ring We slayed enough bats which is great uh anything else were close on not really eh yeah not really but that’s okay uh we also got a Yeti tooth one which is kind of cool uh another thing we can sell to Old Marlin up here uh which is very very nice um the Night Market has begun it’s already 8:20 and I figured you know what I’d go a little bit further and uh let’s head on down now uh to that market I got a secret note though let’s do that that uh by the time you find this note I expect you’ll be living in the valley for quite some time uh I’m honored that you can there’s a very special secret for you somewhere in the valley you might think of it as a compendium of my greatest discoveries someday when you’re ready you’ll find it what what is that note that’s a new note isn’t it I don’t remember seeing that one before um okay cool Gramps I’m all for that nothing posted today uh it’s the Tuesday we got uh we’re way behind on our hardwood uh which sucks but uh you know it is what it is I kind of went like every five like 45 55 all the way down uh in the old uh pecking order there and it worked out really really well uh for the most part uh we got a decent amount of loot as we did that I received a coffee nice uh where did that coffee go there it is okay good uh let’s gift that coffee to Demetrius there you go enjoy a coffee good sir um in the meantime though we got uh what do we have to do I guess yesterday we could have warped right back home uh we got juice that’s fine Bean starter beer super cucumber blue City the Red Fez oh boy that’s dangerous uh that’s a nicer painting painter lupini it’s the mermaid let’s grab that as well portrait of a mermaid excellent let’s get ourselves a suit of armor and uh oh um I guess let’s just eat this field snack don’t really I’m not going to worry about it uh that much but it would also like the stone parrot so I’m going to leave those guys all as is ooh whoa dang that is nice that is very nice I don’t think it’s the same uh rare crows right yeah yeah and I pretty much have those already so okay very cool hi Louis how’s it going um like I said we can warp home but then I wouldn’t have horsey friend here so I think we’re just going to hoof it back literally hoof it get it I’m so clever you know that’s the one thing that they don’t say enough about me is my cleverness my witty dad humor around here no uh but yeah it’s all good uh do I even have a spot I don’t have a spot we got a suit of armor and a parrot that’s all that really matters right let’s be honest here we’re that’s that’s the important stuff right there we also did get the vampire ring that is also very very important don’t get me wrong um I’m not diminishing it in the slightest but uh yeah it’s just a little bit less important than the parrot statue obviously look at it it’s it’s Majestic and the suit of armor I mean come on come on we got a suit of armor let’s go uh uh I don’t know where I’m putting this suit of armor at the moment probably beside my bed yeah and the mermaid perfect perfect we got a lupini original up in here uh that’s very very nice um yeah I still don’t have my Axe and that’s the end of the video today we’re not going to uh carry on past this point but uh yeah little details as we kind of Zoom around the farm looking very very nice as we go uh plenty to get done I misplaced another one there and yeah I can’t pickaxe it I already tried so I’ll be very happy to have my beehives operational again um I’m very curious to uh explore and expand upon that uh we have 2 days for our corn juice dang that’s a long time and I think we actually need more kegs as well uh it’s not looking like we’re keeping up in the slightest with our load up there so let’s try to add a couple of more of those guys I think it’s iron I don’t remember cake iron and copper okay boom and copper very good okay one two and three very nice it’s actually harder on the wood more than anything else isn’t that crazy one two and three let’s get those kegs up and running a little bit more uh so that we can increase our production value uh we should probably also throw grapes in there grapes make wine that’s just in uh so we’ll throw those grapes in there as well and is there anything else that I need to do today uh I don’t believe so not quite yet I should probably start just throwing out those stardo te’s as well and by throwing out I mean like gifting that’s probably a good plan but uh in the meantime I think that’s going to be it for us thank you all so much let’s take a look at our earnings I guess and then uh we’ll call it a wonderful little video slap that like button please more likes Please Subscribe all that fun stuff is great I say it at the end of the videos cuz most people don’t watch that long you know if you made it here hit that like button much appreciated have yourselves a wonderful day we’re almost done winter actually look at that suit of armor it’s Majestic it’s amazing we can get her axe today

🌾 Welcome back to our Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play series! In Episode 45, we hit some major milestones and dive into exciting new activities. We achieve Level 10 Fishing, complete important quests for the townsfolk, and explore the enchanting Night Market!

🚜 With the latest 1.6 update, Stardew Valley is more immersive than ever, offering endless opportunities for adventure and farm optimization. Whether you’re a veteran farmer or new to Pelican Town, join us for a thrilling episode filled with progress and fun.

🌟 Episode Highlights:

🎣 Reaching Level 10 Fishing: mastering the art of fishing in Stardew Valley.
🧩 Completing various quests for our beloved townsfolk.
🌃 Experiencing the magic of the Night Market and discovering its unique offerings.
📌 Keywords for SEO: stardew valley, stardew valley 1.6, stardew valley lets play, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley fishing, stardew valley level 10 fishing, stardew valley night market, stardew valley quests, stardew valley townsfolk, stardew valley new content, stardew valley update, stardew valley tips, stardew valley guide, stardew valley farming, stardew valley walkthrough, stardew valley adventure

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