If You Build It, I’ll Pay For It! (Minecraft vs LEGO)

this is a Minecraft car this is a Lego car and this is a car in real life today anything my friends build in Lego versus Minecraft I have to buy no matter how expensive except this ain’t going to be easy because this world right here will decide how many Minecraft blocks or Lego pieces yall are getting we’re limited on blocks yeah what I can literally get three on this wheel ah that sounds like a you problem guys whoever’s getting number three is definitely the unluckiest person and speaking of unlucky Ethan you want to go first I want this one right here number 69 get three get three even on the wheel I thought it was but it’s going too fast for me to see what that’s kind of good my turn I’m getting 100 have fun with your 25 it’s a good number 25 is a good number come on there’s no way getting 100 good good good good 10 what am I supposed to build with 10 pieces eone oh did I mention you guys don’t have much time so you might want to get building oh my gosh I’m I’m playing Minecraft wait wait wait wait wait even with limited blocks Ethan and Lucy could still figure out a way to construct something that cost me a fortune to buy so I’ve given them only 3 minutes to finish their builds okay girls we’ve only got 10 pieces and 3 minutes to build the most exquisitly expensive thing we can possibly think of for Jordan to buy us in real life what I even build with only 25 blocks I can’t make Prime real estate With This Wait Prime I could make a prime vending machine but they don’t exist in real life so I’m going to have to get real creative to make sure that ey Bozo makes me a prime vending machine so I was looking for my Lego stash and I found this weird little propeller spinny thinger and I was like wo if I connect this to this like this we can get a really good oh we can get a really good spin on this girl wam wam now these may look like AR stands and you would be right if you thought that because we are going to turn these into Prime itself I’m going to make it super difficult for ey bozo I’m going to make this one a limited edition flavor this makes me think of young little lucy girl’s dream to go on a helicopter ride and see the world from a bird’s eye view and there we go this will be the black Prime now we just grab ourselves some iron to vending machine up vending machines are made of like iron right and I get a cockpit to put on the front where the helicopter man can drive me around because obviously I’m not driving the helicopter I have a helicopter license Jordan actually better make sure he gets me a person to drive this helicopter I have limited time we have to hurry up W bam and do a little bit of a double extensin no and I need something for a little bit of aerodynamics cuz I do not want a slow helicopter I want a nice and Speedy one and if I put that in here like this wow that is a good helicopter if ever I’ve seen one girls oh I’m going to take a photo and send it to Jordan right now you better get me a good one this isn’t Prime we got to put some pee on it we’re going to make make ourselves a Prime logo what did you guys think get your mind out of the gutter we’re not making pee on Prime that’s disgusting go ahead and do the straight squiggly line across the horizontal line on the side and now on the right side you want to do the mini boy a little bit down with the small boy coming from the top like that and we have pee on our Banner we have peed all over this thing now all I got to do is take a screenshot of this and send it off to ey B okay Moment of Truth can we figure out what Ethan and Lucy have built starting with Ethan H wait I’m actually pretty certain I know what this is but if I’m right this is going to cost me both my kidneys dude please tell me that Lucy has built something cheaper she has built a what what kind of do hickey is this bro this looks straight out of sci-fi movie some sort of holes buttons thing do the Clock Was ticking so I slammed the pedal to the m and went to every shop I could find since the only lead we have is this is some sort of electronic device JC Car is the place for everything futuristic you could imagine so hopefully we can find something that will match our picture what if I’ve been looking at this the wrong way and it’s actually this because if you ask me this looks pretty close to a fan right I mean some one has two blades and has three but I still don’t understand what this weird little stick coming out the top of it is wait look at this what if it’s like a a drone like a flying drone kind of but this one has like four little bits and our only has one a helicopter do you think that’s what is that what it is they have little things at the end of them I think this is exactly what Lucy was looking for we’re getting this I’m back Lucy I don’t know what you built here but if this ain’t a helicopter I don’t know what is there you go oh my gosh you didn’t are there tickets inside to a helicopter ride Jordan than you so much tickets no oh look it it’s a helicopter like a helicopter that you can fly I got it right you wanted a helicopter I wanted a real helicopter right that’s my dream a real one where was I going to buy a real helicopter in Kmart buy me a ticket to a helicopter okay no you can still drive this wa this is so sticky why I’ll take it hold if you wanted to control it then you should have bu a to control it as well bro no what what the heck are you doing D yeah I don’t think that’s flying anymore no no no no what the heck why that was my lifelong dream I just wanted to see the world the bird I VI this is got to be a vending machine right guys I thought oh yeah great I know what it is I can buy it easy but then I realized I’ve actually never seen anywhere sell a vending machine like where do you buy one you only see vending machines around the place so my first thought was Kart which is like our discount Walmart here in Australia they sell everything now we’ve got like home cookers here oh maybe over here we got the juices the drink mixes uh but yeah nothing that looks even remotely close or big enough to a vending machine guys if I was a vending machine where would I hide in one of these giant stores maybe in like the Home Furniture section we could put a couple of drinks in that shelves over there but we ain’t going to be able to serve them out or charge Ethan money for them after all I’m trying to profit after this okay guys I did find the vending machine but it doesn’t exactly dispense drinks instead it dispenses good looking nails something tells me that Ean didn’t exactly have a this in mind when he built a vending machine I’m pretty sure if I brought this back he would yell at me even if I was to find one how am I going to carry that back bro I’m a weak Boy okay the only way I can do this is by ordering it online which turns out I think is the only way you can get a vending machine so of course guys we have to go to the cheapest spot you can find Facebook Marketplace all right yo there’s so many of them I can literally get this one for free okay now we’re talking but of course a vending machine is completely useless without drinks to put inside of it however Ethan has not been much help at all like what are these black bottles with a giant letter PE I have no idea what that means pee PE poo poo no neither of those things are black unless you have serious medical problems the closest thing I’ve been able to find are these giant black bottles of protein powder right P for protein powder kind of makes sense but then it’s blue as well so I found these this is also protein P look they look almost identical the only other drink I know that Pete is prime but there’s no black Prime the only Prime that they have at this shop is green do you think even cares about the car I don’t think so the vending machine is more important right and if it gives him Prime it’s a prime vending machine it still makes sense right we got plenty of cancy this should be enough to fill a vending machine and for re what the that thing’s huge is this what you wanted wait is it actually a vending machine yo $1 per drink wait P does it have the PE p for prime it has Prime right yes yes wait actually test it yo it’s got Prime energy oh wait wait wait right here right here give me that money give me that money just give me my money look it up I actually never seen if this works a Time real life Prime is it poisoned or is it real prime it tastes like Prime it’s real Prime let’s go he you’re very welcome he got a full functioning vending machine you couldn’t even get me a helicopter ride and even then you got me a toy helicopter and broke the controller any why what the heck I got birth rid okay please give me something higher than 10 anything higher than 10 honestly I don’t think more bricks is going to help your building whatsoever 20 that’s pretty good girls we up this my turn just give me a big number any big number I can make like a skyscraper D yeah that’s a really big number 20 blocks is infinitely better than 10 and my beautiful Lego chest has gifted me with some pretty nifty gold chains and I was thinking about something that’s pretty expensive that I can make Jordan buy me and that’s pretty un prank boy there is no shot I just got three how am I supposed to build anything with three blocks there we go done I’m literally taking the L right now Tada maybe with like a banner yo wait Banner could be it this boy could be cooking if I connect them together enough there should be a sufficient amount to make a beautiful little necklace and then I have a gold block which if I add that to the bottom it’ll be a pendant which will be even more expensive as well I could make myself an iPhone Banner oh this could be good this could be so good what is the point of him making so much YouTuber cash if he’s not even going to spend it on me anyway and why would he buy anything for Ethan I’m way more important than Ethan always have been and always will be o I think we could get a good effect if we do something like the X on the white like that and now we just want to break off the sides like that so it’s not so curvy wory what if we do a square Apple that’s genius you know what I even think this Lego necklace is going to look pretty good if I can get this looking drippy I might wear this all the time you can put banners on Shields but just wait for it if you grab yourself an item frame real quick and look at that it looks like an Apple phone you can literally click it and it works and then we just need to get the pendant connected and look at this girl’s click look at that look at that that’s some drippy Goosey locy I’ve ever I’ve seen one you go ahead and grab yourself a pressure plate of birch wood and then put that on top look at that it is seamless okay just don’t stand on it we have ourselves a table with a little r iPhone and count them 1 2 three blocks used boy we done it boy time to send this one off the E and get myself an iPhone I can’t wait to see just how badly Lucy has failed this time ladies and gentlemen is that a gold chain BR just trying to get revenge on my bank account I found the bling except I’m not seeing any prices which is honestly scaring me a whole lot more they look very shiny oh wait down here maybe something yo okay those are definitely gold chains there do you guys see any PR tags I buying that for Lucy guys surely there’s got to be a cheaper one somewhere around here so I found this shop called Lisa and at least online all of their prices look way more affordable and yeah here in person as well check this out $5 that’s what I’m talking about $7 okay this is pretty close it’s got the chain on the outside little Diamond bits obviously the color was kind of wrong but we can paint like we he won’t be able to tell the difference after all I’m something of an arti please God let Ethan build something cheaper maybe he did I I have no idea what this is which is honestly worse guys no okay hear me out it’s a rectangle with some sort of funky complicated thingy in the middle you know what else is complicated MTH you know what soles MTH calculators look I mean look this one right here is literally white guys this could do the thing and it’s got like the same little black rectangle right at the top of the calculator here and at the top of our rectangle but then again doesn’t really have any buttons Maybe wants me to get him a phone but that doesn’t make much sense to me either because like phones are not white in the center that is clearly white I think I figured it out guys you see e birthday is coming up in a week and I may or may not have forgotten to get him a uh birthday card last year you know all he wants is to be loved and appreciated guys and I actually do appreciate my best friend of time so we’re going to get him a birthday card right look white just like that and I think he wants a Minecraft themed one that’s why the cube is there but look I ain’t made a money all right guys so we can draw a cube on there you know do some doodling with some Minecraft stuff going on for his birthday card and if you guys want to get a gift for Ethan’s birthday as well just subscribe to his channel I’m sure it will make his day it’s time to head back to the warehouse and give them to Ethan and Lucy oh well don’t give them to them just yet cuz that’s not quite exactly what they’ve asked for we need to make a couple of adjustments so I drove back to the studio and quietly sneaked into the garage that’s the necklace all painted nice and gold shiny bling bling bling and of course we need to wish Ethan a happy birthday cuz I’m a good friend like that I mean obviously not a good enough friend to uh buy him a Minecraft gift card but that’s fine we can make our own right I don’t know how to make a 3D cube I learned this trick in school you draw one square you draw lines to the side then connect them boom Minecraft dirt and then now we’re going to go happy birthday to you as we know guys you need to have a meaningful message in your birthday cards otherwise you know are you truly a friend I thought life would be adventure mode but then I realized it was survival mode I’m sure Ethan will appreciate the pun even if it does make it seem like I’m trying to survive from him killing me which it feels like sometimes I am either way he’s a great friend guys go subscribe to his channel as I said I’m sure that will be a much better birthday gift than what I’m doing right here and for the lovely Lucy I have brought you your build a necklace of pure gold oh I knew you couldn’t stuff this one up thank you so much e it’s beautiful you pure gold pure pure gold okay there’s no way that’s real prove it leave me alone look how good it looks and maybe if you wanted something good as well Ethan you should have built something good but I did build something good actually yes where’s my thing your best friend I know you so well and I just want to say happy birthday like a birthday it’s made from the heart I I wrote it from my heart oh Ean wait what this isn’t but I wanted an iPhone an iPhone this is good enough right we don’t have to count that but like she got gold and I wanted an iPhone which means this a strike one boy get those socks get filled yes give me them anyone who’s owned Legos before knows just how painful it is when you accidentally step on one and Ethan and Lucy you are allegedly my friends that want me to relive this pain cuz if I buy just one more wrong item they’re going to stuff my socks with Lego which I have to wear for the rest of the day please please please yes yes go go go yes 50 baby oh shut up I’m a double you Ethan okay it’s taking too long I’m getting head start no that’s not fair come on oh that was that was 40 40 what the heck I need to go wait 40 50 that’s a whole lot of blocks I could build anything let go we got 50 blocks which means we are all powerful girls I’m actually really not sure what we’re going to build now that I’m literally dripped out in 24 krn what the heck this no longer this absolutely look at the go this the silver on the back we do have a limited time we got to be quick of course what we need is some iron because iron the about to make the craziest looking biting neck you’ve ever seen that’s right this has got paint on it this isn’t gold I’ve literally been pranked again with the unpranked build on the floor yuck fake hate it you know what I actually do have a really good idea on how I can get Jordan back and it involves a little door from when I had like friend’s house um and you know what I can do with the door you think probably not much I can see a gun all right we just want to go ahead and place ourselves a beautiful Observer system going right about here oh I’m about to make this thing actually move I’ve also got this weird little canister thing that used to hold the gas for my house and I feel like this could almost be filled with water so then it’s like a water gun oh wait girl sus this out that looks like it’s got a lot of water that can fit in it so we want to make sure that this Observer is facing outwards so you can always click on the side of a block like this and then the face is facing you it’s the my way now what we want to do is give this thing some beautiful looking arms because of course our fighting me can’t look very fighting if it doesn’t have arms oh yeah this is definitely a water gun now you know what I can do with a water gun I can spray it on Jordan LOL that’s going to be so embarrassing for him but you know what he deserves some embarrassment after that embarrassment of a gold necklace now of course I don’t want to just view my thing from a distance I want to be in the front seat I want to be riding this Mech to dust and DT yeah I don’t know what what what is time of day and night what’s everyone’s time favorite time of day I want to know in the coming what about we put this water pump here so that we can somehow use the orange thingo that gets the water out of the gun and if we make it a little bit longer it’ll connect perfectly to our little orange cork screw wow wow a moment for the gun I’m moving for the gun everyone and now for the ground reveal yes you can even ride this Mech of Destruction punch punch okay yeah I’m getting a little excited right now but we did we made a working Mech bro now e has no excuse but to buy me an actual fighting robot otherwise I’m sending this all out into public butt naked and then if we get this little blue extra part we put this here wow that is giving water gun no no I don’t want to open it I don’t want to walk around on Legos all day please it’s going to be okay it’ll be okay it’s not going to be okay are you serious bro I can’t believe he got so many blocks this round he built a whole giant mech suit that actually works I mean those Pistons push back you made it functional before you ask yes I already checked on the internet and you canot order a full functioning Iron Man suit with working weapons however I reckon we could find a remote control version of this the difficult thing is that it needs to be able to hold things shoot things and move on its own oh yo look there’s a robot right here dude I mean it’s kind of lame and Tiny what is it able to do though bro it can fart robot dinosaur H not quite it just yet here guys oh over here we got this robot up there what can this do fun and educational dude educational boo boring okay I mean it can talk but that’s about it we need it to shoot as well oh I think I found it the intelligent robot what an end you see the thing is when it says intelligent that makes me feel like it is a very dumb robot but it can shoot it can hold objects and it moves plus fortnite emotes okay at this point I don’t think anything can shock me I’m literally ready for anything including a gun does Lucy not realize that it is illegal for me to go buy a gun here in Australia bro what kind of gun even has a giant like nuke bomb on top of it oh wait do you think that might be like a water tank so the last place I went was completely out of water guns because it’s the middle of winter here in Australia but then I remembered one place that I always dreamed of going as a child somewhere I prayed my mom would take me every single day and that place is toy World they have literally all the best and greatest toys if they don’t have it I don’t know who will so apparently these days toy stores only sell fortnite guns bro I mean they are pretty sick but I just want a classic water gun to spray my friends with this is legit the only one I found I mean it’s not quite the right shape but I mean it spray water surely that’s all that matters right please tell me I got this right please I can’t afford to lose you wanted a water gun right Lucy oh yes oh my goodness thank you so much that’s exactly what I wanted yay oh thank you Lord you could have built anything with what you had like 40 pieces and you chose a water gun that’s so lame don’t question it don’t question I love the water gun so much I just I already have everything I ever wanted with my beautiful real gold Sol she Ethan yeah that’s what that is yeah anyway where’s my thing now all right I’m feeling confident again Ean you want a massive Mech to destroy buildings a robot that it shoots it moves it’s close enough it’s close enough now show me how it works mine moved in G contr okay so this looks like it was made for a 3-year-old let’s just oh that’s awesome that’s such a great gift wow no it’s not it’s not working it’s clearly not working batteries I just put in fresh hey turn on oh well now he’s dead moving moving you killed my robot works right this is Strike too baby no no no no no Ethan please the Lego sucks put them on boy give me them cars take the sh take them take them yes okay fine fine you know what I lost fair and square that’s okay this can’t be that bad right oh my God ah ah it’s okay it’s I feel it it’s fine it’s fine it’s okay I like how bonus it is down there that looks really I like the like disproportionate like really crunchy sound effects we’re getting from the Walking we just put on the other sock it’s not that it’s okay I won’t move I just won’t move you’re just you’re just not going to move I can’t move you know what that works really well this is exactly why I got my little water gu yeah this is what you de for not getting me a real necklace thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey Mega fan

Whatever You Build Using LEGO and Minecraft Blocks, I’ll BUY It In REAL LIFE! What Would You BUILD?

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Hey Eystreem pls see this I am 12 and I have been the biggest fan I watched all your videos I wanted to say congratulation for getting engaged I love seeing your videos with her y'all are perfect I love your videos also am boy yea and I am happy as hell I would have joined your member ship but I don't have money I loved your serious I hope you two stay forever and pls don't spoil your kid haha cause my lil sis is spoiled she attacks me so nice I am really happy for you I am Muslim.

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