Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game ESCAPE CHALLENGE Part 1 – Minecraft Animation

[Music] all right I’m going to send you to [Music] Earth everyone please give me some [Music] money what is [Music] that huh a box oh [Music] no what is that ah this look weird what was that a [Music] boss H who’s that huh huh what is this H what hey freeze everyone let’s go [Music] [Applause] huh the bogs [Music] huh where is [Music] this h Huh where are we now huh I don’t know huh huh person who passes all RS will receive 100 million wow so much money let’s go huh what should I do I don’t know I don’t know find a door to escape from here all right okay what’s that book we need to find the password 0999 that’s a bomb huh [Music] oh no my leg I want to go home hey don’t cry press it huh huh [Music] yes we found [Applause] [Music] it do not reliz your head Okay Go Okay me two people to say huh I’m L you found a way out go away yes oh no sorry thank you [Music] [Music] hey I found you he oh my God please spare me [Laughter] this is the [Music] lost oh no I am impostor huh you look so [Music] different everyone will be gone to heaven please trust me that sounds great to me [Music] what is [Music] that a donation box really hey don’t clim into my head okay everyone drink holy water ow all right hey do you have any more o [Music] no give it back give it back to me H I’m just kidding man hey money oh oh my God I’m out of money oh no a scorpion a scorpion huh what happened nothing okay I got money now [Music] all [Music] right oh my God poison hey oh my God you kidding me you a scammer you’re a scammer who are you oh my God he’s a scammer run H oh my God guys help help help me oh my God zombie G zombie G is down there oh no help me come here I’ll let you get all your bullets H if you want to save her bring me money damn it hey look at this all right we need a plan just follow me okay [Music] [Music] a you be good that’s his [Music] place great job you go on the left side you go on the right side and I go on the mid come on man attack not going to come here to rescue you oh catch him [Music] come on boy H yeah [Music] Z me go you’re safe now hey you guys today I’m selling water for free look at this oh okay good you guys want to try it all right [Music] right that’s it great [Music] oh what is wrong with me [Music] [Applause] no no no mve huh what is that no no no way away please not no I don’t want to die wait for [Music] me oh hey guys jump in okay are we okay I’m not really sure keep running [Music] we [Music] great oh my [Music] God oh my God we’re we’re dying h y great here we [Music] go that was close look look what is that you ha got you oh my God you get it you can touch [Music] us look at you guys oh Bo SC stopping oh [Music] no oh my God keep [Music] running all right you get it I got a bomb [Music] here huh oh my God what [Music] [Applause] [Music] no oh no four of them oh my God [Music] H hey get it [Applause] too all right [Music] [Music] oh guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] back oh no way thanks [Music] oh hey what are you doing oh my God the food is coming [Music] H let’s eat I love this wow thank you mom huh [Music] why wow so yummy how about this thank you thank you [Music] Mom wow it is so good you have to eat vegetables too no huh I don’t like vegetables what should I do aha [Music] hey huh I’m going to go to the bit so she will go for you guys all right hello [Music] okay huh oh my God what is [Music] happening oh a stick [Music] [Applause] Wow E it wow it is so good it nice perfect hey what’s wrong Mak sakes for US ah okay thank you thank you don’t worries oh my God she can turn everything into Snak wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh ah [Music] let’s eat more no I don’t want I don’t want steak [Music] more wow vegetable we love vegetable now stin you have to isake no I don’t want toake anymore [Music] H what no it’s [Music] Ste hey stoper stoper no give to me can’t back to me oh my God huh oh no no what did you do hey all right hold [Music] her h [Music] ah yeah we made it okay guys let’s eat vegetables oh my God carrot we love vegetables good job [Music] thank you you’re [Music] welcome H all right zombie girl or a doll Dad huh what happened [Music] happen have you chosen the sucessor yet I will announce soon okay Dad [Music] goodbye zombie go [Music] he he [Music] he let’s see Dad I make t for you oh my God no D stop what what is you [Music] doing you want to H me no no how dare [Music] you ah from now on You Will Rule Heaven yes [Music] dead help me help help me h [Music] [Music] I do not need it anymore so tired oh let’s eat [Music] H zombie girl where are you no [Music] so poor [Music] ahuh huh you okay I am so hungry okay wait a second for you eat it feel your child [Music] huh she’s alive no [Music] way thank you you’re welcome zombie girl you still alive huh huh why are you here [Music] how’s that now Heaven is mine oh no hey stop let him [Music] out oh no huh huh who’s that dead why oh no dead someo wants to harm you I didn’t you lied to me oh my God honey honey we had a really great time together we had a really great time together but now you left me [Music] huh what happened oh my God my head oh honey what are you doing here H this voice honey honey why are you here what’s wrong with you I call you so many time huh is that time [Music] traveling hey follow me [Music] okay it’s scar let’s eat okay uh but h [Music] honey your hand thank you no she got an accident [Music] but if I can stop the car okay honey it’s good to walk with you like this oh really be careful what happened [Music] nothing watch out oh my God honey oh [Music] no zomie what’s happened I’m so scared h look okay let me kill it ha I got the red wow oh my God Z me you you you naked oh my God oh my God my bed I don’t want to [Music] say I’m so tired snake stomie snake what’s wrong honey look [Music] snake go away give [Music] away zomie help [Music] me zombie honey you’re still [Music] here oh my God it was just a TR [Music] huh oh my God my [Music] head how I got you oh no give me meim [Music] me give it back to me oh no no honey honey honey you okay no no stop what really back to reality hold it no come back to me [Applause] hello everybody I will show you this today hooray hooray yo yo yo y ready cat yay wow [Music] amazing ready for dolls [Music] okay everyone is Time the show wow it’s so nice I like it nice all [Music] right okay if youone look at this rabbit I put it in my hand and now comers wo oh my God thank you so [Applause] [Music] much right nobody is follow me oh my God I’m going to be rich soon your boot is ready oh okay en a m [Music] okay I had fries huh no more fries for me oh no hey clean it up [Music] okay is is sure [Music] oh what is wrong with the B oh I’m sorry are you all right let me help oh go stuck in my throat [Music] huh hey h a what are you doing I’m [Music] sorry huh oh my God I’m storry [Music] huh you you you’re so bad I cannot te you [Music] anymore huh and you guys as well do it well or I’ll hit you huh h ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] you just let scar you guys run [Music] goodbye good [Music] luck [Music] huh Aras him yes huh oh hello AR him huh no no no no no no no no no no hey what is wrong with you I see all what you’ve done hey no help [Music] me one minut okay this is your M no huhuh oh my god oh [Music] no oh thank you so much Skitty

Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game ESCAPE CHALLENGE Part 1 – Minecraft Animation

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  1. Beautiful,Amazing animation♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖and good job♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖and I love you Forever♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖,and please part 2♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖

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