Pranking My Friend as INDIGO PARK In Minecraft

this is my friend Chris and he’s always trying to scare me oh Chris You’re such scaredy cat so I’m challenging him to spend a night in Indigo Park to make him admit he’s scared this is going to be so easy theme parks are fun not scary even if I do get scared I’ll just lie and say I didn’t oh so you don’t think it’s going to be scary huh Chris then how about we put that to the test you have to wear this a crier what does that do well Guido not only is this going to give Chris access to the entire park but we can also see Chris’s heart rate whenever we want oh well that doesn’t matter it’s not like a theme park will scare me anyway I’m not a wimp like you Steve but we’ll see how much of a wimp you really are now come on this way to the entrance hi there and welcome to Indigo Park the world’s most Innovative and engaging family fun experience a look at this adorable little guy this place is great no you’re great no you’re great no you’re great nuh-uh you’re great no you’re what is this I thought this was supposed to scary oh just you wait quido this is just the entrance it’s going to get way scarier from here on out now Guido we have to look Chris through those doors it leads to a super spooky train ride now come on CR gift drop I love gifts and shops wait gift shop no Chris the ride is over here Steve get distracted all right so now all we have to do is change the side around so it’s pointed towards the spooky ride how do you like that spooky mascot oh wait it’s just a cardboard cutout oh Chris that’s it’s not the way to the gift shop silly the sign clearly says this way I swear it was to the right now come on we’re going to have so much fun oh boy I Love Trains oh get ready for the spook of a lifetime Chris I’ll be right behind you are you sure this is going to scare Chris it’s a spooky train ride of course it is I’ve already beaten that guy up uh I’m sure he’ll be scared in the next area this theater belongs to Lloyd the lion he’s so Fierce Chris is going to be so scared here he comes now stei oh this is going to be perfect come on come on get scared get scared get scared a a cute kitty how adorable oh dude what why would I be scared of a pigeon oh Guido the cardboard cutouts are just not working don’t worry Steve I have a much better way to get his heart up wait wait really what is it we’ll just head under the tracks here now we can overload the rails oh great job Guido so the Trek was going this way but now it’s going like this in a circle oh Guido look he’s totally out of control this is great wow friend you’ve increased the ride speed by 500% you got somewhere to be quo what’s the heart rate looking like it’s not actually Rising that much I think he’s just getting nauseous oh man then let’s just turn this thing off wait what do you mean I may have lost control oh my gosh Guido now he’s going even faster Ste get out the way oh Je dude where did he go he must have gone through into the Next Room surely he’ll be scared now come on Guido this way wait Chris hey Steve where have you been I was just in that are you not scared scared no I had a great time I love roller coasters just check out how happy I look uh yeah real happy Chris wait Guido where is he going he’s going get to the main plaza come on take a look okay let’s see what we can see yes this is perfect he’s heading towards the theater and waiting for him there Lloyd the lion where are you at Steve I want to watch a theater show yeah just a second Chris all right buddy we made it backstage if we’re going to scare Chris there should be something we can use around here wait is that l no that’s not Lloyd that’s just a costume like these masks right here they’re not actually real can you please just go ah fine I’ll take a look uh wait I I swear he was right here okay you know what let’s just grab the masks and get the heck out of here here we go these things are terrifying why are you keeping your voice down well I don’t want Chris to know what’s coming ra how do I look hey guys what you doing back here oh hey Chris fancy seeing you here I was just um doing uh I uh oh my gosh what what is it R look at his H feed he’s so scared wait why is it going down wait what how can he not be scared he could be being torn apart by Lo the lion right now whoa Chris hi are you not scared no way as long as we’re together we can defeat that Beast oh he’s not scared because he still got me run guo give me a hand with this I’m doing you heard what Chris said as long as we’re together he’ll be fine so if we want him to be scared we’ve got to slow him down Steve what are you doing Ste I’ve got to get that heart rate up even higher come on wait where are we going we are going to hide and Chris is going to stay down there guys you can’t leave me down here oh what’s the matter Chris scared uh no of course not oh this is it this is it this is it he’s going to admit he’s scared wow looks like you’re in trouble friend let me give you a helping [Music] hand wait what’s going on it’s seems like that noise is hurting lyd no where are you going yeah you better run you stinky lion can’t believe I’m stronger than the king of the jungle this is going to be harder than I expected Steve you didn’t tell me this place had a pool ah rambley what are you doing we’re supposed to be scaring Chris not helping him he is not your friend what do you mean everyone is my friend no no no no you don’t understand he’s really mean so you have got to help me scare him scaring him doesn’t sound very nice you just don’t understand uh he he steals candy from babies oh I’m sure those babies deserved it what uh he he’s a killer he murders people well we’ve all done things we regret this is not looking good yeah I can see that Guido um I uh oh he thinks your scarf looks stupid what my scarf banana thing does not look stupid this guy’s rude we’ve got to scare him yeah that’s SM like it we’ve got to take Chris from the fountain all the way over to Jetstream Junction that’s pretty far Steve oh don’t worry Guido rambly here is going to help us this way friend oh okay raccoon yes yes this is perfect Chris thinks ramble is his friend and so they’ll follow rambley wherever they want oh over here I’m coming ooh nice to beard thanks you can touch it if you like this is getting weird come on hurry I’m going as fast as I can you’re too slow yes that’s it Chris all the way into jet stream Junction a rusted abandoned parts of the park the domain of Molly maau and here we are Guido jet stream Junction isn’t this place abandoned oh it may well be and if that’s the case it’s going to be even scarier for Chris good news friends the rooftop races ride is now open get yourself onto the airplane and prepare for the time of your life wa I love flying let me on the RVE m not you Steve you’ve got a job in the security office oh that’s right over here come on see um okay what business could I possibly have in a security office wait oh dude this is perfect welcome to Rooftop races Sky Adventurer keep your hands inside the plane at all times and enjoy the ride we’ll do thanks rambley Chris thinks he’s nice and safe on that ride but what he doesn’t realize is that I can control everything that goes on from here let’s start off with h how about some swinging xes what the rambly are you sure that this is safe I’m sure it isn’t yes quido this is amazing look at this hway go up and oh it’s gone down and so is he he’s completely safe down there oh not for long Guido let’s get these spikes involved ah this ride can’t have pass a safety check yes Guido this is perfect but it could be even better now Chris won’t be able to decide if his plane goes up or down this is the worst rrive ever nice job Guido but that heart rate is still pretty low it’s just not where we want it to be you know what let’s just hit these levers at random come on spam them a yes yes yes keep going guo this is it he’s going to H me he’s scared keep going keep going keep going wait I think we may have done a little too much no no no you kidding me I almost hit him wait DDE stopped thank the Multiverse for that I feel much better now Guido go back to the control room please with pleasure what’s the matter Steve upset that I’m still not scared that can come later Chris I just want to make your life a misery hit it Guido help I can’t get out of my seat help me Steve huh what was that Chris I I thought you don’t get scared Yahoo ball pits are so fun my favorite type of pit second only to armpits looks like Chris is having fun again oh yeah there’s only one person that can scare him now and that’s Molly the maau but where is she rambly what’s going on get Molly out here right now I’m sorry friend but I can’t do that she’s the reason this park was shut down in the first place oh I see well I I still need Chris to be scared so just do it okay uh anything for a friend we might live to regret that F uh yeah if we live at all after this I think Molly’s on her way now [Music] Steve what is that she right Steve but we do have a problem those blocks with shapes on them control that door it t point the P to a and he may never be scared again okay so we’ve got to get Molly to Target Chris somehow um uh let me think uh wait I can do this yeah I look like L now and she thinks I’m a friend then keep her off our back for now good luck that must be part of the bod Ah that’s not good we got to stop him from making more progress let’s see uh oh oh this is give me an idea if I break this long rest then eventually I should find yes seeds which is exactly what birds like Molly mcau love to eat and now if I just throw them at Chris ow Steve what are you doing quit it this isn’t the time for your games Molly’s going to be attracted to him and not me oh that heart rate is spiking again Guido let’s keep going we’ve got to find more ways to sabotage him I think she’s gone hey another shape okay the door is still shut that means Chris hasn’t found the passcode yet man I’m low on Hunger is anything we could eat well I do have this that’s it Chris Cook up that chicken I’m sure nobody’s going to be angry about that oh don’t mind if I do thanks Chris that’s three parts of the pass code done now I wonder how we can sabotage Chris next and got it I’m out of here wait what no no no no this can’t be happening how did he find the code you were just a little too slow wa hold on Chris wait for me wait for me oh my gosh Molly’s here we’re supposed to be scaring Chris yeah but I don’t want to die as well rambly rambley help us please I don’t think we can hear us what do I do what do I do what do I do wait there’s a fence okay come on open up open up open up Mo out of the way de it’s of their end tell me how to get out of here Guido’s trying to break through the gra but it might take a little while NOA come on oh thank the Multiverse quo I’ve still got to scare Chris but I’ve got to get myself to Safety First oh where ramble never fear new friend I’ve still got one mischievous little trick to help out in here valued customer you’ll be safe raccoon I knew come back to rescue me you better have something good lined up [Music] ramble hey close the door to the raccoon man we might have a bit of a technical problem there uh give me a minute I’ll solve it for you what no do it now oh I see what ramble is doing here he’s delaying the door closing which means Molly is getting closer at every second help theve quido funny raccoon boy close the door okay I should be able to close that door for you friend but I just need your answer to a little question first what what is it I’ll do anything you say are you scared Chris yes yes all right I’m scared well why didn’t you just say [Music] so oh my gosh Steve look holy moly look at that heart rate it’s out of control I did it I made Chris admit he was scared I did it I did it woohoo yeah yeah whatever laugh it up Steve thanks for all your help today ramble now come on show me how we get out of here oh I can’t let you go just yet new best friends there’s still so much at the part if you haven’t seen [Music]

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Today in the Minecraft Dimension, Steve and G.U.I.D.O from Checkpoint are PRANKING their friends as INDIGO PARK! They need to use everything from simple Indigo Park abilities, all the way to terrifying super Indigo park skills! When Steve’s friend Chris says that Indigo park isn’t scary and that he isn’t afraid of Rambley the Raccoon, Lloyd The Lion, Finley the Sea Serpent, and other INDIGO PARK mascots, Steve needs to BECOME the scariest Indigo Park creature and PRANK CHRIS! Can Steve fool Chris and make him look like a dumb coward that’s afraid of Indigo Park? Can we learn all the skills and powers of the Indigo Park in Minecraft? We are gonna have to become every Indigo Park mascot in Minecraft in this Indigo Park adventure!

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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by:
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound:
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations:

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Cyrus Rodas:
Dallis MacKenzie:
Corey Wilder:
Brooke Johnson:




Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #Minecraft


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