🔴LIVE: Terraria Mod of Redemption Recording Session

[Music] am I live am I live am I live am I live guys let me know cuz this [ __ ] is laggy live streaming isn’t available right now what the hell why does it say live streaming not available right now Bell guys am I live it doesn’t say [Music] it doesn’t say if I’m live or not what the hell oh new Demon Slayer trailer Trilogy that’s crazy I’m live all right I’m live guys let’s see let’s see let’s see what in the Redemption oh I have my chat on let me turn that off I don’t like how that looks in a recording [Music] all right I’m live all right all right let’s go mod of redemption baby do you guys see this oh hey blue mashed [Music] potatoes you guys see this first of all I got to create a character let’s go um what should the character name be [Music] um let me see let me see B Bit O actually I think I already have a character like that Neo’s a is that that just telling me or is that like what juler n that’s kind of lame Jeweler is a bit juicy no video’s going to get taken down name him monkey I I I do kind of like that name though nah that’s kind of uh big Jus I like that so much big dongus is his name it’s get it guys it’s like it’s like um big chungus but it’s like it’s like it’s like big dongus paru bomu a too late I like this one right let’s randomize till we got a good character boom nah too basic too basic why does he look like that let’s let’s mess up the skin color I like this I like this it kind of looks like a vampire where’s he at Big dongus there we go big dongus large world let’s go master let’s go master master and world name is going to be Equestria Equestria like uh like a My Little Pony we’re going to go Crimson cuz I don’t want to play corruption again think my last two worlds and my last two videos were corruption yeah this is my thir this is my second time technically playing mod of redemption cuz I already played it once but um uh it’s kind of uh I had never finished it I I got to like the first boss and I kind of gave up on that what about the stream overly I’m going be honest I have not worked on that at all there we go questria baby damn that sh is oh I have cheat sheet on whoops I’m I’m choking on my spit right now your steam messages pop up on stream no they shouldn’t okay now let me turn off lights and shadows let me turn it down a bit that’s kind of bright yeah there we go that’s good make sure the zoom is correct I like that Zoom I hit you blue one wait wait do I have better zoom on I do why do I why how can you send who’s flare it’s flare is that you how the hell do you send me a steam message do I have you added on Steam I’m un friend you ever heard this [Music] [ __ ] yo can I get tips for Moon Lord on infernum I I I don’t know sh on Rogue I don’t know [ __ ] about Rogue I’m like so lost oh my God we got a donation Super Voice yes I still do still have that goofy Super Chat it’s it it’s different for donation by the way it’s like each tier of donation has a different voice all right so we’re going to get some wood and then we’re also going to get our vanity set should I wear this yeah [Music] sure and then we can make torches no I don’t I can’t even make torches or anything you added me like a year ago or long oh was that for the [Music] giveaway got some torches can you just not put in uh yeah I technically [Music] can let’s make some insta houses boom boom [Music] boom boom am I going to make content I’m making a stardo video right now I was literally working on that while I was um before I started streaming I’m only on year one though I’m I’m I’m I’m almost done with year one I’m on winter right now I’m going to do two years in that and then I got some other stuff planned too for naria but that’s going to take a while because um I’m going to be focusing on editing The Inferno video am I far I’m a year in I think I’m pretty good have you met up with good yeah we just I just got back yesterday he got back today uh that was a lot of fun we had a lot of fun we uh stayed together for like about a week you can uh Adrian streamed uh a tournament he did if you want to watch us he like uh streamed it he’s going to make a video on it too which one of you is taller watch goodg good is not tall bro he’s like he was like one of the shortest ones [Music] there you missed the Beyblade stream damn that was so fun the Beyblade stream was so I’m not answering that Prime but the Beyblade stream was so fun now that I I also got to play the ELD during DLC I got to like take some time out and squeeze that and I really want to play that maybe I’ll stream it I’ll think about it I’ll think about it I might stream the alen during DLC not sure about it but uh we’ll will it will consider it oh Herby’s boots first chest oh I mean like is this Tech this is Tech this is oh you know let me get hyped this is for a video I don’t know why I’m so like laid back ooh all right there we go Hermes boot first chest is insane let’s go I can’t I can’t break this I got the bookcase yipp guys look at me I’m so hype I’m so hype you should subscribe oh my God how does g sound Indian but look Asian he does he sound Indian I don’t think he sounds Indian he doesn’t like accentuate his like teas and stuff I don’t know how Indonesian oh God damn it oh by the way I forgot this is a this is Master mode you think I’m tall look at Waffle he’s 611 or something let’s explore the world see if I can if we can uh find [Music] anything yeah I’m 64 I’m like 66 with shoes on with the shoes I had on and um and uh waffle is Towers over me think about that did you see yes I don’t want to go too deep into it but like I did see his kick [Music] no I don’t want to tell too many stories and like leaked stuff but like yes I’m I am going to like uh make like maybe A Shard on it but I’m think I’m going to just going to like inserted into the stardo video like just be like halfway through oh yeah and then between year 1 and year two I went to vitcon to visit my friends and I’m including that in here so I can write it off as a tax write off waffle is insanely tall he’s also insanely chill like he is so fun to be those guys were so much fun to be [Music] around uh I already did I’ve shown my face like multiple times just go watch the clicker video also you like I said you can just go watch Adrian’s stream I’m I’m in it I I would have won I would have won if those guys weren’t cheating I’m just saying I would have won to be fair I was like semi- cheating too but like I hope next year we he does like a tournament we’re uh we’re allowed to like uh do whatever we want like whatever times uh do whatever type of things we’re about to like you know what I’m saying like uh make make a customize our Beyblades however we want cuz this time we kind of had to like stay [Music] vanilla I love Master mode I mean that’s completely on me for doing Master mode but damn bro give me a break but at least now technically I I just like the Calamity texture pack orus but um you should have used guilty long in this I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is will you be in a VidCon soon we went to VidCon we just didn’t enter we couldn’t enter we didn’t have tickets and they were out of tickets so we couldn’t enter even though we went early morning oh what’s this thing is this doesn’t this like do something there’s Thorns here what’s This Heart Of Thorns summons and an only usable at day I’m not fighting that that’s a boss I want to kill this chicken chicken get get away get over here got chicken x baby three range damage can I throw these I can this copper sh Shard is pissing me off why is it auto swing off the Calamity Shard Mouse looks ugly it does actually yeah I forgot to turn on Moonlight uh give me a second let me turn that on real quick I I don’t like the way it looks what’s the worst Inferno boss the worst Inferno boss for me right now is um ceaseless void because uh I because in my World ceaseless void is messed up and uh the it’s like the dungeon the abyss is melting into the dungeon so the arena is half in my Inferno world right now so I’m stuck on that yeah L M N O P should be over here Moonlight cursor yeah let me turn this on is it blue what is wrong with you you don’t know what I know the best bu Beyblade the tornado Tempest that’s the as soon as we went there I I tried grabbing it but I couldn’t but to be fair mine had a tornado Tempest too but it was like the teu Tempest all right so where do I go now if I go left and right I die free Buck shell what’s this I can use this to make a shell necklace oh [ __ ] going to go for a swim thank you blue mashed potatoes have a nice have a nice swim have you The Inferno play through I’ve been work I started recording The Inferno play through uh 7 months ago I started recording it it mid December I’m still not done with it I have 80 hours on it I think 80 90 I’m kind of stuck on seiz less void I’m I’m going to finish this play through I’m also kind of like I don’t remember what I was doing so I’m going to have to like finish this play through I’m going to end my life I just got one shot I just got one shot my God that [ __ ] that [ __ ] hurt bro I have a demonic spear why am I not using this what am I doing actually let me lock in let me lock in what am I doing I have so much stuff that I can build but I could have I could have made an anvil and like made armor you should host another server tournament I cannot afford that right now you Tech tacus Armor yeah yeah I I don’t know what I’m doing right now I’m not locking in I’m I’m I’m doing I’m being stupid I’m being incredibly stupid right about now let me make an anvil and using that let’s make um I can’t really make anything good I mean I guess I can make a shadewood bow I have some arrows could use this I have an apple next to me let me eat that oh I used the wrong button I pressed the wrong button what do you mean Iron there we go now we’re doing good now we’re we doing good now we’re locked in did you ever play truck I played a bit of it oh yeah I also have this mod on that makes it so Boulders are invisible or not this mod this texture pack on that turns Boulders invisible um just to let yall know I don’t know why I turned it on but um I’m kind of stupid in case you haven’t realized that already so I am going to need a dart trap kind of like in my hand at all times so I don’t accidentally act that activate that why I I don’t know why I did that I wasn’t thinking die die die die die die this is the same guy who beat mesus by the way [Music] [Music] [Music] uh tree bu can’t really do anything with this nothing with this nothing with this nothing with this nothing with this there we go let’s uh now let’s make some I don’t have a furnace I don’t have enough Stone to make a furnace I am so [ __ ] [Music] yeah Loy you already know it baby already back on on the grind what the hell was that do you guys see that a zombie killed it Moon flare fragment oh let me kill the zombie first I I do not think I said that I do not have time to record a video right now with someone else [Music] m m this is good I can use it to make some fire stuff when I won that Smash tournament did I oh hey dinky I think I got that karaoke yeah bro I cannot scream well right now I just drank some tea like um 10 seconds ago that’s why my throat isn’t hurting right now but that karaoke messed me a bad yeah I can sing guys let me sing for you oh let me finish this apple let me swallow this apple real quick still swallowing the Apple yeah you got a bunch of videos of the karaoke I only sang I honestly only sang at the beginning lost my voice tried singing again could could could not sing I could not sing I sang as soon as we got the thing in yeah I sang weap by the way in case you’re wondering ah I’m going to die [Music] uh don’t don’t think don’t go dog you screamed no I didn’t no no no proof no proof I did scream it that’s why I couldn’t like talk for a while like I had to go out and get like a drink so many times it was it was so painful karaoke is painful full movie oh baby look at this there’s a lot of ore here is someone post NSF in the in the Discord can you just can you like Ping all the mods what’s my favorite food um um um I kind I kind I kind of like apples right now well build them I rocking bro I got to survive first first I survived then I can shaie was going crazy bro the stream border thing I never finished it I’m still working on the stream thing I didn’t have enough time to finish it [Music] [Music] oh rubies rubies rubies I love rubies rubies yippe I can’t really look at General right now cuz I’m [Music] streaming you should get stop spamming that Arma ban your ass I can’t get amphibian boots right now because I keep dying I’m in no position to get amphibian boots got a Zenit all already all right buddy that’s it you’re getting banned I think we do love Ruby I do oh oh gold oh my God more gold I’m rich I’m going to make so much stuff with this gold I’m going to make so much stuff for this gold when are you going to fish I’m I’m I’m slow Bing all of you you you guys are not going to go home ah do I have enough thank God I have enough Sapphire for a hook let’s go yippe rip General is getting destroyed but I can’t tell if you guys are messing with me it’s not funny guys it’s only funny when I do it all right let’s see now we can make pin 10 chain maill that looks sick can also make silver and gold using the gold we make a gold pickaxe using the tin we make a tin chain maill cuz I really like the way it looks and 10 griefs too cuz might as well have some extra and using the iron we’re going to make an iron helmet look at the drip though keep the drip bro keep the drip you need to see there are two okay I’m okay let me look at the [Music] Discord I hate you I hate you so much I actually hate you guys so much genuinely what is wrong with all of you I hope I I hate godamn you guys are pathetic can I make anything good like model of redemption using this uh shining ship wiring kit I can make um that I don’t know I can make a trap Soul Bobble Arcane what’s 10% increase Arcane bro wait what’s that a portal rumbles check the map for location there what the Sigma I think I’m not going to be in the Discord no more I’m sorry I’m sorry is that better is that better now are you going to stay I’m sorry how about now [Music] [Music] sh oh look it turned off it only works in the Moonlight the [Music] Moonlight all right so let’s go there you guys hear me chewing my Apple what is that [Music] a living Bloom is that like a is that even going to hurt me it doesn’t hurt me it doesn’t even hurt me look at this thing I kind of feel bad for killing it now it’s just a little night shade I got some night shade though I can make some potions using it and I just died H you know what let me see if there’s a class setup for um this class setup class setup mod of redemption there is so it looks like for pre-boss I need a common guard armor and a Noble’s hellbird common guard armor is made using grave steel alloy and silk so I need a loom and for grav steel alloy I need um grav steel shards and for grav steel shards uh I need to kill skeleton enemies for the noble hell hellbird is the same thing but that’s if I go melee you guys think I should go a melee range magic or Summoner which which do you guys think I should go on for thank you wind what class do you guys think I should go I kind of want to go melee low key I think I’m going to go melee melee melee melee magic is the coolest magic Ranger I’m seeing a lot Summoner baby okay Summoner it does look like there’s some good Summoner but summoner’s kind of bad for videos oh be honest I think I’ll go either magic or [Music] melee I’ll go I think I’ll go either magic or [Music] melee Summoner has least amount of weapons so any other all right then I’ll go maage or melee honestly I’ll just go both I’ll go both Mage and that’s what I usually do right I go a main class and a sub class for main class I’ll go melee for my subass I’ll go Mage yipp let’s go yeah cuz magic you magic stuff in mods like these like all these I played and like the aruman stuff too is really good I haven’t played magic and I don’t think I’ve ever done a playthrough where I’ve G on Magic like honestly let’s go magic then let’s go magic all right for magic it looks like the only like uh mod of redemption weapon I can get is a cantrip staff which is sold by the warf farer there’s an empty house surface portal after first night oh this this guy spawns after I go to the portal I I do remember this I do remember this I remember this I did get to the first boss when I played like in like January I played this I got to the the girl the crying girl leave the portal alone well too bad publicly stupid I’mma go there anyways I said suar because I haven’t seen video of yours oh are you a new viewers at stack oh yeah you’re on Twitch that makes sense didn’t know mod of redemption was so popular uh I it’s pretty popular it’s popular I’ve heard like it’s really popular [Music] actually but either way it’s like a good it’s a it’s a wellmade mod and that’s what like matters even if hopefully like I I haven’t been like too in touch with the mod of redemption Community or anything I but I I have known about it since I started YouTube so I’d say it’s like pretty popular oh and someone’s at my door guy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m back I’m back I’m back this mod is best played blind as you’ll find find it so don’t have to check the wiki too much so I shouldn’t use the ah God damn it so I shouldn’t used the class setups alignment what’s the hell’s I I I I got to the alignment part I just don’t know what it does I did find the structure in my last time that gave me like a thing have I done wrath of Gods I streamed it I haven’t done it in the video I’m doing in my next Inferno video though oh ah ah Alchemist NPC mod pretty good helpful yeah I have Alchemist NPC on are my Houses full no they’re still too empty can I make a new weapon can I make a better weapon do I have anything I can use to make a better weapon let’s see five gold uh this thing can I make a better sword or something at least I can make a silver Broad Sword that’s better that’s a that [ __ ] melted me bro that slime yeah God damn that was crazy oh what is this hello oh this is cold colossals mod I completely forgot I added this that [ __ ] scared me hey oh punches you back off pal back off back off back off oh my God it’s a boss fight die die die die die die die die die oh that does so much damage it punches the [ __ ] out of you it does have it do got hands bro it has hands you know what bomb bomb bomb bomb I missed all of them I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die oh hit one hit one hit hit one hit hit one is it stuck is it stuck it’s stuck it’s stuck let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go why would I try to kill it I think I look at that [ __ ] what do you mean I’m overreacting so act genuinely that scared me you guys just see the weather change I’m I’m out of I’m out of I got a big ballet I got a big ballet die die die didn’t drop me anything plant matter oh all right well anyways let’s go down here look at those moves bro o ooh ooh moves movements movements it’s a bad Omen if I kill it um do you suggest I start YouTube if you want to if you enjoy the game sure but like I will say this leaving Terraria is kind of hard if you’re planning on doing variety I wouldn’t really suggest it but if you’re not then [Music] sure I’m so bad I swear last time I played Master mode it was fine my armor isn’t [Music] awful let me let me make my way to the portal vultur are the biggest Ops yes they just don’t want to watch me succeed bro I’ve been streaming for 36 minutes nah nah guys watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this guys watch this boom ooh ooh ooh we’re about we’re about to light speed our way to the Jungle P gets worse with every play through I know right I know I know that’s crazy that’s actually so crazy I swear I used to be good when I was like when I first started recording I was better than I am right now now like I mean like my first video 10 deaths already that’s crazy almost there guys I already checked that chest right I don’t want to go down almost there almost there dodge the Slime go over the Slime over the top I I should probably get a cloud in a bottle if I can Dodge this one Juke it out Jed it out let’s go let’s go H we’re almost there almost to the portal no we’re not we’re only halfway there this is a large world I kind of forgot about that oh my God die no no no I’m going to die I got hit twice I have full armor I I literally cannot do anything but go mine right now I cannot do anything but mine right now [Music] that’s actually crazy breaking his own ankles that’s pretty funny funny that’s pretty funny that’s a pretty that’s a pretty funny comment you got me there you got me there [Music] man what’s my favorite NPC none of the actual in-game NPCs I like like the ones that are added by mods probably the Brewer I like the Brewer Lo can I borrow 20 32 3250 kilog of plutonium I got 3,000 if that works oh my God no run away run away there’s a water chest though N I got to fight for my honor I got to fight for my honor I need that water chest I need that water chest I’m going to get that water chest stay away bastard I dodged it I got a baby shark I got a baby shark do do doo look guys I got a baby shark do do do doo oh my God oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die no I’m not no I’m not I’m goed I’m dodging I’m dodging I’m dodging everything can you make a video of you humming so I can finally sleep and night I got you I got you uh give me like a couple of days oh oh my God come come at me come at me it it missed why is the music so quiet ah there we go thear of gods music when I I I only play I I I I I never mind what did I just hear I heard something Ed Eddie Eddie poon I think that’s what that said do you plan on doing a spirit mod playr no we already tried doing Spirit mod uh we didn’t really like it too much I’ll be honest I don’t want to make a video on a mod I constantly [ __ ] on but even though those get like an insane amount of views I’m be completely honest all right CM motivated Prime every time I [ __ ] on a mod it gets so much views like my eternity video I was constantly [ __ ] on that mod and it got 2 m I was not expecting it to get like over 10K views and it did amazing that video genuinely I’m still like baffled by how good that video did for the amount of effort I put into it and for like the amount of like stuff I did in it that video blew up stars above I didn’t like either I’m going to be honest at least SP mod I kind of got through I got through the first boss in stars above hated it I hated that first boss genuinely hated that boss and I was like you know what I I’m not I I’m I give up I’m not going to like enjoy the rest of this it doesn’t look like I’m going to enjoy the rest of it the weapons weren’t anything crazy at that point and I still I just give up on that oh where did that come from I was at Max health I was at Max Health come on [Music] let me put uh everything in the chest everything I’m not using I’m not using that I’m not using this this mod will have some yapping but not as much as stars above does that’s crazy it wasn’t even the yapping that I cared about it was just like the bosses and the weapons and like all that [ __ ] it seemed cool at first but as I started playing it I was like man this [ __ ] look kind of low quality and I was like it just I just wasn’t having a good time in it like I was doing great damage too but that first boss was just ass what is your opinion about the ug controversy guy is a dumbass guy is a professional dumbass bro like how and what world do you think it’s okay to like do that type of [ __ ] he’s obviously trying to be edgy and he’s not even doing that right he’s not he’s not being Edy he’s just being like straight up offensive and like just being stupid dragging other people down with him where’s my there it is I can make more silver I should make silver armor probably if I can doesn’t look like I can that’s crazy actually I can make a gaves I should make these these only give me one defense yeah he’s that one uh Tik Tok YouTube shards guy who made that who whose entire stick is him acting like master ugu and um he can’t even do that he sounds insufferable nobody likes him he he people are kind of respected him at first I remember I watched some of his videos like they would pop up on my thing he he was kind of fun he wasn’t like amazing but he it wasn’t bad content you know it’s like milk B content nobody hated him for that he did the KSI thing he even though like he didn’t prepare at all that’s kind of I think where his downfall started people were like mad at him because his opponent was like insanely jacked well compared to him who didn’t even try at all ites didn’t look like he trained at all he got absolutely destroyed and um after that is like when his like downfall started he kind of went into like edgy stuff and he just like entire stick started dying down and yeah guy fell off bad H I’m on Twitch yeah thank you thank you I need more twitch viewers doesn’t matter too much actually I’m just going to start streaming for the sake of streaming that’s what uh that’s what Adrian told me I’m going to listen to it cuz he has more subs than me and I respect that [Music] oh your Frieza right now oh gold chest please don’t tell me there’s an invisible Boulder or ever good I forgot I have recall potions band of regeneration is really good too I need a I need a I need a double jump right now that’s what I need and also good armor good armor and double jump and and life life core crystals I definitely need Life Crystals I can’t believe believe I don’t have any uh Life Crystals he made a new channel it’s called UGA returns nobody cares about that bro he he made his [Music] downfall do I have any advice about Devar of thought fight honestly uh I haven’t fought it yet in a while so no but uh as far as I remember it it’s just aemps you just got to like learn the pattern like I can picture it in my head like that temps and the patterns stuff really well I feel like I I’ll melt it when I get to it I don’t know why I just have a feeling can I play good looking no cuz I’m going to start um I don’t want to get copyrighted on streams anymore cuz before this I didn’t really care but I’m kind of like I kind of want to get into that habit of caring it’s good it seems it’s it’s high quality try to find the pyramid uh is the pyramid a guaranteed spawn I don’t think it is right a God damn that [ __ ] did so much damage step away back off pal no no no no back up dead are you going for a good person or bad person alignment I have no clue what that is yet don’t spoil it though you should play Hades uh I haven’t even played the first Hades uh I can’t really get into the second one that does remind me of a game though I want to play forgot what it’s called please tell me I have enough silver for a complete silver nope not even close okay let me get a gold bow should I get a gold bow oh demolitionist in explosive shans I forgot about that yeah let me save up my bombs make more house is 1 2 3 4 5 should be good enough one 2 3 4 5 there we go now hopefully demolitionist will spawn I don’t even have enough money for the merchant to spawn which is crazy I have enough Ruby please tell me I have enough for a staff I think I need one more no no I have enough for a ruby staff let’s go uh let me put my range [ __ ] away and and uh start dogging on all the bosses time you remember I genuinely almost keep forgetting about them I keep forgetting about those what class am I I’m going melee as my main class and Mage as my subass which is why I should probably also look for these light life fallen stars I only have two about now right about now ER what’s uh what’s ER Elden ring I don’t know I find Terraria much harder than Elden ring I’m be completely honest maybe I’m just gotten so used to pain at this point cuz like I was watching uh one of my someone play alen Ring right the new DLC they were um they were struggling a lot but they like beat it in like 3 4 hours like final boss took him like 5 hours and I’m I’m just sitting there like it took me 30ish like 20 30ish hours to beat the mutant and I don’t know what the hell I just died to so I’m like so I was like oh damn that was I thought cuz I I thought it wasn’t that crazy right 5 hours but he was like losing his mind I’m just like damn I’m [Music] numb decapitated what was is that I keep forgetting this is Master mode and I just keep getting [ __ ] on but the effects and lag make it hard it’s pretty easy the yeah the effects are crazy in that fight oh there’s a gold chest below me hopefully I can find something good in here Droid class oh was that mod Redemption oh More hermies Boots this time they’re [Music] spiked honestly flare gun right now would not be that bad I I would take one I have no Mana I do not have enough Mana for this [ __ ] right now I should probably start stream earlier God damn this is like lunchtime and I’m starting to get hungry let me stream for like uh two more hours right I think that’ll be good got some iron let’s go and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to go here we’re going to get some silver yippe we found silver guys isn’t that just a highlight of your guys’ lives me finding silver God damn that was a lot of clay uh uh let me up let me out we got i w oh water chest oh guilded water Elemental Weapons now have a chance to soak enemies and prone to ice damage increase water damage and increase fire damage what is this [ __ ] got silver though honestly I’m there I’m almost there I’m almost there I’m almost there I just need to find some more silver and I can get a full silver armor but the fact is I still have not found a single get away I still haven’t found a single life Crystal which is crazy that’s crazy bad guys that’s a really bad thing Merchant arrived woo I’m going melee I’m going M Class melee and Mage melee as men Mage as sub if I find a diamond right now I could set up magic storage already and that would make life a whole lot easier you know what else I will take right about now a splunker potion guys who’s with me would you guys like a splunker potion guys give me a high five if you agree with me yeah see I love you guys no why did I fall down I was just observing let me out it’s a pylon I cannot afford the pylon right now I can I can’t afford any of this I’m broke I’m a Brokey or nothing but a broke boy boy boy boy broke boy broke boy I got I got I got Sila I’m almost there I’m almost there [Music] guys traveling Merchant oh boy what do you sell me let’s see let me sell him some stuff let’s see if he sells anything good where’s the traveling Merchant dead there you are W Magic Hat this is good can I afford it doesn’t look like it if I sell this this this this this I sell him an angel statue a baby shark can I afford it now Katana Katana Katana blue chicken is that good is that good what does that do ah I want that Katana I want that Katana I want that Katana that would be really nice actually would not be that nice h to be completely honest demil what do I sell him I got to sell him some stuff is that chicken cute I’ll buy it later I cannot afford it right now I got to I got to save some money up guys wait can I sell this can I just like sell that I can infinite got infinite amount of money that might that might be kind of broken though that that might that might be kind of broken though slightly broken though that might be kind of broken though it’s kind of broken though that might be kind of broken though guys by the way is the music too loud right now let’s sell him some of this Hunter potion don’t need that no value no music how about now let me turn it up then actually way too quiet damn okay let me turn it up more it should not be that quiet let me turn it down a bit let me turn it down to 70 now you guys are lying I I I don’t think I’m going to get enough for the katana I think I’ll just get the magic hat look at me look at the drip now I’m going to go here and talk to this guy see if he I think he should sell a spinker potion right nope boom shurikens only seven I cannot afford this I cannot afford this at all let me sell some Rubes and also this iron helmet and also some let me S sell my tin [Music] armor guys guys guys fit check fit check f fit check fit check what’s the raid the drip raid the drip ready the drip guys two billion out of 10 yeah that’s what I’m talking about I’m going to die I’m going to die oh oh no I can tank [ __ ] now look at me I can tank look at me guys look at me go I can tank it’s a chicken oh my [Music] God you guys rocking with this music I split up my playlist into three separate ones Cal normal and hype so when I need something hype I switch to Hype I’m kind of feeling normal right now so we’re going to go we’re going to go here I’m kind of feeling normal so we’re going to go with the normal playlist all right guys all right [Music] [Music] fellas I should probably explore the jungle more and like more around that area cuz this area I’ve already explored a big chunk of itam bam [Music] let me get um silver armor right and then I’ll go exploring okay pimp okay OG my fault OG my fault Original [Music] Gangster get out of here cave bad you’re about to get get on beu Style get [ __ ] on be you style that guy just got [ __ ] on be you Style hey hey hey Blue Jellyfish it’s time for you to get [ __ ] on beu Style Oh no you’re invulnerable but that’s not going to stop you from getting [ __ ] on beu style though boom boom I dodged it that [ __ ] almost killed me I’m going be completely honest I’m going to avoid that I’ve already died to that guy like 30 times was that an invisible [Music] Boulder go [Music] let’s just go to the cave let’s just go to the other cave I’m tired of dying man 17 deaths already is insane 17 deaths already is absolutely insane I hate the sand placement [Music] Bros actively getting worse and longer so you know what you guys are [ __ ] on me too much it’s time for me to lock [Music] in you see that [ __ ] oh yeah oh what you got what you got what you got what you got dumb ass oh god oh yeah yeah yeah 1 hour Noble this is in my defense misters this is Master mode that’s all I’m saying this is Master mode fellas so you better get used to it cuz this [ __ ] is going to be oh my God I see a gold chest let’s go let Mee there [Music] menacing batt of regeneration L baby a menace that’s that’s that’s amazing because you see guys I’m a menace too so it matches up it matches up guys I’m managing batt of regeneration for a minute oh [Music] yeah splunker potion please may I may I per chance acquire a splunker potion will that be cash or credit hey Bobby look at me I’m white do you guys have this uh gluten [Music] free that should be enough silver for complete silver armor not even going to lie guys [Music] this sh isn’t copyrighted right I hope not I went to Disney World too guys I had so much fun at Disney World Disney World was so much fun actually I didn’t go to world I went to land I went to Disneyland guys it was so much fun it was so much fun no I see a life Crystal no I can’t die here not like this not like this I’m going to make a tactical Retreat oh yes got a life Crystal we found our first life Crystal things are going up things are looking good guys things are looking good right now Chad it’s time let me talk to you guys directly chat imagine I’m looking you in the eyes right now chat I think it’s time I think it’s time to lock in I think it’s time to go our separate ways because you guys are you guys are kind of holding me back right about now none of you believe in me that’s why I can’t be surrounded by haters man hope you don’t take this personally chat I think it’s time for us to split up I’d run if you look me in the eyes damn all right okay or call 911 okay that joking it’s supposed to be a little prank just a little ity witchy prank damn bro oh look a grasshopper statue actually I need I need my cob web for a [Music] y all HT him time no I was joking I was joking I was joking Xander I was joking Xander I was joking I was joking I was joking I was joking I was joking Slither my nut and cobby a b God damn it I survived what the hell was that thing that just was that a spirit I got a steak and a mining helmet provides light when worn that’s good what am I dying to don’t kill me do not kill me you bastard there’s so much loot here if you kill me I will haunt you I will haunt you I’m going to kill you excavation potion oh that’s good oh that’s good guys that’s good that’s really good will you be playing any other games yeah yeah yeah I’m making a sty video like I said earlier it’s a good day to be a YouTuber who doesn’t do private interaction with a minor am I right guys am I right bro me too why are you saying that I do that [ __ ] I don’t do [Music] that I I have a strict to no miners in my DM rule slime you just you you just always have to come in at the worst times right and actually that wasn’t even anything bad that was good I that was positive reinforcement I was saying if you’re a minor you come in my chat bro you are [Music] dying both E and O I will public publicly harass ask you if you come in my chat [Music] God I’m of course I get this [Music] the song okay you know I can’t be mad with the song’s playing [Music] [Music] oh look you all hear that [ __ ] it’s playing it’s getting it’s getting hyper is today’s is today a staring night I feel like I should go I should go explore I’m slowly going in sane I’ve been sane for too long bro this [Music] time y’all hear that sh that [ __ ] goes hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] only 10 seconds left this song or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or a no don’t knock me into that [ __ ] no back off p no Tomodachi no what is that thing that’s a car ah what is that thing what is that I’m going to no I’m going to die I’m going to die no not today if I die I’ll die my way and now the end is near I I up that thing is crazy can I go and fight it again is it still going to be there I hear it I hear it I hear it I want to kill it I want to kill that I want to kill them it disappeared oh still here still here I think I hear it no I don’t it’s it’s gone why am I doing no damage why am I doing no damage [Music] ah let’s go to the right we haven’t gone to the right yet have we let’s go to the Jungle honestly let’s go explore the jungle CU things right now aren’t going according to plans the amount I’m struggling right now is actually insane get a blade of brass how about you get some blade of girls oh my god do you see that swing you see that swing it’s taking no damage why isn’t it taking any [Music] damage is that music looks actually it is I keep getting Yoshi song after Yoshi song but [Music] now [Music] now there is a death counter 21 that’s already [Music] why would I do that Bulgarian YT think about it this way right I have to get a mod of redemption weapon cuz think about it this way right mod of redemption adds weapons and this is a mod of redemption video so I need to Showcase those mod Redemption weapons oh baby oh look look look look two of those guys two of those guys two this time I think I can deal damage no I cannot I cannot deal damage I cannot deal damage I can deal damage back off where my bombs at where’s my bombs at where’s my grenades I I think I put my grenades in the chest where’d they go I can deal damage now guard broken I can deal damage [Music] nice ass fallen [Music] stars why is this demon eye so annoying go away [Music] [Music] bro what is this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is crazy I deal no damage I deal no damage I’m going to die [Music] I killed one I killed [Music] one it blocks from the top [Music] what and there’s another one there’s another one guys I see a [Music] g this is crazy this is crazy this is crazy this is crazy this is actually insane this is insanity Insanity bro the insanity smpp it’s Minecraft uh this is a material oh look I got common guard gaves this is good increased Thunder Elemental damage someone’s a Regal rooster is that a boss can I fight a boss using that it’s Hardcore Minecraft [Music] and an event okay [Music] I want to at least get to uh what all right I want to get to at least uh like two three bosses right first boss it looks like it’s King Slime so let’s um let’s get life I want to get to 200 life that’s what we’re doing we’re doing that’s what we’re doing guys 200 life is my goal right now 200 life is my goal right now 200 life is my goal right now 200 life is my goal right now all right guys y’all hearing me you guys are listening but you’re not [Music] hearing yes sir yeah that’s what I like to hear when I address you I better I better hear yes s back publicly stupid please don’t say that please don’t say that do not call me Papa do not do that I don’t like it when you guys say stuff like that yes Father I’m all ears I’m all ears what I’m all ears what I’m all ears sir all right we’re in the jungle honestly no enemies yet so that’s a good start what’s my goal might be able to reach the question mark H I probably can yeah let me get some more life though all right here’s the plan here’s the plan guys game plan game plan new game plan we get more life all right we get more life oh I give me S choose by let me no all right I should be safe here oh watch this someone’s up Turtle all right well here here’s the game plan guys I kind of forgot what I was thinking 200 life and then we go and do this and then we go and make the the spawner we make the spawner for King Slime We Fight King Slime yes supreme leader yeah that’s my new name that’s my new name call me supreme leader when I address you you’ll address me back as supreme leader all right all right gang now ah [ __ ] where did that guy come from where did that guy come from he scared the [ __ ] out oh my God that guy actually scared me so bad supreme leader but what if the King Slime has a gas [Laughter] oh my God last the pain [Music] away oh gold broadard we’re upgrading guys we’re upgrading new upgrade our supreme leader is [ __ ] at the game hey I’m mildly [ __ ] at the game think it’s time to revolt come on that wasn’t that bad that wasn’t that bad that was not that bad guys guys don’t leave me here guys you know I’m just going to fight King Slime I don’t think I’m going to beat King Slime though let’s go to the portal see what’s there why are the twitch messages so wild today it’s publicly stupid bro he’s saying some crazy [Music] [ __ ] should I play some Hype music guys you know let’s get some hype music going let me switch playlists oh oh yeah it’s time to lock in guys this is it this is it I’m going to rush to the king I’m going to rush to the first boss after one out 1 hour 20 minutes in first get boom stick I’m not gonna get a boom stick cuz think about it I’m going peep game bro lock in listen listen I’m going melee and Mage pookies I can’t see anyone name he’s on Twitch he’s on Twitch I usually have um I usually have the chat around here but um but uh cuz I’m recording this and I don’t like having the chat in the recording I don’t really mind it too much to be honest should I turn chat on [Music] no [Music] no I need a double jump so bad right about [Music] now up [Music] I need diamonds so I can make a magic storage let me should I write this down somewhere someone should make a mod where like you can have a [Music] checklist viig Tre enemy oh what is that what is that [Music] thing oh actually I found this guy in my last play through last time I played he’s a he’s a little chilled guy he’s just a chill dude bro are you a friend or for as long as you don’t use her axe on me I don’t care can I use my axe on him he sells an eglet PCH staff wise mystical tree we found the wise mystical tree living twist wait let can I gra anything with this Living Wood armor I can make suar armor that’s good W of sparking there is a mod to make a checklist should I enable that right now I don’t have enough money to buy this oh there’s lore uh play me one I’ll read that later let me turn on the techlist mod no I made it to the Jungle why did I do that check list what’s it [Music] called what’s it called what’s it called oh they got bar and healer Calamity wow Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity Calamity boss checklist I’m going to beat the [ __ ] out you I already have boss checklist [Music] on what what’s it called is this like list or [Music] something Vanquish mod Calamity and on whoa whoa whoa whoa who wait what’s this oh you what the hell what this is crazy [Music] what’s it called guys let me know craft menu not an item checklist like like something you can take notes and stuff [Music] in that was a waste of prime let me just right here Golds goal is um life 200 H uh go to question mark uh this song is the apex of the world go to question mark what else let’s get five uh Mana [Music] crystals five King Slime that’s our goals for now p is still in beta don’t ask me how I know bro come on I’m come [Music] on camia friend I can’t change music right now we’re going to have to like add it to the suggestion I can’t add it right now you see how much damage I just did if you see how hardwood I I already have one I already have one of [Music] those the mar the ads crafting recip lets you mark them yeah but I I don’t like need that right now can I make a cloud in a bottle uh yes I can no I cannot this other Slime Guy I’m not going to fight him don’t want to get my ass beaten right about now not safe for Teraria I can assume what I from the name I can tell what that is I’m not taking that [Music] I’m kind of regretting going Master mode not going to lie the tree man is gone how many NPCs are the next out I could get grenades and beat a king SL with [Music] it oh is it like a difficulty mod that’s good ah don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] no bro why there is no way this [ __ ] is this hard genuin there’s no way this [ __ ] is this hard I I am I just am I this bad at the game there’s no way right I’ve been this I have 3,00 like 2,000 something hours on this game I cannot be this bad like [Music] actually it is coping but like what what do I do there’s like I’m actually so bad at this [Music] game lock in is that what I got to do oh the music is UN shuffled hold on there we go there we go and ironically why is Master harder than eternity right now I I I died less times in eternity than I did me Master these guys are creeping the [ __ ] out of me bro they’re actually scaring [Music] me okay this time we’re going to make it I mean to be fair it doesn’t help that I literally after 1 hour and 30 minutes I’ve only found one heart Life [Music] Crystal that’s actually crazy to me I’ve like spent most of this time mining not really most with like a lot of big chunk of this God damn you bastard ass flying enemies I hate you so much I hate you so much I hate you I genuinely hate flying enemies right now I have no movement I have no vertical movement no vertical movement no vertical movement I hate you I hate you [Music] no oh I’m just going to go mining again I liter we do not know what to do at this point wi away we bro God damn I’ve played Master mood before I’ve played it so much it was never this hard now what is that the skeleton flag bir bro get get over here I’m going to touch you what is it what is this like make people stronger [Music] should have played Journey mode I should have played weenie Herz Junior [Music] mode can somebody make that for me Winnie Hearts Junior mode please I would actually kill to play that make it like the most difficult mod yet Ferrar weenie h Junior’s mod mode is painful guys full movie full movie Curse of large world yeah honestly that’s that probably does not help the large world does not help I should have made medium cuz like my my other Inferno world is like a large medium right and it literally I I’m I regretted making that [ __ ] medium so much so that’s why I was like um I should probably make this one large and I’m regretting making this large I can make it to the end edge of the world Edge Ed hedge guys get it as you hopefully you guys don’t get it because um I should not elaborate you use small worlds that’s disgusting I’m so hungry I at least want to take down a couple of bosses today eat a life cockroach might be down for that low key how many views do you think that good oh diamond diamond diamond please diamond or is this just an emerald one all let’s see boom boom boom boom boom boom boom only emeralds get away from me you actual lame ass built I got to get more of these shkin no I’m [Music] drowning the fact that I haven’t found a splunker potion after opening that many chests and like that [ __ ] is crazy not a single Boulder how do I get an extract near do I pull that [ __ ] off my ass actually I think I can pull that [ __ ] off let’s see can I does this guy sell an extract [Music] natator the pain the pain I’m in so much pain right now [Music] let me fix this [Music] [Music] my luck is so bad compared to the previous play through my luck is so bad right [Music] now qu Stars can go in ammo store oh actually they can that’s crazy that is cray cray that’s so crazy [Music] losing my mind right now s there but where did I get these how long have I had these how long have I oh my God oh my God I have the entire kit I have the entire kit how long have I had this [ __ ] Bro brother no way that’s crazy that’s actually night all potion too that is actually insane I’m losing my [ __ ] right now good spot good spot good spot let’s let’s chug this chug this get some gold get some golden Life Crystals oh my God it’s time guys this is it I probably should have gotten some more of these boom shans but we’re [Music] good and I also have a extractinator potion that makes like this look look at how quick I dig [Music] get over here get over here bastard let’s go let’s go Life Crystals Life Crystals yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy Life Crystals please give me some give me some right now I want some Life Crystals yippe on everybody’s soul but mine this will have a cloud in a [Music] bottle and a suspicious looking guy oh oh we’re up we’re up we’re up people the drip too what am I get hang by don’t kill me you lame ass loser I would have been so pissed if I just died [Music] there guys is this it guys is this it what what [Music] w see how far I can do that didn’t pyro do something like that I might do that I might do [Music] that oh more Life Crystals oh more Life Crystals what did I do to deserve all this all this gracious all oh my God all that sweet sweet nectar where did you come from me just sell some free stuff it looks [Music] like oh my God you know what it’s fine guys it’s fine we’re good we’re good it’s fine we’re all fine we’re fine let’s get some gold going let’s get some gold [Music] smelting I do want some gold armor if I can do I go down here with the potion you know what might as well yes Wester B this is going to be a [Music] video I forgot the things again but we’re good actually let me rush home and grab some I cannot afford any [Music] uh 5 minutes of spunker I I had a swiftness potion in there too I didn’t realize um careful careful sball careful Sall careful Sall careful I really don’t want to die right about now that would be quite unfortunate that might be a series of unfortunate events gold gold sweet and yummy yummy gold [Music] hey blue mashed potatoes I’m still I’m only like ah God damn I made like a little tid bit of progress since the time you left I realiz all of those sand blocks did 40 damage per hit what class I’m going melee as my main and Mage as my sub what is that then lost [Music] soul ah ah [Music] ah I hate shellies I thought it was going to stop it didn’t stop I have a cloud in a bottle I completely forgot to use us it honestly I think we’re good I think we’re good I think I have enough gold for a complete armor hopefully please I really hope so I really hope I have enough gold I I do not have enough gold for a complete armor at all I’m not even close actually but we this should be good enough to take out at least one boss okay let me make a ruby Crown make a little crown [Music] we got a little Crown Gold Crown let’s go and take this who the thingies Crimson I mean of course we got a sandstorm the Mighty Wind die die die you Tumblr [Music] I don’t like that uh Sprite for the kmer US I’m not going to lie [Music] how song is this Vega stage Super Smash Bros ultimate uh if I can get lucky here I might be able to find some Life [Music] Crystals let’s see slime Crown there we go [Music] do I have bombs on me I do I could also break this and get some weapons this [Music] way I’m going to break this let’s go let’s go let’s go is there any anymore anymore anymore nope honestly I might just die I’m going to go home and with this we have 200 [Music] Health suspicious looking eye drops what what’s [Music] this all right I also have enough rope so I can do [Music] this let’s go to space [Music] as soon as I take out like two three bosses I’m heading off bro I’m hungry I’m so hungry no I’m looking I’m not looking for Islands I’m just like making an arena setting up a place for an [Music] arena let’s go all the way to space though because I have enough maybe there’s something in space who [Music] knows I swear last time I played this mod I I found a whole lot of stuff this time I haven’t found anything like literally next to my place was there was like a big ass ship or something like that I think that’s what it was called I don’t want KFC I don’t want it I spent too much money on the trip I got to conserve my money do I have any dynamite safe stored up in a chest anywhere please just one just one just I just need like a couple dynamites y’all are some bastards bro not a single Dynamite stupid ass losers am I going to cook hell no I don’t know how to cook let me sell whatever I have in my inventory right about now [Music] I just need one more let me sell some gold now that’s enough and now the next thing we need guys is some platforms we need some platforms guys I don’t have enough what for platforms [Music] no we haven’t even found a living tree chest what is wrong with us us yeah us yeah you guys are in this [Music] too if I go down I’m taking you guys with me PL the acorns hell no all right fine fine fine you know what got to got to set a good example for the kids have I had Kebab I’m Brown bro I eat it all the [Music] time I got to find better music I’m not going to order it I I my my momy will have made something my mommy will probably make something [Music] is that enough for a [Music] couple I need about how much do I need 100 per and also fallen stars how many fallen stars do I have four 1 2 3 what do you mean it’s my mom bro no don’t don’t don’t say it like that I I I will actually ban [Music] you do I look skido to the YouTube viewers right now I’m talking to the twitch Guy the one twitch we were right about [Music] now I don’t live in my mom’s basement bro I I hate you I’m going to spit on your [Music] us all right one here one [Music] here one here one here that should be enough time to fight King slim [Music] guys that is not King Slime I do not want to accidentally hit one of those guys ah careful careful careful got to be careful careful careful careful careful careful uh this is going to take a while but I think I think I got this [Music] damn no Cat shut [Music] up where’s he at where’s he at where’s he going to go oh downstairs he’s downstairs right about now in the meantime let me see if I can take out never mind there he is [Music] let me take these guys out uhoh uhoh uhoh uh this is going to take a hot minute bro this fight is going to take a second this fight is going to take a bid [Music] oh oh oh oh bad position bad position bad position right about now bad position to be in should I grab grenades I should have do I have any on me no I don’t I forgot about [Music] grenades I could have uh you used those uh Mana Manas mana mana drops the slimes dropped me I’m getting hit a whole lot right about now can I make a campfire no I can’t [Music] [Music] I don’t think I should risk it I don’t think I should risk uh getting those grenades do with no balls I don’t have enough money for grenades see I would but I don’t got enough money I don’t have what do what do I sell here this is this is all [Music] valuables hopefully this will drop me grenades I got staris that’s good why does it have level on me why does it why is why is it whoa whoa whoa that’s kind of creepy that’s kind of creepy hey Mars you miss me no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t ah no you don’t no you don’t look at this look at this ah [ __ ] look at this look at this look at this hyper gameplay [Music] Mars okay I don’t eat [ __ ] God damn all right all right thought wa oh I didn’t think was that bad broken wrist slimes now yeah holy holy moly holy moly it’s going to almost there guys bear with me bear with me as for this I can uh go oh oh oh I can go straight to the eye right I should be able to go straight to the eye do I have any other weapons I can use on me oh where the present go candy cane blocks of course ah [ __ ] I was looking at Chad I almost died there that would have been so bad [Music] [Music] oh oh stay back stay back stay back stay back got to charge up I think I think I think I got this I think I think I got this once in the chat if you think I got this nobody’s here all right it’s fine it’s over all right I see zeros but I got it though so you guys you guys just got proven wrong light work no reaction yep bubble whoa whoa look at this guys demonic candy cane sword I also got a shadow diamond I can use this to make myself the the Diamond the the magic storage I think it’s time I think it’s about time we start working on that Royal Delight low people take that I like [Music] that I’m tired of I’m tired of this mus let’s go back to cal cal and chill and [Music] we got one more twitch chatter let’s go three twitch Chatters is that what oh my God we’re so up we’re so up okay I need iron and wood is what I need right about now ah God damn it I need a I need a silver too I need a whole lot of silver do I have enough [Music] silver I really wish I had cheat son so I just cheat in some silver that would be so nice that would be so nice guys wouldn’t that be nice if I just had cheats on and could just cheat and know I have I got some [Music] silver oh [Music] [Music] I’m thinking okay so I got to make some of these storage components and then with those I can [Music] make uh intermediate can you go jump off a bridge for me please I I don’t I don’t want I a stupid ass guys be pissing me off bro I need two I need two for this I need two diamonds I I don’t even I’m so irritated I’m so irritated guys guys I’m so irritated guys guys I’m so irritated I’m so hungry bro let should I try fighting queen king slime or like I mean aulu I don’t think I’ll be able to beat it though with how long it took me to to beat [Music] that with how long it took me to beat the eye or that I mean I guess I can get grenades let me see how many grenades I can afford let me sell this oh wait shadow diamond no that’s the same shadow diamond [Music] damn I was able to get a lot of grenades honestly maybe maybe now maybe now I can take out die [Music] Place some torches down for now and fight the eye let’s see hopefully this goes well is that the eye the eye of [Music] Pingus oh it’s my I don’t eat snacks during streams and that’s a bad thing I got to eat snacks next [Music] bro oh I forgot about the grenades [Music] oh my God I’m taking so much damage right [Music] now they just invert [Music] [Music] let me level up I just I just I just said the Duke oh my God oh my God don’t hit me [Music] please I’m starving [Music] I’m starving I’m so hungry I’m so [Music] hungry I’m not going to order food when I have food [Music] downstairs then eat something or I can stop stream right or I can do [Music] that is one boss good enough for me to stop [Music] stream fine I’ll try fighting I I I’ll try fighting Heart Of Thorns if I beat it I’ll stop stream is that the next boss Thorn actually that is the next boss [Music] also the portal yeah I completely forgot about that one I’m not even going to [Music] I got to get a snack cabinet bro when next stream every day until I be this [Music] mod oh damn it I get hit by every single the skeletons are plotting a party at dusk what the hell does that mean yes I’m about to find out [Music] okay I just remembered what the portal is I I remembered then then last time I was like I was wondering what that thing was right but I remember what it is I I found it in my last time I played and it was um I was It was a what’s it called it leads to a place and last time the reason I was able to find it so easily was because it was literally right next to my spawn everything was next to my spawn the wood guy I just realized that I had that wood guy too except he was pink last time I saw him it’s all coming back to me it’s all I just regained my memories for some reason at this point I don’t know I the damn regained all my memories oh my God okay let me um what was I going to do I was going to fight Thorns only usable at day I I just used all my phone stars like a dumbass I could have made another more uh oh God damn it oh it’s a dropping [ __ ] I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck okay uh I see the pattern I see the pattern let me oh oh my God I’m not beating this guy ooh oh hold on hold on hold on hold on I got to stop and pause change the music this [ __ ] is not there we go need some hype as [ __ ] for this boss baby okay okay stay back now it’s going to do the dropping thing so now I just have to do this and go up here now it’s going to oh [ __ ] seeds seeds that’s what the red means I’m assuming it’s going to throw the tentacles now no now it’s uh going to do [Music] that drop there we go easy to glitch that oh now okay the green means that green means projectiles okay don’t want to die there oh that’s so hard to Dodge I mean I guess I literally just have to drop to dodge then uh I think slash attack now oh no that one that’s this one’s easy to dodge never mind let me okay now it has a shield around it and I’m assuming it’s going to shoot more projectiles yep I just took fall damage like a dumbass oh the things are longer too I I can’t I can’t hit it I’m going to die I’m not winning I’m I’m stupid I’m stupid I’m stupid I’m stupid and no permanent spawners too ah oh no I still have the spawner I can I I can do infinite tries that try was not that bad honestly I just feel so slow right now I feel so slow right about now if I had a uh the the fallen stars I could make a this thing [Music] um let’s see another attempt yeah I think I got it I know the [Music] pattern okay I guess I don’t know the [Music] pattern it’s going to do projectiles I got hit by that I just got hit by my own grenade because I forgot it does damage to you that was [Music] embarrassing the NPC from the portal has a good weapon for thorn fine I’ll go do the portal I go do the portal oh guys look at my inventory is so cluttered [Music] I have a chest I can just throw all this [ __ ] [Music] in let’s see my Dynamite I need that star KN those are good need those don’t need this need that don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need [Music] this should be good [Music] enough skills are Rusty yeah yeah that’s it that’s that’s definitely it where did you come from diamond ring nothing good oh DPS meter is really good but I don’t have enough gold honestly I’ll just cheat that in later it’s for video purposes so that’s fine lock in oh fine guys fine since you guys said it I’ll lock in I wanted to stream for like 5 hours today but that is not happening bro that is not [Music] happening be a stigma you’re right you’re right what have I been doing this whole time thank you you thank you drip [Music] Apple oh it’s fine it’s first stream it’s first stream give me a give me a break guys it’s fine it’ll all be all [Music] right brain Rod is getting in my skin trust me I understand that I really do understand that my tummy’s grumbling can I go faster damn I just obliterated [Music] that yeah magic storage would be really nice to have right about now because uh if I can you know see my [Music] [Music] stuff a oh I have this I forgot hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger why is it so hard for me to get there God damn this [ __ ] ah I’m losing my [Music] mind so painful this [ __ ] is so painful the movement is actually killing me get out of me head [Music] get why am I so slow mentally and [Music] physically is that pinky but buff it is it’s buff pinky 9,000 Health God save me I’m not fighting that thing it’s going to it looks look like it’s going to murder me no maybe maybe just one hit just one [Music] hit would you lose nah I’d win yes you see what I’m saying what is this world in water everywhere huge ass jungle I’m still in the jungle how long is the jungle look at that’s all jungle where’s the question mark by the way right there [Music] what is this thing plan matter who that an extractor oh I found a portal oh they roll ow my head hurts hey zos do you know where we are who zepos H zos oh hi there didn’t notice you you haven’t seen my friend around here have have you guess he didn’t jump in oh well I’ll head back to get him I’m going to need a place for me to stay if I come back so see you soon I suppose does that mean I got to make housing for him what are he ging me CH fragments holding this will point you to an ancient structure points me there what a sigma guys do we follow this guys do we follow this guys I think we have to follow this honestly if I wasn’t starving right now I’d probably follow it wait actually okay yeah it looks like it’s got to go here I should probably figure out specifics and just dig [Music] down all right let me go back to some calm music [Music] explosive shortens you’re right you’re so right can’t afford any though are you my special w w w you are my special look like it’s down here below the Crimson well that’s going to be pretty hard to dig around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more Life Crystals around here please nope not that lucky [Music] hey pop balloons I can’t really see either let me just uh start spamming bombs looks like I have to go this way you feel like you’re being [Music] watched this isn’t trapped is it oh look it’s a thing and a another bottle oh baby we’re goed wow well that was something well that was certainly something skeletons are partying what does that mean oh they’re spawning look they’re dancing dancing skeleton can I talk to them doesn’t look like I can’t talk ah I can’t talk to him I can’t talk to him I can’t talk to him lost soul the Incarnation of willpower Blind Justice that’s uh prep Soul Bobble increase Arcane damage crystalize knowledge what the hell this thing looks sick this this thing looks important I can also make a summon weapon using this I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die to Ralph or whatever his name is that [ __ ] did so much D damage dirty wound if you shoot at the glowing things you get them oh I see do I have any grenades on [Music] me I I’m not going to shoot at that I don’t think I’ll be able to shoot at uh so I have to shoot at it but I can’t I can’t shoot at it ancient Doral what what did I just get help me NPCs why aren’t you helping [Music] me come on [Music] where’s my Undertaker ad let me try shooting at him with a gun Maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah you do have to shoot them you do have to shoot them skeleton assassin isn’t that uh Subzero or whatever his name is Scorpion lost soul gra steel shards 10 okay I can I this is good this is good I can use this to make uh gra steel stuff God damn it try and get the now I want to make the ancient uh spear that’s the one I want right now skeletons got bored and went home [Music] okay how many did I get 12 lost souls music box music box music box Gloom mushroom dusk song that’s hard mode that’s hard mode that’s hard mode that’s hard mode I can make a king Oak staff not right now I need a grim Shard with would just drop from a boss I can also make crystallized knowledge no I cannot bird Bobble I can make this right now the player occasionally mat causing everyone to get a small damage boost magic damage Boo this is good for Mana okay so this one’s good for Mana but these grave steel ingots are the like big thing I want the important than you cuz you can use these to make grap steel alloy I can only make nine please tell me that’s all I need I need double that chomping change you can make some crazy stuff with this GIC Stone I don’t have that I can’t really make anything with this [Music] [Music] can’t really grab that without dying actually yes I can do this yippee oh look life uh Stars these are good these are good these are good I can use this to upgrade my uh base in the morning just need two more just one more skeletons with the spear can also drop them actually 4% but still able to okay okay that’s good God damn it bro [Music] f he [Music] [Music] I’m about in the same spot you’re at in this mod all [Music] right Daryl the wafer has returned oh he’s [Music] back give to us ear Undead s currency commit Mass scroll genocide all right I thought that was a mimic for some reason can I break these no I can’t oh look a chest uh there’s nothing in there oh I guess that’s a music box I can’t listen to music because it’s going to messed the video up up look antique Doral cursed gem a material a gem or an eye Talis of alignment I craft combine this with oh look I can make it right now greenings I’m the Chalice of alignment and I judge the actions of my possessor do you wish for an explanation of the alignment yes certain actions will align you with good or evil forces fighting evil or helping those in need sets you along a righteous path with unique items and quests H assisting evil or slaying its opposition sets you along a path of abominable ax and unfor forbidden power battles in will be altered by your path huh FES may take you more seriously some less so [Music] some actions can be redeemed restoring your lost alignment the path you choose is up to you so it’s like genocide and [Music] pacifist is that a chest down there time to find [Music] out we got genocide and pacifist in terrari oh trap Soul bubble what the hell I need that I need that that’s good don’t need one of these hard uh probably these are better a container for friendly spirits to a you find willing spirits and request I don’t know what that is but yeah there will be a chest on the other side of the hall too like [Music] there oh there is please tell me this has a diamond in it no oh boss spawner [Music] elderwood antique dorl what’s that thing Grand larva can I bomb this place time to find out [Music] nope cannot bomb I I don’t want to like dig all the way actually I guess I can use a sticky bombs ah I hid myself so much 35 deaths I’m so hungry uh let me okay I didn’t get anything good from there so let me just put this [ __ ] I just need a diamond bro I need to kill kill the eye so I can get the shadow diamond from it or something like that oh I got a ton of grave steel I can make I can make the spear I can make the spear I can make the spear whoa whoa wo wait wait wait wait wait this is goed this is goed we’re go we’re goed we’re goed we’re goed we’re goed we’re goed I just need a go here get some wood now I have I have the grave steel shards I can use this to get one more attackers also take damage H this is good kind of want to save that though let me make one of these [Music] Noble’s hellbird what the hell okay like this I can use it normally and then like this I can do this I did follow off James again that’s like a known thing hopefully I’ll go up again but watch this guys boom no damage I do no damage I do no [Music] damage hold on hold on let me add another [Music] Arena oh there we go that’s good and let me need let me get my grenades out where’s my grenades at where’s my grenades at where’s my grenades at where my grenades at there there they are [Music] grenades are definitely the most like efficient way to deal damage [Music] though I’m going to die I’m going to die there I’m going to die there that’s on me that’s on me I’m so stupid for [Music] that at least now I can like uh do a lot of uh with this [Music] [Music] all right half phase half second phase second phase second phase soon please I think just one more shot and second phase nope still on first phas but I do kind of know the pattern now never mind that attack always hits me first that slash attack is so quick [Music] please don’t hit me please don’t hit me please don’t hit me please don’t hit me no I killed myself I killed myself with my own grenade sucks to suck I guess let me use a vendetta potion see how what this [Music] does I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m stuck I’m I’m so slow bleeding canot why is it it’s so slow okay this boss just doesn’t do contact damage it just makes you slow and like take you like damage over time I hate that slashing attack so much genuinely hate that [ __ ] so much oh my God bro oh my God there’s no way I’m this bad I’ve beaten this guy I beat this guy last time so first try this is insane this is insane you know what I’m going to start but I want to start I’m going to beat this guy first then stop streaming but I feel like if I stop stream and come tomorrow I’ll like do so much better I’ll like straight up melted a fire weapon I don’t know where to get a fire weapon I can’t d or fine you know what no no no no cuz usually what what I do when I do this when I’m recording is I just pause the footage and go like eat and come back and melt Crimson spear shut up oh look Talis of alignment there’s something to say about the item you hold this you are truly neutral damn [Music] maybe from the guy from the portal oh yeah doesn’t he sell a flint and steel is that what I used to like beat it last time do I still have my footage hold on let me see do I still have my footage from all the the other time I recorded let’s see let me see what I use to beat it then [Music] recordings doesn’t look like it but I move recordings all the time recording where’s my recording folder my other one is it in here that’s flash games video items music no recordings B recordings uh let me check my ssgs give me a second I know I beat like melted last storm remember what I used ssds where you at where where did I store all my ssds at God damn it I forgot where I put my ssds they have so much [ __ ] on them where did I put them I went on a break for a week I put them away so my setup didn’t look ugly and I just lost them [Music] I found it I found I found my SSD guys let’s see SSD number one [Music] you guys hear that hold on let me see recordings empty empty recordings there’s nothing in here recordings keyboard nothing in there nothing in there this one doesn’t have it D this one doesn’t have anything got some Minecraft videos on it uh Redemption Redemption Redemption some more Minecraft stuff nope nothing on this one give me a second guys let’s see let’s try number two sorry about this my tomodachis all right now let’s see this one looks like no it just has some other [ __ ] on it uh uh well I don’t have the recording I don’t know what I used I swear last time things went so smooth this time it’s going everything is going wrong probably just cuz I’m hungry honestly [Music] [Music] I killed myself with my own grenade again all right let me uh go and talk to the portal guy again then but I got to go all the way there or is my houseing full apparently he lives here [Music] wait can I use this to like speed myself up looks like it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this this mod of redemption new no it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s been out for a while I think it’s still in beta though that’s a whole lot of bosses and stuff a lot of bosses and that’s a lot of bosses [Music] [Music] uh stay away stay away please not again not this [ __ ] not this [ __ ] [Music] this actually doesn’t do that much damage I using this right I’m actually losing my [Music] mind the fact that the portal is like 30 mil away from me is so infuriating to me right now especially cuz the last time I played it was like literally right next to my base make a sky bridge I can I don’t have enough wood though I’m going to have to get wood I’m going to have to do all [Music] that insta platform I don’t have enough stuff for an insta platform right now I just beat the [ __ ] out of her [Music] you feel an evil presence watching you that is so nice I love life right now guys this is so fun this is so fun I just keep getting [ __ ] [Music] on it’s fine we’re good we’re good why can’t I not even actually I think I can make an insta platform hold on I should be able to make one there we go last one let me just add a third floor to my [Music] Arena he’s at the house cuz it’s night now does he like Auto move in oh he is [Music] no you just love life why is there so many enemies I hate Master mode Master mode was never this annoying bro kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill [Music] me hello sorry for it but I lost my friend to the mind if I stay here feel free to stay here thank you I can shop and get some no can’t never never never let me be happy I can’t be happy for once he was selling some good items I cannot be happy I just can’t be happy just don’t want me to be happy [Music] [Music] [Music] why is Eggman here bro I do not know I’m trying to get this guy on his second phase there we go second phase second [Music] phase we’re not doing that bad this attempt honestly started off kind of bad but uh overall not a bad attempt just got to make sure I don’t accidentally kill myself when throwing grenades [Music] got to be careful with my grenades bro these are these are some heavy [Music] weapons do I have enough uh F stars to make Mana Crystal yes I do actually I can upgrade my Mana three times baby we’re almost Max Mana I pressed the wrong button no no please don’t do that please pleas don’t do that please don’t do that please don’t do that I don’t like it when you do that I don’t like it when you do that I don’t like it when you do that I don’t like it when you do this that movement was so sick I’m so proud of myself for doing that [ __ ] right now that was so cool guys was that not cool [Music] [Music] thank you thank you I forgot yeah I forgot you guys have to call me supreme leader forgot about that [Music] rule no no no just die die die bastard hey we did it guys we’re so good it’s over it’s over no no now it’s over now it’s over wait can I goat status achieved goat status achieved goat status bro what kind oh my God so goated they all say in unison so good that they all say in unison anyways now now I can make I have enough Shadow diamonds to make myself uh Magic storage so first let’s do that I’m going I’m going Sigma uh why can I not make the thingy why can I not make it I need emeralds I don’t have emeralds in my hand right now I did I sell all no I still have emeralds I thought I sold them all for a second there storage hard baby oh my God and a storage unit and with this we can officially set up our magic storage the supreme leader the grand Emperor this was quite a good attempt thank you thank you thank thank you TDM show I’ll uh I’ll I I’m I’ll think about giving you a promotion [Music] soon an takes for getting the herur ter blade uh [Music] no oh my god with this we can store all our items in one place thank you public stupid I love those messages so much now with this all I have to do is get some silver why can I not craft any more of these I forgot let’s see what what do I need for this I need a chest and 10 silver I need chests and also Sapphire there we go got some chests let me make the crafting interface first of all make the crafting interface and then we’re going to make some storage units I can only make two for now but uh hopefully that’s enough that was an amazing craft supreme leader thank you thank you thank you thank you everything I need let me favor it oh I was born in Pakistan praise glaz if that’s what you mean but now I live in Colorado [Music] [Music] Stree leader is the [Laughter] strongest oh my God I don’t know how long this can continue but I want it to continue for as long as possible that sounded kind of weird to say I’m going to be honest that sounded not kind of weird that sounded really weird to say God damn it I’m almost out of uh space I think the supreme leader has a God compx I think so too yeah the food there is great uh what’s it called storage I can make a crimon storage right uh yes [Music] I just put this here put this here put this here and I can make a storage [Music] yeah I think so too I think I should get some gut and some food yep yep yep yep yep I hate you guys so much by the [Music] way what what I did not mean to craft that I did not mean to craft that I wanted to craft uh this [Music] [Music] look at that guy just staring at me look at him just staring at me from the Shadows oh my God no get over get your ass over here get your ass over here yeah rammed got rammed buddy all right with this we should be we’re done all our stuff is put away we’re so goated we are so goated bro God damn call us Mr Mr Mr and Mrs goed cuz we’re goed guys get it get it I don’t get it either but uh now with this can I make how much gold do I have not enough what happens if you don’t call me supreme leader supreme leader well uh you don’t want to find that out you don’t want to find out uh okay well I took out the bosses that I wanted to Thorn no I still have to get beat this guy you got the pipe of the bombing this just sounded so fake ha I probably use my money on these but uh I just remembered that I could also buy stuff here I can buy a flint and steel from this guy a cantrip staff which shoots fireballs and an arc cloth which I can use to make vanity items Arrow based Weaponry bearded Hatchet deal 7 5% more damage to skeletons that’s good advice U if I ever see Tiny lights dancing from a SC perhap those are lost souls only Arcane or holy weapons may bring them harm not that I’d suggest harming those want to know about something if you want to find leaf beels or tree bugs as they then chop down some trees if you want to find they live on Treetops with their green cell Coast scar advice when encountering skeletons I think it’s Shadow weapons are in effective get them while holy weapons are I us to like exploring the caves until me and zforce encountered a skeleton wies so so the what what I’m understanding is holy weapons like there’s weapon types so like there’s weapon types yeah I don’t know that’s way to deal with slimes burn them ice weapons can freeze them too so this this thing this mod adds a whole class system that’s crazy if you ever sneak up on an edit chicken invisibility potions are really handy the weapon skeleton caneve are very Rusty so it be ban to be wounded by them if you do take a dip in water and the dirty wounds will disappear that’s how you get rid of the debuff C4 is wearing armor holding seals you need to break their guard to deal with them a hammer or explosive weapons this is amazing I fell a strange presence beneath the portal I hopped out of I should check out beneath the portal okay I notice a scroll sitting at top of a small table that’s crazy okay with the flint and steel it’s like Minecraft I can literally just burn things handri staff I can burn things too okay this is good this is good this is good this is good progress guys what path do I want to go I don’t know I like this though I like this Hatchet a lot let’s go heart of thorns God damn look at the damage I’m burning the [ __ ] out of [Music] [Music] it I’m probably good honestly cuz I’m I’m just a little goody boy like that [Music] okay when it’s like one of my Mana is f filling can I just go up to him and start burning him with this yes I can actually but it’s like I have to get on him like I have to pretty much be in him burn [Music] him this is great the fire types and like the the the whole like types system I really like there are Supreme three people talking supreme leader you fell off I did but don’t worry we’ll be back we’ll be back just trust me just keep keep keep keep your faith in the supreme leader and that’s all I ask [Music] [Music] oh that thing bounces it it doesn’t oh my God oh my God it doesn’t just block it also [Music] [Music] bounces oh my god get away get away get away I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die if the keeps it up it keeps coming in me coming close to [Music] me no it’s fine I got this I’ll heal that attack [Music] again it’s over it’s so over it’s so over it’s so over [Music] what am I what did I just dodge I just dodged [Music] something okay that’s how I dodged that one but stay away stay away oh I forgot I can Dash I forgot I can Dash I forgot I can Dash I forgot I got the shield of Cula I can later where we just Dash and like Dodge [Music] everything oh my God oh my God it might be over it might be over it might be over no no no it’s never over it’s only over when I say it’s over it’s only over when I say it’s over it’s only over when you give up it’s not over yet it’s not over yet it’s not over yet it’s not over yet it’s not over yet die die die ever Thorn no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I I just need to hit it once just once just once just once just once I killed it I killed it the BL should qu with this unfortunate Warden slain what does that mean what does that mean oh my God heavy roote tendril every fifth use of a weapon shoots out a spread of uh magic weapon Stringer Stingers increase life for regeneration while in the jungle will you ever remember s uh probably probably not even going to lie probably will damn I got a whip okay okay I’m going to end stream and I’m going to go eat cuz I’m literally starving goodbye guys have a nice day whatever whatever whatever that was a really unproductive stream but next time it’ll be better see let me uh make sure something did I pick everything up well too bad no time to fire figure out

Playing Terraria’s Mod of Redemption

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