Playing an INSIDE OUT 2 LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!

Gooby where are we I don’t even know where we’re going we’re going to my best place to get shrimp juice what shrimp juice Gooby why do you even like shrimp juice it’s so good shrimpy that’s disgusting oh my goodness no one drinks this stuff besides you gooby well that’s why it’s really hard to find easy you have to go all the way to Pennsylvania but this guy he got really good swim teesy where the heck are we oh gosh this is really scary hello hobby are you here what the heck oh hi there Gooby how’s it going H thank you um I’m doing really good but I’ll better if I had some shrimp juice well you come to the right place I think I got some shrimp juice for you oh my goodness of course he has shrimp juice let’s see here you go what’s in it for me you don’t wor hobby I brought you something really special it’s M’s lawn mower what Gooby you gave up my daddy’s lawn mower boy W it my Daddy might need that whatever that’s great here you go some shrimp juice oh yes thank you hobby oh my goodness Gooby you actually got shrimp juice I thought you were lying no this is really good stuff all right thank you uh I’ll see you later bye hobby uh thanks for the shrimp juice I guess enjoy all right come on Gooby let’s get out of here I can’t wait to drink this all right well gooy don’t drink it until we get home all right we have a long journey back all right all right come on Gooby follow me all right Gooby we made it back home time to drink the shrimp juice yes should be enough for both of us if you want sip um I think I’m good Gooby I’ll just watch you drink it yes E I love swim juice what the heck oh boy time to drink some swim juice how is it does it taste good does it taste like all your dreams and all your imaginations uh actually um this shm tastes weird what it tastes weird yeah hold on let me just drink some more what the gooby you shouldn’t drink more if it tastes weird that was definitely not swim juice what Gooby what did it taste like taste like feet and warm water and milk e that is not a good mix it was so gross what the heck Gooby you turned green turned green yes Gooby you turned green and I think you’re a girl E I hate the color green I hate girls yuck what the heck is going on Gooby oh my goodness yucky yuck Gooby what was in that shrimp juice I don’t know but whatever is it’s gross that hoob must have mess up my swim juice somehow I’m so angry W chill out goo what the heck you just turned into this mini red person with fire as hair so mad oh I got to break all the food I see break it what is going on Gooby stop it Gooby knock it off come over here stop breaking stuff my dad dad’s going to get angry at you knock it off Gooby not as angry as me I’m the most angry person ever yeah you’re acting just like my daddy right now great look you broke the whole living room what you look just like your daddy he’s F balls I don’t want to be like him you just turned blue why you crying Gooby stop being so emotional yeah going to lay this water be sad what the heck Gooby can’t believe you just called me your daddy I don’t know how to tell you this but your whole skin just turned blue and you’re a girl again wait I’m blue yes you’re blue oh boy I love the color blue I’m so happy yay what the now you’re really happy Gooby what is going on oh yeah oh yeah I love the color blue it’s so good okay I need to get my daddy and Daisy down here because this is getting so weird and confusing daddy Daisy guys come downstairs I need your help with something I’m coming I’m on my way I’m on my way what’s going on I don’t know Johnny’s yelling at us I don’t know how to tell you this but uh gooy is turning into a bunch of weird things look at them what the heck is that woo woohoo I love the color blue so much why is he a girl Daddy because he’s showing his emotions like as a skin I don’t know how to explain it well all I’m going to say is that is embarrassing why because look at him he’s a girl you are a girl oh no uh uh don’t look at me I’m I was just uh I was just trying to be something and you guys are all staring at me now and I don’t like that and I just really want to just be back to normal why are you talking so fast oh no oh no guys did you see that he just changed into a different character is this a prank it’s not a prank what happened Johnny why is he switching it to weird things I don’t even know what they are well D the last thing that Gooby did was he tried to drink this thing called shrimp juice and we got it from a weird scary place uh well that doesn’t sound ominous or scary at all do you think maybe he didn’t drink the right thing oh daddy that’s a good idea I think you’re right well maybe we all we have to do is retrace Gooby steps so maybe we have to go back to where you got that shrimp juice or whatever kind of juice that was oh yeah Dad that’s a good idea wait where’d he go oh no oh no that swi dis was not white I don’t like that um I don’t know if I Canby again it’s just not good Gooby we’re going to bring you back to hobby and we’re going to fix you all right so come here I’m know about that I don’t know about that shut up I’ll shake you shut the heck up it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to stop your problem no stop talking so much oh gosh Gooby you got so heavy what did you turn into now no I don’t want to go back to Hob I’m embarrass to go see him again oh my gosh he turned into embarrassment guys oh he looks embarrassed just put him down so he can walk oh man I don’t want to go there what if he doesn’t like me anymore he’s going to fix you okay he’s going to fix you every just everyone follow me yes come on Gooby yes he’s going to fix you better what if he can’t fix me though oh no oh no what if I’m suck like this forever it’s fine it’s fine just shut up we’re going to figure this out I can’t have you switching into like all these different emotions in my house giving me a headache I know just shut up if I’m suck at this forever I don’t know what I do I’m going to lock you in a in a prison cell hobby hobby where are you oh there you are we’ve been wanting to talk to you oh hey hey fellas what’s going on you broke Gooby what she said yeah look what happened to our friend Gooby look at him what that crazy orange hairs Gooby yes Gooby say something well hobby I really normally I really TR you and everything but uh I think something was wrong with swim say gab and I told it this and now I don’t never ever be able to thr back okay Gooby okay shut up shut up Gooby shut up o that’s a that’s weird must have been something off about that shrimp juice well you need to do something to fix him right now or we’ll burn down your treehouse right guys it better be for free yeah HBY I’m sorry that we had to do this you know I’m really imbalanced about it I don’t really want to trouble you or anything Gooby stop talking stop talking stop talking hobby we need a new potion to cure them right now you want me to stop talking buddy you think I want me stop talking I’ll show you okay okay okay calm down you Daddy super angry stop it stop it knock it off Gooby that’s quite a predicament you got there looks like uh all his emotions are going crazy yes hobby it is becoming a real problem as you can see well I think I got a potion for that hold on let me look here it’s got to be in one of these here places here oh think it’s upstairs I’ll be right back yeah you better come back hobby you know what guys I don’t trust hobby I’m going to go and investigate to see if he’s actually grabbing the right potion all right Daddy yeah make sure he’s grabbing the right potion uh Abby is this uh is this my lawnmower oh that right there uh no uh that’s definitely not your lawnmower that’s my lawn mower Johnny Gooby did you give him my lawn mower well Daddy it wasn’t me it was Gooby because he wanted shrimp juice so that’s how he paid hobby you gave hobby my lawnmower oh Mary I’m sorry I did me too I just really love to Swip juice daddy look what you did you make Gooby cry is he is he are you sad yeah he’s sad well you know what good you better be sad because you weren’t supposed to sell my lawn mower all right everybody settle down I think I have a solution oh great ooh hobby what’s the solution it’s this solution right here a potion that’ll solve all your problems a motion potion do we just throw this on Gooby uh you might want to throw it on everybody throw it on everyone yeah you see the only way to stop this is to fight all of Gooby emotions and bring them back to normal fight Gooby emotions oh gosh this seems really difficult I don’t know if I want to do this guys we have to we have to save Gooby all right Daisy you can save Gooby there you go well you have to come with us sorry guys want to save me yay let’s save me I want to be saved go what the heck is going on how about this hobby since it’s all your fault do you actually go cure uh Gooby emotions uh no can do I got an appointment with a witch what what the appointment with a witch yep H see it’s a house call I got to go to her swamp all right well it looks like it’s us well I guess there’s nothing left to do besides throw that potion and see what happens okay are you guys ready yep Gooby get close to us all right everyone hold hands 3 2 1 what the heck guys where are we I think we’re in goobie’s brain goobie’s brain this is not goobie’s brain oh my goodness look there’s a bunch of inside out Lucky Blocks wo and they have all the emotions this is so awesome well so we just have to beat all the emotions with the lucky blocks and then we just show me yes Scooby we need to get really good items from these lucky blocks and then at the end we fight your emotions dud this is going to be fun all right well everyone pick which character you want I’m going with the red guy I guess I’ll get this person Joy over here I’m going to do anxiety I guess I get broccoli woman so who wants to go first Johnny you go first okay I’ll go first oh gosh I cannot fall that would be really bad oh my goodness here we go here we go what the heck I got suspicious stews ew ew ew ew e e that’s gross that’s good that’s a little sus all right looks like I’m up okay this is an angry one so I might die all right let’s see what the what you get what is that I don’t know what this is I don’t know what that is either H you need a pickaxe to break it so you’re going to have to wait well I think I’m going to get something even better you got a creep it’s a creep a creep but they gave me a bunch of diamonds and gold what I mean that’s cool thank you Mr Creo Gooby that’s really good you got diamonds can you trade with them I have them wait put him down for a seconds a Creo or Cam wao he has insane trades he does that he has insane trades waa I can get a swords I want a sword we got to keep him alive I I do that I got a sword no way Gooby who wait I can get some oh no I don’t have enough rby if we just keep them alive and we get more diamonds then we’ll trade with them later okay yes I just got a really good sword well guys it’s my turn and it’s an anxiety Lucky Block so let’s hope I get something good ooh I got leather armor ew that’s poopy Daisy not that bad better than what you got oh yeah you want to see something amazing check this out oh oh I got Sun cream wait fire resistance that’s stupid got sunt oce you know what when the sun comes in and destroys the Earth then I’ll be able to be protected well it’s not going to happen anytime soon Johnny that’s that’s dumb all right come on Daddy it’s your turn open up your angry Lucky Block what the heck you got poop I got scaffolding tables no it’s not tables that’s really really bad I think I can build with it can use it to walk on that’s much more than what I’m about to get right now ooh a chest what is that noise I don’t know what is that sound boy what is that there’s a sound coming from the lucky block there’s a speak on here there orange Flags dark wood wait that’s really bad I got a net gun what a net gun I don’t think it has any Nets in it all right well that could still be pretty useful Gooby well guys it’s my turn again wo wbe you’ll get something good that this is kind of scary cuz it could be TNT oh gosh good stuff diamonds I wish I could get up there you have to do parkour if you have enough you can s with the creep guys guess what I can go up there hey I want to go up there no we could go all go up there what are you doing do you not want the stuff don’t my stuff I’ll just give it back to you promise no guys I just got something reallying in over here o Gooby what you got I traded with the creep man and I got Slender Man shortt what the heck Slender Man shirt yes okay Gooby that’s actually crazy how do I look what it good huh Gooby if you want some Gooby gooby I was about to give you some sun cream here Gooby take some sun cream for yourself oh thank you all right guys well it looks like we just went through all those Lucky Blocks so it’s now my turn again let’s go let’s go come on Joy I need you to give me something good what’s that water bomb I got a water bomb wait that’s so cool you got a sun cream and water bomb let’s go sounds like a party over there looks like you’re going to the beach okay I’m definitely going to save these well I’m about to open up mine and I think this might be really really bad so everybody watch out what really bad why would you say that sword oh I wanted sword a netherite lucky sword oh my gosh how lucky are you Daddy tell me how bad this hurts a I think it hurted daddy almost one tapped me that’s good oh my goodness that’s not fair we’re going to need lots of really good stuff to beat that oh gosh oh gosh Gooby what is happening you got a bunch of iron you got resources like an iron tree uh okay yeah that’s really bad Gooby Daisy it’s your turn okay what’s that oh it’s got eggs eggs ew poopy oxel what the heck just happened to him why he run off I guess he didn’t like you oh Daisy he probably saw your face and then he ran away no I think he saw your face no he’s looking at me right now and he likes me uh what is that that just spawn in um that’s a meanie weenie what the heck was that thing it’s a Vindicator why did you spawn in oh it’s like a music guy all right guys it’s my turn again hopefully I get more water bombs cuz those are really good ow what the heck you got tin Bob tin Bob and he’s gone he’s dead he instantly just killed me what the heck was that you might want to go down there and try to get his armor did he have really good armor Daddy I think so he had a good weapon I’m going down come on where is it where is it it’s on the tree on top of this tree is it the pink tree yes yes yes I see it yeah oh what the heck this is terrible chain armor daddy that’s about to die at least it’s armor no Daddy literally it’s one hit away okay well since you’re down there I’m going to open up my lucky block okay Daddy I’m swimming back up oh yeah a oh I got another ey pickaxe how are you so lucky all right let me just take your iron block for you here you go oh take it see I’m helpful oh right maybe I’ll get something get in my lucky block too another chest I got a yellow candy cane I got uh poop buckets ew a poop bucket it’s disgusting you don’t want to look at it um a sweat ball e ew who sweat and uh I got a gummy God spawn egg what don’t spawn that don’t spawn that guys just spawn it real quick no no no don’t do it don’t do it spawn it Gooby spawn it see what it looks like here I’ll just put it right there oh my God oh my God ow killing everybody oh no let me what did you do get out of here you ging guys ow that’s from the digital circus killer daddy why is it here this is the wrong game I’ll shoot Sun cream at him ow he’s killing everybody ah we need to knock him off guys I’m trying no he just keeps one tapping me guys I’m doing it I’m hitting him hold on guys we need everyone over here he can’t hit you in this little Finish Line area I don’t have a weapon he hit me no he’s so close for dying oh my goodness never mind Gooby maybe if you just sink really hard it’ll kill him because we’re in your brain yeah okay yeah that makes a lot of sense oh he fell off he fell off yes what idot okay perfect he died going to live down there all right Daisy you’re next up on your lucky block okay guys I finally made it back to my lucky block let’s open it and see what I got okay what excuse me you just killed everyone why did that happen Daisy that was pretty embarrassing that was messed up how am I even supposed to get over there hold on let’s see if I got some blocks I got okay I fell dang it great now you just destroyed your path Daisy it’s not my fault littleit of mine got destroyed too well guess what it’s my turn again and I haven’t got anything really bad so I think my luck’s been pretty good ooh I got Honeycombs ew m m honeycomb cereal no it’s not that it’s just a bunch of honey and Honeycombs well I’m going to get netherite armor uh-oh wa you did get something netherite what is that thing I don’t know Daddy you have a pickaxe break it I think it’s just gold I think it’s just a statue you can trade it with uh the guy in the beginning oh you’re right maybe I can get you guys some good weapons with it hold on guys there’s some Parkour that’s up and it’s really hard you have to like bounce on it and it’s really impossible now hopefully I get something good out of my lucky block to help me with the PO oh gosh that’s not going to help you God goopy you hit me off of my platform sorry Daisy it’s not my fault it is your fault you’re the one who opened the lucky block watch you get that explosive everything just keeps exploding I hope this one doesn’t explode paintings really what you got Daisy paintings just poop oh my gosh you guys got to do the parkour oh nice daddy I did it yeah I have a tip for you guys you don’t need a bounce hit shift I just need to shift yes hit shift hit shift don’t bounce I bounc oh nice come on Gooby you got to make it across dude this is really hard guys Gooby you don’t need a bounce I just told you oh my goodness but I like bouncing no if you’re going to bounce you have to bounce really high okay so I just hit shift like that and Run and Jump nice same thing nice come on Gooby you got this you got this yeah y i did it good job Gooby Gooby gooby there’s no need why would you do that you had all that way just to die all right are we all good now are we all back yes daddy we’re all back all right open your lucky block even this guy here here we go wait what what are you talking about that’s my daddy he looks really different than that suit on you do too Gooby you have the same suit on okay here we go come on come on please be good ah what an tool he’s poopy watch me get something really good right now what’ you get oh my God Daddy help you got fire daddy here Daddy I’ll save you water bomb oh oh good job thanks yep you’re welcome you luy block some fire I better um put some poop on it e oh God it smells so gross e oh God it’s disgusting daddy you should have known that you were going to get fir cuz look at the guy on your lucky block he has fire coming out of his head I know I know it was so dumb for me to think I was going to get something good wait why does this person kind of look like you what do you mean he looks just like you no he doesn’t he’s red he’s always angry I mean that looks exactly like you Daddy no yeah then that Joy character looks just like you I know that’s a girl yep you look like a girl why not fighting I got to open my lucky blocks oh oh gosh oh gosh oh my goodness that was really bad go be why do you keep getting TNT Gooby that’s like our third piece of TNT to go to Daisy’s Place little bit yeah you’re going to have to run over here okay so I’m going to open mine and we better not blow up this time look cow look cow we don’t need it that was very good I could have ate them goobies just a cow that was better than TNT so it doesn’t even matter true o guys look we’re getting very close to the end we need to start getting really good things from our lucky blocks okay come on come on come on no that’s up B that’s up bed bunch of buckets of poop so stupid made it has a fishy in it he’s dead all I’m getting is water and Sun creams well guess what I’m going to get another right sword oh no no I didn’t well at least you can build a bridge I have so manyy blocks e I’m going to get something so good though ooh you got a furnace with an iron on it oh no see it oh there’s Nets in here wow you got Nets Gooby yay got my net W hey whoa whoa W caught Gooby save him for the battle okay yeah o Gooby really I didn’t me too don’t hit me Gooby don’t hit me I’m just trying to get the hang of this thing can you stop it be careful with that we don’t have anything for this battle so I really need to get a sword I got a sword no way wait that’s actually insanely lucky I’m so lucky that’s really good JY you literally said it and then it came to life well maybe you just need to say what you want okay you guys have cool swords I just have a poopy wooden sword this is not fair you need some help okay watch this daddy wait hold on hold on hold on you want to switch Lucky Blocks switch Lucky Blocks should we all go to different lucky blocks to spice it up oh yeah yeah I want to go to the angry one I’ll go to the Joy one Gooby do you want to switch h no wow Gooby okay fine then me and my daddy will switch wait wait wait are you kidding me that is why you don’t switch well Daddy I’m getting this one too hey you can’t open two I want this one as well hey wo you’re on a ruthless P guess what now you’re going to kill us all oh all I do is get bad Lucky Blocks it’s not fair you’re a bad luck charm um Gooby um can I open up your lucky block too okay but if you get something good then I get to keep it okay yes yes yes nightmare I got nightmare wait look at his trades they’re insane Gooby look at them waa that’s so many good things but I don’t have enough for them yeah you’re going to need a lot of gold need so much gold well maybe I’ll get some easy this is going horrible how we going to beat the emotions at the end if we don’t have any good stuff the last five Lucky Blocks have all been TNT guys also I think this jump is kind of impossible let me just do this wait what the heck fence parkour oh gosh this is really hard yes I did it well Gooby it’s just us so do you want to open them at the same time yeah okay 1 2 3 wo I got a lucky bow what is this what is that I got clown pants wait I think a ghost just spawned in it’s a big ghost that is actually so weird what the heck all right guys come on you have to do some Parkour you’re welcome dude thank you money I’m really bad parkour so yeah I know was definitely going to die that was so easy all right John you’re up guys what are the chances is going to be TNT again I think um 99% oh gosh please don’t blow up please don’t blow up oh my gosh it was close it was fire okay then I’m going to get something good right cuz we’re we we’re we need good luck all right here we go oh gosh d no no no no no okay oh my gosh that is not good why do we keep getting TNT guys can I break my lucky block now yeah Daisy you can open up your lucky block but then we have to open up these that were just floating flowers flowers yuck I just don’t need them right now but I’m going to keep the daisies ooh Daddy it’s my turn what an idiot this game is so poop well now it’s my turn and I’m going to get something good oh I got feather falling boots let me see and some weird stuff do you have any arrows no I have string though that’s like a part of an arrow I got string too I se arrows for my lucky bow I think one of my lucky blocks got blown up by the dynamites oh yeah Gooby it definitely got blown up but you could open up that one right there all right I’ll just go right here o oh gosh diamond oh diamond block there you go Gooby wo this is awesome this is not fair I have nothing here I’ll give you a n no ow like just s arrows ew you TNT you got TNT that’s really good I got so much stuff all right my turn again yeah I got boots wait sandals dang it they only do plus one armor that’s horrible that’s some joke are you kidding me we should have shoes did you have feather falling yeah it could be worse all right everyone back up I already know this is going to be a bad one all right everyone back up back up back up okay okay okay okay it’s like a bomb it’s like a ticken timee bomb Wait nothing what happened you got nothing no I really daddy you got us scared for nothing I had to have gotten something I got air you got poo poo you got poo poo yeah oh how about that he daddy chill I’m angry well Johnny and I have absolutely nothing so I have to get something cool out of this right what is that an iron block an iron block wow thanks that’s pretty bad um guys it looks like we need to do some ladder parkour oh no more parkour I’m really bad at this guys look we’re so close to the end only two more Lucky Blocks each oh Daisy actually did it yeah I’m pretty good at parkour wow good job Daisy all right come on Gooby you got this let’s go Gooby come on I did building parkour all right here we go here we go come on come on I need something good I need a better sword please oh oh I got an iron helmet wait that’s actually not bad not bad but still pretty horrible hey now I’m going to get uh what should I get guys what should I wish for a sword for me a helmet a helmet and a sword here we go e d you got stew very suspicious stew got poooo stew yeah well Gooby how this you’re going to get pooped right now no another creep e I’m going to trade with him no I want to trade with him Oho he’s got some good stuff yes yes yes diamonds gold oh yeah I have none of those things dang it should I get slender leggings got to do it you got to do it you got to get good armor oh you guys are trading with creep I’m going to open my lucky block I got a dragon egg ew you got a poopy egg that’s what that is damn pretty much poop guys last Lucky Block this is our final chance to get something really really good please do not be TNT ooh I got more wait I got Fanta what you got soda resistance haste fire resist yeah I got soda Daddy I want some I want a sip I want soda no all right fine then I’m not going to give you anything in my lucky block aha Daddy I need those things I need those things uh-oh who needs it more me m me me me me me me me all right you can get that oh thanks Daddy and you can get that thank you all right come on Gooby stop trading you got to open up your lucky block all right I was trying to get cool boots but I don’t know how to do it what’ you get teleporter no way what is that do you could teleport wherever you want over there wa that’s cool how did you get that I’m on the way up here look what the heck Gooby look at Enderman this is awesome wow now I’m over here W now I’m over here wherever you look you could just teleport yeah wait Gooby can I try it I want to try it okay here we go oh my goodness a wait it just went away I think I used it all up oh well that’s okay guys say silver Lucky Block ooh yeah you should open that Daisy all right take this I got te armor nice ooh nice that’s actually really good but the one thing I didn’t get was a helmet ooh W I just got a witches Boomstick guys what what are you talking about look I’m flying in the sky how’d you get that I’m pretty much awesome I think wow Gooby that’s crazy wait do you have any wood to make wood Sticks no but I have a wooden hoe a wooden pickaxe a wooden shovel wooden axe wait then you can make Johnny a diamond sword yeah nah you could do it I don’t have sticks I gave you sticks I’ll do it I’ll do it I have a lot of gold and diamonds can I have can I have jaage yeah let me make some stuff with it who doesn’t have anything Diamond yet I have a diamond sword let’s freaking go okay who needs diamond stuff I just need a helmet you need a helmet you probably need a new helmet okay everyone’s get a diamond helmet I got one more diamond for you there you go all right you get one you get one and you get one right here Daddy right here yeah oh got Diamond helmets we got Diamond helmets let’s go guys we’re the Diamond Helmet Squad they look so cool em motion overload um guys why did the game just say emotion overload uh I don’t know maybe Gooby feeling emotional behind you oh oh I just got killed what is that thing I think the emotions all coming to attack us so what are we supposed to do we need to fight them hey anxiety everyone running hi think I got to fly woo I’ll tell you where they’re all coming from I’m here guys where are they I just got one t we’re hiding oh my gosh daddy where are you I want to hide with you right here right here I can’t see you Daddy I got to eat my Fanta e that thing uhoh uhoh a broccoli woman is coming oh oh a broccol woman kill her she’s trying to kill me daddy why is she so tanky kill her oh my God we just killed the gust let’s go yeah she was really disgusting looking e what is that I think it’s boredom think he’s ugly no boredom just killed me you got killed by boredom yeah he’s super bored oh I see Joy kill her she’s too happy her down she’s too happy ow she hurts how she happy and killing me yes we got her stuck in the spider webs guys we need to stick together and team up on every single angry angry’s over here I’m the real Angry ow he one tapped me he two- tapped me I got him oh no someone know me before I die get in the hole a take that angry got him yeah we got him okay I’m going to shat them with my net gun oh gosh oh gosh I think another one’s spawning in it’s embarrassment no he’s so cute I’m slowing him down he’s like the Hulk guys I got an idea take that yeah get stuck in water what are you doing what are you doing I got I’m stuck in water daddy kill him you like that embarrass he just destroyed me we killed him yeah let’s go oh yeah oh yeah we meat all the emotions who pooped in the water Gooby that was definitely you not excited emotions calming that’s good does that mean that Gooby back to normal I think so Dej I think we did it we killed all your emotions Gooby he say Gooby how do you feel how do you feel I think we’re back oh my gosh we teleported back to the regular world but guys so Gooby is normal yeah yay Gooby we did it we fixed your emotions yay except um I’m really really hungry what do you mean hungry yeah I I didn’t even get to drink my swim juice you did before and that whole thing just happened you don’t remember no that wasn’t wheel swimp juice it’s got to be swimp juice around here somewhere see like around here no Gooby gooby we’re not getting any more shrimp juice okay you’re cut off we just go get like McDonald’s or something no no no that’s worse that is worse found juice don’t drink it no Gooby do not drink that please I oh go he’s drinking it so much he’s drinking it guys oh no this is great so great Gooby that was a swim oh my God oh my God we I’m not trying to save you gooby good luck by yourself bye Gooby no if you enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Johnny, Gooby, Marty and Daisy Playing an INSIDE OUT 2 LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Will they be able to defeat their EMOTIONS? Watch to find out…

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. Gooby why did you do this? poopy where are you taking Johnny?🙊 Gooby take Johnny back this is not restrict juice comes from extreme juice you need to get water and shrimp. I mean only shrimp you just squeeze it really hard to spit the juice come out cookie come on do you spell party

  2. Gooby why did you do this? poopy where are you taking Johnny?🙊 Gooby take Johnny back this is not restrict juice comes from extreme juice you need to get water and shrimp. I mean only shrimp you just squeeze it really hard to spit the juice come out cookie come on do you spell party

  3. His sadness first he was discussed and then he was anger and now he’s sadness and he’s probably going to enjoy and then he’s gonna turn anxiety and then he’s gonna turn off then he’s gonna turn to fear then he’s gonna turn to then he’s gonna turn hi Johnny, can you say that daisies pretty for me you’re my favorite Johnny

  4. Talking fast because he’s in Society in EXID talks fast so he talks like that. I don’t know how you’re gonna fix this but you can go to the doctors. I can go just get a potion I will wear off soon.

  5. No, this dude just copies off Jeffy and somebody threatening to sue him and then he changed his name to Johnny, but he still uses Jeffy’s voice all these guys running around on YouTube and copying off SML man they’re not creative and to be honest it’s only I’ve seen is eight-year-olds watch him. They’re not funny. They’re so stupid and they’re just going off of something that was already created and just changed the name to Johnny because he don’t wanna get sued. He still talks like Jeffy, though if you noticed. But see what they don’t realize is that’s what SML was getting sued for the exact same thing that they’re doing to SML copying

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