JJ’s RICH and Mikey’s POOR GLASS Bunker vs PRIME Drink Doomsday Survive Battle in Minecraft – Maizen

Mikey are you catching anything it seems we already have quite a lot of fish and let’s now catch a couple more fish and go home oh well done you have a very good catch today and are doing well let’s go home then otherwise I’m a little tired we need rest so that tomorrow we can catch even more fish yep look something strange is going on here what’s happening everything is very strange around there is even a helicopter in the sky transporting villagers something terrible must have happened we need to know something more about this maybe someone can tell us what’s going on here we just went fishing for a short time but came back and this is all happening H this is very strange I don’t know what to do now you need to ask someone what’s going on here look maybe this villager will tell us what is happening here hello what’s going on here you know H they showed on TV on the news that a tsunami was coming soon and it would wash away everything in its path therefore everyone is in shock and is trying to somehow escape from this but it is impossible to escape from this it will be a tsunami of enormous proportions if you can run somewhere this can’t be true maybe they’re kidding us we urgently need to go home and watch what is shown on TV it is impossible that such a huge tsunami is coming towards us what will they show us there now a huge Golem has a large can of prime he is very angry and wants to flood the whole world with with this energy drink recently he began his first actions and the tsunami began will anyone be able to escape this flood will be of incredible size and can flood very high above houses no one can escape the first sign that a tsunami is coming soon is Heavy Rain therefore if you see rain know that soon this tsunami will come to you be careful try to survive and don’t drink this water you will become too energetic and will not be able to control yourself this energy drink is very dangerous for any living beings so try to avoid contact with it what huh this is very strange it turns out that no one will be able to escape what should we do now maybe there is still some way to wait out this tsunami it can’t end like this we have to do something maybe we have some plans huh yes I have some ideas let’s see what we have useful in our chests maybe this will help us somehow save ourselves from this tsunami I have many blocks of glass and I have obsidian there are still a lot of supplies of bread that can help me survive from Hunger Mikey what’s in your chest oh I have a lot of things here I have bottle glass here there are some empty wine bottles there are several bottles without water I can pour water in there and that way I will have a supply of more water there’s also some Coca-Cola in here and this is also quite possible to drink I think this will be enough to survive the tsunami what are we going to do about it I think Mikey only has bottle glass and I have huge blocks of glass I don’t know how he will build a bunker but we will will definitely build a separate bunker for each let’s see what happens will he be able to survive in such a bunker Mikey let’s go build a tsunami bunker this is the only option I can offer for now we will have to build a bunker from what we have and try to survive in it everyone builds their own bunker because I don’t have much material to share with you so let’s make it from what we have it seems Mikey isn’t spying on me so I’ll now open my secret chest to take the necessary things from there I have a lot of Bedrock here it was very difficult to get so I don’t want Mikey to know that I have it he shouldn’t know about this little secret of mine I wonder when he will be with us there probably isn’t much time left so I need to go build a bunker soon without a bunker it will be impossible to survive this energy drink is very dangerous so they said in the news oh no it looks like it’s starting to rain this means that we have very little time left and we need to hurry H we really need to hurry because if the tsunami comes ahead of time it will simply sweep us away and we will not be able to escape Mikey let’s build bunkers right next to each other so we can communicate through them with gestures now I will start building myself a bunker with a base of Bedrock so it will be much stronger and will not be able to break under the influence of a tsunami you need to be careful not to spoil anything this is my last chance to escape so I’m need to be very careful and not forget anything huh there is still a lot of work to do here so I will turn on the highest speed that I have to finish earlier than I think speed is the most important skill in such situations now I’ll start putting a bedrock in this hole so Mikey didn’t see this here he shouldn’t know about it what it is are there other villagers here who are building a bunker Mikey come here immediately just look at this we won’t be alone here these villag are also building a bunker this means that we will be much calmer and safer when there are many of us that’s it I dug a huge hole for the base of my bunker now I can put a Bedrock here this way this place will be stronger than the last one and cannot be broken by anything now when I complete the construction I will be able to install walls made of glass blocks and then I will install a lot of different Furniture if there is time and the tsunami has not yet arrived I will put a computer with an armchair a sofa with a TV and a comfortable bed and if you’re lucky I’ll also install a shower I must be Mega comfortable in order for me to have the opportunity to stay here for a long time the longer I stay here the more likely it is that I will be able to come up with some kind of plan to save this place perhaps the water itself will leave this place and flow somewhere or I will have to think about how to do it myself you can’t just wait and tolerate it but I have some food supplies that will allow me me to live for many days I’ll make a special place here where water will flow out with the help of pumps and I can make a double entrance huh but now I finished it and I have time to put Furniture here a tsunami will come very soon and I won’t be able to leave here for a long time I have everything here equipped for myself so it will be comfortable for me to be here I wonder what Mikey built there it seems he managed to build some kind of room from bottle glass I’m not sure that it will withstand such a huge tsunami you’ll have to go and see what it looks like it’s very comfortable for me here I can even sit and play on the computer and I also installed a refrigerator and a shower here here I can eat while sitting at the table and I also have a punching bag so I can keep myself in shape I also set a clock so as not to get confused about the time of day and also a bed it will be very comfortable here I can stay here for a long time I also have a shower here with hot and cold water maybe go and check on Mikey he probably doesn’t even have a refrigerator like I do then you will have to somehow go out and look for new food now I’ll go and check out what Mikey’s bunker looks like did you come to see how cool my bunker is everything is very cool here Mikey’s bunker is not cool at all I don’t know how anyone could live there I’d better go and look at the strong bunker they built it much cooler than Mikey’s it is made entirely of wood and with large glass windows it seems they have already fallen asleep and are waiting for the tsunami to arrive they also have a cool door that can only be opened from the inside so no one else can get in there except them but there is a minus in this anchor format that one of the members must always be inside but it’s better to stay inside and wait for the flood to come there is just time to prepare a little more huh several hours have passed I think it will start soon what is this noise can you hear that has this already started oh no I see a tsunami coming you need to calm down nothing bad should happen I’m prepared but I’m still nervous what to do it looks too big huh H it seems that everything went well my bunker withstood this blow I thought that such a huge tsunami would break it but everything is fine and now there is no need to be afraid I hope the pressure of the depth will not burst my bunker I wonder what happened to the other bunkers are they broken it seems that all the villagers who did not build themselves a bunker got drunk on energy drinks and now they are running and swimming from side to side but some villagers were very smart and built themselves a bunker and it even withstood this load the most important thing is that these villagers do not crash into my bunker and damage its surface it can be dangerous and they can break it h it seems that Mikey’s bunker also withstood this tsunami it’s just amazing because it’s built from very thin bottle glass so he’s very lucky that his bunker survived it but if one of these villagers who were drunk on energy drink crashed into his bunker they would definitely break it right away my walls are much stronger so they can withstand such a blow I wonder how many days I will have to stay here H I think I see Mikey Mikey don’t even think about leaving there it could be very dangerous if you go out then you too will float endlessly throughout the entire area hm why do I have so little stock it was probably necessary to do normal preparations for the tsunami now I’ll probably have to leave the bunker so I can eat something this rotten meat doesn’t even want to be fried what will I eat during this time could it really be possible to go outside the tsunami has already stopped and there is ordinary static water there nothing will happen if I try to go out there and find something to eat otherwise I won’t be able to stay here for so long I have almost no food at all yes I definitely need to go out what is it here is this JJ what does he want from me I want to get out of here is it better not to okay are you sure about this and why should I just stay here all this time okay I I have no other choice I need to get out of here to get more food it seems that he is waving his head that I don’t need to leave here maybe I should listen to him and not do this there are probably some reasons for this it’s a Pity that I can’t talk to him normally and hear him what should I do now now I have to wait here until I run out then which ones do I have I have no other choice I’ll do as JJ said it seems Mikey has no food at all and forgot to prepare it and all these villagers are still swimming endless and won’t stop we need to help them I think I have a little idea I have this block of glass and I can use it to put it on my head this way I can avoid drinking this energy drink and swim calmly to Mikey there I will also give him this glass cube and we can swim together to a certain place where there is a boiler room that will allow us to dry all this water it will be quite difficult but we must try to do it these villagers are quite dangerous and can catch me and break my Cube on my head uh-oh this cannot be allowed so I must protect myself from them I’m almost there Mikey can you imagine how I managed to swim straight to you with the help of this glass cube oh yes I already realized that you can’t drink this energy drink after you knocked on me I realized that it was better for me not to go out there otherwise I would be exactly the same as these villagers swimming why do I need this glass cube just follow me I need you in one important matter we are now sailing to a special boiler room where we will turn it on at full capacity and dry all this water here be careful these villagers can crash into you and break your glass cube and then you too will get drunk on this energy drink and have fun with them here huh I don’t want to have fun with them here let’s better quickly swim to that same Boiler Room I no longer have any food left at home I don’t know it ended very quickly now I have to finish the leftovers have we arrived yet what kind of tunnel is this down here H we have already arrived at the place we just have to go down there is a boiler room here thanks to which we can dry all this water at least we will try to do this let’s go in and try to configure it so that it works much more powerfully than it does now then we’ll be able to dry all this water very quickly look it looks like it’s a little Out Of Tune here so I’ll sit down at the computer now and tell you how to set up these levers and you’ll put them in the right order the most important thing is not to confuse how I tell you to place the levers otherwise they may break and because of this The Boiler Room will explode don’t scare me like that that’s it I’ve already looked Place one Diamond lever down and the other Diamond lever up H H oh this was stated in the instructions that I found on the internet now wait a little I’ll look again now now place the emerald lever up H the second lever is positioned correctly wo now there’s just a little more to look at and then we’ll be done now put the golden levers down now everything is correct and we can leave here woohoo it seems they have already started working and now we can leave this boiler room and head home to wait until all the water has dried I think this will take some time what do we do now can we go home now will this water really dry up I wouldn’t want to be in this water for a very long time I’ve run out of almost all my food and and now I have almost nothing to eat Mikey will probably have to wait a few days so let’s come to me a little later and I’ll give you some food this way you can last a few more days just be careful on the way because these villagers can knock you down come on be healthy and I’m going to my home yep oh finally I’m home now I can rest a little and wait a few days before drying out the whole Prime from here and it will possible to go [Music] outside it seems that now all the prime has evaporated I can now get out of here I’ll go make Mikey happy he’s probably still sleeping and doesn’t know that all the water has evaporated how great it is when everything around is good it seems that all the villagers are unconscious what what happened to this bunker did someone hit him while there was still water we urgently need to go and see what’s wrong with Mikey’s bunker everyone is lying unconscious we will need to help them somehow I’ll just take Mikey and then I can help them somehow what is this was Mikey’s bunker broken some villager crashed straight into Mikey’s roof but he seems to be alive Mikey are you okay yes I’m completely fine I have now drunk so much energy drink that I have a lot of energy and I can run around this whole world it’s good that he wasn’t seriously hurt Mikey calm down a little you’re about to break something why are you so energetic maybe you should go and swim in the river to calm down I’d better go now and help the villagers they should come to their senses when I throw a potion at them I think very soon everything will be fine with them that’s it we managed to save all the villagers and evaporate all the Prime from our village Mikey what are you drinking again are you crazy it seems he has become dependent on Prime guys don’t repeat what’s in the video bye everyone and see you soon see you in the next episodes don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like this video

JJ’s RICH and Mikey’s POOR GLASS Bunker vs PRIME Drink Doomsday Survive Battle in Minecraft – Maizen

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