A Police Officer Has A Crush On Me With Crazy Fan Girl!

so what do you guys think is the coolest job to have as an adult I think the coolest is being a firefighter so you can take out the fire save the day and all the girls like you ooh that’s a really good one dude what about you Roxy what do you think the coolest adult job in the world is I think an astronaut is dope so I can go to space and all the girls like me ooh yeah yeah that is true girls do like guys that go to space and become astronauts yeah all those jobs Always Get You baddies No Cap but you know a job gets you the most amount of girls in the world it’s a police officer because you always have that super awesome uniform and you have a bck and you protect and serve anyone so that’s my dream job I want to be a police officer what babes you’re not allowed to be a police officer cuz there’s girl police officers and they could try to rise you up and you’re only mine what Crystal that is so not true Luke are there girl police officers uh yeah dude there’s a bunch ooh Loki what if me you and Roxy became police officers and we could get all the police officers that are girls and B W ridlers that sounds awesome we would get all the police girls mhm I say that’s our plan we become police officers babes are you serious if you became a police officer it would ruin our relationship ooh perfect I’ll be right back everyone I’m going to anid store what oh do you want us to come with you Heather we could join you on your adventure no you guys could stay right there wait what are you going to do at anid store do you need a snack we we pack snacks for for the trip we have snacks if you want do you want some snacks uh don’t worry about it just stay over there bye oh well all right I wonder what Heather’s going to do inside onit store yeah she sounds really s but it’s okay we can have a fun day yes sir all right guys we could just wait in here maybe she’s going to grab snacks for us as well please no don’t shoot me just take whatever you want wait did you guys just hear anid say don’t shoot me what’s going on in there I’m being robbed help please what AR are you okay I’m out of here wait guys a criminal oh my gosh an just got robbed perfect OHA the plan is going accordingly what the plan oh my God I cannot believe this I’ve been robbed I’ve been robbed oh my gosh anid are you okay wait is Heather okay she went inside here Heather hm that’s weird Heather was just inside here anit did they do something to her no I didn’t see Heather I just saw a mask person that was the person who came and robbed me huh that is so weird cuz it looked like Heather walked inside here don’t worry I got the police they should be coming very soon ooh smart on kid you know we were just talking about police officers and how some of them are girls but it is really rare right hello I’m here for a robbery report ooh look it’s a girl police officer yeah yeah yeah oh my Lord that is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen Luke dude I guess they’re more common than we thought hello girl police officer there was a robbery in here someone went inside and they rob my friend an and something happened to my friend Heather I don’t know what that’s very weird babes why are you flirting what I am not flirting with anybody what are you talking about uh stop talking to other girls well but how is she going to know what happened uh she can ask anit anit talk to the lady okay Ms you w trying to get rzy with her not cool what no look was I trying to get rzy I was just telling her what happened happened I was reporting the problem maybe just a little bit Roxy was I getting Rizzy dude or are they capping maybe just a lot of bit what it was not a lot of bits oh my gosh well anit report what happened to the nice police officer please saw a messed person came in was it a boy or a girl it was definitely a girl and then she robbed me wait a minute a girl that doesn’t make sense because Heather’s a girl and she walked inside over here maybe that person like did something to her police my friend came inside here can you investigate that please uh yeah we’re about to go on an investigation you can be my Police Junior Oh yay I’m an honorary police member W oh no oh no I was just getting Ry what what getting rzy what are you talking about uh W man’s she’s so cute bro what what are those two saying right now finally you’re moving on from Crystal she’s so annoying get that police go instead what I am not moving on from Crystal I’m just here to figure out who robbed you so come on police officer let’s go investigate no no my watch you back off my mans you little rascal Crystal you can’t punch a police officer watch this bow bow bow oh look okay Luke this is actually really bad don’t do that don’t do that I’ll give you one warning if you do that I’m booming you yeah right try me you’re literally stealing my man Luke you’re on crystal control dude okay uh Crystal it’s not your time right now look shut okay I need someone that’s stronger Alexa you’re on crystal control duties uh okay I got this Crystal Ser Lily you want to do that I’m scared okay wow all right police officer come I need to give you some Clues cuz I know exactly where this culprit went they ran out over here and then they went this way and over here look a clue there’s purple blocks on the floor oh this is really good it’s like a path this must have been left by the criminal oh yeah this is her Trail oh very good let’s follow this path we’re going to figure out who did it wait a minute guys why does the path lead to Crystal’s house and an you said the person that did this was definitely a gor yes of course it was a girly girl oh no look Roxy I have my suspicions now who do you think it could have been it was definitely Crystal oh no Crystal why would you Rob anit he’s a small business trying to survive out here what I was with you H I don’t know Miss police officer she’s seeming very sus very good detective work you’re very smart handsome dude thank you my what you better back off my meds okay okay you’re going to go to jail Crystal relax and police officer sitting in a tree everybody silence what’s going on crystal you don’t have this girl is just an ugly bra trying to take over my relationship but not a my wash girly pup you really thought so I know he’s very handsome but he’s taken okay so stop talking to him he doesn’t want to and we would like a new police officer perfect this is going according to plan wait what was that police officer oh nothing nothing oh well Crystal you have to relax cuz you don’t have any right to talk right now it looks like you’re the one that robbed on kid the trail is leading straight to your house babe I was clearly set up maybe by this police officer really a police officer would never set you up get a load of this ly come on dude let’s investigate her house and there’s a chest Miss police officer I found evidence handsome you’re really good at this job you’re really cute by the way too thank you police I’m actually rizing right now I’m rizing Roxy am I rizing yeah you’re getting Rizzy like a billion IQ W billion IQ R well police officer since I’m so handsome I shall investigate what’s inside the chest it looks like Crystal left a little message what are you doing Crystal she really triy to take my man not on my watch I’m going to give Revenge Crystal look at the book in my hand over here you left a note because you robbed anit and then left a message about how you did it it wasn’t me this police officer is setting me up I told you already I don’t believe it it was a God that looked like Crystal a crazy fan girl type so now we know that it was a girl and a crazy fan girl police lowkey might have been Crystal I really like her but it’s not looking good but let’s look what’s inside this book it says ohms will no longer love that annoying girl huh Crystal who are you talking about here what do you mean I didn’t even write that M it says my plan is going perfect mohoo haaha huh your plan Crystal do you have some sort of bigger master plan to Rob AIT uh what I don’t have a plan I think it’s the police officer trying to set me up with a plan H police officer are you setting Crystal UPA no beautiful why would I do that H I believe you police officer and it says the plan continues upstairs ooh let’s see if there’s more evidence all right come on boys and the trail leads up Crystal seriously it is not looking good at all for you dude oh no it’s not even cyan what oh yeah that is true it isn’t science wait what Crystal why did you put TNT all over your house oh no my house is about to blow up please no no no it’s my only house I can’t have it blow up Luke what is going on here wait there is some more evidence over here police it says open me T he he he he M you should totally open it uh Luke what is going on right now I feel like we’re missing something uh yeah how many people are normally in the SS crew uh it’s seven wait everyone let’s do a head count real quick we have me of course that’s one Lucas’s 2 Alexa’s 3 Lily’s four roxxy’s five Crystal’s 6 and wait a minute an you’re not seven and police officer we just met you someone’s missing right now maybe the an’s in the chest open the T open the chest come on uh okay I guess I’ll open the chest maybe there’s something in there baby I don’t think that’s a smart idea what if it’s a trap chest wait a trap oh a trap chest run R oh my gosh this is bad business oh no oh no everything just got blown up no my house this makes no sense why would Crystal Rob onit then lead us to her house just to blow up her house something isn’t right over here miss police officer you are now the sussy impostor one what is happening I’ve seen enough crystal is the criminal come with me what what that doesn’t make sense how is Crystal the criminal Miss police officer Something Fishy is going on what are you talking about the trail clearly LED from anid store to Crystal’s house well yeah I I guess so so that makes her the criminal you’re coming with me SS you don’t like her anymore right what what do you mean I don’t like her anymore you’re not supposed to like a criminal you don’t like her what it’s still Crystal though well she’s going to jail forever see you ah bab help sh you little girl what in the world just happened guys Crystal just went to jail hey everyone what did I miss I’m back huh uh Heather why did you just convenient wait a minute uh hold up purple blocks Crystal’s not purple heather were you up to this did you just set Crystal up to get arrested no oh no bro your girlfriend just got arrested wrongfully Heather what did you do why did you make crystal get arrested this whole thing was a plan and you’re never getting her back I want to be with you forever what tether what do you mean how is the plan I’m the one who robbed the store an does this look familiar oh no is she about to put on her no anit you said it was a crazy fan girl a I understand now it wasn’t Crystal it was Heather yeah now your girlfriend’s going to go to jail for life so I’m your new girlfriend dude just dat her she put in some serious effort you might as well what no I’m not dating her Heather this is super wrong and you’re not getting away with this we’re breaking crystal out of jail whether you like it or not no way that cop is never going to let her out she has a crush on you can’t you tell so what if she has a crush on me well if Crystal’s free then no one can ever have you but her what but that’s cuz I like Crystal and Crystal’s super sweet we’re breaking her out whether you like it or not no you’re not come here no come on guys go to the police station we made it oh my gosh stop stop no I’m not stopping Heather we’re breaking Crystal out police move out of the way I know what you did H hey Kitty PTI what are you doing here we know that you set Crystal up to take her to jail and I’m going to say it right here right now Heather I’m never ever ever ever ever ever ever going to be with you and random police lady that I just met today I’m never ever ever going to be with you that is disgusting well I’m the police what are you going to do fight me uh yeah there’s literally seven of us and one of you we could easily take you on are you sure about that Heather come on my team well even with Heather it’s not enough because I still got the whole OHS crew with me right Roxy and Luke we could take them on easy yes sir I’m I’ll smoke anyone of including you two yeah we got Roxy and Luke they the boys they them dogs they them dinosaurs so move out of the way or else H hey guys I heard you guys wanted to become police officers you can train to be a professional body guard ooh Don’t Mind If I Do What Roxy you want to just snake me like what whoa whoa whoa what are you doing hey Luke what are you doing Roxy what are you guys doing I’mma Be with the Gat and the baddy sorry what okay are well um I still have Lily and Alexa we could take them on right Alexa hold up I want to be a baddy too I’m pulling up what no no no Alexa you’re not okay are you serious right now you guys made the right choice put on your outfits okay why is Roxy already ready for for this well I still have Lily and Lily would always do the right thing cuz she’s a good person Lily what do we do I don’t know what do you mean what do we do it’s all of them against us well we do have one more reinforcement I’m here is back up what’s going on guys we’re kind of in a situation it’s literally the whole SS crew police officer against me you and uh Lily you got anything that you could give us to help uh Ms here you go a magical wand a magic wand hold up this is exactly what I needed yo police officer I’m giving you one chance let me inside or else or else what well with the magic wand I could do SL slash replace near and you see that blue concrete around you yeah what about it I could just make all that nice blue concrete turn it to bom what how did you do that and that will boom boom Oh no oops you’re messing up big time I’m not messing up big time ly last chance or I’m going to do something crazier I’m giving you one opportunity Heather and police officer oh gosh everyone attack him and kill him before he does it are you sure about that standa dear oh gosh a they’re chasing me oh no oh no no no no I have to set things to TNT to bust you out Crystal I see your name tag down there don’t worry I’m coming for you Alexa leave me alone it’s my duty to Boom you what no no no no no Alexa it’s me oh oh my go you just SL me out yes sir I did oh gosh I got to set it the TNT Luke chill it’s me no way you’re being a criminal right now I’m not a criminal ow ow you guys ear so bad okay wait double Place double place so they can’t come up oh oh gosh I fell ah this is so weird the whole police station is open but wait if I go in from the top I could easily make it all the way see you hi Alexa by Ala y y hey okay just need to get time your cutie butt over here I’m not getting nothing Roxy chill I’m a try hard I’m try he’s trying hard let distract him distract him hi hi you want to smooch yeah let’s show quick e okay that worked now Roxy is away from me and I do SL SL replace near 20 that’s made out of bluecore concrete into TNT I have the command typed out no one move no one move police officer free crystal or else it’s I could just hit enter and everything’s going to blow up ah you wouldn’t dare I would dare it’s literally right here everyone kill him before he types it I already typed it I already typed it oh no it’s co oh no we need something to activate it ah Lily do you have a button or something yes oh my gosh H Roxy if I was you I’d run if I was you is he crazy why would you blow this place up let’s go Crystal are you escaped are you Freedom yeah I’m fre where are you I want to smile you Crystal I’m right over here and everyone look everyone look Heather police officer look guess what I’m about to do I’m I’m about to do it I’m literally about to do it I’m about to lay my lips on crystal you wouldn’t dare I’m just going to do it I’m just going to do it I’m just going to just going to on the cheek on the cheek a little you better not oh it’s official now none of you guys will ever have me and I’m officially crystals OHS crew come behind me cuz you’re on my team now yeah we don’t need this vest anymore mhm now Heather and police officer we’re the new police in town you’ve been overruled what you can do that I just did you’re kicked out of town actually you’re not kicked out of town you’re going to jail you’re coming with me buddy you’re coming with me and your prison sentence is working a boring office job for the rest of your life what now let’s go see you later serve your time cuz you did the crime now come on guys let’s go back to the playground and let’s continue talking and Heather you can join back if you’re not going to do no crazy stuff don’t worry I’ll just do it on a different Adventure yeah I kind of knew you were going to say that come on guys let’s go and have some fun yay we here and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are meeting a NEW GIRL police officer in Minecraft and SHE HAS A CRUSH ON ME!


  1. I already know it at the start crystal is with you and its heather also my first time seeing crystal so mad as a dragon also omz plz make them meet kory i miss kory😢


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