welcome to the live stream fellas I wasn’t feeling well for a couple days so now yeah I’m still not feeling too well but there’s [ __ ] going on currently that’ll take a couple days so I might as well just still stream we’re just waiting on Tracy to finish something I think it’s sandwich making I think so at least but afterwards somewh good to go I think the difficult day we’re going for is Master mode so yeah I’m going to mute my mic before I go on a rant e e e e e e welcome back inwards no um music’s off game is almost ready I’m just kind of waiting for um game I guess new character all right I’ll do multiplayer host and play make a new character uh my old guy look like like a mil what’s uh Mr Cat [ __ ] a hand back yours only yours so our characters oh whoops our character themselves aren going to be hard mode the world is that’s confusing I think you have to make your character the same difficulty as the world right no you do and you die then you lose all your progress okay what the what I had what the hell is a point of a hard mode world what happens on a hard mode world that’s creat Lo harder enemies man my we is on hard mode blue eyes ah Dragon Eyes are a little bit darker I don’t know obviously my character isn’t going to be identical butal no the eye colors are the hair is mid real yeah for years I’ve always made my Terraria character more or less the same used to make my TR character a character I don’t know I’m going be real I keep it very simple like since I was a kid I’ve been using this character it’s fair well besides the hair I’ve switched that up over the years but I mean your hair doesn’t usually stay the same over the years usually no the hair is like massive in this it does not match my hair at all real okay boom two characters have been done I have to make a new world now um this is going to be called streamers light uh it’ll be large on Mash mode and Crimson all right and the reason why is so that crimson’s a bit easier um and large so we have the most amount of loot pole as we can hey how’s it going Eclipse seems like we switch the uh the game up every time we stream but uh yeah it’ll generally be around the same games once we um have an idea uh dark and darker we’ve kind of Taken bit of a halt to it um I haven’t but Jordan has that game need a [ __ ] balance patch I’ve been playing as wizard I’ve been playing as a different kind of wizard you’re a little late because you’re not oh because the Network’s bad that’s okay what’s that sorry Jordan playing as a different kind of wizard LOL Jordan how’s your internet uh it’s not in it shouldn’t be until the 10th but right now it’s sort of the same uh I’m so tired I just woke up like 20 minutes ago woke up like an hour ago still feel tired I’m running on water and smelly balls excuse me uh damn it I should have invited you yeah I got it I’m just making a character mhm excuse me oh make my character bald [ __ ] it I don’t care what my character look like no bro I don’t even care what my character [ __ ] looks like and just to throw all my [ __ ] down oh what slimes just hurt yeah slimy we literally a mini boss early on yeah but they shouldn’t be but um okay I’m going to start by flattening the ground and getting down some some bases been a while since I saw this game again yeah it’s been one of my favorite games ever since I was a kid I don’t know about jordo but I know I’ve always enjoyed it I find as a video game it’s a decent game it’s just that this game you need to have your Wiki open all the time yeah I do I do believe in that cuz I’m always looking up potion thing recipes and [ __ ] not even for the the [ __ ] recipe I close my my length I’ll have to pull it back up whenever kind of look like that one person from Animal Crossing me yeah I’m supposed to be uh Mr Sigma wolf oh okay I’m going to die by just let the the guide kill it yeah this game is weird to play on my other monitor it doesn’t feel right [ __ ] we sandwich Jordan they’re feeding some meat right now [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up getting touched [ __ ] them up good um um Do You Want to Break those trees on the left there and then I’ll um flatten out this ground yeah I’ll need a Hammer to fix the ground here but this will have to do until then I think it’s like 13 high again for those buildings I don’t know I don’t make mistaken that a nice tree which have to cut down but well I forget how I did it it was like uh I have no idea dude we’ll go that high and then we go boom lemon start because we’re going for compact as much as we can so I don’t know how far I should go you’re good you’re good I just needed like the little trees on the left Tak care of I well replant a couple work 2 to 10 all right the idiot neighbor’s home now because she’s a teacher and off for the summer so she does the whole talking to her dog this morning while three of you are [ __ ] going nut yeah so I don’t know if you just want to do one at a time on a leash yeah love you all right I love you want to go out soon now all right no worries I’ll I’ll let him out in like an hour all right love you yeah we need to get a campfire down as soon as we can so that I don’t even I hardly have another torches oh my gosh yeah you know me D I’m going to be starting on potions as I can and I’m going to start looting on the right side oh my God okay I need something better than this I’m going to start working on the fishing W can you bring back iron if you can I need to make a bucket to put on my head we’ll see I get lucky okay cuz for all we know the cave is going to be on your side man yeah the reason why um for the people that are wondering I need a bucket on my head is cuz a lot of times damage I uh I keep it on my head so I can um water water and lava so that I can create a farm cobblestone generator uh in in inside of environments as well as create a fishing pond uh right next to our base for potions pretty awesome pretty uh unique as well soel I’m Jordan’s more of the fighter I’m more sit back prepare for the boss type of guy I’m [ __ ] so yeah I um damn it there’s a desert this way pretty awesome I do need to start planting trees again I feel like that was the biggest issue in our supporter and the Explorer exactly I’m very much the supporter I’m going to kill everything that comes at me type of guy everything’s going to kill me when it comes at me I have 30 Health right now oh food no healing items I’m [ __ ] yeah I’ll be working on on uh regeneration potions first so that you can be a bit tankier same with iron skin yeah for skin okay so 300 wood I’ll have to build this up um okay so it goes one two three five six seven please I remember how I did it and then one two the [ __ ] uses a builder potion five I think we’ll go 12 I’ll I’ll use that of course it’s me right I have never used a builder potion in my [ __ ] life seven it copper yes it is two three four five and then wooden arrows I got bombs I got a in my Builder potion op though on God [ __ ] on the Builder potion I’m going to [ __ ] all over it [ __ ] that potion I wanted a help potion I needed to build like as fast as I can those those are cranking 90s just don’t have lips simple no I I cut my lip that’s I like woke up and it was bleeding emo no not emo I just don’t know why I do also need this and this uh that’s our healing potion let’s [ __ ] go okay so um I’ll be playing Ranger again CH find a boomerang I would love that okay Boomer okay [ __ ] hell I hate these caves [ __ ] going down this is a [ __ ] VIIs has died in ch oh that’s not my name you haven’t seen it yet no is it bad better not be Jordan I swear to God uh not really it’s not like adol Hitler’s revenge or something like that oh my gosh okay okay good yeah so it’s it’s it’s it’s not really PG-13 either okay well just let me know if I’m going to get canceled and I’ll try to block your name oh you won’t get canceled it’s not going to be like nword Slayer 300 okay it’s not a cancelable name if someone cancel you for they need to grow a spine uh [ __ ] W wa oops oh blue blue blue blue blue blue blue the blue [ __ ] what the the the bouncy blue balls talking about slime yeah it’s kicking my ass I’m going to get away from that not be a beach over here if there is no cave by the time I get to the other side I’m going to cry thank God hear me [ __ ] whine like a [ __ ] I think I got two potions not against that prefer a chest game torches and some coins I coins are useless like early game because you just lose them as fast as you get them oh actually yeah true like like uh even with a piggy bank it just fine it’s like why even bother oh I almost miss his chest in the water I’m an idiot Hasty Step St for a minute no points are awesome and then I realized yeah we do just die a lot yeah we die a lot you will just lose those coins don’t even think of like picking them up unless you really need them which if you need them I just don’t believe you I found a step stool yeah a hasty step stool oh [ __ ] slime yeah I see like oh I dropped into a slime hole Yeah I’m going to die in a hole cuz I can’t see anything okay so basically you’re trying not to do what Jordan did yeah basically real talk it’s um what you’re trying to do is um build up a base kill some bosses power yourself up find and then above oh you got a Ste hype yeah I got I said that earlier okay sweet sorry I wasn’t listening to ass was not listening uh and then when you do all that you’re actually trying to kill something called the moon what’s it called the moon Lord so we’re not getting there anytime soon simple it down we’re just trying to kill a guy named the moon Lord oh peace uh Jord I’m going to break your Anvil no you ain’t yeah I am bring all of our craftable items here guide help me ow that like that like this and that’ll be our crafting area over there so do you have any stone no I used it to get out of the cave okay I’ll have to make a elevator rly around where that copper is so I want to throw a bomb at this thing but I can’t yeah actually we need bombs as much as we can so okay do you want me to hold on to them so yeah put them in the chest somewhere I don’t know okay well we don’t have chest right now we need them great uh here oh my God those aren’t lit those aren’t lit what why did oh so I can’t drop them on my inventory that’s not fair um let me fix this don’t worry if I could [ __ ] step I got it I got it oh don’t worry I got it g cuz you died oo ow it’s tanky why ises it have more Health than I do most things do that’s [ __ ] it’s my ghost we need this guy to get out of here guide yeah guide come here come kill the zombie okay well we might have to just defend watch the range dude we need we need uh it’s so shitty come on [ __ ] hate this game okay I need to get the [ __ ] out of here so the guy doesn’t die okay he’s going to well he respawns oh he’s out of the hole nice not all right well I hate the short sword look go better than him oh God [ __ ] oh I think we have Crimson to the left real early on which isn’t terrible for us actually H not day Bloom seeds but weed okay this sucks quite a lot where even are you all right I’m going to I can’t even go back to the right way no way no well I uh I’m going to put defenses on the base and then I’ll call it good there I would just build walls no I’m just gonna you you’ll see what I’m G to do it’s okay okay watch out Jordan wait Jord Jordan okay really my bad okay anyways can they even open doors I forgot yeah they can they can break Doors Down why got big weenie I got to close my door minute all right I don’t SP inside you don’t spawn inside no uh okay there’s so many of them why okay when you’re when you spawn tell me and I’ll quickly take it in and then boom why is this guy glowing ow got money on him that’s why all right well oh nice guide yeah the guide’s a bit stupid but does more damage than me so that’s not fair um so first thing we need right now is going to be uh ow going to be Stone you do have stone you [ __ ] I don’t you just crafted arrows no I didn’t I got some in the chest oh oh okay bow sucks no dude I’ll take your arrows no for thank God those Stars don’t break buildings suck they probably do on like a special seed or something there’s some crazy ass seeds dude there’s like they get good seed yeah it’s like isn’t like where like held is up top or something yeah it’s really really difficult watch out that guy’s got a zombie arm he’ll [ __ ] your ass yeah well I had him at range for a second get your ass back here I want your arm of course you didn’t drop it you [ __ ] is just [ __ ] this game is like a ro blocks I’m just trying to stay just out of range so they can’t touch me kind of hard to do but riveting gameplay why don’t you just get a wooden sword J does it do more damage yeah you kidding me like two it also swings so standing yeah well I’m just going to finish these guys off real quick if you see it it’s like a zombie arm drop on the ground I don’t see it let me know all right time go flips microphone is really low for some reason Ms [ __ ] get back here we got to going to get rid of these gravestones ASAP because if we don’t it’s going to create a zombie yeah Superior yeah yeah we should remove them but we kind of have to wait till day yeah though it is a good zombie arm Farm yeah for sure yeah it just we get [ __ ] every time we get too close the guide is having a stroke right now God items in Terraria take a while to despawn yeah yeah sorry about that I uh need to answer a really important message all right like like uh really really like legally important all yeah was that a demonic one oh I hate this game so much [ __ ] Jordan I don’t think I can let you in those was racist all right well just run off to the left and find a hole okay uh okay I got you I got you oh my god crazy rotation dude it just keep your space the guy is not oh my god oh he’s in no he wasn’t keeping oh [ __ ] ghosta why is bro not attacking him why the ghost isn’t attacking him either so you and I can out damage it if we uh if we both attack it like we can out Knock back it so you go down one and then just wait when get get on the left side my okay we just need to go down there there we go good [ __ ] Jordan just it’s running away doesn’t even drop anything good that’s kind sad no ghost is just um wait can’t you make an enchanted sword or do you have to find that uh you have to find that stupid isn’t like also one of the pieces for like the teror blade uh the wooden SW is no I talk about the enh handed one I know the wood one is but I’m pretty sure the enchant you need the enchanted sword for the teror blade or one of the blades I think you need it for Zenith Zenith sucks to get when it comes through we’ll just spawn Maps until we get it if big if that’s going to take a while keep in mind my normal mode classic World took 40 hours just to get outside a cultist h that’s not even have me what was the final boss in this game again Moon Lord yeah guy good games yeah so we’ll just do this until we can properly take on zombies yeah which which kind of sucks because this is literally what the game is at a certain point this is kind of why I say this mode is unbalanced well until I get some proper arrows I won’t be doing anything else besides this beat him off beat him off [ __ ] he can hit us from here not very well torches okay we’re good it’s morning I don’t know how good that is we have an eye coming wait I might be a liar wait a minute yeah you is my bad oh no now it is yeah there music change don’t get by that kind of hard why is this not breaking dude why is he not giving me his arm yeah zombie arm would be a massive upgrade early on it would be better than nothing right now better than this [ __ ] wood sword that do [ __ ] dick so all the is gone get [ __ ] uh should probably spam campfires uh no we the effects don’t stack oh it also increases the range yeah so we’ll do that that’s kind of why boss Arenas are just covered in them mhm all right well I’m going this way cuz there was some [ __ ] before I died just fell into a slime’s butthole so what is that a night vision potion would be sweet I’ll start working on it by the way I have a herb I have two herb bags oh hell yeah actually whenever you’re back I can take those yeah I kind of just forgot about those things existing cuz I kind of hate them usually throw them out cuz I don’t use them at all this a lot of mushrooms here we’re going to need mushrooms right but for what potion I forgot uh I can tell you in a minute all right uh pulls up the wiki this game sucks healing potions okay then I’ll collect those cuz we desperately need them how do we like regrow mushrooms do they just naturally regrow or uh yeah they’ll be naturally growing just anything like you think is herbalistic I’ll I’ll be taking it all right cuz um yeah remember on my other world with like one guy we kind of killed all the plants on the world cuz both of us had a bad habit of just swinging our swords while walking so yeah yeah don’t do that I’ll fight you if you do yeah oh God there’s vultures I hate this game I’m actually really hungry right now I might go make some soup haven’t ate today I just like leave you to make soup like I’m soup come back I hate the [ __ ] vultures hate the desert biome too I like it a lot there’s some really great herbs in it [ __ ] the herbs there’s too many vultures in this damn place like [ __ ] birds and [ __ ] bird that I hate oh dude I’ve been watching a lot of studio gibi if you been watching any of them no not I’m aware of it’s like like um like uh is a house Moving Castle never heard of it no water Leaf oh my God I don’t watch a lot of movies when I do it’s usually stuff I’ve already seen before a well you’re kind of a poopy head for that one buddy I don’t like movies like watching anything else cuz movies suck nowadays I guess have to explore now as well you may want to do the left side cuz the right side is almost complete is it okay almost large World 100% but large worlds aren’t truly large they’re kind of just sad oh okay a elevator but I definitely it’s not necessity right now as much as I would love it be easier access the caves it’s not not too crazy right now I think exporing getting caves means we have armor yeah but the upper the uppermost um areas will most likely be carrying a lot of chest for us so um I feel like that’s a bit more beneficial as finding those items a bit earlier if possible yeah that’s fair yeah yeah so left side is Crimson quite early on which is good but also like [ __ ] me right for getting shade wood so yeah my Wood’s pretty shady not going to lie oh actually I think it’s just a small oh hell yeah Gilbert godfried the merchant oh no no not again okay let’s not die ear on oh okay I’m out of here know I should care care about copper I don’t think I should copper yeah we need copper sure that’s like the next significant upgrade are you sure copper kind of blows like look at the stats of the armor and the [ __ ] like that pretty good for right now Chase Wood armor is equal to it is just death uh yeah effectively but the Crimson has Crimson yeah it’ll be good once we get more bombs and armor so we can survive the uh the caves a little bit more but until then I think we’re a bit [ __ ] but if we can get our hands on that we can get a gunsmith early on so I don’t want to be Smith no gunsmith jordo yeah I think I can craft myself a better bow now uh good oh actually boom that’s kind of crazy danger sense potion that’s nice immediately an upgrade the big old [ __ ] sand is on the [ __ ] ceiling that’s great that’s usually there’s a chance of that falling down and killing me oh great for two red slimes two for the person how much I’m trying to understand no worries Eclipse I’m happy you’re just here yeah yeah shadewood early on is actually a crazy upgrade because as of right now I’ve got it’ll be four defense oh yeah I keep forgetting shadewood is like slightly better than regular wood items for whatever the reason yeah pretty good though like it’s uh it’s nice you know I’m obviously not going to complain so I will okay agile think I see some gold there that’s actually really nice I think the next upgrade I personally need is actually going to be I need a good weapon uh no I just need to make the elevator right now it’s going to be the biggest thing I also need to look up what is considered a fish spot say what is considered a fish no what is this okay one tile wide as long as it’s 75 deep okay deep is I’ll make the fishing spot over here so it looks a little bit nicer why your torch is so finicky to place okay let’s level this out and then I’ll make it all pretty and [ __ ] gu see jellyfish on water oh look at that already two well three in total guides we’re collecting Terror dying M I think if you kill enough bunnies you get like there some sort of achievement or something like some item I forgot you do get a uh or not console on um on your phone if you spawn in or if you kill too many bunnies it will massive [ __ ] bunny yeah that boss from Easter it’s a weird boss I think it’s in the PC version I think oh is it I think I could be wrong though I found a gem tree oh [ __ ] that’s huge it’s Amber I think okay I need to get more space for this I don’t think I got the things to respawn it I don’t know while I mind it but wait what what did I say was it 75 deep yes 75 deep okay uh okay I need to start the thingy here wey yeah 75 deep okay thank you guys dude I I said again chat is just so helpful like real [ __ ] [ __ ] dude yeah but I feel like chat makes me schizophrenic at times I’m looking over they’re here no they’re not yeah exactly losing my [ __ ] this but like actually yeah D I feel like feel like I’m losing my mind yeah I hit my [ __ ] elbow dude I did it again stop doing that hurts like a mofo just stop doing that Jesus uh okay I need to quickly throw all my my dirt hydrate Okay the reason why I want to throw all my dirt just cuz I’m going to mine two down all right like one two I’m going to add 150 then I’ll know I’ll be at 75 deep all right it’s like the only way to measure how deep you are into terara until you get like a like a [ __ ] coordinate thing no you can you can turn on your ruler and just go all the way down it’s a wild thing to do though what the [ __ ] is that oh tungsten sweet not a lot though pretty crazy yeah though I am getting us ore I have lots of gold right now that’s nice I haven’t died yet so that’s great yeah um what else do I actually need to to do I can’t recall I don’t know um I would say mostly elevator yeah I’ll be working on that after I’m done the fishing spot right there’s like three red slimes down here I hate this place oh two of them are oh God there’s four I hate my game hate it hate it we’ve been luckily dodging all the stone as much as we need it it’s not as convenient right now yeah could just mine on a wall if you really need Stone okay and then yeah I’ll be adding Stone onto our dirt are you bouncy [ __ ] um okay so 8 plus 94 is4 I hate this game I [ __ ] gravestone tumbled down a cliff oh well and before falls into lava yeah yeah that’s probably going to happen at least once you don’t have a furnace yet what the [ __ ] no dude cuz we don’t have stone I have a little bit I have we have that’s 128 I’m putting the furnace by the the metal station cuz that’s makes sense six copper four iron 138 ball sack one tungsten six gold I hate this game um I know okay boom that’s as deep as we need to go good and then I’m going to go suck my meat um my left ear is annoying oh is enjoying these noises it’s annoying yes duck or chicken I know what the [ __ ] is that dude there like a duck di bro where is it is it below us yes possibly might be in the walls don’t do it Jord it’s happening I can’t not do it is it I don’t know I think I think there’s like a cave right over here and the duck is just there okay so I think I want to make this a bit deeper so we’ll go something like this uh and then we’ll make it a bit nicer why the hell does chest iron right and then I’ll make a little like well looking area here it’ll be pretty sh as much as I shouldn’t work on Cosmetics right now yeah you shouldn’t might just want to beat you with a [ __ ] tree need your help yes um for duplicating water when I get to it what yeah don’t worry about it it’s not like I’m glitching the entire game it’s just I need water eventually so okay so first night I will getting out and making Stone things also guy is pissing me off and not going up well tell him to to go up yeah also how the hell do I oh that’s how I do it Zoom sir oh wait I can’t zoom out anymore yeah you can only zoom out a certain amount that’s stupid no because if you could zoom out all the way you could see everything on the map yeah but there’s probably a mod to fix that um I guess I’ll put stars in the item chest for like iron and [ __ ] like that it’s a kind of our use like that oh I’ll be working on an organization system next yeah he’ll be working on a b it’s not like Redstone or some weird [ __ ] like that it’s as simple as um f just uh making an area over here right I got Moonglow scenes [ __ ] day blooms and moon glows and I got silver shiverthorn seeds um h uh I’ll have to make this next system six over since you’ve got OCD I’m going to make a a herb chest since you’re a dumb [ __ ] Chase no I said since you have OCD there’s a difference nuh what put it on these why please please remember how to pick up chest and done okay where uh just put it um like up top first we’ll fill out the top first took on my feet yeah now put like like I’ll put your flowers and [ __ ] in here cuz I have a lot of weird [ __ ] like that four five six placement I know thank you Jordan for curing me okay uh really quick I’m going to be blocking this off okay so that we don’t get poopi on yes um actually W placement over here Jordan yes that’s where all the bricks eventually big grips big dicks hold on really said I’m going be right back after that one okay I’ll go oh wait whoops like uh and then I really need to get these done wello my girlfriend accidentally re pierced her [ __ ] nose with her nose ring bro oh God damn I cannot say I ever done that she goes to put it in I guess she like doesn’t put it in the right way and it goes right through hole and reces it dude I I still need to get a joey um a joey thingy no not Joey shirt a joey um emote my Sho okay Boom the Joey thingy yeah okay I’ll be working on it but it’ll be uh six on the bottom and six above and then once we do that I’ll be working on the upper level actually I should start doing that right now I I’ll make um a grass layer as well where I’ll be growing trees cool grow weed and then eventually this will be like we’ll have to sort um the NPCs by their actual likes oh that’s so many stars uh anyways what I mean by that is like certain NPCs like other NPCs and then certain environments and walls and this and that and it’s a whole thing um Jord I are just going to have to sort through it eventually I need to quickly get a [ __ ] home where the [ __ ] are you me hold up I can’t there a [ __ ] just run oh it’s a purple one good luck bro just [ __ ] Kumba stomped him oh my gosh holy [ __ ] everything just went through my head oh okay uh I’m going to be making um ping pong come here what no oh wow actually is it a short sword or a full sword that’s a broad oh hold on turn I I will equip both because I have a gold short sword as well why do you have a sh sword Jordan because it’s all I can afford to make um in terms of Elden ring I’ve like hardly touched the game and um um terms of the DLC I don’t know if I’m willing to spend 160 bucks yeah just to play the the DLC as much as I would love to I hate um but unfortunately there probably won’t be until I get a a proper job and then maybe we’ll do some elen ring challenges like uh I don’t know strength only or intelligence only or something which sh Jord I have a lens from that nice oh actually I just put that in the chest there oh can I get the herb bag I already put the herbs in the chest oh oh mo glow where the [ __ ] did my lens go I just picked it up yes Moonglow I don’t know man there there are some crazy ass seeds in there yes me getting literally hard over some [ __ ] seeds like what is seed why can’t I oh D um we got to move this chest my guy we do not yeah we do why cuz uh we can put a crafting table there and then have access to all those maybe beating someone’s eyes we going to have to do that okay I’ll uh I kind of didn’t know you could just access those chests but I did not get a knife I didn’t know you could access those chests from the the crafting table to be honest mhm oh um boom is it not night time yet I I just jinxed it wait I don’t know um don’t wait until I regen until day and I’m going go back going right cuz if we don’t get anything else in this world this world’s kind of bust yeah as unfortunate as it is yeah because of the be all right though Jord like it should be a good chance world I have found one chest well we have yet to go underneath I’ve gone pretty far underneath see I I’ve gone pretty far underneath was going to tick her over there good chest good work stroke that [ __ ] all right well I’m going to go right again because it’s almost day and by the time it’s day it’ll keep the gay people away the zombies yes big old things their shmeet unfortunately purple eyes is not what I’ve accounted for there should be quite a lot of um ring from this I might have like a stack of dirt in my inventory after this hate this game as mode difficulty wher everything’s unbalanced and go [ __ ] yourself well the first boss we kill will give us a goodie bag and I think that’ll be worth it but we got to kill two no no no when when you and I both kill one there should be a good big for each of us hopefully cuz I don’t remember Terraria being like that I do I don’t I played Mass mode on Console like a year ago dude there’s a bunch of diff differences between console and [ __ ] PC right now it’s a whole chance that we just don’t get the same drops I remember playing on [ __ ] classic and whenever someone got like one item we had to figure out who would use it better like when I got the um what’s that sword that like um like like Jabs super fast from that one rainbow [ __ ] what the big rainbow lady she drops like this [ __ ] sword that like Jabs super fast oh yeah yeah I I figured I would use it better because I’m the melee I think he was a mage yeah man I hate that [ __ ] rainbow [ __ ] butterfly lady yeah rainbow [ __ ] robo [ __ ] the funny part is that fight turned into the day fight so it was like playing undertale yeah eat that [ __ ] game too that [ __ ] game that I hate it would be a lot easier if I got bombs for this a lot easier if we got loot we still have bombs uh uh yes I have six at the moment but I’m way the [ __ ] away right now okay sound like the tune from [ __ ] okay let’s go okay that cave is basically tapped out I don’t want to go look down there anymore sweet what the [ __ ] the oh bled in you hit me with the not a log should upad this as two idiots play Terraria yeah probably have to yeah uh wand of sparking yeah sweet 10 iron yeah mining potion sweet yeah I’ll make it into a series on the channel because I I’ve been so bad at uploading I might as well upload something right yes you need to upload wow wow Jordan I have more vods up than you have videos for oh I could outpace you with vods because they auto upload I don’t edit them I’m not going to edit them unless I say something heinous anus yeah anus dude I I don’t understand wait wait Jordan do you remember that one show no um it called medic yes I had a whole TV show at one point But at the P yeah it’s pretty good with the sauce I um think my favorite uh it was like R I don’t know if you remember him yeah the one who couldn’t really speak was pretty funny y magic mirror yeah like wait what Shard do you any clay jordo no how do I make clay oh the Japanese cander review when uh I need to upload that back onto my computer yeah uh mud mud block how does one get mud block mud block mud block I think you just find it it might be in the jungle though oh wait I can make mud uhuh yes sir uh there’s a traveling Merchant with my 34 cents what can I make or what can I get get a big [ __ ] you absolutely nothing yep I hate this [ __ ] cave I can’t see [ __ ] oh I could have been a chef a villager yes wait check this out K Chad I have a recall potion now [ __ ] Mr Giggle Touch oh it hasn’t got his PhD yet oh god dude I thought the water would save me no it shatter my ankles Terraria where you think things will save you dude water bracer fall in Terraria but there wasn’t enough so I just broke my [ __ ] feet uh Mr air God if you can’t see anything just get a torch I have a torch it’s just the torch the Tor the Torches in this game are [ __ ] finicky as [ __ ] and I can’t place them directly below me also welcome to the stream I’m just getting the Copper at the moment cuz we need better [ __ ] got K by a ghost hey um do we have iron yet Jordan I have a bunch at the moment I have a bunch I think I’ve got no I have one bar oh no I have more yeah literally got trolled dude like with the H yeah I mean I we don’t actually have a lot of um what is it called oh oh my God iron think you should go for the silver tungsten first probably yeah but I find tungsten’s a bit harder to get and I haven’t came across silver yet I got tungsten oh so do I yeah cuz I have I found some in a chest and some in a wall mhm oh is that a yes Mr eror God is the first viewer oh there’s some [ __ ] T and yeah oh there’s a statue here too Jesus dude that’s crazy yes a Reaper statue see that the [ __ ] progress yes and I yes I am a melee build one of the dumbest builds in Terraria no what do you mean what become a ranger in end game doesn’t mean it’s the dumbest build yeah Terraria melee build turns into like a pseudo ranged build when you get the ter blade mhm oh we got some tungsten so oh there’s even more great how I I just build you know I I think your vods are a good idea though Jordy because I think I was talking about it with you but a lot of people are great oh watching vods and stuff or um like they pass out and your VOD might play so get like H watch hours yeah I can’t remember what the watch hours are but I don’t really check so it’s my fault but I think I will get the tungsten cuz tungsten’s pretty good uh yes oh hello yeah we got tungsten world we we did E yes huge yes oh there’s even more what’s the substitute to tungsten I what is the substitute to tungsten I want to know cuz I I it could be silver it could be wrong though uh I don’t think so we have silver as well the block well if you found silver silver is apparently also the substitute According to umod which I haven’t played in months effectively I haven’t played probably in a year um I think we’re doing pretty good also that shadewood is insane right now the knock like it’s not great but the knock back on is really nice for keeping the yeah um the Crimson enemies at Bay yes it is I I how much T do I have I have 32 that’s not enough I’m pretty sure I think you need like 250 or something for like a full set no way I think it’s expensive like just the or to inot conversion rate is something High ah [ __ ] see [ __ ] I think I it’s either four or six I have to check when I get home I can’t place my torch on any of these [ __ ] blocks I’m going to get iron to because budgets also I feel like if I don’t collect it I’m going wasting my time oh there’s also some gold which is great this game like the back of my hand that is such a real statement you ever find that you have to have to have the wiki open playing this game I find that I have to even with with like the knowledge it’s just I haven’t played in a year uh feel like there’s still things I don’t know the answer to yeah this game there’s definitely a lot of [ __ ] I think sure I need to start digging down my chat overlay is not working I’ll have to fix that later because I’m not on Twitch anymore uh I don’t think that should be in though maybe might just need a new URL or something I don’t like the building in this game yeah the wiki I barely use anymore that’s good cuz relying on the wiki is a pain in the ass I’m trying to like step up right now I think when I was first playing I did use the wiki quite a bit I could have like probably not have used it yeah he was using sand sand stone or something you a lot of reach in this game I just forget which pickaxe has the most reach or just like items I give Jesus Christ there’s a lot of slime in there uh you don’t try that you [ __ ] yellow [ __ ] okay there’s two yellow ones check your stream element St to see if you have your YouTube connected to it I probably don’t I’m going to die oh there’s like five chasing me oh wait I just realized I don’t need both okay I’m safe now wait which mode you playing on Master yeah it’s doesn’t feel right to play on Master but it’s good for Content no it’s great I can’t what the [ __ ] why can’t I place torches on these blocks you don’t like dying no I don’t I think dark and darker prove that no dark and darker is amazing it’s it’s like medieval tarov are they running away from the bombs that’s funny I know I’ve been enjoying my wizard gameplay on that fair I need to go back up cuz I think I saw some stuff I want I wasn’t trying to make mud whoops I was trying to make clay good insane you um what do you mean making insane mud mud what’s what’s oh statue I didn’t see that dragon fly statue cool I know you can do something with the statues but I just don’t remember what you can hook it up to Red Stone and it can be pretty dang nice okay well I’ll have to do that in a sense of like um Master mode makes me go insane yes I agree I find it unbalanced no yeah I think zombes doing 40 [ __ ] health is insane the clip said scam what do you mean I hate this [ __ ] game no don’t you get you [ __ ] I don’t have a mace yet I’m really good with a mace not really good but I’m just better with a mace oh [ __ ] you have you heard of legendary mode yes isn’t it like a world seat or something or is it an actual difficulty I forgot yeah yeah it is oh great well if this VOD does particularly well I will do one of those I’m being sarcastic uh legendary mode isn’t that the like the Zen seed I believe it is a seed yes he says yeah uh I haven’t played it I how do I make that I don’t know holy she I forget well the wiki is always there so um I was I’m thinking about going back into that cave once I’ve got the armor all set up cuz I got a bunch of [ __ ] um see is get fixed boy yeah I think I remember seeing that on um what’s his name waffle man waffle waffle boy I remember that dude I [ __ ] hate that it is [ __ ] that’s why I hate it um let’s see I think I need armor more than anything right now should I use tungsten or iron right now is Waffle Time yes thank you I can’t remember his name cuz I have very short memory I think once I’ve made the armor I’m going to make a coffee real quick because my throat’s dry yeah it’s not good for hydration but yeah I thirsty thirsty would you rather me use tungsten or iron for armor right now uh tungsten cuz I need the iron for a bucket really quick okay only a bucket once I get that it’s all your story right I like making them pieace mail so uh do I have enough for another piece I don’t think so no I did I do not okay well it is also better yeah it’s just I’m trying to like budget our um our [ __ ] tungsten right now because while I did get a lot down there it’s only enough for a helmet and maybe a couple maybe a sword something which I do want um do I though short sword I can only make a short sword so I do not want it better armor though is better armor holy [ __ ] dude I just built so high up yes um I’m putting the iron in the chest I’m going to I don’t know exactly where you want that but I’ll put it in there anyways yeah whatever all right and you need accessories yes we need accessories bro I haven’t found any I found like one chest with an accessory I’ve just gotten really unlucky but our base is pretty good it’s functional what the [ __ ] we got four viewers oh sweet I’m looking for accessories believe me I want accessories I need them I want [ __ ] H I would love a shield right now don’t think I can get one just yet uh we can get the IU Shield eventually well yeah that’s the eventually thing wait I’ll be I’ll be back I’ll be I think getting knock back and stuff yes it’s Nega getting the knock back is the best part but I also want to have it cuz for the extra like defense cuz I am I love tank builds oh oh I just cracked my [ __ ] back Jesus Christ careful before you break it yeah I think that’s 13 High what is this needs me do you need the bombs where can I put them in the chest or something so I don’t throw them out in an accident uh yeah you do whatever I’ll put them in the um the the the flower chest cuz terrorism okay I’m making a coffee chat so uh I’m just going to sit in this chest area and I will make coffee while keeping my mic on but it’s going to be a ramble stream because I can’t see the chat I can’t I don’t think I can pull it up on my phone so it only takes like 5 minutes anyways bro so old time to yeah time to listen talking about stuff bro I will just yap on stream if you’ve seen any of the vods where I go up to like piss or drink water or something I’m just like yapping about just random [ __ ] like genuinely the inet of my streams where I’m going into the BRB phase is nine times the 10 just me yapping about whatever the hell I see dude a squirrel outside my house no way I wish I was joking cuz I talked about like well the neighbor’s got a weird car outside it’s it’s new I wonder if that’s a new car or is that a new person cuz you don’t get a lot of new people around here but it’s been busy this past few years oh uh Clips is asking Jordy what’s your favorite um what’s your favorite single player game single player game has to go to Gears of War 2 it’s dated but I hope we get a remaster but yeah did you see what they’re doing to Black Ops 6 I’ve seen it’s a game that’s all I know I’ve seen very little about it yeah I think they’re supposed to be um combining a lot of the games into one how does that work oh do you mean like all into one like game or like uh like a a lot of the zombies inside of it like a lot of B2 zombie maps and B1 I’m not against that I just don’t want it to be like an open open combat thing I’m just running back to my room yes I hate open combat missions they kind of suck okay welcome back I’m just making coffee because my throat is dry and I’m getting tired um actually so strumous right now going to eat the base no oh that’s not good well F in chat the [ __ ] Cur is uh busted seriously it’s just [ __ ] out like be yeah neighbor got a new car but is it a new car or new person yeah yeah basically bang bang yep well it looks like which what twitch clip yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about Eclipse yeah what the [ __ ] you talking about no coffee for me working on stream what do you mean working on stream the [ __ ] what working buddy working that [ __ ] oops uh hold on oh man this world is a goner what do you mean this world is a goner what the [ __ ] what happens it’s a good world I mean it’s not too bad but it has its issues okay I got to remake the coffee because oh that’s gross oh [ __ ] that’s bad L get sent in the YouTube chat oh this is is bad chat what happened so the coffee thing doesn’t work um it kind of [ __ ] everywhere okay I’ll uh take a picture but this has happened before with another K egg [ __ ] oh that’s bad I’m sorry that this is a lame stream right now but I just got [ __ ] there’s like literally like with [ __ ] coffee with beans everywhere in it just I wish I had a camera ah bro just exploded oh you’re dying Jordan how [ __ ] how did I die a zombie climbed to the base and when T was in PE school and there’s little kids and guess what happened what happened it is okay it happens no it doesn’t happen this has happened once before in the past and it was worse oh you’re back JY no I’m not you jumped for some reason what the [ __ ] I jumped so I don’t go get butt [ __ ] by things oh I was going to say I don’t know how the hell you just jumped dude I was like crazy I got a ghost on my stream oh that’s gross well R coffee it looks like it’s been bleeding out on the [ __ ] counter I wish I could watch House on stream why can’t you you can just do a live stream copyright oh I guess so no I mean like copyright will come bite me the balls oh my God it looks like me in the bathroom for the past few days Jesus God [ __ ] now I’m pissed off oh I think that no man I got a water I think it’ll be okay it’s just like H it’s kind of gross I really wish I had a camera to show you how bad it is I don’t think I can switch my uh stream input to my camera can I like if i s pull up my phone and open up from the app yeah you can do your um pretty sure you can make your uh webcam your phone and use that oh [ __ ] well oh God it’s almost cleaned up almost I’m have to Windex it what Windex is for oh my God Windex works on countertops cuz of the countertops we have Okay Glass no they are [ __ ] uh ceramic I think okay bro this look like liquid [ __ ] oh that Cup’s destroyed oh my God I just want to stream right now the one time I actually want to stream something like this happens and it’s like taking the the energy out of me TR is fun to stream it’s just I kind of like modded Minecraft more to a degree seem so because there’s not anything crazy happening oh there is [ __ ] crazy happening it’s just really slow my God the L next turn to [ __ ] stain like a yellow I don’t have anything else to use I could use soapy water but it’s dish soap I think we’re low on dish soap wor Yeahs too high my RADS bro it happens the kids in middle did the middle finger they’re not in the first class and they Dro more F bombs did one year uh yeah I find that’s an with modern PE cuz [ __ ] kids down there were insane remember back in PE when kids were like say uh yeah when they weren’t like csy [ __ ] yeah nowadays it’s just rocket arms anded to decapitate you what the [ __ ] I was thinking about fortnite never had a rocket arm dude literally there some crazy kids with like [ __ ] Rockets as arms I don’t I those what clean the coffee mysterious chemicals in the coffee now yeah oh no I’m not spray into the coffee machine I’m just like on the countertop oh yeah it didn’t get too bad in the actual coffee machine but oh man do something else for coffee now bang bang I’m sorry that this is not much of a Terraria stream right now but yeah oh my God I don’t even know it’s full clean what oh I’m just reading eclipse’s message oh okay oops great now I got to tell my mom that the K egg is probably worked I don’t like instant coffee yeah just for now M it’s kind of messy back in the base it’s going to be an entire Mansion I’ve seen part of the base cuz I had to come back to my desktop oh don’t you reheat your piece of [ __ ] coffee no piece of [ __ ] traveling Merchant is back I the merchant is just here yeah time’s a [ __ ] okay I’m just like drying off the [ __ ] C egg a little bit cuz there’s a bit of uh coffee stain on it and I should be coming back so we can go back to that mine mhm I haven’t found any accessories except for the stepping this game it’s like sarcastic sarcastic but it’s like BR all right cool is doing all the work is one one in coffee Lally I’m not even One V one in coffee I’m fighting the machine at this point okay I think I’m done if it has I to clean it later I will I really wish I could read chat from the bathroom but I can’t I just wanted a goddamn coffee said I got liquid [ __ ] instead machine has some beef with Jordan yeah it’s done twice that Chasey is cooking yes all right well I am back and thank God for eror God being patient so let’s go W’s in chat W actually so huge oh you got the um did you get the replantable like foods not foods with flowers no flowers just grow if I don’t plant [ __ ] doing all my flowers now um do you have oh you have iron yes I’m going to more yes bro definitely cooking let me cook chat let me cook is a windmill down here uhhuh yeah I got a bucket on the head the [ __ ] are you oh you’re over there on my head I was going to get bucket what the [ __ ] is that um your mom damn no to make a loom I’m cooking but going make some more platforms I’m going go down to the mines what do you know which evil biome we got we got the Crimson I think did you set it to Crimson or was it just random I said it I always do ah okay yeah [ __ ] I’m not a big fan of the corrupt but I don’t mind it okay I’m on Adventure again thank God for that plus three speed uh we need a miscellaneous chest um yes we need an accessory chest too I did not see that in the way I was looking at my screen did see that though um the Wanda sparking is nice it just has a really really small effect thing they bloom then shiverthorn what now we have oh vultures burn the bird why does it yeah I want to see what I can do with moon vow seeds can upgrade it you can upgrade the biome or the oh sorry the [ __ ] sparking how do you upgrade the sparking wand an idiot uh I have no idea I might do that even though I’m not a mage but it’s good for range so Le ow [ __ ] yes okay wait go to the guide all right hold on what I can I bug you for it pretty pleased when the CH on top why okay I’m at the guide what I need you to I me duplicate water I don’t know how to begin doing that don’t worry I got you baby girl never do that again place the wands you mean place it like what like throw it out yeah water deeping super simp in the crafting all right how to water deep you make a g out of blocks and then I’m a bit [ __ ] oh okay wand of frosting is is that the thing you were looking for the one of frosting I got ice torches somehow I know no I didn’t it’s just a crafting recipe okay well I’m going to need ice torches but thank you so I I don’t remember where to get ice torches if I’m correct but I I will help you with the uh water duping so how do we do that I’m setting up don’t worry I was building loss it was a g mhm a g GG you can craft all you have to do with what though oh wait uh I think I have to go and then BR lost connection beer has left I lost connection you got to reinvite me [ __ ] this game bro okay one sec all right if this is like that one one bug that it up I [ __ ] do it YouTu is not receiving enough video to what the [ __ ] have to reinvite me kicked me out of the thing [ __ ] I don’t know what happened I can accepted the invite went back to the menu and it just didn’t work okay okay um it should just be that go to the guide give him torches and you can find it okay I think I can get torches I need ice blocks ooh I don’t think I found the snow biome yet have you more ah I got it I got it sweet I’m a genius I’m not I’m not looking it up I’m a I’m a wizard I know how duplicate water no the G isn’t larger we’re just placing okay Jord see the top of the G all place it on like in the space like the like the opening part like the um like over here or just on this side yeah the opening part is it working no no no in yours Jordan you have water not anymore in your bucket you see the M can see in the mine map the mine map [ __ ] I do not have water I don’t know what the mine map is okay uh okay hop down Jord and uh and grab a water you should be okay and grab one water I did I don’t know what to m m but so place it like right on this like opening area right here okay okay so place it right oh okay not that but on the yeah yeah yeah mini map you know what I mean Jelly Bean uh hold on I think yes here yeah the mini map if you found the ice SP no we haven’t found it yet I don’t think we’ve seen it at all I haven’t gone too far in the mines either which I know there’s a desert which I don’t know if that depicts no we had a desert in the last World I just keep doing this until it reaches the top yeah but you’re placing it in the like not the open Gap in the middle but on the right you know here yeah you okay yeah yeah yeah but I will look for the ice bius um we’re actually making so much water good cuz this is your fishing hole it’s full maybe we’ll have late night fishing strings potions Yeah well yeah cuz we need potions be funny don’t have a r yet water was infinite in the olden days yeah I don’t know if you guys know this but this is actually a waterers made in real life yeah kind of is no it’s not Jord water evaporates and then the clouds make the water no is this making any progress yeah you’ll see it eventually all right but I will go to the ice biome cuz uh that wand of frosting while should be pretty good I think it’s better than sping holy [ __ ] finally y yeah and then when we get to the top I’ll just toss me the bucket the left if you done fing the water yeah I think the left is our Crimson biome though would the ice biome still have a chance to spawn over there then we get rain no the I don’t think the rain adds water to the map no if it did that would be hell how far do you want like right up to the top where like the ledges are or uh okay you can pause all right and then just toss your bucket to me and I’ll fill it uh uh [ __ ] game uh grab it and then yeah I think I did it hold on answer text I think you should look in the left if you’re done filling the water so let’s go over there and see what’s up cuz yeah there might be one I don’t know there 30 critical damage with money W oh oh my God I didn’t realize the [ __ ] C corrupt was that close yeah no it’s literally like butt touching us dude yes yes it is that takes forever to kill one spider I hate that okay I guess we’re not going left I have not explored left at all because of that reason okay well I’m going back right and hoping I’m praying we get to the ice biome this world is yes it has a chance to be cooked yes yeah the corrup could be insane for end game could yeah just for spawning pillars yeah we need spawn pillars end game I do not recall end game very well we didn’t use spawn pillars in my one world we around catch I catch bugs then I should be able to um you need to find a sunflower yeah yeah there’s some right here how do I pick it up I mine it with an axe or a pickaxe yeah pick all right well I got them what do we need uh sunflowers yeah why do we need sunflowers I don’t know why by the time they were in our old world they were gone by like the third day dude you can stack buckets on your head what the [ __ ] that makes sense I have two buckets on my head right now a big bucket she we look really intelligent with our buckets what the I’m never going to take the bucket god dude too good with the sauce is the W sparking that use Mana oh yes it does you deserve two buckets so I gracefully took the buckets wow that’s so cool I hate this game all okay well just good night get no I think I should build the did you build a elevator or should I do that yeah I did where oh I see it I’m going to go on the elevator so I have the sunflowers the Crimson is going to take over the world oh well I don’t know how to prevent that I know you need need like the cont the decontaminator but I don’t think we can get that yet get falling stars I have five in my inventory oh yeah I forgot you have to make them with the uh Stars the [ __ ] I don’t know that’s what a clip said I’m going to do that as well the schanberg the the ber and Shan let like some Rick Mor sh real some stars fall tonight I’m kind of kind of needing them place a torch just out here yes what is what Jordan said you bully Jordan I don’t know what the [ __ ] I was saying the sunflower is going to stop the crimson so if I place it by the Crimson they should stop stay there I guess okay well I’m going to do that cuz I would rather them not get closer see on my old world the Crimson wasn’t moving very fast at all like it was moving like a block every seven years I don’t know how many I’m going to need but probably more than just I can’t see [ __ ] oh Jesus I might have to do this in the morning [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m dead did you die from [ __ ] zombie d dude Mr GLE Touch Is Dead all right well I will place those torches in the morning so we don’t get touched uh oh [ __ ] hey bud yeah see you hauling ass yeah even got flush things can’t see [ __ ] I can’t see [ __ ] even with the light it’s just my eyes don’t adjust very well God they don’t break blocks but yeah flailing about which finally stop by Fox monster hello [ __ ] hell why are they coming from the other side now oh going close your NPCs they won’t come back oh oh did not know that I hate this game so much [ __ ] apparently if the Crimson gets too close to a base NPCs will not come back oh [ __ ] yeah no dude that God money is sort of useless early game like I know it’s not but you’re going to lose it a lot yeah we need a pick Bank like yeah just should eat a grave no no I ate a mushroom oh okay but oh I took fall damage I forget I forget this I keep forgetting about there’s fall damage in this game cuz I’m used to my [ __ ] other playthroughs where I just don’t have it you have a worm I do not I don’t think so place my whatever [ __ ] uh oh [ __ ] what another ghost all right well I’m placing [ __ ] in my in the chest um okay I need to make a um a gravity thingy gravity potion yeah you’re trying to go up ran out of memory did your game Crash no no I need a feather for a gravity potion okay never mind [ __ ] I don’t know how do you gravity potion I think you uh well how do you get feathers from like owls or some things up there no the actual harpies so you actually need to kill Harpy to even get up there so forget actually getting one like if you don’t kill hary with your first gravitational potion then you’re probably not getting up without um building yeah I probably have to just build up there oh by the way um er God asked what CL are you going for oh I’m going for Ranger my apologies yeah Ranger is fun Ranger is nice just keep my distance you know attack them don’t have to really be kissing the boss the entire time to be doing stuff so yeah uh instead of rather focusing on a lot more um pardon me sorry uh like defense I can focus on other things like um critical chance or actual um I don’t know like mov speed I guess yeah g have to focus a lot more oning the defense aspect yeah I’m just going to go full warning [ __ ] the game [ __ ] the extra attack damage out all that [ __ ] let’s go [ __ ] Waring out this [ __ ] yeah crit hits yeah I want to get banners of Critters just for shits and giggles [ __ ] dude stop getting [ __ ] over bro um I might just buy a [ __ ] ton of bombs and drop it down the the hole um oh why why the eyes this I keep forgetting the the [ __ ] demon eyes aren’t like a corrupt item they just spawn wherever the [ __ ] they want I totally just forgot I died with all my my money so going have to go get that just use a potion and like the [ __ ] eyes immedately invalidated and there’s a third eye dude I just went like 13 ft out of the base a really said [ __ ] you I literally just I just want to [ __ ] keep the [ __ ] Crimson at base so we don’t have to move [ __ ] you iie of [ __ ] all right hold my ass off yeah this stream is going to have a lot of death I’m pretty sure my classic casual mode had like 118 deaths or something hard yeah brain damage all right well while the eye is distracted by you I’m going to go run to the Crimson real quick [ __ ] I’m doing it for the greater good I think in the world we played in we kind of just let the um the hollow take over our world because why why not it didn’t really affect much in the classic biome we didn’t really use anything there oh [ __ ] off green eye me place it 118 death gang God bread okay so oh I [ __ ] hate this game so much right now I forget I just don’t know if they can just place anywhere oh I placed one it’s just game is racist let’s just say that that’s crazy yeah uh I want to go mine but I have to get this [ __ ] done but there’s a green eye come on okay I do not enough yes it is good oh [ __ ] literally just got jump scared by ghosts I was getting FNAF again even not even playing FNAF dude I loved my FNAF streams they were actually one of my favorite things I’ve ever done yeah those were fun you should do those again oh yeah I’ll I’ll eventually do it I just need to killed himself just need to I don’t know I need to redownload it yeah yeah the old FNAF games man I would definitely do more videos on that too I I loved the FNAF series that’s fair lot lot lots of fun yeah um do you have rope jordo uh yes I have 218 do you um help a brother out here yeah come to me okay yeah just drop it down the hole if you can wait never mind there’s platforms you get up here hello hello okay it’s right there thank you yes how do you how do you favorite things in your inventory I forget I have no idea I hate the sorting system should break these before they get annoying or they are annoying oh okay so why couldn’t I place these flowers close by is it because of this block right here maybe they need like of clearance yes they do and of course one of the face monsters is coming this game all right yourself oh you’re making pasta I could [ __ ] up some pasta real [ __ ] I make pasta my [ __ ] right now well chimer is chasing me oops or was chasing me I have slimes so oh I’m going back to the mine hole well probably that not that mine hole I don’t know which I’m going to Don’t drop down actually you can drop down I was going to that one the one I was doing earlier where I I [ __ ] can’t remember where I did it just got to grab one those birds and fly away [ __ ] you don’t [ __ ] ever do that again you blue ass [ __ ] you hurt me [ __ ] okay can’t use um what should I call it potions right now if there is big birds I’m going to be very annoyed yeah I’m kind of slow right now cuz I I would have been a little better if I had the coffee but you know what happened to that what happened just kidding beat the [ __ ] out of you there’s a slime time for me to get my upgrades I have gotten a helmet I should get more tungsten hopefully I Haven eight today and this is my second water ball of today bro I like like liquid diet this one my favorite streams a long time oh the life of streamers real crazy thanks for calling the stream your favorite because I I don’t stream often yeah we we got to get back on that grind dude I’ve been meaning to do it every day I’ve just forget been asleep half the day so there’s no reason not to stream right so really we should definitely pick back up on that yeah I’m trying to do more cobon streams it’s just I’ve been sick and also the internet thing is going on on the 10th which I have no clue how well that’s going to go so I go down this hole yes I did we’re back in the hole take that as you will oh man I could make daily streams a possibility it’s I kind of will forget that’s my only problem with daily streams I will forget to do them oh [ __ ] birthday’s coming up oh sweet well thanks for calling us funny it’s very very very nice of y’all I’m saying you as a y’all cuz I don’t know I don’t know but I will continue to stream more and this Duo stream happens quite a bit there’s there’s other vods of us just playing games we’ve done grounded um we’ve done um a bit of Remnant a bit but that was like not even like fully multiplayer yeah it’s all there’s a bunch one’s okay oh [ __ ] on the n9th um excuse me clipse is officially going to be 18 oh oh being 18 is fun I guess uh real I really wish I made like a um you know what we need to do we need to upgrade our pickaxe um you can I have no reason to just yet oh and found an ore that I can’t mine oh I hate red slime so much um Coffee Park on me laughing so hard yeah I really wish I had I [ __ ] streamed that cuz it was it looked like a [ __ ] okay it’s really graphic image but it’s like it looked like someone just bleeding on the counter but it was like like diarrhea what yeah it looked like someone was bleeding on the counter that’s one of the craziest sentences I think I’ve ever heard from you well it looked like someone was like [ __ ] on the counter and just dragging them across the counter it looked like that and I wish I was joking um does why what do why do [ __ ] Slimes like to spawn in the [ __ ] Lake I need more more BS I need more potions slimes got potions good unfortunately I am special so I can’t hit [ __ ] well you shouldn’t play Terraria and make coffee no man it would have been fine it’s just the machine’s a piece of [ __ ] uh I say that but it’s like I don’t know you might be right the Slime is waiting for me to go over to that [ __ ] statue I just know it it’s like [ __ ] like it’s like Jord yeah it literally is it’s like just sitting underneath a [ __ ] rock in the water just waiting see and it just started moving [ __ ] this game [ __ ] little [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh coin portal sweet oh what the [ __ ] I might lose it with Jordan yeah first your coffeee machine now the Slime Jordan yeah now I have 10 gold I kind of want to get out of this cave all right I’m going to do that you got 10 gold yeah one of those portals appeared how do you make the piggy bank or do you buy it from someone like the merchant uh I buy the piggy bank it’s 89 silver from who oh it’s from this guy uh the diarrhea coffee that’s crazy uh I’m try my fishing hole and see if it actually works yeah I’m going to put the uh the the piggy bank I don’t know I’m going to put ites was I afid of butterflies you’re not I want oh good I need it for my bait do have to place the piggy back on a table uh yeah place on crafting table if you can [ __ ] why that’s a weird [ __ ] thing I want to just place it on the ground no they’re going to kill the [ __ ] butterfly bro [ __ ] by a Camaro trying to save a butterfly [ __ ] bastard’s still there though it’s it’s moving Lo around teasing me dude real stupid oh my God why are they here now what the [ __ ] smell your stinky coffee you brought them here n waste a potion either listen it was all in good uh intense guess for the butterfly Jordan do you have any idea how important that is I don’t cuz it probably has to do with the fishing I just heard you lag [ __ ] heard you lag I got to [ __ ] heal one oh no need natural regen got sit the fire run yeah you see that just [ __ ] that kind mirrors up yes don’t dead now oh got a vertebrae holy [ __ ] go when fishing in terara it’s better in fishing shallow water uh you can’t actually uh fish without it being 75 deep unfortunately so we got I think like is this uh oh I almost just annihilated a butterfly you doing by the way Carter I feel like I haven’t talked to you forever oh man um need to sell um I’m going to place the the statues at the top yeah cuz right now they’re just decoration items do holy crap we have four viewers do you have any slime uh gel slime is there a difference oh uh yeah have 35 right now need torch steal like six from you I don’t know how to drop them out the stacks uh drop it oh butterfly there I got you your yeah there’s a couple butterflies around here one second what butterfly um I’m going to go back and mine I I yeah cuz I need to go get that [ __ ] it’s funny because if I could get a world on Terraria that’s just underground like just underground I would probably enjoy it more than the regular World cuz I like the mining aspect of oh that’s great but isn’t Al really [ __ ] hard maybe great can’t be in the dark oh great like if you’re in the dark you’ll die that’s not good you should play some netw you should some pal Network what going to have to [ __ ] elaborate no I’m [ __ ] up paling nwk so I make a bad 15 Wood uh I don’t know I think Sawmill [ __ ] yeah it’s expensive okay I got it okay I made a bed you stay over there you Critter um I guess I’ll put the bed like right here my spawn did I not just well I forgot English yeah I don’t oh God damn it it’s almost night I hate this game uh okay I think when I go back and it’s night I’m just going to go into the hell hole hell hole sounds good right now sweet I’m finally fishing going it work real sweet bro I am like that’s a zebra butterfly I’m like hauling ass the cave cuz I know if I stay any like a bit [ __ ] I keep I’m going to keep stuttering I’m keep turning into it slow I got that brain to mouth problem sounds really bad I need a a better fishing rod dude I don’t even know how to do that fish what what the [ __ ] what what’s the got a bomb fish nice throw it at someone I will not be doing that cuz it destroys tiles oh least if a fish bomb renewable fishes I had to sneeze what oh my God we’re getting so much fish right now fishy are they Ed the fish I don’t know you can probably eat them hope so cuz I need things to heal me with no they’re a material not a hunter potion I didn’t see those jugs there or Mason the pots I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re called I mason jar you know what else we need want we really need glowing mushrooms we do but I haven’t even found that biome yet yeah it’ll take some time I’m sure we’ll just go down oh actually we probably [ __ ] mode probably not it’ll take a long time for us to [ __ ] um get to hard mode yes it will take a while it will take a couple streams at the minimum yeah I’m down to start doing daily Terraria streams so if you want to make that into something yeah I could do that I’ll just be posting vods I don’t know if I’ll be Mak into a series by the end of it I’ll maybe makeing two series make it I’ll just have to download every single video and [ __ ] I you know how I feel with my 60 gigabyte cyberpunk [ __ ] live stream yeah daily Terraria yeah yeah we could probably do that yeah please be no people here um it’ be interesting to see the progress that we make we we’ll make progress we have to make progress if we don’t make progress we have a problem now we’re on to the potion stage where I make you potions so you can survive yeah and I’m on to the getting us ore phase because we really need ore yeah I I need to make uh actual armor my bucket but um when did I get I also need lenses actually so it’s a good thing there’s a demon on here I also need to start upgrading my arrows to um Jester arrows are Unholy so I should start farming up um Crimson yes would you uh you need to uh go to the Crimson biome for that so you’re going to need iron at Le something mhm oh man I really wish I had a night vision potion right now whatever you like a like a minor potion whatever you call it [ __ ] me man Giggle Touch got touched [ __ ] bastard yeah Giggle Touch got giggle touched man yeah bro got touched a little too much uh oh great talking about when I name my character Dr gou oh [ __ ] you bat okay so Jordan know that’s what it is ah [ __ ] it we killed each other I saw a chest too oh great you’re being touched why did they get here how I no idea ah [ __ ] I think we should have made those platforms a little taller just a slight I’ll make an arena soon that’s not what I was talking about cuz this is our house it’s not very safe well I can get rid of the bottom platforms as soon as we um get double jump oh just got fed got annihilated again oh my God it’s not common for those things to be hit the best Doo of Terraria history thank you thank you God just wait we’ll be cooking in like two days yeah can we sleep uh if we have a second bed yeah actually what do we need for that five more silk do you have any cobweb I did I I do actually oh uh yeah I can use that uh where is where do you make silk oh my God you see those Snipes I go to the loom and go to The Sawmill after and you’ll be able to make a bed I don’t know what the [ __ ] a loom is do I look like a loom to you a loom Al Loom is all the way right or left or sorry I can make one silk I hate this game oh [ __ ] I even see that zombie make a bed yet make a bed yet make a bed yet nuh okay I’ll save my here take my one so I’ll use my stars for jest arrows oh thanks just directly at you you want to go down with me uh yeah I got that syndrome don’t worry a significant 5% um what five sorry five more damage my arrows mean I’ll be doing double damage in terms of arrows anyways oh God I nearly just felt my death I’ve got hella [ __ ] or down here boms so I mean I could mine that I picked up some of it that’s okay we literally share everything dude don’t don’t worry yeah but they get confusing like where the [ __ ] the tungsten are eatting it oh I got a potion we’ll save that for a boss yes sir um but yeah next uh next step I think for me at least will be making oh an arena yeah that’s a good point don’t need that I hate the water here what let me let me just do this don’t bomb it be taking damage only oh worm where caught that [ __ ] in the air oh worm do you have uh any glow sticks I have torches and I do have glow sticks I missed oh there’s a boulder oh no be very careful bu up isn’t it like a trap Boulder or does it just randomly fall they just trap Boulder I’m looking for the button it’s not good maybe throw a bomb at the bottom so it drains the lake uh yeah I’m not talking much cuz I’m eating chips that’s fair do you see that I do [ __ ] um I’m I got it man I could drop my rock cry damn oh [ __ ] actually [ __ ] I just got stuck down here how uh no rope um build up with blocks into that air pocket one sec or you have blocks I know for fact you have blocks you do not have blocks you are a liar um I’m going to check over here why is it building stairs okay yeah don’t worry about the eating thing I don’t mind so long like I know that like people eat on stream I do that too so I’m going to [ __ ] up some goddamn Sy whenever I have the chance I’m going to [ __ ] up a smoothie in a bit I’m hungry I at today yeah I’m going to uh eat a sandwich or something real oh uh actually I can drain most of this water two seconds water bottle crushing time oh yeah I do need sand as well for glass which will be used on potions well there’s a desert on the right side okay there’s also hard sand here for some reason hard see [ __ ] that this okay and then I think I just killed myself going down in a straight line actually unless I can just do this I think I just killed myself you’re alive let’s go God [ __ ] that fish if we can get a hook as well if you can get ores please do cuz we can make hooks out of it what kind of ores doesn’t matter like hook hooks I I haven’t played it in months [ __ ] fish think we need around 15 a glow stick at the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] God damn it the [ __ ] that was crazy what these two hours dude will probably be like nothing in the video like it’ll be like five minutes maybe we don’t know what we cut out I probably will cut out more or less or who else I make a video don’t know like I know commentary yeah I don’t think I will [ __ ] that or um over like speaking over my footage so sorry voice over how the [ __ ] are you alive I came back no how did you surv that I don’t know oh my god oh man uh bro just [ __ ] Himi you what the hell I know take the right side all right it’s just easier now yeah I’m going to fall right into a bit of lava oh wait wait tungsten where right L right no don’t don’t not no yeah yeah yeah you got it you got it I can see where it is I’m mining towards it it like two people beating off in a room yeah yeah or GRE oh my God we’re so smart Jordan you see that our brains just sink the [ __ ] up you’re it’s cuz they’re hungry or hungry my brain is a little slow right now but all right gold we need that oh yeah yeah to and then yeah we got it got cheaper oh uh more more soak I need we need that uh yeah hold on I need help my brain work real quick work cheapers creepers why did I get an achievement stumble into a spider cave oh [ __ ] so we can farm so [ __ ] no and this will be good later on for I guess minions yeah see what’s in there okay I should probably stop spamming these but I like doing it oh my God what okay you see the [ __ ] like bow load of spiders Jordy yeah I did I didn’t think that was much of a problem but I know they do a lot of damage so let’s try to avoid them that’s going to be a crazy money Farm um in due time but why do they drop a lot of well I don’t know it’s just a lot of mobs that we can Farm coins off of I assume that’s fair I’m starving holy crap dude going to fall into a hole in die yeah should be okay Soul sucks Mario no it’s a jungle thing oh what you’re m 3 by3 pal and oh I think we’re about to fall into water yes we are let me cook let me cook in a second second look faster I’m drowning okay well I need Jordan I can’t [ __ ] speak no quit [ __ ] mining down dude I didn’t see mining oh man I’m going to immediately like die oh come in cor come here I’m got my a there’s a water hole hole oh my God just kept mining down I was like No we’re going to KN you keep doing that if you had to fight one Boston ter in real life who would you fight that one rainbow woman F that slime kill this he [ __ ] the Slime oh that’s great oh what’s this cave I’d fight the rainbow woman because real M yeah basically can’t see [ __ ] the [ __ ] is over there dude a piran them [ __ ] ate my toes my exploration in me wants it here let’s go back up and get some bombs I’m looking uh [ __ ] [ __ ] a penny I got 60 tungsten how much tungsten do you got drop it to me and I’ll smel it I got 50 make some Tung yes we can okay okay um I like the rainbow woman hard God God [ __ ] my brain [ __ ] all the time I’m still watching I go TOS you’re doing what laging God I can’t tell if I’m lagging un ironically I 16 ingots from all that lame no you’re you’re good Jord you’re good lame but did you did you get yeah probably going to fight the Empress of light what yeah in due time we’ll have to do that no I mean IR uh how do I make the oh my internet just took a [ __ ] yeah I saw that dude why did it take a [ __ ] I me downloading something for some reason okay so we need 15 of any Gem jordo and then we’ll be able to make a hook okay well I don’t know why the stream is taking a [ __ ] I can’t help 16 of any gem uh yes I can’t help you with that I don’t have any jumps oh dude you had bombs near the whole time BR uh where what are you talking about you had it in the left a bunch of [ __ ] in the left I didn’t know that um R sword C pretty good I don’t have wood [ __ ] uh are you able to drop me the tungston real quick yeah I got you thanks you’re cooked yes I am cooked be worth in the chest already all I would fight emperor of light all day because seven a rare drop if we kill during the day yeah you get the special sword but uh yeah good luck I can make the Greaves let me solo her I was going to solo her somewhere else let her solo me all right I’m going to make a chest plate of some kind I’m definitely C but um can you make me something what do you need wood armor what do you need exactly literally an entire outfit if if at all possible and we’re going back in the caves he wait I’m making you a bed um yeah cing right now like actually cooking what is he doing uh making food all right what the [ __ ] why can’t I make oh here where the [ __ ] are you okay here’s your bed up I will come on it how do how do we set spawn dude I don’t know I think you got to sleep at the top part apparently okay so this makes the time fly by so we shouldn’t do that until we want yeah actually fly by yeah I’m hungry as [ __ ] Bro last oh fell to a dark hole I died I’m dead oh thank God there’s water bro is about to be cooked I fell into a dark hole and nearly [ __ ] died there was no water where are you mining at I can hear you no no I’m placing rope down oh my God that’s like what the [ __ ] beating off with the speed of sound yes sir [ __ ] rub burn she weer off excuse me let me let me bomb this my [ __ ] God my friend is sending me Tik toks my phone’s going insane like I get it funny haha did you just die no almost if you have one item from Terraria in real life what would you choose that’s a good question um you’re going to kill yourself oh oh my God one item in real life from Terraria that’s a good question um the druid wants the Druid I don’t know if it c as an item buddy but okay um realit that’s a toughy I don’t know man probably one of the probably the Unicorn to be honest either the Unicorn Mount or the Terra Blade I don’t know maybe I’m just really dangerous that chest is my door and I saw first I can’t even see it I can’t even see see it what the [ __ ] are you talking about oh that one good luck if it has anything decent in it GG i l it first you didn’t even touch it yet what the [ __ ] are you talking about no I just looted it all instead taking it all [ __ ] my ass what do you mean looted at all what is what’s the difference I don’t know oh oh you already have a hook oh you got one from the chest great oh I got the spider one either the cor the ter blade for what else I even get I don’t even know what the [ __ ] else I uh I got there I do not want to go down that hole okay wait can’t I equipped yeah there um okay wa I got it yeah you hurry that [ __ ] up with that boms my friend keeps sending me Tech toks I’m going to go insane my phone is just going nuts right now uh oh archery potions recoil potions oh I got Dynamite too oh sweet um do that down for safe measures not a lot of good [ __ ] down here no nothing not even like some ore is there water down there so I can drop yes there’s water she just [ __ ] died oh what left left what what about it uh there’s a massive I know it’s a spider Den but also there’s a lot of uh space we can explore there buddy that’s a mistake uh oh actually have two gold let me buy some more bombs for your ass okay great by the terabyte why not Zenith uh ter blade looks cooler and I’m pretty sure the Zenith while very overpowered I don’t think I’d be able to wield that [ __ ] that think’s heavy ter Blade’s also like a large projectile um what I I would say Zenith but I I don’t know I kind of like the ter blade better [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] gray slime in this hole broken see I hate this [ __ ] game I can’t see it at all it’s just like a uh bro you’re going to get butthole resized oh what hit by a slime yeah slimed on literally not SC I’m going to beat you with a brick don’t ever say that again I’m Lally spamming it with [ __ ] bombs allahar damn this hole’s long careful the r doesn’t go down that far yeah disappointed CH said that oh [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] are you doing it sound like you’re beating off I’m placing torches me beaster clip is like I’m disappointed that you said that chase Mr Beast oh [ __ ] pixie what hello oh the loot pixie I haven’t seen one of those in ages [ __ ] oh [ __ ] actually dude that’s right next to us yeah um there’s a ghost down here by the way I saw that it that’s why I’m up here kid that with fire throw a bomb down there if arrows could affect it I’m pretty sure bombs can too if it doesn’t I’m all out of fouring Terraria where there’s literally guns in this game I can hear you recalling no I’m not I know what is that noise ah careful careful there’s another chest in here hope another grapple hook yes I would like that die you in your damn little sword door that [ __ ] kills me dude uh oh keep missing what in there oh another web slinging thing I want my meat gladly use it attackers also take damage I’ll take the knife Vision as well as the daggers oh arrows hpe and then golden bar oh sorry Jord I’m literally hogging that [ __ ] you are my back I’m going to beat with my nose oh [ __ ] uh Spider where oh good luck the [ __ ] oh healing potions [ __ ] uh just grab the chest when you’re done oh I use the web Slinger my God why is it e you can change it wait a minute does it go in your accessory slot as well or no yeah go to do that and yeah I’m trying I’m dead right now oh this game sucks I’m starving game oh shiing yeah starving what the [ __ ] I spawned with a fried egg in my inventory yeah what the [ __ ] why did my inventory get smaller weird uh which hole ah this oh yeah my mongalo is grown sweet I have not used a [ __ ] grapple in a long time mhm my shoulder killing me’s not going to have any shoulders when I’m done with him no your leg well some D down time eclip made pasta cied Italian is a certified Italian right oh God even in bed night takes forever while that happens I will get on my Google Chrome okay well I’m going to sell some [ __ ] right now get back oh [ __ ] actually you got the piggy bank that’s nice um I don’t need anything else in there just need to make money so we can level our [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] are you doing waiting uh do you want to help me make eight gold eight gold think I have enough gold I need to do to do nice why do I have a bow give it to you yeah we are on Master mode but also thank you yeah we’re on Master mode and I haven’t played any like a year officially but uh I don’t have any arrows oh I do have arrows okay cool thanks do have Arrow I have so how do I make gold what are you doing making boots there no point though because why the copper boots are are as good as the uh H [ __ ] CH dude um the word a little bit Copper’s as good as wood yeah like maybe a bit better for uh whatch iall it the chest is a little bit better but let’s it all right let me just getting a coup upgrades my I have to go by all right well thanks for coming in you’re one of first viewers so thank you for stopping by all right dude that’s uh that’s nice my Bow’s doing around 19 damage per hit now good [ __ ] you okay yeah I’m just thinking what I’m do I’m actually going to go in the cave way over here keep burping dude got gas going to shoot himself not burping going to shoot himself CR necessar told the G to go B simulator yeah I was going to play BP simul [ __ ] bird that I hate am I stuck I just got [ __ ] one tapped by a wall creeper yeah they’re pretty strong bro what the [ __ ] can you get stuck by lightning in this game maybe my luck it’s going to happen oh um

Welcome to my Terraria LIVESTREAM! I haven’t seriously played Terraria in over a year now and its a great open world on Master Mode difficulty where we attempt to survive a bunch of dumb things like unbalanced zombies and slimes, but regardless we will prevail.

Terraria is a great 2d open world esque survival boss rush game where lots of people can come together to fight bosses and build structures or grind for OP as hell loot. Hopefully we can actually fight bosses but regardless. I am running a Melee build because I like simplicity and I hate relying on the wikipedia 24/7 but regardless the game is fun on any build.

not_chasey streams on Twitch while I stream on YT because I hate Twitch’s VOD storage rules, but he’s good at this game so we’ll do fine. Terraria is a great game and I would pick it up even if it wasn’t onsale lol.

I am Victinizz, a monotone edgier humor fella who just wants to stream and game in his meantime. Feel free to Like. share or even Subscribe, and of course please leave a comment.

My Discord is currently under development, ish. So I’ll eventually plug that here.

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