Realism Craft ALREADY Got A Huge New Minecraft Update…

hey what’s up it’s me Miss spice the iced version a week ago you and I we dove into one of the coolest new versions of Minecraft ever realism craft in that video we caught a deal I said you show the love and you get yourself even more parts and show the love you blew me out of the water all I can say is thank you so much U there was so much warmth in a move that I don’t know if anybody really saw coming one week after it’s launch we already have a brand new update to check out so today I figured we do something a little bit different and snapshot Style Dive Right into this update and break it down 3 2 1 let’s go all right all right I’m not necessarily a profit or anything but I do have to admit that when I saw this was called realism craft 1.0 a week ago I got the hint initially when this thing dropped it was called 1.0 that gave me the idea the hint the nudge the inkling of a thought that maybe this thing would end up seeing an update but see an update already one week later I mean I didn’t even get to make the real part two yet this is just like something else beautifully if you’ve already picked up realism craft 1.0 then every single update after that it’s going to be free the very first change that I found inside of this update I think it’s a change is when I go to create a world I’m no longer locked into a certain setup when I go to set up a world now with realism craft instead of us being fake locked into a template that we have to unlock by tapping a button that would be right there approximately where the mouse is I mean it’s gone and a grand ske of things it means absolutely nothing it’s so minuscule but I I did think it was kind of strange to be locked before into a brand new world for the first time inide of realism craft 1.1 it all begins familiarly we’ve got ourselves a good oldfashioned book that kind of gives us a small rundown as to what to expect when it comes to realism craft and I’ve realized they learned that this book is on an infinite Loop you could scroll in this book and keep looking at it forever and ever and ever oh now wow this spawn right here is kind of a fire take a look at this the the hazy fog inside of the cold biomes I was checking more realism craft after I made that initial I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself and yeah I saw a cold biome before and it actually feels frigid like freezing inside of here look at that in the background of structure another structure a ruin portal the birds the Aviance oh it’s beautiful but I’m sorry to say that today isn’t actually part two keep your eyes out for the real part two a little bit later up tap that like button and let’s lock in inside of realism craft 1.1 the very first move you should do is slide down under the world under the ground inside of the world well well well what in the world have I found the here is that perhaps maybe our first trial chamber of the day aha so tragically in realism craft 1.0 a week ago when that thing dropped Minecraft 1.21 wasn’t actually officially supported quite yet reasoning behind that is that realism craft 1.0 was submitted to the marketplace before Minecraft 1.21 was actually out I guess things kind of take a while to get like rolled out into the marketplace now wow the trial Chambers right here so as far as I’m aware the trial chamber structure is going to be the exact same structure structur that it is in Minecraft 1.21 no changes to it at least quite yet moving around inside of this thing though we can see those new textures all over the place the greates oh wow this is crazy with the Ambiance in the background like listen it kind of feels like I’m in some kind of like large dungeon now just wandering around alone and it’s like I I mean show I don’t know how to describe it other than it just feels like big all of a sudden like empty huge creepy mysterious and quite big oh my God this is the first time that I’m seeing any of these textures by the way but wow that copper bulb look at that thing that’s insane in the pot I didn’t see that big pot last time I know it was definitely here but wow that’s beautiful looking oh with the shirts dude oh with the shirts that looks so good so with Minecraft 1.21 fully being supported I figured there’s only one thing that we could do and that is slide into the menu here and take a look at every single brand new block and how that aesthetic is Shifting so for starters the slab in all the variants I mean you can kind of just imagine them if you see the tough brick BL wa that’s different looking is that upside down did they flip it back oh I saw it from a mile away I knew it they did it they actually flipped it back to that OG version of the tub brick that’s an interesting choice but anyways if you see the full block version then you can kind of probably just fill in the blanks as to how the wall and the slab is going to look whoa what in the is that a moose or I yes it’s another cow these mobs keep tricking me the eye is brother brother what’s going on with your eyes you look so wonky tough brick Block it’s beautiful and it’s flipped upside out that’s so trippy to see I can’t lie to this day I do kind of miss the idea of the brick being flipped upside down chisel a tough brick I mean it’s so familiar looking to the OG one on the top it’s a little bit more squared out though and looks a whole lot less like that whole polished ore variant that I keep talking about polished tough speaking of Polish I mean it’s clean it’s smooth looking I suppose pulling out a couple other polish blocks and taking a look I mean these are a standout these look way more smooth and kind of like different looking than the other polished ones chisel tub one of the most fascinating blocks of all time I kind of wish I could see my new guide house with all of these textures because these are so interesting looking and then a big thing that I got wrong in that part one the tough wasn’t updated no no no it definitely was updated from doing a little bit more digging into this amazing pack I have since learned that every single texture in the entire game new 1.21 stuff old Minecraft like 1.4 stuff it doesn’t matter every single texture has been updated here even if like tough it seems to be barely updated it definitely was updated copper copper is fascinating looking initially this block right here which we didn’t really check out too much in part one I mean this is the same I think and it’s just so clean looking I love it now for the other copper versions I don’t really exactly know how to go about this today because we kind of have four versions of every single block and the waxon on waxed for starters waxed and unwaxed there is no difference at all the follow- opers the other difference is between oxidized and unoxidized I mean it’s just that color difference when I place this down around all of the other new ones I kind of look at this one and go hey hey hey he they didn’t change that at all but okay so you’re going to have to let me know if you get this reference but this one kind of looks like copper spes to me you remember the Copper beves from like a year and a half ago now well yeah they’re back and they’re alive baby take a look at that when we look at it like straight on it almost looks like the other sides like fully disappear that is so trippy looking it’s a fascinating version of copper great black and yeah seriously I can’t get it out of my head it just keeps throwing me back to copper seves and what we could have had before M the Copper Door the Copper Door is so polished looking take a look at this new texture it looks a whole lot more like a dungeon like how that grading situation is going on it feels evil M and beautifully that copper trap door ah I’m always a good fan of a good-look trap door and the good-look trap door I mean beautiful we have it right here look at how good that is it’s so like closed off it definitely looks like a vent or something inside of what would be a spaceship or a Sci-Fi lab or something now that’s crazy oh my God the mob sounds that are going on under the ground right here it must be a cave or something that is like that’s intense sounding ah yes and last but not least maybe the thing that I was most excited about out of every single thing to take a look at that copper bulb after seeing that a minute ago inside of that trial chamber wow that’s so good looking this new texture looks so deep right there like that looks a million miles away from me if we go ahead and light this up up look at that light indicator dead center that’s so huge that’s a gigantic difference from like our vanilla version of this block it’s so cool looking wow we light it up I mean it looks a little bit less deep but wow that is so good looking and all normal functionality of this block and all others by the way it’s exactly the same that means you can water log the grade you can light this thing up unlight it keep it powered you know whatever whatever you want to call it the different light levels everything yeah they’re all the same which brings me to one of the biggest question that I saw going on in part one which is can you check out this pack with the classic and default textures and unfortunately to my knowledge I I don’t believe there is a way to do that that means if you’re going to roll with realism craft you have to commit to all of these different textures as well and thankfully things aren’t too different in the grand scheme of things like it’s vuly familiar but yeah not going to lie it would be kind of a cool idea I don’t know how it would work with the different animations like the geese and everything but to be able to see the classic Minecraft textures here then again I don’t think you would get the beautiful of the world that’s a baby pig oh my God oh my heart so I guess apparently I can’t make it clear enough but this video this part right here is not actually part two instead I thought it would be fun to cover the update but I also at the same time want to clear some stuff up from part one in part one I discovered kind of tragically some of these cool things on the ground like whatever the heck that is well if I break it with my normal plain old hand I get just like something random maybe a stick maybe a seed whatever wo I can’t stay focused there are so many cool things look at that dog dog oh that’s just adorable anyways if you break a lot of the stuff on the ground some of the stuff just turns back into normal plain old things that is unless you break things with shears or silk touch then you’re going to get whatever that new thing is okay a bad example that’s that’s just a peie to my initial understanding here it was going to be impossible to get some of these really cool looking things however enter the shears if I break this with a pair of shears right here instead of all right wrong tool before too long I run around and find something fast than looking this beautiful tool with a beautiful name also has silk touch on it with silk touch on it I break it and just like that I get the beautiful unique whatever the heck that thing is many of the fascinating unique new things all you need to do is get your hands on a little bit of silk touch or shears in some cases and you’ll be able to get those things now I was having a little bit of difficulty trying to figure out what tool you should use on which thing but it seems like the common rule is like if it’s a plant thing probably consider using shears so like these leaves right here leaves are plant that means use shears the mushroom cool side things on a tree we use shears because a mushroom is also a plant right and meanwhile Mossy rocks on the ground the Moss might be a plant but the rock definitely isn’t so we mine it with soak touch and sure enough we actually get it now once you get these things of course just like a normal Minecraft block you can place them back down at your base wherever you want to place them back down to beautify your build that’s huge and it’s such a smart thing I love of the devs of this according to none other than the devs themselves there a whole of reasoning Behind these random things just dropping plain old normal things if you break them normally is Inventory management one thing I haven’t tested quite yet is what about like the logs with the Moss is that just a texture thing or is that a proper different block I think it’s just a texture thing what about Oakwood staircase does that work I I guess not and moving on with realism craft not technically being an add-on and instead being a mashup pack or what Mojang is calling a dynamic World well with this thing not actually being an add-on how in the world just say the world cor Stone’s add-on or for that matter any other add-on how does it play with mashup so I picked up quite a few different add-ons I don’t have the time to test every single one but from doing a little bit of background digging into realism craft I’ve since learned that any spark Universe add-on or at least right now the fire spark pets add-on and the spark weather events add-on those are both compatible with realism craft it seems like inside of the realism craft Discord which I found on their Twitter I’ll link it down below they’re going to be updating one of the channels with a little bit more information as to what add-ons actually work with this pack oh wow um the the other mods I’m still like definitely not used them why in the world is the drown wandering up in the land they just do that on Bedrock on Jaba they only stay in the water but wow the new version of the drown is so cool looking like feels like it definitely was a a person that drowned actually in those beautiful blue eyes I get lost in them every minute it looks like me in real life all right now walking around flying around the rest of the world for the final change and back to the update at least final change that I’m aware of in out of this update it’s everywhere all over the place in realism craft 1.0 the initial video that I dropped you might have noticed that there was a whole lot of wiggling and wobbling whether it’s the leaves the plants on the ground whatever you want to call it the animations were fast very quick inside of this version the animation for I believe like pretty much every single plant in the world it’s been slowed down you can see that the grass and the ferns everything else is moving a little bit less the leaves they’re still animated but yeah a little bit less movements going on I didn’t really necessarily have a problem with all the movement before but I could definitely say from watching the initial video back and checking out how it is now the new version definitely feels like such a big upgrade like I like how these animations are way less movie than before aha look we can test it one more time so big log over there you can see this one is way smaller with silk touch pickaxe we mine it definitely shouldn’t use a pickaxe for that but no no no it doesn’t matter you could just use the Silk Touch tool to get the proper fake a birch log itself look at how good it is and it’s rotational too ah that that is one of the most amazing things I found out and it’s something we checked out in part one keep in mind that there are actually so many custom blocks ins out of this pack like it’s almost like one of those nature add-ons or whatever you want to call it it’s it’s actually properly insane wait a second how did I almost forget okay um one more Minecraft 1.21 block I swear this thing stands out so much in the update I completely forgot about it but the crafter itself wow look at how that budy looks with that mustache it’s soulless though those eyes look that I you wouldn’t be able to convince me that this is an empath that thing has no emotion or Soul whatsoever uh all right and of course we have the 1.21 items as well I don’t know how I forgot about that and one of the big things realism craft does you might have noticed throughout today’s video is it takes the tools and makes them 3D like look at that pickaxe it’s a real pickaxe how about the ma is it finally oh wow it finally definitely is look at how chunky that mace is oh that’s so cool looking oh even in third person that looks heavy you could tell that this is made out of a heavy core now wow that’s strong I hate to do it but only for science the Maes is are a different animation I I I don’t think so I’m so sorry about that pig I wish there was a way to sort this menu by like tags so you could say like tag 1.21 and see every 1.21 block that’d be pretty cool that’s kind of like a vanilla Minecraft thing but anyways oh my God I can already see it the breeze rod and the breeze the mob the Vault it’s a brand new texture oh that’s evil in that face that’s way more terrifying than before how that opens oh that’s like a terrible creepy imposter or something the spawner I mean is pretty familiar looking not going to lie but then the breeze how do you what what whoa bro the Mohawk that’s going on or the the ponytail I don’t know what the heck that is but dude no way do they all look the same probably they probably all look the same wow oh that’s insane looking buddy Buckle you’re going on the thumbnail for sure wow that’s a breeze if I ever have seen one in my life that is a beautiful Breezy beautiful beautiful boy wow oh that’s so fire that is so cool realism craft 1.1 the 1.21 update let me know what you think about those brand new textures and all of it down below if you checked out this part without checking out part one oh man you’re missing out check out part one next and stay tuned for the real part two thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it’s been me watles I would like to send a huge thank you to my patrons Dr crazy May Medical Boomstick fire dragon 19 Steve M and Nick C I’ll see you all tomorrow goodbye [Applause] [Music]

Minecraft 1.21 has met RealismCraft for the first time! Less than a week after it’s first release we have a brand new update for RealismCraft to check out called Realism Craft 1.1! In this video we go over everything in the new update and correct a few things from part 1! TAP LIKE FOR PART 2 FOR REALLL

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  1. @tonalspace1942, gotta agree with you there, while I think Wattles is a great YouTuber, I must say that most people don't really want to see these sort of modpack review videos, and I believe you could maybe experiment with your traditional style.

  2. As good as this looks, i am still against paying for mods, $10 for a mod feels wrong. I am not saying that modders shouldnt be rewarded for their work, but making buy the mod isnt the best option imo.

  3. This pack is perfect, especially as a PS5 player. However, the only thing that is lacking is a good water texture/the ability to switch off moving leaves/grass. They move way too fast and the water is really weird, which impacts my PS5 and also just makes me motion sick.

  4. It would be cool if you did a series on this maybe (Like the Minecraft Guide). Idk it just seems like that type of world to do a series on. Ofc it's your choice ^^ Like you can do the series after the 1.21 update guide. Like I said, it's your choice. No pressure ^^

  5. Nice looking add on, but the last one you covered I thought $2 was not bad but man it was to buggy and the half slabs didn’t work at all. So no way I’m spending $10 for this… or any other add on. I’ll stick with free add ons from now on.

  6. The only thing I wish is that they would have 2 separate resource packs for animation’s and textures. I don’t really like the goofy and big Minecraft mobs and I don’t like the 3d item textures of the pack. The big mobs also break any texture packs I try to use.

  7. The 3rd person movement animation in this add-on freaks me out. They make you move like a monster/zombie, like you're gonna tear apart and eat the next mob you come across.

  8. This add-on doesn't quite get along with the HD add-on! Some zombies and the squeletons and spiders kinda glitches. The torches take a while to load the effect. If they manage to keep the HD graphics with the animations and lightning of realism, Im down!

  9. i realise how much minecraft team used to suck when u compare that new update (THAT IS GOOD dont get me wrong) to the new mineract mod community. wow

  10. I got this add on a few days ago, and I love this thing! It is so crazy detailed. I use the PS4 and it runs fairly smoothly. It does have some lag because of how much is stuff is happening all at once. I only have a couple small problems. I have yet to see certain weather events. I don't know if I just haven't met the criteria to see them or not, but I would love to be able to see them. I am referring to the northern lights and the rainbows. The only thing I wish I could do is adjust how loud or quiet the ambience is. It's not very easy for me to hear (I am hard of hearing even with my headphones on). I would love to be able to turn up the ambience. Everything else is really, really good. I love it so much

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