Stardew Valley Perfection Stream #15

all righty first things first let’s go ahead and grab it the stream let’s grab the stream guys let’s grab the stream quickly grab the stream then we’re g to come over here we’re gonna type it in stream alert stream alert stream alert guys busy streaming come join quick quick quick quick quick hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry um guys whoa spy streaming guys we need to hold on ra this chat get in there get in there get in there and you should join this Discord too it’s really cool awesome Discord that works I think everything’s ready I think so I should love when um my [ __ ] with the [ __ ] doesn’t want to [ __ ] I wish I had another monitor there you go sounded weird there we go one moment chat I’m Ling on something I’m doing something then we can lock in Uno moment four [Music] [Music] G I change your I should do it chat ch got the cheat code got got got got got the cheat code sorry this is taking a little bit longer than I expected my phone’s really [ __ ] booty right now it’s not exactly being my best friend YouTube um all messages there you go all right all right gang let’s get cooking let’s get cooking last time we planted a lot of ancient fruit here as you can see um yeah we got some stuff done Market Wizard’s birthdays tomorrow um as for what’s on the objective today I don’t know probably just improving money gain getting more ancient food output one thing I do want to do real quick is go back to the valley to the valley real quick first let’s pan ourselves this real quick appreciate might as well they say let see what’s in the shots right here let’s [Music] check reg ring other than that nothing really good my Christmas had in there which I will put on because it is Christmas [Music] season yipp oh yeah last stre we got meow too huh pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool anything down here nope I will say I do kind of want a lot of Oak um first first some progress oak tree yes and we need to get copper smelted just turn the rest of this into or um H what does it cost to make tappers again Tapper a lot of wood some wood so we’re just going to need a lot of wood basically pine pine pine pine Hello Alex mahogany mahogany mahogany Oaks up here okay 19’s good I guess um I’m going to go to cindersap Forest and just mine a bunch of [ __ ] down let me go to The Avengers y real quick cuz that’s what I wanted to do he’s back that I am sir um do I already have the space boots I do why did I come down here that’s right I forgot me that slingshot my boy holy that’s actually so cheap it’s not even funny I’m just going of shink that’s really nice um yeah I know for the first time I’ve never really used a slingshot I know it’s really broken want to make sure I don’t fire anywhere in your home or that could be an isue town I’ll go to the bus Stu yeah oh it’s the Weir POS thing just going to put all those there so I don’t forget about them what the [ __ ] oh pattern melon like how’s there Wheats going there weird gobbing machine that’s normal um what are you a maple tree I need Oak but it’s whatever I guess this is Cinder sap Forest there won’t be a lot of Oak down here yeah the the thing is I’m I’m thinking of filling up the desert with a lot of Oak juice with just tappers on them because that way I will have a little bit more have a lot of easier way to get kegs because I do need a lot of those maple syrup really isn’t that important because honey isn’t too incredibly important what oh there’s a trigger on there I’m so confused uh let me put away everything after I put in this [Music] oh they have so much [ __ ] in my [Music] inventory honestly don’t SC to get the [ __ ] out my inventory I’ll sort it later like I’m going to go insane if it’s still in my inventory um we’re dead ah it’s the Wizard’s birthday all [Music] right um we’re running low on copper little low on that gold for the first time we have more gold than anything else um is that explosive ammo cuz that is that’s whoa better that it’s explosive Amo um might just go school Cavern today just for shut and gigs don’t like it’s a deep dive or anything carry some magma caps on me void Essence that’s what I’m looking for combat experience that’s cool I guess yeah this is a shop now huh oh okay was trying um dried purple mushroom and egg any obviously doable but it’s kind of weird h uh wizard is now almost maxed I’m curious uh what do everything cost Earth huh interesting we need to get this really oh also this that be really really nice be very very yummy green rain type to tree now we need to just go to the desert um all right hopefully we have a pretty successful run it’s a bad luck day I don’t really care I just want to do something other than what I normally do um now I just need to wait for Pam should I listen to literally every other person that’s ever said don’t do SCH C on a bad luck day without staircases probably am I going to no I’m goingon to go in there and I’m going to do something plus I want to get progress on my Napal ring napom would literally be glorious yes [ __ ] I should have brought the acorns my bad not going back for them so oh I already have the acorn H yeah W me mysterious rock my bad I guess think I planted all of them so I’m going to go to the mines the [ __ ] why isn’t it whatever what the [ __ ] is wrong with the slingshot isn’t there um a setting that makes this nicer why is it like that run into a wall so ugly bro I have to get used to this H all right all right that’s going to take some getting used to I’m not going to lie [Music] all right CH [ __ ] slingshot is so weird I’m not going to lie why do I have to like why does it go past them You’ think it would like stop when it hits a rock but it doesn’t that’s really [ __ ] with me don’t expose that I’m not going to hold you we’re getting to like floor 15 I don’t know how people play fast with this [ __ ] bro ly kind of forgot I have health I suck with the slingshot so bad bro o I’m trying to real hard to use a slingshot but it’s very confusing this [ __ ] is so confusing crafting a mega bomb bro I’m tired of this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] o o [Music] how do y’all use this [ __ ] how is this the thing like this is the best thing cuz I’m not going to hold you I do not see it or you know you could shoot in front of me dumbass damn [ __ ] hate this slingshot sling shot’s booty how do y’all use this what I don’t get this why does it travel past the blocks [Music] how does anyone use this [ __ ] without like feeling suicidal [Music] I feel like in the time like I fire the slingshot I feel like I could just run over there and hit the ores you know cuz like it just doesn’t seem viable I just don’t eat it for all that’s funny um two levels I don’t know what the purpose was even having that then I’m honestly not too like interested in the geodes just yet I mean the nodes just yet because like at the moment they’re not even up and everywhere iot I have that stupid uh thingy that allows me to get diamonds easier like in those situations yeah I can see how it’s useless but I mean useful but like still why not use bombs and I get pickaxe there’s a hole over there let me to eat this real quick how much six that’s doable Hello [Music] Kitty um me why I tried to shoot him six levels again not bad could be better Shard that’s cool I guess like I keep thinking oh yeah let me just shoot it at these or nodes but it literally passes through them to like hit the wall which I that’s the only reason if it didn’t do that I would understand completely why this is the best way of mining but it doesn’t that’s why I’m [Music] confused I like the booty version [Music] I like these [Music] levels for [Music] [Music] holy hey that one actually wasn’t too [Music] bad for [Music] boom boom boom pretty shitty run if I do say something myself let me quickly see if I can make it a bed should make it yeah I make it thing’s good rain to Ginger Island tomorrow I’ll just eat this in the morning so we have full energy don’t H me a bomb in the house what are you doing H Alex you like Jack me will Jack be thick I’ll just save that for him what I even use this on May a no huh could use it on U that which I might just do um the 20 Cinder shards that’s not what I wanted to do um maybe moreon put everything in there in [Music] there make a new chest real quick [ __ ] I should have made a big chest it’s whatever also make it green but make it only purple Goods this is the only purple whatever it’ll fill up pretty fast since um my new perk right here so many purple things Qui we go up in here play Sho down big Barn’s done what does it take for the last Barn upgrade Barn uh 550 wood 300 stone and a lot of money I think I can stop over there right now just to get it out of the way how much Jade are we going on collecting how much Jade how much Jade how much Jade 99 low key uh this upcoming Sunday I’ll turn it all into staircases and if we get a good luck day sooner or later I think we’ll Deep dive in the school Caverns bring little bombs bring little luck food um thing shot’s pretty cool I guess it’s definitely interesting we’re going to sit here and just wait for a few seconds all right um back to start Mr High I have no idea what you de said I’m not going to hold you 550 wood all right so Delux Barn is now a go that is me now why did I want to go oh yeah cuz I want to I want to go to Ginger Island so I can get some stuff done um I feel like there there was somewhere else I wanted to stop by excuse me Alex but I can’t recall what it was I to give the him a gift so that’s chill um I don’t know what I’m missing I’m missing something uh neither of these are really something I want to know [ __ ] I feel like I’m forting something really important I don’t know I don’t know hey Willie all right [Music] I’m not going this way I’m going this way actually I can take the little The Nest thingy uh volano oh yeah I don’t have to go through all that D is it much why is why does it say that okay so it for some reason it says hi then your name in Arabic so I was confused I don’t know why I think my uh YouTube is now acting weird um why can’t oh yeah give me art art full I think it’s called yeah let’s go now it’s already all the time awesome sauce did I wanted to go somewhere or after this I was thinking hm I want to go somewhere but I can’t really remember what if I like fire this way isn’t there I don’t know hello good turn I’m going to go pick up some free mushrooms real quick might as well so now I have a couple of mushrooms I can just teleport back with the totem I do want to see if key has any new Quests for me it’s just the names of airb are bugged for some reason oh okay yo what’s up if you met the others like you I don’t talk to them much feel safer with my own kind I didn’t know he came out here and just chilled thought he just always stay secluded ping spot artifact drove and iron key crop hungry challenge o thing is I can do this but it’s going to be a little interesting got all all nuts this cot all right all right all right not bad I guess I’m just trying my best hello how your day going I’m just trying my best sorry if there’s a big delay I can’t really control it too much I’ve tried fixing it but it’s hard put away um for the rest of today I think I’ll just go to the regular mines and farm CER I’m just going to say random stuff random stuff bye-bye okay um that’s strong teleport actually I’m going to go to the quarter real quick just look I do need to grab some rubies one of these times and go to the forge and upgrade my thingy um holy I can’t press the right teleport for the life of me just go 20 and then [Music] [Music] down copper oh I need to um so how’s it going it’s going pretty well nothing too crazy happened this stream but like last stream it was pretty awesome we finished off Ginger Island started getting more money right now I’m just mining cuz I need a lot of ore CU I’m getting low on copper and stuff cuz I need a lot for like kegs and stuff there a lot of copper over there I need that for the most part it’s going real smooth it’s going to take a while though obviously still having a lot of fun playing though which I guess is the goal on the end I’m just going to switch floors going a lot of dinging I try and upgrade some of my tools soon but it’s not a need so I probably won’t I meant to attack him but that’s fine pink pink um soz I’m pretty sure I have to kill more of those Little Rock dudes damn lucky ladders I wish I knew how to animation cancel that’d be really nice but that stuff’s complicated and I don’t like learning it pink Swift I love Swift so much it’s so awesome the fact that I can just keep Mining and Mining and Mining Forever by time by the time I receive the Stone from that block I already have Min the other one it’s just fast copper right there I need [Music] it there we are um mushroom it’s really nice just like it’s very calming mining in this game another games it’s like scary well I guess in this game it is kind of scary too but it’s not as scary especially when you get to like this point 25 again I’m going to go to actually there’s a ler might as well take it lot of copper just randomly laying around slingshots confuse me cuz like this is the first time I’ve ever like used them and I don’t know if I like it or not it’s a little strange um [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this ladder might take a second to find pink [ __ ] [ __ ] slime toring is like my best friend I’m not going to lie if I didn’t have it that would suck I’m happy I got it so early it was not useless whatsoever this is Freestone so I’ll pick it up um once I get to 40 I’ll come out of the mines actually it is already like 11 so maybe I should um 100 copper is not horrible but it’s not very good wish I could have got more got no coal from that which is kind of funky is what it is I don’t feel like losing energy when I wake up so I’m just going to go to sleep now keep slacking off on birthday so I do need to kind of like start doing that again um coconut sure I guess I’m not going to do it now but I’ll do it way later um random M winter melons are [Music] there um that is not what I meant to do what did I just grab there we go we got to come over here here my mushrooms away um let’s come down here real quick actually I don’t know why I’m coming down here I don’t have anything in the barn yet I will be able to get some Piggies [Music] tomorrow oh my Lord that’s a lot of eggs what you look at that how did I does this not count of a forgeable huh how know how does the eggs work cuz doesn’t Bist or whatever it’s called um what is it called bon not botanist botanist oh it’s highest quality but like it’s not doing that I don’t know it’s a little silly [Music] um I’m going to save these ones because I do kind of need them for that one thing um I’m going to quickly go grab like four was it purple mushrooms five one coal I keep getting stuck on the tree right here that’ll take what 25 hours it’s crazy um I’ll go check the traveling Merchant but if I don’t think I do anything else today Evelyn’s birthday tomorrow she likes diamonds right [Music] Evelyn she likes diamonds yeah and I have a lot of diamonds so still have a really easy uh gift also have the book that helps me get diamonds faster so I 12 cool is crazy that’s awesome hello lady pumpkin clay duck cake magnet abot life look Pine con oral retro catalog that sounds cool but I’m not going to buy that really does sound cool but I definitely don’t need that okay so Sunday how is Sunday going to work how Sunday’s going to work is I’m going to pick up my anent seeds go start kegging them but then instantly I’m going have to turn around go to bus stop and leave for the uh thingy cuz we need we need all of this I might as well just grab this stuff to be prepared um she likes a diamond cuz for the hungry challenge we need to do a Sunday because that’s not our last day but I’d rather get it on done on Sunday because regardless I’m going to the desert regardless I’m going to the desert that day I don’t have any food that’s just luck based at home so that’s not going to really do much um yeah I guess I can’t eat food huh I can eat food before but I can’t eat food in it I think catfish interesting [Music] it’s cool I guess um Saturday so let’s go quickly get this to Evelyn sleep one more time Evelyn is going to take a minute to have her door unlocked so I’m going to quickly go get dried purple mushroom that’s crazy that’s wow that’s very expensive that’s crazy that’s cool it’s pretty damn good oh I don’t know I’m walking over here they’re right here I didn’t know to I could just do that hell [Music] yeah raccoon hat that’s cool all right expanded by the runet eat crab cake for Speed it lasts the entire day all righty I think I may have some I can go bigger family I have to wait till tomorrow to talk to him again uh let me see if I have any crab cakes just left over at home because I might just have it but at the same time I could have like not picked them up grab cake would make sense to me in here right but that’d be too easy I have a crab if I have the recipe maybe but I don’t think I have crab cake oh I do all right that’s good um [Music] racuna I’ll just put it in here for now as for eggs I can to sell these okay so we go give this to Evelyn uh tomorrow we need to quickly Harvest everything go take them to the Quarry keg it all um then we’ll eat well we’ll eat this when we wake up just so we can make everything faster and then we’re going to just staircase basically all the way down to 4 100 it’s cheese but I don’t really care cuz I can’t eat meaning I can’t take damage at least not a lot of it that’s a little difficult I just can’t reach it I don’t think I’ve seen this Cene before happened 30 years ago I was working at the co oh yeah cuz didn’t he um lose his legs when he was in a coal mine that’s got to suck I like walking the music didn’t F fade at all it just kind of cut off did I not ah [ __ ] I forgot the um forgot the diamond at home I might just be that smart I just need a void salmon for Jojo Mar uh bundle [Music] um well now I look a little stupid it’s cuz I uh deposited everything in there and it just happened to go in Mighty unfortunate okay grabbed it now I’m going to walk all all the way back there I don’t know it’s faster going via Minecart or not because it’s probably about like exact same all righty I’m back that’s almost Max starts with elyn at this point it’s going to be like rabbits f are still going to help me out but like at this point I’m not going to need it by the time my rabbit gets Full Hearts I wish I had an auto better but that’s probably just not going to happen and auto would be the best thing in the [Music] world forgot to sell these could Mayo them but I don’t care too much about that at the moment all right tomorrow praying for good luck I if it’s horrible luck I can wait an extra day but it has to be tomorrow or the day after yeah I think I’ll sleep one more day after I uh keg everything but I still have to go to the N I think I’ll just Thug it out we need a Rainbow Shell hell yeah it’s actually huge [Music] I can’t fit in there so I’m just going to place it in here I don’t really care at the moment I don’t have a time to care um oh yeah crap cake just eat that now since it’s the whole day I don’t care about the panning spot I already have the lucky ring later I’m probably going to get rid of all this in fruit and make it look better pleasing to the eye cuz I have ginger Island it’s not like I need house anymore yeah I grabbed all that um let’s quickly grab all this I have time I have to wait till 10 regardless since I don’t have a desert War them one to Route could not care less right now I need to get a better keg line um layout for the Cory um why am I spacing out so much I need to lock in there’s all of it um anything else I can use you know I’m just going to have to sit here and wait for a few seconds actually I could bolt down to the tra her real quick just to see what she has I do have a speed boost so I’ll make it wait when is the winter star okay it’s a week from now not a week but four days if I do remember correctly Jack Jack Alex loves Jack meble Jack be thick so we’ll just give that to him nothing cool all right need this scattle on back let’s quickly scattle on over looks like I’ll just make it in time all right good [Music] all right right all right I’m already throwing all right and just need to dip to the lady run run run run run run run all right um all right let’s get this show on the road going to be pretty boring for the most part but it don’t really matter put it there freebie I could have waited till tomorrow for um a better luck day but I to get done today plus I had to go to the desert regardless to trade in the Jade for the staircases so I wonder if we’ll get any um chest rooms I do have Artful on my um hammer which will help with really any fighting that I do once I get to the bottom all right [Music] 50 no chest room yet which is kind of gay not going to lie that definitely sucks the little bug sound effect scares me I’m not going to lie cuz when I was like honestly [ __ ] it I’ll I’ll break it it’s right there might as well little like the weird vibrating noises that the flying bugs make I was terrified of those when I like first started playing so like it gives me like scared me every time I hear it especially in skull cabin CU they’re just like stronger a [ __ ] I just wasted that bit not the best been in the world but fact it’s pretty booty but it is what it is level 100 going to be crazy that is a huge gold van we’re almost there one there we go a free crystarium H yeah all right now we can just sit here and mine away [Music] get all of that this thing is so weird I hate it I was just about to go down a ladder hell yeah I just walk through all that [Music] just mine away mine away mine away [Music] how am I missing that wow that walls a lot further back than I thought it was a [ __ ] I just used a double ladder that’s good I suck at this game whatever didn’t hit that damn Stu look press shard [Music] uhoh I hate these levels I’m going to blow like right oh never mind give me give me give me um one right here uh pressed the wrong [ __ ] button whatever um for oh I don’t know how many serpents I have to kill [Music] but I’m curious to see how many more oh a [Music] pit let’s eat this cuz I can’t eat food now it doesn’t matter anymore I keep pressing two trying to switch to my pickaxe but it doesn’t switch cuz my pickaxe isn’t bad [Music] anymore n this level a’t worth it oh I did not see you Hi [Music] friend um all right it’s only 6 p.m. damn pretty good run at least for me it is I don’t know if that’s it’s definitely not a good run like for other people but [Music] matter of fact let me grab this real quick boom Oh another crap cake let’s quickly come over here there’s two right [Music] [Music] there oh yeah no long ass level oo all right come up here nothing last ladder now I actually have to like put in [Music] work I keep thinking like it’s going to run into a wall so like I aim it to where it won’t hit a wall but I keep forgetting kind of can’t um just quickly mine all the easy rocks what’s up ssy hey Inferno how’s your day going squee through there all right um I’m making a staircas cyol that level is not awesome pretty good that’s nice to hear I’m thinking about uh maybe hopping on Minecraft after stream on the server cuz I don’t know what I want to do but I want to do something on [Music] [Music] it I keep hang on let me just there you go that’s better [Applause] Miner cheat what’s that that’s sick [ __ ] it I’m going to eat that should probably oh God just let me know when you think of the house when you do I’m probably going to hit the hey semi soon [Music] okay that Hadad so slow now holy it’s Paradise the [ __ ] [Music] this is 260 by the way 260 or so [Music] far should be around [Music] let’s go we’re actually going to hit 300 sick I thought I was going good [Music] before there we reach 300 heck yeah uh I think we can make it to 150 if I [Music] try shard do I have 99 I do what we’re gonna do do this oh yeah got a concern the time you know of course we get this level as our last level that’s [ __ ] n this level just sucks booty I’m not going to y um Mighty unfortunate that this is our last level cuz I never can find it on this on these Ty levels um very good run though for [Music] all right it is what it is know I can teleport home nah pretty good run if I do say so myself pretty good run best run I’ve ever had yeah awesome awesome sauce 300 aridium ore is not bad at all 350 actually it’s pretty damn good going to town just let you know all right you do you why go till unconscious why not see I don’t get penalized till it why not cuz it’s just I don’t get penalized just extra [ __ ] if I keep going there’s a lot of aridium [Music] though put you in there in there in there I can get pigs now hell yeah you have connections or something what do you mean do I have connections or something you just don’t get penalized if you go out all the way that late as long as you don’t like die you’re allowed to just pass [Music] out feel like I’m forgetting something is somebody’s birthday no it’s not but is The Bu seller Le birthday tomorrow let’s get some piggies in a second don’t you get mugged by lonus Tech tips no that’s if you die just grab all that big old room let me like clarify this um exhaustion sleeping restoration Infinite Energy I don’t care about that um I’m trying to look on the wiki she talking about energy ex [Music] can yeah you just lose money you just lose money you don’t lose like anything important it’s just money if you pass out you just lose money but if you die that’s when you lose items is there no more raccoon missions all right I’m fine with that that means I don’t have to get like wild goose chase items that just makes my life easier yeah I don’t really need the money like that defin it took like one point well it took 16k for me but I make that I make like 80 Mary Auto Grabber I’m buying that freak you Mary bro freak you whatever Marne you suck but now I can place this in the rabbit’s place and when I get rid of everything besides rabbits I need an auto pet that’s what I really need if I could just get an auto pet that’d be really nice but I haven’t gotten one yet as soon as I get an auto pet pretty much everything’s dying like I’m going to get rid of all animals besides rabbits um Leah Leah likees salad stir ey truffle wine vegetable all right so I guess we are going somewhere before we hit the hay um I’m lowkey tired of my axe not being Uber powerful so I think I’m going to upgrade it [Music] that is the best gift yeah I knew salad was like the best like was the easiest but I want to know if there was anything that I could just give her that I already have at home can’t I make salad so I don’t have to do that right [Music] now sad leak danion vinegar I don’t have vinegar think I have everything but that I forgot I did do one of uh I’m not going to say whose quests but the quest I can do something with that sooner or later I’m not giving you Cactus soup just G to wait out here till what 12 yeah g i okay I can [Music] just have a salad wait what does she look like that’s pretty cool s dad woo if cooking wasn’t so annoying I could just cook this off myself like cooking like just takes too much later I will have to cook one of everything so there’s that how long till these complete 2 hours 15 [Music] minutes two hours it’s two and I think it closes at like 5 I don’t remember when Gus closes I’ll just do it tomorrow um still no Dino eggs getting unlucky once you unlock skull Cavern you can like just kill dinosaurs for a chance to get Dino eggs which is probably easier um let’s go EP P of the one star so a lot of random [ __ ] name yeah cuz that’s the main way of getting dinosaur eggs is killing them it’s just if you get lucky you can get it other wayse it’s heavy snow um thanks I guess I’ll just keep it in my back pocket Leah’s birthday not tomorrow but the day after his winter star then Clint’s birthday then after that Winter’s done moral an apple all right I just had to make sure that if if there’s anything that I need to sell I need to sell it [Music] once about to say why the [ __ ] do I have to ship a bomb all right um rainbow shells used for something else but I do need to put a lot of this stuff in here while I’m waiting for uh Leah to like leave her house I’m just going to go and try and get the shipping goal up because I have to do a little bit of stuff [Music] I definitely haven’t done that [Music] um anything near checking this one usess or no pretty sure I just checked in there yeah okay so I have officially anything in my chest I’ve donated one of I mean sold one of besides probably like the Prismatic Shard which obviously not doing that um that’s it yeah let me quickly go up to the train yard put this Rainbow Shell in and then actually I should probably use the whis gy what’s up man how you doing pineapple that’s the wrong button they just hopped off Elden ring okay I honestly just muted cuz I didn’t want um people like being loud and talking about um a completely different game that I wasn’t even on because then I tend to talk less when people are like yapping a lot so then it’s not even really about this anymore that’s cool another ancient doll I can give that to Silas is it right here is it this said box at the top of the Railway is it right there I think that’s what that is there you go 10 beats yo what is this well B on Inc right now all righty what why do I need to put 10 beats in the mayor’s fridge when can I grow beets beat seeds in the fall all right nice to know Maple Tree Maple Tree I don’t know what you do to me your body language speaks to me I’ll probably up going to my panting tool last because since I already got the lucky ring it’s not like it matters too much all right it’s another gold tool going in I word whoever could bring me a good Island Hall I’m good more lean Cod e um is still at our house I’m just going to walk over get her salad and then we can sleep again that’s unfortunate [Music] that’s like pretty high with her right really not that high damn oh well I guess not a marable candidate so that is fine well she is marable so you get what I mean um is mar at the resort I can’t remember if that was today or not it was nice know so I’m looking at my phone while driving can’t really see where I’m going so I’m just running every into everything over and over again uh while I go to sleep let’s look up Alex yeah he likes Jack me and will Jack me thick awesome so many random items hello wife this was a beautiful day isn’t it I brought you a gift sculpture I’ve made for you I’m not going to lie this sculpture is ugly I’ll yeah I’ll put it down somewhere but like I’m not going to hold you it’s ugly like I’d be a bad friend if I didn’t tell you the truth and it’s it’s pretty damn ugly uh let me go pet the animals and I can sleep today yeah I don’t have to do anything today actually I will m yeah I will excuse me all right yeah let me go get some Piggy and then I can just skip till tomorrow and then after that I’ll give the gift to him then it’ll be Clint birthday I think I just give him a diamond I don’t recall but I think I can then I can sleep till Sunday and get money a all right now we have to wait here till Mar opens up her door because uh she’s slow [Music] I’m G wait what if I was just like staring to their window and start laughing to terrify the children wait that that pauses time The [Music] Click chat no best way to this is the new speedrun teag guys laughing all right a piggy uh Bon expensive our pigs Piggy CH boing boing people say I’m pretty good with uh names what huh how do I get another pet Bowl [Music] okay okay so I need to go grab one of these awesome nice to know 25 hardwood so we won’t get a another pet today guys we will another day okay I was like oh we should definitely get a dog but never mind no dogs for me another painting spot ridium or of a painting spot is crazy don’t know what you do to me your body language [Music] put [Music] that where’s the wonder star what aridium from panning that’s insane yeah I didn’t know know you could get aridium from just pinning not going to lie um honestly don’t know what I want for this next room but I’ll just put that down for now ax is ready but it’s not like it matters David what happened to the original David after she moves in does it just stay there does he die um thank you for the scrambled eggs that’s not scrambled [Music] eggs I’ll eat it waste of an omelet but it is what it is hello all my animals I have a new rabbit huh what did I name him again Shing boing okay never Pann so I didn’t know that was possible get something that good well the uh in 1.6 you can now upgrade the pen so you can get some pretty crazy stuff I just don’t know how insane it does get like what happens if um like how crazy is um idium pan okay so how when you upgrade the panning each time you can find more or more special items and you can also have the it has a chance to spawn another panning spot but the more you get up the easier it is ooh pants can also be placed on the player’s head by what that’s funny that’s sick I’m going to wear the Christmas hat cuz it’s Christmas time but that’s cool you put it on top of your head um um with special items a random number with type of materal metal Copp band 12 panning oo panning level increases the chance to find aridium by five per level so the copper pan has zero steel has a 5% chance to find aridium gold has 10 aridium has 15 okay it can be affected by luck sup chat what’s up that’s actually really cool you can wear the pan he hi pineapple hi Bon you still streaming yeah that’s funky yeah on join back is upgraded by the blacksmith yeah it is you just upgrade it’s the same way you upgrade anything else it just starts out at Copper and not below copper he G for now ferno’s not here not yeah say no [Music] Chad left finally bro unded I deined because y’all were talking about Elden ring and I didn’t want y’all to be Uber loud talking about a completely different game and I’m getting grabed while I’m trying to roll I don’t even know what iash right now when people are like really loud I tend to like talk less and then I’m not even talking the whole stream and then it’s not super cool plus if it’s too loud that’s not enjoyable to watch for real I leave hi silence yeah I want to wait for the if we’re gonna yeah definitely definitely um inferno’s probably busy with his like birthday stuff yeah yeah he said he was going to go to sleep soon yeah he’s been up since 6:00 in the morning cuz his sister woke him up and he’s been yeah and like he’s been really busy all day with his like birthday stuff and today isn’t even the day for the party I haven’t had a birthday party in a long time I haven’t had a birthday party since I was like eight years old yeah exactly same like I think 10 was like the last time I remember winter the Feast of the star awesome I’ve been waiting for this whoa okay still there keep a bu I’ve never had one as long as I can remember I’ve never had one bro like having a lot of people there bro is like the most virgin build you’re using hak Gatling gun and your Quincy BR it’s cold I want to get back under the covers hello jod um where’s that a he’s right there is that him hey pal yeah Al it is you jack me Jack me thick thanks and he’s resetting his character just so he could try and kill me oh K wait please tell me Kent gives me a bomb bro I love this guy because he always gives me bombs what I’m your Secret Gift Giver this year here open it he gave me beer I want beer for real I’m gonna give it to Vincent that’s all the Winter Stars us I talk to but I don’t really care about that I got Stark I so close bro I want shark not Stark bro still on type Soul that’s crazy yeah I AFK World bro in the AFK YouTube I’m just saying man I’m I’m now just actually playing the game trying to roll for seem like a f to me I haven’t been in this game in like two months let’s go my I’m going into town there just let you know go ahead vampire vampire vampire’s a nice I’m I drink this I lose speed for 30 seconds needo need Arena I have a lot of stone but no wood kind of sad I got another uh shange doall if you want to get meow by the way syus oh hell yeah Clint I’m pretty sure I can just give him a gold bar or a diamond and he’d be happy right all I need a shark yeah he likes literally everything except a diamond he likes a lot of things I’m just going to give him an aquamarine or amethyst whatever we have the most of this R needs to be negative a storm a gooda but shark God damn it game this actually works out perfectly cuz I have to go to the blacksmith regardless so I can give him a gift and get my axe at the same time going to cry yeah I got aridium or from canning it was kind of funny I’m about to spend 300 [ __ ] rolls for a rare bro I think we have more idium than like everything except gold you have more aridium than wood it’s kind of funny we have so much idium I did one I went I went really deep in skull Caverns for a day because of a quest and I got us 355 radium War 355 ridum or it was one run it was not a bad luck day if it was a good luck day I can’t imagine how much we would have got what wasn’t good luck no it was bad luck what that that don’t seem that don’t seem like bad luck I don’t know it might just be me but uh that didn’t really sound like bad luck to me well bad luck just genuinely makes uh RNG rates worse in this game so it depends on the what the luck today is so like if I was lucky I probably could have got like 500 or already more what if you were extra unlucky extra unlucky that would have been kind of I probably would have just waited a day cuz I had one extra day I could have waited but I was like H I don’t really feel like it I’m going to the desert already to cash in Jades oh we have Piggies now by the way syus all right so we’re going to fight why the [ __ ] are you walking outside your store where’s my axe you waited till 9: and that’s when you open to I hate you he ever do to you he has the worst shop schedule he has the worst shop schedule in the game he opens like like around the same time as everybody but he closes earlier than everybody for no reason and then he has off days because of the resort I hate the resort oh yeah hated yeah you’re good on that hate I’m going to go insane bro I’ve waited four days for this Axe and I still can’t pick it up it was only supposed to take two days dude I swear Minecraft is so unoptimized you’re unoptimized mother that dude I’m running on a client with extra performance boost and I’m at 60 FPS well on a triple E game I’m running at like 100 10 70 FPS your gold a is ready wait really it is Jolly I should head on that way I don’t understand about Roblox is why they don’t have a got gotap just send me what did gotap send you your mic is bugging bro you kind is damnest to get your M buing I’m not saying [ __ ] I know but you said got a pies and you just cut out oh gotap sent me a message cool uh one second it’s loading it’s damned it to load uh sunglasses Emoji sunglasses Emoji sunglasses Emoji sunglasses emoji Emoji grinning Emoji grin Emoji grin Emoji grining Emoji and um thinking Emoji thinking Emoji thinking Emoji thinking Emoji trying be cool what was the second Emoji he said again he’s trying to think he’s thinking that he’s cool okay so he was he was like I’m cool I’m happy about being cool and then was like what does it mean to be cool started questioning you know yeah yo one of our Piggies has like um mud on him no that’s just you know how like um I don’t know how to explain it he has like he’s dark and pink pig he’s both he’s he’s mixed yeah he looks so cool me for real looks so cute Baconator wait why did I I might be the best at names I named one Pig tuba and the other Baconator steak should have named him steak actually I can do name of steak him fish Fila fish B and then we’re going to name tuba we’re going to name him um I know you has to spell this one let’s see what should I name you [Music] uas you named it fish Fila fish Fil-A oh it’s fish fil yeah fish Fil-A so stupid fish F dude he might actually be the best I fish and then and and then it’s f i l and then it’s a and then we named the other one fish fil fish Fil-A fish F but holy crap that was a lot of chocolate I just drank dude we don’t have any chocolate milk it had vanilla ice cream it had uh like milk poured into it and then it was like drenched in the you know that like Hershey’s like chocolate syrup syrup yeah and then it was mixed together in a Mal making machine mix your thing and sounds skiy you’re welcome very skib I think I still have some ice cream left over H you B is it uh tomorrow’s a money day in the last day of winter yes get your money up not your funny up get your funny up not your Munny up wait what get your money up not your funny up my soul never waivers please stop growling in your mic I did a lot I did a lot of work on the Minecraft yesterday did you I have to hop on it out I can’t hop on and check it out because otherwise I’m gonna die to Lava just take the death and move on W it’s not that get on and then just tell me your coordinates I’ve lost all my [ __ ] before it really ain’t that [Music] deep I promise you life moves on no I need my stuff you don’t even got anything that crazy here’s thing how about this you die and you’re and I’ll give you a fire resistance potion free of charge for you to jump in and pick up your netherite stuff why they like not responding all right cool oh all right okay uh anyway have all my loot than only one loot I what do you it’s not like you had like 10 Stacks at diamonds on you or something right right pretty sure he didn’t have diamonds on him cuz all the diamonds he got were probably from me CU I had diamonds when he joined you want to know something right many Diamond I got how much Diamond did you have on you dog just give us a number we don’t need no [ __ ] movie climax God damn canot read your B bro hold up a number this many a camera yeah this this I need to pick up my ancient fruit canot read your mind you have to say the words out loud hear it hang on hang on all you got to do is say I have blank diamonds I have blank diamonds I’m killing I should ban him chat should I ban him it’s such a terrible joke was fun I love fruit every day I love what y know about anent I need more weat you know you need to get on the [ __ ] Minecraft server and accept death like a man [Music] ah it really you like the Minecraft stream last stream stream stream do you like the Minecraft stream chat kind it’s pretty cool when in it was Minecraft with a side of akanto for like 30 minutes yeah we did one attempt of akanto and then like the dude scared the [ __ ] out of me but then he just walked through a wall and didn’t care about me and I was like oh okay cool what’s up man what you guys doing start pineapples on Minecraft no I’m on you’re on elering yeah smell like I’m oning and I’m didn’t I’m on Minecraft Elden ring more like onion ring I like Burger King I got text someone named Wu and then you’re a bu that’s what you get and the don’t me mean says Hi um humanoid fluid that’s what I’m going to call it to me humano fluid elaborate well I’m not saying it cuz he’s streaming what elaborate well yeah like the other version of it so I’m not going to say that part of it umate and then right under it is a website selling specifically fans Vans fans fans fans specifically fans oh yeah yes oh hi Tristan plays is in good job good job human Tristan plays Roblox here only pans like the the person that makes stuff about pans no no no no it’s like company that only sells fans oh that only shows vans vans thought you like the Sho compy yeah but plays is here guys say hial down I’m not risking hi to just BL [Music] oh raid server how you doing Mr just BL I think just right is it yo wait if I click on a link to Discord doesn’t it tell me if it’s actually dangerous or not cuz just like in my bio I have that thingy and then it tell tell it’s dangerous or not not really tells you if it’s sketchy it’s like yo it’s like hey a little yeah that’s what I mean cuz if it’s actually sketchy doesn’t it yeah yeah it does tell you but like for like stuff like Inferno if you are watching be careful I am going to a spoiler place he’s probably asleep but just clarifying just got to like hey pal I’m doing something drag probably a miner that boy A Min man that’s copyrighted that girl’s a miner she doesn’t see you the song am I still banned uh hea is he actually solos is he still banned uh I don’t know is he who check Tristan plays off what what do you think in the dude why did you get banned because he said the N why did you get yeah yeah that’s not very nice I think trist mommy wait when get here mmy here here yeah had a conversation with can’t be that having a fully fles conversation what this reality you’re that that’s copyrighted that song is copyright yeah but I can’t sing good enough so I said blame it doesn’t matter you shouldn’t be playing with servers rules like that you know that’s not allowed and you deserved to face consequences for your actions let fire 909 or something bro what that sounds terrifying want to play a game have consequences actions have consequences J I wasting I was quoting the guy with talked about Sonic and stuff consequences father my father my papa Batman my father father said Okay a Pokemon said okay let me check just are you still banies hopefully not um you I think you’re banned for like one more day I’m not too sure then un give him one more hour all right knock give him an extra couple maybe give him an extra year here many said the word you deserve to get banned for Duke for year yeah i’ said I get deserve to get banned yeah stream no it wasn’t on 260k in a day on stream yeah yeah he yeah I definitely get P for a year like big man what what is this this is scary big man said yo I’m hearing really creepy music and it’s like a cut scene oh my dear boy it’s been so many years since I’ve last spoke you were just a little boy do you remember look how far you’ve come then you may have forgotten me I’ve been here all along see my body you uh yeah just started it St Valley touching some I you’ve been here two years now I’m so proud of you my boy you’re a better farmer than I ever was you bought great honors to my family name I can feel it now my spirit has finally put rest bless you bless you to grandon send me the link to your Discord I should be the deci what in your you send me a link in your Discord not server like Discord what DMS who’s talking about DMS you want me to send you an invite via DMS is that what you’re asking me to do you’re confusing me I don’t think he understands that he’s spanned ask him to be reinvites on screen though like that’s what I don’t understand yeah like at the top of chat you see you see the chat you see and it works like click it oh Mr key new Quest ke’s hungry challenge make it to level 100 in sko Cabin however you cannot eat or drink anything danger in the Deep the mine has been elevator has been reset and new dangers have emerged the deep underground make it to the bottom in a week I actually really want to do that no I just got a stack of iron no that’s crazy you should get a stack of iron on the actual server we have thousands he needs to get more instead of being useless yo when is n going to get on so I can h on his Minecraft oh never I got a cut scene oh let’s go what are these you know what tus for spin his balls no [Music] wait isn’t that song copyrighted it doesn’t if I sing it I don’t think I can like it unless I sing like I don’t know man well I don’t know if that’s a risk you’re on to take I mean it hasn’t happened yet if they don’t die let me be clear let me c cre live singing ground DM me in Discord why look at G trap bro uh let me be clear let me be fortnite what is B Because holy he might have just became clean he just did I thought was acting my four is like strange look my screen let’s go I got the statue of perfection why is everyone why is everyone glowing is everybody glowing they’re all federal agents do we do they all have radiation they’re all federal agents federal agents glow in the dark did you not know so do y like oh I didn’t know that an glow in the dark W he’s actually super uneducated do y’all like beans yeah not really I mean like I mean like there’s there’s like better options I mean like just just let me be clear let me be Sigma do not say that shut up make you shut yippity Yapp or yapper rapping welcome to Pineapple yapping with friends M you ypp too much your own yapping show yep I’m still banned it’s almost stopped don’t worry TR wait did you say it today no heo I BR when did you say disappoint me with your lack of paying attention us enjy these slurps oh yeah I can’t Mr cribs oh yeah oh yeah Mr cribs [Music] 100 Christian said my I’m bro jumping for joy bro D I’m playing Minecraft I seem to be working cave in looking H why is jumping for you’re in a cave in Minecraft look Diamond it’s funny I’m in the same cave looking for miners what heard that song song I know I’m in the same game for miners I love those what in braan the people that mine in caves I can hear [ __ ] through your mic me yes you yeah what do you mean I heard I heard no that wasn’t me no one talked in the back I think it was I think that you I’m your only Watcher bro I’m the only one watching your stream right now how do you feel how to get lots of money uh wine I love wine the game somebody here pleas save me from my dad CPS I guess h y child child protection not not not what you were thinking low bro calm down kind of kind of weird bro it’s kind of weird that’s first thing you thought of but whatever right I didn’t even say what I was thinking Holy by the way you reacted we know exactly what you’re thinking don’t even lie oh no exposive am is really fun to use dirt around just so that I can plant trees in a shroom it’s like soy but FY what seie you’ve never heard that [Music] I my bad you think I pr stream get bad I couldn’t be the same you y think if I pull on I show me and will I get more views you’ll get views but like never again but then I’ll just say it’s an accident like he did it’s a onetime view time but it’s like also like an Uber know for viewers use wisely with a use that your own risk bro don’t try this at home kids this was performed by professionals and me of course holy there are so many slimes or if there’s any slimes yo they’re everywhere this looks so silly anyways let me go to the next why can slimes throw I don’t no maybe was just spitting at you they need to stop spitting at me yourself you’re in a Minecraft in cave looking for diamonds diamonds I’m in the same with I’m in the same minor looking for mine I’m in the same minor looking for caves I’m in the same dude you might actually be autism oh thank you so much not autism I’m just fortnite you might be fortnite why can they stand on top of each other that’s kind of funky chat you [ __ ] with The Bite of 87 chat am I the bite of 87 is that the you [ __ ] with young Bazinga person okay with like he keeps on doing the dance which I hate like why are they pulling up on me like a gang me my gang pull up better get to running am I fighting gang wars in stardy Valley I think Slim’s are racist yes I exactly they are like you never really see like like besides Terraria you never see like a green slime with a blue slime you know us yeah you’re right they’re always sated like you know like the like a good show for it is slime Rancher I love slime try next bro try again next year I love slime lancher slime lancher is my favorite video my favorite software video game so okay Jo joa way is way easier than the community center yeah it is literally you just Farm money and they reward you for farming money if you’re ever speed running that in fact you can technically achieve Perfection by like doing nothing except grinding money but I’m not going to do it that way takes away the challenge Dell yourself blast him with [ __ ] bullets we’re screaming all I ticket okay why can the squid cast spells why can the squid cast spells I watch a squid do Hocus Pocus magic bro how do you focus you haven’t seen what I’ve seen it’s back they’re back ready for the Revenge they’re back he’s doing it again Hocus [Music] Pocus stop with the Hocus Pocus [ __ ] po Pokey altery they hurt they hurt when they do the pokus magic the Hocus Pocus magic is not to be messed with- 20 attack if they hit me with the Hocus Pocus magic oh no they’re dangerous I just died to just Fat Y like y like my uh name chat what uh look atat no ablo whatever you just said um look at look at J blood I’m saving that one hey they’re my memes that’s fny which one did you see I saved the uh the Stocker one yeah one’s one that’s one of my favorite have a one you ever see those beams that are like it’s just a longwinded like Reddit story and then it just like ends horribly for no reason I I used to like you know like run away and then it just cuts to like Kanye West like his Runway is s yeah yeah or like I was attending a graduation and it just cut to Kanye just starts playing holy bro the harder mins are not to be messed with bro they hurt y it’s raining it’s raining it’s raining tacos I hated that song so much my fornite is raining when do I find radio after bars holy mother of Christopher Columbus Lebanon James I keep dying Michael [Music] Gordon right uh right cook creep right right right left um right I guess left super right left walking with the heater uh to get this mine uh you have to Def you either have to defeat or accept the dangers in the Deep Quest from Ginger Island and it unlocks the harder uh in the key room it um unlocks the harder mines which you can get stuff you can’t get from the normal mines and killed certain things you can’t kill on the normal mines wait like what squids that can do Hocus Pocus magic radioactive bars which is a material I would use the radio Radioactive bars for like radioactive swords radioactive I I don’t remember what it’s for but there’s a bunch of stuff like some of the key stuff that you get like the heavy tappers they need radioactive thing about the winkies to um craft I forgot the Perfection statue generates aridium ore every morning huh yeah I forgot about that it what the grandpa statue generates uh AR 4 every morning which gives it to every morning kind of Sig yo this guy’s unfriending his friend just cuz he beat him inside of a [Music] Roblox who he ring I don’t [ __ ] know yall know who uh the the main character of uh one pieces I know who isn’t it um money be goofy money beig goofy I don’t get it shut up I found the I found the joke very enjoyable yeah it it makes more sense if you look in a I’m so it’s funnier when you like don’t say money be goofy it’s funnier when you don’t talk damn that’s just personal but [Music] um die tonight will be fall for you over again CH mind y I have a question y’all ever been to uh Lebanon no like like leanon leanon James Leon James leet player I think I think he was played in Leon Lebanon Lebanon my ball why is this zombie brain loing on my balls what that is fire [Music] bro change my mind AA AWA AWA I don’t know how I inflict bleed and I inflict fire and neither of them proded on this enemy and he killed me he had one Health if just as [Music] I need to get about this my ladies oh my ladies I got so many ladies I don’t got ladies I got zero ladies I got rabies I got rabies I’m fing from the mouth I went to the barber shop they told me get the I think I’m running out of name the likes no man I’m running out of name sound lik like a you dud just to the name sound lik remember the really good joke I did onus no you did a good joke on stream yeah I was like what is a tree with no hand what do you call a tree with no hands I don’t know I don’t know it’s [ __ ] piss me off though it cuz it was like a 10-minute joke waiting for Inferno to say what and you were like okay let’s see what this this I don’t know what the H oh my got no way oh no oh yeah a golden coconut H oh my God are you goated with the sauce I don’t think like the one I just sent into gunshot dog what did you will be the night that I will fall for you over again you make me change my mind Vegeta Vegeta Vega Vito Vegito Vegito Vila Vegito the it to icho I think no no no I’m going to cry yo going SC Bud SC buddy Corbin was not getting response from Corbin what look at my screen no i r the H I roll the Hulk at a formless style manual bro I don’t even use what are all these words this is worse than like an MMO game what the hell I tune in on the stream and it’s just words what stream your stream what I’m not streaming what Oh Me Oh these yeah it’s SC oh no I’m in the AFK Zone these are items cuz you got you got your mask roll you guys are kind of funny I’m glad to know that I’m kind of funny you guys are kind of funny I know I’m funny I’m such a knee slapper type of guy I’m a slap okay that would that would have been really close to something I’m not going to you risking it not going to lie you guys are kind of funny W I think he was talking about me you said anything this whole have you said anything I’m going mentally inane bro I’m I’m I’m I’m try get next bro I think was talking about me though I’ll be honest he I I’m not I’m not going hold you I forgot you were here I don’t think he was talking about you kind of forgot he was here too yeah I kind of forgot he was here shut up my my overlay I forgot that he was there I’m going to go I’m going to I’m going to I’m I’m start a certain German person I swear to God what don’t praise me you don’t praise him is okay if I kill Germans now huh I don’t think you can say that not say that on my stream please yeah buddy um get out you’re banned you’re banned YouTube I do not support people being racist on my stream don’t ban me for it well what do you mean you’re not he doesn’t if you want to ban um anybody ban pineapple at work he’s a mod for my channel if you so if you want me to I can un I can unmod him so you can permanently delete him off the YouTube YouTubes you know I’m going to permanently delete you that seems kind of like a death threat me for fighting him so YouTube you should get him please I I don’t think we should have a person like this on our platform that’s all I’m saying you know going to do we not pop in your Banky Banky the [ __ ] are you how rages on stage at New York City Pride concert after she’s booed as fans call out singer for being cringe okay who what JoJo oh the one that I sent no me no no no you didn’t hear a single other word I said besides JoJo what huh huh what bro heard JoJo it’s all listen too all right send me a screen send send send scen going my main food source now because I live on an executed Mushroom Island you know you know what your main food source would be if you were in our server probably like golden carrots like pineapp 100% I wonder why that is maybe if you were maybe if somebody didn’t kill all the cows yeah maybe if we someone didn’t kill all the cows we we would be able to afford [ __ ] meat maybe maybe maybe maybe if I just like commit a cry in game that’s a crime in in game oh that’s a crime look at this life Elixir this is the first life Elixir I’ve ever drinken drunken drunk drank drun TR next your blood yall they somehow made an annoying boss enemy even more an annoying by giving him magic eat him they so is the elen ring the oldest ring to ever exist or why is it called that it’s just a Ting a what cool that sounded racist next how the [ __ ] would that even be remotely racist I don’t know but it sounded like it was offensive to someone it’s offensive to someone all the te yeah yeah it has defens to somebody I don’t know I just sounded yep it’s cuz you know that’s it I’m making a bomb in game yeah in game not in game in real life joke joke YouTube joke joke well YouTube If you were paying attention you’d see that I made a bomb in game as I said that what is this level [ __ ] Leaning Tower of Pizza like what is this just like a another tower that like the two towers on 911 oh okay oh I don’t know if we’re allow to say that me I’ve made way too many 911 jokes I’m not going to hold you I might be screwed if 911 isn’t allowed well jot did get a slap from the rest for making a couple 911 if 911 is itow I don’t think 911 was just allowed yeah I don’t think cover did 9 YouTube what’s your favorite holiday can I do this Mr probably anti John what’s your favorite what’s your favorite YouTube John YouTube [ __ ] John H yourse why do you keep making me lose my it’s probably like Hanukkah something do you like the ger D John YouTube John Hoover can you stop making me lose all my 50/50s and taking my money please thank you John YouTube can you give me a million dollars no John YouTube that would be SK can I give you like the ultimate back you’re not very skibbidy that’s a little mean don’t you think can the pan be Enchanted it can so what can you enchant it with uh let me look it up you want me to look it up I’ll look it up for you uh I already looked it up but go ahead all right enchant the pan with and start best enchant for Pan um I don’t I don’t know if you want to enchant pans but sure you definitely do they’re op be okay so there’s one that can uh I have a four times uh chance to get a artifact Trove bone fragments and decent chance to find artifacts I can get one that uh for a pan increases the maximum amount of non or items apparently reaching is the best yeah I would assume reaching would be the best for everything besides demand but I don’t know I’ll unch the pan last I’m not going to lie huge I got bottomless on the on the bucket so that’s fine I guess oh yeah oh yeah give me reach give me reach I got Swift I’ll take that that’s not I love Swift so no I’m not talking about tlor I don’t really like her I’m a go my damn sentence monkey Rock why do I have 331 already my in my inventory did I like take it from the home think so bro I don’t have the guts to go to the skull Cavern really all you need to do is just have some food on you get some good food for health and energy and you’ll be perfectly fine or install the mod called Skool Cavern elevator and literally cheese it I got an enchant on the hoe that allows me just to instantly charge and like I’m fighting an enemy and I roll the enemy rolls as well and we both roll to the same spot you guys are walsing y’all are dancing that’s crazy let’s sleep oh goofy goobers it’s a good day to be alive oh there’s blood here surprise attack trap ahead down required ahead 12 days in this beautiful huge amount of crops already like China huge like China huge oh my God he a [ __ ] bomb against me I might alrighty I think that’s about it for the stream today if you did stop by thank you for stopping by we hit a grand total of 44 views which is kind of crazy if you ask me um this was 14 tomorrow I’ll be live about the same s same side same time uh if you did join thank you if you didn’t whatever

A stream dedicated to my journey to 100% stardew valley comeand join!

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