TL;DR: Some russian guy made a modpack and now sells it for 450 rubles (5$) on russian Patreon. Most of the modpack is comprised of mods that were taken from other people on CurseFurge, likely without prior contact with them . This is definitely a severe violation of Minecraft's EULA and a pretty bad case by itself.

I've been talking to my friends in a group chat when one of them mentioned that their friend had bought a modpack from some guy on YouTube named Danil Yudin. From what I've heard, only 1/5 of the modpack is original content while all the other stuff is a clanky mess. I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not, but checking out the mods list gives you an idea (most of these mods were taken straight out of CurseForge, like YUNG's mods or Patchouli). Unfortunately, I was unable to properly test it all out because the modpack is too heavy for my PC to handle (it's 190 mods).

I'm pretty sure that even if the developer had contacted the mods' authors prior to posting the modpack, (if it's not the case, it makes the situation even more disgusting) it's still a severe violation of Minecraft's EULA about selling mods.

By this post I want to make mods' authors aware of their content being sold without permission and Reddit users themselves about such shit going down.

If you need the modpack file I can upload it on Google disc and post the link here

by Strong_Schedule5466

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