Made a Hell bridge that spans across half of my world. Is it going to be enough for the WOF fight?(Medium world size on Expert mode)

by Retinazer023


  1. manowartank on

    1/2 of small world on Expert was enough for me … i had quite high DPS thought: Hellwing Bow + Hellfire Arrows, Necro Armor, full buffs including Wrath potion + 2 summoned Imps.

    Also horse mount is faster than lightning boots and it frees 1 accessory slot.

  2. Awesome6600 on

    You are definitely fine. I recently used a like very small bridge ( like maybe a sixth of hell) and killed him just at the end of the bridge

  3. Opening-Resource-164 on

    i made a big hell bridge and i got it about 1/4th master mode melee just make sure you buff up and have the right tools and it should be easy (if you dont get it the first time maybe chance something up*

  4. CreepyLab8834 on

    No, make it 50x bigger. You’ll need to use Tedit but swapping to pc.

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