Driving the BATMOBILE in Minecraft!

all right cam potato battles are on you ready to go down oh yeah you’re going down I’ve been training what you’ve been training with the potato cannon dude that is such a nerd thing to do I’m going to beat you with no training you ready you’re the nerd all right let’s go in three 2 1 all right take that potato boom ow dude you just hit me I told you I was training I told you I was training first of three first of three what the heck just happened my was that Ruby hold on hold on we got to go check if she’s all right Ruby Ruby hello was that you I’m in the backyard what the heck is that rby how did you find this thing wait wait hold on hold on you found this car wait is this the Batmobile uh Ruby how in the world did you get the Batmobile well I was walking home from the pet store and then I saw a car next to the dump that’s how I got it wait wait so you’re saying you found this car next to a dump and you just took it how did you even like get inside of it was the key like still in the keyhole or something yeah it is check it out what the heck and you’re sure Batman wasn’t anywhere nearby are you sure he didn’t just park his car and uh you only stole it I have never met that guy in my life Dash well Ruby I think you may have stolen Batman’s car I don’t think that’s good yeah this is horrible this is the Batmobile dude he’s probably going to come hunt you down and you’re going to die forever Ruby and yeah Ruby he thinks you’re a villain now he probably thinks that you’re a super villain who stole his car wait what I don’t want to be a super villoid oh gosh okay wait wait so where did you even find this thing you said you found it next to a dump where where was this dump well I was just in the city that’s the only place with a pet store oh gosh you were in a city Ruby that that’s like Batman’s home you you definitely stole this thing from Batman he is coming to hunt you down right now um so am I going to die or what I think I might start planning for the funeral oh gosh okay well hold on maybe we can just uh return it you still remember where you found it right maybe we can just go uh return the car to Batman and he won’t care that you stole it and uh we’ll be all good I don’t know I don’t know D I’m panicking I’m panicking I’m panicking we have to return it that’s our only decision that we can make right now I wanted to drive it around a little bit more at least what no you have to return this as soon as possible okay okay but hold on a minute Ruby actually kind of has a point when’s another time we’re ever going to have a Batmobile in our lives you know what I want to drive it wa this thing is so fast dash dash dash careful careful careful don’t worry I just want to take it for a quick Spin and then we can return it right after yo this is actually insane well I want to get back in the car hey hang on I have to be in that car to show you where to go right wait is there a passenger seat in this thing I can’t really stop the car it kind of just keeps going forward I don’t think there’s any brakes on it I call shotgun I call a shotgun let me in let me in oh Ruby you’re in look you’re like a passenger nowo wait wait what about me can I come in wait does this thing have three seats cam try getting in uh I I don’t think it has three seats you guys are taking up all the space in the main area o that is unfortunate for you Cam wait hang on we can like uh tie a mine cart to the back and drag you do you want that um I think I’d rather walk you know all right well cam just follow us we got to start heading back and return this thing Ruby which way do we go um um um um towards that way yeah we’re going straight and then we’re going to take a ride all right all right just give us directions to the city cam we’ll wait for you there okay I’ll see you guys at the city oh it’s such a long walk we got to go return this thing before Batman hunts us down okay now down this road and just up ahead all right all right we can just keep on going down this road and waa wait I think I see the city so that’s where Batman’s from I think so okay okay well here we still got to wait for a cam so how about we just park the car somewhere here how about we park it right over here this should be a pretty good spot Batman’s not going to find us hopefully okay okay and hopefully cam doesn’t take too long to get here he walked oh true yeah he is walking but anyways Ruby while we wait for him where did you find this Batmobile EX exactly you said you found it next to a dumpster or something right so um where’s that dumpster and oh I think Cam’s here took you long enough buddy I’ve never ran so fast in my life okay but hold on guys now that we’re all here we need to go back to exactly where you found the Batmobile and just return it oh that’s easy um it’s just right over huh what is that and wait hold on guys is that Batman everyone everyone behind this wall over here we can’t let him see us oh oh right right right it’s not just the Batman there’s also the Joker what the heck are they having a fight wao guys look we’re witnessing a real super Hero Battle come on where’s the Batmobile you use Rockets I don’t know what happened to your Batmobile Batman but it’s not here so it can’t help you wait guys I think Batman’s trying to call for his Batmobile and it’s not working cuz we stole it oh no this is getting too dangerous I need to retreat I need to find my Batmobile but he’s retreating superheroes aren’t supposed to retreat oh gosh Ruby I think he’s looking for the Batmobile that you stole I think the reason why he’s retreating is because you stole it I borrowed it guys oh my gosh okay well how are we supposed to return it now without getting Batman to hate us and try hunting us down maybe we could just park the car near him and then just run away so he doesn’t see us actually yeah that sounds like a pretty good idea we can just return the car without him ever looking at us here let’s hop back in okay okay okay let me in let me in get in quick this thing is hard to drive I want to I I went in no I want to go in stop it stop it you rode the entire way here oh Cam got in first all right Ruby I guess you have to run oh no okay okay but here guys we better hurry up I think Batman went over here this way went down this road over here so we just got to follow them oh I really hope Batman’s all right hopefully he doesn’t see us driving his car we just got to go near him and then park the car and leave if he sees us inside of it we’re going to get in a lot of trouble okay just try to follow him um see if he left behind any tracks or something okay okay Batman hello any bat around here oh I don’t even know where we are right now where are we driving I think we’re in the police station right now maybe we can try going this way Batman hello they went down this way I’m pretty sure um well they’re fighting in the city outside on the street right it can’t be that hard to find them I don’t know man’s like a creature of the night he just like hides in the darkness he could be anywhere you think that he’ll come out if I call for him Batman oh Batman Ru don’t call to him we’re trying to return the car without him seeing us if he sees us we’re going to get in trouble they and our face punched in it’s going to hurt oh yeah you’re right and wait a minute it looks like all of the roads in the city just come down to this one point wait wait guys what ruby what are you driving my new Hot Rod baby what is that it’s my ride Ruby really got a pig okay but anyways guys look all the roads of the city are coming down into this one point over here I think we looked around the entire city did you guys see Batman anywhere no I think he might be this way now my pigs nose couldn’t sniff him out either but um I think that this is the right way this is the only place left to look all right well I guess we can keep going this way and wa guys I think this is leading to outside of town we just crossed a bridge and there’s a fence over here well there’s holes in the fence it’s not really a good fence wait wait there’s a sign does this sign say anything Gotham City 2 miles yeah guys I think we literally just left the city what well then we probably aren’t going the right way Batman’s probably still in the city right oh my gosh I think we went to a dead end what is the car doing the car is trying to go through the fence wait a minute guys does a Batman live in a batcave maybe this Batcave is past that fence wait a minute you’re right he lives in a batcave okay okay that’s actually a good idea it looks like there’s a little path past this fence over here I guess we can try exploring it I mean we don’t have anywhere better to go here everyone hop in I’m trying it’s too fast why is it taking you guys so long to get past the fence jeez R we’re driving a giant Batmobile oh gosh where are we we just went in the sky we’re in a tree okay okay but here we are we’re on the path now I guess let’s just keep on driving through this path W this Batmobile is so fast this thing is ripping let’s go you guys better not get a scratch on that car I think this thing is unscratchable but anyways guys it looks like we’re getting pretty deep in the woods hold on this actually does look like a spot where a batcave would be and the Batmobile fits perfectly in this path okay hold on this actually looks promising guys are we about to see Batman’s Batcave I bet it’s super cool and he has a bunch of computers what is this and hold on a minute this looks promising is this the Batcave whoa guys this doesn’t look like any ordinary cave yeah you’re right it does it look there’s like lanterns trap doors and chains wao this place looks crazy okay okay I think we might actually be on to something so uh what’s the plan we just going to park the car over here and leave maybe next time Batman comes out he can uh see the car no we have to explore the Batcave come on we’re right here bro why do we have to explore it we also don’t even know if this is the backat Cave the to be honest it kind of also looks like a sewer oh gosh okay that is a fair point I guess we can explore this place just a little bit until we confirm that it is the Batcave let’s just look around until we see any signs of Batman and then we leave all right and oh Ruby you’re here all right let’s look around this cave come on let’s go all right okay this place definitely looks um manmade look there’s like slabs over here this definitely wasn’t just naturally generated something just moved that freaked me out oh gosh okay well let’s look around everyone keep your eyes peeled for any like bats or any like bat symbols I’m pretty sure that’s what Batman has around his cave wait you want us to find bats and stuff I think he likes bats and wao who wait guys what’s this over here hold on a minute it looks like it’s a dead end it doesn’t really look like a dead end look there’s like Smooth Stone in a perfect circle and sea lanterns and wait wait hold on hold on hold on is this a button over here wait guys we may be on to something this might actually be the bat cave wait press the button press the button okay okay let’s try hitting it did it do anything wait what’s going on are we going down whoa whoa is this an elevator guys we’re going down I think this is an elevator the floor beneath us is going down wait wait how do we get back up how do we get back up guys I think we’re stuck in here now oh gosh but waa what is this place that’s Batman over there guys that’s Batman that’s Batman oh my gosh we’re in the Batcave damn sh keep it together keep it together if we get caught right now he’s probably going to think we’re like Intruders and then he’s going to like beat us up dude you know how much I love Batman this is so cool oh no stop being a fanboy guys how are we going to get out of here now he’s going to think we’re Intruders intr where’s my B bill I need to know where it is now I think he’s looking for his Batmobile okay this is really bad this is really bad guys what do we do does anyone have any extra blocks I’ve got a five dirt we can use that to pill her out of here maybe yeah I don’t have any blocks dude I don’t even have my pig with me you guys oh my gosh okay well hold on maybe there’s like another button around here to bring the elevator back up and um guys I’m not seeing any but in oh no are we really stuck down here guys Batman is going to see us and then he’s going to beat us up and he’s going to eat us what do we do guys what if we just like you know come clean what if we fast up to Batman yeah he’s a superhero he won’t be mad right what ruby you literally stole his Batmobile he probably thinks you’re a villain well if I give it back then I didn’t steal it that’s how that works come on guys we can’t give up hope what if we okay come on let’s just talk to Batman and maybe he won’t eat us oh my gosh okay fine fine I guess we can try admitting to him that we stole the Batmobile but oh gosh if anything goes wrong we’re probably going to be in a lot of trouble I don’t see any other options though cter where’s my bobile I need to know where it is oh gosh he looks really mad okay I I think our best option is just to go admit okay uh hey there Mr Batman um we may have something that you’re looking for who are you where in my back chill out chill out we’re just um uh we we kind of found our way in here and we may know where your Batmobile is yeah we’re not suspicious at all I promise I promise I promise I promise yeah we’re we’re not bad guys we’re not with the joker you know where the Batmobile is what say wait did you just call the Batmobile a he I think he said she where is she okay okay well um pretty much our friend Ruby over here found it next to a dumpster and uh she decided to take it home to um make sure it doesn’t get stolen yeah she was protecting it bro don’t call me out like that you see the Pea Bill no no no no no I I thought it was trash I’m sorry I thought it was a used car for sale yeah but now we’ve brought it back we’ve left it just right outside of your backat cave so um that’s all please don’t e us wait do you know where it is she’s here yeah yeah it’s right here it’s just at the entrance of the back cave oh I’m so happy you guys sto it and not those pesky villains wait what so you’re not mad at us and wait you’re happy we took it wait no I wouldn’t be mad at a few kids for playing with the Batmobile that thing’s sick oh I mean yeah yeah you’re right I agree it is pretty sick you guys are crafty little thieves huh what what is this guy saying what what can you say that simpler I don’t understand what you mean you guys are pretty good at stealing stuff is what I mean is that a bad thing or a good thing I don’t know I think it’s a pretty good thing what do you say we work together huh work together wait you want us to work with you we with Batman hang on that is so awesome oh my gosh I’ve been waiting for this my entire life can you guys look away real quick um okay what are you goingon to do where he go okay I’m good what the heck I’m ready did you just like keep a superhero outfit on you at all times dude I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life you don’t understand how happy I am wait do you always wear this under your clothes well pretty sweet suit you got there looks clean okay but anyways Batman what do you need our help with well you all know about that pesy joker oh I hate his guts and oh oh yeah The Joker we saw you fighting him earlier he looked really tough out there I’ve been getting really tired of his Antics he’s been getting up to no good all the time yeah it seems like it he doesn’t seem like a very good guy yeah we need to put a stop to him now wait are you saying that we have to help you defeat the Joker okay but hold on a minute what are we going to do I’ve still got my potato cannon on Me Maybe we can try like shooting this at him do you think this will do a lot of damage to the Joker no that would do a lot of damage here I’ll give you some materials follow me over here to the bat Armory wait wait what we get to go to the bat Armory guys what if we get bat weapons and stuff what if we get our own Batmobiles what if we get like bat bikes dude dude dude I’m so happy right now I’m just happy that he’s not mad at me this is going to be crazy guys we’re going to become superheroes walking let’s go walking in the bat game is so much fun this place is huge all right here’s the bad Armory I’ll be able to give you guys some weapons for your mission here and ooh this stuff looks crazy who what are these over here can I get one of these those are my precious batt rangs go ahead take a few oh these things are awesome wait wait so they’re like throwing stars but like in the shape of a bat they’re not throwing stars they’re Bings can I try throwing one wait some for me yeah threw them at that building over there I hate that building okay all right let me give it a shot wow I just threw it guys look I threw it at the building W I found some bur ranks can I take these what is a b rank wa wait there’s a lot of gas grenades in here we should probably take some of these too right oh yeah everything here you guys can take there’s some B Rings you can even wear one of my spare masks wait really hold on you have a spare mask here where are they where are they I want a spare mask it’s over here whoa wait wait okay hold on let me try putting this on guys how do I look do I look awesome or what wait you look like bat boy you’re bat boy yo hi Batman look I’m like bat boy what do you think well you look pretty sweet dude let’s go I got the Batman approval W you’re looking pretty cool as well this thing doesn’t fit my head oh that’s rough wait wait hold on there’s also some armor here can we take this oh yeah you guys can take the armor oh heck yeah all right all right I’m just going to grab as much of this stuff as I can oh yeah give me some more of these battery ranks these are going to be clutch can I also use my potato cannon in battle you can use your potato cannon if you’re trying to feed people well I’m not going to feed people with it the potatoes are rough they hurt look at that oh just broke the it’s not that strong you need to bring True Justice with my bat rangs okay fine fine I’ll use the batter rangs too can these batter rangs breing out INF frames oh they can indeed shatter that item friend take more hey let’s go oh man all this stuff is so cool but hang on how are we going to fight the Joker how are you going to find this guy and yeah hold on that is a good question do you happen to know where the Joker Is by any chance he seems like a pretty sneaky fella oh I know exactly where the Joker is I heard some news today that he was going to try and Rob some place and wait wait he’s going to rob some place okay well that’s good I guess now we know where he is yeah apparently he’s trying to rob the cdy museum and take all the precious artifacts oh gosh that is horrible okay okay so uh we just got to go to the City Museum and stop him yep that’s all you have to do go to the city museum locate him and punch his face oh okay okay um I guess we should start going uh this way all right to the city museum are we doing this now like now now yeah we have to we have to put a stop to Joker oh man I forgot to eat lunch hopefully I can fight on an empty stomach oh here Ruby I got you take some potatoes ow ow ow the use of the potato K in anyway follow me to the pter let’s go guys this is actually going to be so awesome I’m so excited we’re going to fight alongside Batman this is going to be sick dude this is awesome I’m literally freaking out right now all right but anyways Batman do we have to go back up the elevator we got to go back up to the Batmobile right this is going to be an easy fight since it’s going to be a 4v1 oh yeah it’s going to be pretty simple but uh you guys are the only ones going I’m going to stay here and talk to pwer huh what why us we’ve never been training being a superhero in our whole lives well this is perfect training taking out the strongest villain it’s like the big dog in the prison yard who whoa whoa wait wait hold on so you’re going to send us to fight this Joker guy and you’re not going to come with us yeah exactly that but I will be watching over the security cameras in the city using myu to give you some tips and okay okay um guys how do we feel about this do you guys think we’re ready to go on a mission and try fighting the Joker by ourselves dude I was born for this I don’t think that it matters whether we’re ready or not this guy needs to go down oh gosh yeah I mean I guess it is the least we could do for him after stealing his car I guess we have to return the favor all right so you guys in or not and yeah yeah sure we’re in this does seem pretty exciting anyways I want to use my potato cannon on some villains we are totally in awesome you guys go up to the Batmobile I’ll stay here and look at my computer all right all right sounds good thank you very much Batman I’m so glad he didn’t get mad at us wait how do we get back to the Batmobile where did we come from again oh you go over to the elevator it’s over there okay okay wow this place is huge wait doesn’t the Batmobile only have two seats yeah wait one of us is going to have to run I’m getting in the Batmobile no no no no no no I want to be in the Batmobile no dip on driving dibs on driving J you’ve been in it twice now yeah Ruby so I’m the best driver here I have the most experience uh uh get me on get me on all right but anyways guys we’re back on the elevator how do we actually go back up now I still got a few dirt blocks maybe we can use this to Tower up there’s a button nearby look for it where did that come from did you guys just hear that I heard it I heard it where did it come from I’m in your ear bro wa you’re in my ear how can I hear you right now the mask rig bro it’s a headset oh okay wait that actually makes a lot of sense but wait you said there was a button around here where’s the button I don’t see any buttons so far there should be a button on the wall oh uh Dash you missed this oh oh it’s that one all right well let’s hit the button is it going to start going up now oh we’re zooming let’s go all right you guys get in the Batmobile L when there’s a rotten egg what the heck okay well I’m not going to be a rotten egg I’m not being lost I’m not being lost no stop it stop it sabotage take that I’m not being last either I’m being second I’m going to get the driver’s seat I’m throwing a gas grenade here oh how do I throw the gas grenades it’s not working why are you using it on us hey don’t put gas grenades in my tunnels bro oh my bad all right well anyways I got in first let’s go who’s going to get in second let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in whoever gets in is is sitting in I think him got in I guess I have to use the pig again Ruby you can be like the pig superhero that can be your thing but let’s go guys we got to drive into town all we got to do is look around for this Museum right that’s where the Joker is yep he should be in the museum right about now he’s in there oh gosh he got there before us hey you guys got to hurry it up or he’s going to seal everything in there oh man okay okay let’s go let’s go where even is this Museum well it’s in Gotham once you get to Gotham I’ll give you some better directions I think Gotham is the name of the city okay okay let me just pull up through the fence there we go and all right we’re going into Gotham we’re crossing the bridge oh this is awesome I can sit on my computer and tell you guys what to do I love Sidekicks hey we are not your Sidekicks we’re we’re equals here dude I love being a sidekick I’m a I’m Batman sidekick I’m Batman sidekick I want to be the middle kick I don’t want to be on the sideo that’s like the same thing all right but anyways we’re in the city now which way do we go where’s this museum at this place is huge Take The Wrong Turn stay straight yeah yeah go that way all right all right dude this literally leads to no oh do we go this way yeah follow the direction turn around right okay I’m going right I’m going right yeah keep going that direction uh hard left how are you seeing us right now I have access to the Batmobile there’s cameras in there you know wait there is yeah I could see you picking your nose cam a wait no I wasn’t doing that oh it wasn’t okay okay which way do we go now we’re kind of just in the city do we go left or right oh you’re pretty close go left hard left now hard left okay hard left wait this one or this one which way do we go what okay I’m just going this way Guys these instructions are confusing me well yeah same here kind of well let’s just get to the museum and uh Ruby you can find us once we get there okay I don’t think I’ll get there before you guys oh wait I found it wait what really oh yeah she’s there this pig is really good at navigating what the heck okay Ruby where is it we’re kind of lost I think I saw you guys pass me oh my gosh I can’t believe we’re making it to the museum after her even though we’re in the faster car hard right yeah keep going that direction you’re almost there hard right okay the Museum’s right in front of you guys oh this building right over here oh hi guys oh Ruby you’re here all right I guess we made it here how about we park the Batmobile in this back alley right over here I think there should be a pretty fitting parking spot anyways now should we just go in yeah I think we should um wait how should we just go in through the front door I guess so hold on hold on wait first I want to see if Joker is actually in here let me just build up real quick Joker wait guys hold on Joker’s actually there look at him he’s right there move move get help it’s in the L everything in this museum is going to be mine wait wait guys he’s placing down TNT I don’t think he’s stealing the stuff from the museum he’s trying to blow it all up this is going to be the best joke ever what the heck what about this it’s funny I don’t know this guy’s crazy but you guys need to go in there and stop him oh gosh okay well I guess let’s just go in and stop him what are you doing what do you mean what am I doing I’m supposed to stop him right do you not see those things that’s right at the foot of the door those are mine wait these are mines oh gosh I was about to blow up if I step over them yeah you were going to blow up if you stepped on those mines you need to find a different way in except for the front door plus it’s really obvious bro a man why is there mines there this is going to be fun oh gosh guys he’s filling this place up to the brim yeah we’re on a time limit here if we don’t stop him soon I don’t think the museum is going to be the only thing to blow up oh gosh okay well how are we supposed to get in is there any like other doors that we can go in from I’m looking around I don’t see any other doors but I do have one idea what you do what is it there’s a skylight that you can go through at the top of the building wait a skylight wait wait so you want us to climb to the top of the building how are we going to get up there it’s pretty simple he’s got to do some evasive maneuvers and get all the way up to the top evasive maneuvers I don’t even have any blocks to get up there what are you talking about what you you’ve never done parkour before bro no I haven’t done parkour before okay guys let’s just look around the building maybe we can find a like a back door or something we can break in actually how about we just break through one of the windows do these battery rings work on glass do not go through the window why because if you go through the window you will die oh gosh wait that’s so serious okay wait hold on R I’m not sure if I really believe this guy oh let’s just try breaking this glass over here is this going to work stop stop stop Joker’s going to know that we’re here what if I try the potato cannon on it if you break that glass I’m going to get real mad okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry fine how dude how are we supposed to get to the top of the building give me give me some tips go to the top how okay guys let’s look around maybe there’s like a ladder on the back of the building or something that we could use like a maintenance ladder or something that could be a thing yeah like maybe like a construction site wait guys look there’s a ladder over here waa but wait this ladder goes like to the very very top of the building oh gosh this is going to be crazy how far up is this night Batman oh it’s all the way at the top of the building you need to climb up there and fall okay guys let’s keep on going what the heck we have to go to the top of the building what if we fall isn’t that kind of dangerous well I mean you you’ve got to fall to get down there bro wait what bro we don’t have any time for this just stop asking questions and climb the ladder oh my gosh okay fine fine you’ll see what I mean when you reach the top it’s going to get crazy dude oh gosh guys we’re getting really high up in the air right now if you’re scared of heights Don’t Look Down W cam look I’m climing the ladder backwards yeah that’s kind of weird how are your hands backwards too don’t worry about it I’ve got strategies I’m climbing with my butt cheeks what dude bro it’s weird bro it’s weird e gross yeah I want to try it all right but guys look we’re already above the clouds right now this crazy oh my butt cheeks just fell off the ladder oh man dude I’m coming with my butt cheeks too that’s that was crazy okay but anyways I think we’re at the very very top of the tower now who we can see the whole city from up here this place is crazy this place is a little too crazy I’m kind of scared guys yeah I like to stand up here sometimes you know just look at the ground it’s pretty cool oh gosh okay this is really dangerous guys make sure not to get blown off by the wind or anything but wait hold on is this that Skylight that you were talking about uh we have to go through this yep you have to go straight down there oh no this is going to suck but wait guys look all the way at the bottom there’s a few slime blocks maybe we can just land on those oh yeah fall straight down you just got to break through the Skylight oh wait guys Joker is also down there Joker is also right down there how are we going to stop him um let’s think fall on the slime blocks and then we’ll try and hide and then sneak attack right how are we going to hide once we fall down there C I think we’re just going to drop right into the middle of the museum look at Joker he’s just chilling down there okay guys whatever you do do do not fall in the TNT all right guys I think we just have to go down there and figure it out I’m going to drop some gas grenades once we go you guys ready okay I’m ready woo go go go we’re dropping in all right it’s time to stop this Joker guy oh oh we have to bounce huh who is that on my slime all right guys we’re in we’re in you know what time it is it’s time to beat up to joker I’m hitting him with a gas grenade take that wait look over here he has a button connected break it oh gosh oh gosh hold on we got to break all this Redstone he’s trying to blow up the TNT stop that joker take that potato no stop you’re ruining my funniest joke and wait what what did he just throw at me oh gosh guys he just threw something he just threw something it hurts it hurts this is my patent pending laughing gas yo he’s got laughing gas guys don’t go in his laughing gas it hurts it hurts really bad I think it also turns you into like a zombie so be careful oh gosh oh gosh we got to beat him up we got to beat him up take that joker yeah your TNT is getting destroyed keep going keep going keep going keep going yeah come on we’ve only got a few more blocks that’s it all right now we can fight go go go go go you will never stop my biggest joke keep playing more this guy’s crazy we need to stop him no this this is supposed to be funny you’re ruining my fun guys we need to throw batter rangs at him throw more batter rangs take that take that yeah B rang B rang bang bang oh gosh guys he threw another grenade he threw another laughing gas grenade don’t go inside of it don’t go inside of it take that yeah potato gun oh ow this is pretty funny to watch Yo Batman we’re kind of fighting for our lives right now what do we do how do we end this just fight back I called the cops already it should take a moment for them to arrive you called the cops okay quick tell them to hurry up this is kind of crazy yeah yeah just keep surviving just got to keep on beating up the Joker guys we got to off don’t let him place any more TNT I’m literally Ling right now this guy is crazy come on get the Joker guys Batman is just chilling in his chair while we’re doing all this hard work this um is interesting I don’t care get out of here Joker oh oh my shins they hurt guys I think the potatoes are doing damage to him yeah battering to the face take that boom get him get him get him in the corner yeah hold on hold on we can trap him off let’s block him off with this dirt yes we got him trapped no let me out guys keep throwing stuff at him keep keep him in the corner keep him in the corner oh gosh I’m out of potatoes the cop should be here soon the cop should be here soon I’m thr a smoke grenade in there yeah take that huh what’s going on here and huh who was that was that Batman wait there’s a cop here let’s go officer get him he’s right there huh where did the Joker go what the heck guys he was just there officer he was just there in this box he just disappeared huh oh he was right on our fingertips we almost got him oh no oh he escaped you guys should have thrown that smoke grenade a man I can’t believe we let him Escape we almost had him I’m sorry Batman don’t worry we’ll get him next time bats so uh you called me here for nothing um I guess so yeah the Joker is not here anymore all right well can you guys Dy the Batmobile back I want to take her for a spin all right yeah we can go get your Batmobile back and give me the bat get the Batmobile the Joker’s right there officer get the get the Joker he’s right there Joker stop you’re under arrest what no you can’t arrest me no wait I think we did it let’s go we got the Joker arrested wait really we did it we did it we did it we captur to the Joker e that was such hard work that TNT really scared me you guys oh wow that’s pretty good kiddos let’s go we did it that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Driving the BATMOBILE in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam have found the BAT MOBILE in Minecraft… Will batman get mad at them for taking his car? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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