We’re So Back – Stardew Valley Expanded – Part 18

hello everybody we are so back sorry for the super long break but as you may know 1.6 recently came out so a lot of shuffling around had to be done and I was actually intending on upgrading this series to 1.6 however there are quite a few very important mods that we have currently it’s Lance’s birthday that can’t be updated so we’re actually going to keep this entire series on 1.5 and all the 1.6 content can be in some other playthrough that’s right we got the monster musk recipe so this episode’s going to be a lot of me remembering exactly what we were up to because it’s been 4 months and I know that’s always very annoying whenever you’re binging this series and you’re like well it’s been 2 seconds for me sorry ahead of time but uh I think what I want to do is kind of get a lot of the projects we were working on beforehand really going so this whole area down here I was intending on that’s right I don’t have is that oh that just immediately brings up settings that’s my animation cancelling button so I had kind of instinctively pressed it so one of the things I want to do is I want to get this this crop area going another thing is we just found the secret note if I can find it here that allows us to get the aridium snake milk I did rewatch the last episode yeah so we’re going to be doing a skull Cavern run in the near future I need to do a quick look at all my resources just to see what we’re working with here quite a few crops here now here’s the thing for Lance we’re probably just going to have to give them a high quality vegetable because almost every one of his loved items are from areas that we literally have not been to yet so it’s just items that I straight up don’t recognize so we’re we’re just going to give them a gold star vegetable it’s always a safe bet for pretty much everyone and we won’t have to worry about it uh dwarf Marlin is he actually here oh he’s not here yet okay I have to also another thing if I forget any features that I should be using please let me know in the comments because obviously I you know we’re running off the same mods as last time and maybe I’ve forgotten one or two of them so just make sure I stay on top of that well I suppose in that case I don’t want to do the skull Cavern run today because I really don’t want to risk forgetting that we do have his birthday to pay attention to so we’ll we’ll skip out on that wow I have a lot of seasonal seeds and a lot of fiber was I selling that fi keeping that fiber for something I haven’t shipped fiber yet that’s one of the things like we’re in year 2 so we do kind of have to start working towards Perfection if only a little bit bro I’m going to make some te saplings cuz I don’t know what I was saving all that for but oh well wait Lance isn’t here on Mondays he’s at the gon Outpost which I is an area I haven’t unlocked yet oh that’s cringe well in that case we can actually do this skull Cavern run so that’s what I’m going to do this might also be the first time that we’re able to use the do drop berries in the run because I don’t believe we’ve done that before all right let’s get to work what is that is that a clump of marble or Granite Granite huh neat another secret note here what is that that’s wait that’s new that’s not vanilla or is it huh well we’ll check that out maybe we very well may have just restarted the trend of me saying that’s not vanilla when it actually is Yo pepper rexes if I’ve learned anything I need to slay all of them for the Slayer goal cuz that could be the last thing I do oh my goodness is that that is a purple mushroom Clump I did not think that there would be clumps like that that’s very pricey that’s 2,500 or 50 gold right there oh my gosh first hole man I’ve committed to this run cuz I thought you know oh three levels I thought well you never know when your luck can change on a dime but it’s not still not going well I’m going to see it through to the end now just because we also do need just aridium period now that’s a hole seven floors that is more like it oh pre Tor floor you’ll love to see these man I’m so hurt from the multiple runs where dinosaurs have just been like the last thing on my huge list of things to get whether it’s for the egg whether it’s for the Slayer goal can be anything what am I keeping here probably the granite Flo o crystarium absolutely goodbye Emerald you are the weakest link yet another note and that’s about the necklace what on Earth some of these Sprites that they made are beautiful I don’t particularly need that but man does it look good secret note this is Alex’s loved gifts another secret note man I’m getting more secret notes than I’m getting ladders and that’s for the giant junimo plush all right well floor 73 uh do I just take the pass out and lose 1,000 gold like what is that compared to what I’ve earned at this point you know cuz I mean a there’s nothing else here I’ll just leave well that very quickly turned from uh trying to get to floor 100 for the snake milk because I I actually am struggling with HP quite a bit to uh just getting aridium and I mean 85 aridium ore we clearly did pretty well in that market so guess that’s it for the day so how’s that money from the tea saplings then yeah 1.5 tea saplings let me tell you all right a slime escaped in the night oh got to get used to that that message all the time now how many hearts do we have with her just curious okay we’re at 11 that’s right we just got married last episode didn’t we cool well I think what I oh there’s a line that isn’t watered that might be something to worth looking in to fix eventually what do we got going on in the greenhouse just Cur okay yeah we got everything all right I need to work on my inventory first dang only only five furnaces did I real I struggled up to this point Didn’t I well we’ll have that going on all of the aridium and honestly I’m thinking about making some more furnaces oh there’s all of our aridium bar well hello there you go all right well with that figured out I would like to get a head start on this here plot of land I think that’s what I’m going to dedicate the next couple ingame hours on oh guess what I remembered I have oh that feels so good all right I can make oh it’s battery packs that I’m struggling for right now isn’t it and I believe those are all battery packs I got from bats in the mines wait battery packs no we’re good we’re good we can probably set up that whole thing I’m just going to spend everything I have on a rium sprinklers we should be able to fill up that full area now all right to work with my my copper hoe oh boy okay you know I’m kind of considering maybe I should put a fence around the whole thing really purely because it would look nicer Let’s uh what kind of fence though I suppose maybe Hardwood fences might look nice and they’ll last a little bit of time as well okay that looks kind of nice I might change up the type of fence it is at some point but for now it is fine well had to double up a little but I mean hey if it works it works the idea is that this will be a junima area so I’m going to fill it up with Judo Huts eventually and that’ll be kind of popping completely automated is the Hope so I did notice we haven’t completed the abandoned JoJo Mar bundle yet uh we should be able to get five gold ancient fruit just from this Harvest here I’d hope oh yeah more than enough oh my goodness Claire my girl you like triple shot espressos that makes this very easy she’s so close to eight might as well bring it home all righty easy enough uh we should probably just be able get the wine and void salmon right I shouldn’t have to use up one of my fish ponds for caviar I’d hope not at least son-in-law what’s popping Tuesday this is the day where I do laundry brother that’s literally like that’s like 5 minutes of work my man you also like triple shot espresso Hot Topic item oh the special orders board which one of these do you think I’ve completed cuz I’ll tell you one thing right now I have absolutely no clue although the second fridge is very very enticing I should are eggs that are already leg do those count I think I also have an auto Grabber going so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to really use that I also 100% meant to go get some seeds but I I didn’t do that I do have an auto Grabber and they’re automatically turning all the eggs into mayonnaise so I think I’m going to Nyx the autograph grabber for a little bit and that’ll help us complete this Quest oh I got a rabbit’s foot yo okay have I gotten the special I haven’t okay well I know exactly what we’re about to do with that genuinely one of the best upgrades in the game you cannot go without it do I not have it yet can I not get it oh I don’t think I can get it until I have the special note maybe I thought you could always do it Gunther the main man fan of cloth and I’ve decided I’ll just spend some time getting hardwood cuz you have a pretty good chance of getting secret notes out of them and I just turned all of my hardwood into a fence and I used way too many so we got to rectify that just a little bit oh also secret note maple syrup to the woods I can do that I can absolutely do that well I brought the maple syrup do I need to do it not on a horse do I hold it well it might have to be before a certain time I really hope it’s not a thing that’s broken because of uh expanded well let’s not pass out all righty it is Wednesday all of my slimes are escaping apparently did she just say she found a mouse I don’t like that it’s Vincent’s birthday quite a bit to do today I will say oh thank you for the the stick what a cat can always count on you so what’s the absolute state of the Slime F oh no wonder it’s like oh a slime escaped we got a million of them the tiger slimes really uh got to work huh all right well first thing I want to do I absolutely want to get all of our crops that we need to fill in this whole area and we’re going to have to reho a little bit that’s fine eventually all of these uh H spots under the fence will go away as well well which I actually do want to happen question is I suppose what crops are going in huh now Vincent is a lover of grapes and my intuition tells me that we have those somewhere well perhaps my intuition was wrong and my intuition was actually straight up checking his liked gifts list and seeing that it was filled in so that does imply that we have it somewhere just apparently uh not anywhere I can find it unfortunately well in that case the Amber chicken figure is one of his favorites so we’ll go ahead and give that to him instead oh oh a cut scene for Victor must be for six [Music] hearts what is up my dude still can’t not see my hair like the bouncy Tik Tock hair hi s [Music] oh what am I doing I’m well just thinking at the moment I have a lot on my mind looking forlornly into a pond my mother told me she’s disappointed I haven’t found a job yet I came to the park to get out of the house for a while can’t blame her for feeling that way I graduated from University a year ago and I’m still living at home ah the market huh maybe she thinks I’m just lazy and uncomfortable living at or and comfortable living at home forever because we’re financially secure here that’s not the case at [Music] all over the last year I’ve turned out dozens of internships and job offers none of them applied to me or appealed to me I don’t want to move out of the valley and work myself to death in the city I want a career where I’m free to be who I am not who I’m told to [Music] become you understand what I’m saying s you quit your office job because that wasn’t true to who you were you took a leap of faith and took over your grandpa’s farm just look at how that transformed your life in a way I envy you s yeah well I mean I I just I can’t listen I’ve worked at Soul crushing jobs it’s just so bad if you’re in a position where you’re able to you you should hold out until you get the a good one that you really want to stick with I think not everyone has that privilege but still a career like that sounds Dreadful having a boss telling you what to do and how to feel working that much that’s essentially over half your life that doesn’t belong to you yeah a lot of realness my mother doesn’t understand what I’m going through does didn’t she get rich through stocks I’m optimistic I’ll figure this out all soon enough s and stocks are really something you can only do when you’re already like in there you know where’s my boy I keep forgetting I have a map that pinpoints where everyone is he better not be heading down to the beach he’s at the library with Penny I see I looked in his house because I saw Jass wasn’t there with him yet so I was like surely they must not be teaching already but no here we are enjoy your chicken my dude what that’s not good at all what did that frog not chicken well we live with our mistakes I’m going to have to deal with that sometime in the future I suppose one thing I want to do today is I do want to go to Ginger Island because I do need to get a handle on where exactly we are there because I’ll be honest I don’t completely remember but before we do that let’s make sure we get some crops and fill up that field yeah we’re going to need a little more I’m going to I’m going to overdo it let say 300 that it’s a big feel it’s a big field all right here we go first things first speed boost when planting always does w wonders let’s fill in the holes and plop them down well I did buy a few too many we are 106 extra but we will have a second harvest this season so that’s not the biggest actually you know what no we won’t this will be our only Harvest of cauliflower here so whoops oh well we’re still going to make a ton of money from this it’s not like we made a loss from that all right now I want to clean up the inventory a little bit and then we’re going to head to Ginger Island all right here we are we need to get a little bit of a handle on things let me use my aridium pan real quick get some Fire Quartz it’s funny seeing all the things that have since I did this series been added to 1.6 it’s kind of funny that way okay I did have starfruit going it is completely filled up by all of this debris and I’m not quite sure why that’s good all these starf fruit will actually be required for making a proper set of Juno Huts because you do like 20 20 I think for it just cuz I’m curious how many golden walnuts do we have 74 dang we were really not filled up with them huh what have we not done cuz that’s a that’s a serious amount to be missing if I were to guess we probably haven’t done big bombo frog yeah we need all three of them so that’s melon wheat and garlic which we actually can buy right now so I’ll try to keep that in mind what fossils are we missing a vertebrae the bat and the tail huh okay well I’m actually going to go hunt for the bat then we’ll spend some time with the volcano mines and not mines but hopefully we’ll get some of the golden walnuts that we’ve been missing from here as well cuz I’m sure there’s quite a few yo Dragon tooth we always love to see those well did get a journal scrap unfortunately not one the important ones there’s only like three that are actually important because they have the hidden Walnut spots and I’m fairly certain we haven’t found them all yet another Journal scrap there we go that’s what we want I believe that one has the quality bobber I really want the ostrich egg one though hey there’s a walnut that gives us 10 which means we can do something with it I might I might get the island Trader cuz I don’t think there’s anything else we need to unlock that actually gives us more walnuts at the moment get another Journal scrap uh just more lore C but notice we’re still kind of rocking the space Boots the cinder clown shoes would be way better for us in every way that might be something worth working towards in the near future anyway it’s late I don’t want to it’s hard to get out of the volcano once you’re in there and I don’t want to pass out have I gotten the slingshot nut okay I always miss the a slingshot nut so it’s always a tossup as to whether I’ve gotten it or not all right yeah this is probably the most useful thing I mean we could unlock the mailbox which would open up the Obelisk for us but I think this is a more interesting thing to get first I really don’t need either of those they’re just kind of convenient so what’s important here the saplings for sure banana sapling might need some might be something we have to go for then there’s of course the two recipes that we’ll need to make eventually with that well I haven’t decorated we’ll sleep another day it’s Market day you know what maybe I’ll go do Market day maybe I’ll Market the day up who’s to say no one can tell us no we do have some teror Roots here ready to harvest that we can trade at the oh the Harvest walnuts can’t forget about those there will be a thunderstorm tomorrow good we can get some more batteries for some more aridian sprinklers so what are we selling right oh gosh I have so much here let’s put some of the weirder things here let’s bring the golden coconut with us bring that to Clint although he’s probably going to be attending Market day so one thing I think I want to do today I would like to get the Slime charmer ring and in the process of doing that we’ll get a ton of slime so we can add some more eggs to our tempting is there anything we haven’t caught here what what does my fishing log even look like oh it’s pretty well done speaking of we haven’t we have we got the legend you know I wouldn’t slack a lack on that I was going to say if we haven’t we could catch it tomorrow but I have been told that apparently mine it must be glitched in some way cuz these other setups are never actually done up all right let’s go find some items that we’ll put in cuz I’d like to make some mte today probably just going to sell a bunch of random fruits and stuff could sell some of the more interesting fish I suppose that wouldn’t hurt definitely some people who enjoy those oh one thing I need to do I have noticed that most of the things we still haven’t donated to the museum can be found in Treasure troves so I think it’s nearly about time we start doing that now now before it actually starts I am going to do a quick little gifting run because we do have quite a few items here that are loved by many including [Music] Sandy yeah I’ll just give you the fairy Rose oh they’re already check man I’m so slow I’m slow with it yeah I’m sorry hold on boom boom boom boom give you some diamonds to play with and you know what we’ll go crazy a strawberry well thank about it though kobis you love pumpkins did we oh we have some recipes to buy Here return scepter actually lowkey would be really cool also I love the redesign for it it’s very cool um I’m going to grab the wicked statue and void salmon sushi plus three luck that’s crazy plus three luck and plus three fishing that might be the go-to fishing item cuz the luck does increase how many treasure chests you get interesting yeah they’re definitely going for the diamonds more than anything else which is fine kind of figured that’d be the case yo I just made a million gold for the first time wow that’s actually kind of late oh well that is an achievement for sure all right it appear that most people are done with buying things today so I’m going to take a quick trip to Ginger Island yeah it’s you know 2,000 gold just okay they and back but actually it’s just 1,000 you don’t have to pay for the return trip do you yeah it’s it’s 1,000 gold just to give out a gift but hey I think it’s worth it oh my God is this the first time we’ve seen Olivia here on the island in her bathing suit yo and Gus have we actually gotten this already oh baby tropical Curry big bark Burger mango wine yo hold on um I’m going to grab that mango wine and you know want to know why because that can be used for the Lost bundle so that’s actually a little bit of a shortcut there for us now I just need to catch a gold void salmon hello Lance I’ve got hops for you okay that or no that that raised it that must have been neutral that didn’t feel like I liked I forgot that we didn’t even have one heart with him so we got a couple of other things we need to do today actually I saw Pam at the island didn’t I in that case there actually isn’t anything else we can do today because she can’t drive us to the desert man that desert Obelisk is going to be a pretty nice unlock huh that might be something I should try working towards it’s a million gold sure but the sooner the better well until then go ahead and pop open this golden coconut okay so we have popped One open before let’s just do two Omni geod that’ll leave us 50 to trade in for Treasure troves I could swear this is different unless that’s the one for the golden statue is it oh this might might get ruined because of these but that that starts here I’m guessing Okay left down right down that is for this one okay I’m just stupid well might as well do it now huh do it the right way left down [Music] check I think I oh there it is Yo solid gold Lewis we’ll have to figure something out for that why are we having like an intervention here in the middle of [Music] town what what why is there just a [Music] chicken huh just walking through town in that case let’s do what I originally planned for the day I’m actually going to first I’m going to donate that wine there we go yeah just need the void salmon uh like I was saying though I’m going to go see if I can’t get the Slime charmer ring and collect some slime along the way yo cut scene what do we got going on here you’re back something on your mind I just walked in just to check like Slayer goals but that must mean you’re looking to create a warp point near the guild oh I wasn’t even thinking about that bro I have just the thing for your spell follow me to my quarters ooh so this is another warp Point huh it’s been a while since we’ve unlocked one of these this gem is from the mines and was cut locally should do the trick for you whoop that’s a ruby first of all a greaten it literally is a green rupee I was just joking I know a good spot [Music] outside oh right over here that’s cute cross the stream in that opening you can do your business there I don’t know I don’t know about doing my business but I’ll make the [Music] warp guess I jumped sweet yo that’s going to be so convenient impressive now get back over here and give me a hand we’ll make we’ll build a makeshift bridge and lay down some Stone [Music] tiles yeah won’t lie I I sort of forgot about the warp Nexus that we had made I think a couple episodes ago still my favorite thumbnail I made that thing so pretty and I’m proud of of it sorry about it cool well there’s that I also just wanted to say hi to Marlin here we do have a max out what are we looking at here still going to get a lot of void spirits and bats so like all these will kind of happen naturally uh some of these are going to be a bit of a focus section like 18 out of 15 for the pepper rexes it hurts it hurts so bad and we have a hard hat available for us yeah let’s get that slime charmer ring out of the way huh I think I’ll just probably go back and forth on floor 25 I will take any coal I can get actually does my sword have hay maker it does of course it has hay maker oh yeah this will also be a pretty good method of getting the last few secret notes I don’t wait you know what this is they had to change this the hints because they changed the desert map and so that’s probably for one of the ancient dolls isn’t it didn’t even think of that had a thought this would have been a good adventure to have monster musk for because wow I did not find nearly as many as I was really expecting which is unfortunate I really do want to upgrade our ring game cuz I will say that what we got right now is a little pathetic for this point in the game in fact you know what we have like tons of aridium bar s at this point what else does the aridium band need it needs solar Essence and void Essence surely I have 50 oh yeah I have more than enough and aridium band there straight upgrade from the glowstone ring another thing I probably want to get on soon is upgrading my hoe like the fact that it’s still copper is a little bath leg Yeah I’m not you know now I’m looking at it we might not get the 2 well no we should get those eggs it shouldn’t be nearly as tight as I’m thinking rain huh and there’ll be rain on the island tomorrow that’s actually kind of important CU I don’t think we’ve done the bird Quest yet why am I doing this I know the luck it’s right there rain goodness me how do we do at the stall we got 22,000 golden sale well the goal was 30,000 but I mean we still kind of went crazy on them didn’t we another one yo energy tonic egg Festival tomorrow oh interesting okay I mean we don’t have too much of a reason to go do we but I suppose we’ll do it out of out of just doing it all right uh couple of things to do we’re actually going to go to the mountains because I want to catch that gold void salmon all right here we go of course it is going to be made a little bit harder by the fact that we have the uh those actual bubbles no those are just decoration it’s going to be made a little bit harder because we do have this whole witch expansion which I still think is really cool do we have anything you like not even wait you like the moral oh then have the moral my man there you go zck all right yeah there’s a couple of other fish we can catch here that aren’t void salmon because of that mod but we should still be able to find a gold one whoa what are you that’s not a that’s not a void salmon for sure now that feels like a void salmon they’re like a little hard but not too hard this fish is actually moving unlike the others there we go took some work you better be gold my man okay thank goodness I just realized that whole time I was standing right next to a forgeable here swamp herb I wonder if I can find there’s a swamp herb there’s one there any new fores cuz I know there’s a couple of new crops here as well okay like there’s the void ancient fruit or whatever it may be yeah it’s out there well let’s go complete the missing bundle all righty looky here boom bundle complete three of them in this episode that’s that’s not too bad at all look at this little man with the leaf on his head all the others made it back except me now I can go home too thank you thank you yeah maybe we’ll see you at the little junimo Village that we happened upon that one time we should go check that out again there a has a lot of stars something good will happen soon I believe you cool so uh we should have the movie theater built tomorrow and we’ll we’ll make use of it for sure well next up is Pam at the bus she is all right so we can finally go and trade all of those Omni geodes for Treasure troves should give us most of what we’re missing also we can try and find the strange doll that we got that little piece for I’m I’m really wondering where that would be goodbye Omni geodes hello 10 artifact droves do I still need I need to buy the warp totem recipe I’ll do that next time we come over I’ll try to not forget about it so that secret note which one is it you there’s water directly below it three patches of grass is that not here that’s that feels right yeah there you go strange doll number one oh man if I when we get the other strange doll you better believe I’m going to reset if it falls into the river I should probably buy some more star fruit seeds we’ll get a 60 60 to go and I guess a beet seed huh if we actually want to complete the well we need 10 beats don’t we if we want to complete the uh Casino Quest all right hello actually buying the 10 beet seeds all right let’s set my boy up right there in the corner we missed that lucky ring so now is that a forageable bro okay uh now let’s head to the museum I’ll grab anything else that I need to bring I’m not sure if there really is anything else that needs to be brought to the museum at the moment oh we completed the community center man I can’t can’t have anything out here can we everything’s like oh guess we’ll have to do it the next day over and over over again oh we have a cut scene here for our man our boy dude of the hour that feels ominous what are what are we doing here I also have no clue how many hearts this one is feel like it’s an AER oh this is all the way out in the in the expanded secret Woods not secret woods but you know like the the forest Jerry and Elizabeth used to live here this was their Vineyard they were good friends of mine remember the Great Recession you still had that their office job of yours that nose dive in the market had devastating effects on the demand for crops especially Artisan Goods Jerry and Elizabeth held out long as they could but eventually gave [Music] up Jerry you Goa darn fool told him not to spend all their darn money on that project of theirs or else they wait so where are they at now I was on the verge of bankruptcy myself luckily I knew where to look for good forage that forage saved me Yoba was looking after me same thing happened to Alexa that little Farmhouse south of Fair Haven Farm man now some freakish cron of a mouse lives there selling hats think that their wizard has something to do with it I’m always seeing flashing lights coming from this Tower dang lot of people went out huh I need to do some pondering by myself why I came out here alone why why I came out here alone now leave huh I am wondering if there’s anything we’re going to do to this it kind of gave me like another sort of farm Vibes not that I’d ever really wander all the way out there but still all right well I came down here to check the traveling cart just because I was curious what they may have anything useful like a battery pack there you have it rare seed Coffee Bean yeah that’s pretty much it isn’t it all right I’m going to go for some more hardwood cuz you can never have too much I’m also thinking how much like just straight up wood do we have I haven’t checked that I would like to get my next house upgrade soon cuz I feel like I mean that’s something we probably should have done up to this point but we’ll get moving on that as well also this is a great place to actually grind out slimes for the uh slime ring isn’t it shrub I saw okay so stting Valley expanded was update updated for 1.6 just so it was compatible and it’s nothing major no major changes yet the major update is coming out sometime in the future there’s apparently they fixed the shrub issue where it would run across the screen if you have visual fish installed and they made a statue to kind of commemorate it to remember it by which I think is so funny all right I kept going until I kind of felt like we were going to be good on wood for a good while I actually I still haven’t checked to see if we actually needed the wood I suppose I didn’t see if we just had a huge stash in one of our chests but you know now we’re at least for sure good so I think tomorrow we’ll be able to get our next house upgrade going and that’ll unlock that won’t be the cellar yet that’ll just unlock all of the other rooms and having a baby if we do so wish and as our final Act of the day I’m going to throw in more coffee beans in here take that coffee and make [Music] them sweet I as I forgot we had that whole layout set up oh yeah here we go movie theater being created get to check that out tomorrow all right this is Saturday it’s actually oh it’s the festival dang you participating in the egg hunt you know I am what do you like I should probably start giving you gifts again you like triple shot espresso but what can I start working on and giving her L gifts I could start making some pink cakes at some point we’ll have to get into summer so we can get melons for that take some espressos it’s all I got thanks thanks Machi I feel like I was going to use one of these fish in that last fish pond also I need to make a sign for that one uh I should hold on let me go make two signs wait I already have it filled oh well never mind I just need to make two signs so that I remember that they’re filled there we go okay I don’t know why I was keeping the golden fish maybe they still need to be donated to the aquarium well unfortunately there’s not really too much we can do today I’m going to actually take a quick trip to the secret Woods to knock out some more slimes cuz I feel like we may be enging up towards that slime slime ring well not too many slimes to be had unfortunately let’s head in do I have any items you would like before you head in there fourleaf Clover yo I can do that glad I was collecting those yeah I think they’re Universal liked items if I remember right all right first thing to do check the store nothing new added in this season should I get more strawberry seeds we’ll probably have plent of strawberries from the ones that we already have planted I’m going to forgo it just doing a quick talk through of everyone this is uh I believe in 1.5 all the dialogues are different for this season or for year 2 but that’s only for this Festival all right let’s get this egg hunt on a roll now even though it’s not like the mixed up year 2 eggs that 1.6 has expanded does mix up the eggs and it’s been long enough since I’ve done this hunt last time to where I absolutely do not remember where the locations are so I guess we’ll see if we can do it all right well here’s one I’m going to go through the regular route I’m going to go through this like go through the bottom left and then cross through the bottom and hopefully that’ll be good enough I mean we already got the reward for getting first place last year but I want to do it again cuz who’s going to beat these kids if I don’t well I actually unironically don’t think we won that like not even close ych ych bro well I guess now we can go and do something if we want although most of what I wanted to do was at clints so think I’m just going to put things away here and we’re going to go sleepy buys all right right it is Sunday what did I have sitting in here oh extra paintings 10,000 gold what do you mean 10,000 gold I cannot sell that for 10,000 gold and you know that’s a fact gift for Olivia since we can do it every day now I guess I should try to just find any vegetable that I can give to her that’s just gold star because that would be a little bit better cauliflower ready to harvest all right this is going to be good at least this way I can actually use all those cauliflowers that we overbought for the other spot they should be finished before the end of the year or this season okay so we still need to C so many cauliflowers did I need those for any like uh any missions cuz I know that there is one where someone wants call of flower maybe not I mean I’ll keep you know what I’ll keep the gold cauliflower because that is a fantastic gifting item also this needs to be a different color we’re making it pink Martin my man I got a fourleaf clover burning a hole in my pocket enjoy well it’s the first day of a new week so I will be just basically giving everyone I see some of this cauliflower action Pierre what’s up have a cauliflower and give me before I forget I’m going to grab a gar garlic seed for ginger Island and just want to make sure it should be done 12 days it’s the 14th it should be done on the or the 26th I’m going ham should be like 70 will do it might have overbought a little bit but that’s not a big deal only eight extras I would not call that over over buying I’m just going to sell the rest who cares uh so it is Haley’s birthday surely we have a coconut in here somewhere if not you know I can just go go to the desert real quick maybe over here I do but you know I’d really like to have a quality coconut so I’m still going to wait for Pam to arrive oh she’s already here in that case let’s go see if we can find a better coconut having tracker is so nice there’s a silver coconut but I know we can do better gold coconut that should be it that should be fine so I could theor ically go for an aridium coconut but she’s so close to eight hearts that this should clean her up a just as she’s coming out there you go eight out of eight she is done all right so next up we’re going to head to clints and actually I need to go back and get some iron bars what is I just got oneus from the trash you know what I’ll take it all right first things first let’s let’s pop open well you know first things first first he wanted an iron bar for one of the CH for one of the quests and I’d like to start kind of working on those pop open these 10 treasure troves all right I know for a fact that at least the rare disc is something that needs to be donated so we’re not coming out of this completely empty too okay so strange doll that’s I mean we have the other doll there and then you can go down here that’s a new reward what would that be we’re pretty close to like finishing her out oh I have no clue it’s all decorations and uh you like artifacts so have a starfish I was going to give him a cauliflower but if we have the more specific items might as well give it to him also the golden mask is actually a loved item for Olivia so we can save that and give it to her next up how about no how about upgrading that house 50,000 gold 150 pieces of hardwood I thought it was regular wood well I’ll be right back I guess I mean we do have the hardwood but there’s a couple of other things that we’re also saving up hardwood for so it’s a tiny bit cringe also almost forgot let’s get that hoe going now we can get that house upgrade it’s been a long time what else do you have have here just curious okay just seeing if there was any uh craftables that we still had yet to get uh do I have full HP I do have full hearts with you okay we’re done with you sebast does Sebastian not like vegetables this is like a 50/50 okay he does like vegetables okay good makes it easy for us all right one last thing that I had on the docket for today I do want to go see a movie now that we have that thing built look at this oh isn’t that nice oh it looks so nice with this color scheme okay grab a movie ticket for me and a movie ticket for someone else so here’s the question who do we take out to the movies we have a lot of people actually maxed out a lot more than I thought gosh who’s going to actually like a movie is another question Marlin already left oh my gosh the dwarf we got to take the dwarf right or Leo Leah’s right here makes it easy you know give her a actually she loves truffles six out of eight and let’s double up give her a movie ticket you just it’s your lucky day you were standing right outside of the movie theater let’s do it now does she like this movie that’s another qu is this a cutscene Claire’s working here and Martin oh I had no clue hey Martin Claire what’s up also I love Gil just MC chilling I’m not feeling well do you think you could take over a little early yeah of course can I do anything for you do you want some medicine maybe some soup no I don’t know what to do till the bus comes though I just feel awful huh didn’t think of that yo party in the house oh hey s what’s up CLA isn’t feeling well and there’s nowhere to lie down here do you think Claire could take a nap at your PL oh absolutely hello thanks s I’ve got a place for you to stay for a while let’s go and get you settled in s do you mind taking over I just want to make sure Claire’s okay if our manager ask just tell them we’re uh we’re in the back who is the manager now that I think about it thank you Martin you’re always so sweet like it’s just kind of going it’s not like someone was like oh yeah time to rebuild the movie it was junimos that did it oh I’m actually oh gosh working that [Music] 925 flashbacks bro I worked so hard on the farm and now I have to do a cashier J Rob it’s j thanks for covering worry about Claire a lot bro you seem to really care about her I don’t even know how old Martin is if I’m honest yeah guess I really do I you know he really does give like 18 now I think about it has been so nice to me ever since we were co-workers at joa it was my first job you know and she’s gone out of her way to help me so many times not sure I could have done it without her anyway I’ll check in on her again before the end of the night I might pick up some STP gusses even if she says she doesn’t need it thank you again for watching the my post S no problem also can I just say I love the way that the movie theater looks when you do it on the Community Center PATH have a large popcorn and can you make sure you put a lot of butter on it no doing Clint dirty here Claire you’re important to me you better be okay I mean she’s just sick she won’t die I mean you know we don’t know that yo what up hello s why do they have little stars next to their names by the way hey I knew you’d show up Martin I just started this new theater job I love it here I feel the same way this place is a lot better than working at joa our name tags have these fancy star oh that’s what it is right after I mention it too um how may we help you cool I’m glad that they got to work here they’re not like you know completely out all right well what would uh Leah like probably oh for sure the hummus right ooh the salad it’s got to be the salad right I bet humus and salad are both good for her she likes salad so for sure right y have anything weird to say Gil’s sleeping oh thanks for letting me know Martin not sure what to expect with this movie but I’m but I’m going in going to keep an open mind I think she likes this one like The Brave Little sapling it’s natury yeah for sure I think we hit it out of the park here I didn’t even know know what was playing two redheads both at the movie theat is a little weird to look at a lot of redheads in sardu Valley huh oh boy y I bet y’all don’t get to see this content very often huh it’s not often that someone’s like oh boy time to make a stard valley guide here’s the movie theater oh she likes it and I chose the salad correctly okay cool kind of knocked it out of the park there didn’t we has anyone else thought that movies have just been bad lately like it’s not even like oh gosh it’s so oversaturated with Marvel movies anymore it’s just like no one’s making anything good it’s just like what if we did like sequel number 20 of every single series out there well cool I’m glad that we got to do that today at least rain on the island tomorrow correct me if I’m wrong isn’t there rain on the island today we might have might have missed that on accident oh I don’t have a hoe I was about to say I’m still making an effort to Ho up all the spots now that we have that archaeology skill but that involves actually having our hoe with us yeah just missed it oh well we can go to Ginger Island tomorrow and we’ll get uh that bird puzzle again I don’t I know I say this about nearly everything I don’t know if we have the bird puzzle finished no clue enjoy your cauliflower you’re literally at zero Hearts so we really got to make sure that we’re on the ball with you we haven’t caught the mutant carp yet I only have six Bait N I won’t bother you know what we’ll use the six bait if we get it we get it if we don’t we don’t how’s that sound great I got four white algae one green algae and a carp that’s pretty rough I’ll I’ll come back with a lot more bait not looking to waste my time with that oh no this late Clint my man oh you’re going to Fumble this so hard you her to the movies I didn’t see you there get sleepy after watching movies don’t you it feels weird to come outside in the dark yeah I guess legend legend of conversation uh Emily any chance I could come inside buddy well I was going to head straight to bed so I don’t think I’m up for hanging out too much tonight maybe we can get together tomorrow night instead whated to talk to you something [Music] wrong steps back dramatically Emily remember when we went to the grampleton carnival this is the one no there’s a couple of uh Canon mentions of grampleton this is one of them yeah of course it was really nice of you to win me that toy you didn’t give up even though it took about 100 tries Emily haven’t you noticed that I I wouldn’t try so that hard to win a toy for most people I know you’re really sweet to your friends no no that’s not what I’m saying then what are you saying wait is this this isn’t vanilla is it I was wondering if we could go to a movie again but not as friends as more than friends as a date ouch or maybe again is one of those cases I don’t remember if it’s vanilla or not Clint I don’t want you to get the wrong idea but I don’t think about you that way you’re a good friend to me but I I’m not interested in having more than that I hope that’s all right I mean hey he got it out there you can’t you can’t put him down for that you okay I think I should go I’m okay do you still want to go see another movie sometime as friends if you don’t say yes you hate to see it oh well good night [Music] then damn dang ych that’s expanded right he doesn’t he doesn’t ask SC out and vanilla does he guess that’s really it and now you can move on you can you know try to find another girl and we were hiding in the bush because of course we are that wasn’t even just oh we happened to walk in on the scene we were straight up in that bush uh one last thing that I need to make sure I do I just had the thought I definitely didn’t put any scarecrows out for our second set of cauliflower down here so put one there and then we should be able to fill up the rest of it yeah easil wait no one did get eaten right there well there now that won’t happen again I almost forgot about that I just never think about it because on the ginger Island Farm you don’t have to do that cuz I I guess I don’t know the parrots scare away the crows or something so it’s just something I tend to forget about a lot oh well one cauliflower won’t kill us I think that’ll be it and I think I’ll see all of you in another four months is what I’ll do I’m joking thank you for watching see you in the next one and good night [Music] w [Music]

Been a hot second! We’re back in the middle of Spring of Year 2! In general we’re working towards getting some end-game automated farms going, as well as going for late game unlocks! If you’re wondering, yes, this series is staying on version 1.5, so you can watch free of spoilers! We have a bunch of new content from mods to focus on anyways.

No new mods this time, I’ve gotta get familiar with everything again.

Here’s the full list of all of the mods:

0:00 – The Quest for Snilk
6:35 – Setting up the 2nd Crop Plot
11:44 – Checking on Ginger Island
20:35 – Market and Slay
30:34 – Completing the Missing Bundle
40:40 – The Egg Hunt Year 2
43:56 – Trip to the Cinema
Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

🕹️ Stream Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYxeuIkNALOBeSpVEI4ipQ
💜 Twitch – http://www.twitch.tv/salmence100
🕶 Tik Tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@salmence?lang=en
🐦 Twitter – https://twitter.com/Salmence100


  1. No way. I'm so happy to see this is back.

    And yeah, 1.6 actually bricked all of my SDVE save files, so definitely be careful when/if you do decide to upgrade.

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