How I Beat CALAMITY With Only Classless Weapons

Terraria has four main classes that each weapon falls into notice how I said [Music] weapon I know I’m going to get a lot of questions asking why did you do this are you a masochist is it true that you’re 6’1 so to answer that no I’m 8 ft get it right as for doing this on Master death is to shut up all the comment nerds with bad suggestions and for clickbait I stream most of this live so if you ever want to be a part of my Shenanigans make sure to subscribe with notifications because I don’t have a real schedule and I just sort of stream whenever but with that let the Blissful times begin you already know the drill random number demon list boom character name the basic rules for this challenge that we can utilize any means of damage as long as they’re labeled as typeless notice how I didn’t say weapon and Potions such as a Tesla and Inferno potions for those of you at home typeless or in normal terms classless damage refers to items that don’t deal any specific damage like Melee r Etc there aren’t very many weapons at our disposal let alone ones that do damage but there is a weapon at almost all points in progression so it’s good enough for me it’s not I’d like to go into detail about every tiny minute detail leading up to the destruction of our first foe but that would take too long instead I’m just going to skip right to the part where I get my first item still not calling it a weapon and notice how I had to craft it instead of just finding it out in the wild I know some nerd is going to comment that the flare gun is somewhat of a gray area the gun itself May deal classless damage but the ammo deals range damage but just like the argument that gun don’t kill only bullets you are wrong you are just incredibly incorrect but anyway I tried to fight King Slime not for any particular reason just to assert my dominance but I got my ass kicked several times but instead of getting good at the game I fish for a Reaver shark to get my hands on some hellstone I’m just not cut out for this game I guess I’m only dying because I suck that’s a lie the flare it’s the flare it’s the [ __ ] flare gun and yeah it does go hand inand with each other if my damage is better the fight is shorter making for less of a need to be better so when you flip those variables a skill issue really won’t get me anywhere in this Challenge and after realizing this I got my [ __ ] together and locked [Music] in I don’t think I’ve gotten him less than half ever [Music] well okay so the run where I say that I don’t think I’ve ever got him F Health ever is the run where that happens I think that’s pretty funny I think I’ve figured out his movements no I didn’t okay I I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if I’m [ __ ] here I don’t know I don’t know why I’m getting nervous I’m about to toss this whole attempt because I’m nervous oh my God [Music] it’s over it’s so over it’s so over it’s so over yes yes yes [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God after yeah that long we finally killed our first boss most of the drops I didn’t really give a [ __ ] about except for the seeds the crup seeds are useful for spreading crup grass but we really don’t care about that actually we want to avoid spreading corruption as a whole but it’s required to make Unholy water a throwable water bottle that does a whopping 20 classless damage which is a significant step up from our stupid [ __ ] flare gun but that’s only because I was carried by protans from the Brewer that’s literally the only reason I won I then fought the Eater of Worlds for no particular reason he wasn’t hard at all and the flare gun was actually pretty good for this fight so you died pretty quickly and then we have to fight The Hive mine he’s kind of an [ __ ] in infernum but since this isn’t infernum he just sits there that’s it I’ll finish him off with the FL gun I’m be like that I’m BM it’s like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no we’re not flare gunning anymore I want to end this fight now actually no we’re ending with the flare gun [ __ ] that too easy for the goat too easy for the goat but now that he’s dead we’re now allowed to mine aaly which finally gets us an actual [ __ ] weapon the aestheticus this thing isn’t very good put a step up from the flare gun and doesn’t come with the corruption risk like Unholy water so I took it to fight queen bee the fight went pretty smoothly but very very slow I didn’t really need anything from her other than a honeycomb which she didn’t drop but I didn’t really care about it that much as I had other things to do like killing Skeletron unfortunately my damage output was extremely abysmal then someone in chat suggested I fight deer cloth for a bone Helm it’s kind of annoying at first but I accidentally found a cheese Strat where I just stay directly above him and he wouldn’t spawn any attacks other than a few hands which were pretty easy to dodge and you’re You’re gone you’re done you’re done you’re donezo you’re done zo banzo we got the bone Helm however this bone Helm wouldn’t really help with my damage output as much as I’d really like but still a pretty good thing to have it didn’t help me kill him before day started but that’s a good thing he’s actually significantly easier during the day skeleton’s contact damage is a oneit ko. but he becomes a lot slower and has like a gazillion damage reduction so it really only becomes an endurance test of just dodging for an eternity like every other boss as we will see unfortunately after getting into the 1.5% I tried dashing to my left my finger was pressed down on my a key but apparently when you press a you go right no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what fuit what sure sure sure like the only real explanation I have for this is that I just slightly ever so slightly press down on my D key and as an OSU player with a wooting my actuation distance is 001 mm I I guess whatever we’re we’re [ __ ] going again [Music] under 200 come on it’s over pal it’s over it’s over it’s literally over it’s actually over it’s over die just [ __ ] die just die already come on come fight yeah I can’t even I can’t even pop off for that one because I I literally cheesed him but like I don’t know how it’s a mix of emotions for that one the next boss on our list is slime God really isn’t much to say about him so he’s dead Okay Wall of Flesh time much like my previous zero DPS challenge the possibility of this relies solely on the amount of room we have in hell this is a medium World however since I was playing with The Inferno mod the profane Guardian took up the last quarter but that wouldn’t be a problem right okay so maybe I’ll have to hop in a large world but even with a much bigger World size I’d still get Dangerously close to the edge with a decent Chun of Health left granted I’m a [ __ ] so I never live to the edge but I’m sure the extra three damage from adrenaline would have helped but as we’ll see not even that would matter so without any other solution I bit the bullet and Nerf the revengeance I really didn’t want it to come to this but there really wasn’t anything I could realistically do and I’m sure there’s going to be even more nerds in my comment saying well actually there’s this one accessory shut the [ __ ] up comment chap 6 Calamity video L bro God [Music] you are [Music] no no no there’s no way oh my [Applause] God I would I was almost [ __ ] that’s so funny that’s so funny all right time to do that in the main world so yeah no realistically there was literally nothing I could do in Death Mode because I just barely killed the wall in time so with that I hop straight back into my main world and oh wow he died I can’t believe it’s possible the world world is now in hard mode which means enemies are a lot tougher which makes our aestheticus even more irrelevant than it already is but luckily there’s a weapon we can get almost right off the bat we just need to mine a bit and slay a few astral creatures and boom our new nine damage weapon the lunic eye which will be glued to our person for the remainder of hard mode until the lunar events great but that’s an unpleasant future that I don’t want to think about so to take my mind off of it I went mining even more to make a fancy smancy set of padium armor I then fought a few wyvern for SS of flight and with the pixie dust I illegally bought from the black market I crafted a sleek and sexy paap wings I then started my beef with the queen slime much like King Slime there wasn’t anything I really needed I just wanted to have the achievement of it but anyway I got skill check several times so instead I tried fighting cryogen but I did like zero damage to him and his Shields that he’d regen every 5 seconds so I gave up and went back to Queen slime I got pretty far but I wasn’t good enough to live and then sometimes she just wouldn’t teleport to me and she’d despawn which was pretty annoying but after a very long time I killed her after an almost 20-minute fight this isn’t the longest I swear that fight honestly took the life out of me just because it was so [ __ ] boring but little did I know that Queen slime was just a tip of the [ __ ] Iceberg but now that Queen slime’s out of the way I tried going back to cryogen emphasis on try I’m sure if I didn’t just come from a 20 plus minute fight of the most boring patterns possible I’d still have the mental fortitude to bang my head against this COC clone for about 2 hours but nah I needed something stimulating something challenging something required for progression like a Mech boss no [ __ ] way that’s so lame the Destroyer what the hell what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that just that that just makes everything more inconvenient why does Master Death Mode suck this [ __ ] this sucks what the hell so here’s the thing I started this challenge mere days after calamity’s Bountiful Harvest update which reworks literally every boss in ways I’m not going to get into because I don’t care but the most important rework here is Skeletron Prime for whatever ungodly reason the devs thought let’s just make him spawn the other guys however at the the time I didn’t know this was something that happened I believe that the only reason the Destroyer spawned was because he was going to spawn in naturally and I just missed the message but that’s not the case but even if I were to ignore the metal Drake I’d still run out of time before dealing any serious damage so as some sort of solution I went fishing for some crates to get my hands on some Ora calom because for those of you who don’t know Calamity reworks hard mode progression and you can only unlock the next or tier after killing a mechanical boss but since we can’t really kill anything this small oversight works out in our favor that’s a lie so after that dumpster fire of a stream I made a community post asking for any advice I only got a few responses with only one being actually helpful but eventually I got a full load out of my replies so I H back in my world to try it out unfortunately I didn’t feel like taking the time to fish for titanium so I just stuck with my or calom but the fight still went pretty smoothly upon his death I was filled with all kinds of confidence my damage output was significantly better than what it was before so with that I decided to actually fish with titanium and eventually got a full set of armor the defense was slightly worse than the or Calum set and the Damage also wasn’t good but the bonus would definitely carry me a long way I thought turns out nah so I decided to do even more progression skipping by going right for Golem Rod of Discord wasn’t able to teleport in there but a whirl warper could I made it to Golem’s chamber and as I was about to spawn him in he wouldn’t turns out I’m actually progression lock from Golem great at least I can kill planta that’s fine I guess which is exactly what I try to do but since this wasn’t exactly something I thought about beforehand the arena had some indestructible chlorop FY in the way which was kind of inconvenient I mean it wasn’t a problem when I fought meusa so it shouldn’t be a problem here right yeah no so de start to hop back in my wall of flesh world to kill her as it wasn’t in hard mode enough for it to spread having this much extra room was great although when I’d get a little too far she despawn so I’d have to start the fight all over again which is even more annoying because of how much [ __ ] Health she has two so I guess this is just the procedure for flying support cards going into 2023 Phoenix was still one of the most popular cards in the game this took 30 minutes 30 minutes to choke [ __ ] I didn’t really want to sit through all that again so I just decided to put it off for now but a couple days later I hit 8,000 Subs so I figured I’d do a special stream which was just an hour of ypp all circling play Terra the boss is in hard mode be boring for you yeah they they already are queen slime I was snoring on planta the first time I was snoring on but then again I had a very boring video that I was watching in the background so also I’m about to die [Music] yeah opinion on Meatloaf uh this is going to sound really stupid but I’ve never had it I don’t even know I don’t even I don’t even know what it is it’s it’s literally a loaf made of meat little [ __ ] what is a loaf I don’t know what a loaf is it’s that [ __ ] who doesn’t make videos begs me to make a Minecraft video with him just for him to not edit his just for him to make the excuse that he fil Mo crashed and deleted all the progress when that’s l really not even how it works [ __ ] that guy n no no no no this beef this Beef goes just beyond goes Way Beyond sub counts I hate that guy [ __ ] that guy loaf if you’re watching this which you’re not you’re on [ __ ] Rainbow Six Siege right now I hate you you a [ __ ] used to be friends man you used to see when I was streaming and then just instantly call me when I’m in the middle of a boss fight I want ask someone in my school as a dare what’s his opinion on the nword and he said he was going to stab me with a pencil what the [ __ ] I actually don’t even know what happened there like I my eyes just stopped paying attention to what was happening on my screen I started to perceive all the colors as things that have no meaning I don’t [ __ ] know you have not assigned a hotkey to quality of terraria’s control panel I [ __ ] don’t give a [ __ ] do I does it look like do I look like a guy who uses quality of Terraria no no no no no no no no no just stop bothering me about it yeah you’re very cooked jumper like so easy I beat that on my Kindle Fire when I was like eight I need to find that thing again but I think the last time I tried using it it just wouldn’t even turn on like no matter how hard I tried it or I tried charging it like it didn’t it just wouldn’t turn on I want to know what Treasures are on it like my old worlds and [ __ ] cuz I know I I have some crazy worlds on there that I really I really want back I also want to find what levels I made on Geometry Dash because I know I used to make some crazy [ __ ] especially when I was at like my grandma’s house or something I was waiting for my mom to finish yapping with her uh with their mom or something and I I I made I made I made Sky hero my first level I know I have my first ter my first ever Terraria world on there even though I I I know exactly I know exactly what what the world looks like it was like a big it was a big long house that was over a cave and I I was too scared to actually go caving because I was scared of Terraria Herobrine or some [ __ ] like that I I don’t know cuz I think before I started playing that like I had I had a bit of a runin with Herobrine on Minecraft Pocket Edition and I was scared that he followed me over to Terraria I remember this one time I think as was in like first or second grade or something is probably second grade my mom she was out all weekend or something since me and my brother we were both children uh my other mom didn’t really want to leave us home alone while she went to work so she woke us up very early in the morning it was like 4: in the morning or something packed Us in the car with a blanket and like some pillows and our Kindle Fire she drove all the way to [ __ ] butt [ __ ] nowhere where her [ __ ] Walmart where she’s in op where she was a eye doctor in in some [ __ ] ass Walmart in the middle of nowhere 20 trillion billion miles away from our house and so we had like a big road trip or whatever me and my brother were playing Geometry Dash we were taking turns on it she packed Us in the back room of her work it was very it was it was very cold in that room and me and my brother we just watch Minecraft and Geometry Dash videos on YouTube and since there there wasn’t like a dedicated YouTube app we had to watch it through the browser the shitty Kindle browser and we had to beg our mom to take off promo controls so we could actually go to the web browser and watch YouTube and then after she um after she got off work uh she she bought us like a toy or something that was really cool I do remember this one time in I think 2012 or something I don’t remember why but me and my mom went to Disney On Ice and I was playing Minecraft on her phone I I speically remember it was a in Creative I was playing creative mode and this is back before there was a day cycle in Creative I was I was sitting there for like 15 minutes waiting for it to become night because my brother told me that night is really scary and so I made a bunch of houses that were like it was literally like a 3X3 box that that was that was the house 3×3 box of the door and um I was waiting for night and nothing was happening and then the show started and that’s that’s that’s it I don’t remember anything about the actual show I don’t I don’t I don’t [ __ ] know what a Disney on Ice is is other than that I went to it and don’t remember [ __ ] and I’m getting hit by things that I I’m not looking for see it’s that that part in the it’s that part in the in the in the fight that I actually stopped paying attention and I don’t know what anything is like I how the [ __ ] am I already less than 30% I I literally don’t even remember the last like 20 minutes of this fight I Y so hard I don’t pay attention I got to lock in though I got I got to lock in no more Yap I got to enter that flow State [ __ ] the nerves are so real that I I I literally can only hear out of one ear I don’t know if I don’t know if that makes any sense but I I my my my left ear just stopped working my my V my vision is going blurry I actually my brain actually does not want to focus on this game anymore like the green is actually being burned into my retinas right now choke choke oh my God oh my God oh my God that was such a scary position to be in I actually don’t even know what the [ __ ] was going on I actually can’t even see I I I I my brain is not letting me focus on my character right now but the fight is actually so over it’s actually so over she’s actually so [ __ ] dead4 come on Li andrenaline yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God my whole body is [ __ ] shaking my whole body is shaking right now I have to look away from the game I have to look away from the game I actually need to close my eyes all stop stop now that she’s down the jungle temple is now formally available to us including damn even though the arena was much bigger than a normal Golem chamber for me it was pretty small which is just my massive skill issue talking it’s possible to make it through the whole fight I’m just not good enough to last that long but then I remember that my plant Arena was conveniently right next to Golem’s chamber all in complete accident so theoretically I could just spawn him in teleport to my Arena sure he’s a little enrage but that’s not that big of a deal right yeah no it it totally is it didn’t really matter what kind of gear change I do I really was just going to have to suck it up and get good I haven’t exactly explained why I’m fighting Golem this early in the game well it’s because I can’t exactly kill Skeletron Prime before day which means I don’t have any hollowed bars for a pickaxe axe so chy and any of its variants are completely locked away from us until we get a pickaw but also lunatic cultist is available after Golem so theoretically I could kill him starting the lunar events which means free nebula fragments to slap onto our lunic eye to upgrade into an Eye of Magnus this is assuming that cultist wouldn’t give me a swirly I don’t know I haven’t seen his fight it could be the hardest boss in the game I I actually wouldn’t know but that’s a very long ways away as we’re still getting our salad tossed by a giant clay man this actually [ __ ] sucks but there’s literally nothing else I can realistically do until I remembered about a funny item called the adalon tablet a summoning item for lunatic to obtain this item I have to kill these fish guys called adalist which spawn pretty low in the abyss the thing is the wiki isn’t exactly helpful when it comes to the spawn conditions Wall of Flesh or calamitous clone what what the [ __ ] does that mean okay so apparently the Wall of Flesh part was a lie so I’m going to have to fight calamitus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I was actually surprised by how easy and quick she was but on returning to the abyss God damn it I couldn’t find a single adalist so I decided to take another crack at Golem nothing really changed and then I thought [ __ ] it maybe I’ll get somewhere with the twins Maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that’s just the confidence boost I needed to take on the Destroyer the probes were extremely annoying as they weren’t affected by any debuffs and I didn’t really have an easy way of killing them but that’s fine I guess so I just had to tank their hits and as long as I didn’t hit his head I’d be in the clear except for when I wasn’t but that’s besides the point [Music] since I was able to kill two mechs who’s to say I can’t kill the third okay so run by me why [ __ ] that dude I’m going back to Golem which is what I would say if I could survive so I flip-flopped right back to trying to get this stupid tablet but again not a single fish guy would spawn which made me come to realize that the only reason they weren’t spawning was because of how my Abyss generated as I mentioned earlier I made this world with The Inferno mod which in addition to deleting a quarter of my hell also deletes the entire [ __ ] Abyss but since the actual mode wasn’t enabled the reworked spawn mechanics from that mod also weren’t enabled which confused the regular game into thinking the layers just didn’t exist but this is just my own speculation I could be talking out of my ass for all I know but it wasn’t really that big of a deal because I just had to generate a new world without The Inferno mod and there we go an adalon tablet is now in our possession so all that’s left to do is boot up my stream and batch my skull against him until he drops dead right see when I look at lunatic cultist I don’t think holy [ __ ] this guy’s going to have 183,000 health and then I spawn him in and he’s got 183,000 health I decided to fight him in my other world because I’ll be honest I was too lazy to make an actual arena in my main World however the court change didn’t really help with my success but that’s just because I’m bad my main issue during this fight were the little goblies he’d spawned after his rituals in vanilla he spawns clones during his ritual and if he hit the right one you cancel it making for his clones to despawn and so do his weird pets but in this mode I’ll be honest I have no idea how it worked but it definitely wasn’t anywhere close to that which was annoying because I couldn’t really kill these guys either so they’d be eating up my DPS making the fight Dragon longer than it really should which would be fine if the dragon wasn’t a [ __ ] [ __ ] I need I need a fact check myself see if it see if see if shooting him shooting the right one actually works oh he uses actual weapons God damn this guy’s cheating how’s it going horrible uh um what um uh that is this is not so remember how I made this world specifically for Wall of Flesh and remember how Death Mode was physically impossible which made me Nerf to revengeance well you see I didn’t intend to ever come back to this world so switching back on death completely skipped my mind making for me not to notice the different icons am I stupid yeah will I refight plantar on Death Mode [ __ ] no I’m not sitting through all that again these are legit the only [ __ ] changes from revengeance to death besides damage and health I apologize for being a cheater cheater pumpkin eater on the count of my dumbass and I’ll fully take the L on this one but anyway I still didn’t get that far in cultist maybe because it’s a harder mode Autism test live all right online test for adult autism all [Music] right these results indicate that you experienced many typical signs of autism ah [ __ ] thank you for the $888 can we watch Mr Beast yeah I just got to shoot this thing and I get to be a dad again if you fire that I literally think I’m going to kill you I don’t get I don’t get the like Mr Beast like they always they always pick the people with [ __ ] lives for their for the like long-term challenges like pick someone like me I don’t got anything going on like [ __ ] I can I can survive in the wilderness for as long as I [ __ ] want what the [ __ ] give me my boy scout manual and I’ll I’ll be set for life I’m going to I I would make Mr Beast bankrupt the [ __ ] unless he just like kidnaps these people just just find he’s just walking down the street and then he just seees some random person like oh that guy could be good for a video and then just [ __ ] throws him into the van and then they drive away and and then and then they end up on set is that what is that what happens is that is that why they leave is that why they have they think they have better things to do that’s [ __ ] up yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] this is just kind of kind of annoying maybe I’ll try Skeletron maybe I’m able to shred his health so [Music] [ __ ] please die one of them wait I did it did I is there a bag oh my God oh my God wait there’s a bag there’s a [ __ ] bag oh my God oh my God wait I did it I actually did I actually [ __ ] did it I did it I killed [ __ ] Skeletron I now that we finally killed all the mechs we now have access to Hall bars which I would use to make a pickaxe axe to mine some chlorop FY for a new set of armor the chlorite armor gives me a giant Sim Crystal that shoots stuff which is a whole lot better than the or kicon pedals which is what I would say if Calamity hadn’t reworked it so instead of shooting a silly little leaf that does damage it instead releases a shock wave that damages enemies and heals players in the radius which sounds pretty good right yeah but for boss fights where I’m constantly moving far from the enemy this shock wave doesn’t really do anything for me yeah it heals but I never really noticed when using it and get this right defense minus one one damage unchanged brilliant sure helped with cultist I’ll tell you that much well time to visit our old friend Golem oh wait looks like we hit a wall again I mean at least there’s other bosses that we can access at this point in the game good thing the two bosses I was eyeballing were big and slow perfect for Ram dash abusing which is now probably a good time to actually talk about this crucial tactic for this challenge Ram dashes make you temporarily invulnerable while dealing a good amount of damage to our opponent pair this with a slly splitter pauldron which empowers your dashes with fire while also exploding them but also has the crazy ability of inflicting them with with the armor crunch debuff which chips away 85% of their damage reduction and you’re looking at the craziest DPS ever not to mention the lunic eyes Marked for Death debuff which have enemy damage reduction the only downside of this of course is that I’d have to get up close and personal to dash into them which is pretty risky when they’re shooting all kinds of projectiles and [ __ ] hence why Golem isn’t 6 ft under by now the reason I bring this up now and not earlier is because I forgot but it’s fine it’s not like I killed five bosses with it already totally totally totally so with the help of this busted tactic of just spamming our shift key we made quick work of the Leviathan and soon after with small dashes here and there an aita also fell these two actually dropped a really good accessory for this called the Leviathan Amber Gris which increases our Dash velocity by 20% damages enemies with water and most importantly reduces our Dash delay by 33% allowing us to spam shift even more which would be great for our next boss but there’s still another accessory that they didn’t drop so instead of fighting them again I bought a [ __ ] ton of bags to get the community I honestly can’t be asked to read all that but it’s very good take my word for it but now we’re ready to take on our next boss asham arus yeah that’s it as I do every time I kill something I get confident too confident my main issue with this guy was his projectiles which got me thinking what if he didn’t have [Music] any back when we had the flare gun there were times where I’d shoot so many flares that I’d accidentally reach the projectile cap which wouldn’t let me shoot anywhere but so couldn’t the enemy and since I have a direct way of dealing damage with dashes instead of just shooting things what if I purposely filled up the projectile cap so I set up an auto clicker and after a quick shower it was go time [ __ ] I Dam it damage was really ass so I tested it out on a dummy and yeah it it’s just as ass as I figured so I reloaded the world and noticed there was a significant difference in damage but I just unloaded all the flares and I didn’t want to AFK another 10 or so minutes to spawn them again just for them to despawn within 5 minutes yeah I could also fill the projectile cap with beach balls but you can’t stack them so it’s going to be a pain in the ass never mind there’s a mod for that and for whatever reason my damage was actually way better unfortunately I suck major dick at this game still so then I thought what [ __ ] it beach balls are still up ctist can’t be that bad right I mean he doesn’t do any contact damage so yeah he really wasn’t that bad this is the only boss I used this I guess cheat for so yeah oh hey lunar events now I can get some nebula fragments for our brand new Final weapon the Eye of Magnus this thing is literally just the Luna guy it just does 50 more damage and heals every so often that’s it which is good enough for me because I have a bone to pick with a clay bastard [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m ecstatic finally I have a pixa which I’d use to mine some scoria for scoria things which would be very beneficial for the space worm no not the weird guy I have to kill with a copper short sword I don’t actually know what I’m going to get on to that be sure to subscribe with post notifications for whenever I do get that started n we’re fighting Asam de I don’t like this guy [Music] and wow see it really wasn’t that it was really that easy with the death of astram deas all of the important parts of hard mode are complete so all that’s left to do is clean up the rest of the pillars and then wait until impending doom approaches which it does [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] Moon Lord’s kind of dead already like he can just give up anytime he wants really but you know I’ll give him a Fighting [Music] Chance there we go Wow first what like First try was that like unironically first try you see in the perfect world I’d be done here but we live in a world with taxes and lanky box of course there’s more [ __ ] to do so to get started I mine up some luminite to craft a set of solar flare armor while upgrading my angel Treads to Celestial Treads I then upgrade my Abyssal amulet into aluminous amulet then I kill a bunch of plague guys to make an alchemical flask now I was ready to dive into hell to obtain some Unholy Essence which is an essential crafting material for the profane Shard the summoning item for the profane Guardians for my first attempt I tried fighting them in Hell which wasn’t terrible but in the last phase I ended up getting stuck on the stupid Wall of Flesh box and I died I didn’t like how claustrophobic it was down there so I spawn them in my world’s Hollow and ran all the way way to my big arena at the ocean this attempt was really great and all just not good enough [Music] [Music] you can die now thank you oh my God so now with those weirdos out of the way I can now fight their big evil mom Providence who was very very mean a big plus with this fight is that she didn’t deal any contact damage so I was free to spam Dash all I wanted unfortunately I wasn’t able to get away with it too often because she did have a lot of projectiles so I died to her a lot which wasn’t fun because of how long her stupid fight was which caused me to burn out pretty easily hello hello hello everyone hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] but she’s at one so I think it’s over and that wow wow I did just say that I was going to kill Providence and then and then dip but two streams in a row two streams in a row where the grind I is supposed to be a grind but I do it do it first try wow [ __ ] that was the first try that was the first attempt of the day what the hell Providence dropped an item called the Rune of cost which spawns different bosses depending on where you use it these bosses are important as they drop materials used for the cosmic worm the summoning item for the devour of gods except they aren’t important because the cosmic worm has an alternate or accessible recipe so in theory we could skip right to him but I don’t want to especially not with this dinky Teragon armor so instead I’m going to fight plgas this is the part where I edit some crappy Montage of the fight but you see my DPS this fight is long as [ __ ] and I’ll be honest I literally cannot be asked to skim a 40-minute fight for some slightly cool looking parts to SN up to his song however if for whatever reason you do want to actually watch this fight along with every other fight from this challenge check out the video in the little corner of the description but anyway he’s dead finally [ __ ] for you it was only a couple seconds but for me again it’s [ __ ] 40 minutes I mean at least I first tried him I think I’d actually throw my PC out of my window if I had to fight him even more anyway he dropped the ruinous Souls which combined with Reaper teeth from Reaper sharks I’d craft a set of Omega blue armor which is a really good armor set for me minus defense but it’s also a really good armor set for the worm supposedly I then spent the next stream dying I did get him in his final phase a couple times but not to much success and then I saw The Alchemist was selling post dog weapons which I totally didn’t abuse they didn’t really help that much and after about 3 hours of bashing my skull against this guy I figured i’ just call it a day and try again some other time which wouldn’t actually be for another couple of weeks I’m not afraid to admit that I was scared because I was but I mostly wanted to focus on editing this video so that it could be uploaded by the time I finish the challenge wow chaps 6’s trying to get a video out on time what a surprise but eventually I got caught up and there was nothing left than to face my fears editor cue the death [Music] montage e [Music] [Music] why is that [Music] there [ __ ] [Music] [Music] no way what [Music] [ __ ] no no and I died to the [ __ ] Pop Quiz if I died a total of 544 times how many deaths were caused by the space worm if you answered any of these you’re wrong I’m incredibly dog [ __ ] at this game so here’s the thing every single thing in this fight is able to oneshot me or at the very least cut me down to a level where alcohol poisoning would for whatever reason [ __ ] activate this is a totally accurate graph of all my deaths the green represents direct hits the blue represents lasers and the red here represents unwarranted alcohol poisoning some of you may be sitting there and wondering what the [ __ ] is alcohol poisoning well my dear viewer Calamity adds several different types of liquor to the game all with very good stat Buffs at the cost of Life regen or defense or whatever however as a way to balance this you’re only allowed to consume at most three or else you’ll get a debuff known as alcohol poisoning which slowly drains your health which is very straightforward except for the fact that I only had three active the thing is there’s another way of activating the debuff which is when your life regen is in the negatives the Omega blue armor set that I’ve been using completely removes your life regen in favor of Life stealing tentacles and since our life regen is at zero take away5 from moonshine and another 1 point from tequila sunrise and our life regen is at- 1.5 which means now whenever we get hit will be briefly affected with the alcohol poisoning debuff which also means that we’ll take an extra 50 to 70 damage on top of whatever [ __ ] hits us very [ __ ] cool Calamity devs this is an and gate learn it at this point I’ve already accepted that nine times out of 10 getting hit would result in death so I removed Waring off of everything in favor of becoming a glass Cannon and using lucky however as I was writing that previous section of the script I learned that the tentacles half of my entire damage output don’t actually crit and during their ult crits are guaranteed well [ __ ] now it makes even more sense to me now that the fight duration hadn’t really changed which if you recall back to my full philosophy of shorter fights equal easier fights still didn’t go so well I tilted a lot this fight was getting to me it didn’t matter how many good runs I’d have eventually I’d slip up and die to some random [ __ ] Wing slide extra or Wing slot Wing slot Wing slot extra is this cheaty cheaty pumpkiny well I used it in older videos and no one gave a [ __ ] so no no it’s not I still didn’t win in fact I enabled this at attempt 229 there’s still another 100 plus before Victory don’t worry and since I don’t really have anything else to say about this fight it is with my pleasure to present to you the winning attempt [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh uh uh come on it’s 4:42 in the morning oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God God I can’t react dude I mean I just did but I would love to scream so loud with the death of the cosmic Death Worm the three hard mode events drop different materials for ascendant Spirit Essence which combined with cosmalite give us a plethora of gear upgrades but the most important ones are the amalgam and the sponge where the amalgam is just a better Amalgamated brain and the sponge basically makes me Invincible as we’ll see later when we fight yon but to summon him we need a bless Phoenix egg which requires some feathers from a boss we haven’t killed I don’t have a jungle Arena I have this one it’s not going to be horrible right see look at this guy this guy’s a chump who needs who needs who needs who needs Arena space not me not me The Inferno mode what oh so after I killed theour of gods I switch it to infernum just so I can get the [ __ ] thousand cosmalite and then I just never switch the back cuz I went to bed after that iall Zena’s playthrough I’ve already done it I just haven’t I don’t have a 10,000 subscribers yet that that was the that was the that was the deal give me to 10K and you get the video all right GG’s uh let’s put that back on death that didn’t happen that did not happen so now with their feathers I crafted the summon for yaron all right ah [ __ ] I didn’t mean to I did not mean to spawn him whoops okay that one didn’t count but the next attempt definitely did which went really really well I was mainly being carried by the sponge as I said earlier it made me pretty much invincible and since I believed in this I started to get cocky and played very carelessly so I died but one of my Chatters suggested something about heart statues and ceaseless hunger potions heart statues when activated with an electric signal spawn a heart item which gives you health and ceaseless hunger potions pull every dropped item towards you so if we have a bunch of heart statues set to activate every quarter second and a 30 stack of ceaseless hunger we can pretty much full heal no matter how much damage we take Whenever Wherever but to actually get ceaseless hunger we’ll have to defeat the ceaseless void one of the Sentinels that we avoided earlier but I’m sure it’ll be fine we have post dog gear it can’t be that bad whatever man I probably don’t need it I’ll just set up my Contraption and I’ll just run over there every time I need health never mind don’t teleport to me stop okay why was that so hard well we have Cecil’s hunger time to fight this guy I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I literally cannot die at all just um it’s my excuse for playing like slop holy [ __ ] all right that’s [ __ ] up wow who knew an infinite life cheese would work that’s crazy well with the knowledge of this cheese at least I don’t have to actually fight the exox huh as chap 6 tradition we are skipping exomax because they are do you see my damage I’m at the final stretch of the game do you really think I’m going to do all that nah which brings us to the grand finale is it corny to say I didn’t think we’d make it this far yeah I mean I knew I’d get here eventually just didn’t think it’d come so soon which makes me even more surprised to know that this challenge was well over a month in the making my longest challenge by far so it’s bittersweet knowing that it all ends right [Music] here flying around oh that’s not good oh I died nope doesn’t count try again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] GL GL we [Music] [Music] m [Music] I have no future if I lose here you your future your future is to go into like some shitty Montage a you [ __ ] you you you you weirdo you and that path also has no future even if he has thrown all else away his power remains I have no more energy left to resent him or you it will be in your it’ll all be on your hands now Supreme camius has been been defeated let’s [ __ ] go yeah and that ladies and gentlemen is how you beat Calamity Master Death Mode with only classless weapons was it tough yeah am I annoyed by finding out that devs removed the only actually viable classless weapons a little was this a good introduction to master Death Mode no no no no far from it pro tip if you’re going to do something stupid don’t do it on a mode you’ve never played before anyway thank you all so much for watching if you’re not already please make sure to subscribe I made sure to put an extra amount of Blood Sweat and Tears into this one and having that number go up would be really good for my extremely fragile ego and that’s it get the outro [Music]

Classless weapons in calamity are really only specifically made for support and aren’t really made to deal any actual damage, so what if someone as mentally deranged as me, tried to beat master death mode, with this very very long and boring handicap?

– all of the fights in one video (WARNING IT’S VERY LONG AND THE FILE IS LIKE 100+ GIGS ON MY PC) –


– my socials –
twitter ▸
discord ▸
2nd channel ▸
osu + gd channel ▸

– mods list –
Touhou Little Friends
Recipe Browser
Subworld Library
Boss Checklist
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Music
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode (woops)
Quality of Terraria
Ore Excavator
AlchemistNPC Lite
Cheat Sheet (dw i like never used this)
LuiAFK Reborn
Rod of Discord/Harmony Keybind
Angler Shop
Wing Slot Extra (only at the end and then I forgot to turn it off)
absoluteAquarian Utilities
No Buff Clutter
Magic Storage
Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow
Begone, Evil!
Instant Platform Fallthrough
Boss Cursor

– texture packs –
miku minimap:

– description stuff to feed the algorithm (i talk all this about hating yt meta and algorithm farming from genetically engineered content *cough cough* full movie 100 days *cough cough* and then i go along and do this abomination in the bottom teehee) –
Terraria is a 2D sandbox game with gameplay that revolves around exploration, building, crafting, combat, survival, and mining, playable in both single-player and multiplayer modes. The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression.

– tags to feed the algorithm because im broke and i dont like being broke please please please –
terraria,calamity,master mode,death mode,classless,terraria classless,calamity classless,devourer of gods,terraria calamity,classless weapon,terraria bug,HI LOAF,calamity ost,terraria news,terraria enchanted sword seed,terraria glitch,terraria mods,terraria playthrough,terraria calamity playthrough,calamity update,calamity bountiful harvest

if you read this, hi


  1. If you didnt already, you can bind your dash to an actual key in infernum config instead of double tapping. Really good for long, dash heavy fights.

  2. Now do it only with flare gun 😎
    (Im a horrible person)
    To give you a "chance" use the signature equipment mod (make sure you use the lawnmower if too many projectiles trust)
    Otherwise more comments will flare up like this one

    Buuuut i must admit you did do a nicely done job with this video

  3. Okay, i don't wanna be that guy but… Aestheticus damage scales from overall damage % you have, no matter the class, so if you have like 20% ranged damage from accesories aestheticus will eat it and get stronger

  4. How the hell am i supposed to watch videos like "Can i beat calamity only ROGUE?!?!?!😮" OF COURSE YOU CAN, THIS GUY LITTERALY BEAT IT WITHOUT WEAPONS THAT DEALS MORE THEN 300 DPS!!!

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