Is it a good or Bad thing minecraft lacks a sense of progression (and why)

by Moolcazy0


  1. Bad thing cause why would it be good to have bad progression in any game? Its just mincraft is a sandbox game where you are supposed to do whatever you feel like doing. People make the whole game about killing the ender dragon getting the elytra and the end.

  2. I think that Minecraft having “no sense of progression” isn’t even accurate, I definatly get heaps of satisfaction when I explore the world or expand my base or upgrade gear, I think Minecraft is a game where you can progress endlessly

  3. Vast_Improvement8314 on


    Good thing. You aren’t walled behind in game mechanics, from accessing other in game mechanics. Thus allowing greater degrees of freedom and creativity.

    Bad thing. Because there aren’t guide lines to lead people to learn more about the game, it has to be done by committing a ton of time to experiment and extrapoloate relevant information about game mechanics, or by spending time on Google, Reddit and YouTube, finding the information someone else has provided. All of which isn’t something everyone wants to do, in order to play a game.

  4. -ragingpotato- on

    Its very bad. The lack of progression is the reason behind the 2 week minecraft binge. Most gamers like to have an in-game goal, once they achieve it they feel the game is over and nothing else they make has a point.

    Its silly but its true, people will lose motivation to make builds even if it has nothing to do with the dragon for the sole reason that they have nothing else to look forward to after the build. For these people before the dragon the build is like a neat detour in your ultimate path, after it just feels like you’re wasting your time because what are you going to do after its done?

    Ive seen it first hand. I made a server with a bunch of difficulty mods that has us stuck in unenchanted diamond level, and yet its the best server we’ve ever had, its been going on for the longest and people still build. It has slowed because getting stuck on the progression is hardly better than having finished it, I do need to tweak it more for the next edition, but the effect that not beating the dragon in the first week has had on its longevity was night and day.

    I wholeheartedly believe that mojang needs to be more bold in changing base mechanics to make the progression harder and that would bring back and lure in an astonishing amount of players that currently feel they’ve outgrown minecraft because their skill level makes it unchallenging.

  5. pavel_123pro on

    It’s a sandbox where you may build *** machines if you want so it’s good, the game should be played however the player desires and there should not be anything you are forced to do to access more content, if you want progression go play terraria, there you are extremely weak at the start of the game and have to do things to advance

  6. Disastrous_Self_6053 on

    I don’t think it lacks progression, I think it lacks direction..

    I feel like my progression in Minecraft is:

    Getting materials, making tools, find diamonds, upgrading tools and armour, go to nether, enchanting tools and armour, finding stronghold, killing the ender dragon, getting an elytra, and then this is where I usually end up burning out and quitting as I didn’t really have anymore goals (back when I still played a ton). Is there still a ton more I could do? Sure. I could collect all the little critters and build a massive base, but to what end?

    Obviously its not linear and you can take whatever path you want, but through all the years of me playing that’s how I’ve always progressed. The issue is once you get to the endgame, whats next? Just keep building and exploring for the sake of building and exploring? The games been out for like 13? years now and I feel like they could have added SO much more content to the game, but they don’t want to take any risks so they play it safe and release content at a glacial pace.

  7. It’s a good thing that ensures your freedom to do what you want to. Terraria-like progression would absolutely kill Minecraft and latter is a most popular game for a reason.

    All of Terraria is basically fighting bosses which is as far from sandbox as possible. Minecraft has a final goal of killing Ender Dragon but it’s completely optional and items from End cities are not necessary. In Terraria you need to fight bosses for 1. being able to just survive even above the ground, 2. having NPCs, 3. open new biomes. Terraria’s building is really limited freedom-wise.

    Minecraft’s lack of progression is a great thing because it makes Minecraft an actual sandbox and that made it the most popular game in the world. These takes are bullshit from PvP players who by themselves are ridiculous in how far they took our beautiful survival game.

  8. Define progression? I would argue that it does. Its just so varied that you cant got A>B>C>done. Its also fairly vague what “done” is as well. For example my world has long sense beat the dragon, but my interest is in farms and giant redstone contraptions. Still you cant load in and immediately beat the dragon. You still need iron tools, get to the nether, find the portal etc. So that implies there is some sort of progression.

  9. Better-Salad-1442 on

    Minecraft does have progression. Its progression must come from the player though, which is the entire reason sandbox games exist, if I wanted to play an ARPG, I’d just play an arpg. Make a goal to add something to your world -> gather that material – build that thing -> you have now progressed.

  10. Clear-Ad3193 on

    It’s a bad thing. The game can still be a sandbox and also have a defined goal

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