Terraria, But It’s The DART CLASS…

terraria’s darkart guns are kind of garbage but what if they weren’t let me introduce you to terraria’s dark class I started my Terraria Adventure just like any other player I cracked open a starter bag grabbed some essential tools and quickly made The Lorax roll over in its Grave by chopping down every tree in sight I gazed through the recipe browser to check all of the various different dark guns and oh my goodness do we finally have a good new Terraria class shortly after I started digging out a elevator and proceeded to multitask by picking up as much or as I could along the way as well as making any necessary derailments to various chests around the underground in hopes of getting nice accessories such as the cloud in the bottle and the summon for the eye of cthulu as I came back up to the surface I built a massive NPC base and crafted our very first dart gun of the game from 12 copper called the dart zapper you see the dart zapper is a bit of a goofy gun it kind of looks like those old British muskets and I’m not going to lie it also does about the same damage regardless though I crafted myself some copper darts so I can actually shoot the damn thing and I went on to collect stars during the night after running aimlessly through the world I came back to my holy place of birth and proceeded to build a little Boss Arena for the eye of cthulu oh hopeful old boyo building boss Arenas with his 100 HP and copper weapons but don’t worry I did realize I needed more health so health is what I went to search for during my spelunking I discovered a mushroom biome and some seeds a future home for Mr truffle now the underground chests were quite good providing me accessories like the Hermes boots and I also collected plenty of ore once I came back up to the surface I had 220 HP and I proceeded to craft myself three different weapons from all of the materials I gathered the first weapon being called the Spore flinger out of five iron and 15 glowing mushrooms the second being the enchanted Dart Caster out of five stars and the dart zapper and lastly the violent vigilante using 12 Demonite bars with my new Arsenal I dove back into the caverns chugged a spelunker potion and hunted for more Life Crystals my journey was anything but smooth though I fell for a chest trap got crushed by a boulder and even blew myself up somehow like seriously I don’t even know what happened here yet all of the chaos was well worth it as I returned to spawn with full HP back in the caverns I was on a mission to find the suspicious looking eye and it didn’t take long before I found it tucked away in a chest returning to spawn I upgraded my humble copper darts by combining them with torches to create flaming darts setting enemies a blaze with every hit next I wiggled my to the Jungle where I found a boomerang gathered some stingers and collected as many jungle spores as I could before teleporting back to spawn once that spawn using the boomerang I combined it with 99 darts at an anvil and made myself the darang which served two purposes it was a dart gun and a boomerang how creative after this I crafted a full set of golden armor got some potions and some in the eye of cthulu primarily using the violent vigilante I took out the eye without much effort as we were well overprepared for it but after beating it we did get get the shield of cthulu which is a very sweet accessory very shortly after I made an arena for the Eater of Worlds in the corruption biome and blew up three orbs in order to summon him in the fight was going quite well up until well this happened so anyways I went to redo exactly what I spent the last 10 minutes doing and we fought the Eater of Worlds once again demolishing it with the enchanted dark Caster we Breeze through the battle securing the worm scarf which is one of the best accessories in the game and it is still useful up until the moon Lord I went over to the jungle and farmed out a serious amount of stingers this time allowing us to craft The Verdant stalker from 12 Stingers three Vines and 12 jungle Sports this was a very slow shooting fart gun but it did deal like 50 damage so we can excuse it for the snail fire rate and yes I know I just said fart gun do not be running into the comments please next I mined hellstone with an Obsidian Skin Potion and once back at the surface I crafted The Blaze Brer from 15 hellstone and the special feature of this weapon is it can cause explosions on enemy hits using a gravitation potion I sort into the sky in search for a sky Mill and along the way I found a meteor then I built an arena at Skeletron dungeon however I have one major problem here my Mobility is absolute whack I had no double jump and no rocket boots but despite this I still gave the fight a shot as expected once the expert mode skulls started firing my lack of Mobility really showed and I got absolutely demolished within seconds using 25 meteorite I crafted myself the Astro amalgam which shot a piercing laser every four hits and this was quite good for invasions such as the Goblin Army and overall great for multiple mob encounters I went over to the jungle and I got the bright idea that I should try to fight the queen bee so I made myself an arena yeah this looks really big right but hold on it does get worse as I was fighting it and taking a stupid amount of damage my weapon projectiles flew across the jungle and sumon in another queen bee how convenient and not only that but they followed me home and literally killed me right beside my safe place but there was a silver lining a goblin army invaded and after defeating it I went to search for the goblin Tinker within the caverns after a few minutes I actually found him which was very relieving I bought myself rocket boots a tinker’s workshop and turned the rocket boots into lightning boots as soon as I was back at spawn with my new found Mobility I attempted Skeletron again this time it was a breeze jumping and flying around the skulls dodging his spinning attacks and just like that Skeletron Was Defeated granting us access to the dungeon jumping straight into the gray Temple I collected water candles open chests and hunted down dark casters as I need their drops to craft the best prehard mode dark gun in the game after about 5 minutes of farming I got lucky and a dark Caster dropped the katana Kaz without any hesitation I ran back to spawn and combined it with the blaz bringer ver stalker and violent vigilante to craft the dysphoria a fast shooting dark gun that spawns damage dealing bolts around the hit Target I then proceeded to run back to the jungle and get all of the necessary resources in order to to craft the summon for the queen bee seeking Sweet Revenge I defeated her and obtained a new weapon the Bumble barrage a dark gun that shoots bees though it wasn’t very effective I then ventured to the underworld built a massive bridge and farmed for a guide Voodoo Doll back at spawn I reforged my accessories to warding or as close as I could without going flat broke I stocked up on Buffs and prepared for the Wall of Flesh during the fight this wall was piecing me up and only then did I realize that I made a critical mistake I forgot to to bring health potions utilizing the underworld buildings I managed to break pots for HP Hearts but what really changed it was a single health potion that I got from breaking a pot which saved the fight and I finished with barely 100 HP remaining but we are now in hard mode so I broke all of the altars and went to go mine hard mode ores I got myself a full set of Ranger titanium armor quite quickly farmed out wyverns and got two giant Harpy feathers one for wings and one for our very first hard mode weapon during this time I killed the King Slime as we needed the solidifier I crafted myself harpy wings and a weapon called The Harpy quill storm that shot out darts and Harpy feathers alternatively since we need to fight the mechanical bosses to progress in the game I started killing mobs in the corruption and hallowed by them to get Souls of light and Souls of Night during this time one of the mobs ended up dropping a mechanical skull leaving us two more boss summons left to craft once I came back up to the surface I crafted myself the mechanical worm which summons in the destroyer and me being me I decided it would be a good idea to see how my weapons Faire up against this boss well this is how it went oh my God as you can see nothing good came out of this but shortly after I crafted the summon for the Twins and having all three mechanical boss summons I realized I need far better gear for these bosses and my current Loadout frankly won’t cut it so I went back down into the mines and started mining crystals in the hallowed biome thus starts my four-step preparation for almost every boss fight I suggest you take notes upon coming to spawn I craft the crystal darts which betters our primary weapon damage output while mining I killed a few mimics which dropped the star cloak and a cross necklace allowing us to craft the star Veil I then reforged everything to warding and lastly bought tons of buff potions we started by taking on the Destroyer though we took some damage we defeated him and crafted a new dart weapon called the Euphoria with 12 Hallowed Bars this made the twins boss fight a breeze and they dropped an accessory called The Seeker spy glass which highlights enemy weak points for extra damage kind of like the fortnite pickaxe one hitting a tree if that makes any sense looking at the sky we didn’t have too much time left for old Skeletron but I decid to try my luck and go for it regardless well as you see this was a God awful idea as this happened leaving Skeletron for the next night I crafted the tranquilizer dart accessory with hallowed bars which slows enemies unhit after Mining and selling ores I found the merchant selling a dart license accessory boosting Dart damage and critical strike chance so of course I had to pick it up and once it turned to night time I summoned in Skeletron Prime and here is my long long a way to rematch with this metallic boyo upon defeating Skeletron I crafted the volatile Contraption using 10 Souls of Might fright and sight plus 10 hell of bars this weapon mimics the mechanical bosses summoning ey minions and charging a powerful laser kind of like the Skeletron Prime from Calamity Inferno I also upgraded my dysphoria to the true dysphoria which has a rightclick attack that uses energy to magnetize enemies and attract damaging green bolts next i m chlorite in the jungle and craft the true Euphoria this weapon special attack uses energy to surround enemies with Spears and launch the spears at them similar to undy attack from undertale at spawn I made myself a glowing mushroom biome after this was done I ran over to the jungle and started making myself a plara Arena I placed platforms torches more torches and even more torches before summoning in the plant boss herself hey so before we go and make a salad out of this boss if you are enjoying this video so far please consider subscribing it would really help us reach more Terraria players and allow us to do brand new neverbe seen things within this game thank you for your help and let’s get back to it so planta was not too difficult I got caught up with her here and there but frankly the brand new weapons made the fight quite easy and she was out in no time whatsoever next I cleared out Golem’s Temple collecting solar eclipse tablets power cells and Upon returning to spawn I was promptly invaded by Pirates we took out the Pirates and as soon as I had some downtime I crafted myself glorify darts which as you can guess follows the enemy around but along with this they also spawn spores around them which makes them extra cool I guess I started the solar eclipse killed the moon got the broken hero sword combined the true dysphoria and the true Euphoria and made myself a weapon called The Serenity which was possibly one of if not the best pre-moon Lord Dart weapon that we can get our hands on it also had an ability which cost energy and it was a mix of both the true Euphoria and dysphoria but on steroids essentially and to make things short it was a very powerful Dart weapon after that I grinded ectoplasm and farm planta until I got the Rosemary and thy which was a dart weapon that was essential for a post Moon Lord crafting recipe I mined more chlorop FY defeated the Destroyer a few times for money and headed to Golem’s Temple to challenge Golem I built a tiny Arena placed Platforms in torches and summon Golem using the serenity the fight was a breeze the weapon truly lived up to its name putting me in a Zen State as I barely took any damage defeating Golem granted me the scatter hook a unique dart gun that also shot Golem fists and back at spawn I noticed my mushroom bi had grown significantly so I built a house for the trule I planted pumpkins to craft the Pumpkin Moon medallion later and spent the night defeating various bosses to sell their loot for money as it turned to day I started another solar eclipse to defeat more moons and get their wings once night fell I began the Pumpkin Moon Invasion after killing a few pumpkins I obtained a new dart gun called The Halloween Hex which charges up and shoots out pumpkins near the end of the invasion I got nearly spawn trapped by the morning wood which like how does this even happen with some spare flings fur I crafted the deer thing and fought the deer kops just because I could at spawn I noticed the Truffle had arrived so I bought an auto hammer made shite and crafted a full set of shite armor with the headpiece that boosts Dart damage I then started the frost Moon and defeating the ice queen earned me the glacial Geyer a dart weapon with ability similar to the ice queen herself next I triggered a martian Madness Invasion killed the saucers and acquired the Martian Marksman dart gun which charges up an electric shock after a few hits once I had collected all of the Infinity Stones basically all of the side quest dart guns well except for two more that we cover later we are basically ready to start preparing for Moon Lord and our first step will be to take out the lunatic cultist so with my brand new arsenal of overpowered weapons I went to Skeletron dungeon and summoned this cultist in the cultist boss fight was genuinely quite easy we did not take too much damage and the Homing darts also played a key role in the difficulty of this boss fight but once the cultist was defeated the lunar Invasion had begun and as I came to spawn I decided to take out the very first pillar which was very close to my little NPC town that being The Vortex pillar upon taking down this pillar we were once again granted access to the above ground hallowed biome and I had the bright idea to maybe fight the Empress of light so maybe I did I got her little lace wig and summoned her in this was a fun boss fight but frankly she stood no chance against us we took her out and got her neat little dark gun called The illuminent which shot rainbow bolts and summoned little empresses to spin around you and fire lasers at your enemy afterwards I went to the right ocean built an arena for Duke fishron and fought him it wasn’t too hard since were near the end game but I wanted his wings after defeating him a few times I got his crown Cascade dart gun which was very similar to the C saring from the Calamity mod and fishron wings for better Mobility with side quests wrapped up it was time to face the big boy himself Moon Lord I tackled the nebula and solar pillars I then crafted the Charis dart gun from Vortex fragments which was a dart minigun of sorts and after taking down the Stardust pillar I awaited moonl Lord’s arrival here is the boss fight this one was a tough one we took lots of damage running back and forth to the nurse teleporting home constantly to escape his grasp but after a long and treacherous boss fight that was super clutch we took him out but we were not done yet using luminite I crafted myself luminite darts and realizing that I need a few more dart guns from Moon Lord to craft the final dart gun I went to challenge him again but man was I not ready to take him on mentally I died over and over again I don’t really know what got into me I just could not beat him but after a while of banging my head against the wall I opted for the same strategy that I used the very first time I beat him and I managed to take him out this time giving us a weapon called the laser therapy which shut out these electricity Sparks and I used this weapon to beat him again which I then proceeded to craft a full set of Vortex armor with all of this power I beat him one final time dropping us a weapon called the Stellar outrage I once again crafted the dart zapper I crafted the Stellar frenzy and lastly in combination created the very final weapon of the game the sticks here you will be able to see this weapon in action and it is essentially the Zenith of all of the dark guns and is by far the best thing you can get your hands on within this mod but this has been it for the darkart guns class if you enjoyed this video please drop a like it will really help with the algorithm but this has been boyo peace out

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I beat terraria using theDartClass, this class introduces tons of new weapons (Darts) to spice up the way you play terraria, so will I be able to beat the moonlord and get the very best dart gun at the end of the game ? Well stay tuned to find out !

If you want to see another similar terraria video, be sure to check out my older video in which I beat terraria using the battle rods class, I have also made a full progression of the class in the video, so be sure to check it out if you go to play it :))

Songs Used:

I basically used all of the songs from this playlist within the video, each boss corresponds to each track it represents in the playlist,
ie: while fighting the eye of cthulhu, the eye of cthulhu infernum theme was played and so on.

Mod List:



0:00 Intro
0:10 Pre Chaos
4:10 Pain and Hardship
6:43 Entering The Darkness
9:01 A Glimpse Of Rest
10:47 Gathering The Infinity Stones
12:35 The Final Challenge

Kisses From Boio


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