Stardew Valley! || v1.6

all right let me just clear this stuff here woo there we go sorry if you can hear my nephew crying in the background it’s uh he’s a little bit grumpy today oh sounds like they’re going to go for a walk my gold pickax is ready cool and we have the night market today oh had geod I should bring some two Clint when I go to pick up my pickaxe excuse my slightly scattered brain I’ve only just woken up got uh plate full of goodies and uh I’ve got an energy drink that’s flavored like koolade and honestly it’s pretty good okay let me go grab the bucket CU I’m actually not sure if I uh I’m not sure if they’re the cows are milk today or not it has been a while since I played it’s been like a week has it been two weeks I can’t remember this it’s been a while I think it’s only been a week like a week in a day how’s my Silo doing 149 we’re still pretty good okay w all righty let’s get the hardwood what a time to chop the tree got a secret note wonder what that’s about let’s see uh yeah there’s a treasure for okay oh yeah and I have a fish pond down here now I forgot I’ll deal with that in a bit but let me swing up here okay let’s go to Clint catch a perch I don’t even know where to catch a perch or when to catch a perch yay what is that that’s oh that’s flower seeds Okay es cargo oh yeah nice I like that one nice I needed that Tiger’s eyee fun fact I actually like that IRL okay and then we will upgrade my axe to a golden axe for okay what can we donate um cool got the pickaxe back so we’ll be able to go back into the mines which is good um yeah that’s fine it’ll be okay I wonder wonder if I can social I want to look at the map I want to look at collections there we go oh it doesn’t tell you where to catch them just to catch them perch okay um I going to just hold on to that just cuz I literally like that rock a lot um uh got a lot of things here seeds got 47 mixed flower seeds that’s wild bro have a look at this wallpaper oh yeah oh that’s nice yeah be statue dope SP spray jelly let’s toss that in there I don’t think I need spice berries for anything so yeah we can make more spiceberry jelly um let’s see throw more gold in there here’s one more thing that I want to do before we turn in for the night oh never mind yeah what am I talking about turning in for the night when the night market is open I just got to do one thing real quick before I go down there I just need that and with five uh refined quartz which I definitely have I can finish off that bundle but I just want to get the idium in there since I have it on me I’m going to go check out the night market haha fools it’s me let’s start with this here for a cup of coffee yes I do you received the coffee wow I don’t actually have to drink it that’s nice nah oh no thanks I’m I’m here for Stuff I guess red cabbage before I buy that I need to know if I actually need it for anything that’s a summer fish that I think is also a summer fish I already know what I need there I do I need it for the D bundle okay I’ll buy that then what was the we got a map or not a map 15423 okay for oh byebye all right one 5 4 2 hooray wonder it could be a dreary season but events like this make it a little brighter can you smell that the air is so spicy here this is so mysterious I love it I think the sp’s my favorite it’s so unique it’s a shame we can’t go over there to it anyway take me down El capiton for well that’s a shame super cucumber that’s good I can put that in my uh fishing pond let see if I could add a fish to this game I would add the dope fish but I have a feeling the dope fish is well I don’t think I I have a feeling the dope fish is a little older than the creator of this game fact I I doubt anybody watching me knows what dope fish is either it’s okay though take me home okay I’ll do that for now and I’ll just go to bed and I’ll I’ll organize this in the morning for okay so the Pearl I think is literally just a treasure uh oh you know what it it probably makes a good gift though the super cucumber we can go ahead and put in here Fish can be placed into this pond yep yep there we go and then we’ll put these in here don’t really really have a place for that guy but we’ll just put him wherever the red cabbage oh boy I guess I’ll hang on to it and we won’t be going for hardwood today because my ax is in the shop so doing this the hard way I Okie doie we go put the pow melon seeds away now let me grab that okay so the bulletin board we can go to D bundle put that in go down here there we go that’s going to be incred inredible yeah baby let’s go yeah all right we got a star baby okay go ahead and drop these furnaces off don’t really have a place for them at the moment um yeah let me see oops that’s the wrong box this is my seeds box okay know what I ought to do let’s grab this guy and let’s go up to the mountain cuz I just remember there’s something else I can do it’s up here hello woodpecker I don’t need to grab any of that just yet but I can come down here in you know maybe I don’t have the chops right now oh lordy I need a better weapon this little knife ain’t cutting it and I should bring food with me too yeah I got nothing I’m just fish that’s what I’m going do at least then I can try to make a little bit of money got some new ideas to sleep on cool night Market’s open we’re going to go back well hiy there Sebastian hello what’s up off to the night market run how really all right let’s have a look at this midnight carp nothing there I really need yes I shall take and then we go on the fishing trip I believe as far as fish go there’s only like a couple I think just that one oh no I guess there’s the eel too midnight squid got the spook fish yeah there’s like I guess like two more fish I could catch down here oh sea jelly actually now that you mention it I should up my fishing temporarily hey there we go the blob fish what a guy I think there’s still an eel that I need to catch getting a lot of seaweed nice got too eager wood dinosaur egg jewels of the sea hello we’re just doing some midnight fishing super cucumber I know what to do with that what for the Blobfish oh a regular sea cucumber all right take us back up El Capon this guy I have anything different no take me home oh silly me okay let’s see wow that one I need to keep that one I just kind of want to keep I guess I don’t really need the uh hello there chance to find treasure doubled fish worth 50% more I’m going to go with fish worth 50% more okay it should be gold ax is ready perfect Wizard’s birthday speaking of wizard we need to take this blackberry wine to the community center for the enchanters bundle actually this needs to go in the fridge one of these fridges has one of these things in it unless it doesn’t no just straight up doesn’t okay put the Fire Quartz in here do need to put this away we’ll put that in incubator later sorry to bother you again but I need another favor I got a new hammer and I want to try it on a variety of metals could you smelt an iron bar and bring it to me thanks bring an iron bar to Clint hey hey nice we got some stuff look at all these chickens so nice of me to shove their eggs right in the Mayo machine right in front of them should have brought the bucket with me it’s fine I’ll go get it got to get the bucket let’s check the mushroom stump down here hey we got a mushroom the worst kind of mushroom but it’s a mushroom and then while we’re down here I’m going to toss this guy in I can’t add him there we go I was going to say I like I know I can super cucumber row I’ll put these here okay and my axe is ready for pick up so we will take some geod along in this iron bar and we will go to Clint incredibly our Minecarts are done so we can just go to uh yeah here we go gold a it’s an old video game nice a warp totem more flower seeds more flower seeds some quality fertilizer some powder melon seeds copper coal whatever that is Fairy Stone okay uh ghost crystal gold dven helmet some clay nice Earth crystal nice uh Jack T nice okay oh of course almost forgot see if I can donate any of this yeah I can this guy and this guy okay bu St God that’s so much nicer okay we don’t really need this H we don’t really need that everything else we can just kind of put away um this this put that away all right we need to grab two of these and head on out nice okay this will complete his quest but actually we can also just give him one for his birthday that should have yeah there we go w woo woo woo woo okay nice nice nice nice nice all right cool what are my skills at anyway my fishing is level 10 Pantry fish tank bullet and board do I have those unlocked already yeah do I can make this perfect what’s my hardwood at 265 no that’s something forget about I’m not going to put the window fridge right now I’m going to go to Community Center we’re going to put the wine in the bundle that’s not the way this is the way okay enchanters bundle perfect oak oak resin and rabbit’s foot can’t get Oak resen uh for a while cuz I need to be able to tap trees uh well I guess I could put tappers on the the trees that I have I just going to say like we got to wait for the trees to grow but okay here’s what I want to know what does it take to make big Coupe wood stone wood Stone h i could get those made maybe not right this second but 25 pieces of wood I mean I could do that don’t know if I want to I’m doing well today how are you whoa whoa good that’s good to hear I don’t know what we were just catching but it was tricky Hokie dogy you can grab a free cup of coffee care for a cup of coffee I sure do let’s see what the lady has coffee yeah I don’t I don’t care for coffee IRL I’ll tell you that I don’t mind it in video games though best part about coffee in video games is I don’t have to taste it instead I have this um Kool-Aid flavored energy drink I’m I’m drinking which surprisingly enough tastes like Kool-Aid so it’s great nice what year you want uh year one I think it really is only these three that are the special fish you cat down here you can also get these too I won’t argue with getting super cucumber though since I have a fish Bond of it yeah I’m just uh I’m playing the 1.6 update cuz oh seems fun you did it today what’ you do oh you’re fishing in the festival nice I I do uh like the um the squid hat that’s a nice thing from 1.6 he can’t play 1.6 cuz I’m on Xbox ah that sucks yeah I think the last time that I played this game seriously was like when they introduced the the Perfection statues and like the totems and stuff you and my friend are in year four nice yeah so like ginger Island I don’t know very much about that I know some but I’m not like super duper familiar blob fish you have any idea of who you’re going to marry I’m really not thinking too hard about it I have’t even really concern myself with that at this point is my favorite villager I uh I get a lot of flak for this but uh I I happen to like Shane quite a bit and Shane’s one of those ones that people have strong opinions about I just find him kind of relatable not because of the alcoholism but mostly just because he’s grumpy all the time I also like Willie Will’s a jolly fellow any he like he loves to fish and so do I so yeah Willie’s a great guy uh he’s just like a nice Bella your favorite is Maru very good choice very smart smart young lady builds a robot I think the I think literally the first time I played this game uh Maru was the person that I married I think she’s literally my choice number one she’s also just like super kind and sweet I know extremely likable I feel what a thing to say I feel she’s extremely likable she is though yeah I think if if we’re talking about the ladies my top three would be uh Maru uh Abigail and Emily I don’t really care for Haley all that much I know he seems kind of seems like a a jerk yeah bu by a girl like her in school yeah that’s uh that sucks I don’t really like the whole like popular girl Vibe thing I don’t know peace to the winter star special friend is Demetrius yo okay I do want to make more of these oh my fence is coming apart well I can fix that no I don’t want to drink the mayonnaise I know we can do it now that doesn’t mean I want to oh my God I just want the hay I’m married tomorrow and my friend is married to Harvey we took the two people who works at the clinic you know what there’s there’s definitely worse choices okay town is doomed that’s funny okay let me grab that’s completely the wrong thing um here we go do I had some laying around I made extra for just such an occasion subscribe because you’re no you’re so nice thank you I try to be this game is definitely not one of the ones that brings out my angry angry gamer side uh let’s see we still need to make some of those before the end of the season I think we’re mostly good um I think I might hit up the mines oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I know what I want to do let me take this let me take this yeah there’s some uh there’s some updates from other games too that I’m looking forward to like uh but that they are like you know dist on the horizon sort of updates but like terraria’s got an update in the works and uh zomboid has an update in the works uh those are both great games as well okay start with a big Coupe so good I’m addicted to stard it is a very good game I think I have like 800 hours in this game just in uh just on Steam another game I’ve been into uh vampire survivors if you’ve ever played that I I have so many hours in that game right now yeah I enjoy stardo stardew is fun it’s a very very nice very chill game kind of easy to get lost in started our world on the first day of June and now we have 100 hours that’s pretty cool yeah vampire survivors is another game that’s easy to get lost in I like games like that where you can just like I don’t know just spend a long time secret note let’s have a l that’s the that’s uhhuh I know what that note is vampire survivors oh yeah it’s it’s great yeah um it’s kind of a bullet hell game but kind of not it’s it’s it’s weird to explain um it it’s basically like you go up against waves and waves of enemies uh and you just get different weapons and upgrade them and just like uh you just take out the enemies basically but it’s like really really fun cuz it’s just there’s so let me see if I can explain this in like nerd tongue by that I mean just gushing about it um so basically there’s like a bajillion different types of weapons you can get like uh for example the sort of the first character on the list he has a whip there’s like a magic wand there’s a couple of other uh uh like I mean there’s a bunch of different types of weapons there’s some guns there’s some magic weapons there’s like a Bible uh but like every so like every level you can pick one to get stronger and then if you combine it with there’s also like secondary weapons like spinach and the uh well the Laurel is actually a a main weapon though that I think about it like there’s a red heart there’s a black heart and like depending on what you get you can combine different weapons to make upgraded weapons to make even more powerful attacks and it’s just like super easy to get lost in it’s extremely simple but it’s like really easy to get lost in and just like spend hours and hours playing it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that is exactly what that secret not’s about yeah I I still have fun fact I still have this Quest I have these they’re sitting in one of my chests I just haven’t given them back to LS because I don’t know I might prank him with later hey you can ask me a question man there’s not actually a whole lot of iron I’m getting out of this getting some um well I don’t particularly like to deal with political stuff however I will say uh I don’t support uh side so for ladder yeah jeez it’s really late I think I can actually talk to the dwarf at this point feel like I got the translation guide your favorite Kiss pink cake sunflowers for hary jsons and W family uh okay laa e fishing is a big part of the culture considered a delicacy okay bombs deal 25% less damage to you that seems like it’s pretty useful I’m not going to get that right now but how long I played star you um I have like 800 hours in this game or so uh I’ve been playing it since oh years ago I probably got probably got it like year it came out just need one more door scroll you just got to find them they’re a little bit tricky it’s easier if you uh take the hoe in and hose some dirt h okay yeah I think what I want to focus on now is making as many of the sprinklers as I can I’m from uh us specifically somewhere in the Southwest I yeah I’m very much in the land of uh the land of tacos and uh jalapenos at least that seems to be a lot of what we get around here I me isra real nice need more I’ll probably extend it this way a little bit probably down a little bit oh yeah do I have another I may have more ah I do two more stupid cucumber I probably got some real waiting for me too yeah what’s that guy in there this Pond is full oh okay Mexico yeah not not quite close though uh 5 a.m. dang bro h that’s a good idea let me go grow up with a fish F you just about anything one of those but some of the fancier fish are real fussy yeah you’re not wrong let’s go to Calico I haven’t been here in a while oh you know what you’re right you can’t make a blobfish hat I think she likes coconut shirt I don’t think I’m close enough with Emily to uh what is this what the heck is this there wasn’t a button here before okay now what if I do this huh nothing I’m being really stupid right now I didn’t bring any weapons oh god oh yeah I’m I’m I’m leaving I’d spend more time in there but uh I have no weapons have some jokes made the homeless guy a great offer he just couldn’t decline us cuz his name is lioness h okay think uh oh wow I had zero gold or actually that’s what I wanted to put in there the rest of this can go in my fridge if I have any of this anywhere apparently not why couldn’t Pam afford more alcohol she only had a penny fisherman said he was going to try and catch a squid but now I wonder will he will he make it well he’ll certainly try I wonder if there’s anything I can do with any of these uh not that one these two I can’t get right now I need rabbit for these oh yeah yeah yeah yeah tree tappers that’s right I can make some do I have any copper bars not enough okay we can worry about that later then I have 50 salmon Berry I 52 um 50 Blackberry 15 Wild Plum I have 11 Wild Plum carpenter has such high prices he’s practically robbing us yeah I have enough but I don’t think you can combine the stacks like that we can try I guess and then I think I guess Blackberry is the other one that we need and I definitely don’t have enough of that for oh you can very nice and I get three Tre jabbers out of that perfect um I could probably put an ambran and an aquamarine in here maybe a beat think I might have a beat somewhere H I don’t have the salmon berries for this um I have eggs and milk if I bought some flour I could finish that one off ghosts and I’m not gonna I’m not going to bother with that not right now Okie doie let’s make some more these feel like 20 more sprinklers is probably good why couldn’t Jody’s husband go to the mountain I don’t know he just can’t I don’t know which one of these is Maple and which one of these is Oak we’ll leave those for now though okie dokie let me grab should have some more fence in here there we go repare these other busted fences whoops whoops they hit the chest how is the museum owner able to defend himself from thieves there was a gun there why did the there a gun there by the manager of Georgia stock up so many products he thinks more is better the puns oh yeah that’s a good idea let’s go down to the pond actually wait do we even need to do that I might not even have to do that I got a broken CD right here there we go um got not that let me grab these actually I have 40 of those so probably fine if I just this instead me and the sculptor went hunting together I told her I would look for tracks she said she’d lay a trap what happened to the illegal business in the seers they got Crow busted busted speaking of that though we have to oh man I have so many left to find yeah we got to do this and this H Saloon owner had some weird new fish K Zone I tried it but it was disgusting P’s wife uh has been seeing the wizard for all that time I can’t believe she’s been caroling to us for so long okay it’s Evelyn’s birthday do I know what Evelyn likes Evelyn where are you Evelyn I know she likes sweet peas okay great the local doctor makes for a great farmand he helps to harvest to all the crops there were a lot of noises on the roof so I asked the blond-haired girl about the weather she said it was just Haley I see you’ve entered the skull cabin well done I’ve got a better challenge for you kid make it at least 25 levels deep and I’ve got a mountain of gold to send you if you do it thank you for purchasing a coupe upgrade in addition to doubling the capacity of your Coupe I’ve taken the liberty of installing an incubator to use the incubator simply place an egg inside if you have any space left in your C the egg will hatch in several days I know what’s going in there okay I think I have 20 of everything I can make 20 more sprinklers Mar’s nephew is quite nice when you get to know him I’m it’s such a shame that he’s alcoholic though Sam’s mom is having some problems you could say she has a Jo dilemma let see oh uh let me grab the egg the egg egg yeah I do want to be careful about how much I’m spending cuz I do want to afford seeds later um no I don’t want to eat the large egg me and Emily were hanging out she said she was tired so I told her to Emma Li down I asked Jody’s youngest son how much money he want or he had he told me he only had one Vincent okay may do some more fence repairing apparently as the Mir if he had any fact said sometimes that the L that the Lou is another world word for bathroom ah I see asked Emily if she liked the dessert she said kind of but I think that would got cut off but it’s so Sandy I see the play now okay oh um Diamond let’s go find the sweet old lady give her a diamond for her birthday oh hey okay George I want you to take a deep breath for me turn around please George I’ll be honest with you you need to make some changes in your lifestyle if you want to stay healthy I’d like you to reduce your sodium intake and try to get some moderate exercise with your arms I know what’s best for me who do you think you are telling me how to live my life I’m your doctor george that’s who I am and I went to school for 8 years so I could learn how to help people stay healthy I really I should have laughed Harvey oh I’m sorry but she shouldn’t be here these checkups are supposed to be private he’s right not so fast I’d like to get a second opinion from this young man very well what do you think George should do um exactly listen to your doctor old man thanks Argie you see George I’m just trying to help you fine I’ll do what you say doctor thanks for your help Arie I appreciate it very much listen to your doctor old man it’s very kind of you I love it oh we’ve lived here for over 30 years we’ve seen a lot of people come and go your grandfather for one bless him hey George happy birthday wean is no different from any other time for me it’s how it is when you’re retired sardine population is starting to threaten other species okay um I don’t know what I can do about that well actually I know exactly what I can do about that I’m just not goingon to it’s fine Willie will handle it you have a hat like George’s hat nice okay let’s grab this this that and let’s make these cool I might have a couple of other ones sitting in here somewhere maybe uh no nope and I don’t think I have them anywhere else either organiz what’s the best Festival um it’s a good question I almost feel like the stardy Valley Fair is my favorite one just because like it’s the most interactable I guess I think this leaves a little bit of yeah so there’s some tiles here don’t get watered so that one this one this stuff that I should be planting rice in I feel saw the new desert Festival it looks cool I actually have not seen that uh okay let’s oops let me place there here we go this one this one this one this one down here any other ones missing one yeah yeah yeah there’s one over here okay this guy put these back okay and then I’m going need some more I think I need just Stone right to make the pathways yeah uh well I only have need of 22 of those at most so there we go I put one here two one two one two two one two one two one two just align these with that get rid of some of this stuff that’s in my way and I get free hay out of it woohoo oh hey I don’t know what that noise was but uh one two one two uhuh I see bring honey please could you bring us a honey interesting I may have some honey laying around otherwise it’ll have to wait until spring okay let’s see um it’s only 8 Days yeah it’s not so far away okay let me check oh you know what I still need to put I wish I could put it like right in the center of all these but uh yeah let me put one here and put one there put one here one like there I think I have a couple of other rare C CR I do one two that’ll do do you know that if you break the beehive in the last day of winter you’ll get honey in the four of spring and not in the five uh no I didn’t do I have any honey I may but I’m not sure I have one single wild honey okay perfect let just toss that in the fish pond I guess now I can have five which means I can go check that other one that I couldn’t put in there earlier there we go it’s only 8:30 let’s clear this out a bit we can put these back okay some spiceberry jelly let’s put that in there um that would go in a bundle only got six wheat flour let’s make grape jelly Evelyn okay anybody’s birthday today no that’s okay should marry Harvey because he makes a lot of food and some more stuff like I said I’m not super worried about marrying anybody how you doing hope your winner hasn’t been too hard on you anyway I’m writing to ask you for some hardwood I need about 10 pieces if if you can spare it I need that I can just go gather some in the woods it’s fine oh I am low on bait okay got an orange before I get too too far let me grab the bucket where the bucket Go There It Is God why is my fence so terrible okay you need the clock yes I do I’ll get it eventually but that’s a long way away uh okay should be do you want to like Stop Standing on top of each other there we go yes the golden clock and would help me an awful lot right now but it’s not really available to me at the moment feel like I should really just leave the milk pil in the cow enclosure which is a really terrible way of saying the barn um okay yeah here’s my question I mean it’s a Sunday so it should be fine um I feel like let’s make another like 30 of these yeah so I’m starting to run low on wood and stone and I need those for things um anyway I’m getting distracted I wanted to go to Pierre’s but I want to fix this gosh darn fence first check the traveling Merchant or the community center uh I mean yeah maybe actually it’s Sunday so is the traveling Merchant here I will say I would like her Chase animals we will get a duck pungus absolutely every Friday and Sunday ah see I always mix the days up I never really know when the traveling cards here it’s just a mystery to me anything in here that I need not really nothing in particular I’ll grab the hardwood though this man looks like my friend interesting coincidence that all right slimy boy leave me alone would you cut that out here we go okay I’m going to run to Pier’s and then up to Robins if I can for oh stop telling me how to live my life hey cut it out we’re letting you live here free of charge until you finish school seems like you don’t appreciate that at all stop trying to make me feel guilty I appreciate that you and Dad are helping me out but expecting me to dress the way you want is ridiculous I’m not a little girl anymore mom you’re right I’m sorry ooh I swear this house is haunted I just go hide in the shrine of Yoba that’s what I do at that point just okay wheat flour costs 100 and I need 100 so 100 time 100 is like 100,000 oh that’s a lot is that 100,000 or is that just a th000 no 1,000 is 100 time 10 it might be 10,000 which is better but 100 times 100 yeah that’s 10,000 it’s still an awful lot not right now I want to save my money for seeds in spring so let’s see if I can get to Robins I mean I want to finish that bundle cuz it’s a easy bundle for me to finish but 100 like 10K right now I don’t want to do 10K right now uh I don’t even need to I just need to do this I do want to upgrade I mean I want to do this but again 12,000 right now what when did I get the secret note snip no beer oh this is pennies okay fair Rose Plum Pudding pink cake grape uh leak Mr Moulder leak fried mushroom granny Moulder that’s funny okay if I want to make money the best way for me to do that right now is uh fishing there’s no Quest at the moment I’m just going to go to the beach make tea saplings can I even do that I mean I can but fiber wood I’m low on wood though it’s 500 for one wow oh boy Deluxe bait is not cheap bait on the other hand is um what was the recipe for bait and Moss do have a lot of moss I could easily get like a ton of this I definitely don’t have 500 moth to make uh 500 Deluxe bait but I can easily buy 500 bait might as well sell these while I’m here uh and then with bait you can make bug meat and slime I don’t have pretty much either of those well I have plenty of slime bug meat’s what I’m lacking in okay I’m going to do some fishing for yeah cuz I’m at I’m at level 10 fishing and I have it so that I get 50% more from fish so fishing is a pretty good money maker right now in your what yeah dude I I love fishing fishing is my passion no yeah this so this this is the true story like when this game first came out um or or rather when I started I guess when I started playing this game I don’t know what uh the difference between that is but in any case um I saw the fishing mini game and I was like oh yeah this is pretty easy and then I saw people on the internet raging about how hard the fishing mini game was and I was like but it’s not it’s not difficult it’s really easy but I guess uh it’s not easy for some people and it’s easy for me so it’s okay I have 11 bait left or 11 of the premium stuff and then I’ll have to switch over to regular bait yeah it really is pretty easy I think it’s just cuz some of the harder fish like move around a lot and yeah that’s challenging but like it’s not that challenging I don’t know using magic bait uh which one is that I don’t know if I have that got bait Deluxe bait wild bait there’s also like specific baits as well for specific fish they added that in 1.6 need to get to Mr key ah yeah that’s going to be a while that’s going to be a while Stone for let’s see what did we get oh a red disc although I don’t think I actually need that oops oh yeah sure enough I don’t have any bait on my hook now that’s fine can use good old regular bait o what Rod am I using uh I’ve got the aridium rod I could put tackle on here I just haven’t I did once a while back and then it it broke and then I haven’t I’ve been too lazy to put more on there level nine nice yeah level 10 fishing is not too hard to get to um I I also should point out though I think because um you said you’re not playing in 1.6 there’s books you can get now in 1.6 that give you just like a bunch of XP and I happen to get a bunch for fishing as well so that definitely helped only need one level in fishing and one one level in combat and I’m done nice yeah I think also I feel like I might be nuts I don’t know I feel like there was something about like Mastery of skills that lets you basically keep your uh how do I explain this um basically would let you keep these so like tiller agriculturalist whatever whatever these skills you have they’d let you keep that but you start over at level one um with your skills and then you’re able to get both of the skills for each skill tree that way it’s something like that is it demetrius’s birthday today uhoh I forgot it yeah I think that’s the thing I haven’t really explored that yet it’s not demetrius’s birthday today what then why is it showing oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I know why he’s there yeah yeah it’s cuz it’s cuz um I’m supposed to get him a present for piece of the winter star that’s why he’s in the corner of my uh my little thing there okay let’s sell these fish should get me a little little chunk of change uh don’t need that I think I can keep everything else yeah I don’t have to worry too much I can get him just like a universally loved gift uh nice I still have a plate full of stuff over here that I’m slowly working through okay just get strawberry in the spring yeah that is the best way to go although I can’t just immediately do that unfortunately okay give it to him and Maru wait oh right that’s my five star stuff okay put this away here put this away here I’ve got 293 Moss I could be growing powder melons but I just kind of chose not to carrot seeds ah nothing in here no gaps in my fence thank goodness oh there’s my baby duck at some point I’m going to get uh I have a strawberry I probably do somewhere yeah I save a lot of random BS in this game just for whatever but yeah if he loves strawberries I can just give him a strawberry it’s fine it’s like way definitely not fresh but you know that doesn’t matter in this game I really got to move this one thing forward so it’s aligned with this guy there we go and I really should put things under the scarecrows too I’ll get around to that I think I already watched this stuff don’t ask how it works it just works um I do today I remember we’ll take some pancakes I remember what I was going to do today no a that’s a shame oh I got him anyway cool nice cool got a secret note what’s the secret note about you found my secret in the dark tunnel yeah I know about it I haven’t done it yet I have batteries I could just go stick a battery in there I just haven’t done it yet I need the wood so I’m chopping down the trees a man it’s always the risk with those particular ones okay book what’s up Ming bird how’s it g okay on the mid 300s in one piece and I love Thriller bark okay I have no idea what that means but I’ll take your word for it for um ah there we go pneumonia pneumonia starts with a P man parrot that’s definitely what you’re talking about winter already bro we’re almost done with winter it’s about to be spring again Mystery Box I see a few spots over here nice I need that bread how much wood did I get today 500 yeah that’s that’s fine that’s enough for now carrot bread carrot cake you know that would make logical sense in this game but I don’t think there’s actually a carrot cake might as well eat my pancakes now that I don’t need them this needs to go to Gunther you can worry about that later um treasure chest aha the rain totem we got money level 10 forging carrot cake Leah’s birthday okay I don’t know if I can get to Leah if she’s like in her cabin I bet there’s a mod that adds carrot cake there probably is I feel like there’s like a cooking expanded mod feel like most games that have cooking have a cooking expanded mod also we got a duck it’s still a big maybe so it’s still a a duckling but it do exist and we’ve got a dinosaur incubating and in case you couldn’t tell we also upgraded the coupe haven’t upgraded the barn yet though cuz that is going to cost too much money right now I want to but I’m going to wait until spring when I get some crops and then we’ll see give about that it the idium egg grape jelly yeah I think blueberries are a good gift for mayor Lewis grapes I guess are a good gift for Vincent he likes grapes I’m still going to make jelly out of them though okay uh um let’s grab how many do we have two four six okay grab some Stone last longer than a wood fence yeah it does okay so let us can put these guys back hoay okay Horatio you stay there Bob and Tom Nook okay oh yeah that’s right I have a fish pond I keep forgetting about this row four out of five wait a minute is this oh I don’t want to empty the pond got three row from that put put this away in here and then Leah it’s her birthday I wish I knew where she was specifically but ah don’t that’s okay we’ll try to find her oh I can go in here nice that makes this easy it’s pretty cold in my little cabin I just snuggle up under a huge blanket and I’m okay honestly best part about when just cuddling up under the blankets for oh come on now can’t even follow me out nice dude for uh okay what does it take to make bombs it takes iron and coal I mean I have some of those but like this away for now feel like like I have more in the mines I do I have 10 more bombs what do I actually need in there that I can’t do anything about these I’m working on these yeah cookies ice cream ancient doll yeah you know W do have an ancient doll hang on go back to the bus stop I mean I’m going to have to give it to Gunther obviously because it’s the first one I have but uh I should be able to if I can find another one I can put it in that bundle town oh trash nice SL really become great okay yeah I would um there something weird in the tunnel leading out from Pelican Town I’d love to finish this collection but it’s going to take a long time guess we can work on the Quarry trying to stock up on stone for later on I’m going to need it for a lot of stuff mostly for um I need to upgrade the barn I need to upgrade my house so I can get casks I need to uh well actually I need to upgrade the barn twice and I need to upgrade the coupe once which means I’m going to need plenty of stone and wood and I need to stock up on bombs because I need to uh start exploring the skull Caverns pretty soon get some aridium so that I can upgrade all of my stuff to aridium stuff do okay we can put this in that’s fine 730 the book sellers in town this is just may leis going like don’t forget Demetrius is your secret friend I couldn’t really forget because he’s sitting right there in the corner of my skill tree so you know um let’s see get the bucket hungus I actually don’t even know how much hay I have 128 ah it’s that’s enough that’s fine no mushroom today there’s no Row in the pond that’s fine go ahead and put away this uh bucket do I have a thing in here for this I do all right let me grab I think I’ve got yeah I’ve got a battery in here oh I’m still holding the sword how silly me B yeah I can just go this way just find the uh box oh here we go what’s in here yeah well inside there’s a note bring our Rainbow Shell to the train platform leave it in the Box do I have a Rainbow Shell I’m not sure may have to wait until summer I’m going to look I do have a Rainbow Shell what do you know I thought ahead place 10 beats inside the mayor’s fridge now that’s going to be a little bit more difficult I don’t think I have 10 beats laying around I mean again I can look and see but I really don’t think I have 10 beats just laying around what where did I get this okay I have a dwarf hat now okay let me go check a fridge cuz I have Beats somewhere but I don’t know how many I have unless I don’t have anywhere I guess not okay I have radishes that’s what I have all righty let’s take a trip to Calico 500 G make sure to at least grab a coconut or a cactus fruit so we can give one to Sandy here you go I wish Sandy was marriageable I’d marry Sandy for by-bye yeah that ain’t permanent they’ll get back up nice for I could go over there and try to kill that bug but it’s pointless they don’t die nice I see a couple of things over here see there’s an aridium slime over there om need geod those are excellent not least of all because you can get the rainbow Shard out of them secret note there’s no better helper than a raisin fed junimo okay that seems oddly specific cave carrots aha ho oh boy I yeah it’s probably better to just play keep away with the mummies instead of trying to fight them all oh that did just drop me a bomb interesting I’ll have to keep that in mind oh I don’t like that oh I don’t like that yeah all right what did I lose L three items for my backpack Emerald copper Stone like the whole reason I went in there I guess it’s not the worst thing to lose I got two Omni ODS out of that though so that’s good not the highest chance in the world that either one of those have uh uh freaking the rainbow Shard but might be worth a try you know ah there goes Santa all right today’s the day I didn’t even go check the book seller um can we make crystal fruit wine we sure can wine just going to sell it nothing in there oop very nice let’s put all this away okay then we can head on down oh we got a mushroom Feast of the Winter Stars begun on the Town Square okay I think it runs from 9 to 2 so we should have plenty of time I’m going to grab hardwood from the forest you know I actually have this with me today I Could Just Kill these guys for okay I’m going run back up to my farm got a pine cone for some reason um we’ve got this we can toss this these go in the fridge one of the fridges I have three and then we go in here grab one of these and be on our way here we go piece of the winner star today is the time to be thankful for next year’s Good Fortune forget your worries for day and relax ooh presents I’m so upset I didn’t win the ice fing competition oh relax what a beautiful tree want to hear legend of the winner star yes in the night sky of winter there’s a bright star only visible from this Valley no one knows why this is but in times of old people would come far and wide to see it they believe that anyone who laid eyes on the winter star would be blessed with Good Fortune some even claim that the mysterious fruit known as stardrop is connected to the winter star in some way Marlin my dude hey good afternoon I join in but I don’t think I’m welcome hi Arie you’re welcome to join our family table if you need company spending time with family is tiring sometimes bro don’t I know it not yet not yet you can wait can we open presents now hi Archie Sam the man I’m thankful for my guitar and my skateboard oh my family I guess it’s not a good time of year for a diet yeah you should have thought about that nothing like a piping hot Feast on a cold win’s day huh oh I’ve had too much nog I’ve met some people who believe in spirits and Magic but me I’ve never seen anything that couldn’t be explained by science you’ve never been to my farm all these happy families but for me just another lonely year a I’m thankful there were no medical emergencies this year what are you hoping to find another Spirit tree h spiced meat is pretty good watering can pair of stylish boots why not hope there’s a new camera for me under this beir tree Fe for some stupid stu oh my aren’t you cold dear it’s freezing now I’ve got ice in my blood oh hello Gus was just telling me about his Artisan candy canes Yan think I’ve had too much cinnamon nog my hello Archie it’s chilly isn’t it it’s a fine art making canes you’ve really got to search for the far wide for the best ingredients they are easy to come by these days I usually use Fern Island ring fruit for my Premier canes you know you can’t beat that bright red coloring and it’s all natural oh you want to know the secret to my Deluxe double can okay but if you but you got to promise absolute secrecy to drop a vanilla in the white candy to compliment the cherry flavor of course peppermint candy comes uh peppermint candy canes are the standard and any just make a healthy batch of those as well hey you look like you’re following asleep are you okay let him be a nerd guys it’s fine powder melon name for the powdery coating that forms on the surface this melon is crisp and sweet with a delicate flavor duck egg cave carrot H decorative axe feel like I don’t need anything here okay strawberry thanks Willie my boy whatever he gonna give me gonna be good I’m your Secret Gift Giver this year here open it water totem or warp totem Beach 25 of them really where did you even get 25 of these bro it’s that much but I hope you like it dude it’s a lot I will happily take that cool is there a wizard hiding somewhere h my sales figures have been phenomenal lately thanks to the Feast of the winter star boy holidays are good for business wonder if I can invent some new ones you can try up here it doesn’t work though H let me see if I can talk to Demetrius now that I don’t have yeah I don’t see the wizard anywhere but nope okay well that was it then yeah 25 entire warp totems that’s like super great right because warp totems are expensive to make like uh let me see so warp totem Beach I need hardwood coral and 10 fiber and hardwood is precious the the other two are pretty easy to get though um fiber wood wild seeds I’ve been told tea saplings are pretty good for money okay I have now five row so we’re going to go ahead and put those in there for Clint the day after Christmas oh that’s a beautiful day want to say thanks for taking an interest in my work here’s a cooking recipe that I like Demetrius want to make fish stew but I need an albore I know they’re almost out of season sorry about the short notice could you catch one for me well I can just go down to the beach and get one at least I think they’re Beach Fish um go to my collection my fish albore that is this one right I mean I’m pretty sure that’s a beach fish but I guess I could look it up let’s see here fish albore ocean yeah yeah yeah yeah what’s the other one I needed puffer fish is summer or all seasons on Ginger Island I needed not a herring tilapia fall H yeah but anyway albore I can get one of those easily oh my God the bounty in here amazing hey look at that got some Oak resin hey the duck give me a duck egg very nice I can make duck mayil and there’s already hey which means they didn’t eat interesting I guess they didn’t feel like they needed to I need this for a bundle no mushroom we definitely got row though I saw that before definitely want to make a second Pond and put lava eel in it I need like five green algae for that I don’t think I have that much yeah I need this for a bundles so just going to go in here I think I’ve only got no I’ve got two two green algae okay let’s go catch an albore for Gus a c cucumber um I guess I can’t guarantee I’ll catch one but I’m going to the beach anyway yeah 80 hardwood o interesting Prismatic slime h I mean I might as well come over here and grab these what that was just too much power come on albor watch it be like it’s a nighttime fish uh 6:00 p.m. to 2: a.m. yeah it is a nighttime fish how long has it been since you chatted I don’t know a little bit at least I don’t have time stamps so I don’t uh been grinding in a one piece inspired game oh nless fossil level 209 nice is woo a w all right bring Leah a sea cucumber where even is Leah I don’t know but I do have a c cucumber I know that much well of course go and look at her cabin got a cut scene oh hi Archie come in come in I’m just working on this sculpture here come here watch this see that I’m revealing the essence of the wood once you get past the outer layers true nature starts to show why why it’s the same with people what oh yeah that’s absolutely right I first visited this Valley as a little girl while on vacation with my parents I knew I had to come back someday this place has great artistic potential although I have to admit it’s not easy to pay the bills as an artist it never is why don’t you have an art show in town huh interesting I guess I could set the wheels in motion to making Pelican town a true art destination what if no one likes my sculptures I’d be crushed I’ll have to think about it well thanks for stopping bye Archie okay I’ll be on my way actually uh I’m here to deliver a c cucumber yay friendship points Stone ooh prehistoric scapula sell cell cell cell cell cell sell and we’ll head over to gunthers I guess and a rusty spoon which we may or may not have already I don’t know we don’t nice what H I guess I can take that on and do it tomorrow let’s see let me check the Prismatic jelly ooh topass oh I see some bubbles over there for just need an albore well this could be it nope that’s a squid you know well that’s not an albore n nah nah hey there we go oh well folks once again we’re gathered for a very special occasion rare visit from a very dear friend my world famous giant omelette zesty bell pepper juicy tomato Rich mushroom and tangy cheese all en robed in a blanket of Rich fluffy egg dig in folks I don’t think the Omelette should be crunchy but really what do you think the mushrooms are a tad cheer than last year is that a good thing IAD it’s great Gus and it tastes even better because it’s on the house these eggs are so rich and yellow Mar at Le from your place nope you can think Archie over a pixel Farm M pixel eggs I’m not even included in that all right Gus you really pulled through with those eggs the helmet turned out great thanks to you something smells like avocor you run it thanks million yep anyway okay cell cell cell cell cell cell cell I don’t need this or that uh I can keep the rest of everything this can go this can go in the fridge okay nice all right what do we got here we got two days bad luck great okay I’m going to take a quick break to go use the bathroom and such I will be right back let me just put up my screen here there we go e e e e e e e e okay let’s go nice for duck mayonnaise all right let’s grab there we go get this hay put it here okay let’s check my other stuff nothing on the stump what about the fish pond we got a row are we full up now we are so I should be getting a quest soon the pil away get rid of this spur that I don’t need okay and then we’re going to run down to the forest try to get some hardwood all right for perfect what’s a Hardwood Supply at now 291 303 nice we have a about 100 more to go before we can repair the boat okay oh we got bread right here cool we’re going to the mines we going to go to level five very nice aha green algae oh now don’t you just look special hey okay let’s read the secret note May leis aams Bounty Mary pumpkin pie meetus Bean Hot Pot Caroline fish taco any other secret notes nope I’ll toss the cherry bomb in here and yeah back to the bus stop I’ll worry about the algae later let’s go to the Wizard’s place hey there old Razzy You’ returned from the hunt I sense that you were successful hand over the jelly and beone I have important work to do yeah yeah that’s a good amount of money a totem nice never gotten the Prismatic jelly before because of bad luck I’m Jelly don’t be jelly be peanut butter then dogs will love you is H yeah now I’m thinking about dog of wisdom eight red slimes I mean yeah I can try it I guess H clay for oo that’s a good find we’ll put that in there I love that little Easter egg I think today is the last day yeah neutral today cranberry candy I don’t have apples wow there’s so many things I can make oh um I’m going to take this bread the specimen you it offered great insight into the minations of the fa beings we call monsters I formulated a pungent Ure that these beings find intoxicating use it with caution monster mask which does something if I could find it there we go draw more monsters out of hiding I yeah I could make that pretty easy um right let me get the pale blackberries for yeah I do want to upgrade the barn eventually cuz I want like goats sheep uh rabbits stuff like that maple syrup hey hey we’ve got a quest all right I want starfish H recommend getting hearts with Shane if you haven’t started for the chance to get blue chickens I think it fits the wizardly aesthetic I that is the plan yes I do want blue chickens I also want void chicken I also have a dinosaur incubating currently I love having all the animals it’s I just it’s it’s just great yeah know favorite because you own chickens IRL nice I honestly just like the swirly tail on them and the fact that they’re blue why am I going down oh wait yeah I know why I’m going down that way I need hardwood that’s why I’m going down that way also to check the traveling Merchant got baby geese in my room right now lol I love getting animals and then I forget to do anything else you know it’s all good that sounds very cute though coffee beans yeah I’ll take that all right you’re all a bit too excited yay Hardwood for I don’t know how many coffee bean seeds I have oh just just one other one I’m just trying to keep track because I’ve got some yeah takes 208 days to reduce IMM mature peach tree bears fruit in the summer only grows if the eight surrounding tiles are empty broccoli is fall cauliflower is spring uh coffee spring and summer um and then I think we’ve got carrot seeds spring okay cuz I definitely want to uh ooh my row is done age super cucumber row perfect okay I need to go to like level 90 what the heck the heck happened here that’s not normal this is the Cory mine this isn’t the regular mine what’s it doing in the regular mine I’m just here looking for red slimes man y’all ain’t helping for freaking heck man mega bomb well that’s fun come on just give me a ladder I want to get out of here of course not there we go good Lord that was a scary scary floor of the uh mines I don’t need anything else here I think I basically have the best boots in the game though I have the space boots um I mean I see plenty of gold door which is great and all but I am actually looking for red slimes cuz I have a quest okay there’s a couple there’s yeah there’s like two of them and I need to kill eight of them so uh I have a ways to go still I see a third one over there oh there’s another one I am bleeding better eat this bread oh that didn’t help all that much what else can I midnight dog jacket feel like I’ve had this before I don’t have any other food that I can eat that’s not ideal are we on the final day of this oh boy yeah we’re not going to make it cuz it’s already 8:20 I’m not going to be able to complete it and turn it in yeah I better just go I better just go I end up losing things that are important wait I can just cut to here there we go okay now it’s going to be spring yeah Kent’s birthday which means he’s coming back all righty uh hello there my name’s Kent I just got back last night from overseas my wife told me that a new farmer had moved in while I was gone well I just wanted to introduce myself I’ll see you around okie dokie Kent Kent’s one of my favorites he’s sweet when talking about the new farmer yeah he’s he’s an interesting character hello there dear I hope your farm is doing well I’m sending you a little something from my kitchen now I hope it doesn’t crumble in the mail price of raw materials at Robin shop and Clint shop has increased gee thanks that’s what I wanted to hear okay well I do need to get rid of all this cuz it’s in the way for let’s also get rid of these rocks okay rid of this stuff that’s in here that’s something going to cause me worries later Cherry nice that do remind me though I need to make sure before I end the day I do plant the peach tree that we have uh I could put feed in here but instead doing that I’m just going to open the door and they can come themselves on ground as much as they want since it is now warm enough outside yeah there’s nothing hiding behind these buildings perfect didn’t actually bring the pale with me that’s fine though okay we’ve got some stuff happening over here got to be real careful around here cuz I don’t want to do that that the thing that I just did I didn’t want to do that we got our mushroom tree back okay this is a rock I’m not going to go through and get every little thing because I have to plant some seeds I’ll work on specifically cutting out debris later okay let’s go ahead and put this stuff away no wait I do need to be back in there put the mixed seeds away okay let’s go to Pierre’s we’re going to pick up some seeds okay now I think the best seeds to make money before you get strawberry seeds is the potatoes so that’s mostly what I’m going to get um there fruit in Spring B fruit in spring summer summer fall fall okay uh I’m go ahead and get the orange sapling as well we will get maybe 20 of these going to get like mostly potatoes feel like 200’s a good number that might be too much but I’m going to get let’s see that many we’ll get like 10 of these um how much kale do we want 20 is probably fine same with garlic probably about 20 wow I still have a lot of money left over let’s grab this dehydrator recipe and I might as well since I’m here grab the appropriate amount of wheat for my bundle and I’m hoping that’ll do hhe head ducky now for for for for so I love having the golden hoe it’s even better to have the aridium one but I don’t have aridium bars yet this is way more helpful for yeah this one’s right next to the pond I’ll probably just put rice shoots on okay what do I have for fertilizer cuz I have some 75 quality fertilizer 30 Deluxe speed grow Leaf production um cuz I’ve also got 10 carrots and I want to try planting one of these I don’t know if they grow in Spring I’ve got these two so let me grab kale let me grab the garlic uh carrots Coffee Bean one ancient seed um then we’ll start planting the potatoes H I might have underestimated the amount of potatoes I need I thought uh 200’s a lot I’m looking at this going there’s no way I’m going to fill up this whole field with 200 potatoes I should have gone for 500 oh well we going to leave that space alone again everything right next to the pond we’re just leaving alone got these Bean starters which we’ll put here that one’s not going to get watered also it’s interrupting something else uh okay okay I need to it’s absolutely necessary get this out of my way orange sapling now I have a peach sapling on me takes an entire season to grow so planning it late sucks I’m going to end up passing out in my field unless I bring a camping well no too late what the heck strange sound was heard in the night yeah you’re telling me I didn’t Commit This to Memory okay there’s nothing going on now selling higher quality fertilizers you’re unconscious and someone was searching your Pockets I have no idea how much money they took uh they ran away as soon as I approached be more careful yeah well okay where’s my watering can cuz this is mostly going to be fine but this stuff uhhuh weird little alien pod a okay so I believe if I put this here it should be fine and then by the time spring is over uh we will have in theory trees that will uh me doing stuff in the summer growing fruits yeah I need a starfish I don’t know where to get I mean I know where to get a starfish and I don’t know where to get that I know you can get them on the beach but I’m trying to remember if you pick them up on the beach or if you have to get them out of the uh Crab Pot I want this all cleared up over here so I can see if it’s basically just to see if they’re spreading seeds over here is really what I’m look really what I’m looking for um cuz I don’t want them to outside of where those where they or I’ve got them there uh I think that’s most of the debris I mean there’s a couple things over here but yeah I feel mostly we’ve got everything I say that but I’m sure I’m missing something somewhere okay so I want to look at something it takes to make a sapling takes fiber wood and wild seeds what does it take to make wild seeds though just forage h interesting we can put this back in there I guess I’m not going to use it oh that’s such a good point I have ways to make up well I’ll I’ll worry about that in a little bit okay didn’t think about this before but I do have these mixed seeds which and actually before I go too far where’s my rice PRS rice shoot we we are going to put these here there we go this is what I’ll use to make up the difference of what I don’t have uh I can put these here it’s fine they’ll get watered wow I even used up all of my mix seeds uh okay let me water these real quick okay so what does it take to make I need wood coal iron bar maple syrup do I have iron bars I do okay what do I have for maple syrup got two right so coal iron bar wood make two be houses one there put one there and then we have these mixed flower seeds I don’t really have to put one in front of each one I can put one and it would cover all of them but you know why not get creative okay I’m going to look this up because I want to know starfish okay how about we look up Crab Pot and see what spawns in the Crab Pot ah I have to dig it up from an artifact spot well isn’t that fun for hey green algae all right yeah spring I can get spring onions I get this here give me more green algae I think that actually gave me enough to make another fish pond maybe no it’s only two I think I only have two already so I need one more potentially I don’t actually know the exact numbers I have to look o and yes I am in fact hoping a giant cauliflower spawns over here I just want to see one okay so we’re going to put dandelion horseradish in here um I don’t think we have Morales at all oh I do have a hole here so we’ll just put him right in there um oh no that’s five that’s enough to make a fish pond again am I going to get a second owl statue wait rainy day tomorrow awesome okay let’s throw this in let’s pet the cat grab all the appropriate stuff here give me my watering can my pale oh I got a common mushroom down there grab that and grab the mushroom Over Yonder okay everything looks fine there I get my my pale here we go not actually sure where my duck is at the moment oh there you are let me just take this put it in there yeah I’m just waiting for those all to grow up there is another Al statue over here what the heck dude that’s two of them in this play through I’ve never gotten that many put those away where did I put the other L statue anyway cuz I know I have one it’s probably in one of the yeah like right there Stone owl I’ve got two of them now that’s that event was supposed to be really rare and I’ve gotten it twice okay so there is something I kind of want to do how many of these do I think I’m going to need maybe like 30 let’s see cut back these I want to do just as like preventative maintenance somehow I don’t think 30 will actually be enough but we’ll see I think putting them here might potentially be really bad for me yeah that’s going to not allow me to access anything unless I have a gate but no I think I can leave that there as is just fine but and then I can come down here do a little yeah I need a little bit more than 30 that’s fine go 15 okay there and I don’t need to uh okay let me grab where’s my regular wood oh there we go hey that wine is done grab you let me grab you Crystal fruit wine fantastic thck um all right oh I just noticed something else I got to take care of it’ll be fine I want to go see Robin hi there construct farm buildings here we go build I want to build another Pond right next to this one and I am dreadfully low on Stone I want to upgrade more buildings but uh I don’t have like any stone so I need to go mining there is some things I want to take care of first you know what I wonder if lonus would like some wine no I don’t want I want to give it to lonus yeah man have some wind I know nobody gives you that that’s the good I could have sold it but like might I just give it to lonus I don’t know he’s cool okay so leaks horseradish dandelion daffodil this is what I need to make oops do I have any more dandelions in here I probably do I don’t what about in here nope okay cool well I’m going to make as much of those as I can which is basically none yeah wow I need more dandel lands I’m just going to put these in here okay all right there’s some things I want to know so yeah pigs is something I’m going to need at some point LOM is something need this cheese press it’s going to take 10 hardwood oh man guess I can make easily the dehydrator okay all all right clearly I need to make some copper bars cuz there’s stuff that needs copper bars I have plenty of copper so let’s just do that um I would like to make a cheese press so I’ll get stone wood hard wood copper I think that’s what I need yeah so there’s a cheese press I could make more but I don’t really feel like it uh clay and Fire Quartz oh yeah just wood clay and Fire Quartz so I don’t need the stone I’ll get the wood again but I definitely have Fire Quartz and I definitely have Clay dehydrator all right I I will definitely make more of each of these at a later time but right now I feel like putting them sort of in here is appropriate okay so milk you can make cheese the dehydrator we can make where is five pieces I see so we put five blueberries in here I do bombs require comper bars or just copper neither it’s iron ore and Co gold solar Essence voice I feel like this is almost easier to make cuz I do have void Essence and solar Essence but I guess not that many yeah and I think tomorrow I will move the mayonnaise machine indoors as well I feel like it’ll fit better in my house um um let’s go to hey Dandelion I need that go to the Quarry let’s go down here yeah cuz I don’t think this is I don’t remember if this has multiple levels or if it’s just one long maze that eventually leads to something I remember the reward I think was really good for this but uh oh lordy okay we got him oh that’s a lot of skulls come here come on for oh why now come on okay let me eat this chocolate cake yeah okay I’m just looking at the time I don’t think I’m making it not to day that’s fine though I can come back another time h ah cheese nice very nice dried berries okay so the cheese I’m going to put right in the fridge and we will toss another cheese in uh um we’ll go for blackberry wine now these I want to see how much these go for hey look at that our carrots are ready are carrots used in any particular recipe let’s find out go to the wiki look up carrots carrots can be used in the SP of a sewing machine with cloth carrot is not used in any recipes um it can be made into carrot juice and pickled carrots well that sounds like something I can just sell quite frankly for I need the pale okay don’t have to worry about watering anything down there oh yes that’s right Robin will be that’s annoying yeah I thought as much this is supposed to be mahogany and then that’s supposed to be the weird trees oh look it’s honestly probably for the best if I keep the grass away from here too all right a baby lizard hatched Tacho froa gratio wbus I’m going to take this with me and it’s going to go in my house in the meantime I’m going to take this and put it there let them have some food yeah this is got to have like excuse me oh yeah I’ve almost completely refilled it is that thing I guess we can close these for now hey hey I see M there’s more Moss m is fantastic cuz it lets me get better bait I’ll take that for yeah so I remember in the older days of stardo or in previous versions the play would be to get the greenhouse and then fill the greenhouse with um starf fruit and then just make that your like constant Like Money Maker basically however I I think since they added Ginger Island the Strat is now to just plant so much starf fruit on Ginger Island oh hello what do we got now looking for big old water bug guts they’re juicier they better at least that’s what the crabs seem to like H 100 pieces should do the trick rare and Powerful goop known as ectoplasm H well it’ be a lot easier to do the bug one I had now that’s good uh sure okay DED starfish ah just Stone anything over here wow I don’t know if I can get a 100 WS bug GS in 4 days just from the mines but I can surely try nice put that in there cheese it reminds me we can go ahead and this in here stick that in there now let me put away The Milk Pail actually like this’s better yeah let’s like this better place is to go I’m in bug hunt mode oh there we go Justice said there’s no way you can do an evil playthrough on anything I mean if you don’t feel like being an you know that slime’s got something sneakers which I don’t need at all oh yeah come here left up right up left uh okay I don’t really know what that’s supposed to mean it’s fine I’ll figure it out later um sneakers got two more rice shoots that I can put next to here we go look at that okay we’ve got another secret note creatures known uh by some as Forest Spirits or junimos they should to appear in abandoned buildings after they’ve gone to seed as a general Ro when humans leave and nature begins to reclaim their her territory the junimos will undoubtedly appear F wisdom holds that the junimos display some kind of Resident Affinity with gemstones that are placed inside their little Huts also it’s said that raisins are their favorite food but they are too shy to take them directly from the hand of course all these claims come from dubious unverified sources as far as I know even the more exist even the M existence of these creatures has never been proven well I can sure prove it okay put those in the dehydrator that’s going to give me raisins in fact egg milk all right it’s worth 400 gold the blueberries for for okie dokie raisins said to be the Juno’s favorite food okay well we’ve got egg milk and we got five more grapes we can put in here I want to know how much the raisins are worth hello there dear I hope your Farm’s doing well iing you a little something from my kitchen now but didn’t crumble in the mail we’re just going to put this way down here okay parsnips now this might seem a little bit silly but I’m actually not going to sell these parsnips or the garlic I’m just going to stick them in my fridge the the money-making crop this season is uh potatoes so that’s what I’m going to sell the rest of these I want to keep around for various recipes I see that my um second fish pool or fish pool fish pond is completed you think I’d have this down by now give me the pale in fact take the watering can cuz I’m not going to need it uh put this here did the cage break yet no okay let them out cool we’ve got that we’ve got this guy over here even us a row I should check my boxes and see if I have a dried starfish anywhere I don’t think I would cuz I feel like I would have got rid of it like cuz it’s just an artifact right okay honey garlic parsnips feel like that unlocks more recipes for me now Look parsnip soup for example grab whoops okay didn’t I have warp totems for the beach I do dang it it’s just rocks we’ve got the traveling carts rare seed I’ll take that I think that’s the first time I’ve seen a rare seed in this whole playr it’s crazy that’s the fishing ble not the sword in all right yeah that’s the first rare seed I’ve gotten 342 I’m almost there yeah for oh boy I’ve managed to get 14 you know what let me try something real quick just real quick feel like it’s something I ought to do in this case is it’ll probably make things easier I’ve got this and I’ve got this I should be able to make this yeah okay bridal veil okay well I don’t see bugs anywhere so that sucks oh there we go for go hell yeah all right where am I at now 34 out of 100 that’s way better you got a witch hat dope I’m just like fully going bugs guts and Glory right now that’s funny oh yeah how much closer am I to 48 out of 100 oh yeah we don’t want to go there for all right all right I should go for HIIT something behind the community center if you can read this come to the secret Woods please bring mayap pill syrup oh there’s a bear I remember that I have to wait uh until a maple syrup cuz I don’t have any right now dang bro raisins over 600 that’s pretty good all right well it’s past midnight now so I’m going to call it there for today but uh I should be back next week with more hopefully on Sunday when I’m supposed to stream we’ll see um but yeah thanks everybody for watching and I’ll see you next time bye-bye

#stardewvalley #comfygames #wholesomegames #farmingsimulator #fishing #cavediving #combat #magic

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