I love the new Ticket Meta – Stardew Valley [Modded 1.6 Update!]

H we back we back we back in it’s Sunday beautiful morning the spirits are annoyed but we’re going to learn how to make klaw I really don’t like klaw klaw is really gross to me oh look at our cute little farm we have such a cute little farm will the animals also be named Pokémon names we could right now we started with the two chickens they are named papaya and peachy and I I don’t think I can rename those cuz they’re so cute good morning good morning you only like coaa from KFC I don’t think I’ve ever had klaa from KFC again I really don’t like I really don’t like colaw though I find it to be too watery and sweet who are I Romancing who am I not Romancing am I right we got all the mods on here we got the poly mod we got r we got expanded you know I’m going for all the guys all the guys and gals okay so I got one two 3 4 5 6 7 1 two 3 four 5 6 seven eight okay I got eight places [Music] um I still need cauliflower okay um okay I got my Eggies uh okay I need these guys I need those okay we’re almost there still need a lot more seeds though okay do I have the Elliot into aarion mod I don’t I’ve heard about it though I’ve seen I’ve seen people talk about it though oh today’s a Sunday store hell yeah hello do you like anything you like potato have a potato I should really like try ew you like mayonnaise you’re not eating my mayonnaise um I should really try to befriend everybody before we shut down the community center um haly and Ma’s birthday okay oh an iron bar who the [ __ ] is Jacob let’s think about that let’s think about that I do want I really do want that um ticket cuz the next ticket we get is going to be a um a tree and I really want that tree escarp okay did I save these um junk chest I did okay I did save a green bean okay I guess I could give you a large egg you like large eggs right yeah here you go one large egg just for you okay I do want to befriend Carolyn but she’s she’s in her bedroom which you know sucks um we’re going to work on friendship this time but we’re also going to try to Bone everybody we’re going to try to do everything just a little bit of everything right oh hello working on your sculptures okay Move Along go on Andy don’t look okay there you go oh we we we’ve seen this skip there you go we know kobis is in there I need to build a um I need to build a recycling bin help me out oh thank you niy for that mod list yeah so some of those mods are active and some are inactive um but most of them are pretty active battery pack bream pale L I do need a pale L pickles I’m I’m like tempted to buy a pale ale because we do need one for the community center and it’s going to be a while before I get Brewery but like I can make that myself like a lot of these things I can make myself I guess I’ll buy a battery just to start you know just to start the whole battery hoarding okay so I just need one more ore and I can do that thing for the iron so let’s let’s do that let’s do that let’s get the ore looking at the food in this game makes you hungry hell yeah right I want some hash browns all right let’s go get the ore first what I love about the backpack or the the chest anywhere mod is that I can have it cook immediately while we’re away and then I can give it to Jacob immediately just check that there we go uh let me know how the sound is guys uh shop iron ore okay and then we got to go to junk chest ores take you out there we go need to upgrade my tools as well do I have oh I do have stuff okay we should upgrade our tools so we can get into places like that one we need to upgrade our our pickaxe and regular axe so we can get that golden trash can over there there’s lots of good stuff up here I need money though I need some money all right what else are we doing I you know what I should really use that to-do list mod cuz I have no idea what I was doing last time okay oh yeah let’s grab this okay there we go and then we’ll just wait for it to cook so Jacob lives in eastar so let’s go to East scarp you’re so happy with the update all the tools can be aridium but one can be enchanted ooh I didn’t know that that’s cool okay is there any changes over here how long does it take to cook I hope we could do this right away let’s see oh in two days okay I don’t have to do this in two days okay Jacob we’ll get you your iron whenever it’s ready Jacob was Anna’s vet hate husband I think it still is Anna’s vet hate husband he needs iron so uh we’ll figure that out you know I should probably like cut down some trees I’m trying to remember what I was doing last time there you go there you are let’s cut down some trees can I cut down some trees in here maybe not d okay let’s check the beach let’s com the beach got to do some beach coming that that get that um I think I think we already checked that off the list on the uh fish tank right yeah we did okay so fish chest we just throw these in here for right now I was doing community requests for tickets and Mining hell yeah well we got that request for Jacob so we’ll definitely do that we also need a lot more [Music] um uh what do you call them they’re not weeds they’re B basically weeds what are these things called fibers we need more fibers for that um Community Center thing we also need 10 seeds of each I cut you down I can you thinking of Space Balls when I say comb the beach you got to comb the desert what did you find wait found [ __ ] fair this is stard do expanded with 1.6 cutting down some trees cuz we need all the stuff for it oh there’s the axe too okay um let’s grab that yeah so like when the the update came out all the mod makers were pretty quick on the the draw of like updating their own mods I have a feeling that concerned ape like allowed them to look at some of the code early because like they did it fast like super fast um but that’s like one of the coolest things I like about stardew is that the mod makers are just so quick and amazing and they obviously talk to each other and work with each other to make sure that all their mods work hand in hand so it was really cool when that happened oh I do have a cauliflower oh wh then I should turn that in yeah the smaller mods haven’t worked but like the really really big ones like um expanded Ridgid stuff like that those really um larger mod packs that do a lot of like big changes those ones definitely got patched quickly let’s see um he told the mods that they should have an okay time with the update he was really nice to the modding Community yeah I I mean like I feel like stardew is the modding Community really helped keep the game alive and I think that’s the reason why concern dape was so nice with like working with them think hell yeah okay now that should open up the other ones nice do I have any I don’t think I have anything else I don’t okay okay we still got fishies the mining one’s always quick but we we also remed it so let’s see what it changed that’s not too bad that’s easy yeah that’s really easy too we just have to get down to the fire area to get some fire quartzes but we might see one earlier we might it’s a big M it’s a big Maybe oh my God I’m stuck I’m stuck I don’t think you’re odd Majestic I think if you like playing a vanilla that’s completely fine and you know everybody has their own different play Styles oh God damn it [Music] um and yeah I think it’s completely fine if you play a game you know the way you like to play it I personally like playing it [Music] um like this let’s see I don’t know if I want to give you any of those things I personally like playing with mods because I feel like I need to have a little bit more when I play games um and it’s not because like I feel like vanilla is just boring I think it’s really good but I also like having small quality of life stuff like the automate mod which allows me to automatically like um pickle furnace and Brew um I also like being able to sort of date whoever I want to date without having any constrictions okay how do I make you I need an iron bar well that’s done okay we’ll get one next time you like the MAA add to cooking and add more crops yeah for sure okay so today’s the first day of like a new event we should go see what that is sberry season okay good good good good good good oh we forgot to buy forgot to buy seeds whoops okay okay Evelyn I know how to I know how to do stuff Evelyn sheesh sheesh um okay okay should definitely plant some more things okay let’s get some more water oh I need the bus to go do this event oh okay that’s fine it’s a desert Festival no that’s fine oh I got a sberry from that nice that’s cool I guess we’ll just not participate in the Festival this year next year okay okay let’s do that one that one we go we still need a lot of stuff okay we’re buying stuff we’re going to buy 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight we’re going to buy eight things maybe eight potatoes eight parsnips thank you it’s wild to see speedrunner types get the bus for festival one year oh my gosh yeah it does sound wild oh I don’t have any strawberries for you at least I could talk to you and say hello I love you I love you Kenneth it’s Olivia’s birthday oo do I have a large mouth bass largemouth bass where do I get them from let’s see that one that [Music] one so it seems like the forests I could definitely get both if I get both do I get like two tickets I hope so one two three 4 5 6 7 eight yeah eight potatoes okay Mountain Lake let’s go we go uh this is perfect cuz I can also give um Robin her bamboo or not her bamboo Bamboo her axxe I can give her a bamboo let’s give that to Robin first before I forget Robin thank you there we go getting that money do you like salmon berries you like salmon berries here you go lonus have a sberry no don’t eat it give it to him [Music] okay oh little bear it’s so cute I love how they keep changing all the The Bobs the Bobbers come on fishy I don’t have all day fish come on let’s go you better be a bass I can’t do this all day [ __ ] chub I can’t do this all day guys got to you got to show up quicker faster let’s go also got to talk to Jacob got a lot of things to do right give me the bass hello okay okay okay okay um junk chest orse wait no fish there you [Music] go been watching our old play through of the forest you’re enjoying it you’ll never play that game but you enjoy watching other people play it yeah that game is so fun it’s so ridiculous um I am rolling that bear a lot Bear’s not giving me any good fish though feel at just been getting a lot of chubs um come on bass uh the forest is like super ridiculous it’s such a silly game oh carp we do got to save them children’s it’s true oh my God the second one is even like sillier with all the new things that they added to the game like cars and gliders and little Segways I feel like Segways are like the new mode of transportation in games there we go cuz [ __ ] Final Fantasy 7 has a segue um Yakuza infinite wealth has Segways it’s so funny and now sons of the forest has that segue where you’re just like literally like zooming around okay so up here one the be the B the B and a crash in the collider is so funny they’re those games are great they’re so funny I love them so much uh oh that’s right um I have not giving you my green bean do you like daffodils you love daffodils here you go okay it’s going to be a while before we get to two stars with her or two hearts hell yeah okay got that do I still get a ticket from this one I better get a ticket from this one I was promised a ticket let’s deliver this one first maybe I will get I don’t know maybe it’s just hey beatress I’ll get a start towards the next ticket ah it promised me a ticket I wanted two tickets well at least now we’ll get our tree we should figure out where we want to put our tree um ores oops okay so Jacob’s a vet I feel like the vet is up here oh hello Eloise I think this is the vet yeah this is the vet you’re Jacob right here you go oh my God that that parakeet actually scared me that parakeet actually that that goddamn parrot scared me I was not prepared for it to Screech at me like that how dare you all right let’s uh that okay let’s go back to Louis’s place look at these little birds hi Birds bye Birds oh I sees you you know I don’t think I’ve met Rosa who lives here yeah [Music] melon juice I want some melons Rosa from fro chosa Rosa from chosa okay okay okay Rosa okay bye Rosa it’s nice meeting you me let me do a formal meeting there we go oh my god do you see these pancakes and cies right here oh my God I want some of those I want some of those I want pancakes I want I want like yeah pancake sounds good all right let’s get our ticket let’s get our tree I’m not sure what tree it was I think it was an orange tree I think it was orange we’ll find [Music] out nothing that trash can check this trash oh hello you always got to check your trash cans here we go one day I’ll buy the uh the other backpack one day when I have a little bit more money cookies Louis you are so [ __ ] wasteful I’m sorry tree ooh what is this what is that I got an orange tree it bears fruit in the summer so we’ll have some oranges before the um before the end of summer very excited it’s an amazing tea I want that tea oh my God speaking of tea I want some tea right now isn’t it your birthday it was yesterday I don’t care care I clearly don’t care we should get more chickens God damn it of course you’re not here okay cool yeah if we plant this now we’ll have some oranges by Midsummer very exciting where should we put this tree let’s think about this let’s let’s zoom out a bit maybe we can have like an orchard right here that’d be cute right we’ll put the orchard here so we’ll start with you right here there you go perfect let’s zo him back in there we go let’s plant these potatoes planting potatoes I need to buy a book from Mary that allows me to shop when she’s not there yeah I do yeah I do I need that right now uh let’s put you away let’s put I’m in the junk chest right now okay she sells it day one ooh I didn’t know that I imagine it costs quite a lot though you know they amazing things in the price boxes oh my gosh I’m very excited about those I like the idea of like loot boxes like all over the place that just sounds so cool oh it’s the start of year two okay speaking of year 2 I should go up to um ridgeside and see if they have any year 2 seeds cuz I do know that that one guy has some to be fair though I don’t think I really need it because my community center doesn’t have it but it’d be nice to check okay this is really full we’ll sell those we also really need to get the um or Silo I think we can get the silo once I get one more clay yeah oh I also need more Stone [ __ ] let’s eat this cookie let’s get some more trees going let’s cut down some more trees we should definitely take a trip to the mines tomorrow we really want to get our um sprinklers too cuz we really want to get that in order God I need a lot of stuff we’re need some Stone we’re need um we definitely need the silo cuz we we we’re running low on chicken supplies and by chicken supplies I mean hey okay oh okay use your two build uh two silos and get a coupon a Barn yeah well in this one you start off with the coupe with the meadow you actually get a free CPE oh kitty cat oh I didn’t pet you today there’s some water oh I need to pet my cat every day too what holy [ __ ] what is this oh my God that’s so many loot boxes excuse me I can find them now [ __ ] yes is that like an event or is that scripted cuz that’s amazing I have the battle pass I have the power okay let’s go water our plants oh okay thanks Pier got to water all these plants oh oh my God what if I found a battle battle pass what if I found a loot box over here I’d be so happy chickens chins okay I should sell these chins oh yeah I need a gold one [Music] uh let’s see 12 days actually have a lot of CIF fire there’s a good chance I might get a gold one from one of these also I feel like it’s now time to BU get that backpack oh somehow missed that one okay let’s go to Pi drop some stuff off let’s put this in the ores there we go [Music] um let’s go to Pier let’s sell some [ __ ] uh let’s keep like two cauliflower just in case we need another one uh [Laughter] we’ll take a couple of carrots with us cuz carrots are good take a Jo Cola cuz it makes us fast it has certain activation conditions if you gotten the second prize ticket that would been takeen till summer oh cool you’re moving your F around and if you cut down a fruit tree it gives you the sapling back and it keeps the quality that’s amazing I love that oh I could definitely kill four slimes you kidding me I can kill four slimes I got it do you like anything that I have you like mayonnaise here you go no don’t drink the mayonnaise here give it to him okay okay let me in let me in that’s so cool I love that you can get your saplings back that was like one of the things I was always nervous about doing oh is this the Morris one I don’t care I don’t care about that okay um let’s do if I buy this today and it takes 12 days to grow will I actually get it on 28th spring 28 or will I be a day off so I’m I’m contemplating it yes okay perfect okay let’s get the backpack cool all right we just got to make sure that we um plant it [Music] tonight just wondering if you had something better but you don’t that’s fine okay oh Carolyn Caroline likes carrots do I have any more daffodils I do okay here we go excuse me I need to talk to your mom excuse me okay we’re on track of getting two two hearts with her before the end of spring okay let’s go to the mines oh there’s another daffodil there’s another daffodil Excuse me give me that okay all right I I should save my soda I should save my soda pop oh you know what I also should do let’s upgrade my um let’s upgrade the axe let’s get that started then I’ll get one step closer to uh getting that that thing that trash can upgrade tools thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay got to kill some slimes wait if we go like this can we see if we can see any um loot boxes dropped any loot boxes like I’m just contemplating just playing it like this just so I can see loot boxes maybe there’s some like just hanging out in the world like I like being able to see everything you know this is really nice and cool oh if I cut down trees and stuff so they’re not just kind of like hanging out in the background okay okay okay okay okay I thought maybe like some might just be like around okay oh is this about the landslide I don’t care I don’t even care whatever you have to say Louis I don’t care you go lonus I have not come to ridicule you I came to talk to you and tell you how awesome you are cool I’ll find them randomly fishing and get them through you get most of yours through fishing okay well it was worth trying you know just to see zoom in just a little bit more there we go okay uh let’s put away most of those no give back my carrots and it’s most like the carrots carrots are really good oh my gosh who was that oh wait let me kill this fly Reaper thank you so much for that resub y’all drop them Bears you guys oh my God there we go that’s one slime nice okay got to kill all these slimes nice oh uh ores that sometimes there’s good stuff in here like a cave carrot or clay or another cave carrot another cave carrot another cave carrot another cave carrot okay all we just need to kill two more slims oh yep I need a lot of that clay if we’re going to make silos we got to get some clay hit it there we go like one set looks close uh you’ve been getting so many close since the update you got a perfect outfit for the spring festival one looks closer together and the drops new seeds and the other side is spaced out a bit more oh interesting okay I like how there’s just so much new stuff now with this update I love it get out of here stup bug stupid bug stinky bug I need some of these cave carrots here soon okay I feel like once I get towards like 40 I should probably contemplate um upgrading my uh pickaxe cuz yeah that’d be really good for those uh 40 areas got to eat all these [Music] seeds ooh nice ah come back here perfect I love when the the the monsters break the or find you the ladder it’s like my favorite thing cuz then I that doesn’t like waste as much energy for me and I get a ladder die oh there’s a lot of lad ladders over here ooh a lot of ladders over here any Dougies over here no Dougies let’s grab this guy down here and I missed the music let’s eat this guy there we go oh it looks like I already got here yeah I already I already grabbed that coal from here not today ooh okay so we’re on floor 29 we just need one more floor and then we’ll be in the dark zones I feel like after this I should go back and just go to the lower levels so that we can um find some more green slimes and get that Quest out of the way [Music] let’s find this uh ladder first where is the ladder there you are nice okay let’s go down to like five see there’s one there’s two perfect that’s what we needed nice okay we should we should quit for today uh let’s grab as much rocks though as we can Stones cuz we could use those stones for building the silo Jesus yeah we really need to upgrade our pickaxe that took too long that took far too long all right okay okay okay okay okay I feel I know I feel exhausted it’s fine I’m leaving I’m leaving oh look how cute his area is oh there’s flowers and stuff in there oh that’s so cute that’s so cute give me that oh I love being able to drink the cola and go fast got to go fast got to go burn here we go all right tomorrow tomorrow I’ll buy more chickens we’ll get some more chimpin tomorrow okay cool cool cool uh in here then I got a seed oh that’s right we also bought um cauliflowers oops mean to do that um I just wanted to make four of these two three four perfect okay we could sell that one okay uh no I need where is where did I put my watering there you are excuse me excuse me how did I am I having issues right now how did I how do I go back oh my God I can’t remember how to scroll thank you God I literally had a moment where my brain just farted and I couldn’t remember how to scroll God damn oh my goodness that was a super brain fart that was a super brain fart I literally was pressing every single button I’ve been doing it this entire time I don’t even think about it then the moment I try to think about it that’s when it screwed me Good Humor okay oh I love it oh my God my cat melted good morning chickies chick babies I need to get some more chickens [Music] yeah I need to get some more of you guys okay cool I had to double check cuz I’m never I’m never sure of myself [Music] be something cool to find at the Hat Mouse today ooh I guess I’m going to the Hat Mouse [Music] today all these parsnips got some stobs oh strawberries for [Music] buffan cuz buffan loves some strawberries uh I said I was going to keep two of those we’ll sell the rest okay hat Mouse what’s at the Hat Mouse [Music] today God there’s so many trees I need to cut down God there’s so many things to do let me grab these me grab these let me grab this oh excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me let me grab this look how pretty that is oh my God what is oh it’s a any one is that some [ __ ] gold did I find a leprechaun is that a leprechaun gold excuse me how much is this worth excuse me holy [ __ ] ex excuse me okay what it’s St Patrick’s Day oh my gosh I guess it is right that makes sense that makes total sense it’s true 17th of spring I had no idea that is hilarious I like how I got some gold from it too that’s amazing I love that they had like a little Rainbow that’s so cute I like that that was really cute you know cuz I’ve always found leprechaun shoes at the train tracks and I you know that was like the most you ever see about a leprechaun but now I got the full fullon hat now this is so cool does a westbon like anything other than just magical [ __ ] wasbin you do like a parsnip I don’t have anything magical but I can give you a parsnip cuz I love you okay okay that’s all you say okay well that’s fine at least we got to talk a little bit goodbye good chat good chat this a hat for me or the cat I know right oh the cat would be so cute in this the cat would be so cute in this hat if only blue would wear real hats blue hates wearing hats he reluctantly puts up with it you know oh yeah Marne Marne you better be [ __ ] in here yes hello purchase animals 800 okay I’m guess I’m just getting one chicken okay so we had papaya we had peachy we’ll call this one we’ll do one more names we’ll do this one this is coconut coconut I love it we we have a theme they’re all fruits fruit names chickens get fruit names okay where is my cat where is my stinky little cat oh there you are wrong one uh oh my god oh he’s so cute he’s like take this hat off me right now mother oh he’s so cute oh he’s so cute I love him he’s like hiding he’s like don’t look at me don’t look at me oh I think I petted him I think the moment I put the Hat on I petted him my God I can’t seem I don’t know how to drink water right now let’s go sell some stuff oh that’s right Piers is closed on Wednesdays [ __ ] Pierre but buff Ian’s here I love you buffan oh it’s be’s birthday three carps got it okay uh okay who do I have to talk to about the green slime Lewis okay okay get that okay so now now if I do this Car Quest I should get some tickets so let’s go fishing [Music] [Music] let’s get some carbs do I have the axe upgraded I just upgraded it yesterday so I’ll get it tomorrow we just sent it to Clint yesterday [Music] so today is just going to be a either go to the mine or fish but we are doing the thing for Willies so that should be our third ticket or our third Quest so we should be getting a ticket from this one oh little minnow a come on get me a carp get me three carps this feels Carp Is nope that was a chub carps are like the minnows they’re kind of lazy they just kind of like sit at the bottom let’s go let’s buy the stuff this feels like a minnow yeah I knew it minnow oh sorry sorry y’all every time I click out of the window by accident it closes stardew it doesn’t close it it just minimizes it this feels more like carp yep [Music] carp well minnows are just little tiny guys they’re just little baby guys they’re little tiny ones they’re just little babies oh this is a chub this is a chub I knew it I like how you can kind of tell what kind of fish you have based on how excited they are oh oh it’s gone wish she had some bubbles so make it go so so much more faster we also still need to get the smoker um we were on track of getting it I don’t think I ever got the cave jelly let’s see did I ever get the cave jelly no I still need the cave jelly and it was like I think it was also like 1600 or 15,000 it was something ridiculously large it was a lot of cash 10K it’s a lot of money I mean it’s not that much money but it’s a lot of money for early game that’s a lot of money bear bear give me that carp attract the carp bear that’s not a carp that’s not a carp bear [Music] it’s true it’s a lot of money to not spend on seeds I think the silo is a th000 how much do the silos cost they cost a th000 right that should be our next goal is to get the silo for the the chickens it’s true it’s it’s giving me the things that I did want but those are past needs this is now needs I need three carps let’s go carp let’s go carp oh this is a carp yeah [Music] just need one more of those oh River jelly I swear we get a lot more River jellies than we got the other jellies this is Bass oh KP hell yeah Sebastian hello I like how he picked up my cauliflower grab that grab that then tomorrow we’ll talk to Willie grab that oh I should turn that in actually let’s turn that one in so we don’t forget about it cuz last time we just ate the mushroom instead of turning it in so let’s go do that right now so I don’t forget I believe it’s this one down here this one no no no there it goes okay there it is there it is there it be resist hello oh come on why can’t I pick these berries from around the the the fence okay God we have so many freaking fish um I should sell some the the better fish I still got three carbs okay um okay I’m not going to sell them all but I do need I need some money I need some money there we go I can Scythe the berries to pick them up with they’re farther oh okay gotcha did I not buy any seeds I guess I didn’t boo my cat still has the Hat on it look at him he’s so cute oh ow uh fish are worth more owls owls maybe my axe is ready did the owl statue show up oh my God my cat I cat with this cat look how cute he is is he’s so cute he’s so stupid and cute and I love him oh my gosh I can’t wait until we can get more cats um we play this like multiplayer again cuz we could get hippo we can get Archer we could get Lana have Kevin and blue we could have so many pets also you could have Turtles you know we’re going to have Ninja Turtles on this on this Farm okay I’m going to buy some more potatoes maybe some more parsnips too parsnips are just like a very good gift for everybody oh the chicken they’re so cute coconut you’re so cute coconut I love you that’s fine look look we’ll get pets they’re going to be cute they’re going be cute ass pets sell that look pets are look pets are expensive in real life I don’t mind a little pets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 all right 14 okay so did we get the L statue let’s see it would just randomly drop it somewhere on the farm right okay so somewhere on this Farm there may be a statue there may or may not be a statue oh there it is found it we have been blessed to be honest though I actually don’t like owls that much um mostly Superstition you know stuff like that they’re not terrible creatures it’s just you know growing up I was always given tell I always told stories about how ‘s they that’s you know they they they like they bring news of like like bad news oh it’s Pam’s birthday oh I I have some I have some quartz I have some quartz Harvey where the [ __ ] is Harvey uh junk chest no hor horz do I not have quartz oh no I do okay there it is okay Harvey thank you I still need to talk to Willie okay oh I still need to talk to your wife God damn it uh let’s Okay so he said 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay can I go into your wife’s room even though she left the door open God damn it Caroline I just want to talk to you who cares what you think Victor who cares what you think Victor I don’t all right um 1 two 3 4 5 let’s upgrade our pickaxe now cuz we’ll need that as as [Music] well upgrade copper let’s go put that there for right now okay wait did we go through the trash can here we did okay is that just a [ __ ] eel after you upgrade click on Clint again yeah I know that we could upgrade uh not upgrade but we could like process geod and stuff free eel I still don’t like Clint either Clint is the worst turn that [ __ ] in get me these mixed flower seeds mix flowers I love that oh I like that what do you like I don’t know oh my god there you go I do like a free eel it’s free money nice okay you get another prize from the book seller uh behind with your copper pickaxe oh hell yeah do I just talk to you there you go nice um I’m just going to sell this eel sell that as well uh how much is the next poll 1,800 okay oh I think I already got the eel from the bundles I’m pretty sure I did that already yeah there it is see [Applause] my God I need a carp oh we actually have carps okay we’re fine we’re fine there we’re fine yeah the first day it rained I was like we’re we’re going to fish this up all right let’s go look for this uh chest this secret box behind the book seller now here’s the thing I’m playing the expanded and everything kind of changes a little bit do you still think it’s going to be that back there stuck what might be actually oh hell yeah you were right it was back there hell yeah let’s go turn this baby boy in oh yeah now we can Al no wait we can’t go into the the forest yet we’re not there yet um gu the tea there it is oh no it’s actually loot boxes we get a bed that’s just four [ __ ] preserves jars we don’t even have that yet how do I open these oh the blacksmith okay to the blacksmith to the blacksmith open oh [ __ ] bombs okay ooh Beach more bombs it could be anything it could be bombs hell yeah we can we can talk to the dwarf now well we can’t talk to them yet I still need the other um the other stuffs oh yeah today’s Olivia’s birthday spring no it was her birthday [ __ ] oh there’s Caroline no don’t eat the daffodil give it to her oh never mind okay okay well it’s going to be a minute before we actually get to our uh two heart child hello child more children I’m very excited about these seeds these flower seeds I wonder if you can make flower seeds oh hi Willie oh yeah talking about the other the other Bridge we’ll do it one day Willie today is not that day oh you know I didn’t not buy enough seeds put those in there um that’s not the chest I want pretty sure yeah okay I have enough now to bake The Silo but I don’t have a silo it’s 5:00 p.m. so it’s not going to happen today tomorrow we’ll make the silo also I don’t even have the money for it yet I think it’s a th how much of this I is again th000 it’s 500 hell yeah even better love that love that okay oops these uh need Scythe we need some more fiber still too and they really locked this behind um Behind these rocks and they also put this um this Pond’s super far away got there’s some more fiber yeah we got the copper and we got the the clay we just needed [Music] um the stone but I have it now it’s 100 gold so cheap easy easy give me that fiber give me that fiber need that fiber I think in thinking I think we got everything that we need for that Community bundle now I think let’s double check just deposit all this it’s the 10 10 200 uh 10 10 yep oh we still we’re still off a little bit okay that’s fine you know we have a lot of uh a lot of space down here let’s keep looking for some more weeds we’re getting there I’m trying not to break all the blue grass cuz that’s special grass we just really want these weeds oh we should also go to the Grandpa’s um Greenhouse area cuz that would also have more weeds there we go there’s some more weeds okay we’re getting close Okay more fiber here about down here any more fiber there we go there’s one couple more it’s that one okay we still have time let’s go to Grandpa’s Farm oh my God my cat is so cute look at him the cat’s so cute I can’t stand it here we go hell yeah there we go that’s what I’m talking about all this good fiber ooh give me that good fiber nice okay that was pretty good it’s pretty good we got 62 fiber which I believe will put us over 200 now finally so tomorrow we can just deposit this into the greenhouse or not to the greenhouse into the community center hell yeah okay cool time for bed oh my God blue you’re so cute in your hat preserve jars love it love it love it love it love it it’s also Friday clear and sunny somewhat annoyed it’s fine oh my god dad you’re so sweet oh my God I am the best neighbor Jody I got your cauliflower I got your cauliflower got so much cauliflower JY you have no idea how much cauliflower I have you’re going to have to set up a mod pack for you and your friends do it resist do it I do have enough money for the fishing rod we’re also going to go down to the uh the Sunday a Friday Sunday store and check out what they have first cuz I would also like that junkins good morning guys are so cute go these chickens are so damn cute out sorry scratch my eye my eyeball okay uh all right um let us grab oh my God coconut you’re so tiny you’re so tiny coconut why are you so cute why you so little why you so small let’s go see what’s at the store then after that we’ll head over to town what do you have for me today oil of garlic Walley oh that’s really tempting oh so is the midnight carp also the mamuru oh I think I actually need a midnight CP okay I don’t need that one I do need the walleye if I get that now I don’t have to wait until fall to get it I do need the walleye there we go you going to get that chants we can get anywhere oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah see the reason why I say that I might need the thing is because I have a master fishing okay never mind it’s Master fish that would complete that wait what do I need in here sardine tuna red sniper okay okay yeah okay let’s go we’ll we’ll still get the uh we’ll get the other stuff soon can also catch a midnight car yourself this season oh that’s only at midnight right we’ll catch one eventually I was just worried that I needed it right now for the uh Community Center cuz that’s an easy get tomorrow’s Shane’s birthday um sure only reason why I care about Shane’s birthday is because there’s a possibility I could get my chickens okay 2: p.m. 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. 2: a.m. excuse me got it I know I I need to get that blue chickens I like Shane but I really like blue chickens is it sad that I’m just using him for his blue chickens another glow ring oh I feel so loved so special what’s what’s in here oh that’s that’s a problem that’s a real problem that’s a problem that’s a problem for me I don’t I don’t want to give up my my precious stuff oh that’s a big problem for me that’s yeah it’s it’s okay I’ll live I’ll live do I I have 19 I have 19 oh now I can have two glow Rings this is remix this is remix okay I don’t know if I have enough wait did salmon be is is salmon season over is it over no no I needed more salmon berries no I needed so many salmon berries crap now we got to wait until spring I only have 19 oh it’s true it has two slots okay oh I was I was actually going to be really sad thank you for looking at that me I think you’re right oh you’re right you’re right I’m right okay oh my God I was going to be really sad I mean we could definitely do it it’s not that hard to get those salmon berries it just would been like just you know just grinding every day for him um but yeah Robin need to construct a wait where’s the mountain Meadow oh what wait I can’t paint that building okay wait I paint you okay whatever is this the mountain Meadow you can only paint full upgraded buildings okay what is the mountain Meadow we can move these later see where should I put this I mean we can move it later just put that there for right now look at that small Crystal cute there’s so much stuff now okay Mountain Meadow is modded you believe but you don’t know how much which mod though gotcha okay good to know I wasn’t sure also so I just realized I spent all my money I just spent all my money on buying things instead of buying the um a fishing rod it’s fine it’s fine let’s go free of the dwarf yeah monies can be remade we can make money again I just like how I just wasn’t even paying attention I just quickly did it okay one bomb [Music] here nice oh he has such a cute little area look he’s got mushrooms what’s this it’s locked skull Caverns oh he’s so cute oh that’s the metal Farm in E scarp oh that’s probably what it is you guys are right you’re right archil oh oh oh oh oh oh I see you I saw you I saw you yeah I think they’re decorations from the mod they’re cute right I like it because he doesn’t just live in like a you know he has like little stuff to keep him company it’s adorable the reward from Gil oh for killing the monsters yeah we’ll get that later we’ll get that later when I when I get my um pickaxe back we’ll do all that stuff okay is your wife still in her bedroom no she’s not here I I could have saved that leak for um for uh George sometimes you decorate the The dwarf’s Thing by yourself a that’s cute dwarf needs decorations he needs like little crystals and stuff you can get him that crystal lamp it’s like a salt rock you know Himalayan salt rock lamps I need a sardine there’s that sardine I literally just said I needed one great I love it we need it for the community bundle don’t know what to fix a thanks maybe I have been cutting down a lot of trees we should check let’s see what we have oh okay uh I do hello hello Blair you’re really cute so cute fix the bridge we also want to fix the bridge for the uh mermaid pendant as well cuz I want a mermaid pendant oh my God so much damn Morgan hello how are you doing Morgan Fish [Music] chests we’re definitely to keep the sea urchins [Music] wait is it Shane’s birthday today or tomorrow [ __ ] I already forgot you’re eating the sandwich oh I’m hungry now I only had cereal this morning I want a sandwich a get me a [Applause] sandwich at all these sardines we nug getting I know right everybody yellow [Laughter] Dash trying to remember what he’s doing today he’s I think he’s downstairs doing stuff [Applause] he’s a busy boy look at all these sardines I got now I was like I just need a sardine now I’m getting all the sardines getting them in aridium and gold I like these new Bobbers it’s really cool see jelly I just need the cave jelly now okay they really are all right I want to go to the bar I don’t think it’s his birthday Shane yeah your birthday is tomorrow I should still buy you like something today and then give you a gift tomorrow should we should do a little bit of both get him some pizza p i z z [Music] a okay Beer’s 400 pizza’s y’all I’m just going to get the beer I’m sorry I know this is like adding to his already addiction but uh the pizza is like 600 not made of money the blue chickens require sacrifice look he likes beer and pizza one just cost $200 less uh ocean okay tuna is summer summer summer okay cool summer saw the funniest meme about Romancing Shain the other day you’ll try to find it and send it to me yes please send it to me I need to see these memes who am I aiming to marry this run all of them all of the above we have the poly mod that allows me to marry as many people as I want which also makes a um a hallway of husbands and wives the spouse the spouse Hall oh oh oh oh I see you I see you give me that yeah carrot seeds we go marry everybody percent yes exactly [Music] um I’ll sell I’ll keep you um let’s get rid of these minnows let’s keep one of these guys eventually event you know I should really just sell these guys I know I’m going to get the smoker sometime soon just being really stubborn about it how much are these 200 I can sell some of these guys okay yeah okay oh my God my cat with its hat it’s so silly it’s so silly all right tomorrow I should be getting my [Music] um oh I should be getting my pickaxe oh shoot did we even check the Friday store crap we forgot chat we forgot crap we did so many things today oh the walleye oh thank you oh I was really scared for a moment oh my God thank you for paying attention cuz I was clearly wasn’t oh we got a gold we got a gold we got a gold we got two gold hell yeah what’s this that’s a person oh I was real nervous not going to lie I was real nervous about that [Music] okay the to list I I mean even if I had a to-do list I’d probably forget chicken chicken oh you you grew up already coconut Coconut’s all grown oops didn’t mean to do that there you go coconut is all grown up uh we already did the large eggs for the bundle cross that off the old list I’m on top of it okay uh 2 4 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 okay I need 15 things let’s get the cat some water we got to give Shane a beer for his birthday we got a befriend Carolyn get our pickaxe go back into the to the caves got to marry Kenneth good morning Kenneth do you like anything C flowers are so big you can have a green bean can have a green bean Harvey how are you doing do you like green beans as well you like daffodils wait like dandes wait come back there you go red mushroom I don’t want to know what you’re going to do with that red mushroom Pam legitimately I feel like that’s going to make you high also I don’t even know if we’re going to find a red mushroom how many how many did I say we’ll buy like 20 it’s fine okay where’s your wife where’s your wife America y America hello America that [ __ ] meme is so ridiculous so cute wait what’s on TV it is a television but what was on it fine let’s go find Shane let’s go find jod I don’t care Louis Louis if I cared what you thought about me I would have dug through your trash give me that give me America hello hello okay uh uh let’s put these in the [Music] ores we’re going to the mines we’re going to first find Jody and in the Shane so I just want to get some money in my pockets cuz you know I’m going to forget to give Shane his birthday gift there we go I’m totally going to forget about his birthday so I’ll be in the mines until like midnight you better not be in your room though sir there thank God okay good morning have this beer oh we should get another chicken another chicken okay so you have coconut we have papaya and we have pachy so the next one is going to be mango Pimon is also a good name going write that down so I don’t forget that one let’s see um perim that’ll be the next chicken or duck Percy for short very cute uh okay put that away put that away put that away we’ll keep you junk take some carrots okay you know I’m going to take this no I’m not going to take it I’m not even going to touch it I didn’t even know where I’d even get a red mushroom besides the mines and even then that’s not even guaranteed what is Pam going to do with that mushroom she’s just going to get high from that mushroom you know it’s probably what Pam wants to do it’s a red mushroom too so it’s obviously poisonous oh thank God for the glow the glow Rings last time I had to do this whole area without a glow ring and it’s butts it is super butts come there no new stardo new stard who this oh amethyst excuse sir sir there we go nice okay no I’m just going to get out of here as quickly as possible I hate this area this is like the worst area it’s dark it’s scary there’s bats there’s better places to be oh there you go these guys look like rocks and they turn out to not be rocks they’re scary just the hell out of here here we go I need a better weapon at least they Dro coal you know we’re flying now Mystery Box oh I have to like oh if I really want to get that that that thing out of the way I shouldn’t open this box I really want to open this box I know I got to save it for the bundle including one of the uh stickers or the the tickets that’s like the rudest one why would they do this to me there’s that bat here come here you also I just realized why is the hell okay they didn’t want me to wait for cabbage it’s true like oh you want cabbage nah not today that oh my gosh bat bat come here thank you thank you for making that so easy I’m out that was the quickest I think I’ve ever done that that level that whole 10 floors one sec okay sorry okay um I should probably take some stuff and put it away there we go put that in there [Music] then this goes in here CU I don’t want them to constantly be okay there you go perfect God I love this mod I really don’t like the slingshot I know that the slingshot can be good it’s just not my favorite I know you can like slingshot bomb moms you could do things I just I really just don’t like them it’s good once you get explosive ammo yeah come on die okay you know what here we go that’s what I’m talking about let me down God I love the music in the frost area the frost caves probably have some of the best music oh o give me give me a new weapon give me a new weapon what do you got what do you got for me better you got something good okay a lead bat it’s probably is better than what I have right now four two yeah a lot better he wasn’t Prismatic he was like shadow shadow jelly and every time I hit him he kind of like glowed red it been really cool if he was Prismatic I would have loved that okay I just need to get down two more floors before we go we leave oh hell yeah I do want to kill the rest of you guys though want suit Sprites let’s go you have to take the quest in order to get Prismatic jelly though wanted to know what was in there oh [ __ ] okay let me go down this one cuz there’s coal right there there you go perfect nice I always like that there’s a frog hanging out here every time you break icicles or the the fibers another the mystery box oh oh the mystery boxes are so good uh there’s always frogs that pop out of them and they’re so cute oh he’s flashing he was flashing I should leave okay oh yeah I should leave this midnight now I think this is closed now oh I’ve proven myself join the adventures Guild I do [Music] [Music] I mean that is better yeah you’re right that is better it’s not great but it is better sell this one I can sell that one ooh but we could also get a pirate [Music] sword oh my God a wall sword all right good night boys what’s the special in this thing do oh it’s just a just a block all right let’s uh deposit stuff throw those in there junk yeah I know it’s 1:00 a.m. I know I know I know know it’s 1:00 a.m. I’m very much aware what time it is but I got these carrot seeds and I also have these potatoes and I have these there we go and okay now we’ll go to bed move over blue hell yeah the book seller’s in town very displeased day radish salad okay got that one o grab that oh okay sweet ooh pepper poppers okay so let’s keep that winter route we’ll plant that seed well no we can’t plant seeds cuz uh actually we can never [Music] mind man I’m so upset that I have to give up a ticket it’s so upsetting that I have to give up a ticket for uh the [Music] bundle okay but my chickens are so cute good morning babies Oh my God look at mango all right y’all are crowding the egg machine you guys got to get out of there right y’all y’all need to get out of there I got to get to the I got to get here there we go oh I also needed water a ticket for what oh the um the community center has a bundle that you have to turn in five of the the mystery boxes plus one ticket for helpers so I have to Forfeit one of my raffle tickets I’m so upset [Applause] he oh my goodness who was that Lux thank you so much for that resub I know the time difference can be hard oops I missed one there we go okay Sunday oh pet the cat give some water I did I water it there you go [Music] it’s a lovely day so many green beans it’s a neat idea I think she gives me like a green bean to eat [Music] oh thank you you know I didn’t have to eat it I could have just you know not eat it eaten it I could have sold it oh book seller okay I have to I’m going to go to the community um not the community I’m going to go to the Sunday first and then I’m going to go to the Book seller let’s sell one of [Music] these okay Carolyn God damn it you’re always in your bedroom she’s always in her bedroom okay book seller first or not book seller Sunday store first got to go to the Sunday store okay got to give a little space for the other people yeah I think I’m good on that one oh I should be collecting some uh some some hay for my chickens there you go just clear that out clear that out a bit there we go and boop boop boop boop boop okay uh hops cranberry seeds bomb Acorn radish seeds I do need a coconut oh small Crystal I feel like Robin was selling them cheaper um I don’t think I need much else okay I still need an ancient fruit and a sweet gem Berry I could get a rare seed and plant that for the summer okay that’s stuff for crops we need that still we’ll get those soon so coconuts for that I think we got all that now it’s all foraging fish tank still need the tiger trout which we can get ooh East carp deep mountains in the summer the deep lake but we could also get in the fall um these guys are going to be a little bit harder to get still need a sturgeon wait is sturgeon what’s what’s sturgeons East scarp Orchard oh we could also get them in the summer tuna is we already established summer summer summer we just need a crab pot for those guys uh oops Boiler Room we can get that anytime okay we can get those anytime get those anytime that’s summer okay yeah we’re good okay oh there’s a new event in summer ooh mystery weather is that the green rain Sweet Summer green rain I did pick remix bundles I did cuz it’s always fun to try something something different until it’s like hey you need to turn in things that are rare was so upset by that still I’m still upset by the ticket one okay I have stuff to turn in I need one of you one are you one are you let’s put that in there [Music] um let’s see what else did I need I need you I I need you guys not sure how many right now any one of you do I need these guys I don’t think I need mayonnaise okay five of them five of them upset okay yep I need one of you I need one of you okay I need 10 of [Music] those crap pots I don’t nearly need those guys okay okay good good to know we don’t have the dius bundle do we okay yeah we got the leprechaun hat we definitely got the leprechaun hat soz I’m a silly leprechaun well now blue is a silly leprechaun there we go oo charcoal kill nice okay um we got the coconut we should get some tree Taps soon oh that’s right that one in there okay um the D bundle was replaced okay I couldn’t remember cuz the D bundle also has like the sunflower and a couple other things so I just could not remember which one it was no I do have the D bundle okay I could have sworn this needed like an urchin okay okay easy we got this we got this okay uh junk chest put these back we’ll plant that in the um oh you have to do it in Fall [ __ ] damn fall okay for some reason like my head I thought it’ be cool in the summer but it’s fine uh we’ll put that in there for right now [Music] um okay well oh yeah we wanted to go to [Music] the Book seller let’s put those in here ores just put those away for right now hello apple slices and cheese oh my gosh Ash is so nice to me m I love cheese cheese is good okay’s what’s the book seller have what do you have book seller oh look at him isn’t he cute oh my God these are really expensive horse the book I love horse the book it’s so good oh great and my thing isn’t um muting good old Slither legs M that one’s really good I don’t know if I really want to do that since I could also F1 things Farm experience wood cutting combat run faster that’d be great you’re a little too rich for me crunch the Apple I know I was trying to mute myself with my um go XLR but it wasn’t working apologies I tried I tried I tried chat for you just for you I tried maybe I can mute myself here let me see mute no that doesn’t work okay great well you’re just going to hear me crunch for a little bit got me some apple slices could also lift my headset don’t eat the leak that cheese is good mhm is that that H cheddar swisser Swiss Grier tastes fancy it tastes so fancy oh yeah I need bat wings hell yeah it’s quite the cheese it’s not that sharp it’s kind of mellow it’s called Grier 1655 Grier 1655 super good it’s my favorite it’s perfect aged to fine vintage Ash is very proud of his cheese as he should okay where the hell is the uh excuse me where’s the ladder I’m about to use a bomb on this if I don’t find a ladder soon you’re jealous my cheese lyrics get some cheese I’m going to bomb these I mean there’s not that many left [Music] oh my God it’s going to be the very last thing I break it’s going to make me break every single Rock here isn’t it oh man talk about bad luck day there it is jeez jeez okay this is why we have bombs this is this is why we have bombs let’s do it right here oh my God I’m going to use up all my bombs put that like right there in the middle nice okay now it’s playing nice with me okay they’re pretty displeased you know what I haven’t seen yet though I haven’t seen a freaking uh Frozen tear there you go I’m like where’s all the Frozen tear it’s right there oh ooh ooh look at this area down here hell yeah O Coffee Bean okay hell yeah hell yeah okay now now we’re getting somewhere look at this now we’re doing it okay is there any more Frozen tears no oh hell yeah the silver saber 8 to 15 wow that’s that’s bad that’s just bad okay normally this insect head isn’t that great there a weapon that one’s straight up just bad yeah we’ll definitely sell it to Marlin oh the insect head was buffed that makes sense cuz it used to be terrible not like super bad but like it it wasn’t like worthwhile to use that’s when you’re like you should go get the insect head I was like uh if memory serves me right it was not that great of a weapon but obviously it’s gotten better it is pretty fast now all right bat come on come at me fight me God you’re so slow bat there you go [Music] let’s put it like right here in the middle okay not super helpful we’ll put one right there there we go that’s what I’m talking about all right we can get down one more floor I’ll be happy come here little guys help me out give me a ladder there you go beautiful all right let’s leave oh are you closed Mar like he’s like just leave your money on the counter it’s fine thank you like a carrot there you go a carrot oh yeah there’s the ice fishing right we can get the ice fishes so good look like I was drunk swerving all over the place just trying to do things one with one hand okay sweet go that good stuff that we got we got so many good things H okay we’ll turn that in tomorrow oh good night blue what a cute little cat Okay Pokemon we are farming I’m going to be right back real fast I just want to get myself a a quick sweater cuz I’m getting cold be right back guys don’t go anywhere yo I’m back Anna Anna how are you and did you see the new darkest dungeon things there’s like a new darkest dungeon update it’s free it’s called darkest dungeon kingdoms I feel like that is something that would that totally fits you I’m out I’m out of water oh [Music] chickies good morning chickies little chicky babies little chicky babies chick babies thank you that’s my frog son he’s a good boy oh my gosh but andna yeah there’s like a new update for darkest dungeon it is called darkest dungeon kingdoms and I I feel like there’s like it’s almost like Crusader Kings kind of least that’s what it feels like you should look at into it looks great also I finally played Pokemon TCG Live 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 nine nine um and there was a troll that was like clearly being a troll but I kicked his ass oh I can’t forget you kitty cat a Barefoot mod for Anna I’m surprised there’s just not like a Barefoot like like if you you wanted to you could wear something that’s like gives you no feet.com oh you like strawberries well guess what I got strawberries oh I love you I love you so much okay toy is Sean and Eloise’s birthday I could do that okay I just saw Gus go in there why does Gus get to go in there and I can’t excuse me unfair okay [Music] um I think I said nine I don’t remember I don’t quite remember what I said Carolyn I have things for you you’re welcome hell yeah okay two hearts got the two hearts we’re get some tea leaves after this te slings get out of here what was I doing before this oh Penny Penny wants an amethyst where’s Penny Penny you are in the park okay okay question is it possible to get loot boxes in the trash because I would love that so much I would love to get loot boxes in the trash I don’t think think I can go in there now I think I have to wait until the end of the spring I thought it was like on the last day okay let’s put this here it’s just a two hard event I can go in there right now ooh okay cool let’s go in there cuz if we can make some tea leaves now that’d be cool Carolyn I’m going in your Greenhouse can’t stop me there we go yeah look at that it’s beautiful got to go through all this explain to me your ritual Caroline I like her green nails they’re pretty I don’t know what kind of tea that Caroline’s making um also I wish I had tee my mind would go relax and wander my my mind does not do that when I drink green tea cool so now we can make tea saplings wait can we not make tea saplings right now clue I didn’t even pick it up [Music] um maybe tomorrow she sends me yeah I always forget how things work sometimes okay okay what we doing Harvey what were we doing it’s Monday um I guess I could go back to the mines let’s plant these guys let’s plant the carrots cuz those are the last ones cool okay I could upgrade a tool [Music] um oh if I the one thing I’d love to upgrade is my watering can but it’s not going to be raining anytime soon I guess I could upgrade my my pick is it 2,000 or 5,000 for a pick could upgrade the hoe let’s upgrade the hoe let’s do that 5,000 yeah yeah that’s what I thought okay well after this let’s go buy the um the fishing rod as [Music] [Music] well oh no I wish sprinklers were cheaper ooh I mean eventually we’ll get to um the lava mines will get gold and I and we could if we wanted to buy some sprinklers from um [ __ ] I wanted to call her Susan but that’s not right um Sophia those are at least three grand each though so we could buy like one before summer oh Willie I was going to buy a rod from you oh man will fine go this way [Applause] yeah I’m going to go this way um where is my axe hello Willie you’ve ruined my dreams let’s cut down some trees I guess maybe we might get like a um oh hello some stuff when we cut down trees hello I know my hopes and dreams dashed just I just wanted to get a fishing rod how dare you Willie oh you know what I should also do I need to become friends with marlin so I can get the uh key to the sewers so I could talk to uh kobis cuz the expanded I think changes the way you get the key to the sewers I know that Marlin likes life Elixir um he has like other likes I just need to get to two stars with him so that’s pretty easy to do just need to go up there and start talking to them more chatting them up okay so you said I can get loot boxes from obviously killing killing slimes and stuff and then fishing can I also get loot boxes from trees Mar likes the root uh the root platter I can’t cook until I upgrade my cabin so it’s going to take some time ooh well hopefully we can get like three more loot boxes and we can just turn in that stuff I still need a ticket H these are not great for energy is my foraging level four almost at five I haven’t been forging as much oh the cookout kit that’s right I forgot there was that thing so smart y’all are so smart throw these in there I’ll throw like five of these in here there you go is it a Hermit shell maybe it’s CCH conscious modded gotcha I’m going throw this in there cuz I don’t have enough chest space for the moment it’s fine though yeah I’ll go to bed o mushroom log what’s a mushroom log the [ __ ] some mushroom log but we also got the tappers which is awesome but mushroom log I’m excited about mushroom [Music] log that’s right tomorrow’s the flower dance yeah te sapping okay yep flower dance okay let’s see mushroom log hardwood and mus grows mushrooms every so often that’s amazing I want that so bad just need Moss there’s a secret location for a secret ticket secrets I love that good morning chickies wa are you both here I think you’re all there oh everybody’s growing up so fast everybody’s so happy and grown up now [Music] oh yeah yeah I got the prize ticket from that one yeah we got that earlier it’s cool we’ll get [Music] more we’ll always get more we right now we’re just uh we need to get loot boxes the the the boxes first cuz um we can we can get the the tickets easily just by doing requests but we we do we definitely need the boxes first [Music] uh cool okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay Mosers on trees okay oh speaking of trees speaking of trees oak tree cool okay um I need you guys and I need you guys do you want two start tapping these guys two okay let’s make one more of these and one more chest and that’s not touching right yeah that’s not touching good okay okay now I need a maple tree which I think this is maple right here Maple perfect okay then the chest is right here that’s connected cool okay let’s get that started syrups online come back cat oh my God the way the cat just like flattens it’s so cute it’s so cute I love it so much flat cat no requests oh it’s Andy’s birthday [Music] what do Andy like beer well we can buy him a beer sorry pardon or we could save our money for the flower dance I think I think we should save our money [Music] um cuz then we can buy more stuff at the flower dance yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right let’s go to the caves cuz it’s too late to buy strawberry or no strawberry seon with Easter which I didn’t buy oh crap I don’t think I really bought anything at the Easter event oh I did I bought the seasonal plants God that was so long ago there you go lonus for my favorite pal lus okay let’s okay let’s keep [Music] going wait before we get too invested what do you like good Lord slime Berry I’m not giving you one of my carrots yet well actually yeah we’ll give you a carrot here have a carrot okay you’re right it’s also summer too summer is very close at hand we should be saving our money when you’re right you’re right I’m out of bombs got to do this the old fashioned away how did I lose so much energy already oh man I really need bombs for this here we go it’s a ghost here you it’s a spooky ghost hell yeah on bat stance there you go cool okay B create a create a ladder for me please create a ladder for me come on bats well now I’m going to get the 10 bat wings that I need pretty easily slim thank you so much for that re drop them Bears you guys thank you so much oh my God another spooky ghost okay oh another ladder hell yeah there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get wrecked slimes oh God I’m in your slime there you go okay is there anything over there no just one slime is there anything up here yeah it’s worth it that was worth it let’s get out of here all right three more levels and I’ll be at 60 oo [Music] hello ciney welcome to the stream hello oh my gosh look at all these ghosts did they up the the spawn ratio for ghosts cuz I feel like I’m seeing more ghosts than I never than I have before but I think I’m also just like saying that because I’ve done so many of those quests where rasmodius is like I need plasma and I’m like looking for Ghost and never finding one the spawn rates are high when you don’t need them is there anything down here oh hello don’t mind if I do take all that there’s a lot of ghost because death it’s true oh God I hate these rooms these are like the roost the the roost the worst rooms I hate the spiral ones cuz you always end up having to go to the center of the Spiral to leave oh never mind oh thank God I was worried I was going to have to do that entire thing [Music] nice all right [Music] um that’s a lot of crit power I mean it’s good but it’s also not great it’s a really high chance of critting that’s about it come on show me the ladder please very much like a ladder uh ladder please oh man I’m excited to find some Moss Now Bing Bong our doorbell went off there’s another ghost these ghosts are just abundant now whoa threw you off it was like a bing bong back oh yeah the doorbell just went off Ash did you order me some something is there something good o big slime oh look at the baby slimes I love the baby slimes makes me sad that I have to kill them they’re so cute and tiny really crisp got some cute stickers o nice all right just One More Level if we can just go if we get one more ladder we can leave the the cave for today another ghosts I swear their their spawn rates are higher come on ghost I swear they they have much higher spawn rates now come on lder just need one ladder and I can leave I’m like seriously contemplating making a bomb at this point no actually I might um I don’t I don’t even have the recipe for bombs yet what there you go oh thank God leave got to go oh I’m actually scared we might not make it so I’m going to do something put everything away a diamond oh I’m trying to I’m trying to I got to get there as well fill that up while over here I’m running we might make it we might make it stop pick up that horseradish it’s fine it’s fine we’re going to make it it’s cool it’s cool we’re going to make it oh yeah we’re we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good look at that we’re so good I can’t even say good night to my cat ooh oh this is go Rancher I like a Rancher I’m going to have more I’m going to have more stuff soon very happy Spirits clear and sunny yeah today is um the festival right oh yeah okay well if they’re’s going to give me if I’m want to get like mushroom trunks why would I want a mushroom cave if I could just grow my own so let’s get bats we’re going to go bats because we’re going to have those mushroom logs that chicken’s that chicken’s multicolored it’s a of a different color the mushroom caves have a new machine ooh I didn’t know that very cool H we almost watered everything hello babies ex excuse me excuse me look at all these good eggs you guys are giving me oh dehydrator ooh do like a dehydrator okay so I really can only plant par Snips now oh almost forgot you there you go to today’s the Harvest vestival isn’t it just throw everything in here not the Harvest Festival the uh the spring dance I guess I’m stuck on my farm for a bit it’s dance time but what if I don’t want to dance feel like the only person that will dance with me is Shane cuz I remembered his birthday yep there it is yeah I think the only person with four Hearts I have is a Shane let me double check that oh he has three hearts okay never mind never mind whoops thought I had three hearts with them oh man everybody’s here whoa what the [ __ ] is this excuse me just [ __ ] bring a whole boat [Music] here let’s talk to everybody [Music] let’s get those those free friendship [Music] points no I’m going to get turned down by everybody if I ask them to dance oh my God stop crowding me Jesus Kenneth I only have one heart with [Music] you good old [Music] Tor man there’s so many to talk to there’s just too many people to talk to now so I think I talk to most of you guys no Mar we both know that you’re not [Music] single man still going through all this let’s get the rarecrow um let’s get some ceiling leaves cuz I like the leaves let’s also get I can’t afford that okay let’s get um I can’t get anything else okay great [Applause] Victoria I still don’t know who Victoria is [Music] no sopia [Music] Victor yeah I’m nowhere close to getting four or four hearts with [Music] him I was hoping that maybe by talking to him again like I’d get to four Hearts but I was like 39 points away we’re not dancing with anybody this year good Lord there’s so many people to talk to okay we’re almost there we’re almost done okay did I talk to Marlin I did okay W that was a lot of people to talk to now I can actually just kind of look around who the [ __ ] brought a boat oh [Music] buffan who brought a boat with them it’s very pretty I wonder what they do with the boat probably I talked to everybody right okay I’m just going to sit on the sidelines this year oh yeah I think the seasonal outfits aren’t working right now also I like how it’s only the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes that can dance like no one else does but they all talk about dancing and I brought theat boat it’s true and I 100% did bring that boat such an awkward dance this dance is so awkward that was fun let’s go home oh let’s put you like here all right well I can’t plant anything else now so we’re just going to go to bed good night blue I did get a scarecrow friend it’s true okay now we just got to save our money got to save our money my copper ho is ready clear and sunny mildly perturbed fruit trees you’re off work early Anna hell yeah what are you doing here get the [ __ ] out of here Louis get out of here here get the [ __ ] out of here Anna Anna I like how I like how we just know each other so well it’s like tomato tomato Anna copper ho it’s true it’s true andna have you got your um your Pokemon cards mystery bags did you get them did you get them good good morning chickin where’s the other one oh there you are hiding you’re waiting for another two then you can put them Head to Head butt to butt it’s true I wasn’t thinking it but I’m glad that you were thinking it also an look I can put hats on cats look at my cat look at Blue he’s got a little Leprechaun hat he’s so cute no blue turn around you got to show Anna your hat look at him he’s so cute oh he jump he jump he’s such a good jump such good jumps he jump him tired him pooped do do Anna when you get back into streaming again now that you’re no longer sick and I’m not traveling we got to do stuff we got to play yakas we got to play balers Gates we got to play some more Suns [Music] [Music] there’s so many things to do so many games to play book seller day oh I’m so sad that I can’t use this ticket if I turn it in right away maybe I could just not think about it oh hey iron what who did that ah I thought you were farther away what do the tickets do you could take the tickets um and you can go into mayor Lewis’s house and he has like a little ticket vending machine here and it gives you random stuff so next one is going to be this teacup then a bed then some preserve jars um it’s cool it’s like a little raffle lottery thing it’s very cool um the only problem is that one of my community center bundles needs to have a ticket and five mystery boxes and I’m really sad cuz I really want to just open them and use the tickets give me that [Music] hoe I know I’m really sad about it also I wonder what my chances of getting Sebastian to come out of his bedroom early it’s probably low use this free Iron to turn this in I don’t even think Sebastian gets out of bed until like 300 p.m. uh do I have gold I don’t okay wait wait wait I definitely have bat wings I have one of those oh hell yeah oo we definitely have a frozen tiar sorry little dude who am I Romancing this time who am I not Romancing I’m going to romance all of them got the poly mod so I’m just going to romance everybody everybody and anybody it’s so good cuz it allows you to like romance everybody um I don’t know if that poly mod also gives you the Hol of husbands but they literally everybody’s uh rooms are like stacked up next to each other it’s great I love it there just like a whole hallway of them so good all right I just wanted to see how much it would be 10,000 okay oh look at that table Neolithic he’s just be smoking around 2 p.m. cool oh I don’t think I’ve ever seen you come down here before you guys actually hang out oh that’s right the D and D you’re right oh yeah well I guess I can wait by fishing maybe we’ll get some loot boxes give me some loot boxes I need the loot boxes oh God the bear is so cute I think the the spirits are in Good Humor today so we might also see uh more um oops some more uh Treasures oh buff Ian’s here buff Ian I have a strawberry for you don’t walk away from me stay with me and catch this fish buffan come back no don’t eat the strawberry give it to him yeah I like [Music] buffan buff Ian’s the best large mouth bass is good for energy h more carps okay come on let me get some loot boxes already let’s go with these loot boxes all right how many more days of playing this will probably be our last day cuz I got to edit some episodes after this I got to edit tomorrow’s cont content warning also I’m getting really hungry those apples and cheeses were good but I could use a little bit more got eat got eat oh I’m going to got eat Eda I’m definitely going to got eat got distracted I’m looking at [Laughter] chat it’s like the new got milk it’s true got eat where’s those loot boxes is okay there’s a bass it is the new got milk we need to make a slogan for it now oh there’s another River jelly and uh we got to we got to play some yakaza again I miss my Namba and the Namba we have at home got so many games to [Music] play let’s catch this fish the spirits were in good humor today where’s my treasure chests where’s my loot boxes where the [ __ ] is Sebastian I thought he was supposed to come out here and smoke I think we need to go inside to get Sebastian oh he’s at the railroad okay well I definitely would not have seen him come this way what no he’s not even at the railroad the thing’s not even open yet after 600 p.m. all right well I’m ready I’m waiting I’m ready and waiting for him to show up I already had my Scythe let’s get some of these excuse me would you like me to cut your lawn for you the [ __ ] are you there he is come here okay I don’t like that I have to give away this prize ticket oh it’s so sad but if I give it if I get out get rid of it now I don’t have to think about it again I don’t like this I could have gotten that special te next that’s so rude oh it’s so rude I need three more boxes feel like I might as well use the rest of my time trying to get the uh Cave jelly let’s go to the caves maybe we can get a cave jelly a Katie thank you I appreciate you it was a big sacrifice I know I’m being very brave about it is it 40 no 50 no 60 there we go I’m being very brave me with my still my training Rod kind of fish is this ghostfish oh if I can get this cave jelly at least I’ll that’ be one last thing to think [Music] about I don’t know if I can get the ice pip I think my fishing has to be higher I also think I need to have the um the fiberglass rod I [Music] think come on yay trash love trash oh ghostfish ghostfish stacking smoke fish angler and Artisan is a lot of money yeah I do want the Artisan that’s why I always go a Rancher cuz I think that’s what I think that’s the Rancher splits into Artisan but we really need that cave jelly till Le Artisan okay [Music] Rancher doesn’t lead to Artisan I thought it did I thought it did we could always resp could always resp come on whoa oh that was Ice pit oh it’s almost midnight we should leave oh coup master and Shepherd gotcha okay yeah we can resp once we get access to the um to this the sewers we could resp our uh stuff and by then I’ll have more money let’s go to bed and we’re so close to summer so close I’m going sell these ghost fishies when are you going to pop 4 days damn God it takes so long to get stuff perfect until you build the machines the process the animal goes the Rancher loan skills should be better well once we get more animals we’ll definitely get some more stuff but this is where we’re going to stop for today y’all I love this game this game is great um thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today we are going to be streaming more stuff throughout the week um tomorrow I believe Anna is going to be streaming something don’t think it’s going to be Pokemon not sure um and then on Friday God damn this is loud Friday we will be doing maybe either more content warning or something else and then Saturday I believe is a local stream so we’ll be getting together again so keep your eye out for all those good fun stuff um y’all thank you so much for being here thanks for everybody that’s subscribed and resubscribed drop Bitties you guys are amazing it helps do what we do we can’t do this without you so thank you um and huge thank you to the moderators for being here as well our mods are the best uh if you can give please give there’s a coffee link down below and there is all all the proceeds that that goes into that coffee link goes straight to our mods so definitely you know said a little tip today um oh I’m sorry Wing Sage I’m sorry yeah we were ending a little early today cuz uh I need to edit anyways we are going to send this love out into the world uh let’s see who’s [Music] streaming let’s see [Music] I’m not sure what GP is doing we’re going to send you guys to GP they’re playing a game called fruit Mountain this looks like sua game but 3D 3D sua game and I would love it anyways go give them our love uh give them our best and yeah yeah we definitely should play it Anna we should definitely play it there’s like Spike fruit in there and there’s like dragon fruit and there’s peaches and pears and mangoes and all that good stuff looks so good good anyways I’ll talk to you guys soon bye-bye [Music]

We’re back playing more Stardew Valley in the 1.6 update! We got a lot of mods happening and it’s chaos.
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