Terraria, But Money = Power [FULL MOVIE]

let’s beat Terraria but our money equals our weapon damage as you can see might be one of the more interesting Terraria playthroughs you can do with our scalability having off the chart potential but that’s all the long way away right now as we’ll be starting from nothing and be forced to build extreme wealth any way we can and I mean any way we can oh also although this playthrough already exists in part this version not only includes some exclusive footage but means you can watch me endure pain for over 40 minutes straight so grab some popcorn or an equally fulfilling snack of your choice and get comfortable and let’s crack on with our journey we’re getting so close to 200k guys we can so do this starting off this challenge had one of the more cool starts of late with our base tools dealing absolutely brain chattering amount of damage one damage seriously though although it looked bad this wasn’t going to stop me is all we needed was to get that snowball rolling so with us first sorting out some basic housing which we desperately needed if we wanted to sell items for damage that’s actually quite a strange sentence actually I then also wanted to get a feel of just how much money we could make this early on as I’m not sure how much long I’d be prepared to endure outputting one damage okay no we cannot die so with his looting our first few surface chests and getting some basic accessories the gravity of the situation suddenly Dawn to me we were going to need 50 gold for our damage just to become net neutral which when your primary weapon is a corer short sword did not fill me with much confidence and that’s all my damage gone I guess it is still early days though and because of that I did not want to risk wasting the little bit of money we had collected as that 52% damage buff was not going to impact us for a very long time and speaking of damage heading back on the ground we did finally find an alternative weapon the yella which was genuinely revolutionary for us at this stage that’s more like it seriously guys why am I doing this but progress was progress I guess because not long after this overwhelming upgrade we actually found something which even with half damage would be extremely useful for our survivability and my well-being the snowball Cannon now as a bit of a Terraria weapon coniss you’d expect me to know everything there is about this weapon but funny enough this is actually the first time I’ve been able to fully appreciate just how insane this thing really is that’s a weapon that’s a weapon and this is at half its potential for crying out loud so with Spirit high and feeling dangerous to Green slimes all of a sudden I took this opportunity to finish exploring our beautiful world which in short didn’t really give us much so with us now thirsty for a hit of dopamine I headed to the one place we could count on for at the very least some most stuff to sell later oh it’s only one silver it’s fine and yeah as part the struggle was real oh my God not to worry though because after three attempts to crack those orbs open we finally got not only the musket but the ball of H as well just what we were looking for oh yeah this is crap I forgot about that oh wait never mind hold on kind of forgot that we’re still bloody broke meaning that this already mid weapon was dealing even puny amounts of damage than normal man we need to do something about this I get the poor gets poor and the rich gets richer but we’re just not getting anywhere here ow ah thanks for that one God okay no seriously that is too far I’ve done it again same freaking place maybe this was a sign that we were in the wrong place and yeah I don’t think we’re going to be doing much with this anytime soon but hear me out if we make it I promise we’ll defeat the moonl Lord using nothing but this flare gun and on that note maybe the world finally decided to present it first get rich quick scheme ooh you see my thinking was these hard mod enemies would drop a boatload of cash which before you know it would exponentially increase our wealth to near broken levels well that’s what I sounded out in my head because in reality it took us nearly 6 minutes just to kill one of these things for like 15 silver yeah well what about the inside of this establishment instead as if the game wanted to screw with me I’d screw with it the oldest trick in the book just grab just grab just grab just grab just grab and go aha what you’re going to do now I’ve stole a bunch of your items that have near no monetary value just cry I cry there is some good news though because after realizing I hadn’t Built My NBC Hotel wide enough rookie era I know we finally got our Merchant to move in which finally meant some riches for us as after selling basically everything we owned just like that we’ve now s on a much more respectable damage multip Li I still didn’t TR myself to go out and about with it though and this thing kind of gave us a new Target as with the knowing that we could fight a boss at closer to only a 25% damage penalty I wanted to give the I Gulu crack ASAP as all I had on my mind was the a monopoly we could generate out of selling dite bars so with was collecting a bit of Loot and live crystals and finally crafting ourselves a hook it was time to get nice and prepared with a basic Arena it’s just like that we’d all was caught up to the curve of regular is expert mode progression before we did go ahead with the fight though I was starting to get tired of staring at Cactus armor so it was about time we made some upgrades with me now fully channeling jungle armor as it would give us plenty of defense and we’ already obtained some of the materials from Melia right fantastic stuff and with one last hole we’d almost doubled our money see what I mean about snowballing so I guess it was finally time for me to summon the ey of oh oh thanks God what goes around comes around I guess is this now meant we’ get the opportunity to fight a whopping three of these guys in one night which in my mind would equal absolute stons oh and yeah about the fight we were using a musket which even with a bunch of damage Downs was plentifully powerful to Massacre the eye of Kulu in no time and just like that lovely J our first boss was down so how about we repeat that a few more times with weirdly each fight becoming slightly easier than the last due to the boss’s coin drops this is a really weird challenge I know okay with three Shields of culu in hand it was time to count our riches and oh boy what a milestone moment for this challenge for the first time ever we had not only matched but overclocked our damage multiplier to a huge 106% I’m getting excited now and I guess the game also felt my excitement is before we could go any where the Goblins had arrived which in all honesty couldn’t have come at a better time give me all your money as we were suddenly wrecking like crazy genuinely though I don’t think I’ve ever gone through such a contrasting few hours of preh Harbor oh also one bonus of the goblin invasion was that these folks were greedy buggers meaning after wiping them all out we’ stacked up another seven or8 gold putting our total damage multiplier to 114% it’s a shame that still doesn’t fixed my massive skill issue though right then what was next well I guess if we’re playing this normally now the eer of Worlds was up meaning it was time to graft one of my absolute favorite weapons in the game and head right over there to cause some Havoc before that however you’ll never guess we needed another Arena and while building this I got thinking about just how insane this playthrough was going to get as I’m pretty sure there’s literally no cap on the damage multiplier at all meaning if we held 1,000 Platinum I think a copper shot SW could deal over 7,000 damage maybe I’m getting way ahead of ourselves though because before all that we had the tedious process of setting up axes for our e fight which for a second I honestly thought was a waste of time there’s not a single bloody thing is there it all worked out in the end though how the hell am I going to get back and without further Ado let’s summon that wormy boy now I don’t know about you but I find the blade of grass to be the ultimate Eater of world’s melee weapon as its piercing razes do most the work for you however a result of thinking I was an invincible killing machine all of a sudden does come with his negatives for instance utter naivity yeah I was actually taking one hell of a beating here which for a split second I totally thought was going to lose me the fight but luckily I po no no I was on freaking say other than everything coming was fully deserved here okay big moment coming was if you’re just thinking what the big deal like I was at this stage just chilling at home you’re about to get a bit of a shock wait wait wait you see Upon returning to the arena to pick up our extremely hardend cash I was hit with a wave of Terror wasn’t there literally a good 50 of our gold coins have completely disappeared off the face of the damn F where’s our money and trust me I’ve checked everywhere for this it wasn’t on a nearby enemy and it wasn’t on the map just gone which in a normal playr would be eh but when money literally equals your power we’re back to square almost back to square one it’s like losing everything so I guess at this point we’re sort of back in the pits with our damage multiplier reading a measly 71% now all is good though as even with this damaged Nerf a blade of grass is still a blade of grass should easily pack enough punch to help us climb back into the positive and give the we may rematch so for now let’s go with a good old explore underground with our first priority been simply finding as many suspicious eyes and loot to sell us physically possible which with this spider nest was off to a beautiful start oh hey it was all worth it saying this however while we were underground I realized we might as well kill two birds with one stone so after returning home I got to work and I was soon to be elevator which with some spell luners consumed was sure to soon give us a pleer of riches and well yeah just like that we had our health maxed out and some more spare Loop to sell for damage and this continued for a while with was only returning home for a quick Kulu fight now and again which was weirdly more difficult than last time of course this was just temporary though as with the rate we were selling Demonite bars it was looking like we would be financially stable in no time yeah Life Crystals sell for a lot actually ah and yeah I was kind of desperate so say goodbye to the snowball Cannon okay back under the ground I did actually bump into someone rather interesting o o yes ow yeah this guy someone who would be the definition of a double-edged soord through this entire playthrough I’m not buying anything so it’s a good job I had the GS to completely ignore him and not get the temptation to spend less money on a roll than the damage I’d get in return wait no sock what are you doing are you ready well that take long did it it’s a good job it all worked out in the end because we were starting to make some serious bank but I desperately needed to hang on to and be really careful with oh you kidding me I literally like diffused it and everything okay don’t worry guys there was not a single ether of Worlds inight so we got all pack on the topic of death though as we finally enter the underworld these kind of silly deaths are the exact thing I’ve got to learn to avoid because in hard mode we would have just lost everything right there slime is falling from the sky uh let’s live in the moment for now though because we had other things to worry about like this slime rain which although seemed kind of pointless at first one small pinky boy quickly shifted my priorities on that one oh my God and so after blitzing through the event making pretty good bank and killing the King Slime for the first time with all our riches exchanged for cash we had one and made it into the positive and we’re pretty much back to where we were at our Peak last episode and I guess God wanted to apologize for all the misfortune last time with this wonderfully well timed Gordon scroll catch which just like that yes oh the stoneage W to damage up by another 10% man we are back so I guess this could only mean one thing it was a rematch time and so we was heading right and over there to craft our worm food summon I was absolutely real ing to go so let’s bu up and give it another crack starting off things were a little dangerous like last time but Lily with our multiplier beginning to Skyrocket from all these money drops we very quickly became self-sufficient meaning the damage I was taking was immediately filled back up in the form of Health drops and just like that we only got UND done it and a meate to top it off Not only was the Eater of Worlds down but we had managed to hold on to all our riches and in the process and trust me this was only the beginning as things were about to get a lot Greener from here if you know what I mean okay first things first let’s go see about that meite as a I think a space gun will scale extremely well without damage multiplier and B I wanted an excuse to sell all our Demonite bars for some sweet sweet doll we’re doing 40 damage with a space gun and so with a load of meteorite in hand and our infinite firing Space Gun equipped it was time to jump up that multiplier into the stratosphere with our damage now starting to approach the 200% Mark unreal so what was next for us well I think for a few reasons Skeletron was up as I expect him to be easy to defeat with a overclocked space gun and of course the reward of an entire dungeon should present us many more money generating methods and so with our expensive Arena constructed we were already pretty much ready to go just let me s a few more things for for some extra damage okay let’s do this and Well yeah if you were expecting a challenging Skeletron fight unfortunately you’ve come to the wrong place with our almost double damage infinite ammo Space Gun absolutely ripping this thing to shreds no funny enough though in usual Socrates fashion I someh made hard work out of this with was unironically coming close to death twice I’ve done it I’ve done it again go away zombie why are the zombies trying to screw with me oh was good to the end though with was taking Skeletron down in record time nice one and this was a big moment for us well in preh hard mode at least as it opened up the first potentially lucrative money farm that was actually worth the hassle setting up let’s not get too ahead of ourselves though because before anything else we needed to get down there and find a suitable space for operation which actually took forever oh it happened as although we were packing one hell of a punch at this point I had saw have pushed our survivability to decide meaning situations like this weren’t impossible and not to mention the insane amount of time I spent trying to find this damn invisible passageway either way though the spoils from down here were genuinely delightful with not only getting a bunch of crazy high damaging weapons thanks to our multiplier but also a bunch more things to sell and dies to fight you see the snowball was truly snowballing at this point how many blazing flipping wheels and it was about to become fully industrialized as although we were sat on double damage at this point which is all well and good even before considering the Wall of Flesh fight I wanted to establish at least a triple damage multiplier going into Hardo as it’s not like we were going to hang on to all the cash so how are we going to get all these coins going forward aha none other than a classic layer Farm now building this wasn’t as straightforward as it sounds as although we could mine some surface green brick as we were storm the nightmare pickaxe we couldn’t alter anything in the dungeon itself luckily though this large intersection of rooms offered plenty of space for not that to be a problem and after a bit of time transforming this area it was time to test it out look at all this stuff that’s not spawn which the did worry me a bit at first but After figuring out the most optimal place to stand we were truly up and running and just like that had an endless income of coins coming our way and you know after spending a good hour down their farming although enemy Co drops were pretty good the true stons were to be made selling bone ones and tally counters like I’m telling you this is an untap business right here and selling a few of these alone could easily get me another 10% damage buff which is genuinely like a full on hard mode emblem accessory so yeah things were finally going well and with us getting ever so close to that triple damage multiplier I started to consider my weapon options for the wall himself which if I’m honest I was spoiled for choice for that thing is going to rip which after looting my entire dungeon of its remaining chests kind of made me come to the conclusion that everything would be more than powerful enough at this point which compared to where we were just a few hours ago was a lovely problem to have right out with a bunch more stuff sold to our met we finally reached my goal of a% damage multiplier which meant it was time to head to hell and prep for the big fight first though it was time to get some hellstone upgrades as I don’t know why I went for the pain of using primitive tools for this long however though armor wise I think I’m going to stick with my met right as Al the extra defense would be nice you just can’t go wrong with an infinite ammo range weapon which at this point was dealing like 80 damage a shot yeah we scaled all right I’ll tell you what though although all seemed well at this point on the surface it didn’t take much to Humble us these are really bleeding expensive as the reality was we genuinely still couldn’t afford the damage down just for some planter boxes so I guess we’re still making our hellbridge the oldfashioned way then which if I’m completely honest I have no idea if we’ll even need to utilize at all like I guess our space gun has turned up to 11 but just by how much anyway enough rambling because I think we’re about to find out as it was finally time to summon the wall oh for God’s sake flipping Nora let’s just not talk about it because luckily I was right in saying it wouldn’t matter anyway with our damage output being off the charts insane like the fact I haven’t played any of the left side and we were destroying it says it all and well literally within 20 seconds the wall was down there we go God damn money is a lovely little thing let’s not mess about right now though and I’m putting that damn money away because things were about to get real see Liv is now in hard mode Let’s first address that one massive elephant in the room yep the rule rules are if we die now all our money in hand will be lost meaning it was time to deposit a handsome percentage of our net worth oh and yeah in other news I got this cool hat oh my God it’s incredible okay with that out the way it was time to get on with the usual early hard mode festivities including first heading to our corruption and smashing Open Tom altars for our hard mode Oz which by the looks of things would be giving us myal Adamantite Adamantite on OG collection okay cool but unfortunately what you see here was the entire alter population of the west side of our world so it was eventually repeating this process at the much larger corruption in the East it was time to get down there and crack on which yeah as usual I’m not going to show the details of as it’s just Minecraft repeat for 40 minutes all I will say is the two most significant events during this period with the capture of two truffle worms might as well or later perhaps and the mining of the step during the game but other than that things were going swell however in the nature of this challenge before we did anything else I started to get the urge for more money which is why it was time to get a proper Farm set up sooner rather than later now for those of you who watch my review content you’ll be super familiar with my underground hallo Leah farm and so as an avid Socrates viewer myself this made the most sense to construct this is going to take forever but it’s it’s all going to be worth is a it was is relatively easy to make with the only real cost being time and brain cells B it could give us a rod of discard and C loads of mimics up to spawn down here which drop an utter M load of coins upon death and so with our vision set we were truly on our way to making this thing a reality oh that weapon is insane right now well of course being incredibly careful in the process as I have to keep reminding myself while we are dealing 250% more damage at this point we do not have 250% more health and after passing up a few traveling salesman’s terribly priced War the farm was nearly fully operational with only requiring a few Finishing Touches for spawns to be up to speed so it would be a dumb shame if I were to do something dumb right before its grand opening I think we’re fine no I don’t even have anything to say over in the fact I literally moved my eyes for like 1 second and then just what a pointless death what a pointless death don’t worry don’t worry because luckily we prepared for this exact moment and with us having a sweet to one pot and a half saved in our reserves our damage situation really wasn’t as bad as it could have been okay good we’re still in this but with all our life savings now in hand we could not afford another death like that literally so with some upgrades made it was time to get generating our livelihood for the mech bosses and Beyond by doing that one thing everyone does to make money in Terraria R oh yeah this looked like we were in for quite the long haul or were we cuz you know with the mimic starting to show up and giving us an absolute stupendous 30 odd gold per kill 33 damage up numbers were about to get big and stupid fast we was already basically been caught up to where we were just half an hour ago and this is not to mention just how wellow Adamantite sword was scaling like dude this was already doing 251 damage at this point which after there’s a random blood moon occurrence oh oh Blood Moon Blood Moon suddenly gave me a genius idea that I’m sure not a single one of you will guess no it’s not the fact we could Farm Blood Moons for a bunch of money and sell its drops okay yeah we are getting M but we something a lot more fishy begins with d ends in R oh yeah guys the dler cripp was up and it would be absolutely perfect for this challenge oh and Terraria go as someone who has publicized their love for the Drippler crippler in God knows how many videos now I was really hoping you’d go easy on me is blue moon fishing isn’t exactly the most fun okay you got that hey we got a slimy boy those were the last words I ever spoke because God damn this thing gave me a hard time to obtain like I know it’s only being one blood moon so far but oh you just wait and see because I was prepared to put in as many measur me as physically possible to make try got this thing well that didn’t involve the angler and so after potioning up and spending the remainder of the day farming more damage for the big Knight oh actually getting a pair of wings because I kind of needed them if he wanted to fight a blood without dying the time had almost come with his first testing our look with this crazy 1 in9 God roll oh and funny enough having another organic blood moon a Care on the way down there dude I was literally about to summon it it’s as if the universe wants me to farm for this thing which is truly a sentence I wish was true because as mentioned earlier this was far from a walk in the park like it wasn’t that we weren’t getting blood moon fishing enemies oh no more so that we were getting multiple of every single one apart from the blood eel we actually needed I want one who looks like you sir but just a bit redder including two dread nautiluses two yeah this wasn’t looking good and so after spending two more full nights on the left side of our world I did what Burma did in 1970 and moved over to the right side in hopes of better luck yeah that was the most obscure reference of all time have no idea anyway anyway after all was said and done stop we did finally get e blood old to appear so it’s a damn Jame I was too oblivious to not seriously how have I done this twice now did I just missed one I swear to God if I just missed one thankfully this Misfortune didn’t matter too much in the end though as after fighting our first actual blood after well over an hour of grinding we finally managed to get the Fable Drippler on the first kill yes oh my beloved now no pressure but this better be the best gosham Terraria weapon I have ever used and oh boy we’ it already reading an obsurd 440 damage after a subtle reforge it was time to get crazy with it maybe quick little trial run first and no not on Mech boss quite yet but on S key little more tame yep the Queen’s slime was up and what can I say guys other than I think that ridiculously overd farming was all worth it in the end as how do I put this oh yeah I’m pretty sure we had scaled upon care at this point with our 400% damage Drippler crippler crippling the queen in less than a minute and it was only going to get more insane from here as it was time to see how it would F against the boss it was already super effective against yep you guessed it the poor old Destroyer was up and you know while I could have tried for a one shot kill for the laughs we were holding all our value at this point and I did not want to lose any of it so after building a very rudimentary platform it was time to take this thing out the oldfashioned way which as you would have expected oh my flipping God wasn’t exactly a challenge and just like that our second half boss was defeated in under 60 seconds nice rip everyone else by the way yeah we were on one hell of a roll right now and it was increasing exponentially as every me kill would reward us with another 20% damage of or so so let’s get straight on to the twins now I ain’t going to lie at first I was a little wored I’d bitten off more than I could chew okay we got to be a little careful but then I remembered the dler crippler projectile which with it dealing upwards of 700 damage now meant I could take these guys down from range anyway and just like that Mech boss number two was down we’ve still just under half the night remaining nearly 800 damage so I guess I don’t know let’s just knock out the whole trilogy with Skeletron Prime being summoned immediately after his defeat which I’m not going to lie here did cause my life to flash before my eyes for a split second okay that was nearly a death but luckily after he clutch potion and dash all was fine is in the end because we were dealing thousands of damage per swing now and regardless of my skill issues during this battle would have primed down before that even become an issue anyway oh and speak of the devil he dead okay then we’d obviously now hit the transitional point in this playthrough where it goes from challenge to mostly just an OP Cakewalk and that snowball was only going to get exponentially larger going forward well assuming we didn’t do anything dumb like die and put it this way I was going to make sure that did not happen as we as soon to be moving on to planta my plan would be to Simply vaporize any Potential Threat well before it could even consider damaging myself and so with some mandatory chlori upgrades in hand I had the perfect next step to increase health power to uncomprehensible levels oh yeah you know those truffle worms I saved from earlier it was time to go full h on the Juke using not a mega shark evening I’m made of money but a weapon I genuinely never used before before in my life regardless though I doubt this weapon or ammo choice would really matter as with just the Arrows by themselves dealing 84 damage a shot I think would be completely fine and so the quick Duke Arena laid down and our OD friend hello Juke it was time to obtain probably the last weapon upgrade we’d need during this entire playthrough which I have to admit again was a little harder than expected again and I totally nearly threw but because in the end I didn’t and just like that let’s see what insanely op weapon will be taking on our adventure going forward tunami right we’re we’re going to fully pivot to ranged hell yeah a 375 damage tsunami would be sure to do the trick for us however regardless of how far this would take us let’s not forget the promise I made in part one despite this challenge though luckily it seemed we were just skilled beyond the point of care with our damage multiplier nearing an upset 500% now so I mean what do we do with this well with is now also having the ever so overpowered tsunami in hand we might as well make use of our other trouble we and defeat another Juke which yeah was an exactly a challenging fight we absolutely destroyed him dude and it speeds five times faster than our previous victory jke was down once again and we’ll be giving us our next insanely busted weapon going forward oh yeah one of my alltime favorites the Flareon was in hand okay to be fair dler crippler actually doing 910 so with our damage output now being more than enough to easily Blitz through the game in honestly probably less than half an hour I’m kind of glad I set the flare g go all the way back in part one because with a B damage two we would need a handful of money to make it viable do we straight up just do this now before all that though while we were down there let’s quickly evaporate the remaining progression bosses starting with planta oh my God the damage which was dead before I could even think about if this was a bad idea or not okay good and with no time to waste let’s get straight to our Temple which thinking about it now could actually give us a good chunk of change thanks to Golem’s easy summon ability before that though damn it let’s just make sure we can actually take him down without dying oh my God I mean this was already like an effective weapon wow yeah that really doesn’t surprise anybody and with a good 50% more damage obtained from this fight alone let’s sell a few words back at base and get straight back to it with another two Golem kills getting our damage multiplying well over the 600% damage Mark now there it is we’ve got our first thousand damage weapon absolute Madness and speaking of Madness although this looked insane on the surface these percentages of damage would be nowhere near enough to make the flare gun decent as in all honesty we’d been eing hundreds of platinums opposed to just six so it was finally time guys let’s exploit this beautiful game to the best of our ability and make a proper proper money Farm like all of this needs clearing now as someone who used to rely on a good old Arab money Farm arima ARA AR how you how ARA this this no longer works so I had to learn something new and by the looks of things this one built by s cafe would be absolutely perfect apparently producing 10 plat per minute so as you can see with was first clearing a large space underground we didn’t waste any time making this our mission and let me tell you guys I completely underestimated just how much much work getting this thing set up would be uh yeah that should be plenty I think so although you can follow this video to build your run please don’t cuz I make a lot of mistakes anyway before we even considered building the damn thing though if you haven’t guessed by now it was finally time to get us some rare pirate drops including the lucky coin the most important item of the allall preferably a lucky ring also and the coin gun just because it’s funny I don’t know anyway with our first Invasion yielding as a discount card oh which I could Shimmer later it also made me realize just how busted this invasion was a loan for money however the gravity of the situation did begin to Da me all right one down as we’ve Socrates look we’d probably need to do a lot of these to get what we needed yes we got it we got it oh wait no well that’s surprising because just like that in only two invasions we had everything we need it that’s a clock so I guess with us so ahead of schedule now let’s try for the coin gun after all with us first heading to the ocean to find a few more pirate maps what is going on right now then getting straight back to murdering some piratey boys and guys I don’t even know what to say but in literally the next Invasion yes oh my god there it is we got the coin gun to drop man maybe the Terraria gods are starting to like me you know oh there was a massive punishment coming because although all was going well right now we still hadn’t even begun to construct this monster Farm as we needed a few more items to say the least including the fing staff which could be easily crafted with some early game materials Andy vampire frog stuff which could only be obtained from bloody blood moon flipping fishing H well back to this again I guess and even despite our extreme power Improvement this was just as painful as last time and took far longer than I’d like to admit dude po Canon doing 635 but you know at least I got it in the end which meant we could move on to obtaining the next pieces of the puzzle which if you’re confused as I am right now was shim’s spinal wall which would be a critical feature to make the money farm work you see I think the premise of this contraption is the spaw a million black recluses in one area of the map then teleport them over to a cramped space that you fill with low damaging Mon and therefore giving you a load of money thanks to the lucky coin which did mean we still needed a lot of very obscure gear for this to work including a basically fully-fledged Summoner setup as I needed as many slots as possible and an absolute Melo of sound as an artificial underground desert would substantially boost the spawns of spiders so after utterly annihilating our East Beach I mean let’s get making this thing it was finally time to get down there and fully make this thing no this is already too high for God’s sake which was off to an amazing stop and if I’m honest this theme of fumbling continue for the next few hours there the amount of precise tows which needed placing and hammering into an exact State meant brain cell loss was inevitable but don’t worry because even with incompetent me behind the helm progress was inevitable and with his finally finishing this strange shape here which was wrong by the way so please don’t copy it it was time to move on to the spider spawning platform itself which would be the main part that generated our dollar which after completely McKing up the shape a few times seriously it took me like half an hour just to build this thing we were very nearly done we just had to fill the bottom with lava to prevent other enemy spawns and wi the whole thing up oh and for your info this is probably the most wiring I’ve ever done in over 10 years of playing this game after much tinkering around though I think it was time to finally test it out with his summoning a decoy Target first any variety of low damaging summons and then clicking the allmighty button to get the spiders teleporting yeah no sure cor something’s not right here so let’s quickly fix up okay take two there we go and you know what this might just work with this already getting us probably a quicker income than anything else we’ve used so far it’s not very efficient but it was still far from operating and its full potential so let’s optimize it first by getting a slime staff for more hits per second some more Summoner slots and a piggy bank as unfortunately I just discovered one giant underlying issue of this entire money Farm which is completely unique to this challenge playthrough yeah very bizarrely for this to work we ideally need to be dealing one damage to everything but as our money equals power with just a few plat we start killing too quickly meaning it’s not going to be as afkable as I originally planned oh my god dude look at the percentage of damage go but you know I don’t really care this by God this was pumping out some coin like just look at that multiplier go and in just a few minutes we’d already doubled all the money we’ve collected the entire run so here’s the plan guys I’m going to crack on with some poke Rogue seriously I’m addicted to this and leave it running for a few hours we mean depositing money every minute or so all right then I’ll see you on the other side one eternity later it’s been a little while okay okay maybe I went a little overboard here yeah that’s 74,000 damage up right I’m never ever killing a black recluse ever again in my entire life but really when you remember that we’ll be using the flare gun it’s really not as impressive as you’d originally think so I guess without much further left to do let’s beine that Moon Lord kill first starting off with the cultist which yeah I kind of forgot our Primary Weapons are dealing you know just a casual 138,000 damage a shot here in a way though I feel like we kind of deserve this bullet full finale as with such rough Beginnings where we dealt just no damage to stuff it felt really nice finally being a true God well very much a glass Cannon God because it wasn’t like we still couldn’t die and so is pushing through the pillars at a holy rate the big fight was closing in which honestly with our flare gun dealing over 1,000 damage even with its base of only two I was pretty confident that this wasn’t going to be particularly difficult either all depended on the Range and velocity of those flare projectiles I mean with the final pillar going down just like that I suppose it was time to find out so here we go guys the grand finale let’s take down the moon with nothing with a flare gun starting off it was clear that our gamebreaking power had transferred to the flare gun nicely with its damage output obviously being upet and luckily and the thing I was most worried about its range projectiles were unironically really easy to use and didn’t have much drop off and we’re fast enough to feel like any old late game AR projectile no by the looks of things we were already on the heart in speeds honestly faster than if I had use a pillar weapon with regular d damage the flag gun’s just kind of cracked I guess also as we really didn’t need any regular damage stups I was a tank at this point which meant the poor old mil truly did not stand a chance because bless him and just like that dude we did it he was dead to be weapon with a base damage of two I told you the flagon was was a beast well then folks would you believe it but we’ve only got undone it and good news it ain’t over yet because as promised it’s thank you for watching such a whoer let’s have a little bit more fun with this mod before we see how farewells with the impossible combo oh yeah it’s time to pull out the coin gun and see what we can do all right first things first let’s grab our good old coin gun there it is let’s grab all our money a casual 748 flat as you do so I’m going to put in order or damage look at that can only craft one sigle we’ve got one shot basically here we go what’s our damage like oh wait wait why is it so mid hang on am I using the right this is platinum coins why am I doing the there’s got to be a damage cap there’s got to be a damage cap dude we’re in trouble I don’t have a r of Discord oh we’re in trouble we’re in trouble we’re actually in Ironically in trouble do I need to weirdly use more ammo to get over the the damage cap I mean it’s still very very good but is it going to be good enough I can’t yeah we’re only doing about like 300 I’m guessing there’s a diamond trap of some kind and we are using this ammo like a madman right now is that another one down oh I perfectly timed that is ooh all right we’re going to go around here just got to do the top now we can do the top although we’re running out we can’t really spend ammo like that we just got to wait we got to wait for the perfect time to to shoot that’s a laser beam oh we dodged that by a hair no laser we can’t do anything just got to tank it all right that wasn’t too bad that wasn’t too bad how much are we doing about the same dude no we ran out of map oh no we’re oh we’re we’re done we’re done we’re actually done just kill it just kill it just kill it no

What if we beat Terraria, but my coins = weapon damage! Thanks to the coin mayhem mod, we’ve been given completely new way of playing the game, were in order to increase our weapon power, we need to collect as much money as possible! Now early on at least, the struggle will be real, as with no funds in sight, our damage off the bat takes a huge hit, leaving us in a below avg early pre-hardmode state. So lets see just how far we can go with this, and see if we can dig ourselves out of this hole! Enjoy 🙂

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0:00 Intro & Stuff
0:41 Chapter 1
9:46 Chapter 2
19:22 Chapter 3
29:52 Chapter 4
40:54 Exclusive Fight!

Disclaimer: Rarely some cheats are used to capture certain footage for entertainment purposes 😉

Thanks for watching, and please Subscribe and Like if you enjoyed 🙂

#terraria #terrariamobile


  1. Hey Scoktreez, if your wonder in what happened to your hard earned 64 gold. When the Eater of Worlds took your out, he just barely grabbed your gold and wiggled away with it. That darn beast he is.

  2. Idk why but for some reason skeletron prime was the easiest boss I fought my first time in hard mode, easier than Queen slime, the destroyer and the twins

  3. the thing i like the most about this channel is that his voice fits a duck really well
    this lets me imagine that his profile picture is literally just an image of him

  4. Vid Idea: Use this mod but you can only use things that you buy, or have more than 45 silver sell price for prehardmode, and 1 gold for hardmode.

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