Testing Minecraft Secrets We All Missed

minecraft is filled to the max with different blocks jobs and items to distract you from all the secrets hidden in the game luckily a youtuber skipped the tutorial claims to have found all the ones we’ve missed so let’s test them and see if they’re true or if we’re just being clickbaited for views take the desert temple for example uh-huh while most of us are focused on the treasure and tnt that lies underneath there’s actually more than meets the eye to the top this big hollowed-out spot on the roof is actually the perfect size for a fully powered beacon setup and it looks legit but i’ve just got to see it for myself because i can’t believe that this easter egg has been hiding under my nose this entire time in theory guys this should be the perfect shape for our beacon to work mojang designed desert temples to be the home of beacons so let’s jump up here guys we’ll chuck out beacon in the top and boom check it out guys it is real now that is a pretty nifty way to upgrade your desert temple torches are the most obvious way to light up build well they’re cheap you can craft a bunch of them and they also happen to work pretty well so most of us don’t tend to look for replacements that often why which if you were to take the time and scan through all of minecraft’s various blocks it’s actually a surprising competitor for some reason four sea pickles actually give off more light than a torch in the same block are you kidding me these slimy sea things can outperform minecraft’s most iconic light sources if you’re really looking for a reason to build a picture minecraft got one big brand even though sea pickles supposedly give out more light i want to see if you can even tell a difference with the naked eye guys so we’re gonna go ahead and we’ll place a block right in the middle of this oh my goodness it’s dark we’ll place a block right here and we’ll put down our torch all right and this is about how bright it looks pretty straight forward and now we’re gonna go ahead and put in our sea pickles instead we’re gonna go one two three four oh you definitely can’t tell the difference in brightness guys i know it is slide but i don’t know about you but i’m pretty certain that the sea pickles are definitely brighter like i can tell that this cave is more lit up and so i guess if you want to light things up more effectively and efficiently see pickles are the way to go see since these rockets function as entities there’s actually ways that you can move and manipulate them with the game’s physics engine which in that case partnering them with a water stream you can actually move the rocket off and change the flight pattern so if you’re really wanting that 45 degree angle for your perfect fireball to the next level i know new years is a long way off guys but when it finally comes around i’m gonna have the coolest minecraft fireworks display because i’m not just gonna have these boring old straight fireworks no apparently the way water flows here guys because of fireworks are counted as an entity the water flowing should actually change the direction of a fireworks so if we launch the firework here yo look at that guys you can get fireworks going straight up sideways sideways okay i can’t zoom back far enough maybe if i just do it slightly here yo you can even change exactly the angle you want and you can create this awesome display of fireworks okay i have no pyromaniac or firework expert but i’m sure you guys can figure out some really creative ways to use this look this is an easy one to miss even if you do happen to be a crazy cat like wait what apparently if you spawn a cat around a witch’s head in a swamp biome it’s always going to have the black cat white which kind of thing makes some sense what is this an easter egg exactly known for hanging around a witch’s brew it’s got to be black to keep on brand but that said i do think it’s kind of funny how black cats are the we need to uh find a witch’s hut i’m not really seeing any through here but there should be one somewhere i don’t know guys oh wait there we go okay we’ve got a wishes hunt now to see whether the cats that spawn around it are only black now first off do any cats spawn naturally with the witch no we got a witch here or lonely no cats born oh my gosh no it does spawn naturally look at that guys there is a black cat right here so if i spawn an edge here it will have a normal texture that’s normal that’s normal okay so i literally have to be on or under the witch’s hut for them to spawn as black cats and then when you do that look at that they’re literally all black cats 100 of the time but if you’re even just one block out it won’t be a black cat that’s really interesting guys wow clearly witches bring a lot of bad luck if you shoot the item out of one of these with a flame bow then you’ll actually be left with a permanently lit fire but i guess it’s a new torch design you’re telling me that it doesn’t burn out i don’t know does it actually work this has to have been patched out of the game guys we’ll build a little thing up here we’ll surround this here in item frames bang bang bang bow flame enchant that just like that yo the item frame is actually caught on fire now the weird thing about this is look at this the fire actually like tilts in the direction you’re facing it like if i’m facing into you the fire faces towards me presumably because it’s an entity fire rather than a physical fire but what i don’t get here is look at this it’s not running out whatsoever wait if i can i shoot all of these oh my god can i set fire to a one on the top as well hold up yo what if i actually set the timer to midnight here okay the video said they didn’t emit light but that’s actually wrong these do in fact emit light guys so i didn’t prove the video clickbait i actually just proved that this can do more than the video said it actually emits light it is a viable torch design and actually looks pretty unique i would 100 recommend if you actually give a wither skeleton a bow wait i don’t want to be up the attack area wait it also gives it fire errors are you kidding me you’d be lucky to leave the nether without a few first-degree burns let alone not getting burned to a crisp so i didn’t think that wither skeletons ever spawned with bows at least i’ve never seen any even in the nether fortress and i looked it up and that is in fact true however if you do force a wither skeleton to have a bow by using commands for example this one here the summon minecraft with a skeleton on our position hand items with a minecraft bone you hit enter as you guys can see not only are they holding a bow but even though you haven’t enchanted that bow whatsoever you can see there are no enchants on that bow if we switch into survival here guys the arrows automatically have a flame on them look at that guys he shoots at fire arrows and right now i’m doing the mad dodgers okay literally as i said the mad dodgers i jinxed it i should not have said that but the point is guys do not give with a skeleton bows because they become absolutely overpowered the two are tired of getting saliva sprayed by these bullies yes there’s actually a way to turn the tables you see a shield is difficult but we can actually go one step further and even deflect the spit no joke with a weapon and the proper timing it’s actually possible to hit the spit back at your phone now i just wish that it would get you you can use any item watching the web as well even leather all right mr llama for once i’m going to let you spit on me all right mainly because i want to see if i can use my moves to deflect your spit which apparently you can do here guys if i hit my llama here all right here we go guys and that captain how do you do this all right here we go and oh i did it but why would i do that again do that again i’m gonna use the leather this time hit me one more time baby hit me one more okay i’d stuff that up oh my gosh you can literally use any item whatsoever to deflect spit from llamas but while these lack is a trap for humans they apparently make it up as a trapping but what’s weirder is that from the outside coming in they can even clear the jump so why the difference who knows but if you want to fence so you can bring the cows in but they can’t get out that’s genius all right so we’re gonna start off with our good old fences here guys and see what kind of merits they have if we have our fences here we spawn in some cows the problem here is we can’t jump in and we can’t get out you need to put in some fence skates but cats can escape through those now apparently if i put spruce trap doors here and have them up like that the cow’s kind of scared to see though but of course we can jump over but then on top of this what’s even cooler guys is you’re supposed to be able to bring cows in so if i bring a cow here guys and i switched into survival and all right here mr cow follow me just over here i can jump in okay any time today mr cow you want to follow me into here all right there we go he should be able to see he can jump in but they can’t jump out that’s insane okay he might need a little bit of a punch in but look at that guys so you could theoretically make an entire okay make it entire okay then we got a little bit of this is a really great way to replace fences because that way you don’t actually need fence skates and there’s no way for them getting out but you can still get them in there’s actually a way to do this in games while in spectator mode if you interact with the mob you can actually see from their view that’s pretty cool even offer up different filters and effects so now you want a creeper’s green vision a spider’s reflective eyes or maybe even just to be safe in a shulker shell wait then by all means okay guys so we actually tried out the spiders eight eyes in the past guys but i’ve never seen what a creeper or a shulker box viewpoint looks like so get outside the creeper switch into spectator mode wow oh my gosh that is ugly oh my that okay no wonder creepers always want to explode they do not have the nicest view of the world and we’ll go ahead and spectate a shulker box okay what this is okay this is not as interesting i thought does the shocker box even close on us or do we just get a constant view all right well clearly guys this bill is a little bit clickbait no you cannot actually view from the inside of a shulker shell there guys that is a little bit disappointing but the creeper viewpoint is pretty whack you see in java we see a gold nugget is just that something that you can use to craft a golden gate exactly that’s about it but in bedrock it’s fuel for some reason when i first heard of this i thought there’s just no one yeah but if you’re looking to burn some cash i guess this does the trick sure okay this i really need to test because i find this very hard to believe i’m here in bedrock edition guys we’re grabbing ourselves some gold nuggets which you know shouldn’t burn but apparently do you know what we’ll even make this up we’ll furnace gold all with our gold nuggets and see how this works out so we put our gold ore up here there’s no way one got one gold nugget doesn’t even furthest one item here guys look at this you put in one it just goes out straight away i have to put in this many and look at how quickly my gold nuggets get ripped through guys this is the biggest waste of gold ever but it is in fact working well well this is if you are rich in minecraft this is you like this is how you flex not diamonds not nether right no if you furnace with gold nuggets that is the biggest flex how do you power them sure you can use a lever but yeah well apparently by putting an item frame on a wooden pressure plate that gives off enough weight to actually power on the thing and now you’ve got to cover the signal giving you a sleek and stylish way to keep your lights on oh my goodness this will take my life to the next level building tricks galore i’m not gonna lie but i don’t have to hide a bunch of ugly redstone just to power my redstone lamps i’m gonna be pretty happy guys so let’s get ourselves a redstone a lamp and then all it was is just a regular old wooden pressure plate and then an item frame i don’t know why or how this works but if it works i’m going to be pretty happy we’ll also grab ourselves just a bit of walls here so let’s build up all right a little bit of a lamp we put our redstone lamp here and all we need is an item frame and a pressure plate and then we just got to oh look at that it works it actually works can you use this with other pressure plates as well if i wanted to top this off with a stone pressure blade could i do that okay so i do in fact have to stand on the pressure plate first and then once you’ve okay interesting it doesn’t work with the stone pressure plate it only works with the wooden ones so if we go ahead and grab some pressure plates can i use different types of wood or does it literally only work with the oak one so we’ll use a birch uh pressure plate instead we’ll see whether that works if i stand on it okay it’s holding it’s not turning off okay so the wooden pressure plates all work i’m assuming all the different types of wood but stone and i’m assuming definitely not the uh the polished black stone the lightweight pressure plate or the heavyweight pressure plate i don’t think any of those work but as long as you use a wooden one you’ll be able to get lamps that look like they’re being powered by nothing which is pretty clean place a turtle leg and a diamond into your inventory notice any similarities here maybe this helps as it turns out the diamond and the turtle eggs right the exact same shape diamonds absolutely now that i see it yeah i need to test it this is real you’re telling me that diamonds and turtle eggs are just the same yes good job mojang on your creativity wait i needed an item frame we’re gonna put these side by side and see whether they are in fact the same look if i switch them out of my hand they do look pretty identical i’ve never noticed this before hold up let’s dig this out here i want to see put a diamond there and an egg there i can’t believe it i can’t believe it they’re literally read textures of each other are there any other items that might look similar to the diamond now i’m curious how many other items are literally just diamond wait a minute the egg does the egg look like them kind of no i don’t think the egg is quite the egg is definitely smaller here guys the egg’s smaller but is it just a shrunk down version of a okay i’m trying to throw things up here please i’m trying to do science okay there’s our egg and there’s that diamond do they have the same text no the egg is like a shrunk down version of the diamond so it does have a slightly different shape but it is almost identical oh my goodness mojang what are these what are these identical items the diamond the value of the diamond is being compared to an egg and a turtle egg right now guys how did how did this happen there might be a more viable option you see in that version if a charged creeper kills a stray then it also drops a guaranteed witherspoon’s lightning and creepers by all means why not give this a shot and make those java friends just way easier so now if we go ahead and spawn in our stripes we’ll put a creeper right in the center here guys and we need to get it okay we need to hit the mob bang all right we’re going to charge creepier and now we need to get this charged creepy to explode up these strains so which means we’re gonna have to switch into survival oh boy all right come here come here over here ah guys i died all right i’m returning to the seat of the crime here guys do we have ourselves some wither skeleton skulls yes we do one or two in fact look at that that is such an easy way to get yourself with the skeleton skulls in survival mode without having to go to the nether especially if you have armor guys and you don’t die from the you know charged creeper explosion you should be all good and absolutely fine to absolutely farm a ton of these relative skeleton skulls now for our next minecraft secret guys you’re actually going to subscribe to the channel because that’s all the time we’ve got for today hope you enjoyed watching i’ll see you in the next one until then else your mouth

Testing Minecraft Secrets You Won’t Believe Exist Including Viral Hacks and Tricks w/ Eystreem

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Hi eystreem i watch u everyday thats how big of a fan i am evrytime im sad or crying i wstch you and u make ne happy especailly now bcus i choked in the car and im watching you thanks🥲

  2. 1my dad said that I can't join you
    2 I have no money
    3i am a very good person
    4 I am a kid
    5 I am seven
    6 I love your videos
    7so went I am 13 I can join you ❤❤ eysteem

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