Getting Netherite For The First Time

[Music] [Applause] today is prepare day we prepare we’ve gotten a lot of the difficult stuff out of the way now today we prepare to 100% assure make sure that we’re ready for this ender dragon fight no I’m not 100% we may not fight him today but if we don’t fight them today we guarantee them fight them tomorrow you know what I mean chat yes or no going for netherite yes or no am I safe you need slow falling potions so slow falling potions are something I really need to get right right chat vote on that poll chat vote on that poll man oh y’all want to try to get [Music] netherite oh remember we got the fortune 3 pickaxe so if we do find some okay what level was netherite at by the way I have never seen or found netherite in my life so if we do find some I’mma Be crunk why [Music] 15 Fortune doesn’t work on netherite wait put that on something use beds to farm for it okay okay what are the odds I’ll blow myself up with a bed by accident [Music] you need blueprints wait I need blueprints for what chat back at it chat what day is it day four chat day four baby back at it okay we need some bad action so let’s let’s go get some sheep chat let’s go find some sheep make some beds we’ll mine out with the beds in there this is day five no way it’s day five enchant more can you enchant netherite armor and stuff you can okay so if we get netherite we’re going to wait for to enchant the netherite stuff yo doctor with the five appreciate you okay chat we’re looking for some sheep there’s a creeper right there what are you doing two Creepers rest up buddy look at that aim type one case make chat bigger with the five there there he is again all right chat sheep Duty right now wait what to upgrade you only need one netherite for each item yo bagged milk with the five okay our main objective is to find so I’m kind of nervous we’re trying to look for it because I do not want to die in there but how many beds y’all think we need what about 20 about 20 beds yo can I take jebs fur too what kind of bed would Jabs fur make would the bed glow wait there’s a lot of sheep around here chat you know how bad I’m going to feel if I throw this egg off into the void and there’s like a chicken in it okay we’re good yo Vic with the five appreciate you okay we got quite a bit how much wool do we chat do the math how much wool do we need for 20 beds dude there’s so many sheeps 50 50 wool for 20 beds find a village yeah we could lowkey look for a Village St we could lowkey look for one of them Mansions too Chad because I’m still thinking about getting the uh Chad I’m still thinking about getting the the totem bro like y’all got to realize I’m locked in y’all think I’m locked in enough to take on one of them uh y’all think I’m locked enough to take on one of them uh the them Mansions no you saw the video yeah we saw a video of the uh the raid we didn’t see a video of the uh the Mansion though I feel like I could do a mansion easy y’all might be overhyping them chat I’m not going to lie yo young with the fire appreciate you CH y’all overhyping them I need some sheep action where y’all at bro yo I need to quit Sprint through here cuz lowkey at any minute I can like walk off a Ravine and be dead Chad like right there if I well never mind but you know what I I mean though wait these instantly hit leaves yo I forgot about that just breed them well here’s the thing I think we only going to need them for this unless we unless y’all want to do it for the dragon too but it looks a little risky I’m not going to lie yo where the sheit sheep is at there’s a sheep sheeps sheeps sheeps sheeps we found a spawner I heard one more back here too I can guarantee you right back here right back here there’s one more that we didn’t that we didn’t share cuz I heard him my situ my situation told you okay we got 28 + three plus 4 what’s 28 plus 4 chat 32 I only knew that cuz chat said it but sheep sheep alert sheep alert oh that’s a chicken yo chat did do sheep spawn in the the desert biome no probably too high yo where rest of map bro not going to lie I feel like we’ve gotten a surprising amount of them so far I feel like I thought it was going to be more uh more difficult to find them polar bears is it hard to kill a do they give you anything good uh chat what is this is this anything okay I’m assuming this is nothing right It’s Herobrine bro Herobrine don’t exist how many times I got to tell y’all chat Herobrine ain’t real dude where the sheeps is at man I see one I see one too easy hey too easy this tree don’t look like the Redstone Chad what kind of tree is this I heard another one it’s Lush bro you can’t be making noise when I already sheared you dude dig down oh it’s one of them Lush caves with the berries in it huh it’s got some ber action in there I’m good on that though okay hold on chat we need not much more and we’re good and then we’re going to go into the nether again unfortunately which I never wanted to do again but I guess we’re going to have to because y’all think the bed Strat is the Strat it wouldn’t be the first time y’all got me killed though also is it smart to wear a pumpkin in there yo book about lamps with the five appreciate you drop the seed oh no I’m gatekeeping the seed Chad should I drop it or keep it I’mma sell it on eBay 30 bucks easy money I ain’t going to lie though chat the seed really ain’t even worth having this seed was kind of mid this seed really do much for us yo Pig where the Sheep’s at bro I bet the ones that are back at the house regenerated their fur already too so we can go back there you were glazing the seed day one now chat was glazing the seed day one I thought it was mid since day one now the other seed the first seed that we had the seed that we died with that was a goated seed that seed was good where am I by the way oh we built that didn’t we yeah we did yeah we built that it ain’t herob bran either we built that I distinctly remember building it so don’t eveny don’t even try to sit here and say his hero chat you dead you dead what kind of skeleton is that chat what kind of skeleton was that [Music] yo thck with the five AR stray what is a stray he put a cannonball on me for eight seconds y I’m not going to lie I feel like I feel like we’re good with the amount of wool we have bro drink milk no I went away it was just a few seconds we’re good um hello why was that thing invisible excuse me what it was a potion you telling me spiders can take potions nah that’s rare bro that’s crazy is what it is dude there’s been some weird stuff happening like these skeletons dude got fried he’s still shooting me idiot look at that creeper think he about to do something dude the knockback goes crazy yo cheesy spaghetti with the five all right I think we should sleep right now wouldn’t you agree Chad because stuff’s getting a little crazy around here I’m load again Chad if I take Jeb’s fur he he remains his way don’t he he does why is your level 15 because we did like 30 enchantments we’ll get it back up though oh more sheep Chad look at him dude am I the best base builder in Minecraft I feel like I I deserve that that uh that that that title I mean this base is crazy another creeper you love to see it why is there another creeper can you go away please bro got one tapped what an idiot all right chat we’re about to go look for netherite you know how happy I’m going to be if I actually find some I’ve never even seen it goober chat what’s the most iconic Minecraft mob it might beat a creeper does this sword have knockback on it oh it does okay I saw a couple more over here we’re going to grab those and we’re going to go so lock in we going to grab these we going to go that all right Enderman oh Enderman could be up there I feel like it’s got to be to be creeper though right all right chat we go lock in here we go you think I need more wood the easiest way to get to netherite is to mine down to y15 press F4 and G it shows chunk okay thank you is that a good strap I mean we’re still going to bring the beds too all right throw what do I not need to bring I don’t need that I don’t need that I don’t need that um I only need one of these arrows what am I doing there we go let’s make some beds chat how many beds y’all say more food there ain’t no way I’m out of food bro how am I out of food of all people is there a faster way to do that right there like get to an exact number okay make these where’s the bed oh that’s not how you make a bed what am I doing yo what am I doing bro I was trying to make a sandwich oh my goodness that’s a lot of beds yo all right let’s go that’s insane should I make a burner pickaxe or keep using this one chat because it doesn’t have Unbreaking on it should I make a burner diamond pickaxe I feel like that’s the play I’m talking a regular diamond pickaxe no enchant wait I can just repair this one right just think chat just in case just in case we’re gonna have it all right Chat lock in here we go let’s try not to die I forgot food [Applause] I forgot food which is which is a crazy thing to say I forgot food is that not crazy that’s kind of crazy oh my goodness I didn’t go in with gold on either yo we almost sold there we go there we go we yes we CH cuz it would have been y’all’s fault and then guess what everybody got to get banned look at that how how efficiently you kill fish transfers your PVP ability which is why I’m good at PVP yo the music’s going kind of crazy right now all right we’re good that’s plenty good thing we got a blast furnace too so it don’t take forever yesterday says otherwise buddy I got stream sniped and that’s not an excuse smoker it’s automatically cooking because I got a flame sword dude that’s the best thing ever bro I forgot about that wow man that’s great Chad yo them boots is is getting real low if them boots break here’s what we do we put these boots on we replace it with the other chest piece okay let’s go we’re good Shield I got [Applause] Shields should we do it right here you forgot your beds yo duct tape with the five appreciate you go to y15 I feel like we should go to that area where it was closer to the ground would y’all agree like that area that we was farming the uh the Enderman from bro stop are these beds going to blow me up dude like for real can it one shot me Paige with the five appreciate you if you’re skilled no buddy I’ve never done this before this is all new ground for me right now why is there a pig up there I can’t have that rest up we dropped a pork chop to I’ll take that hey ooh since this Cooks stuff automatically no okay that doesn’t work I thought I could hit it and like yeah that’s probably pretty stupid was that a stupid thought yo fry bag with the five appreciate you you know what else we could do low key since we have an Infinity bow now we could we could honestly go boom boom yo chat where is uh where’s POV oh here we go we could go 30 POV and like snipe all the brutes out of here then go in would that work but here’s the thing if I kill a brute do the do the regular one start attacking no see I don’t I don’t know about that then bro dude that just scared me please don’t do anything thank you all right lock in Chat lock in y15 we’re at y 95 are we close this going to get us closer right here though which is good Grayson with the five appreciate you Grayson y 15 chat chat y 15 man look at that gas over there look at this dude okay so maybe we shouldn’t have made the little bases look exactly like a gas because that happened last night too yo donate with the fire appreciate you all right let’s see what level we’re at 43 wow wow should we bed down wait how can I go lower if this is all lava corrupt with the five so this land goes deeper than the lava okay okay okay okay CH I hear lava everywhere this ain’t going to work go this way or go this way am I cooking I am not cooking chat we can’t do it here y’all want to go over here and try it block off the lava hey buddy I got bad news for you it’s a million miles of lava dude I’m going be so crunk if we find some of this bro turn cords on I would if we were anywhere close we were nowhere close hold on chat let me cook you can’t tell me that doesn’t look like a gas from here maybe here chat you think here maybe hold let me keep looking let me keep looking maybe we can get lower that’s got to be it chat down there that’s got to be it right oh this looks this is like meant for it this is meant for it this pickaxe is almost too fast if that makes any sense uh yeah rest in peace chat we’re dead I hear lava oh no a gas won’t a gas won’t do anything to me down here will he that lava sounds a little close this can still work right wait no it says when you see this don’t go dude we’re at 29 do we keep going okay okay all right chat we’re going chat we’re going I’m nervous should I be nervous I’m nervous quarts 20 20 17 15 okay now what FN plus g chat F3 plus G wait is it minus5 or+ 15 because we’re at we’re at regular 15 do we have to go minus 15 it’s here okay dig a tunnel and place a bed okay so I like dig a tunnel to the to the left or right right here place a bed put blocks between you and the bed am I dead what if I do this does it is it going to work is it going to explode as soon as I put it down don’t use the bed method you might die yeah I don’t know about the bed method I never want to do that again bro I never want to do that again so that doesn’t blow up Cobblestone bro okay so there’s none here so what now do I keep digging so another tunnel another tunnel another bed right bro should I be safe here bro what if it blows the floor out from under me and there’s lava Chad it’s not5 it’s just normal 15 it’s -5 bro no way y’all are trolling dude that explosion bro what are the odds that this will explode and drop me into lava it’s 8 to 15 okay so we’re we’re doing right right now Chad how do you do the thing where the chunks pop up Kraken with the 20 gifted chat W Kraken with the 20 gifted Subs chat W Kraken with the 20 gift that I appreciate that bro thank you [Music] is that netherite no no dude I thought I dropped off to death yo Beaver with the 10 W Beaver chat this is so risky bro this is relatively safe right right like I feel like I feel like this is okay so this is pretty much the best way to find it though right like 100% Kraken with another 20 gifted chat W Kraken with another 20 gifted appreciate you cracking why do I hear a bunch of Fire I just want to find some how much do we need total for like a sword and armor 20 okay I feel like as dumb as it may seem I feel like this is relatively safe you know what I mean okay another bed is that nether white is that nether white over there what is that what is that what is that is that the unbreakable block oh my goodness let’s go let’s go chat I was here man hey I was here bro I have never found any of that bro dude that’s crazy how much do I need bro that’s wild we’re a little too low we’re on eight we need to go back up a little bit right about right here should I not go this way yeah we should not go that way so let’s like go over here right yo Chad I’m crun dude we’re at 11 this is good right [Music] 16 total GG we’re dead all right chat another bed right here let’s go I’m too far huh still too far come on need some more there’s none in here right none in here just Bridge across it so we don’t keep going lower chat W strats hey W strats why do I hear a gas okay should we keep going this way or should we bust a right right here because there’s that stone over there there’s a bunch of lava [Applause] I’m feeling this right here y’all feeling this right here yes dude let’s go dude this is the greatest day ever let me not say that because uh yeah we can die bro let’s go chat let’s go man this is actually so cool I’ve never even seen this stuff before so what percent increase of me surviving the dragon does this give me I mean we’re still going to try to get some potions and stuff too but 20 let’s go so chat this is the rarest substance in Minecraft right like it’s the rarest thing it [Music] is we’re going to go this way now chat emeralds are rarer no way really we found a lot of those though [Music] I’m addicted I need to find more of it Chad I’m a DI that I need to find more I will agree though that this is way riskier than diamonds did we Circle back we done circled back we’re never getting out of here wait GG imagine we found one of our holes this way too all right here we go none none bang the guy that said eat your way out I’m not even hungry right now okay hang on this is good Chad this is really good this is really good uh chat where are we is this the original this the original right here right Kraken with another 20 gifted chat give me some W’s for Kraken with another 20 gifted bro W Kraken Chad yo Kraken I appreciate the get this real thank you Kraken that’s crazy W cracken man appreciate that Kraken nothing in there chat nothing in there wait what yo let’s go yo W chat y’all peep that I didn’t even see it no way chat we have three how much more do we need yo gab with the five appreciate you chat do we go back surface and get more beds I feel like we do dude this is so good bro I can’t believe we found three no way man chat typ one if you’re proud right now bro you can strip mine at y level 14 if you want or go back to get more beds chat strip mine or more beds what are we thinking beds boss man with the five actually run a pole actually run a poll strip mine or more beds I feel like beds might be faster and it’s more fun okay y’all are voting beds that’s fine chat let’s go I’m going to see I’m going to see what these three do when we get back I I actually I actually just want to see what they do you have a higher risk of dying with beds yeah but here’s the thing I think we have the the the the technique down to where we’re not going to die right like no way like I feel like we’re good like I think the technique is like it’s sound to where the risk of dying it’s very low like to be honest I feel like the risk of dying is more on the run back to the portal than in there right you need four for an ingot kobby that’s too easy hey hey that’s too easy what you talking about yo a name with the 10 gifted w a name with the 10 gifted I’m going to grab this gold real quick CU I need some more gold boots wait it takes three of the it takes three and you have to use gold to get it too if that’s the case I’m going to grab some gold it takes four that’s fine yo brown with the five appreciate you Brown be honest Chad did y’all think I was going to die doing the bed STP I’m not going to lie I thought I probably was my biggest fear is like blowing it up and falling into lava directly after like that would be terrible okay we got a lot of gold who just said go find some diamonds buddy what we’re we’re moving past diamonds we live in lavish boy I got almost a stack at theca talk talking about some diamonds I’m good I got diamonds at the house you know dude is there like anything worth going in there for bro wait is that is that netherite right there Ferg with the five that’s not netherite chat you’re telling me there’s netherite in there worst time to hear a gas where is it so if there was netherite in there it would be in a chest right man I just don’t know chat I just don’t know yo orc with the fire I appreciate you what are y’all saying use template yo it’s him with the five okay we’re going to go get some more beds I think the uh the sheep have regenerated their fur by now what was that wait are templates useful you need them for netherite excuse me excuse me what no I thought all I needed was the netherite wait a minute I have templets I got two of them can I make a template with diamonds then how do you get templates there’s no way the only way that I can get this armor is going into that Bastion cuz y’all are saying do something with the diamonds too so what is it chat once you find the template you can infinitely dup it so I have to go in the Bastion like no matter what no way no way no way no we have to GG hey chat GG oh I’m sad bro I I thought I wasn’t going to have to bro we’re cooked Chad we are cooked Man netherite armor isn’t even that much better than Diamond if you don’t want to risk it you’re fine but I already got three though like are we like halfway to having full netherite armor you’re one force bro well here’s the thing if we’re going to go raid a wood Mansion we need like the can you make a netherite sword too what if I just do a sword how much better is the sword chat what if I just did sword the sword’s not worth it dude I’m nervous now cuz we got to go in there dude like now I’m nervous for real oh man dude we might just chill with the diamond bro yo CH y’all got me scared bro Chad y’all got me like scared right now you don’t need to go into the Bastion Chad do we just use Diamond bro wait what netherite armor has 12% more durability than diamond armor netherite armor provides the same amount of protection as diamond armor but gives the player more durability and plus one knockback resistance that’s horrible chat vote on that poll bro I’m nervous dude chat vote on that poll bro bro bro netherite is better and it doesn’t require templates it requires four gold hold in four netherite [Music] scraps I’m about to go to the Bastion bro I’m scared bro tell I’m scared if you want to see it make a smithing table CH should I make a smithing table smithing table okay smithing table and put the debris in there smelt it wait I have to smell the uh this bro bro so if I had one more I could see how this works you want to go get another chat why is this spider chasing me it’s daytime you’re about to get one shot all right see you idiot chat this risky bro add gold to it yeah but I’m going to need I’m going to need one more uh netherite in either way though right are we overhyping the Bastion bro I feel like it ain’t that bad okay we have enough for quite a few beds actually that’s good can you get fortune on shears J no j Chad I ain’t got no wheat j j j Jeb I hate you Chad I have no wheat man I have none there we go I’m about to kill you je I’m about to kill you you stay out ain’t nobody gonna kill them anyway all right beds chat beds Chad he’s gonna be all right chat Jeb gonna be all right two okay you think this enough bed to find one more chat I feel like it should be put him in a boat a boat what what does he do if I put him in a boat can I can I push him why did he run out immediately and by the way did you see how fast he regenerated how’d he do that yo JB Chad how get in the boat there we go this is so stupid bro oh no how do I that’s crazy name thank you for the five once you have one netherite upgrade you can dup more with diamonds netherite equipment is better than Diamond also if netherite equipment falls into fire it doesn’t burn so chat you’re saying we should just do a sword at that point [Music] look at all this stuff we’re doing cuz a cuz of jab [Music] [Music] man JB he’s back chat we’re good he’s back all right we go back in lock in Chad here we go we go back [Applause] let’s go how dumb of a play would it be to go for this Bastion y orc with another five appreciate you I have food Chad I got a lot of fish see what you mean of course y’all can’t warm me about food and when I say I got plenty of food say of course see what y’all did y’all almost got me killed yo Chad you know what’s crazy there was a chest we saw in there a little while back and the chest is gone now do the chest despawn in those things because there was a chest right there and it’s gone or maybe yo Grim with the five so let’s just say we did go over there what would the play even be also is there guaranteed to be this form or whatever y’all said in there what y’all call it template let’s just look chat let’s just look for a minute okay let’s say we see a easily accessible chest right orc with another five appreciate you like what is that why is there gold there yo anarch with the 5,000 bits W anarch with the 5,000 bits appreciate you use diamonds I’m thinking about it I really am [Music] [Music] chat I don’t see a chest like imagine we came all this way just to throw it away in there that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard where where [Music] Kobe dead dead dead easy okay first off let’s just go down here and get another piece of netherite okay yo B the guy that said aim resist what you mean we already made these beds we’re going to go down here and get another netherite I’m at least going to see what y’all talking about okay okay chat listen to this what’s more difficult the Bastion or the uh the mansion I’ve seen a lot of [Music] both chat vote on that pole vote on that pole y’all are saying the Mansion is more difficult by a long shot see you idiot don’t you ever try me again [Laughter] see you I just got revenge for anybody that’s ever died to a skeleton skeleton skeleton all right we’re looking for another netherite we’re going to use all these beds actually all right Chat lock in nothing there chat nothing there there was wait was there actually something there y’all trolling okay nothing nothing here chat nothing here go back why are y’all saying go back chat there’s nothing in here what y’all mean Chad there’s nothing in here what y’ talking about yo trolling the music got me strengthed Chad it’s not in the lava stop nothing yet chat nothing yet we’re good though yo I just had a vision chat there’s going to be some right here I told you the voices like y’all know when we’re playing Buckshot roulette and the voices will tell me whether it’s a uh whether it’s a blank or a live it just happened here they said hey there’s netherite right here I was like okay Chad I told you dude bro what’ I say yo caspen with the five appreciate you w voices chat they didn’t let me down this time nice no no oh I thought it was going to burn for a minute it’s fireproof though right is it Fireproof okay we have enough to make one Ingot now chat should we bust the right right here I feel like we should cuz there’s that there’s the what’s it called right there is going to be Lava come on come on we’re good we good we good hey we good casman with another five appreciate you now we bust the left actually no we go straight here we go let’s hope chat let’s hope oh my goodness there’s two of them oh my goodness there’s two of them no way wait no way Chad I’m out of cobblestone by the way chat what is that up there is that Soul Sand Dude I can’t believe there’s two right here wait do I do I need Soul Sand for the potions finally chat what are the odds of finding two of these back to back what is that noise okay let’s go get it let’s go chat should we use the rest of our beds we got two more left we might as well keep going until we use these beds dude the bad thing is Chad I don’t have any more uh any more [Music] Cobblestone mine around it what do you mean why would I mine around it a quickest pickaxe in history dude y yo yo that pickaxe crazy man bro that thing stupid two more beds like where did that lava come from where where’s that lava coming from Yo Lucas with 20 gifted give me some W’s for Lucas chat give me some W’s for Lucas with the 20 gifted appreciate that Lucas for real thank you Lucas appreciate that man W Lucas chat I don’t understand where this lava’s coming from like where bro I’m going just build over it chat is that stupid wait let’s Let it go down and see right side ceiling chat that’s not that’s that’s that’s uh that’s Soul Sand [Music] 75% chance we find some right here I didn’t say 100% bet Chad we have three that’s really good right dude chat stop saying go back and look up there’s none here now I’m about to go see how this works how did where did this go how did we miss this what don’t you dare say exactly don’t you dare say I told you nobody knew that was there that is not what y’all was talking about I cannot believe we missed that y’all did not know chat I’m sorry but no y’all a y no there’s no way there’s just no way wait should I get one more I feel like we need one more because if we have one more that means we have eight which means we have two but we need a bed for it but but we also need the Bastion correct where am I uh GG oh here we go strip M man that’s booty cheeks I don’t like strip mining man strip mining booty CH who else hates strip mining dude so I want this to be abundantly clear the only way that I can actually use the netherite that I am finding is to go to the Bastion and get the template yes or no yes that’s a problem yes you can also do duplicate the template with diamonds and Netherrack what is Netherrack what is Netherrack the red stuff oh it [Music] is okay so chat every Bastion is different right so our some Bastion more difficult than others and if that’s the case how difficult does this Bastion look because bro it’s right it’s it’s right there wait it’s it’s literally it’s right there wait this just got way more doable right how did we never notice it was right there look it’s it there’s two chests there’s two chest right there oh my goodness it’s doable we go back up top there’s a low chance it will actually have the template we go we get chat we’re going to the we’re going we’re going we’re going we’re going to do it I’m going to get some Cobblestone and we’re going there was a low chance for Bo Loris too yeah you’re right so imagine like the CH chat it’s bro it’s doable the chest is right there it’s at the very corner all we got to do is bridge over snag it and leave Chat lock in bro it’s about to get serious up in here I’m going to get some cobblestone I’m going to get like a stack maybe two stacks of cobblestone we’re going in the Bastion bro because the chests are right there lock in chat wear gold I got gold boots that’s enough right CH you know what I’ve like really haven’t paid attention to this whole time we’ve been Crossing this little bridge that like it’s literally like a death drop like I haven’t even paid attention to that this whole time I just been Crossing it leisurely yo DJ with the 10 gifted chat W DJ with the 10 gifted so at the very least Chad at the very least we’re going to get a netherite sword you know the piglins also attack you if you open a chest near them and if you hurt the brute do they stay aggro forever like forever in the rest of the game if I do that no about to go chat we about to go get an invisibility invis inv invisibility potion all right we’re going to get two stacks of cobblestone and we’re going to we’re going to bridge to the Bastion okay that’s what we’re doing how do you make an invisibility potion is it easy bro this is crazy here’s the thing with the way that it’s located I don’t even think we we’re going to like be in combat at all that’s the thing chat like it’s located a place that looks like there’s going to be no combat let me use this normal one it’s not worth it no no seriously look it looks like the chest is in a place where it’s going to be it’s going to be easy to grab it and go chat bro we’re about to go so best case scenario was one of those two chests that see there has the template right bro did all that just to die bro it’s not worth the risk here’s the thing it is though the reason that I’m saying it’s worth the risk how is it worth it did y’all were y’all in ads or something chat the chest was right at the edge like right there like it was right there it’s worth it Chad I’m telling you trust me if it gets too bad and if it it looks like it’s about to get ugly in there guess what we’ll just we’ll simply run away you know if it gets too ugly we will simply run away Chad the run’s not going to end here here we go lock in hey lock in bro come on man it’s not it’s chat come on bro it’s not going to be bad I’m going to show y’all what the plan is and once you see what the plan is you’re going to be like oh we got that okay so simply lock in Shield I got a shield I got two other Shields too here we go this should work y’all remember what I said at the start of this thing I’m playing this like this is my real life because we have one chance if I truly thought that there was a high chance of dying on this I wouldn’t go but I I I don’t think I think we got it right here you know we’re good we’re good bro chat we’re good man I already have the exact plan mapped out I have an exact plan I’m nervous though I’m not going to lie like I’m actually nervous again if there’s any moment where I think I’m going to die I’m I’m falling back look they’re right there it’s right there chat it’s right there idiot anyway it’s right there let’s go nothing good or what is it I don’t know this should work why would it not work why would this not work why he can’t snipe me from up here right idiot might need even more Cobble chat do I survive that fall all the way to the bottom right there I feel like I do worst case scenario a g F should I kill him should I just straight up kill this guy because nobody else is around to notice the only thing I’m afraid of is something sniping me and falling oh man oh oh man I survived that fall right what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing it’s right there do I just make it out of Netherrack you got to die I’m not going to lie if that if that thing would have [Music] appeared two minutes ago I’m inaccessible right inaccessible nothing can get me here you is that it that’s not it no no why is that not it why search for more chests dude I’m going to die in here where would there be another chest at I’m dead how deadly are those guys should I dig chat remember y’all are the one telling me to look around right now oh man I’m playing this right I’m playing this right oh no oh no that’s not what I wanted to hear at all it’s right above [Music] me chat we’re already in here we have to don’t we I thought I just fell to my death all good chat all good right now right all good what area do y’all think this chest would be am I safe right here this looks safe I don’t think it’s safe okay no way no way anybody can get me in this room right now this room is completely secured there’s gold yeah I saw that I saw it but do I need to get it what do y’all think up or down wait no if I dig the gold they’re going to aggro right or should I just dig beside it they know I’m in here bro chat they know I’m in here Chad they going to kill me bro that’s the chest I got a minute ago that’s not a new chest Chad I don’t need the gold right now up or down down keep going down Chad keep in mind nobody can hurt me right now we have done every security measure possible up until this point to assure that nobody can jump down on me right now I don’t think there’s anything down here CH I say we go back up listen I’m not going to lie I feel like this area is where the chest would be no [Music] what do yall think about this chat chat is this good we’re cooking right now correct that’s not an evil one is it he’s not evil okay I know what to do I know what to do right now Chad he’s not evil is he hello okay the 13 fish and quesos hot bar with the five gifted appreciate you CH I have a feeling that we’re getting close to a chest right chat close there’s a chest right there there’s a chest right there there’s a chest right there there’s a chest right there there’s a chest right there please please where’d it go he took the chest it’s gone he stole it what is that what is that is that it please tell me that’s it please tell me that’s it please it’s it let’s go I’m gone I’m gone I’m So Gone I’m So Gone I am so gone it’s not even funny oh my goodness just get me out of here let’s go breathe breathe breathe okay okay okay okay we got to get back we’re not out yet chat job’s not done yet chat job’s not finished yo killer clown with the 25 gifted give me some W’s for killer clown with the 25 gifted W killer clown please I just want to get out of here live just just let me get out of here live now please please get me back home get me back home get me back home get me back home get me back home get me back home get me back home get me back home please I can’t believe it bro chat be honest did y’all think there was any chance we got that from in there dude I cannot believe we mined our way through that entire thing found the chest in the middle of no where we did it all without even getting them aggroed on us like nothing dude I’m so happy bro Jay with the five appreciate you bro just get me back home please just get me back home Chad if I can survive that I can survive a woodland Mansion right G oh my goodness my heart just sank queso’s what absorber thank you for the five Chad my hands are cold I’m like I’m like nervous bro get me home bro stupid I was here man I was here man let’s go come on man Talon with the five appreciate you Talon boy bro I got to use the restroom chat don’t let me die I got to use the restroom bro let’s go man that’s what I’m talking about bro now we can play the game hey now we can play the game Chad instantly dup it what do I do to dup it chat here we go bro dude you need diamonds hey guess what we got that hey we got diamonds so Chad it’s this one this is the thing that just caused us so much pain this thing right here so that’s one of the most important items in the game then right bro okay we need diamonds and what Netherrack I have thrown away like 10,000 Netherrack over the past hour and I don’t have any right now are you kidding okay I have 34 is that enough how many diamonds yo Master with the five seven okay [Music] so the 11 fish in cas’s hot bar with the five gifted appreciate [Music] you hold on template top middle okay bro bro mod the guy that said that by the way so it does two per or no it does one because it has the one in there that already did bro oh should we do another one right now we’re going to have to get more diamonds huh I made fun of that guy for saying go get diamonds little did I know he was right all along that’s actually crazy bro my bad dude I apologize we’ll do one more for now we have five CH we have five so now what are we going to craft save one yeah we’re going to save one I’m not I’m always going to have one right we always need to have one because if you get rid of the the original you can’t have another one yo toxicity with the five appreciate you sword okay first off we have seven y’all said I need gold ingots make a chest plate okay we got gold ingots chat make a chest plate okay so what happens now four gold four scrap so just like that bro we need more gold I I still got a lot chat I was here first netherite Ingot acquired dude but we only have one hey hey um um can I make something with that yo eky Olive with the five chest wait there’s no netherite one though chat smithing table so you put one here one here and then what wait what it uses your existing armor okay this sword is not good enough to do that with so we’re not going to do it with this sword that is so cool bro chck y’all do it with the chest piece or we have this do we do it with the leggings cuz the leggings are goated right [Music] now chest piece how do I why is it low [Music] though should I repair it first let’s repair the chest piece first whoa Sam with the five appreciate you that’s that’s that’s that’s that that’s what we’re supposed to do right that’s what we do chat chat that’s what I’m talking about baby come on W see I knew we could I knew we could use the armor trim to make it look cool wait what you mean the armor trim Chad should we do that why was the bee in the boat by the way what was he doing in there what was bro doing chat use these okay do I put it in the same slot yo be get out the boat bro tripping wait do we do that one or uh uh or this one chat that one’s booty ain’t it is that one booty keep one so that’s all I need is that and that I is fire Chad y’all y’all are saying use a eyeball of Ender we can get more because we have this sword we know how to get we can easily get another Enderman amethyst the temp what you mean the temp oh we’re going to use the the the white one chat wait what y me don’t need that what you talking about I thought y said I needed that CH you talk you talking about this one right oh I thought thought y’all meant the Eye of Ender dude bro that is that the best looking one what about gold oh gold kind of hard too chat what’s the best one try a diamond oh what about okay why would that even work dude what is wrong with me bro red stone Chad does emerald work too let’s let’s look at lapis yo funky with the five appreciate you um boom boom what’s lapis look like what’s emerald look like that’s hard that’s hard it’s either Emerald or amethyst and honestly I think the emerald popping the green goes harder try it with the other trim yeah not it no the other one’s better chat Emerald right red stone I don’t even know where any of that is I ain’t even got none of that chat vote on that pole vote on that pole try quartz do I have quartz I don’t see any right here test should we try quartz do D now diamonds M we looked at that Pro through all the quartz away I threw all of it away Chad it’s gone looks like we’re going Emerald chat try copper copper all right that’s disgustingly bad that’s terrible too yeah Green Green is where it’s at like this just this is just it right here like iron that sucks green chat bro dude watch wait till we get all the whole match in set once we get the whole matching set [Music] dude you missed five get did I really yo Supermarket with the five appreciate you Supermarket so Chad you know what we got to do now right we got to get more here’s the good news so all together we only need five ingots Al together we only need five ingots right enchant the chest piece I can’t yet it’s too low so to be honest Chad I feel like the bed Strat is the best way to get that stuff would y’all agree bro bed Strat 100% % get a mending pickaxe Chad how do you get mending dude we were getting like dude we were we were finding it very quick from Trading okay let’s throw this in here let’s throw everything we’re not going to need in here okay okay yo chat be honest this has been good preparation huh dude this has been great preparation dude dude the netherite thing bro why did I get rid of the iron axe what is wrong with me man I’m not going to lie CH I’m tempted to go find a woodland Mansion bro I’m tempted should we I don’t know bro I’m feeling like we should cuz honestly us surviving that Bastion just gave me more confidence so so you said you chat you said if we do a woodland Mansion we get like three of them totems right and that means if they’re just in my inventory and I die I don’t die or do you have to be holding them when you die holding it in your off hand so you you don’t even really need the shield for the for the ender dragon fight anyway do you I feel like you don’t need it so technically during the end fight we could just hold the totem the whole time if we get one dude we could chat we could literally do this bro chat we we could we could literally do this dude depending upon how difficult it would be you know what I mean 5,000 bits yo 5,000 bits from Supermarket Sam update read my username yeah I know there’s a update y’all been telling me appreciate the 5,000 bits though thank you don’t do the raid see we ain’t going do to raid who just said to there’s nothing to stop this isn’t a thing now Chad Chad if I were to ever get banned off twitch what do you think it would be for you think it’ be for like getting butt naked all of a sudden well I’m not going to lie Chad if we die between now and the dragon I’ll catch y’all in a month okay not GNA lie just know that hey hey just know that chat if we die die between now and the dragon or during the dragon you going to see cheats flying all over the place y I’m not going to lie we’re about to go to a village and steal all their beds y’all want to do that they don’t need to sleep anyway how many beds is there per Village a bunch wasn’t there a village close to here or am I tripping am I tripping it’s night time yeah I’m no longer afraid of the night we got a netherite chest piece right now I’m no longer afraid that being said I will go sleep though just so I can see better just so I can see better though that’s the only reason you know kill Phantoms chat what do Phantoms drop you know what I think Chad I think you should get XP from shearing sheep like at least a couple bubbles okay anyone in favor of looking for a woodland Mansion type one I at least want to get a little Peak need some more [Music] [Music] chat like again again I’ll say this again if we survive the Bastion we can survive a woodland Mansion correct like let’s be for real for a minute you know what I mean or should we go look for some more netherite right now I’m down for either one yo froggy with the five appreciate you dude dude should we chat do we try to get some potions too bro I don’t know man some potions Chad how difficult is it to get potions is it easy really the only potion I feel like I need is that feather falling one the Mansion is to what all right let’s make these beds we have a lot of wool dude like a lot no it’s raining bro I’m so happy right now chat that we got the uh we got the the the the the the the uh the what’s it called put these in here put these in here put those in here put that in there let’s make some beds how many beds is going to make oh my goodness that’s a whole lot of beds chat the thing is we can get more too we can get wait y’all are saying the Phantoms drop what what do the Phantoms drop we’re about to find some netherite chat let’s go they drop membranes for potions wait are Phantoms those flying creatures that attack you at night okay we got make chat move faster with the five appreciate you did I put one of the beds back what is wrong with me whoa hold on hold on I almost forgot them boots hold on yo what’s good ducky yo can we mod the guy can I get that off of those boots no bro dude those would have been so good I’m good on food I got seven and two I’m good on food let’s go grind Stone wait the grind Stone just makes it disappear though don’t it let me grab the extra bed too let’s go Cobblestone bro Chad I don’t need more food I’m good I can survive off this much food I’m good I don’t need as much food as a normal person does okay why y’all saying cap I [Applause] don’t what’s your favorite milk flavor strawberry easy straw dude strawberry bro 100% right I know y’all agree with that strawberry is gas dude strawberry milk cookies and cream is good too yo my inventory is full that’s crazy all right we’re going to get two stacks milk or ice cream they have they have cookies and cream milk tell y’all remember back in the day at school they had the little milk cards that have cookies and cream in there but straw but strawberry is undefeated y’all didn’t have that I think that’s mold no it literally said cookies and cream on the carton it was pretty good there’s no way y’all didn’t have that I’m not tripping either I remember all right there we go all right chat more netherite let’s go that was probably before the healthy lunch stuff happened wait I remember that bro they they messed up school lunches after that dude I was so mad bro bro school lunches bro they went to dokie after that happened man now don’t say of course everybody was mad about that mad it ain’t just me everybody was mad bro they use that bro Chad did y’all schools ever do strum buy sandwiches bro they had them strum buy sandwiches too dude oh my good them strum boli sandwiches was so good man y’all never had that bro dude the dude shumbo day bro when it was shumy day I was so happy bro you know what’s surprising chat and don’t say cap either I’m dead serious I didn’t like pizza day man their pizza was always mid they had the square cut pizzas and they weren’t the party pizzas they were nasty and when they didn’t have square cut pizzas they had the pizzas with the stuff crust and it was so mid bro School School lunchroom pizza was horrible dude like literally horrible you’re right not going to lie but cap so you’re agreeing with me but you’re think I lying that’s insane Pizza day was awesome no I was trading that bro so y remember trading stuff back in school like hey if you don’t want to eat that I’ll give you this dude be trading in there I remember I I’d have like three strum boli sandwiches on my plate like I’d trade them my like whatever we had on as side cuz they didn’t like the strum Bing bro strum Bing was good man man that strum Bing was good and the crazy part is I’ve never had it again after that so I’m mad about it cuz I’ve never I don’t I don’t understand how to get back to it dude it was oh man it was so good bro make it I can’t bro that’s like the same people saying like oh man we can make a quarter pounder at home it tastes better you know you lying it’s got to have that certain fast food taste if it don’t taste like that it ain’t done right um hello excuse me thank you you traded your veggies n nobody was eating that nobody was eating them veggies it was the most nasty assortment of veggies you could ever have it was like like the pre smoked never mind smoked smoked you’re dead smoked you’re dead smoked smoked smoked you’re dead thank you but yet I also had like the prepackaged the pre-canned uh queso death by Warden with the five gifted we get that guy back and there’s no way you’re manifesting my death by a warden the breakfast food was good no I never got the breakfast cuz you had to pay extra for the breakfast dude I remember that yo that’s crazy dude I remember that actually breakfast was free not in my school it wasn’t you had to pay like a premium membership or something bro I don’t even [Music] did I deflect his Fireball with my arrow you think you’re getting away alive no you going to die no you dead [Music] Kobe I don’t know where he went did that hit what this dude just say oh never mind so chat you could deflect Fireballs with the arrows too that’s kind of crazy all right we got a bunch of beds we should be able to find some more netherite in here y’all just try to go straight chat not going to lie hold up I want some of this to bridge across so I’m going to throw this axe down for now queso’s diamond sword with the five gift appreciate you it ain’t going to be diamond for long buddy that thing about to be netherite all right chat everybody everybody lock in let’s hope we get some lock in chat dude imagine we just got some first try right here y’all see any okay none there that’s fine chat nothing right nothing let’s go yo chat shout out to me for being the first person ever to to discover this bed strap by the way yo can we ban the guy that just said use the water bucket for the fire hey man do you not know where we are hey yo chat bro said use the water bro we can’t man it de integrates or whatever it is evaporates see y’ like that new Strat the move is to build one extremely long tunnel then make smaller tunnels alongside the wall and place a bed in every tunnel is that what we’re doing ooh see we can’t do it right here though so we Mak one soup queso 62 Cobblestone with the five gifted dude that’s crazy yes we got some and we’re not even going for it right here B2 that’s fine let’s go chat chat let’s go okay we have one super long tunnel here so now we just make side tunnels off to side right queso’s passport with the 20 gifted Subs give me some W’s for queso’s passport with the 20 gifted appreciate you chat WK so passport for the 20 I appreciate that man thank you oh no this is a rough area chat this a rough area bro I’m not going to lie Chad I invented this Strat right okay do it here here we go can y’all see anything queso’s 18 levels with the five gifted bro how do y’all do do that so fast okay nothing down here okay here we go chat be on the lookout nothing in this one nothing in this one bagged milk with the five appreciate you six block Gap wait six block Gap is the play I sold none there chat none there how was there nothing I don’t know we’re getting where is it queso’s 10 gold nuggets with the five chat you think my other Strat was better it’s the same same or better should I already read the bits man this ain’t working too good chat old strap better here’s what we could do this is what we could do let me cook should I turn on wall hacks you think queso’s 15 torches with the five gifted dude this is crazy go I turned on the wall hacks hey chat W plays W plays let’s go let me get them levels Chad I didn’t actually turn x-ray vision on y’all think I would do something like that saying yes is crazy anything Chad anything nothing here nothing here queso’s couch in the back with five gifted appreciate it lock in chat we got a few more beds left so if you do two blocks instead of one you take less damage right 100% you do D I’m not going to lie this looks like one where there would be some at we’re getting scammed chat we getting scammed right now I thought I died what yeah yeah are you sure all right chat the vo is just told me there’s going to be some in the next one they were right earlier queso’s half broken pickaxe with the five appreciate you watch this the voice is lied the voice is l what oh you meant the next one okay CH I meant the next one they said the one after this one my bad that’s a crazy name thank you for the five gifted bro bro dude are you serious chat they lied again chat they don’t Li again no way Ste with the five appreciate you huh oh this one okay Chad they said this one chat they said this one let’s see farts and poop I fart with the five gifted are you st with another five okay I’m not reading that name thank you for the five bro yo what are we doing man what do y’all got going on queso’s voices with the five how are they so fast uh why is there blue flames down here also why have we not found any in a minute dry Leaf Dane with the Bro dry Leaf Dane get out of here man I hate dry Leaf d man that’s okay thank you for the five again bro what is That Yo Chad I’m going keep it an absolute stack with you right here queso’s orange bar Shield with the five gift queso’s colon sample with the five gifted excuse [Music] me my account was banned with the five gifted thank you bro queso’s back left window with the five it’s not a window the luck that we have had ch we have found one this whole time no two them peers them peers was [Applause] working I seen it I seen it queso’s chair legs shaking with the five gifted and queso’s oil okay thank thank you he’s built like the great attractor with the five gifted I’m about to lose my mind Freddy with the five thank you Chad we needed this I’m not going to lie please be two it’d be cool if it be two right here that’s fine D if we could find one more with this last bed bro that’d be beautiful that let’s see if we can find another one with this last bed queso’s hairline with the five gifted thank you butt cheek Destroyer [Music] 46 what are these names Stewart with the tmw Stewart dude simply with the five and queso oiled up simply and I ain’t talking about simply orange the orange juice queso’s oiled up again queso’s headphones with the five last bed chat let’s hope let’s hope case’s empty item slot with the five Okay Applebee’s two for 20 is back with the play SU market with the five queso’s one pork chop with the five guess what you better change that name to queso’s no pork chop because it’s gone how much do we find out of here quesos Can-Am Renegade with the five queso stain draws with the queso’s plant on the right with the five gifted queso’s one arrow with the five gifted queso’s butt crack debris with the five gifted is this illegal what are y’all doing dookie on my chest with the five gifted we missed some there’s another one let’s go Z Wheels with the five fart poop and fart with the five booty Sprinkles with the five we’re in a serious moment here the four cherry trees in case’s base with the five there’s two oh my goodness let’s go chat let’s go man stink wrinkle 69 with the five gifted what does that mean oh my goodness there’s three you got to be kidding me it was three queso’s booty crack with the five Reggie with the five appreciate you chat we have six right now bro no way the voices were right the voices were right we just missed it y’all can’t afford five for what with the five gifted what booty with the five thank you skid with the five skid marks that is thank you dude what are y’all doing excuse me [Music] how to Tickler with the five how did that thing get down here GG I’m lost I have no food 10 ton case with the five queso’s left armpit with the five Chad I’m lost in the cave in the nether with no food GG never mind forever octane with the five appreciate you yo W gifters though even though the names are insane W gifters chat No Lie sup case if you use leaves instead of cobblestone when blowing up beds it’ll offer you the same amount of protection you won’t have to use up all your Cobble wait really chat yo mod that guy thank you for the five gifted with the five gifted thank you for the five gifted how did you get that name by the way wait can we talk about this dude’s OG name that he just got this dude actually got the name thank you for the five gifted how did you how was that not taken wait no you better hold on to that and remember the password like seriously that’s going to be worth some money queso’s insulin with the five no like actually he got thank you for the five gifted username that’s that’s that’s wild like I remember when I was playing there was a um I was playing Call of Duty back in the day on Playstation I saw a dude’s account on PlayStation it was just named monster with no no letters or or no word or no uh numbers all that bro how did you get that queso’s passport to roll over queso’s passport to roll over I don’t need a passport to roll bro bro come home man bro do we have six that’s good right cases shaded what the four cherry trees with the five as well yo chat W gifters though case orer than his cat no I’m I legitimately need to know how y’all are making these so fast like how are you doing that Chad don’t you need to email and like verify your email to make a Twitch account like how are you doing this oh they’re changing their name queso’s obesity pills yeah get that dude bad I don’t Chad y’all think I take obesity pills dude case is eating the the world with the five GI chat y’all realize that you’re literally changed how long queso’s grumbly tummy with the five and Cameron with the five how how often can you uh change your name I think it’s like once every six months right Cas ‘s high blood pressure with the F like y’all realize y’all are stuck with these like there’s going to be a wave of people on Twitch with these insane names y’all stuck with these for some months dude three months two months Cas orer than his cat with another five booty sprinkles what the hey man what can you even say at this point bro chat which episode do y’all think was the most productive this one or the last one because the last episode was extremely productive but this one was productive too because we literally got access to netherite armor like this one’s up there like as far as dangerous task hey chat everything that we do everything that we do is getting us closer and closer to this end dragon fight you know what I mean chat be honest are y’all proud of me for not rushing it queso’s oxygen tank with the five and booty sushi with the five queso’s manf friend with the five I don’t know what that means we’re in the movie with the five C because I was thinking last night off stream it’s like yeah I have all the Eyes of Ender I could go in here and just fight the dragon but the thing is I didn’t do all this work just to get to the dragon fight I want to go in there fully prepared and actually beat this thing you know what I mean like literally it’s better that we take our time do everything you know with the five gifted with the five gifted thank you are you gonna fight the Wither what is that quesos OIC pills with the F yeah I’m in stream dude how are you getting these names let’s go and we’re home safe queso’s belly zip code with the five gifted queso’s wet smelly diaper with the five gifted yeah good stream dude dude we’re in a serious moment y’all over here doing this that is crazy cases broken tailbone with the five I don’t have a broken tailbone chat W progression we went crazy on that Bastion we got netherite this was a beautiful episode chat we’re doing great I’m not gonna lie tomorrow is a day tomorrow could be could be the day I’m not 100% sure because we got some more stuff to do but we’ll see chat W progression bro w gifters w stream chat I love y’all man for for real dude we put in work I’m not going to lie Chad we put in work today hey Chad I was here hey I was here for another episode man chat great stream for real bro I love y’all man appreciate y’all for kicking it with your boy again tonight appreci all to get this Subs donos bits follows and of course I appreciate all for this hanging out hey love good rest y’all night have a good day tomorrow see y’ tomorrow ladies and gentlemen I love you man all right peace out y’all

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  1. CaseOH stop making my house shake, don't kill my bloodline and have a family case please stop 🙏🍟🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍦🍗

  2. He was hungry he was hungry
    😂Dinosaur 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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