Mikey & JJ Cheated with //RICH in House Build Challenge in Minecraft (Maizen)

today our goal is to build cars and houses we are separated by a wall and everyone will build on their own half then let’s start our competition now I’m going to my side we’ll soon compare who is the best Among Us Mikey flew to his place I’m going to my side too it’s time to build a car now but I have one feature I can use special commands now I’m going to try to make a diamond block out of an ordinary block of ground to do this I will need to use the rich command H great I managed to make a diamond block now I’m going to try to make an improved version of the stone using the same command I can use them for construction to improve the cars and houses that I want to build now I’ve tried it on different blocks and they’ve really gotten better now I’ve been able to transform another block and I’m very happy with how my construction is going now I have a very cool idea but the moment has come to move and see what Mikey is doing I’ll play him sometimes I have just built such a beautiful car I really like it but now I want to look at the beautiful sky I’ll take a little break because building a car is not so easy with the help of the poor team I will make his car out of the ground how fun it is I can imagine his face now when he sees that his car has changed a lot I can’t believe it my car has become ground now I have to redo everything I am very upset that this happened I did a good prank on Mikey but now I have to start building my car because we will compare with Mikey who did it better to do this I will now take all the necessary resources and start building with wheels it’s enough for me to just build a silhouette of the car and then improve it with the help of the team now I just need to try not to get distracted and build a car I want it to be blue so there’s not much left now I’ve already finished making the main framework I think it’s time to use the team to make the car look look like a real one now I’ve marked the right points and I’m going to go a little further now I need to hurry up now Mikey will surely be flying here soon to watch we need to enter the rich command super I managed to make the car transform it’s time to ride her now oh I hope that no one will distract me and I will get great pleasure from how I did it nothing could be more beautiful than this car with the help of commands I can do almost anything I can’t believe my eyes you’ve already been able to build a car it looks good but mine is much better I can argue with you about that let’s drive now and find out who is the best driver Among Us I just ran to start my car getting ready for a car race oh Mikey I agree he has now flown to his side but he does not yet suspect that this is an incomplete result of the construction of my car I’m going to improve it now and make it look like a sports car it won’t take me that long I want to look at Mikey’s face after that I think he will be very surprised he won’t have a chance to pick me in the race I’m entering a command now it’s time to see what happened to my car super it’s very cool now my car is like a real sports car it’s time to get in and leave now in the race with Mikey I have to prove to him that my car is much better than his I will do my best to feed him now I’m going to test the car how fast and manageable it is it’s a pleasure to ride it it can’t be now I see a sports car in front of me I came in a regular car but I can still beat you no matter what you do and no matter how hard you try in this race we will decide who is really the best Among Us I will do my best to defeat you let’s get on the line and start the race Mikey you know you don’t stand a chance whatever car you build now I’m going to win you anyway way it’s time to step on the gas pedal the race is starting now I have to get as far away from Mikey as possible I see that his car is completely not ready to compete with mine so I pulled ahead I don’t understand how you can get so far away from me right now you’re still kidding me because you’re going in reverse surprisingly your sports car is really very fast that’s it I’m going to my side there’s no point in competing with you you’re much faster I admit defeat in this race but this is just the beginning Mikey is very upset right now because he didn’t have a chance to win I’m going to put my powerful sports car on my side somewhere nearby we will definitely ride it again but now we need to decide on the next construction offer Mikey let’s build a house now whoever makes it more beautiful wins then let’s not waste time I’m running to my side Mikey has now outlined what we’re going to do and I’m starting to build a house I need to take a very responsible approach now because I want to win every confrontation with Mike and in order for the house to be built you need to make a foundation first and then build walls I’m going to make the foundation and put up small parts of the pillars so that they can already make walls and windows H I have a lot of work to do right now and I must not be distracted in any way until I finish the house I’m not going to run to Mikey the most important thing for me now is to make the main frame thanks to this I will be able to improve my house with the help of the team I really like construction I will not stop and continue on now I have laid out a lot of blocks of ground and wooden blocks are already being substituted for them in order to use them the walls must be very high because I have always dreamed of a large and beautiful house with panoramic windows I hope that I will soon be using the team to improve the house the most important thing for me now is to make the lower part and indicate the approximate dimensions of this house with the help of the team I will then be able to make it real and now everything is working out the way I want it the main thing for me is to make one side and the second one will be completed after that my house turns out to be very beautiful I like it after the rich command he will be greatly transformed now it remains for me to insert the glass and the construction will be almost finished I think I won’t have any problems and Mikey will soon see a huge house where I can live and enjoy I need to make a small opening now so that I can go in and finish some of the walls I completely forgot about them I hope that now my house will be transformed H I really like that in such a short period of time I have already managed to do the main part and build walls I’m very interested in how things are with Mikey I hope that he will also have time to build a house in time and we will finally compare who did it better I will do everything in my power and I will definitely achieve Victory I chose this location of the house for a reason because it will be very convenient to live in a large number of rooms and large windows that will receive light will please me now I have completed what I planned now it’s time to use the rich command I built a huge house he looks just incredibly cool I am now flying around it from all sides and wondering how I was able to build it ha I doubt Mikey will be able to do at least something like that but I would like to improve it even more because some walls are unfinished and should be a different color my work is going just fine nothing could be better I did everything the way I wanted and now it’s time to equip the house inside I have to redo the floors and put some walls inside my house will consist of two floors I will be able to live on each of them I have a lot of work to do right now because it’s not so easy to arrange houses inside it’s a very large area I’m going to need a lot of furniture and paintings right now I don’t want the house to be empty so I will arrange as many different items as possible so it will be much more cozy and beautiful the house already looks great I want to hang a picture in front of me now and make a small sofa so that I can enjoy it during breaks and have a good time I am very happy with how everything looks nothing could be better but something has been missing for a long time it’s very strange he’s probably busy with work right now but he would have come running here a long time ago great woohoo I’ve just managed to get into your house and install a large number of creepers it’s a lot of fun you won’t be able to catch up with me anyway there are a lot of creepers in JJ’s house right now Mikey made me very angry right now and flew to his side but that’s okay I will definitely find an opportunity to take revenge on him gooh for now I have to get rid of all the creepers that are inside my house I don’t want them to go there they can explode at any moment I can’t let that happen I’m going to improve my house a little from the outside and after that I’m going to fly inside right away I’ll get rid of every creeper that’s sitting inside now I’ve managed to make sure that they don’t explode each creeper is now in its own dome which does not cause an explosion now it’s time to use the command to make them disappear immediately I don’t want to waste a lot of time so it’s best for me to speed up [Music] now great there are no creepers in my house now and I have to get back at Mikey as soon as possible for making fun of me like that now I’ll quietly make my way to his house in order to launch creepers to him I’m sure he definitely doesn’t expect this but I’ll do my best and mock him for a long time I’m a much better prankster than Mikey and I doubt he can match me I’m standing at his door right now and it’s time to enter the command I’m going to surprise Mikey very much now now I’m going to take revenge on Mikey the creepers are already in his house H what’s going on here why are you near my house now I can’t believe my eyes why are there so many creepers in my house just please don’t blow them up horror the explosion was so powerful that it destroyed most of my house get off my side stop setting fire to everything I’ve built right now don’t ever come back here again go away it’s Mikey’s fault I threw him a lighter let him now stand upset with the destroyed house the prank turned out to be very funny and I really liked it but now I need to move on to the arrangement of my house I still have a lot of rooms that need to be renovated inside now my house will definitely be better than Mikey’s I have very big plans for the arrangement of this house therefore now I will arrange as many bookcases as possible it is necessary to rearrange it to the bed because I really don’t like them and in principle start arranging the furniture I want to finish the house as soon as possible and show it to Mikey he will be shocked by what kind of mansion I have managed to make during this time so now the beds are in their places I also need to make a separate kitchen where I can put my products she should be standing in a corner somewhere under the stairs I think this is a very good idea and the staircase itself needs to be fixed too she’s not as beautiful as she should be now it’s better to go up to the second floor because it’s completely empty there I continue to equip the house further on the second floor I want to put a room for myself in which I will only relax and enjoy the beautiful views from the window I have always really dreamed of making a workplace where I will sit on a chair at a table H I think this is a very good idea if I implement it after A Hard Day’s Work It will be possible to lie down on the bed which I also put in this room and now I’ll make a small table and hang a picture next to it I can always sit and enjoy it I hope that no one will distract me now because there is really a lot of work I have to finish it as soon as possible because soon Mikey and I will compare who turned out better at home I don’t think he has a single chance of winning every time I only improve my house and it gets better therefore now we need to finish a arranging the interior because I want to improve it with the help of the team I hope that everything will go well and I will finally be able to relax and have a delicious meal soon I’m distracted by the food right now I still need to use the command now there will be a TV in my house and much more what could be better now after using the command I will immediately inspect and check everything carefully I hope that all the items that I have used have become really much better I can’t believe my eyes the house has really transformed and become even more beautiful now it’s time to put some of the food in the chest so that I can always eat very tasty I want to fly around the whole house from the outside to see what it looks like there really can’t be anything better now there is a beautiful sports car nearby and I can ride it the house has been transformed too the house has been woohooo I I was finally able to reach you I want to see what kind of house you built wow how did you manage to do this I’m very surprised now you did a good job and I’ll tell you honestly you did a great job but I have a suggestion for you right now let’s have a new competition who will build the best sword Mikey this is a cool idea I totally agree with her then let’s find out who really builds swords better I’m not going to be distracted by anything right now and I want to make a huge beautiful sword that will look like Excalibur I’m going to need the best materials right now the handle should be made of wood and the blade will be made of diamonds now I have already started to build the foundation for the sword oh she has to be very strong because if we fight Mikey then I definitely have to beat him if all the materials are very cool then after the rich command the sword will transform so much that Mikey just won’t believe it I will do my best to win and I will not stop we need to finish all the construction of the sword because now Mikey and I will already start comparing who did it better I think the moment has come now to use the rich command and check how much the sword will transform I built it very quickly super it’s turned out now this is a diamond sword with an obsidian Hilt now I want to fly to Mikey and try to make a prank on him I want to know how his sword building is going interesting I’ve already built almost a sword but I need to run home for additional materials I hope that no one will spoil it Mikey has surprised me a lot right now but I want to make his diamond sword a little different I think he will be very surprised when he sees the test result now carefully without attracting attention in any way I will make his sword out of the ground finally I have now collected all the necessary materials now you need to run to your sword oh no I can’t believe my eyes how is this possible oh why has he become completely out of the ground now I did not build it like this it’s so much fun when Mikey doesn’t understand anything it gives me a lot of Joy but now it’s time to make your own sword I will use the real command great now I have the most powerful sword in this Village Mikey just look you’ve never seen anything like this it’s impossible I won’t even compete with you right now because my sword is much worse I give up everything I agree that you won let’s finish this competition we built everything we could oh that’s how our incredible Adventure ended

Mikey & JJ Cheated with //RICH in House Build Challenge in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : @maizenofficial

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  1. Hey @zenichi_maizen494 i was wondering if you would be interested in working on creating similar jj and Mikey videos for me. I can give you a going rate per video

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