d [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh my goodness it’s happening oh what is going on everybody my name’s Jacob Forester and welcome back to stard do Valley welcome to the stream everyone so so lovely to see you all I am experimenting with a much earlier stream today uh I’ve got some things I’m going to be doing a little bit later so I was like oh you know what instead of uh potentially pushing this back another day I may as well just try it out early that way a lot more of you can kind of hop in here I see there’s quite a few of you who are coming in for the first time saying that you can catch this stream so that’s very lovely very wonderful yeah this is the first stream I’ve been able to catch living in the UK and I’m so excited well thank you for being here Aaron Jamie 92 me too living in Germany uh see me run happy Canada day let’s go let’s go what’s up Gemma how are you doing so good to see you gra Shield good evening from the UK it’s been a while since I attended any stream alak gazam everyone uh Alina hello from Germany who early Jacob stream you know it green bean you know it so it’s currently 1:22 p.m. here so it’s this is early for me for for a stream at least uh I got my coffee earlier very wonderful I got some water off to the side here for myself so that’s also great hello from Switzerland hello peace bro how are you daily L yeah starting early today absolutely early Jacob hello Sabrina what’s up Lexi I love your uh impersonation of me pretty good uh Cleo I can actually make it live to today let’s go the base boy what’s up Matty Moore hello hello what’s up ninja how are you doing and we got Meeks perfect timing just finished the week’s VOD now you’re early so I can catch the live stream from the UK heck yeah heck yeah indeed delini says whoop whoop more impersonations of me what’s up Alina how are you doing pixelated meow hi hi Hi how are you finally catching you live thanks for stream ah absolutely horror game no this is stardo Valley but you might consider this a horror game depending on who you are yeah of course Jamie of course of course of course um hi Jacob love your content this the first stream I’m catching just spent the end of May and the entire month of June catching up on all the past 50 stardy vods also happy Canada Day love it absolutely love it all right well let’s go ahead and cut the music and let’s just jump straight into stardo Valley I’m always so excited for this this is always the highlight of my week getting to hang out with all of you and getting to play some silly little stardew getting our farm all lovely and well cropped ah yes we’re here weather report tomorrow beautiful sunny day and rain in the islands interesting fortune teller today Spirits are Whispering Good Humor little extra luck h oh sweet where’s my crobby I think he’s outside with the rain gubby love you buddy love you so sweet so nice no more wine but there’s a lot of gold stars so that means we’re going to get some good stuff here pretty soon also there’s covy I wonder if the wizard knows about this I hope you can keep a secret what do you mean Wide Open Spaces make me nervous oh crobby poor croby it’s okay we’ll comfort him Roomba yeah where’s where’s good old Roomba got to find [Applause] him oh my gosh all the corn is ready incredible oh y where’s Roomba where’s Roomba Roomba Roomba it’s so cute oh so he’s just staring at the water reminds them of Home missed a bit unfortunately I didn’t know you had cromis move in I did I absolutely did corn time give me all of your corn oh yeah love a good stormy rainy day it’s my favorite yeah I mean we are we are 50 plus parts into this series now so if you’re not completely caught up there’s definitely some things that uh have been missed I’m sure corn time corn time so yeah as you can tell with the description I’m going to do my best I we’re probably not going to do this one but I’m trying I’m trying my hardest to get the uh to get the chi Bean Quest going also finally able to catch a stream from the UK let’s go let’s go so very exciting ooh give me all of your goodies can I use the Scythe no that would be nice huh I guess I’ve been too distracted to come in here recently you miss a corn by lampost oh my gosh we’ll go back it’s fine it’s fine give me Apple oh ancient fruit let’s go so sweet uh okay I guess I can grab all of these give me give me give me whole lot of summer squash sadly it’s raining so our little junimo friends aren’t going to be out here today helping us out ooh ooh okay I got to be careful cuz there’s a bunch of chi beans here that I can’t actually Harvest yet cuz my inventory is full okay we’ll keep it at that for right now no a crap okay well I may as well Harvest it all all right let’s very quickly sell this you know give me horsey hello from Poland it’s 2228 love and early stream sweet oh yeah it is so oh pass it it’s very sweet to see so many uh wonderful people here getting to hang out early so yeah I’m super glad I ended up doing this for everybody sell the coffee beans we don’t need coffee beans okay very quickly grab our goodies down here grab gra grab nice oh there’s one chili bean oh chili pepper I don’t know why it’s called it a beam all right well let’s go in here I grab I place and then I can put the rest of these random fruits in here like this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this that should be good for now I’m still here anytime let’s go oh okay so we got a few more little guys come couple more Chi beans sweet okay sell this and this and this I might as well sell that and that and that okay yoink get all of our little guys here let’s get up through here bow I love them such cuties I love you I love you I love you I love you all so cute been getting sick recently and decided to check in with the doctor it turned out to be some crazy acid reflux oh no doing a lot better now that I know what’s going on yeah that’s gosh that’s always so frustrating not knowing exactly what’s going on healthwise that’s all that’s good that you managed to get it figured out with the doctor it’s it’s very frustrating love my farm layout thank you yeah I think it’s I think it’s just all right I think it’s just great it’s not the best farm in the world but it’s my farm that’s that’s what matters to me at least ohop okay let’s get some milk in here milk milk do I have any uh festivals or anything coming around right now I don’t I don’t think so cuz we just had a summer one was it the chili cook off the that whole thing and then we also had the weird little fishing event that was new so I think we’re in the clear for anything particularly interesting coming up okay got all my milk out of there oh I have another ostrich EG I thought I put that uh into our Mayo maker oh dang I didn’t change the part number hold on this is part 50 one thank you sometimes I forget to change that and I’m just like ah dang it should be updated now should be updated now wait did I not love them I don’t think I loved them rutro rutro excuse me okay okay now now we love them now we love them not forgetting I’m not forgetting I love you I love you I love you I love you perfect wait I did get them oh okay that’s [Music] fine you’re going through some health problems yourself Gemma we think it’s migrain I’ve been trying to a ton of different medications this year but nothing’s working oh I’m sorry about that I’m sorry to hear that my uh an old coworker I had uh back in the day he dealt with chronic migraines constantly and I always felt so bad for him cuz it was just something that he he just had to deal with all the time so he just call me sometimes we were both the same like management position and he’d just be like Jacob I’m dying can you please cover for me today I was like yeah I guess it’s fine it’s fine I always felt so bad cuz it seemed like such a a figurative and literal headache for for him to get through okay cool all right got some goodies got some more oh we got we got a decent amount of beans we’ve got a decent amount of beans here this is great all right now let’s go back to the seed maker oh dance at the Moonlight jellies at the end of summer okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah got it we’ll definitely keep an eye out for that as well okay put this away and let’s go back down to our little shed for our seed maker and other things hello hello glad to catch a stream thanks for being here so sweet okay get some wool get some more wool and then let’s get our beans into seeds please we got a little extra luck today which is nice so maybe we’ll get some extra seeds M that’s fast no don’t eat it Sabrina mentioned I watched your still wakes the Deep series loved your playthrough by the way but my new vocal St stem is saying broy with a thick Scottish accent yeah that was a that was a fantastic game I really really love that if any of you are interested in uh some good story horror still wakes a deep is fantastic highly recommend checking it out was watching watching your little to the left series tried my hardest not to yell through the TV that’s the average experience of watching me play through uh a little to the left so I don’t uh I don’t fault you for screaming through the TV for sure but yeah still wakes the Deep definitely I was definitely crying at the end of that it was it was sad it was a sad little game it was very good very very good give me beans please beans please let’s go got 24 out of that nice all right let’s go horsey horsey time okay so how many days four days and how many days do I have left six days yikes there’s no way there’s no way I’m getting this but we’re going to try we’re going to try that’s that’s what matters in life is that we try oh that’s not where those are supposed to go crap oh what’s wrong with me it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine let’s get a normal little sprinkler and put it down there oh dang it I already screwed it all up screwed it up okay this is fine a red mullet frenzy has begun don’t care all right no Island Farm space for the beans I mean we can but it’s it doesn’t really matter going out there I don’t think um compared to what we have set up already ooh fun noises coffee time all right uh what am I doing what am I doing what am I what am I sprinkler sprinkler need a regular sprinkler four adjacent not that one this one quality sprinkler oh my gosh kitty loves me out well look who it is Mr Jacob you felt like having an early day stream huh I did I most definitely did Hello by the way so good to see you always so wonderful to hear from you kitty loves meow thanks for thanks for the Super Chat very sweet of you as as always as always okay yeah let’s just go to the island see if we can find some goodies no beans no beans the only way I completed that Quest was devoting the entire Island to it yeah yeah I think that’s what I actually I can at least please kind of set my expectations for next time when I’m trying this whole Quest cuz it’s tough it really is tough oh it’s also Tuesday so that means I probably have a new CH Quest that I didn’t check on Monday which is also kind of sad cuz that means I’ve probably missed out on doing some more potential stuff here oh yeah strawberries and pineapples today I love it I love it give me all the fruits oh I’m enough room let’s sell these beep plop plop plop ploop plop plop ploop plop plop [Applause] ploop strawberry okay I’m actually very excited for the dance of the Moonlight jellies that’s always a that’s always a fun little little event very sweet one sweet like a strawberry in the middle of summer okay if you check on the first of the month if the quest isn’t available before planting any other stuff it’s doable ooh ooh that’s a good that’s a good recommendation actually H Raven you’re definitely not banned cuz I can see your message is all right let’s see new Quest skull Cavern or danger in the Deep oh no um let’s do this one I guess we’ll accept how’s VidCon Jacob uh so glad you asked I had a fun time um VidCon is tough uh to describe because and and I was talking to uh some other people that were there some of them for the first time and just noticed our little froggy ate one of the guys um a lot of a lot of VidCon is meant like the main show floor it’s meant for like pre-teens and kids so you walk the show floor and it’s all like kid toys and stuff like that and it’s just kind of like oh there’s nothing to do here for me as an adult but that’s why it’s good to have like a Creator badge or some people buy an industry badge cuz that gives you access to the upstairs where they actually do like panels for creators and um they actually have like there was a cool little Tik Tok lounge and a YouTube Lounge that I got to kind of hang out in but a big part of VidCon and just conventions in general a lot of it has to do with the the things that you find outside of the actual convention oops that is the wrong tool and uh the prior couple years that I’ve been I managed to hang out with a group of people that had access to like some of the the more fun things that were going on throughout the year but this year a lot of the people that I knew weren’t there cuz I guess there was a twitchcon in Europe that was going on so people were kind of split between them and so honestly I didn’t have that much to do during the event which was a bit bit of a bummer but I still had a fun time hanging out with uh purple mushrooms I still had a really fun time hanging out with people that I that I knew so that was that was sweet that was very sweet nice okay quickly get my horsey back can’t leave him stranded on the island and let’s go sell some stuff bleep plop bloop get these legs out of here I don’t need these I don’t need the skull I’m going to sell these normal mushrooms I’m going to keep the purple one cuz those are so difficult to come by and let’s go put some stuff in the seed box s let’s go put stuff in here no there’s a resource wasn’t it yeah okay [Music] cool um um ah here and here and here purple mushrooms I’ll put more in here sorry I’m reasking would you please consider playing little Guardsman it’s like papers please but more comical oh I haven’t heard of it um thanks for asking I’ll definitely put on my list of games to consider and check out had to rush home from work to catch the stream let’s go Jacob to be honest I forgot it was Canada Day I’m a poor sorry excuse for a human being rage quits this day it’s okay I’m an American so I didn’t even know about it happy Canada Day oh okay I’ll do this tomorrow I just want to put these away all right super sweet sweet you know I’m surprised with all the mining of those rocks I didn’t get a single Chi Bean that’s a bit disappointing it’s pretty sad well sleepy time I guess more Jade oh boy oh boy all right sleepy sleeps finally so happy to see you live how are you Jacob I’m doing great I am doing great thank you for asking 81,000 nice nice [Music] nice OMG the single Canadian member at the golf club I work at went all out for Canada Day love that for them clear and sunny beautiful sunny fortune teller Good Humor little extra luck love to hear that coffee I’m going to drink it immediately yes please glug glug glug crowby baby crobby baby give me hugs why won’t you give me hug where’s my hug I’m [Music] disappointed oh okay take three of these out no let’s go all this Canadians do on this day is drinking light fireworks so Fourth of July essentially for Canada is this real life what time is it yeah I’m confusing all of the normal members who come at like 5:30 6:00 on my normal streams I apologize you know it just happened this way beans let’s go sick batteries too let’s go let’s double will go oh how did that truffle get out there that’s weird that’s a bit wacky wow I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love yoink I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love yink I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love yoink I love you I love you and I love you and I love you R and gummy no sardine animalan gizzard and Bastion oh I’ve missed 999 sa oh I missed a lot of them it’s okay we’ll get back to them like you what are you doing in here still what a stinker no that’s not stinker what a stinkier okay well I got to love you that’s cool excuse me coming through love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah egg time Big Egg time sweet I jaob person s your live for stard if you’re lucky today is also my birthday double celebration time let’s go happy birthday Jo joyfulness hope you’re enjoying it beep plop poep beep cool all right who have I missed now look at all those hearts well not those don’t look at those all right I’m just missing 999 sap which is where are you there you are I got them all let’s go so cool beep plop boop [Music] beep what’s up alpham morph how are you the fact that you know all the different kinds of music to each game is definitely impressing what can I say I’m obsessed Juno what are you doing what are you doing little guy okay let’s put away our Stu I love you I love you get you both some water for your bowl yes yes yes my favorite little guys no gosh it’s the [Music] worst let’s get rid of this and this and this all right I need to go into my little rooms room buz honey okay if I’m still streaming by the end of the day please don’t let me forget please don’t let me forget to take all of my crops out like the flowers so sorry I forgot to go in here first Roomba Roomba is stealing the hearts of the masses so wait I’m curious can you have more than two pets I’m assuming you can [Music] oh boy everybody’s favorite banana jelly the most disgusting of them all okay let’s put all the rest of these fruits back bleep blop bloop perfect perfect and yeah very good as long as you place more pet PES down I believe you can continue to get pets very interesting very interesting indeed okay 5 days for that five so okay so somebody helped me here if I only have 5 days left it takes 4 days to plant or for them to grow I’m basically need to get all of the CH beans I need to get right now then right am I am I correct in thinking this I think that is the case yeah it has to be today that I plant all of them yeah there’s no way there’s no way I mean I guess I could do yeah the deluxe speed grow so 3 days with that so if I really really go for it maybe I can do it maybe H correct there is no way thank you for the confidence most appreciate it save yourself oh that’s great oh my God first time I get to join one of your lives always watch them after they end so this is super exciting oh sweet so awesome to have you here speed grow yeah your dedication to this game is admirable there’s no way celebrations what’s up jie I don’t know if I missed you earlier but hello hello so good to see you for real this Quest is almost impossible in 14 days I’m doing my best I’m trying my hardest yeah I have to ship them too yeah this is this is going to be tough just got here no worries okay cool cool cool almost almost impossible yeah good practice for when I eventually will do it again or I just may never do this ever again in my life challenge you to ship 500 of these strange melons Jacob on right now awesome yeah what up Chad chadillac it’s a fun name this is sweet I love waiting for the seed makers how is VidCon I just answered this this but I will answer it again I I had a lot of fun um I just wish I had more plans for it kind of set out ahead of time it’s tough to find a lot of good things to do while you’re there if you don’t already have uh like connections on like things to do but I got the chance to hang out with some some cool people actually got I got to hang out with if you’re familiar with John Wolf for like the entire convention so that was super fun that was super fun get to to hang out with him after uh so got to hang out with him previously at VidCon for a little bit but um he was also there not with anybody else so he’s just like yeah let’s hang out it’s like hell yeah dude all right come on come on beans give me your beans okay okay okay I got 52 52 we’ve got a lot to get through there’s absolutely no way there’s Absol I should just cut my losses just cut my losses and just start doing the the mining Quest when we’ll see a little to the left tomorrow I’ve got uh I’ve got multiple videos queued up I yeah I was I was going to get them going a little bit sooner but unfortunately I was very very tired from VidCon and was there for 3 days straight so I didn’t get a chance to really get into it um with the videos so these are just one across the hallway I believe so let’s get these all cracked up sorry my face is in the way for this one oh you can’t do stuff on the very right side here oh that’s disappointing okay that’s fine that’s fine okay good enough yeah this is definitely not 500 of these there’s no way all right yeah that’s good enough will I at least get some money from from Shipping the few ones that I have Sam he live early yeah I am thirsty need juice bok choy juice and pickled broccoli what is bok choy how do I make bok choy juice oh my gosh they keep giving us stuff uh Taylor uh tomorrow Tomorrow there’s going to be more little to the left and the day after so got plenty of plenty of videos coming out for y’all all right all right all right all right I’ve got everybody here let’s go to the mines let’s may as well just go to the mines oh crap I should have put away some of my stuff it’s fine we can go down a couple mines real quick nice seems like a cool dude streams records with gabs m yeah yeah yeah John is John is very nice dude very oh froggy Froggy’s killing it Che beans okay maybe I yeah maybe I could get some decent beans down here in the mines definitely be helpful oh crap I should have clicked on my mining bonus dang it it’s fine we’re at the end of the day anyway froggy hungry froggy very hungry absolutely more beans please ow go froggy go oh scary Skelly scary Skelly get away go away yeah let’s go froggy I love [Music] froggy diamonds let’s [Music] go and oh man I love the music in this game so much it’s just so good it’s so good H staircase ooh ore radioactive ore let’s go more beans incredible oh oh I don’t like this area it’s [Music] infested should make a staircase but I don’t think I have any for this right now I’m just going to have to kill them all [Music] okay green algae bye-bye sap bye-bye slime bye-bye go frogy [Music] go you know what did we establish on the last uh time we were talking about froggy do the enemies drop items if froggy eats them cuz that would be a bit worrying if there was like uh like one of the slimes that has like some cool special thing inside of it and he just eats it inventory full time to get rid of slime and algae and sap again and you know I may as well just sell this for my inventory it’s already 11:00 p.m. green slime egg [Music] yeah enemies eaten by Froggy does not drop items oh yeah okay yeah that is a bit tough then to think about so if I see something like especially cool maybe I need to swap over get them out of my inventory more ore let’s go nice get out of here slimers okay I need a staircase down as soon as possible beans no staircase oh it’s up there oh I passed right by it gosh dang it okay hold on crap go go go go go good enough okay sweet get back quickly also don’t count towards monster Slayer gos oh gosh yeah that’s oh dang it gosh dang it all right I’m going to quickly plant these nine Chings cuz I can come on come on go go go I got to go diamonds yoink and yoink all right uh sell this and this and this and the cloth and the Rainbow Shell and the carrot okay so broccoli is next season so I don’t need to worry about that right now [Music] [Music] sweet sweet geod I’ll throw these geod into here cool same with the artifact Trove all right yeah that seems good that seems pretty good on Thursday you can buy Deluxe speed girl from Sandy for 80 gold M okay that might actually be decent that might be decent will I do a little to the left lives no those are those are dedicated just actual videos for for the channel I really don’t do I really don’t do lives that much at all it’s primarily just crap crap it’s primarily just here for I don’t have time I don’t have time to make them into seeds I wish I saw those earlier I really don’t have have a lot of streams that I do except for this just cuz I want to have some fun Community stuff for you all oh no Jacob it’s been 50 streams since I arrived and you still giv me heart attacks from how close you get to 2: a.m. I know I know it’s like where I’m at too but I have ano no appointment to get up early tomorrow that’s good good night sorry I missed somebody leaving weather report tomorrow storm is approaching thunder and lightning again beautiful sunny day fortune teller someone annoyed what a disappointment what a disappointment kobby baby give me lots of hugs please hugs please love you all right where’s my pets where’s my friends okay nothing in here [Music] oh I love this [Music] [Laughter] song all right some water for you both love you love you little [Music] Roomba so cute greatest game of all time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah give me your straberries thank you very [Music] much okay the song goes hard it really does it really does [Music] okay let’s take out this stuff and pineapples cool okay we’re getting rid of the individual stuff first makes my life [Music] easier okay bye by Orange and yeah just pineapple from here oh no I was missing one pickled corn please let’s [Laughter] go let’s go Gamers so silly the sun can bend in Orange Sky is the only summer song in my book the ding ding when is going to be the next stardo live on Monday we always do these on Mondays waiter waiter pickled corn please you know when I think of pickled corn I think about you know those like baby corns that you get in a can or that come in like Buffet salads what even are those are those actually what are they made out of cuz they’re not corn you’re just eating a weird little thing that looks like corn right I haven’t had those in so long but I like very distinctly remember the taste of them they’re surprisingly good in my [Music] book the fact that Roomba is green and purple my favorite colors Neon Genesis Evangelion reference with [Music] Roomba you think it’s another type of grass like corn it’s literally baby corn so it is it is actually corn this is the worst seed production I’ve ever gotten out of these they’re just give me one bean back or mixed seeds and I’m so disappointed right now okay thanks goodness thank goodness okay the crap four days it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen so okay so just to clarify yeah it’s a bad luck day I know I know I should have had some lucky food okay these aren’t bad so should I you could merge get out of here Sam baby corn is a cal grain taken from corn harvested early while the stocks are still small and immature it’s typically eaten whole including the cob which is otherwise too tough for human consumption inmature corn in raw pickled and cooked forms thank you for the detail on baby corn that’s great honestly if you’re going to fail the quest you can turn one of those Chi beans into a chi bean mask how do you do that how do you do that I need to know corn move to you too buddy no I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry all right so real quickly 5 10 15 24 I there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way I can do this I’m going to do my best though I’m going to do my best I’m going to keep doing it as if I can do it you know okay but I need there’s no way continues to grind the quest you know it you know it I think I got want to get all you I love you all I love you all so very much what are you get back here an egg is ready dang it ah dang it how many Chi beans do you have planted now not enough 100% not enough not even close to the right amount H you all want to count them for me let me know exactly how many I have I got them I got them all let’s go at least three you’re not wrong you’re definitely not wrong there okay cheese cheese time 69 almost almost had it cool I’m never wrong Jacob so true so very true sweet so much Mayo I love my Mayo [Music] life beep plop plop Bop excuse me I’m train is passing through unless that train is dropping off 50,000 Chi beans right now we do not [Music] care ah you have to leave I’m so glad I got to catch you Jacob you and everyone else have the best day thank you Sabrina very sweet of you to say hope you have a wonderful rest of your day beep you never know until you go to the train not worth it I’d say that’s not worth it whatsoever hey time all right uh let’s sell the rest of this stuff real quick Bop bleep blop bloop you I’m just going to put you guys in here for right now seeds can go there you can go there honey can go right there okay let’s count let’s count I have two plus all of these oh gosh and all of these it’s not a lot it’s not a lot so 24 is so 1 two 3 4 5 24 * 5 this not enough there’s no way there’s no way there’s absolutely no way do you have any in the junimo Huts no it would have only been in this one unfortunately not enough it’s difficult out here doing my best you love my cute little frog following me around we love Froggy Fresh Froggy Fresh is the greatest companion of my life okay should I I mean I may as well get the speed grow for the last of these make more seed makers yeah but at this point like I’m I’m only running out of time to do other things with the seed maker situation I should make more um like doing more of the the mining Quest the the almost said the dungeon the the cavern not the caverns no it is the mines it is the mines we yearn for the mines I miss Lou they aren’t here to bully Jacob so true that’s the whole reason I did this early stream so uh Lou wouldn’t be here to bully me don’t tell him I said that it’s not true it’s not actually true it’s not true since you’re on earlier does that mean we get a longer stardo stream unfortunately no I’m sorry I you know what the main reason I am deciding to do this a little bit earlier is because I do have some stuff going on later today so got some other work to do clipping that um so yeah unfortunately the stream is isn’t going to be terribly long I think going to maybe doing like two maybe 2 and a half hours for the stream today um and surprisingly I am still pretty tired for the day I never do I never do streams this early so I’m like still like getting the energy for it I’m definitely a night owl I’m a night person and that’s where I get like my most energy and my most motivation to do stuff so I’m like adjusting right now for this whole thing if I’m being real with y’all earli works great for you it’s midnight here ban ban stream when this is my time to bully Lou with no repercussions uh-oh uh-oh have a good one Victoria thanks for stopping in stayed up till 3:00 a.m. reading last night me too Jacob yeah it’s that’s you know what I’ve got I’ve got almost 100 here right now this isn’t too bad hi I’m from Chile hello hello CH beans no where’s my beans where’s my beans I need 100 91 Deluxe speed grow oh uh uh the lady down here sorry is this going to be so expensive though be so pricey you look parched thanks 80 okay [Music] Co cool sweet all right very quickly let’s put that Delux speed grow down first there there’s no way but I’m going to still do it may as well may as well try oh I don’t think that one had Deluxe speed grow crap oh oh yeah I missed one on accident oh that’s not good this is fine everything’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay guess I’m just going to have an extra Bean what a nightmare okay beans time for beans this is chaotic Froggy Fresh love you or did I have enough something something wrong happened all right well this is the best I’m going to be able to do that’s fine I guess o hold on of summer squash nice when will you be streaming a little to the left I don’t stream I record it and there’s uh two new videos they’re coming tomorrow and the next day you’re welcome you are welcome you can still fertilize the day plant what do you mean I just did that didn’t I also I feel like I’m going to need some summer squash for something down the road so I’m going to keep 30 40 of them just in case just in case you never know you never know seeds it’s 12:40 really don’t have time to do anything else do I played stard for years and wasn’t until your stream that I realized it wasn’t key like key you know I could be wrong I could be the one that’s wrong on that I’m just going off of my best interpretation without hearing it out loud based on what I know about that spelling for people’s names at times Jacob’s the only weird one e boo throwing Tomatoes at me what’s happening all right um it’s 25th 1:00 a.m. no way you’ve got three Che Quest going on right now that’s crazy um you call these key beans Chi beans key beans and I’ll never change my ways yeah I could be wrong here I could be the one that’s not correct let’s go let’s go don’t let me forget to buy bombs too I’m running low on bombs I think you’re right Jacob yeah I think so [Music] it’s got to be right I got to be the right one here thank you Delany for the immediate reminder in Sweden it is almost midnight but that’s cozy let’s go we rep tomorrow beautiful sunny day beautiful sunny day fortune teller somewhat annoyed this is the worst day of my life valve silence still love you anyway you’re debating on wearing your pajamas to class let’s go gugug gug Jacob Jacob bombs thank you thank you it’s my favorite kind of weather day oh gosh dang it it’s raining that means Roomba and gubby are in here somewhere where are you two Roomba Gabby where are they gubby love you where’s our Roomba Roomba love you okay perfect day is not ruined day is not rude yes the blessings thank you bombs canot damage you that’s going to be going the greater chance to find ladders would have been great but you know what I think that’s better to have actually you know I haven’t really been getting hurt I don’t know I don’t know how I’m feeling about this more hey please okay so we got a lot more little little guys over here so that’s cool I guess a few of these little guys I should probably check on my hay amount cuzz it’s probably getting low Georgie love you Georgie waiter more hay please more pickled corn please yeah it’s fine that’s fine I I love Stormy Weather jealous jealous of you very [Music] jealous friends so many little friends I’m sorry I don’t know if I read the message I definitely forgot if I did uh do I get any money for shipping the chi beans even though it doesn’t go towards my overall goal I would hope so other I’m just doing Free Labor the absolute worst don’t think it’s a lot of money if you [Music] do you love the rain but it’s raining too much over here dang see I’m in I’m in California so we’ll take as much rain as we possibly can anytime love you love you love you love you I love you love you love you love you I love you all I love you all move like one gold oh no how disappointing love you love you love you love you love you love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you Sensational yeah got them all perfect [Music] is that it don’t feel like a lot of stuff that I got from my animals that’s cool I guess that’s cool oh my beans oh my beans they’s squash I know they’re squash oh my goodness that’s a good day right there that is a good day right there okay time to take these all out ah this is always so exciting when they all come together at the same exact time cool very cool all right sweet go back over here put these away 60 nice yeah I may as well Harvest it myself little junimos are taking the day off I’ll get the work done ooh ooh I love the storm I love the storm it it’s it’s definitely my favorite weather condition in this game it’s just so fun okay cool cool all right sweet let’s put the rest of this away beep and plop and put the wine down here [Music] 286 I should sell them at some point but I really have no reason to at this point staircases okay so I need more bombs got a lot of staircases already um yeah yeah let’s just go to the mountains got nothing else to do really spice Berry I don’t need it I don’t need it all right let’s go what’s up little dude how you doing I’d like your bombs please Gish safety manual okay 99 oh perfect that was absolutely perfect all right sweet BM time level 10 let’s go froggy we got things to explode incredible oh that’s right I don’t get hurt by bombs so I got to keep that in [Music] mind just stand right on top of them go froggy go these little rooms kind of suck sometimes you’re just going through and it’s just like there’s not they’re not spaced close enough apart close enough to each other to actually get uh a bomb going but it’s fine k ow give me a staircase please staircase please H interesting go froggy go Excuse me give me a staircase excuse me okay there we go [Music] jeez sweet oh not the [Music] squids oh froggy got him let’s go I love you froggy you’re the greatest [Music] oh how did I miss [Music] that okay nothing particularly great here still nothing great love that for me ow let’s go let’s go BM time let’s go froggy get out of here squidy get out of oh you’re hurting me a lot salad time ow ow ow okay actually have to be careful okay good good it’s a lad hello hello everybody so sweet to see so many new faces in here today okay 600 p.m. not doing too bad I’d say let’s go froggy Froggy’s the best get out of here they’re kind of hurting me quite a lot salad might might be salad more beans I wanted this earlier ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch uhoh come on froggy come on froggy let me get me through this frog more like goat it’s very true froggy is the greatest froggy is by far the greatest companion I’ve had get him froggy get him [Music] froggy get him froggy no that’s fine that works too get him [Music] froggy jeez are they really going to give me the staircase all the way at the end here oh my gosh where’s my staircase oh my gosh insane absolutely insane Yum Yum Yum get him froggy get him froggy get him froggy let’s go uh if if for any reason there’s like a weird delay on the stream I would always just recommend refreshing your page um you know I’m going to put a staircase here this these are the worst levels to try to get through b time oh wait there’s a staircase least I got some beans no gosh dang it that’s what I get for holding on to bombs oh that’s a lot of you guys ignore salad yes senu beans almost I can see that staircase thank you get him froggy I love him so much more beans let’s go get him froggy get him froggy ow so rude get him froggy get him froggy get him froggy let’s go oh he’s going to kill me I got to be careful there we go that’s good get me the heck out of here how many rocks do I have 518 that’s pretty good that is pretty [Music] good we’re at level 28 at 1040 so oh my gosh he just consumed that entire stack get away from me let’s go [Music] ow okay it’s whole bomb mining this is this is a tiring work let’s go froggy I love froggy he so oh no okay 12:00 a.m. can I get down five more levels right now I don’t know if I should I don’t know if I should sure can try okay maybe you know what maybe maybe maybe oh that’s convenient aad go let’s go okay I’m just going to tank through these guys right now real quick it’s almost 1 a. am. so I just need to find the next level here we go if I don’t get it right here then I’m going to use a staircase crap didn’t use that many okay cool that’s good so let’s just head back home now all right sweet I’d say that was a very productive little visit do need to get more bombs now cuz I just got rid of so many all right then I can sell this and this gold Mystery Box M okay that’s fun put you right there all right that was good okay sorry was very focused on that very very focused on that um you know what we’ve been doing our best but I I am at the point now where I only have 3 days left so even if I do plant them it’s not going to do me much good sadly but it’s okay we’re doing our best we did our best sleepy time the stash is getting a little more famous every day [Music] okay cool 27 of Summer only one more day of summer after this clear and sunny Moonlight jellies let’s go so fun rain all day in the fern Islands fortune teller neutral in my hands got it coffee time GP kby baby love you haven’t we all wanted to try a senu bean at some point in our lives that’s a universal experience right there mail time the mountain lake has been kind to me Lea I’d share my good fortune with you lonus lonus thank you for the Sashimi so nice of him such a sweet old man RBA gby get back here I need to pet you I need to show you love [Music] yes beep pooop beep bloop gubby excuse you [Music] [Music] Shango Shores schles uh blackberries and Shaman berries perfect got my coffee be oh I forgot the orange that’s fine just give my cat catnip mixed with silver Vine and he’s going haywire right now no couple little beans it’s a good [Music] time love you love you love you love you love you love you love you this is this is like the party music for summer it’s so [Music] silly no don’t go in there that’s not what I was trying to do gosh did I miss all of you I did I love you I love you I love you I love you love love you yink yoink I love you I love you yoink I love you I love you I love you oh I missed Pony or did I just now get Pony no oh there’s Pony get back here yes okay got them [Music] all good old Pony yeah that’s scary with the the bridges closing with the highways being flooded I think I I missed it is there uh is there a hurricane uh kind of thing coming through right now in that area is it hurricane season right now we don’t get them around here so I don’t know when they are [Music] normally excuse me excuse me a crap ah crap oh Midwest oh I heard someone say Texas excuse me no not the egg not egg not egg do not the egg that should be fine strawberry cow it’s just a lot of rain okay more egg more egg no more egg no more egg I guess oh hurricane season starts June 1st you live in the south we’re watching barrel turn into a category 4 gosh that’s so scary it is very terrifying most I’ve ever dealt with in terms of like inclement weather is when I was in uh Tennessee lived there for a very short time in Nashville and uh we had a we had some tornado watches here and there but nothing ever came through the direct area that I was in was very surreal it’s very scary okay I do need to move one of you Stinger Flyn I’m going to move Stinger Flyn into a different one that way we get a new ostrich oh no okay I have room for no more animals apparently that’s fine that’s just fine can you guys move away from from that please thank you [Music] [Music] still waiting for this little guy to grow get all grown up okay cool cool cool hey cool cool soell soell so C cell cell cell keep uh yeah chure Trove I want to bring that to stinky Clint Sashimi ah my first Sashimi cool tornadoes and hurricanes sound absolutely terrifying yeah yeah they really do [Music] wait it’s Saturday stinky Clint even here I don’t know I do not know the worst we get is like an inch of snow in the whole UK goes into a meltdown love that love that for you all blessings blessings [Music] yeah let’s do that greater chance to find ladders let’s see how much different it [Music] sounds are you even here it’s Saturday are you here you are here oh it’s a miracle ooh Elvis jewelry what is in here a look mining monthly let’s [Music] go so I guess I’m curious now with the books since I’ve where are the books no that’s not what I meant to do since I have already gotten full Mastery is it even worthwhile to read the books other than the ones that give you like General Buffs but yeah I feel like it’s not worth it [Music] right I really can’t tell I really can’t tell if it’s going to be worth it at all to keep reading them I know you can save them for like trading in stuff too so I don’t think we’re going to do dangers in the Jeep the Deep I’m not going to lie I don’t think we’re going to get any of these gqu quests done [Music] ah Penny loves books okay that’s good to know time to get staircases wait where’s your staircases oh it’s Sundays not Saturdays oops well my bad my bad H okay that’s fine but who loves Benny oh a visitor I’m not here for you get out of here you just he spend all of my gambling earnings at this guy sick I almost accidentally bought a modern Dev bed oops I have 700 left that doesn’t seem right that doesn’t seem right at all feel like they’ve been stealing my credits this is where my gambling addiction started it’s valid it’s very valid let’s put that Jade back [Music] then that’s an artifact artifact box artifact box yeah yeah all right um guess I’ll put that in this one too G beans OMG a stream during European friendly hours what have we done to deserve such Delights you’re welcome ninja noodle you are very welcome doing my best here for you all doing my best here how did I wow I really went through almost all all of my bombs in that one run that’s crazy H okay let’s go back over here I guess bumps please 99 let’s go okay got 88 salads so we’re totally fine on that down to level 35 ghters not the ghters okay and I can get hurt by bombs this time around can’t forget that and I do have the the buff to help with finding staircases so hopefully it’s a bit easier but you never know so far it’s not good oh gosh these guys are scary there’s nothing down there crap go get him Froggy Fresh almost done already where’s the staircase oh it’s already there oh my oh my gosh I don’t like these guys they’re scary who freak me out go away I don’t like you it’s so dark down here too sucks get him froggy ah oh there’s so many too many there way too many thank you frogy let’s go nice nice oh this is the wor this is the worst Zone this is the worst Zone I didn’t bring any Ginger [Music] sorry let’s do this thing oh boy oh he’s transforming crap not the weird bees get out of here I don’t need to worry about them crap this sucks this sucks staircase please staircase please staircase please staircase please staircase please guess we’ll just use the bombs get him froggy nice nice nice just in case no Angry skellies let’s go okay this isn’t the worst area I thought this was the one with the with the ones that suck your life force make you nauseous feel like I can ignore you all right maybe not oh that’s right I’ve got vampirism I forgot about that I should be killing more of these guys inste of doing the salads ow let’s go get out of [Music] [Music] there nice nice nice okay sorry everybody I’m full focus on this right now I am full Focus this really is the last day that we can do the mines cuz tomorrow’s a festival day get out of here stinky I could go full staircase to be honest but having a decent time right now get him froggy get him froggy nice that wasn’t too bad I’m stuck I’m stuck okay now this is the bad Zone this is the bad Zone oh dang it there’s a St is right there I hate this area no no don’t touch me I can use the bombs here actually let me change something up yeah crap oh let’s go froggy let’s go absolutely saved me theread there so many spiders is there so many spiders it’s too this is insanity that was great okay made it [Music] through God dang there s [Music] stupid ghost Zone I hate the ghost oh there a lot of spiders yeah just get me out of here I don’t care there we go nice very quick very easy very beautiful very powerful that was worth it I think it was worth it just to not deal with that whole area ooh nice ouch get him froggy let’s [Music] go no what just hit me there bombs away just snch him up I really like this song too this is a very good one get him froggy get him froggy get him froggy come on froggy you got this get him yeah yeah yeah froggy my best friend froggy my best friend in the entire [Music] world 12 okay [Music] oh there it is all right one more level and then we’re just going to go [Music] home be nice if you could find holes in these these uh mines but alas this isn’t skull Caverns no God dang it all right nice that wasn’t too bad that was a that was a good little run right there that was a good little run 75 out of 120 not bad not too bad 100 bombs please spiders are the worst enemies just because there a giant number of them coming at you once yeah well also the fact that they jump around so much makes it so much more difficult to hit them too which is always very tricky when trying to fight them it’s very silly it’s very very silly little enemy okay all right not bad not too bad uh sleepy time corn oh I have no more room cookies very chewy all right let’s put away Stu first I guess beep beep no beep beep bleep bleep and bleep 140 I got to be careful beep get on the horse beep okay cool cookies get that out of here all right we just got to go to sleep sleepy time oh Jade can I grabb it in time no now they’re going to be off no oh this the worst this is the worst okay that’s fine now now I can go to the desert get some more staircases [Music] tomorrow clear Sunny rain all day it’s a lot of rain in the islands this week very happy today oh my gosh the best day of my life coffee time glug the One Jade left behind I know I know so disappointing now they’re going to regenerate at really awkward times love you all right oh final so I have to ship all of them it’s the worst this is the worst a thanks Gus for The Omelette great a chance to find ladders all right there they go there they go little guys [Music] Sam are you here it’s your favorite song Hello Rowdy how are you oh today’s the last day of summer too so that means yeah I’m taking these taking these with me you didn’t remind me no one reminded me but I reminded myself oh crap am I out of inventory space already [Music] yikes just I don’t have to come back and then what time is the jellies Festival I don’t know I do not know you know I’m going to put all the flowers away in here for some reason don’t ask me why I’m just doing it uh honey omelette and cookies [Music] seeds Jade out already more in okay now let’s go back it’s l yeah I think I’m pretty pretty confident it’s super late so I have a lot of time to do some other things but still a lot of things to get [Music] [Music] through my pickled corn let’s go oh very silly very very silly all right awesome J’s at 10 p.m. thank you thank you thank you thank you uh yeah nothing I need for there what’s here more corn let’s go Gamers let’s go Gamers all right let’s collect all of our melons see how many we got in total oh no oh yeah that’s the one I forgot to put the stuff on oh that one too apparently crap oh that one too dang it all right let’s see two 203 this is impossible never choosing this on again oh another one of these turn oh oh my gosh 10:00 rare and beautiful event will take place Moonlight jellies okay thanks Demetrius you’re the [Music] best 205 oh boy so good we’re so good time to say hi to friends it’s friend time love you love you yink I love you love you yink love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you you I love you I love you I love you a I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you uh I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you uh yoink I love you I love you yoink I love you I love you I love you yoink I love you I love you I love you love you I love you love you love you I love you I love you I love you don’t run away from me don’t run away from my love I love you I love you yoink I love you yoink yoink I love you yoink yoink yoink I love you I love you love yoink [Music] I wish she all hate this when I do this cuz I love it Jacob I’m begging you to play chance of senar at some point you know I put that one on my wish list uh before it came out and you know I never got I never never played it just it kind of passed by I you know I saw that there weren’t fantastic reviews for it but I’m sure it’s a great game I don’t always go by reviews but for some reason it just didn’t stand out to me as something that I like had to play immediately but it seems like a cool game I do I literally am completely full on every Barn in coupe right now there’s nothing left for me I have a a poor little guy that’s just waiting to be birthed over in the ostrich Barn sadly they’re stuck in the incubator for now they’re not going nowhere have I played slime Rancher 2 I have not I have not oh you’re fine Maddie I do my best to interact with the people maybe sell an animal absolutely not we love every single one of them we cannot get rid of the children the children stay it’s so much fun highly recommend checking it out for slime Rancher too I’ve heard the Slime Rancher games are fun gumy what are you doing oh rainy day impatiently waiting for the rest of seeing Stars you don’t have to wait long coming out tomorrow yeah sorry I I did not anticipate having a delay on those episodes so much of a delay at least I got busy with the convention I was very tired after the convention it’s good times good times oh I got strawberries today let’s go give me strawberries please no strawberry fell in the water so sad so very sad absolutely heartbreaking okay sell all these fruits Now by fruits careful not to sell the the big guys all right over to Chi hello thank you [Music] hello here’s your I can’t even put them in there wait what do I even do then I can’t even put them in there do I just okay so I have to sell them then okay all right somebody tell me is there anything else I should be doing with it then is there anything else I should be doing with it well other other than shipping other than shipping is there anything else I should be doing with it someone mentioned the the chi mask is that something I need to look at how do I do that [Music] hello Marin Marin [Music] Marin 41 nice oh nice okay not bad not too [Music] bad let’s just take the bus back why not M Chi bean and a cloth to make it okay yeah I’ll do that real quick and then I’ll ship the rest of the actual [Music] melons oh my gosh it’s already 400 p.m. dang it final day for both of these oh I don’t know I don’t know if it’s pronounced Chi that’s just what I’ve been pronouncing it as no one actually pronounces it in the game so there’s no way to know [Music] it’s key or Chi for sure or it’s just Qi Jacob’s just a weirdo true true oh I didn’t grab the beans gosh dang it in my head it was Kai oh see that could be right too the world may never know [Music] the world may never know okay I’ve never used the uh sewing machine not going to lie see how this goes uh spool no cloth oh the fruit okay wait wait wait what did I do what did I do oh push okay sorry G mask incredible is there anything else fun I can make with this wait a second I want to see now I want to see TOA Mask wait this is fun bomber jacket thick sturdy jacket worn by fighter pilots long ago huh that’s fun salid no just a boring old shirt disappointing first blue hoodie clay I love this 10 out of 10 definitely would recommend oh no wait hold on hold [Laughter] on Sensational absolutely Sensational I hate it vinegar makes a really good shirt that’s strange 2044 gold for that sure sure sure why not all right well put you back very silly very very silly okay put the cloth back in um Frozen geod hi Roomba go over there I got to put this stuff away okay cloth plus lizard egg that’d be pretty fun okay mask on Roomba yeah I guess they could wear a mask that’d be very silly all right do I even bother do I even bother to go to the mines only got three and a half hours might it’s not a lot it’s not a lot to go through 75 and I need to get to 120 so I need 45 staircases you know I did buy bombs okay what gosh I’m I’m still tired um what’s what’s the Thought here what’s the Thought here should I ju is it worth it just to throw down those staircases I think it might be I think it might be just to blast through so I can get the staircase staircase that be yeah I guess I guess unless I just see a staircase I don’t know oh I didn’t even use my bonus that’s fine oh there’s a sticke right [Music] there yeah just just to get one of these done I guess it’s worth it you know not going to worry about any of these goodies laying around [Music] didn’t like that [Music] area so far wait come on I know this is a waste of staircases but I may as well [Music] uhoh I hate it when I enter in and I’m just 100% stuck immediately [Music] okay 110 okay so this this is where I always panic and just run through as quick as possible but I can actually kind of kill here just a little bit I guess see if I can get any goodies cuz it’s only 820 we only have five levels to go yeah may as well just do this manually at this point why not that way I’m not using 100% of every single one of my staircases nice nice ow yeah more staircases will come but not necessarily the quest that is very true very true very true words can you that’s [Music] get him froggy get him oh okay oh I’m getting all this for sure get him froggy let’s go dance to the Moonlight and jellies has begun oh crap crap okay let’s just grab this go down [Music] okay I’m just I’m just getting the fun right now so I can go to the jellies yay I did it come back tomorrow okay bye-bye Jelly Time Jelly Time how can a frog eat a ghost good question very good question Moonlight jellies awesome just in time okay that was very well worth it I think good job froggy doesn’t slurp up Proby so true so so true okay you know what yeah let’s grab uh let’s grab C I do like the cloud decals they’re very cute Port decal modern rug yeah yeah all right very fun jelly time happy the jellies choose to visit during their trip South magical moment our community can share together hello rare green jelly when you st into the ocean there’s a chance something down is looking back at you touched a jelly once and it stung my hand Summer’s dra to a close going to miss these long days same got big plans for the fall full moon will guide the jellies to shore my plan for the fall whole lot of crops do the jellies know where to swim if they don’t have eyes wonder how many will show up this here mie can’t go any further on the dock sounds of creaking wood is causing me to tremble was a little girl I fell through a rotten dock once and it traumatized me hm Moonlight jellies possess deep blue aura of mystery it’s more to them than meets the eye I don’t have time to put on makeup do you think anyone would notice in the dark chili Breeze should have worn a hat you should have Hey kid you’re a farmer so tell me can you make jelly out of these things would save me a lot of money if I could top my toast that way that’s funny it’s a different kind of jelly that Anglers sometimes pull out of the water despite the name they are very different nature to the Moonlight jellies ah every year I make sure to inspect the candle boat and Patch any holes imagine if it sink during the festival with each passing second my anticipation grows see faint glow on the horizon that must be them so cool it’s an Old Fisherman’s rule if you ever fish up in Moonlight jelly you got to throw her back into the sea cool cool cool cool all right let’s go talk to you Tobe real quick Cal light shimmering on the water are simply breathtaking looks like a painting coming to life have any fun plans for fall going to decorate soon cool Evelyn George and I have been watching the jellies come and go together for decades now back in the old days we used to scoop them up and put them in jars times have changed times have changed shame that summer is to be over but I guess that’s life fresh smell of the ocean never fails to satisfy so true got too close to a wave and it soaked my foot look at you go light is notic no one was using the stock so I quietly snuck down I like watching the jellies too so sweet are you still making friends with the Villagers you know it’s going I guess what Ard glowing eggs of the lunal make for a potent reagent okay sure thing buddy I may only have one good eye left but I assure you I will spot any fell creature lurking the dark cool dude cool all right let’s go start this Festival up so confused but I’m here for it it’s a little Festival time just talking to the people gry sh the evening sets in the Moonlight jellies draw closer to the Shor line once we set the candle boat on its way they’ll gather around the docks what do you think should I launch the boat now yes Jelly Time fun time there it goes there it goes the Moonlight jellies oh yeah so relaxing so nice so peaceful so sweet [Music] the way everyone gets so excited is very cute here may as well move my face so you can see all the people down [Music] here what’s happening what’s [Music] happening so pretty so chill the special green one yeah it’s right in front of me is right there the special Moonlight jelly what’s up Samantha a they gave you a page of the sheet music for the song at stardew that’s sweet uh the stardew concert glove of summer is faded now in the Moonlight Jelly’s carry on toward the great unknown ah and that’s it that’s the entire ire Festival time to move my face back cool all right okay well I think before I do anything else we’re going to endless mode Juno cart baby you all thought I wasn’t coming back did you there’s always time for junimo Kart sadly I’ll have to be ending the stream soon again I got a couple things going on today but uh yeah it’s been fun doing a little bit of an earlier stream that way I can get uh more people from not just the US region to be able to swing by for the streams I know it’s difficult for a lot of people on other parts of the world um more than likely this still probably won’t be a regular thing that I’m doing on [Music] really early crap crap crap um but I wanted to just experiment with [Music] it Lou is here oh no perfect timing [Music] too we nice little jump [Music] we I sensed it sense the stard do man we just blasted through the little Quail Zone that was great it’s too easy too easy oh boy here we go this is where it really begins this is where the fun starts [Music] okay you know I I I’ve this level has grown on me more and more with the little oh oh I didn’t hold [Music] it right when I said the level is growing on me oh no that’s sad that was very sad that was such a good initial run too that was a that was a rookie mistake right there that was shameful I know I know that was real bad that was really bad the music in the ghost level that’s pretty cool you know I feel like the reason why I like junimo Kart is because it reminds me of my favorite levels in the original Donkey Kong Country games the Minecart Madness in those games was always so fun I loved it so very [Music] much [Music] nice okay don’t you dare snipe me whale leave me the freak alone you almost sniped me [Music] okay got [Music] it [Music] nice all right back to the ghost level that was already a rough [Music] jump is this the music for the the Halloween festival or do we ever really hear this music in the main [Music] game what what what that was weird will I play a little nightmares 3 when it comes out absolutely absolutely I love the first two I’ve got the playthroughs on my channel obviously if you haven’t seen it um yeah I love the first two very very excited for little nightmares 3 that was such a surprise when they announced that that was like a year ago right yeah it’s been announced for a [Music] while it wasn’t weird you’re just bad ah it’s good to have you Lou so good to have you this is what we’ve been missing ah yeah it was supposed to be out this year got delayed yeah I thought I remember it having a release date or at least having some time but it never came [Music] out when was the delay uh thing that they sent out they did like a Twitter little post right like with a attention little nightmares Community here’s here’s an update on our game we’re sorry about not having this ready yet but blah blah blah blah blah love your video so much thank you Sienna you’re going to eat little nightmares 3 please save some for the rest of us just me please please that was a risky move nice nice nice oo yeah I remember when I got 100K in junimo Kart that’s impressive definitely beats my 72k it is it’s tough in Endless mode it really is okay [Music] just one mistake and it’s all over just that [Music] easy okay straight into the [Music] sky you been watching my older little to left videos and I hate this genuine question question are you just maybe a little color blind uh surprisingly no is it because I was naming colors [Music] incorrectly Jacob not knowing the rainbow is crippling especially during pride month it was the order of the rainbow that I didn’t remember I have I get uh uh how would I describe it [Music] um uh what’s what’s the I get performance anxiety when it comes to memory so I’m trying to remember something in the moment I my brain will just be like nope and especially in videos I’m just like what’s this thing I can’t remember and then my brain will never remember it until I hit stop recording and I’m just like wow I feel so dumb but yeah I knew there was a like a weird acronym the Roy G Biv thing but I couldn’t remember that at the time I couldn’t remember that [Music] no just things in general not just the [Music] rainbow Jacob endorsed rainbow red orange green yellow blue purple cuz the whole time I was looking at it I was thinking the way that little left works it made me think of color Association as well so in my head I was like oh yeah the natural progression of those colors is red orange yellow green blue purple because it kind of Fades into each other a little bit better but that wasn’t it so my brain was just in a completely different place for that very silly very silly stuff we let’s go no exams are fine cuz I’m not performing for anybody I’m just sitting there taking a test it’s actually a good test taker in school I would [Music] say oh almost sniped me almost sniped me I don’t know if I can defend you anymore fair [Music] fair okay here we go here we [Music] go that a big jump oh big jump [Music] okay these jumps [Music] suck okay this is the last run this is the last run I got to get off like starving right now starving to death I’m dying hey I did it let’s [Music] go Slimer get slimed on [Music] oh no okay that’s it we’re done we’re done you’re done darn be okay actually I got a little bit of time let me drop off some of the stuff into the chests outside [Music] oh my gosh I got so much broccoli ready for me this is going to be good this going to be a good time this going to be a great time okay yeah I I got a lot of stone I can make 30 staircases more so disappointing oh sorry uh let’s put those staircases back okay sweet all right everything is right with the world sweet all right sleepy time everybody sleepy time yes yes yes yes all right and we’re going to move into the first day of fall for our next stream so I’m very excited to see you all for next week I’m probably going to be doing it closer to 5:00 again the normal time uh but who knows maybe I’ll experiment with doing some earlier streams here and there but uh yeah thanks everybody for being here it’s always so sweet well I’m actually so embarrassed I missed the one stream in my time zone have a good snack time oh it’s going to be a full food time let’s go thank you for streaming early today I’ve had a great time yeah absolutely glad I can yeah glad I can have a fun stream for more people to check out um again it’s it it’s weird cuz both ways you can’t you can’t cater to every time zone otherwise I’d be streaming for 24 hours um but yeah I hope everybody has a wonderful wonderful day rest of your week it’s already July so we got some uh fun July ahead of us I hope thanks everybody for being here really does mean a lot um be back here next week Monday unless something crazy happens should be here Monday uh for those of you who are here live again thank you so very much it means the world to me to get to hang out with all of you it’s why I do these streams you Haven to be catching this as a VOD after the fact my goodness thanks for sticking around through 51 different parts is this part 51 or 52 I I may have messed up the numbering system I don’t know but uh yeah for everyone who’s been asking little the left videos are dropping tomorrow and Wednesday so keep an eye out for that and outside of that leave a comment leave a like make sure you subscribe check out all my other socials always linked down below but with all that being said you all are awesome you all are am amaz and I canot wait to see you all in the next stream later oh boy very sad you have color dyslexia how will I sleep not knowing what food you’re going to get I have no idea actually I got to figure that out right now bye Jacob have a good week maybe see you on Twitch thanks Gemma yeah I I do want to go back to Elden ring now that I’m uh not doing con convention stuff thank you Maddie later by Jacob Forester thanks just me bye smelly rude thanks everybody for being here see you later have a great rest of your day go get some fun snacks or something and don’t cry too hard in life I don’t know farewell

Qi’s bean quest is proving WAY more difficult than I realized! Time to do my best work yet in getting as many beans before the timer runs out!! Join me as we continue my live first-time playthrough of Stardew Valley!!

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  1. I reeeeeeeallyyy wanted to go to VidCon this year, but we're saving every penny we can for our Scotland trip. It's hard cuz he's been on Worker's Comp for over a year.

  2. Aww I missed the stream!!! Guess I got caught up in the celebrations today, Happy Canada Day Jacob! 🍁😎 I’ll catch it next time!

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