Can you beat Terraria Calamity without Immunity Frames?

what’s going on my Samsung Smart fridges welcome back to another banging video on the kogy channel today I have for you can you beat the Terraria Calamity mod with no immunity frames this is a sequel from my last video where I tried to beat the base gamer Terraria without immunity frames will it be much harder will it be easier who knows stick around and find out if you like this kind of content make sure to like And subscribe and comment down below any more ideas you have for me in the future wait there’s a dash the game’s playable mommy wao calm down calm down oh we’re going together this is I’m the other guy wait we have bombs we have bombs wait speed welcome back died 2024 I’m not I’m not happy to be back unreal as well Unreal Engine let’s go next one’s mine I’m yours so waa yo they were cute couple oh my God oh my God no the we win we win we win I’m gone we win I’m dead I need wood I have wood I have wood come here come here come here come here I’m get my own wood no no no no hold mine hold mine hold mine I don’t want to hold yours hold my wood no go away come here and hold my wood I just got boxed what is this what is this no immunity this is this is a normal play through no it’s there is no immunity you got one t by the other guy oh [ __ ] the oh yeah [ __ ] wow oh cold of it ow you’re so zesty to be on pink I made the same mistake you [Music] did wa why is there a giant Hill please say this isn’t a dead end a for [ __ ] sake get out go byebye throw my glow [Music] sticks oh I live on two Health cuz I’m actually that guy nah nah no way you Ks are camping me I have no yes I do oh no I don’t oh I do have another potion oh my God you’re so look I’m good oh my God I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive what all right um what the rip I’m back okay wow uh help help oh my God I’m good bye what we need something literally anything I have 100 more bullets now no we wait we need to go mining I have one silver coin you want to go mining let’s go this way the first live Crystal yes yeah I’m actually so go at this game what do you mean I’m finding gold and [ __ ] what you going to make out of gold I’m going to make make out with you in a second wa wait who there’s a there a there’s yeah um all can you not all right amethyst hook boom that’s going to be really useful when we get one tapped speaking of being one tapped all right let’s go Ricky this is why I’ll never do face cam because like if I have to stand up you just see my giant let’s go eat Souls versus my bricks oh [ __ ] bring out the gun oh no don’t come in this hole please don’t don’t don’t stay away from me stay away stay away I’m calling CPS yeah how do I even get out this hole oh thank thank you thank you e of souls I actually ran out Ro wait oh actually bomed actually bomed get no chest give me flippers I’m leav in the game don’t worry I’ll protect [Music] you hope you die oh [ __ ] bye by [Laughter] [ __ ] oh oh my God wa wait wait uhoh where is the V go essentially um unless if there’s another corruption [ __ ] oh my God we need to kill the easther of Worlds to get the pickaxe we don’t have to kill it we can just Farm get the scales I don’t care um okay it’s going to kill me dead I got one nice have to get another one please actually be good oh my God it’s good oh my God yes oh it is good wait ow oh [ __ ] whoa come here [ __ ] come here big boy come here Daddy whoa Daddy oh [ __ ] he’s coming on me there we go got him where’s the dungeon guardian uh we then decided to fight Skeletron as we wanted to try and get a water Bolt from the dungeon as we feel like this would be a better alternative to the vile Thor oh my God actually that oh I’m dead why is he so [Music] fast all right let’s go one more time we have to wait for him to spawn do we no we don’t he’s there all bet we have to be quick hold up I want to get up I want to get up oh my God I just got adrenaline as I died I’m so skiy yes so it turns out Skeletron wasn’t happening so we decided to have a bunch more cracks at the eer of Worlds why is it no Dam sounds ow what spawn up there um like this but not not if it insta kills us yeah we don’t we don’t do enough damage why are we doing like three damage what weapons can we get we could just not [ __ ] do a Vengeance mode [ __ ] me I’m dead it’s the same it’s the same it doesn’t matter that’s going to affect it so much yeah nice let’s go let’s go okay okay wait wa wait no no no that that was how much does this do okay not stop pickaxing we splitting in two let’s go wait R and adrenaline insta kills and that was our new strategy trying to survive long enough so we could build adrenaline rage at the same time hopefully killing him in one Fell Swoop okay got one [ __ ] it was right there bro yeah it’ll be out of the corruption is he there’s no way he’s actually there what the oh my God we we need a ladder I mean we need a rope all right bet where’s the [Music] Rope holy [ __ ] why is it so fast no he’s not going to go second FL you [ __ ] we go wait is this a strap holy [ __ ] wait oh weave weave weave Nation holy [ __ ] okay we’re [ __ ] wait just don’t die like it’s start no what’s up [ __ ] he’s actually avoiding me he knows he knew he knew I had adrenaline and he avoided me when I popped it this guy is actually trolling you man wow this guy is incredible at this game due to the eye of cthulu even being this hard I decided to turn off revengeance and see if that would make a difference how slowy is what oh wait how the [ __ ] how should be oh how the [ __ ] there we go what did Shield C game’s playable yeah just stay up there and you’ll be fine oh [ __ ] oh my God what is going on how am I alive is that all you got go up yes oh my God wait he’s almost dead what just [ __ ] up I have five Shadow scills get your yeah up here let so weird oh my God I’m going to die oh my God it’s all over he’s 500 health if you die I’m going to some work him down no there’s no way no way oh my [ __ ] God yeah we’re going to die again Fu four segments there we go oh my God yay yay we did it [ __ ] me that took far too long oh the game’s actually playable now let’s let’s go only 20 minute how much health do you have total P should be 180 I have 180 wait maybe that would have helped with the [ __ ] boss fights really maybe um wow this guy has oh a large Brain a it appears once you go black you can oh [ __ ] and now we decided to make our way down to Hell hopefully find some better weapons as well as prepare for the Wall of Flesh fight Onyx ex activator key move [ __ ] about time I want to make a star cannon oh I got a star cannon now huge oh okay I see how it is oh my God y was good wow what has this guy done I do mind of camera like holy [ __ ] and so after a brief excavation Mission as well as some building we had the area carved out as well as a platform for the Wall of Flesh fight oh bet we’re figh him already why not just die instantly who’s us okay he takes wow your [ __ ] does no damage he takes no damage oh my God why does he take no damage [Music] uh our failure to defeat the Wall of Flesh was finally realized by one massive oversight wa we don’t even have hermes’s boots you might I don’t oh yeah we don’t have like any boots oh my gods as well as our armor not being the greatest we decided to tackle the Slime Gods oh he’s going to sit on me he’s going to sit on me don’t sit on me look at this yeah you’re [ __ ] kid one two now this [ __ ] thing dies boom easy easy uh oops now we have a storage yay this shit’s ass what is that that’s the overloaded Blaster that’s the overload I thought it was a flamethrower it was can we actually just make a flamethrower shade thrower what’s a shade thrower drops by the hive mind preh hard mode preh hard mode flamethrower could be good hive mind hi mind hi mind where is he why is he up there come here come here oh my God why is this game so easy chat that’s so mid so ass at this point we were just grinding for weapons and accessories that would hopefully make the Wall of Flesh fight a lot easier yeah yay yay you know what could be a strat what we get more Life Crystals you know oh yeah good point and after obtaining Life Crystals we decided to have another go Skeletron with our new found power oh now look the game’s playable now I can actually do [ __ ] against him bye-bye skeleton lers go go gadget finally after doing my least favorite thing of actually playing the game properly with our new found weapons armor accessories and actually full life we were ready to fight the wall of flashh again oh yeah let’s swap back to this to regain my Mana oh he’s actually full piece oh my God oh my God I got hit by every individual and he’s gone free oh for [ __ ] sake yeah it’s me it is it’s doggy [Music] doooo I don’t like Arena come on we’re going over ouch yeah niack why this game so easy that’s what you sound like dumbass you’re fighting me now man again you’re fighting me now you’re fighting me now oh my God yeah kill it kill it kill it come on off we go off we go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you’re doing like no damage holy [ __ ] yeah so I’m hitting him with the electric bolts not the Stars easy chat easy double triple use oh oh my God the amount ofes oh my god oh wow wowe oh everyone’s dead the emergency reserve of Hearts yes yeah that’s why they were there I want to get a golden shower cuz it’s like genuinely a good weapon wait I I genuinely just got on Mechanicals I genuinely just got [ __ ] on oh my God jump scare oh he’s wormed me not if I sto paying attention oh wow own golden shower where the underground corruption with that amazing Destroyer attempt now over with me and Bey decided to get ourselves some better gear and weapons I wanted a datus and he wanted a golden shower he just touches you and you get [ __ ] M there we go let’s go boys hopefully should be enough for Destroyer all right let’s [Music] go guys got combo holy damn whoa buddy still out oh my God and we beat the game in an hour how not if I dying ow stop killing me I did not need that in my a my bad three content so yeah don’t come yeah the F boy on Cheers pal that sh gets millions of views and I’m getting it for free B booy Whispers in your ear and then [ __ ] dies mommy bakes your cookies and gets third degree burns yeah oh I almost died I was to focus on mommy with the hot pan I don’t know which of my weapons does most damage same I can’t fell oh oh oh my God I almost died don’t you [ __ ] die easy wasn’t even close Skeletron twitch Prime what the [ __ ] was that Cal down yo self love is gay hate yourself as much as possible oh my God oh my God oh my God why so fast why is he so fast it’s daytime in it nope it’s still night time you want need Revenge this is not the Mind breaking experience I was hoping for die please thanks spooky you’re welcome baby whoa girl who put that on YouTube oh my God they’re such a good couple no we’re not I domestically abuse him yeah yeah for real like I’ve I’ve I got tricked out by this good we then had a couple days break then we came back with a new plan in our mind we had a set of weapons that we wanted to get right yes so we need to make the sausage maker but we don’t have a crimson so I’m going to pull a crimson from my ass here’s my Crimson boys do you like it please rate it five stars on um Yelp oh my God birth rate assist that was quick oh my God guys I’m kind of nervous this is my first time beting [ __ ] hell easy come on you’re done no big man let’s go the sausage maker yay I love sausages oh my God but yeah yeah this [ __ ] this shit’s a bit op I now wanted to test my new toy on a giant slime oh my God oh my God look back in business boys with another upgrade to our Arsenal I decided to grind for some pixie wings to give us that Health bonus thanks to the Calamity mod it smells like sounds like someone’s fighting wow bro is a child I am still stay away from show I don’t want to be [Music] touch I just realized that this is my first time in the jungle this entire run it’s no there’s no reason to be here surely I have enough oh my God I have enough let’s go all right later [ __ ] with our newly acquired pixie wings and weapon upgrades it was time to fight Skeletron again ow no stay away ping on my haters Skeletron Prime hates me I hate you but here we are damn that’s deep I think he’ll take more damage if we destroy his hands oh yeah that’s why the Laser’s almost dead man I don’t get to choose where I am with this thing it just goes where it wants to go [Music] whoa laser down oh why is this fight actually so easy how are we struggling with this oh that is my bad I was just my get back here let me piss on you what you better be talking to the boss and Dead free why is this game so easy dat armor I don’t know if you have that one or not never heard of St L armor it’s essentially like hallowed I think uh cryic so we need needs to be cryogen yeah yeah yeah stop running away that’s why I told you he’s a [ __ ] I just tanked his attack I’m actually that guy what the [ __ ] CP 10 seconds I’m going to lose no 4 seconds ah [ __ ] all right don’t let him touch you Pro Gamer tip oh yeah yeah yeah all right whoever recommended the star shooter you’re an absolute fraud this [ __ ] is worse than it’s pre- upgraded version easy though easy [Music] easy oh my God I’m so huge why just got molested no stay away oh my God what the [ __ ] is going on poni watashiwa Boris Johnson London shush what the [ __ ] is this guy saying got [ __ ] ID let us commence four doing my part by doing a whole lot nothing it would be nice if stopped going in the [ __ ] like Earth ow Who who okay um okay so it changes at 60k good to know [Music] saying living shards give me the living shards yes so I actually didn’t record the Plantera fight my bad I did get the living shards as you saw so we did beat it so as a sorry we decided to fight the calamitus Clone instead planta also dropped a weapon that would prove to be just just a little bit overpowered oh what okay okay look at this uh I’m watching holy [ __ ] ow ow this is usually the easiest part how can I not do this oh my God I fell off I actually fell off holy [ __ ] I fell off oh it’s these [ __ ] I don’t like these [ __ ] both dead oh I got to be smart I don’t like being smart and then we bring him down bring him into them [ __ ] when you can oh my God my keyboard double tapped such a good point if I bring him down he dies yeah he’s dead let’s go easy astram orius oh he dropped something we could just do Golem do and then like go to Moon [Music] Lord delete delete ow you missed one got them all where oh are we guys ready for Golem zo [ __ ] hell this weapon might be a bit good H never mind I’m [ __ ] wait Golem might be a bit hard I’m nervous yeah I’m actually really scared so I’m scared guys I’m scared I’m scared oh oh my God how do we do that oh my God he looks so baby girl coded why is he Invincible can he not be Invincible please he’s Invincible when he moves ow your ass oh yeah oh no oh my God yeah [ __ ] H 10 seconds we’ve decided that we will buff The Lunatic CST oh [ __ ] I’m ah oh [ __ ] that one oh [ __ ] ohu uh one of those what is that thing but a piss on him ow ow what is that and then he’s going to get us bro it I’m I’m I’m also that thing cuz I’m dead oh my God [ __ ] SE ah oh it died it died let’s go holy Jus holy [ __ ] oh yay die [ __ ] oh first one’s got it we got it gone it died goed go killed the pillar easy we actually lived for one that’s a first final pillar gone byebye let’s go hold me slash kiss oh [ __ ] oh my God yeah we’re going to die we’re going to die ah oh my God if you get caught in that you’re just dead uh I just tank the laser oh oh my God there’s nothing at see can you do more damage he was on you you [ __ ] monkey whatever you say in first eyes almost down no sludge the clumsy slime is dead you know what 10 seconds uh uh ah seconds in question yeah the 10 oh come on one oh no wait I didn’t die there holy Moon Lord was just not working so we decided to play the game again and get ourselves some better accessories and gear We need chy oh wow wow bye-bye what is that oh I can’t hit him my favorite thing to do is run into the lasers Eddie spaghetti no I’m dead I’m not yes I am oh bro I what even killed me what even killed me I don’t even know man of sickness don’t worry I’m just pissing from the sky anyways oh okay ow oh my God why I why did I go on the rope and he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead oh my God he’s dead why is this game so easy chat why is this game so easy chat oh my God game is why is this game so easy St saying it like that what the [ __ ] is wrong with you all right let’s finally the game’s playable these weapons might be a bit good that they were at this rate we might be set for the rest of post Moon Lord with how good the last prism is this where we get on Providence for like two hours again there’s no way we [Music] do we are actually just glass cannons yeah [Music] and that’s it [ __ ] hell bro is dead last time we tried this we were doing it for about 2 hours so maybe we can do it in about 5 minutes and by the looks of our DPS we probably will as you can see Providence is being bum [ __ ] right now we have fly no oh my God no what is that red thing I’ll just come on the floor oh my God it’s all you mate I’m going to do it [ __ ] oh my God is it all over is it all over Persona my weapon is not working anymore ah Kaio Ken times three there is red thing on my screen yes yes [ __ ] on [ __ ] on [ __ ] on [ __ ] [Music] on oh I didn’t mean to spawn it you got to hit his booty I know I’m trying to look at it I’m trying to find it it’s massive he’s got level five guy at oh [ __ ] this music is [Music] hard give me that booty oh [ __ ] he’s got CL tapped is he going to come back down here he is here he comes oh [ __ ] what a [Music] champion come on let’s go here we go go go go on an adventure oh he’s going to touch me there we go you TP to me please please please please wait wait I want to oh my God [ __ ] off is that [ __ ] sickness of Brad short answer hell yeah he is long answer long answer his boss fight [ __ ] sucks he does like I’m walking in a straight line and I’m evading all of his attacks yay was past sense why do we have to fight the fraud I don’t want to fight the fraud I’m scared H I’m a beginner oh my God ha that dashman I genuinely cannot oh you bastard oh oh come back oh [ __ ] oh that’s not fair bro wao he went after you so I [ __ ] lost the pattern there’s no pattern anymore TP TP I’m not spawned in yet oh [ __ ] point now I have oh there we go let’s go DPS I don’t need you DPS honestly ah yeah we got to destroy all these things don’t touch them do not touch them [ __ ] no dead nice St oh my God they they close in why why is that a thing oh they just come inside of him it was nice knowing you gone why I almost fell off my chair balls man for [ __ ] sake come on oh I got bounced around why did it Dash I didn’t press a oh there’s a thing there okay no way oh I mean y you you didn’t have the blue part of your health bar which means your Shield was down I’m kidding I’m kidding no I’m not I’m not joking [ __ ] you I want my money that’s not fair I am going to kill myself oh sound I’m actually really good at this game I swear I’m not folding to ceaseless void no way don’t [ __ ] die I got stuck in the [ __ ] wall wait is he yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s killing himself I don’t know how I’m not dying to anything oh my [ __ ] God if I knew that I would have been able to just spend time dodging instead of trying to kill him got him oh my God yay finally about what is this mid after finally beating cess void it was time for everyone’s favorite boss in this whole mod now this song goes hard this is my dog you don’t buy it oh [ __ ] can you tell your dog to kill itself second phase yeah [Music] buddy I live [Music] um uh what’s good chat I’m back ow oh why is there so many why is it doing like three grids at the same time I’m [Music] scared I want hear that Mana sound come on yes oh my God why is there worms a that [ __ ] rope no no no [ __ ] this rope actually [ __ ] this rope this rope has got me there we go telling BR to not have an ego crazy I know that’s that’s like impossible what the [ __ ] who does this guy think he is oh he’s there ah he’s warmed me he’s warmed me let me out out let me out oh yeah out ha devour of back shots [ __ ] hell I have no flight don’t oh [ __ ] it we set on the floor oh it gives me like a burn oh my God he came out of nowhere what is this guy though 150k 100K 90 it’s not over it’s not over 30 I win 10 I win let’s go look at this clown oh oh there we go yay Cosmo light bars with the devour of gods finally defeated we made ourselves some new armor some new weapons and we were finally ready to take down the last two bosses of the Calamity mod how cool this Dash is Holy the dragonly [Music] there’s no set bonus on this [Music] one oh [ __ ] I forgot about that one ow was this Queen B AI he’s so Queen B coded yes yes oh [ __ ] no I don’t want to die now please oh my god when the boss fight has lyrics oh my God automatically top three [ __ ] fu oh my God how am I fuu how am I dodging this [ __ ] I’m so I’m so goated only 24 seconds that I can heal again I got 16 check it go wait what the oh my God oh my God I’m so cracked my hands are sweating my I to think what my armpits look like [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sh terrar makes this guy swear oh [ __ ] bro it does locked in I’m locked in no time to dilly dally time to lock in I’m one Health oh my God oh my God yes no please uh yeah oh [ __ ] oh it’s fine no oh the deathless no I’m back oh my God yeah I’m back oh you mate oh [ __ ] that’s a lot of fire I can’t afford to lose everyone’s counting on me ow oh is that all you got first try yon is crazy here it’s over first try yon 15 Tri void yeah no i’ I’ve fought this guy so many times I’m doing it with dog [ __ ] accessories as well I’m quite impressed with myself it’s over yes ah I almost died at the end holy [ __ ] 42k oh my [Music] God H Dodge phase wow why is this dodging so easy we have to kill like the yeah these things ow 15 seconds only 15 seconds I’m dead YouTube short gets 1 million views oh my so there’s no wait I’m just stuck at one Health oh that’s a that’s a silver armor thing oh I’ve I’ve just died twice well you you only get it once so you what you spawned your brothers or something don’t you at one point there we go oh my God okay there you go oh okay wait 8 seconds silver Armor’s kicked in health pot in three I’ve just lived again no wow what the [ __ ] is that me love meatball uhoh ow we tank the meat just stop no I have no future here no I don’t care oh she’s dead hooray hooray yippe yippe yay yay yay yay she died yippe oh oh my God right click to open wow wow so yes you can beat Terraria Calamity without any immunity frames if you guys like this video make sure to like And subscribe and comment down below any future ideas you have for me bye-bye [Music] [Music]

I removed immunity frames from Terraria this time with the Calamity Mod, let’s just say this made the game INSANELY HARD to play

For those unfamiliar with this mechanic, after taking damage in Terraria the player/enemy will be granted a brief window of time where they’re immune to all damage sources.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Vile Thorn Speedrun
5:02 Eater of Worlds Part 1
7:44 Eye of Cthulu
8:56 Eater of Worlds Part 2
10:02 End of Pre-Hardmode
14:00 Mechanical Bosses
20:39 Plantera
23:32 Moonlord
28:15 Providence
29:28 DoG
35:48 The End Game
40:04 Outro


  1. small channel with a good video? trashest video ive ever seen smh (its the best video i think ill ever have witnessed in my history of watching youtube terraria videos)

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