I Cheated With //UPGRADE In Minecraft Build Battle!

I’m competing in a build battle against my friends but they don’t know that I can use slash slash upgrade I can turn this tiny truck into a super giant upgraded truck this looks amazing we’re about to start oh no I need to make this thing disappear before I get caught there you are are you ready to build giant planets my planet is going going to be way bigger than yours good luck Maro no we’re going to win woodo wait axie aren’t you building with wudo no because that would be an easy one come on let’s build a giant Earth out of dirt wait axie we actually don’t need to build anything I’m going to cheat using slash slash upgrade what in the world is slash slash upgrade I’ll show you what our first build but for it to work we need to build something super newbie okay but if this doesn’t work I’m going to tell woodo about it hold on what are you guys talking about right now none of your business woodo you better stop spying on what we’re saying I’m not spying on you I just want to make sure there’s no funny business going on well it doesn’t matter because our planets are going to be better than yours come on Ax I think this earth looks really really newbie are you ready to use SL slash upgrade I still don’t believe you but let’s see what it does okay watch this I just need to use SL slash upgrade what the heck it worked that’s right axi check it out that tiny planet that we buil just turned into a massive Earth that we can never build by hand oh my gosh where do you think we are we’re on top of the world right now check it out there’s so much building space on top of this Earth over here what are you guys so excited about what are you even building we’re excited over our planet wudo it’s way better than whatever you’re building hey I’m building a planet that’s going to be better stop acting so excited I know you guys are just putting on an act oh yeah woodo well how big is your planet huh oh it’s big all right way bigger than anything you guys could build yeah I don’t know about all that voodo actually how about we have an entire rocket ship on top of our Earth that sounds awesome then we can go to other planets too exactly we can have more than just Earth check it out I just put down the Launchpad and I can have the rocket ship right there hey woodo do you have a rocket Rock ET ship on your Earth a rocket ship I don’t need a rocket ship this Earth is so big you’re going to need to fly around it whatever woodo come on we need to claim this planet as ours if only wuro knew how big our planet is he would probably be so shocked that’s why I can’t wait to get his reaction axie oh yeah he’s probably going to explode and then poop his pants but Mong how can we make this planet even cooler well since we have the Earth we need to add all the things that are on earth so what I’m going to do is get a bunch of Spawn eggs spawn eggs are we going to spawn in aelott well they are on Earth but actually I’m going to spawn in all the different kind of mobs that we can find easily on earth oh my gosh I’m going to spawn in some pigs but guess what axi this means that if Earth has normal animals imagine what the other planets have oh my gosh do they have aliens well there’s only one way to find out we need to make those other planets axi that’s right um I’m going to get some wool and just build it in the air no you can’t build it over here you need to build it far far away from this Earth because we don’t want the two planets to collide oh yeah that would be really bad but it would be cool to have one Mega Planet well let’s not get too ahead of ourselves all I need to do is disc command and actually we can start building the next planet which is going to be Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter is really big make it massive I will I bet voodo doesn’t have Jupiter on his side I don’t need a Jupiter you know why why is that voodo because you’re going to get stupider on Jupiter wow nice joke wudo that was super original that was not funny and everyone watching knows it too that’s why they’re going to comment not funny right now comment not funny hey I thought it was hilarious axi come on forget voodo we need to use SL slash upgrade again in 3 2 1 boom oh it worked again of course it worked actually see I’m the ultimate cheater look at this planet it’s just as big as the Earth but it looks way cooler because it’s all sorts of different colors there must be a lot of really cool things on Jupiter I bet there’s stuff like aliens and cool alien rock well we’re going to need to add those things if we want to win the Build Challenge axi let me just put down another rocket just like that and we can start adding in all the different aliens that’s going to make woodo poop his pants and what’s the first alien that we should spawn in look at this thing axi it looks so creepy oh my gosh they’re like starfish but huge exactly and if I go inside of my menu over here I’ll be able to find way more find scary looking ones I want Ludo to be terrified don’t worry axie I’m already on it look at these alien villagers oh my gosh look at this I also found these dinosaur looking ones wo those look crazy if you guys think wudo is going to be super duper scared of our Jupiter planet then hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really really close to a million subscribers subscribe mongle what do you think about these cute fairy aliens those are not cute aie those look just as scary really I think they’re a adorable look these things over here look cute wait what those are really cute they look so fluffy I bet they make a good hamburger what the heck ax why would they be made into hamburgers I’m going to spawn in a bunch of these all over the place just like this and check it out now Jupiter is inhabited let’s go L I bet your planets don’t have aliens my planet has the biggest alien of all you know what it’s going to be is it you oh my gosh it’s probably just a bunch of other Turtles nope when you guys come on my planet you’re going to be the aliens hey why would we want to come on to your poopy Planet anyway that was not a funny joke so everyone comment not funny comment not funny that’s why you guys are only on your second planet I’m on my third one and it’s it’s called Neptune wait what ax woodo has three planets and we only have two if we want to win this Build Challenge we’re going to need to add another one don’t you think yeah we can’t let that guy beat us come on we should also add Neptune but our Neptune is going to be way bigger and way cooler all I need to do is just do the same command that I did before to get this glass over here and then what we can do is just get some blue blocks because the planet Neptune is blue W really is it like the ocean yep it looks exactly like the ocean axi you might think it’s your home or something I don’t live in the ocean I live in Lush caves that’s the same thing you’re a sea creature axie no I’m not oh my goodness check it out this Neptune is looking so cool are you ready to use SL slash upgrade do it all right right let me just use this command and wo axi check it out it worked this planet is literally so gigantic and would you check it out it is all blue just like how we built it it even has a ring but Mongol you said this was like the ocean why is it frozen well that’s because if it was water it would just be going all over the place so the water turned Frozen because it was in space wo really space is so cool that means the only aliens that we can have on this planet are ice aliens so come on let me just search up this real quick and actually look at the first alien on this planet a isn’t that just a penguin yes they look like aliens and they belong on the planet Neptune so let me just spawn in a bunch of these all over the place you know what else looks like aliens Turtles because they’re super weird and kind of ugly hey wait a second did you guys just say Neptune are you building a third planet too that’s right wudo and we’re already done with it how’s your build going oh it’s going good I know for a fact mine’s going to be so good you guys are going to quit the Build Challenge oh yeah wood even though we have Turtles exactly we also have Pol Bears and Penguins wudo those aren’t aliens those things belong on Earth sounds like you guys are about to lose this Build Challenge oh no we’re not that’s so messed up oh my gosh this guy is always talking trash about us when we always win the build challenges ax we need to make sure he doesn’t talk again that’s right let’s go over to his side and see if his build is really nearly as good as he says I just need to make us invisible like this and we can go fly over there right now I wonder what his planets are looking like and wait what actually he was lying he only has one and the moon ah this is perfect I’m sitting on the moon which is made out of cheese overlooking the Amazing woodo Earth planet when I become the king of Earth a this guy was just talking about how he has Neptune as his third planet and he only has one Earth are you serious right now does little not know the Moon is not made out of cheese oh my gosh he probably thinks they can eat the moon come on axi how about we scare him a little bit what I’m going to do is cause a natural disaster wo that’s a great idea all we need to do is get some lava and some of these deep deep slate blocks and actually we could build a giant volcano on wudo side and then we can get his reaction to what he thinks about it but this volcano is so tiny well that’s because we’re going to use SL slash upgrade on it silly wo I wonder how that’ll look it’s going to look super awesome but it’s also going to make woodo poop his pants so let’s just put down this lava over here just like this and ax I can use SL SL upgrade right now what the heck I don’t know if that worked are you sure axi fly up above you’ll see a giant volcano oh my goodness this looks crazy look it’s erupting over here it’s literally 10 times bigger than a Wood’s little small planet over here I wonder when he’s going to realize that there’s a volcano there oh gosh why is my PL feeling so hot all of a sudden is it me or oh my gosh there’s a volcano on my planet what do I do wuro are you okay why are you freaking out oh my gosh there’s a giant volcano quick I need to extinguish this and put water everywhere actually he’s trying to put out the lava and the volcano doesn’t this guy know that that volcano just regenerate the lava yeah he can’t stop this volcano from ruining his whole build oh my gosh what do I do oh my goodness are you serious he’s freaking out so much someone help me no one’s coming to help woodo he’s all on his own for this one literally he’s going to lose the bill challenge after this you know what I’ve had a enough of this before I start crying from my build getting ruined I need something to cheer me up and I think I know exactly what I’m going to build and it is going to be a candy store made out of candy wait what axi this guy is building a candy store on top of the earth that he buil that’s not good that means we need a new build as well and I think we should just make rudos but better yeah we need to have our own candy storage so we don’t lose come on axie I’m going to go back over here and what we can do is have our candy store in between our different planets that sounds awesome it’ll be like an Intergalactic candy store exactly but in order for us to use SL slash upgrade we need to build a tiny candy store so let me just get these blocks over here and actually help me build a super duper small candy store door okay this seems like a good size and then all we need to do is just put the glass around just like this hey guys are you ready to lose the Build Challenge now I’m not even working on those planets anymore I’m building a candy store oh wow woodo really that sounds so crazy why don’t you sound shocked because we’re building our own candy store too wait what okay it doesn’t matter I know my candy store is going to be better no way voodo our candy store is going to be gigantic and awesome that’s right we’re going to have a the best candy and no one’s going to want to come to your store I don’t think so everyone watching is going to talk about how much they’re going to love all the delicious cookies and candies and ice cream inside of my candy store come on axie let’s forget about that guy all we need to do is use SL slash upgrade and he’ll know what’s up okay what if I want to eat some candy first all there’s no candy for you to eat axi you need to leave this tiny candy store right now let me just use SL slash upgrade oh my gosh M look it’s a giant candy store wo check this out we have a huge parking lot and we have a giant empty candy store that we can put whatever candies we want inside of a I thought the candies would come with the store but it seems like we have to improve this place on our own we can easily do that axi we have the best taste for candies what I’m going to do is search up chocolate and I’m going to have an entire chocolate River inside the whole candy store wo that sounds awesome I’m going to add some cookie blocks as well around the river no way axi wo better get ready to lose cuz this build is going to be insane we’re going to have a chocolate gingerbread River wait a second you guys have a chocolate River I have that too oh my goodness wudo you’re just copying our build copy cat no I’m not I don’t need to copy your guys’ stinky build the chocolate river is just a tiny part of it just wait until I build my chocolate moat wait what in the world does that even mean you only have chocolate in your candy store we’re going to have way more than just this chocolate River woodo yeah woodo your build sounds so newbie it’s not newbie what are you talking about well come on axie we need to make our build so good that his does seem newbie so let me just place down these last few chocolate River blocks and oh my goodness this chocolate River looks absolutely delicious what if I just take a quick bath in here wait what don’t take a bath in the chocolate River axie why it sounds really relaxing and I can open my mouth and get a sip of chocolate we need to focus on doing something even bigger and better we need to add every flavor of cake in the World wait did you say cake that sounds awesome add them all even the gross ones I’m going to add all of them all over the place so whoever walks in can just sit down and eat whenever and wherever they want what’s your favorite flavor of cake my favorite flavor of cake is a triple layer chocolate cake with vanilla frosting on top that’s pretty good but my favorite flavor is wor and pineapple hey yo look kind to flavors is that it’s the most popular Axel flavor you wouldn’t know it yeah I don’t think I want to know it axi if I’m going to be an axel I’m going to eat other fishes not worm cakes you’re going to eat other fishes yeah fishies are pretty tasty there you go let me just place down these last few cakes and actually our cake section is looking really really complete I think we’re basically done with everything now what could you need aside from cakes well we’re missing one big thing that every candy store has and that’s a bunch of candy and also candy canes oh yeah there’s supposed to be candy in a candy store how can I forget oh my goodness let me just add these candies all over the place and I can add the candy canes right on top of the chocolate River hey voodo how’s your build looking we’re almost done oh it’s looking deliciously chocolate and sweet you guys are going to be so jealous when you see my candy store I don’t think so woodo I don’t think there’s anything we couldn’t get in our own store that’s what you think just wait until you guys check it out I know yours is going to be trash yeah we’ll see about that wudo I bet our candy canes are literally bigger than your entire candy store what boo absolutely not absolutely yes woodo it’s over for you come on axi let’s just put in the final details of this candy store so we can be complete already okay do you like how I made it pink pink is the best color hold on a second actually we don’t have time to worry about the color pink I’m going to replace the entire floor to be cookies do it I want to eat them all and lie on the ground all day let me just do this Command right over here and actually you’re going to see the best looking cookie floor of all time hey I want the cookies already let me just do this command and ax check it out the entire floor is now giant cookies I hate to tell you this but I am never leaving this store I’m going to just sit here forever and now I’m on the ground wait what you can’t just eat the candy store we need to win the build challenge with the silly a but I want to eat candy see oh you want to do is eat candy huh that’s why you’re not good at building cuz all you do is eat candy hey I’m good at building too I’m so mad oh my gosh how could he say that you’re not good at building come on axie how about we prank this guy again so he really doesn’t talk yeah let’s go so make sure he never trash talks me again all we need to do is just fly over to his side to see what kind of candy store he’s making and what in the world is this it’s so tiny oh my gosh I can’t wait to start selling my cookies and candies to my customers actually look he has a bunch of furnaces cooking cookies right now this place is actually kind of cool maybe I’ll just sit here there for a while and eat the wall wait no you can’t do that what we need to do is make this place super duper smelly and make it so this guy doesn’t sell any cookies I just need to break all of these furnaces over here and what I can do is just put a bunch of toilets instead e oh oh no my furnaces did they just self-destruct and turn into toilets wait this must be a sign maybe I can poop in here and I can use it for my [Music] cookies he wants to make poop cookies no one should be allowed to come into this store ever we have to ruin it this is so messed up I bet I know where the chocolate chip of voodo cookies come from now oh gosh I don’t want to think about that come on axie what we need to do is put up a bunch of signs that tell everyone not to come to this store anymore this store is now banned and uh this store is cursed all I need to do is put a bunch of danger signs all over the place like this let’s set them everywhere so no one comes in let me also put a bunch of these warning signs at the outside too oh gosh I bet this place is like Radioactive with all of wo’s poops exactly it smells so bad that you need to stay away from it at least 100 blocks ah let me go take a nice seat outside of my chocolate River and hey why are there a bunch of warning signs in front of my cookie store you know what it’s probably a warning because of how good my cookies taste they’re addictive especially after I sprinkle in some of my dooo in [Laughter] there e I’m going to add toxic waste so people really don’t come in here you know what what I’m going to do is just get some iron bars and little close off the entire door Woodle is a danger to society I’m trapped in my cookie star it’s probably because I’m going to have so many customers and I need to make more cookies quick I better get to the toilet this isn’t good enough we have to get rid of this stour once and for all okay you know what I’ve had enough I’m just going to blow up the entire store this store should not this oh what’s going on get rid of it and there you go the cookie store is now gone no my store exploded I think I clogged the pipes up with my dooo I made too many chocolate chips I guess are you serious this guy is so going to lose the build challenge with the broken cookie store axie yeah it’s not like he has any other builds oh God I can’t let my build look like this though I need an ultimate build to take the win from my friends and I think I know what I’m going to build over here a Pokemon wait what this dude is going to build a Pokemon actually we can’t let him have a Pokemon we need to have Pokemon too we have to build it better come on let’s go over here and what we can do is get some yellow concrete and we can start building a Pikachu I love Pikachu but Pikachu should really be pink wait what Pikachu is yellow because he represents the Thunder oh no Pikachu should definitely be pink oh my goodness look over here axi I’m building his entire body and now we just need his face and then we can use SL slash upgrade to get the greatest Pikachu ever this Pikachu looks kind of funny I’m going to build a tail wait what it does not look funny it’s a masterpiece uh okay Monga whatever you say all I need to do is just get some red concrete and then also some white concrete and actually we can build Pikachu’s cheeks over here yay I built Pikachu’s tail too there you go let me just get some black concrete and look I just added in Pikachu’s face which means all we need to do is just build his ears just like this and actually we can use SL slash upgrade let’s do it hurry up all I need to do is use SL SL upgrade just like this what the heck look at this Pikachu he’s so big oh my goodness this Pikachu looks so funny look at his face expression he looks kind of like me wait what no he doesn’t ax you’re pink and he’s yellow well he should be pink it’s not too late to change him no ax we can’t just have a funny poke we need a scary one too what is the scariest Pokémon to you I know one but I don’t know if we can build it what is it we can build anything with my cheats well Charizard is super scary oh my goodness you’re right Charizard is actually really scary so all we need to do is just get some orange concrete and yellow concrete and actually we can just build a new version of Charizard for him to spawn in you’re right let’s build the newbest Charizard ever oh voodo we heard you’re building Pokémon how many Pokémon do you have huh I have a lot but how did you hear that I’m building Pokemon well you’re so loud that we can hear everything you say oh darn but guess what buo we’re going to have more than one Pokemon too wait what you are that’s right wood we’re going to have the best Pokémon ever you better be scared SC no no I’m not going to let you guys build a better Pokemon than me we’ll see about that voodo we’re almost done with our build so you better hurry up I don’t need to hurry my build is just going to be amazing come on axi we need to destroy this guy once and for all let me just use SL slash upgrade just like this and wait a second axi it didn’t work no look up it did work wait what in the world is this the giant upgraded Charizard that’s right and it’s sitting on Jupiter this Charizard is so cool no way this is our biggest build yet it’s even bigger than the planet axi look at this Charizard he looks so awesome and his tail is gigantic oh it’s so over for woodo what do you say we go show him our builds come on let’s go to his side first to see what he buils again hey wudo we’re coming to your side about time you guys took forever to build oh yeah well all you have is this tiny planet what do you mean all I have this is King wudo on top of planet Earth with a moon made of actual cheese wo the Moon is not made out of cheese yes it is that’s how we make cheeseburgers what are you even talking about wudo this does not make sense of course it does but since you have such a tiny brain let me bring you to something that does uh this was my candy store but we had a little bit of a poopy problem let’s just say that wudo why is there a bunch of warning signs uh don’t worry about it it’s just warning you because your eyes are going to be shocked after seeing the greatest build of all time let me introduce you to my pet Pikachu oh my gosh my eyes are shocked but not in a good way what do you mean your eyes are looking at this thinking wow wudo is a master builder no my eyes are looking at this and thinking about how poopy it is our build is 10 times no 30 times no 100 times better how could you disrespect my Pikachu let’s go see if your build really is that much better and oh my gosh is that planet Earth that’s right woodo you’re not King of this planet I can see my house this is the planet Earth and as you can see it is inhabited by all of these different animals but buo planet Earth isn’t the coolest planet we have we also have Jupiter where you got stupider what are those Jupiter aliens that’s right they are Jupiter aliens but wudo we also have the planet Neptune oh my gosh Neptune this place looks crazy and it has Turtles this should already prove that our build is better but voodo if you still don’t think it’s better how about you come down here to our massive candy store candy store I tried building a candy store let’s see if this one’s any better and oh my gosh you guys have a chocolate River and a bunch of cake that’s right wood our candy store is 10 million times better than yours oh my gosh I’m going to eat everything hey you can’t eat everything it’s not for you wudo if you keep eating everything we’re going to have to get Pikachu to shock you Pikachu oh my gosh she looks so cute I think my Pikachu looks cooler though oh yeah woodo if you think it’s that cute how about you talk to our massive Charizard over here what you guys have Charizard that’s right woodo that’s the power of cheating for you I mean of a building really well wait a second did I just hear a word I wasn’t supposed to I must say you guys have some giant builds can you explain to me right now how you got them uh we used our hands and we put down blocks like this axi you do not sound believable oh sorry we cheated you did what that’s right we cheated with SL slash upgrade oh okay that’s fine guys you know why why cuz I’m cheating back and blowing up your Bild OU Char build not our Charizard thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch our video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating with //UPGRADE! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod