Inside Out 2 vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!

Johnny Daisy Gooby I got dinner come on guys I just heard my Daddy screaming I think dinner’s finally ready oh I’m so excited D I can’t wait to eat din I’m very hungry yeah my stomach is like eating itself that’s how hungry I am come on guys Daddy what did you make us for dinner I made you guys my famous tacos what tacos I hate tacos Daddy what’s wrong with you you eat my tacos all the time no I don’t I hate them I hate them I hate them why are you acting so weird Johnny guys what’ you do to him you didn’t do anything Johnny it’s just tacos just got eat them I don’t like tacos Gooby I’m afraid of them hey those are my tacos well I just killed them now no one could eat them Johnny you knock it off or I’m going to put you a timeout well get me better food then Daddy what do you want what do you want me to get you um take me to McDonald’s no daddy you’re the worst daddy ever okay why are you so emotional all of a sudden why are you screaming over tacos the tacos were good Johnny I think you’re just hungry why don’t you eat this cookie oh Cookie oh my goodness Daisy thank you so much I love cookies I’m so happy right now wait a minute hold on this cookie is burn oh my gosh why do you want you burn the cookies I need that was you I I don’t know how to make cookies I didn’t make those I don’t want that cookie guys it’s not even that Bal Crispies Daddy what about the cookie family and you burnt that one cookie now all of them are going to be super sad what are you talking about a cookie family Daddy I just feel bad for the cookie what it’s not alive yes it is Daddy it is alive okay it’s not alive oh God someone make him feel better please goopy ask him to do something fun yeah Johnny uh do you want to just do a cool dance oh a cool dance I’ll do a cool dance like this okay wait Gooby I have so much energy right now I feel like I just need to run really fast what Johnny there’s there’s definitely something wrong with Johnny why why you have to run fast o Daddy I just have so much energy what the heck Johnny you knock it off right now no Daddy I have so much energy it’s like a sugar rush grab someone grab him here no Daddy get away from me no get away get away oh I got you in this corner come here I’m too fast you can’t catch me I’m going to ground you and take your uh PC away I like this Johnny this is awesome Oh Daddy I think I got really tired yeah I I can see you just running around and jump around like a jack rabbit oh gosh I think I’m going to go to sleep Daddy now wait now you’re tired good night guys there’s definitely something wrong with Johnny did you not just see him go through like five different emotions and the in the past 5 minutes I saw it but what did you do to him what do you mean what did I do to him I did not do to him I think there’s something wrong with him well how do we figure it out we need to fix him uh should we bring him to a doctor E I just thought of a really good idea oh no what’s the idea Gooby okay so clearly we there’s something wrong with his brain so we just have to swing down to super small size and jump in his head what how are we supposed to do that that’s so dumb no it’ll be really good you just have to get it there and if there was like a virus or something got to punch it in the face what am I going to do shrink down with shrink juice that that could be a really good idea how am I supposed to get in his head I’m too big we need like movie Magic movie Magic what what’s movie Magic well how things happen in movies but they can’t happen in real life it’s movie Magic yeah how do you how do you suppose we do that Daisy well Johnny uses movie Magic all the time yeah and and it always works so how do you do it so when are you two do it he always asks for likes Scooby Do you know how to do it oh yeah okay so everybody watching this video you got to just hit the like button right now and if we get so many likes then we’re going to turn small and jump in’s head and punch all the bad things out of there everybody it’s like it’s s two one W wao oh my God guys what’s happening Bo why am I the size of an ant right now W look how big Johnny is I’m going to tickle his butt no leave him alone we have to go in his head oh I got to go on this side to get in his ear all right guys I think we just got to jump right in there uh well you go first it’s probably scary in there oh there’s definitely some demons in there I’m going to have to fight all right everyone behind me everyone behind me one at a time all right I’m going to go in here in three 2 one come on Gooby what are we waiting for let’s jump in wo what is this place shh keep it down there’s a bunch of weirdos in here weirdos yeah look at them they look like people but they have different colors o those must be the emotions what do you mean the emotions like all the different people that don’t of Johnny’s emotions and make them feel happy or sad or angry Gooby it’s called a brain okay there’s no such thing as people inside of our heads navigating what’s going to happen whether or not we’re mad we’re going to cry we’re going to get mad at you again wait a minute what are you guys doing here are you the new emotions no one told me that we were getting new emotions today oh by the way hi I’m anxiety what is that thing oh hello my name’s Gooby well hello there Gooby what emotion are you uh Gooby I think your name is actually goofy are you the goofy emotion that’s supposed to be going on here oh yeah more like an idiot these are my friends um liking flowers and angry wait a minute did you say that this friend over here is angry well we already have an angry and does that mean that we have too angry and that means that Johnny could get like super super super angry and that’s going to make me a little anxious and by the way did I say that my name’s anxiety uh ah yeah I’m I’m the new Angry in town well does angry know that you’re here and does angry know that he’s going to get replaced I need to go tell him that he’s going to get replaced because I think that he’s going to get really really angry uh hey no no you don’t have to tell the new Angry I mean the old angry cuz I’m the new Angry oh dang it I don’t know what angry I am oh no oh no this is bad this is so bad Angry Angry Angry um did you know that you’re getting replaced by another angry or maybe that Johnny is two angry what what do you mean there’s a new Angry yep we have another angry and that’s going to make Johnny like super angry but it was because our friend goofy you know what’s going to make Johnny like super friendly he brought two more friends flower lover and angry what no Angry no no no there’s only one angry in town and it’s me well if you look right over there there see other angry uh hi Marty he looks just like you hey wao whoa wo he does not look just like me maybe he’s in charge of your head uh I don’t think I have an angry in my head like that okay and I don’t think I have an angry at all period cuz I’m super nice listen up buddy there’s only one angry in town okay okay okay uh you can back it up you don’t have to be up in my grill Bud all right I don’t care about this whole angry thing all I want to know is why Johnny is acting really really weird and has so many emotions going on huh huh you want tell you’re that angry yeah well that’s because new emotions just keep coming in barging in his head like this everything used to be much more simple when it was just a basic emotions but now all everybody thinks they could just come in here and take over it makes me angry well Mr angry all I’m going to say is that’s not my problem all I’m trying to do is figure out what’s going on with my son okay and he’s screaming and and he’s crying and I don’t like it anymore well I don’t like when people try to come and take my job away from me so you know what I’m done doing this job I’m going to press the button whoa whoa whoa what button what’s going on what’s Happening oh no oh no this is really not good this is really really really not good I’ve got to hide I’ve got to get out of here no what do you mean what’s happening right now bu bu the button to I think we need to get out of Johnny’s head uhoh his head might explode I got to get out of here too I opened the portal to the outside world and I’m getting out hey wao wao no you can’t no you can’t you can’t leave you got to stay in here everyone look for the portal later losers oh guys he just went through the portal we have to stop him oh we have to stop him before maybe they start attack Johnny I think they want to get Johnny no we got to get out there go go go oh God oh God where did angry go everyone look for him everyone look for him angry angry this is not good you guys the emotions are coming out of Johnny’s head to the weird world oh go Johnny’s probably still s we should wake him up before you know some emotions start coming out of his head oh no Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny wake up wake up wake up wake up right now pancakes pancakes oh sorry sorry guys I just had a really scary dream about the pancakes coming to alive and eating me well we have bigger news your emotions are going to come alive and eat you what that was not my dream Daisy okay no because it happened in real life what what are you talking about no it didn’t well Gooby had this really good idea that we use movie Magic go inside your head and figure out why you’ve been angry all day hey you guys went inside my head well Johnny we had to go inside your head to see why you were so emotional before well now daddy you’re going to make me really angry cuz you went inside my head well technically you shouldn’t be able to be angry anymore because angry he’s running around and I think he’s trying to kill you he’s trying to kill me well now I’m really scared daddy well that’s good that’s good that means that that the uh the scared emotion’s not out yet well Daddy what are we going to do if my emotions come out and try to kill me um I think we need to secure you I think we got to make sure you don’t die wait you need to secure me yeah because the emotions work to get out got just protect you from all your own emotions so they don’t kill you all right I got an idea you guys just become my bodyguards all right everyone surround me okay no emotions are going to get me I don’t really know who I’m supposed to fight them but okay so guys Wherever I Go you need to follow me all right uhoh I got to go to the bathroom to the toilet you can go by yourself the toilet what really guys we got himim no you guys are the worst bodyguards in the history of the world I don’t want to be on poopy Duty oh definitely not poopy Duty that could be Gooby Duty you said poopy Dy it’s not funny oh um hi wait a minute uh that’s Johnny I never actually thought that I would get to meet Johnny because I’ve just like been inside Johnny’s head like the entire time but I’m here to warn you guys that I think the other emotions are going to come out and like probably try to kill you what the heck is this thing oh hi I’m anxiety anxiety your name is anxiety that’s not even a real name well it kind of is and it’s my name when I’m inside of your head and it’s kind of my name when I’m outside of your head and I’ve never really thought that I’d be outside of your head but now I’m outside of your head so yeah I’m anxiety wait guys you’re telling me that this stupid thing was in my head yes yeah just like all different other peoples that control your emotions and angle gu em out and he’s somewhere around here how did this thing even fit inside my head it’s so big Johnny is because they’re really super small they’re like the size of ants and they’re all in your head okay I don’t have time to explain this to you we need to start securing this house so they don’t come and kill you oh well Daddy uh I think anxiety can help us secure the house right anxiety well actually because I’m anxiety I’m like always really really anxious and I think being here and you’re going to like get killed isn’t really for me so I think I’m just going to like run away now um I’ll see you guys later bye no come back no well at least you’ll never get anxiety again yeah I guess you’re right Daddy this is not good joh we’re losing a lot of emotions right now oh gosh I don’t even know how many emotions I’ve left I think I just have the emotion of poop and pee left well no because you have sadness you have joy you have disgust you have fear and you have a whole bunch more wait sadness I’m super sad out of nowhere okay just put joy in control oh wait I’m actually super happy now yay yippee so I have an idea I have an idea I think the first thing we do is we lock that portal up o yeah Daddy it seems like all the emotions are coming out of that portal so let’s go over here and let’s put some iron bars all over the entrance so they can’t escape ooh that’s really good D I want to help all right let’s do something like this ooh yeah this is looking really good daddy just going to do something like that and they’ll never Escape well Daddy Maybe we should add some walls going around this house because I want to stay inside the house and never leave we could easily do that like easily easily do that so what we got to do is maybe we do an iron bar little fence thing around we got to get rid of this table cuz I’m scared of tables what you’re scared you’re scared of tables I just had a new fear daddy it was a new fear I think with some emotions missing the other emotions are getting more powerful okay John well all you got to do is just be relaxed do some breathing exercises to what is that what was that oh I think that was a dinosaur emotion I have inside me there was there’s no such thing as a dinosaur emotion oh no he’s sting it into a dinosaur no he’s not Gooby I think this is the silly emotion he’s being really silly okay Daddy now I have another fear emotion that we’re not working fast enough and the emotions are going to come out of that portal and eat me hey you know what’s really funny is you’re the reason why we’re not moving fast come on Daddy hurry up build the wall build the wall okay okay I also don’t think that they’re going to eat you because anger’s made out of fire so he might just set everything on fire wait what set everything on fire well we kind of want that Daddy what are we going to put in between these big pillars you can do fences you can do iron bars even another block oh yeah let’s do iron bars iron bars ooh guys I think I just got a really smart emotion inside my brain really you finally smart yeah Daddy we should add lava in front of these iron bars okay you’re dumb no Daddy it’s smart Dum just in case emotions make it all the way to this fence they’re just going to die in the lava I think that’s a really good idea Johnny thanks Scooby see Daddy yours a dumb one I don’t know I think your dumb emotion is really showing itself right now this is the most smartest idea I’ve ever thought of in my life all right then then start spelling smart spell smart s t w h i j what the heck was that close enough what do you mean there’s no J I just did it Daddy wow you’re really good at spelling Johnny must have a good spelling emotion wow guys it’s looking really really good but I think we need to work on some secure things inside the house you think they’re actually going to get in here well I don’t know but if they do I do not want to take any chances Daisy I think we need to make you like a bunker or something ooh like a secret bunker that’s a good idea ooh I got an idea I want to make it on like the top floor what that’s not a bunker that’s just a room like right here Daddy right on the edge what why would we do that cuz I want to be able to see all the emotions if they’re coming after me okay I I guess we could I guess we could do that it’s it’s like a lookout towel exactly Gooby going to need a ladle and we’re just going to use this oneway glass just like this and then you’re going to have no clue that I’m inside do you need a way to get in I’m working on that Daddy I’m working on it but what I’m going to do is I’m going to convert the whole gym that we have in here into a secret room ooh that’s a good idea all right I just made an entrance and this is actually the best idea I ever thought of whoa Gooby what are you doing making a super cool entrance from the house too how are you doing that sadle ooh yeah that is a good entrance all right good job Gooby that looks really good yeah nice go all the way from the living room up to the secret Lookout nice this looks really really good D I’m coming to see what you’re doing come over here you won’t find me what are you doing in there oh how do you get in hello wow W you had an invisible wall door really oh yeah I got two of them wa this is so good I say we make this the camera room ooh the camera room so what we’ll do is we’ll put cameras up around the whole entire house and this will be the room that we actually look at them all right Daddy I’m getting a bunch of cameras out I’m going to start placing down random spots where the cameras are going to be ooh like one outside that would be really good definitely need one in the kitchen ooh maybe one by the staircase too all right Daddy all the cameras are now set they look perfect they’re in the best positions possible nice this control room is starting to look really good too Johnny come look at this I made something really good what the heck wow Gooby is this like a little armor area yeah there was some armor here so I want to build it up and make it an armor place and we can put weapons here too ooh I like it I actually really like it a lot guys once that emotions come we got to beat them up what kind of weapons do you even use to fight emotions swords guns Bazookas what you a bazooka you get like a big grenade and just blow them up yep yep I like that you realize it’s going to blow the house up right and that’s that’s a no no we don’t do that okay fine daddy we’ll just use swords then let’s see what swords I can get no I think we use the Bazooka it’s either the house blows up or Johnny’s head explodes you know what now that you said it like that I agree with you all right I’m going to get a bazooka Daddy just don’t don’t use it yet unless we really really need to use it please all right fine Daddy and I’m also I’m going to get a machine pistol oh yeah give me some Rockets give me some missiles oh yeah guys I look so cool right now I’m ready to fight some emotions oh my gosh guys we look so good right now we have the best armor in the game and we have the best weapons in the game well guys it’s time for me to go hide so you guys got to protect me all right okay good luck I’m going to be checking the cameras I’ll let you know if I see anything okay all right time to check out these cameras nope don’t see anything there let me check this one nope don’t see anything there what about over here wait what uh-oh oh my gosh it’s angry what is he doing oh who mess with my portal break all this I got to break God oh my goodness he’s breaking the fence that was protecting the portal no no no this is not good oh my gosh guys guys angry is out there and he’s breaking the portal and the fence that was protecting it we have just stop him go out there right now start killing some emotions I’m going to hide uh there’s too many someone else oh my goodness oh go to the tower go up go up go up they’re all spawning there’s so many of them oh go this is really bad we have joy sadness disgust is that fear too oh gosh guys they’re coming they’re coming even embarrassment is here kill them guys kill them there’s so many of them they’re trying to get in they’re at the front gate they’re at the front gate I repeat dude they’re getting stuck in the lava oh my goodness daddy behind you I’ll kill him daddy I’ll kill him take that take that got him oh my God look there’s a bunch of sadnesses oh God enjoy coming out of the portal kill him kill him kill him this one looks like Squidward dud dude you could be so emotional oh my gosh there’s so many it’s not your fault Johnny how is this my fault they’re all coming out your head these are your emotions you guys are the one that went inside my brain and open this portal up in the first place no they were going to do it no matter what no they weren’t daddy die oh no I fell down oh go SC they’re all going after you I’m coming in oh my God oh my God oh my God what is this one I’ve never seen this one before that’s Envy what is Envy it’s like when I get a piece of cake and you don’t oh my goodness oh God they’re trying to go to the secret base hey get away from our secret base I’m going to go with my Shore someone help take that Envy stupid Marty kill them I’m running daddy they’re inside the house this is really not good oh my gosh they’re so ugly can’t believe these things were inside my brain she looks like a big stick of broccoli take that nice job Gooby we just double teamed that guy okay ow I think I’m out of bullets you’re out of bullets oh gosh I only have 22 bullets as well I have a bunch I have a bunch what do you need I need basic ammo daddy oh thanks Daddy there’s still so many of themy where are you you even helping I’m right here oh well good oh gosh ow ow ow ow that one’s doing a lot of damage I need to go back up the tower daddy should I use my bazooka yet no what about now no wait you the Bazooka on the portal wait that’s kind of a good idea cuz then they’ll stop spawning exactly okay I’m going all the way up to the top oh they keep coming out of the portal there’s literally so many of them spawning all right guys I’m going to blow this portal up in three 2 1 ah yeah did it now we just need to kill the rest of them they lock oh yeah kill them kill them oh yeah these are stuck in the lava see you later I’m going in with the Bazooka oops ow sorry Daisy no just killed your emotion that love flowers that’s not one of my emotions okay that’s just Daisy that’s not what we told them oh you ruined my plans how am I supposed to get all the emotions out here what the heck what is going on Angry get away from us we defeated all the other emotions and we’ll defeat you too you think you can defeat me I’ll destroy you w oh my God yeah I’m super angry now this is not funny H he’s massive oh my gosh guys we’re going to have to kill angry I’m going to destroy your whole house take this hey chill chill chill oh my God house everyone find cover everyone get inside the house we got to shoot him guys come on go get him ah take that bazook oh my God he just jumped really high take this you losers he’s blowing up everything stop it Angry get away from us yeah you really being potion we don’t like you come on guys keep shooting keep shooting oh oh this hurts take that take that take this yeah yeah we got him we defeated your emotions let’s go we got all my emotions okay now they should be back to normal wait guys now I have no emotions and I feel nothing uh well that could be a good thing right hey Johnny can I use your PC and play all your games sure Gooby I don’t care cuz I’m not going to even be angry yay wait a minute Johnny can I redecorate your room and just cover it in pink and flowers sure Daisy I don’t even care I don’t even know what colors are anymore or flowers this is going to be so much fun that made no sense you’re not stupid okay well how about this Johnny uh how about for dinner I feed you a vegetable casserole Daddy I don’t even need to eat food anymore so you can do whatever you want what this is insane you know know what I think I’m going to get used to this new Johnny because you’re never going to be a pain in my butt anymore this is the best day of my life well if you made it to the end of this video then make sure to leave a like and everyone hit subscribe right now and if you don’t do that then all my emotions are going to come kill you bye

Today, Johnny’s emotions are CRAZY! Marty, Daisy and Gooby need to find a way to stop them! Will the emotions take over Johnny and enter the real world? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. My brother is in the hospital can you make a video because my brother is very in pain his hand is bleeding his leg is bleeding is is I’ve played it I think so if you you you make another video don’t make me more happy more happy so I’m very sad please Johnny can be Daisy Betty okay I’m not gonna be the sale of them so please please I’m begging you please fast right now please if you don’t do it I’m gonna unsubscribe

  2. You stop me doing a matter that makes me very friendly with Peggy minute wait what if you make a Becky and give the date please do that please please a little cry I’m not in hospital right now because I can’t I just talk too much I was there but I will pop in I’m in Dutch and I hope you have a where are you from

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