The Abandoned Terraria Mod that was INSANELY GOOD…

this dead terrario mod might be one of the best mods I’ve ever played from the insanely creative and amazing looking boss fights to some of the insane weapons you got to hop in game and try it for yourself we are here with sort of a forgotten SL dead mod at this point I believe it hasn’t been updated for like half a year one and a half year something like that and I really don’t know the reasoning behind it don’t really keep up with the internal affairs of most terrarian mods but this mod was so destined for greatness that s to see it’s the polarities mod if you don’t know already and it sucks because it’s really good man I like some of the themes that it brings in in terms of content it’s just a lot of cool stuff and as you can see if we look at just some of the items and sprit they look amazing they look great so it sucks to see that this thing doesn’t really exist anymore in terms of being updated constantly and I am on t- mod the 1.4.3 let’s hop straight into it though as I tell a little bit more about what I know and the first boss from this mod honestly probably my favorite boss from the mod it’s a fish a stormfish you fight it after King Slime and you fight it of course in the sky I love me some storm enemies speaking about that Rel logic just tweeted about storms content that they want during storms but let’s bring them in we are in master mode we should see some crazy potential here look at this thing it’s a fish that’s a cloud what a great idea kind of fits perfectly as we can see the attacks my boys got the rain clouds of course come on storm fish storm cloud fish it’s got to have the rain clouds and of course it rains on itself or rains on us itself let’s do some damage though I want to see some other attacks it’s got dashes it’s got rain clouds but what else do you got for us it’s a super early game Boss though so I don’t expect like a whole giant move set but mods have surprised me in the past let’s see okay my boy got the lightning strikes I see them now the thing I wanted to talk about with this mod is that the version we’re playing on is not like the fully implemented version and I was really thinking about playing the 1.3 version and honestly we might check it out for a little bit of this video cuz the 1.3 version has a bunch of more content that was just never ported to this version cuz this version is kind of like a beta I guess so it’s really weird how the mods kind of split into two he has a lot more attacks as we can see though I’m messing with the heavy but I think it’s time that we take out the stormcloud fish he looks a lot more menacing when he’s got the little like lightning glow coming off of him kind of sick looking but he’s got to go look at that look at all those goodies he dropped I believe the polarities mod does have a Flawless system in it where if you beat a boss flawlessly you get like a special yeah look right here it says Flawless that is a feature that needs to be in vanilla Terraria or just a feature that should be in more mods in general I love the Flawless feature the idea of that being rewarded for doing a fight perfectly like come on that should be a thing in a lot of video games all right the next boss from the mod is the star construct as you can see it spawns at night while the player has at least 300 Max life so we got to wait for a dormant construct let’s see if I could just bring it in dormant construct oh there we go look at that so it falls like a star and you can actually see it on the map and I’m assuming we just break it and the boss fight starts yes sir hey hold up that boy making some weird noises oh what is this I don’t remember this boss fight being like this I think this has changed a little bit but yeah it’s so weird that there’s two separate versions The 1.3 one with way more content but the 1.4 one has a couple of new things like this boss fight I don’t remember this boss fight even looking like this it’s kind of sick like I’ve never seen a boss like this my boy got different forms different constructs look at this my boy got some moves hold up what do you fight this you fight this after the eye before the brain and eater that’s kind of sick this easily will we only checked out two bosses but this one is easily my favorite reminds me of like War of the Worlds type Machinery I don’t know some alien Machinery obviously it fell from space so there got to be something alien hold up he got more all these attacks he has so he grew more arms who what the hell that is a crazy PR attack that attack is sick I love this I love this boss oh my God but you can see that the reason I’m so sad is because look at all the potential that’s here like this is insane so I really don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes maybe you guys like always can tell me in the comments for people that really keep up with it yo my boy got uh Spotlight on me he just keeps on bringing out more and more attacks this is actually an amazing boss probably might be a top five ter boss I’ve ever seen I’m not going to lie we not including like super bosses or Starlight River stuff this lowkey Starlight River quality all right hold up let’s get them out of here I think I hope we saw everything what’s what’s this flawless weapon this the annoying Star Dance oo okay kind of looks like something you get in like Elden ring or a Souls game now this spot does add in a couple of new biomes I have no idea what type of biomes these are I’m going be honest with you they got little raining spikes kind of cool this one what was this a limestone biome okay now I don’t know if you need to be here specifically to fight this boss but the next boss is called the Giga bat so let’s fight it gigabit that kind of reminds me of uh I don’t know Castle Crashes find that big ass bat in the cave let’s do it yeah he’s not that big I mean for a bat he’s big but I expected gigant enormous bro like huge are these little bats on the outside I think they are oh yeah look at that they’re actually attacking me okay kind of cool so we we’re kind of got a little circle of bats that’s circling around us and then he shoots him in towards us to hit us and then him himself is doing these little like Sonic dashes look at the little the little pulse I don’t know what the hell it’s called sonic wave that bats used so far very tame compared to the uh construct fight I have not hit them a single time though I’m really just hitting the bats on accident most of the time I wonder if you could kill all the bats you think I could get rid of all of them cuz that would actually be kind of cool if that’s something you can do oh you definitely cannot they are multiplying even more but this is kind of a cool idea reminds me of like the locust swarm from Gears of War remember when you like step out of the light and then you just get swarmed and get insta killed that’s what this reminds me of but the fight compared to the last two honestly even the stormfish was a little bit crazier than this fight I don’t remember the original team 1.3 fights other than I don’t even remember the star construct fight but I remember it wasn’t that crazy but let’s let’s take out the gigabot nothing too crazy compared to the last two fights still cool though still unique like I haven’t seen anything like that what is your Flawless weapon though I might as well check out all the Flawless weapons what is that little summon damage so we pretty much get his attack okay I mess with that so the next boss is hard mode and we got to start this little event called The Rapture I love new Terraria events especially when they got some cool themes yo look at the little light beams in the background okay so the Rapture that’s like the end of the world we got this little unicorn or Pegasus flying around just him though where where’s some other enemies at this is a hollow biome Invasion so keep that in mind should I turn up the spawn right I’m not I’m not seeing anybody besides the Pegasus my boy is the only one who pulled up to the Rapture where’s everyone else oh here we go what are those those like parachute slimes oh no those are not parachutes I think there’s a good decent amount of enemies I might put a picture on screen if we don’t see anym but yeah during this event leads into the next boss oh look at that guy he looks cool Sun seror whoa my boy got the moves on him okay I see him so a lot of Light Beam based attacks what is that it’s like a giant pixie with a giant trail behind it yeah the boss this leads into is a giant pixie boss I believe yo these are sick enemies what the hell so we’ll seeing more as the event goes on maybe that’s how the event works you see stronger and different enemies as you go that’s it Rapture over I saved the world let’s bring in the boss now Sun pixie oh shoot okay definitely empress a light Queen slime type Vibes they did it first probably yeah team 1.3 right they did it first the hollow had no bosses and now the hollow’s got too many bosses where’s my cave boss love I’m talking about vanilla ter by the way but yeah this boss uh so far not too crazy it’s the first Hardo boss let’s see what happens let’s see what type of crazy attacks the pixie is going to give us I honestly might be able to use the Zenith because this thing’s taking no damage can I just not leave yeah looks like I just take a lot of damage by try and go out of the circle you can slip through maybe no not really might have to hit a little teleport through this honestly matches like an empress light type of fight in terms of how many projectiles are in the area maybe not as fast moving projectiles but there’s still a lot to worry about look at that she got me dancing around in the circle dodging laser beams and [ __ ] still not as scary as obviously the empress light Empress light terrifies me daytime one specifically damn okay she heard me talking what the hell oh my God she summoning like 8 billion lasers hell no get them out of here phase two or death animation death animation sweet what beautiful Flawless weapon do we got now ray of sunshine oh my God this is amazing I love this so the next boss is also required to do a little event and that is the pestilence ew nasty but a good type of nasty I think it’s cool fits Terraria well as you can see we’re in the in the Crimson maybe there’s like purple variants of enemies if you have the corruption I don’t even know if you have to be in the Crimson to fight it I don’t think so these enemies are pretty tanky though for uh Master mode they are easily taking Zenith hits and I have accessories and armor on so you know they’re kind of tanky hold on my boy dropped a splatter gun let me use this oh okay I see you little iore shotgun yeah killing all these dudes leads into the next boss which is the ESOP esophagi I don’t know how to pronounce that at all not a word I use a lot I don’t really use the word esophagus a lot if I’m being honest with you maybe I’ve probably said that word a handful of times maximum 10 times okay it seems there is some corruption themed enemies in here so I guess it kind of works no matter which B you’re in but let’s bring it in come on where is it oh I see the drop but I think it might spawn naturally super quiet yep ew look at it ew nasty but I like it cuz it fits the Crimson en corruption so well it’s even got the purple and red crimson inrupt got to be like top tier theme ever made in terms of video games like that’s it’s got to be up there with like steampunk type [ __ ] cuz it’s it’s just such a good idea for a theme a corruption nasty ass disease ridden area and the Crimson which is like gory area more like blood related stuff it’s cool what kind of attacks does he have I’m kind of beating his ass though what is this attack am I allowed to get out of there maybe you have to escape that before it closes in on you that or you need the uh roted Discord yeah look at that look at that ooh see I would would have took a hit right there attacks are not super crazy it does have a lot going on though like those exploding balls the icore that it’s making rain the little uh I don’t know worm projectiles are shooting out it does have a lot of attacks so maybe I’m sleeping on it a little bit just cuz I did a lot of damage really quick I love how this thing looks I love how it moves around I love how it looks I think we should take it out though cuz it’s nasty get it off my damn screen yo what is that that gun is huge is that the Flawless weapon it is forceful a gun yo it’s like a flamethrower with extra projectiles this thing is crazy this is awesome so quickly before we fight the last boss I might as well check out the other little biome I believe this is a salt biome not much in it it’s just a salty biome that’s that’s really it there’s a couple of enemies in here I guess but we’re going to another new biome I believe that’s all just those three biomes and there’s not much in the salt and Limestone one but we got this little lava leg down here in the bottom left uh there’s some ores down there but this is the last boss from this version of The Mod I don’t remember what they’re they’re called conductive Wanderers or something like that yeah convective Wanderers let’s bring them in let’s see what they look like this is a boss I don’t think I even know about so let’s see damn that boy shaking the floor okay oh my God this boss like visually amazing probably the best boss visually and it’s like whole presentation it’s like shaking the floor and everything like this is sick this is definitely a theatrical fight and for it being the last boss in this version it kind of work Works yo he looks 3D am I tweaking yo is this a 3D boss or is it just like the way the Sprites and stuff are moving is making a look 3D I don’t know but this is kind of sick how much health does it have it has a lot I’m barely doing damage like 200,000 Health what is this giant God damn look how much damage I’m taking you’re definitely oh I I just died in God mod let’s run it back I like that it’s a giant drill hopefully I don’t die again I’m holding the god mode book I got Journey mod god mode on and then I got cheat sheet god mode on or Heroes Mod god mode on so I’m kind of scared why am I burning so much what are these attacks he’s like slapping me with his tip that’s like insanely sus I don’t know if I messed with that okay we’re no longer burning from that like White Flame attack so let’s get some hits off on him he’s got insane attacks again probably the coolest looking boss how do you avoid being incinerated maybe there’s like an accessory ew my boy folded his tip back and brought out a laser yo this is like a boss You’ see like risker rain do they have bosses in that what’s that one uh mining game I don’t remember I I really don’t remember the name Deep Rock Galactic I got it I figured it out I don’t know what type of boss is deep whoa you turned blue what the heck I don’t know what type of boss is Deep Rock Galactic has if any at all cuz I played the game like super early before there was much content in it but this feels like this would be something in it what is this giant laser dud am I just not allowed to go over there anymore this is so cool though this might might be like one of my favorite looking Tero boss fights ever again not including super bosses the super bosses are made to be like this a big theatrical presentation oh he’s peeling the tip back what the hell that giant ass ball of light what is this laser doing here let’s kill him though before I somehow die again in god mode I racked up 3 minutes of being incinerated oh what you got for us okay cool little death animation let’s uh can can I pick that stuff up let me get that stuff his Flawless weapon has to be op if it has one I don’t know if it has one I don’t think it has one it is the final boss from the mod at least this version so I don’t think it has one at all that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine when does this fire go away should I just die maybe I should just die so it goes away I believe that is all the bosses from this version the mod I guess quickly we should sweep through some things like there were some insane looking Sprites for some enemies and I kind of want to see them Granite stomper show me stomp yo look at that that’s Metagross what the hell sick enemy what else do we got I remember that there was a uh Dimension from this mod but I believe that’s in the older version now yo there’s a Hydra I love Hydra look at that thing hydras are sick you can’t what the hell oh my God you can’t kill the Hydra bro it’s unkillable it died eventually what the hell is going on I don’t know what’s going on this is a cursed enemy bro what else do we got stall Beetle we got slimy we got what else do we got come on spitter snake little snake enemy I think my favorite enemies from the mod though is definitely the uh what was the name of that event the pestilence those were pretty sick enemies uh I feel like the weapons for the mod are probably really good I feel like we don’t even have to cover them cuz as we saw from that one like laser beam weapon we saw from the Flawless stuff like it was all really good there is Flawless stuff for all the vanilla bosses too as much as I would like to show that off I do really want to fit in the uh the other version of this mod AK the 1.3 version and just show off like a couple things from there cuz there’s a couple cool things on there we are in te- mod loader 1.3 doesn’t look too much different still got the same bindes and everything from the play these mod but a different set of bosses one of them you guys were saying were a part of the biggest bosses in Terraria that being the rift denisen I think it’s called so you can see way more bosses let’s see the rift Denis in can I bring them straight out yeah y’all were saying this is one of the biggest bosses cuz is literally in the background it looks a little bit weird I’m going to be honest with you I don’t remember this fight looking this goofy I remember the rift Denis in being cool as hell maybe that was the 1.4 version I don’t remember at all what do I even hit I don’t even know what to hit on this thing I’m dying too by the way like am I not in god mode no I am in god mode oh there you go I hit something whoa my boy got that laser beam I’m just going to let the giant laser beam kill me go ahead kill me there we go go away now look at it my boys all right I’m in out all right who else do we have that we did not see Luna butterfly what is that let’s bring that in okay it’s like a dark butterfly got it and then we got a soul moth we got hemorrage which is different from esage E okay I remember bro he he’s he’s pretty nasty I wonder why he’s not in the curve version they probably just didn’t have time to implemented before dis baming or whatever happened uh who else do we want to see self similar Sentinel hold up are bumping I don’t see anything though oh there he is this are bumping this gu this is too good of a track this got to be copyrighted oh my God this fight looks kind of sick I’m messing with it oh my God it’s like I’m in a kaleidoscope or something bro okay I finish that Boss off uh who else do we got we got Magneton and electric I think these are literally the polarities bosses so kind of cool that they fully you know have the idea completed here with these two and I like The Little Death animation look that sick is that all I believe that’s all I do want to see the star construct fight real quick because uh I know it’s a little different let’s see how different was it not that different actually okay maybe this dude was always like this I just don’t remember yeah there is also a dimension from this mod uh it’s not like a super crazy Dimension so if you really want to look it up figure out what it looks like look like I guess go ahead I don’t even remember how to get into it so I don’t even know if I could get into it but that’s the polarities mod kind of sad that it’s you know sort of a dead mod at this point maybe somebody will pick it up maybe it’ll make a comeback some way somehow I don’t know I’m I’m wishing for the best I hope whatever is going on behind the scenes gets solved gets fixed or at least pass the code on to another group or somebody I’m sure somebody would take it and work on it cuz you don’t just leave greatness behind like this too often like it’s sad that we do see it happen every now but even then when we do see it happen at least it’s like oh hey yeah the mod Dev are actually working on it for the current version but this I’m pretty sure might just be dead shout out to everyone that worked on The Mod in the past make sure to leave a like subscribe turn on the notification Bell if you want to see more videos leave suggestions for moreor mod just sort of like forgotten like this I guess doesn’t matter what version it is just let me know in the comments I’ll be see you all next time have a good one

This Dead Terraria mod really could’ve been one of the BEST ever…

Polarities Mod –

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  1. I've come back after a really long time, used to watch you when I was still doing my first terraria playthrough. I'm glad you're still making content even if you arent really bringing in views or subs. You have to have some crazy dedication to keep uploading.

  2. this mod had so much potential, especially after they just threw in the 3d worm and dipped(Its actually 2D the people who made this mod just clever as heck and its sprites moving to look 3D

    i dunno what i even like best about the mod, theres so much to like

    the fact theres like 2 versions of several bosses(example, sun pixie has a counterpart called the eclipxie, and theres the one that looks like a giant bacteria that has a second version too, heck they even remixed the tunes between counterparts, sun pixie and eclipxie swap the main sorta synth instruments

    the cool gear, the fact there were hitless rewards, and the final boss being based around goddang ELECROMAGNETS and having some of the more unique mechanics despite being eye-shaped beings.

    i really need to get around to playing this mod myself honestly, ive seen alot and its good

  3. Final boss was so cool that bro had to put few god modes, its like fighting aganst goku and forcing him to go ultra Instinct (i actually never saw dragon ball at all)

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