Why is this not a valid grouping? They aren’t selling the pylon!

by Correct_Theory


  1. BouncyBlueYoshi on

    Clothier likes the underground. I know, it makes little sense to me too. Demolitionist likes the underground/caverns too. Put the Mechanic up there.

  2. All three are completely unrelated happiness wise, and don’t have anything to do with the snow biome either.


    The mechanic might be a better pick if you want someone who can sell the pylon, just make sure none of her disliked or hated npcs are around.

  3. Correct_Theory on

    They aren’t even mentioning each other, even though they dislike each other. I’ve connected them all together…

  4. Vegetable_Run7792 on

    NPCs will only sell pylons if they are happy. NPCs become happy if they are:

    -In a biome they like
    -Near othe NPCs they like
    -There are no more than 3 NPCs nearby

    Satisfying these conditions increase happiness. Not satisfying them decreases happines.

    The Clothier doesn’t like the snow, he likes the caverns.

    The best NPC you can put there right now is the Mechanic, she can be found in the Dungeon, and pairing her with the Goblin Tinkerer will make her happy enough to sell a pylon

    [If you want more info about NPC happiness, click here](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/NPCs#Happiness)

  5. Vegetable_Run7792 on

    NPCs will only sell pylons if they are happy. NPCs become happy if they are:

    -In a biome they like

    -Near othe NPCs they like

    -There are no more than 3 NPCs nearby

    Satisfying these conditions increase happiness. Not satisfying them decreases happines.

    The Clothier doesn’t like the snow, he likes the caverns.

    The best NPC you can put there right now is the Mechanic, she can be found in the Dungeon, and pairing her with the Goblin Tinkerer will make her happy enough to sell a pylon

    [If you want more info about NPC happiness, click here](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/NPCs#Happiness)

  6. LaughAtMyBadJokes on

    Not a *cool* choice. I personally put the goblin tinkerer and mechanic there in the underground snow so they’re both max happiness! And cyborg can be added in later on…

  7. RollerskatingFemboy on

    I don’t think those NPCs like living in the snow biome, but I also wanted to say those houses are *adorable!*

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