Is it just me or is the loot of Dungeons and Taverns just awful? Every chest is filled with the same garbage, the jungle ruins and ruined towns aren’t better either as the best they contained was a few nametags and emeralds. The structures feel so boring because of this.

by Xasplat2


  1. I mean all i got is emeralds and nametags, and a full backpack of rotten flesh/bones/strings. After the whole hassle of finding a tavern, getting the right map and travelling to the place all you get is the same chest, again, and again. Nothing interesing. And the 3 diamonds I got are from supplementaries pot, literally 1 block gave me better loot then 3 structures combined. The datapack/mod has some cool structures but its just painful knowing that they got nothing to offer.

  2. I mean all i got is emeralds and nametags, and a full backpack of rotten flesh/bones/strings. After the whole hassle of finding a tavern, getting the right map and travelling to the place all you get is the same chest, again, and again. Nothing interesing. And the 3 diamonds I got are from supplementaries pot, literally 1 block gave me better loot then 3 structures combined. The datapack/mod has some cool structures but its just painful knowing that they got nothing to offer.

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