wow I can’t believe I found the only flying fish in the entire world I can’t wait to show this to Milo and hey Milo come on look at my fish and wait whato what are you doing to our houses chip these squs are driving me crazy everywhere I look I see square squ and squ I want to see round circles Milo this is Minecraft and hey I actually don’t mind the square blocks I think they’re perfect building blocks and so fun to look at take that back squares are ugly and stupid oh yeah shall we put that to the test Milo oh yeah boy I challenge you to a secret underwater tunnel Build Challenge my brother has challenged me to a round underwater tunnel Build Challenge can I make a round tunnel in Minecraft we have 10 minutes to build an underwater tunnel and if I win I get to flatten your house into a Sao well if I win I get to flatten your new roundhouse into a square oh yeah you’re run I think I know the perfect place for it follow me Milo I saw it while I was catching this flying fish wait a perfect place for an underwater tunnel Bild challenge yep a perfect place for both of us come on you’ll see just how cool it is I don’t even think I know where you’re talking about Milo you’ll see in just a second I found a giant underwater Mountain where we will both be able to build our secret underwater tunnels W this place is actually really crazy chip I Like It Off what me too Milo all right you find your place to build your tunnel and I’ll find mine whoever makes the best tunnel will win let’s go right you got it Milo out time starts right about now let’s go all right I have a secret cheat that will let me mine really quickly look my mining Gadget will let me mine very very fast W just look at that this is insane now I can mine really quickly into the side of the tunnel and wait a minute what is this it looks like some sort of C wait how far up the mountain does this thing go wo it goes around and around and wait a minute it’s still going around this thing goes on forever it’s like it goes all the way up to the top of the underwater Mountain oh my goodness this is insane it just keeps going and going and wait a minute when is this thing going to end wow I’m getting so high up it’s like soon we’ll reach out of the water but that is not possible and oh my goodness the tunnel goes all the way to the top this is absolutely perfect I’m going to block off this area so has no idea that I’m going to cheat I can use this existing tunnel to totally stop my build with a massive head start Milo is going to have to make his tunnel all by himself but I have this cave to help me this is so perfect we just need to use lots of sponge to totally clear out all of this water oh yeah we’ve got this this is about to be so fun and easy okay this is going really really good I’m managing to clear out so much water from my tunnel and hey Milo how’s your tunnel building going yeah I’m just trying to clear out but it’s actually kind of difficult for me wa Milo are you saying that you’re having a really hard time making the first parts of your tunnel already well not a really hot time just a medium hot time oh well Milo any amount of a hot time is going to totally mean I have a really good chance of beating you in this competition you better make sure you have nothing but an easy time if you want to defeat me yeah but chip the difference is I actually have some amazing ideas of what to put in my channel that is going to take you so long to get through oh Milo my tunnel is going to take even longer for you to get through you have no idea what sort of Epic things I have plan to put inside my tunnel you’ll see Milo you’ll totally see Milo I’ve almost finished clearing out my tunnel of water now I just need to break all the sponge I’ve placed down and start building my defenses oh I’m not feeling any jealous e what really Milo are you sure about that hey how far along is your tunnel well I’m just actually doing the floor plan the floor plan wait a minute does that mean you’ve already dug out your tunnel yeah I have oh my goodness Milo that was really quickly I thought only I could do it that fast yeah now you’re feeling the jealousy on me I’m not jealous but I am a little worried uh-oh I need to make sure that all of the defenses I put inside my tunnel are so good that you can’t possibly get through them but H you’re pretty good at getting past my defenses like lasers and lava traps and stuff but one thing you’re not that good at getting past is parkour what yes I am don’t you remember of the P A Champion Milo they just gave you that medal because they felt bad because you fell off and hit your head remember I didn’t know that yeah Milo that’s cuz you hit your head you totally forgot and got amnesia oh my goodness you know what I am going to fill my entire tunnel with parkour to make it really difficult for you to get through so I totally win wa that’s word what if I hit my head again I’ll pretty much cry well you won’t want to cry Milo cuz the title will be really really beautiful and looks so cool but if you going to cry it’ll probably be because when I win I’m totally going to flatten your house into a big Square that’s such a funny job what Milo it’s not a joke I’m totally going to do it when I win besides weren’t you saying you were going to flatten my house into a circle if you win yeah because that’s actually going to happen you’re going to have to say goodbye to your stupid Square house and hello to your lovely Round House what Milo no way oh my square housee is going to be so incredible and so will yours this is going to be really exciting once I clear out all this sponge I can actually start building the inside and I already have some really good ideas just you wait Milo you’ll totally see you cannot for me into a square L and boom my entire tunnel is now officially free from water now I can go all the way back down to the bottom and start building my Biome parkour every single part of this tunnel will have a different biome and I think I know exactly what the first one should be first things first I need to make a starting line and I’m I’m going to make it right down the bottom here I’ll need to make it somewhere where the water can’t just flow in and totally cover it up so I think this is absolutely perfect oh yeah this is now going to be the best biome ice Parco spiral underwater tunnel secret base ever I need to make sure that the floor of this area is very dangerous because I’m going to be building an ice biome ice biomes as well as being cold are also really chill there’s not much scary inside of them but I am adding powdered snow to the floor this is a very dangerous block Milo did you know that if you fall off during the ice section of my area you will start to freeze and shiver in the powdered snow um that actually sounds pretty scary but I’m got to tell you something oh what do you have to tell me mil I’m not really scared of the snow anymore since I went to visit jip chip in the Antarctica what Milo you went to Antarctica just to visit jip chip yeah it was really fun time oh well Milo then you’re going to have a really fun surprise in here because I think there might be a couple of jip jips friends here in this ice Paco with me W really yeah that totally is they actually really like swimming in the icy powdered snow area if you accidentally fall in you’ll be stuck there and I don’t think they’ll be able to help you wellow d i sounds really funny Milo I don’t think you’ll find it so funny when you’re totally freezing and shivering it’s going to be really scary trust me Milo you are not going to want to fall down inside of here well I’m just trying to have some positivity about this situation yeah I guess that is fair but Milo you’re going to need a lot more than just positivity to beat me hey how’s your tunnel coming along it’s gone I’m just simply doing a little cobweb maze a cobweb maze Milo inside a tunnel yep you had it right Milo wouldn’t that mean that the Cub web maze is going to be kind of small because tunnels are pretty thin all I’ll have to do is go around a couple walls and then I’ve basically made it to the end well trust me you don’t need a big cobweb maze because you’re going to find this one really difficult okay I’m a little nervous actually I hope I’m able to beat you and your cobweb maze hey Milo how did you get the idea to make your house into a circle in the first place that was insane well because I’ve been thinking a lot about circles lately and it makes me sad that there’s pretty much no circles into Minecraft yeah that is true one of the only circles is snowballs and oh is that what you got the idea yeah to look it was I was looking at the Snowballs Milo you can’t make everybody’s house into a circle just because you missed the snow Nos and jip Chip why Milo because not everybody wants their house to be a circle I definitely don’t and I’ve never met jip chip that many times I only see him when I’m with you well that’s too bad because I want circles everywhere oh my goodness well Milo maybe you can just get some more snowballs look I’m sure these new Snow Golem friends would really like to give you some of this yeah I just had an idea oh what’s your idea Milo I can make a show called SpongeBob Circle pants Milo I think there might already be a show called SpongeBob SquarePants that sounds like it’s getting a little close to them no I’m going to make my own version and it’s going to be with the suckles wait a minute Milo are you saying you’re going to turn the square SpongeBob into a circle yeah it’s going to be so funny oh my goodness Milo you and your crazy circle thing right now we’re going to ruin everything I can’t let that happen I need to make sure my parkour is so difficult so you cannot get through and I win I think I know exactly how to do that I’m going to make sure my parkour is made out of blue ice blue ice is one of the most difficult and slippery jumping blocks of all time if you accidentally fall off the blue ice and into this crazy powdered snow you won’t be able to get out and it will be a very bad time for you so I have a good feeling about this honestly yeah I have a good feeling about it as well because it sounds really easy Milo it doesn’t sound easy at all don’t you remember the reason you came back from Antarctica what was it again I call a m Milo it’s cuz you slipped off the blue ice and hit your head and got amnesia again oh yeah I keep going the Amnesia yeah that happens quite a lot to you but Milo don’t you realize I have a bunch of ice inside my tunnel if you fall off this ice and get amnesia you might forget about circles completely oh that would be really horrible I never want to forget about the circles well I kind of wish you would forget about it then I wouldn’t have to worry about my house turning into a circle yeah well you’re going to have to worry about it eventually because it’s still going to happen What even if you forget Milo yeah I’ll remember about the circles eventually because it’s my favorite thing in the world oh my goodness okay Milo I guess the only way for me to stop my house turning into a circle is to beat you and I have good news about that at least for me and the good news is I’m almost done with the icy section once I finish this I’m going to make a different area for every single biome in Minecraft then you will have to go through every single one to reach the top end some of them will be a lot hotter than others oh man that sounds exciting for me I love a challenge uh yeah you might for a while but Milo this is going to terrify you I really hope you managed to do this one well I’m going to make sure that the pwed snow reaches all the way to the end of the Ice Area because look I think at this line it definitely needs to be where we start on the next biome I already know exactly what biome I’m going to build there and I’m so excited for it but first we just need to make some stalic tights these are going to hang down from the ceiling and look all spiky and terrifying these will look like the entire cave is freezing over a bunch oh boy this is so exciting I’ve always wanted to make a giant icy parkour tunnel and now I have the perfect chance to there is no way this is going to be possible it’s going to be so difficult let’s also make sure we add some stellic TI to the start because now I think it’s about time to move on to the Mushroom Island biome normally Islands would not really spawn inside a tunnel but this one totally will maybe it’s more accurate to call it a mushroom forest biome this is is going to be so exciting I can’t believe this I wonder what cool creatures we can have inside it and oh I totally know we can have mushrooms oh yeah this is about to be so good inside the mushroom area the entire floor will be made out of mycelium oh wow melium is kind of crazy it actually releases lots of little spares so Milo inside the mushroom section you’re going to need to be pretty careful not to breathe in too much well I’m going to actually eat the mushrooms what Milo you can’t eat the mushrooms some of these are red mushrooms you can’t eat those at all they’re actually really poisonous I am going to eat them and they’re going to be scrumptious oh my goodness Milo you’re crazy trust me you do not want to eat these I really do not want you to beat this parkour but I also don’t want you to die wow it sounds to me like you’re a dumb dumb what Milo I’m not a dumb dumb oh my goodness you are absolutely crazy sometimes trust me you do not want to be eating these mushrooms the only thing you want to be doing on these mushrooms is bouncing on them because they’re about to be very bouncy these mushrooms are going to be the things you’ll actually have to jump between in order to beat this parkour this is going to be so funny I actually don’t think you’ll even be able to do it honestly well since you’re giving me all this really helpful information maybe I will be able to do it no way Milo even if I tell you everything I’m building or even give you a little map of the build itself you still probably wouldn’t be able to I’m going to design this so well and make it so difficult that no matter how much I help you you still won’t be able to get all the way through too easy at all oh dang it well I’m still going to try my best of course that’s a great idea but I don’t know if it’ll be enough this is so exciting and hey Milo how’s your little cobweb area going I’m finished with that obiously wait what I didn’t know that what area are you doing now just the campfire area the campfire area what Milo you’re meant to be building a tunnel that’s really difficult for me to get through not roasting s’mores well I’m going to be using the campfires to create a SM screen a smoke screen Milo I wouldn’t be able to see through yeah exactly oh my goodness Milo this is sounding kind of diabolical I underestimated you a little but I’m a little nervous now yeah exactly I’m a pretty diabolical guy if you didn’t already know oh Milo I definitely knew if you weren’t diabolical you wouldn’t be turning my house into a circle that’s so funny all right one thing that’s funny over here is that I’ve just placed down all the mycelium I need to now I can start actually making the difficult mushroom jumps that you’re going to have to go on they’ll start pretty easy like maybe some nice little red mushrooms on the floor although wait you go right through these ones H I guess these red mushrooms will have to stay on the side and then maybe you will need to jump on these little red mushroom blocks look I’m going to add tiny little mushroom fences as the stems a these actually look really cute and tiny wow these mushrooms look so cool I wish they had real mushrooms like this and H I think the my celum might actually be too high I need to make sure these mushrooms get taller and taller otherwise you’d be able to jump from the side of this cave onto the platforms that would totally ruin the parkour and I don’t want that at all now I’m going to add some shelf mushrooms wo these are a lot more difficult already I need to add one last little red mushroom here so that you can actually jump onto the shelving mushrooms oh yeah this is going to be so crazy I’ll make the Shelf mushrooms go really high so close up to the ceiling that you’re almost hitting your head but you better make sure that you don’t hit your head Milo because if you do you won’t be able to complete the jumps because it just won’t let you wow these shelf mushrooms look absolutely insane and this one’s going to be a very difficult jump I’ll make sure it goes all the way into the wall and doesn’t miss a single spot because here in the final section I say we have some more red mushrooms although maybe we can even have some red mushrooms on the floor that are hidden by slime blocks oh yeah this is going to look so cool we’ll need to have some mushrooms that kind of just grow really really short maybe one like this and then inside the slime look we can have a carpet we’ll make sure that the carpet is red like that because now if you jump on here it should launch you high up and oh yeah it totally does now we’ll just make sure we add a really tall block that you couldn’t get to otherwise so that this way it’s actually a really good jump now I really hope this works come on and yes it totally is possible and I’ll just get rid of these mycelium so you can’t jump there unless you do it properly oh yeah this is so exciting I can’t believe how good this place is looking all ready it’s very very difficult Milo I do not know if you’re going to be able to beat this at all well I am going to be able to because I’m training mentally right now you’re mentally training Milo oh my goodness I don’t think any mental training could be enough to face what you’re about to have to go through over here well even if that’s true I’m still going to have a really strong mental game yeah I guess that is true you’re going to need to have a lot of preparation to get through this place without totally freaking out and also you need a really much stronger mental game you always forgetting stuff from your Amnesia what I don’t freak out chip that’s a man Milo you freak out all the time remember when I gave you that carrot the other day and you thought it was a sword that I was trying to poke you with that was actually really awesome my Lord that was terrifying I was just trying to give you some food because you hadn’t eaten all day yeah well I wasn’t eating because I really wanted to save my appetite for the seeds oh my goodness Milo are you obsessed with seeds as well because they’re just circles you know it oh my goodness Milo you’re insane oh my goodness when I get over there I’m totally going to let you know that it’s not all about circles what do you mean everything is about circles chip my whole brain is a circle true actually your brain is a very very smooth Circle yeah my brain is nice and smooth oh Milo having a smooth brain is not a good thing but go you I’m also going to add one last mushroom fence gate here because I’m about to have a bunch of mushrooms in the mushroom section these will be the very last things I add before I move on to making the next area and oh oh just place down a bit of packed ice or maybe my celium there yep that works great okay this area should be pretty difficult to get out of honestly all right I’m really liking this a lot actually I’ll just add one last thing here and oh yeah I think this is totally mushroom proof soon I’ll be able to spawn them in but first I think I definitely will need to make a fence on the other side I don’t want these mushrooms being able to escape that would be terrible I would feel so bad and hey imagine if the mushrooms were running around the snow section they totally get hurt in the powdered snow and I also don’t want them to get hurt in my next section they probably won’t get hurt because it’ll be a really nice gentle area but I don’t want them getting mixed up with the regular animals no way that would just be silly mushrooms don’t belong in a pl’s biome and a ples biome is exactly what I’m going to build in the next section now I’ll spawn down all these mushrooms wo this place already looks so much better wow these mushrooms are perfect now I can move on to the plains biome this is so exciting I’m going to grab so many grass blocks and blocks of grass and wait a minute I think I have a great idea for how I can make this plan’s biome really difficult oh Milo you are going to totally struggle to get through this one but I’m not going to tell you exactly how you’ll have to figure out this one when you make it all the way to the Plains area for yourself oh you’re a nice chip I can see you’re keeping secrets now well yeah I totally am you told me that I was telling you everything about my parkour tunnel and that I was going to reveal all my secrets now I want to have at least a couple things up my sleep that you don’t know about that way I’ll be able to surprise you when it’s your turn to go through my parkour tunnel dang it I shouldn’t have said anything yeah you probably shouldn’t have now I have a bigger Advantage than ever and I’m totally going to use it to win against you this is so exciting oh yeah this tunnel is going to be great in fact it’s not even going to be parkour and uhoh I just revealed something about it well that’s all you’re going to hear Milo I won’t tell you anything else about it I’m going to be really quiet and really sneaky what Milo doesn’t know is this section really won’t have any parkour I was not lying then instead it will be full of animals and somewhere in this section there will be a little button that button will open an iron door at the very end of this section of the tunnel and only then will Milo be able to get through this will be so funny I might make a little fake parkour section that Milo thinks he has to do until he’ll get to the end and realize he’s actually done the wrong thing and wasted so much time this will be so funny it’ll also make sure he’s really throwing off and it could even cause him to lose which would be perfect because it would spare my entire house from a fate of Destruction now that I finished adding dirt rooted dirt and all my grass to the bottom of this area of the tunnel I can start adding some more grass and even some flowers in to make it look like a real ples biome this is perfect because we’ll need to do this for when we add the animals chip I have a very serious question to ask you oh okay Milo What’s the serious question do you think di is a sule or a square what Milo even though I really like squares of course the Earth is a circle it’s actually a sphere yeah I’m see that’s why circles the better what Milo just because the Earth is a circle doesn’t mean that all circles are good Milo you know bowling balls that hit you on the head are circles too right don’t talk about bowling balls what Milo are you still scared of them after last time yeah I’m very scared Milo most of the time bowling balls won’t hit you on the head they only did that cuz you threw it right up in the air and it landed back on you yeah but I F that’s how you do the balling no Milo that is not how you ball at all that’s how you give yourself amnesia for the 50th time that week oh well I’m going to make my own game called bowling upside down what Milo what is bowling upside down that’s why you throw the ball upward Milo that’s the exact same game where you got hurt and oh my gosh you know what never mind yeah I’m sure bowling upside down is a great idea Milo yeah I’m exctly thanks for agreeing you’re welcome Milo wo my planes area is looking so good these grass blocks are almost done being placed once I get all of these down and I can add some final flowers it’ll be time to make some fences to put in all the animals oh this is going to be so good I can’t believe how amazing my PL biome is looking right now it actually kind of looks like a meadow biome too wa it looks so cool although H it might be a little easy to find my hidden item inside now I need to make sure I add some Tall Grass too that way it will be even sneakier and more difficult especially with animals in here as well oh wow this is diabolical I can’t believe how sneaky this is going to be Milo is really going to struggle wow I can’t wait to see this happen now I’m also just going to add some iron bars here so that we can put them at the end before we spawn in the animals of course I don’t want the animals to escape that would be crazy it’s also important that we add the iron bars so that whatever is in this next section doesn’t escape either I already know exactly what I’m going to put here but it’s a bit of a secret what’s really exciting right now is these animals I can have cows and sheep and pigs and chickens and wao maybe even horses although wait no that would be a really bad idea what if Milo finds a way to make friends with the horses and then tries to ride them out of here he would totally do that as well Milo’s done it before with MIM MIM oh my goodness I need to make sure that there are no horses in this area otherwise Milo will just totally leave I’ll also make sure that the iron bars surround the door so that none of the animals can escape and wait a minute why don’t I just use iron blocks yeah that’s way smarter all right these iron vs will be replaced with actual blocks of super strong reinforced iron perfect this is great now we just need to add a secret underground Redstone layer connecting up the door to somewhere Secret in this base H we’ll need to test if this Redstone can actually work and oh no it definitely doesn’t H what can we do here oh I totally know I can do a really cool trick with a couple Redstone Torches by adding the Redstone torches in a line just like this we should be able to rig something up to this door this is about to be so exciting now when we turn this Le lever on it should flip and the door will shut perfect now all Milo has to do is find the lever and turn it on so that the door opens again we’ll make sure it’s shut though so that we can place the Redstone in a really secret spot so that Milo needs to find it and flip it in order for this thing to work we’ll also need to make sure that we grab a redstone repeater otherwise the Redstone signal won’t make it very far Redstone does not travel super duper long distances it’s kind of weak sometimes actually by doing this we make sure that it totally won’t fail and that at least this parkour section is kind of possible here we go now all we need to do is make sure we add some sort of lever here I think the lever can go right here yep that’s kind of sneaky although it might be sneakier if we put it all the way over on this side oh yep that is so much more difficult to spot We’ll add another repeater here and one grass block here and now if Milo flicks this lever oh the door totally opens yes that’s perfect now we’ll add some tall grass around it just like this and now we can also make sure we turn it back to shut and stun spawning in the animals perfect now we have our cows pigs chickens sheep and of course some rabbits too wa look at that they look so happy in the plains biome section wow the cows look really happy as well and of course we definitely need some pigs now we cannot forget the chickens the chickens are so cute and they also make clicky noises it kind of sounds like a Leva this will give Milo a little hint but it also might distract him he will also get definitely distracted by the Sheep because Milo is obsessed with sheep for some reason I don’t know why but uh it’ll totally work to distract him we’ll just spawn down a couple more pigs to make it really difficult to spot the L and wow this animal section is looking totally insane now I think we need to actually add in some fake parkour to totally trick Milo but what could we even make it out of oh I know we can make it out of some Oak bushes sometimes in a plains biome some oak leaves will spawn this will be perfect we’ll just have a couple in here we’ll have one here and we’ll have one down there this parkour is really little and it won’t look too out of place cuz leaves belong in the plains by him they really fit there we go we’ll just make it go pretty far along so Milo thinks he actually has to do it little does he know this parkour is totally fake he will think that I was lying about there being no parkour but I was telling the truth I just technically didn’t mention that the parkco will be totally useless this is going to be so funny it’s definitely one of my favorite rooms probably by far wow the Sheep are also kind of eating all the grass I really hope it manages to grow back before Milo gets over here that would be embarrassing and oh hey look here is the grass I better cover this up before more animals F down inside poor chicken and sheep I’m sure they’ll be totally fine all right here we go now we’ll need to get through to the other section I’m going to break my way through because I know exactly what we’re going to build here this next area will be home to a couple friends of mine these are the villages that’s because I’m going to make the entire next section Village themed we’ll need to block off a pretty big area so that the villages can’t just make their way through but oh yeah this is going to be so exciting and definitely one of my favorite biomes this Village area is already looking so good the walls are made out of cobblestone and the floor is made out of poth blocks it is looking so epic that now I think it’s totally time to start making these village houses Milo you’re okay with jumping on villager houses as parkour right no what Milo why aren’t you okay with that I’m really not okay with it because I’m not having a very good time with the Villagers lately wait a minute Milo what do you mean is something wrong yeah me and Frank are kind of fighting right now what Milo do you mean angry Frank the Villager yeah he’s really annoying me my oh my goodness Milo are you sure you haven’t done something to upset him Frank is actually really nice to me you’re the one that gave him the nickname angry Frank I didn’t do anything mean I was just trying to buy paint from his shop wait what angry Frank doesn’t have a shop and he doesn’t sell paint he’s a fisherman and he gives his fish away for free what but I was in his house trying to get the pants wait my he doesn’t have paint in his house his house is made of oak and Cobblestone wait a minute Milo something’s wrong here and I feel like you’re not telling me everything well that was a very good painting on his walls and I was trying to scrape the paint off it wait Milo the painting on his walls yeah pretty much Milo you can’t just take someone’s paintings or their paint up their walls wait a minute did you scrape the paint off of angry Frank’s walls inside his own home yeah I was trying to paint my own picture when i r out of the pain oh my gosh Milo you can’t just steal from people able to paint pictures that’s why he’s so angry at you cuz you stole from him or still don’t care oh my gosh Milo you’re so crazy I can’t believe that and wait a minute Milo angry Andy was also talking about that as well angry Andy really yeah he totally was Milo did you steal angry Andy’s paint as well well I wasn’t stealing angry aune’s paint that was actually just stealing his knives what Milo why would you steal someone’s knives what if they get angry and somebody get hurt W I was just trying to use the knives to cut some stuff up for my craft project Milo what was your craft project well I was trying to do a painting and a sculpture of jip jip a sculpture of jip jip Milo why would you steal someone’s paint for that and wait how did you get the materials for the sculpture and wait a minute Milo is this why both of our houses are circles now um no that’s actually a completely different thing but it is why you might be out of toilet paper what Milo you stole my toilet paper to make a paper maché of Chip jip yep and then I painted it and it looks really beautiful and you’re going to be jealous what why would you paint it isn’t toilet paper already white um well I need it to be even more white because jip chip is glistening and the sun like the snow yeah I guess that is true but so are the Snowman in my ice parkour oh Milo you going to love my Parkour in my super cool tunnel that I’m building right now I think it might actually impress you so much that you give up and turn your own house into a square yourself got really chip but perfect that’s true what yeah it’s totally true look I’m even making different pots of my pacco different biomes and this pot’s really cool I’m making a Village area and I’m even making a little baby version of each of the Village’s houses I don’t know chip last time I check you’re kind of a dumb Dum and I don’t really think there’s anything you could build that will impress me what Milo are you sure I bet I could totally build something that would actually really impress you n definitely not unless it was like a really nice picture of me or something Milo I’m not going to build a picture of you inside my area but one thing I will build is a pretty famous Village building it’s actually most people’s favorite Village buildings ever what is it what is it well it’s a little something called a blacksmith and they are really rare when they do spawn though they spawn with the best materials ever you can actually get diamonds from it and obsidian and even iron and some Crazy Horse aror Too inside my Village the blacksmith will be right here and instead of just having a little area with lava this one will have a giant one blacksmiths always have lava iron bars and furnaces I’ll need to grab a furnace so that I can actually have all three because now I can put it right down H I’ll put it right here there we go look at that this is so exciting I’ll just add a door at the front and we can add some stairs like this although wait a minute the blacksmith doesn’t have stairs it actually has smooth stone slabs just like this wo this totally does look like a blacksmith house I actually can’t believe how good this is looking right now and I’m I’m going to add some more Cobblestone to it just like this and wo all we need to add is some lava inside let’s get some lava just like this and we could put it right down here now you are going to have to walk across a tight rope of iron bars across some lava that’s really good blacksmith theming if you ask me it’s also really difficult so this villager section is so challenging and very very hard I like this a lot I’m actually so excited wow I can’t believe how good my popcor section is looking but hey look now I get to work on the next section and I think I know exactly what I want it to be what are you going to build I’m going to build a forest section this is going to look like the inside of a giant oak tree it’s going to be really exciting and I just know this is going to be the best Parkour section so far I don’t like the oak tree oh well that’s really sad for you Milo but it’s really good for me because I’m about to make this oak tree parkour so insane good luck trying to beat this one um I’m going to beat it really instantly because I know everything what Milo okay then what block am I holding right now um you’re holding an iron block uh no Milo I’m not holding an iron block at all I was actually holding oak leaves because that’s what you’re going to be jumping on going through the Big Oak trunk wait chip actually I’m do that game again what okay Milo what block am I holding right now um just wait let me think about it really quickly okay I’ll still keep holding this block but oh my gosh Milo you’re stopping me from building you holded the a caves yes I totally was good job Milo you’re getting much better at that game yes see I’m really smart yeah you totally are okay I think the farest section could go maybe up to here oh yeah now I need to get these entire walls turned into these wood blocks then I can make these leaves for the parkour maybe I can even add in some be nests I’ll need to make sure I add ones without bees in them though cuz I don’t want the bees flying everywhere in my own parkour tunnel that is looking perfect that’s exactly what I wanted now I can add the rest of these oak leaves although I need to make sure I build them high enough that you can’t just jump on from the sides that would be cheating Milo and I’m not going to let you do it no I would never cheat cuz I’m smart and I’m good and I’m not a cheater like you what Milo I’m not a cheater I would never ever ever ever ever cheat definitely not even right now okay Milo might be on to me so I need to get a lot smarter about this hey I’m even making some chain sections you’re going to need to jump on these lanterns although wait a minute what’s this this doesn’t look like a regular chain oh no it’s a bee nest Milo you like bees right yeah the s awesome wait what I thought you actually hated them I only put them in cuz I thought you wouldn’t like them and it might throw you off your game um well actually you really wantong because I love the be what I didn’t know that oh my gosh Milo that’s so frustrating I thought these bees would totally throw you off but uh I guess you stay winning I guess there’s no worries about that though because this is already the end of my Forest section it’s looking pretty chill so what else can I add oh I know I can add some vines on the walls these Vines won’t actually be climbable because they’ll be on the roof and I don’t think you’ll be able to get up there besides they’ll be hanging upside down and going to places that it’s honestly just easier to get to if you do the park on normally so I probably wouldn’t try them these are just for decoration to make sure that my tunnel is for sure better than your one wow I can’t believe this is all underwater in that secret sea mount this is so cool and hm I think I know exactly what I can do for this next section as well this next biome has a bunch of red sand and the walls of this biome are actually made out of different colors of Terra Cotta it is very cool and I think I’m going to start building it right now oh yeah this is already looking so good I’ve already come up with some pretty interesting ideas for how I can possibly make the floor of this biome Paca and the things that I can make you actually have to jump across Milo you are going to totally regret accepting this challenge because now I’m going to prove to you that I am an absolute winner I’m making a Mesa biome section well I have no rag rats what Miley you have no rag rats what is a r aget that’s just how I say regrets oh you have no regrets yeah I think you might have a couple soon you should check for them now I don’t have them they’re not existing oh well that’s because you haven’t seen my tunnel yet once you do see my tunnel your regrets will suddenly start existing and they will exist very much my only regret is not coming up with this idea even sooner wait what idea are you still building as well no the idea of doing the tunnels underwat obviously oh but you are still building right you’re not already done are you um no just a little bit close to done what you’re close to done oh my goodness Milo that is terrifying this means I need to go even quicker than I was before and I think I know exactly how I’m going to do it I’m going to place the Terracotta on the sides just like they do in a real Mesa biome every single Mesa biome has pretty clear lines that they place these sorts of blocks in just like this wow this looks so intense and amazing I only have to place it a little bit far I actually don’t have to go too far with it at all here we go then we’ll have normal terra cotta here I think most of the Mesa biome needs to be completely colorless terra cotta that stuff is the easiest to look at and it definitely looks super duper cool and fits the look of a Mesa then above it we’re going to add some yellow terra cotta just like this and wao this is looking so cool hey I bet we can totally add some red terra cotta above it and then it’s going to look like mustard and ketchup wow it’s looking absolutely delicious it’s a good thing this cave is not edible because if it was I would probably be trying to eat it and then I would have anything to enter in this competition that would be a huge disaster now I’m going to place the orange terra cotta on this layer although H this layer does not go on forever I need to make sure I think of more colors to put above it otherwise I’ll run out of space to put these in and then I won’t be able to build as much and I’ll run out of time and uh-oh this is really worrying me to think about I think I’ve even gone too far with the Terra Cotta uh-oh I’m being pretty silly right now all right now I just need to place these final few great terracotta blocks and wao this pot is really looking like aing now I’m going to add some more great terra cotta above just like this and oh yeah Milo I’m almost finished my Mesa biome section I don’t care what Milo that’s so mean what do you mean you don’t care well I’m just feeling like a mean guy right now yeah you’re acting like a mean guy too what gives what gives um apples gives apples Milo what are you talking about right now I don’t know you asked me what gives oh my gosh Milo I don’t know what apples give but oh my goodness you giving me a headache right now instead I need to place the blocks I need to place right now in the Mesa biome they actually have a little cacti that’s why we’re going to have one Cactus here and then look you’ll have to jump on the little cactuses coming off it a this actually looks really cool and hey maybe there’s something pink we can put on these to make it look like they actually have little Cactus prickly Pez growing on them and oh wait look these totally look amazing wow this looks like a really fancy Mesa biome I’m going to add more of them just like this and wo this potco also looks really complicated you’re going to need to make sure you do not land on the spiky Cactus sections otherwise you will start taking some serious damage Milo and this section will be really hot for you cat guy more like cat guy cat guy Milo who is the cat guy um it’s just the haunted man what Milo where is there a haunted man well sometimes I see him in my nightmares and also one time I saw him bling on top of your house what Milo the same house that I’m currently trying to stop from being flattened into a pancake yeah but I didn’t feel like saying anything about it because I was a little bit angry at you what Milo you let me get haunted by a man in my house and you didn’t say anything just cuz you were a little bit mad yeah and I F the cat grab was actually kind of silly Milo what Haunted cat guy would possibly be kind of silly although I guess that does sound kind of silly but it also sounds terrifying Milo if you ever see a haunted cat guy again you need to say something and wait what does he look like he has really Shar teeth and really pointy ears what Milo that sounds ridiculous are you sure he’s a cat guy yeah there’s not about a way to describe him oh my gosh that is terrifying well luckily we’re building far away otherwise we might be in some serious trouble look I’m just going to add a couple dead bushes to this Mesa area and then hey look this is looking so complete right now Milo you’re going to have to try very hard to beat me because I’m almost done I only have a couple sections left to make and one of them is very poor pointy indeed um well that’s actually good for me what how is that good for you Milo because I was getting sick of waiting for you hurry up bzo wait a minute what do you mean waiting for me Milo how far ahead of me are you right now I’m on my last section you’re on your last section Milo that’s insane oh my goodness I need to grow moss for my next section really quickly luckily I can bone meal the Moss blocks in the ground they’ll spread to the nearby Stone because this next section is a lush cave themed section it’s looking so nice right now and oh my goodness I don’t have a lot of space left but I need this section to be really good come on come on I need to keep bone mealing this the Moss needs to spread up the sides just like it would in a real Lush cave this entire section will be caving themed and the Lush cave is the nicest one out of all the caves so I figured it should probably go first if this went last the other cave I plan on making would probably look a lot less scary compared to it this Lush cave is only the first of H I don’t know two caves and the second one is your least favorite one Milo what what yeah it’s not the most dangerous cave but it is the second most dangerous cave and it’s a dripstone Chasm these have really big spikes and you’re going to need to get through them if you want to make it through to the end wow I love dripster cin what Milo you said you hated them well I like them because they make me feel drippy oh my gosh Milo that’s not what drippy means these are super spiky dripstones it’s like stellic ties and stellic mites not drip like having nice shoes who like much no Milo it’s not a person it’s a crazy structure and they’re really sharp they hang from the roofs of caves and they drip really creepy cave water bats also like to hang off of them that reminds me of someone what Milo who does it remind you of because I know it is not jip jip it reminds me of the caveman wait Milo who is the caveman well when it hits 2:00 p.m. he likes to go in his cave and hang upside down oh my gosh Milo that’s sounds not that terrifying but it still sounds really weird I can’t believe there are all these men that are just so scary first it’s the Catman and now it’s the caveman although I don’t know it kind of sounds less like a caveman cuz they go ugab booger but this guy kind of just sounds like he’s Batman well you don’t have to be too scared of the caveman cuz pretty much if you don’t go in the cave you won’t see him that’s really helpful although Milo I’m in a cave right now why would you tell me this right at this second unless Milo you trying to scare me no I’m swear I’m not I’m actually scared myself now because I don’t know if he’s here in my cave wait you’re building a cave as well I thought you were building a tunnel oh yeah it is a tunnel but it looks pretty cavey oh not as cavey as mine Milo my section is a dripstone section and there is nothing cavier than that although I guess there is one cave biome that’s actually a little more scary than a dripstone you probably wouldn’t want to know what it is though Milo you’d probably be too scared yeah I don’t want to know Oh I thought you would want to know I was trying to trick you um okay I’m going to tell you anyway because I’m about to build a deep dock section once I add in these amethyst blocks for you to jump across over the cave sections you will have to go through an actual deep dock area to reach a special kind of portal W the deep dark is actually a pretty creepy Zone yeah it’s where the warden lives and I don’t know maybe you’ll see him in my area oh my gosh yeah it’s pretty terrifying I would be scared as well if I were you Milo but it’s okay don’t worry the wooden only likes to eat little blue birds that’s me uh-oh um well then I guess you better be very careful going through my area otherwise you could be in some serious trouble Milo okay I’m going to try not to get into trouble good idea all right now I’m going to place the final few dripstones and you know what I think the most difficult part about getting across this dripstone bit will be not taking a bunch of damage oh yeah this is about to be so good here we go we’ll put more Stone here and all right now the deep dark section can begin first we’ll need to place some skull catalysts and then we’ll need to grab a bunch of zombies to make this spread really quickly we can kill a bunch of zombies over and over and over again and wait a minute I’ve forgotten something in the Lush cave section I only used amethyst but oh I have found a block that’s much cooler and it really fits in with the Lush cave oh wow maybe the amethysts can be for jumping through the deep do section yep that is way scarier Milo to get through the Lush cave section you’re going to need to get over these special plants that will actually fold whenever you stand on them lucky I’m fast at jumping H yeah you might be but you’re going to have to be very fast to go across these and you know what I think I need to put this block in the middle here now I need to summon a bunch of zombies and every time I kill them it will actually spread the skull around oh Yep this is so good now I just need to get as many as I can and you know what if I have a sharpen sword it might work even better here we go I’ll need to kill all these zombies and wow this is really working it’s doing such a good job here we go the zombies are totally dying but oh no I need to kill them really close to the skull Center otherwise it just won’t work and oh my goodness wao we’re getting so many and with the sweeping attack we get them all at the same time wao it really is spreading come on once I get a bunch more of these guys down it’ll totally look absolutely perfect wao Milo look the skull it’s spreading everywhere this is insane and wow it is so powerful that it’s even made skull senses everywhere now if you’re not quiet enough you will trigger them and whoo I think the skull is about to expire look it’s spread its veins so far through this cave this now looks like an actual deep dot cave and if I just remove these blocks boom it looks absolutely perfect now I need to grab the Finishing Touch This reinforced deep slate will make a giant portal and it’s going to look like a normal portal but actually on the other side you might just find yourself in a mysterious new place um yeah like a pizza restaurant what no Milo it’s not a portal to a pizza restaurant this portal takes you to somewhere a little bit more scary well I’m not scared of anything oh Milo you definitely will be in a second oh don’t worry I’ll show you just how scary this area can be wo this looks so cool right now I can’t believe what I’m looking at Milo if only you could see what I see right now you would be so amazed H I just need to figure out exactly how I can make this work and look absolutely perfect and wait I think I figured it out what is that well it’s called The Nether Milo the second last area of my crazy under wooded tunnel is a nether PFF cor Zone and you’re going to have to do some pretty intense jumps to make it fast Rocky I’m a jumpy kind of guy well Milo the only jumping you’re going to be doing here is jumping around because your feet will be so hot from all the magma and lava and oh yeah this nether section is going to totally be amazing you just wait every single wall in this entire biome needs to be made out of pure Netherrack and wo this looks so crazy but uh you can still see all the skull from the deep dark and wait a minute I have a better solution I’m going to use OB obidi in here now on the nether side it looks like you’ve actually just come through a nether portal but on the deep dark side it looks like you’re going through a deep dark puddle and you know what I don’t think we need any of these blocks at all it looks way better if we just leave it completely open so it looks like you’ll actually just zoom in through the portal you’re going to have to be very quiet in the deep dark but once you get to the nether you are going to have to dodge around the fire Milo that’s s technology what Milo fire isn’t technology it’s just burning and it’s really scary I’m adding fire everywhere but that’s just one of the threats that will be in the nether section I’m also going to add some lava and the lava will fall straight from the ceiling down to the floor I can’t exactly make a lava lake or a lava ocean cuz we are kind of in a tunnel here but instead I’m going to add little pillars of lava that fall straight down you are going to have to dodge these lava pillars very wisely Milo otherwise you will be part of the lava when it totally Gobles you up and melts you down okay a that was too many wordss for my brain what Milo are you in super duper focusing mode right now um yes and also I’m just thinking about how I’m pretty much going to crush your house into a s what Milo that’s so mean I can’t believe you’re still thinking you’re actually going to do that well if you try and do that I’m just going to try and win even hter so I can push your ass into a flat Square I don’t want squares well Milo then I don’t want cirles come on Milo remember this is a competition and neither of us want to lose because then something totally terrible would happen for me it would be my house becoming a flat pancake and for you it would be your house becoming a flat Square yeah like a waffle what no Milo it would not be like a waffle it would kind of be like a little square piece of paper ah yeah square piece of paper sure sure yeah that’s how flat it would be and I’d squash it into such a perfect square cuz waffles kind of have little dents in them your house would be so flat it would basically be two-dimensional done what Milo you mean done with the conversation right not done with my belt what Milo you’re already complete oh my goodness I need to make this final area so quickly I’ve barely finished making the nether but Milo if I only have a couple seconds left to finish before you are going to go through mine I need to make sure I do this well here we go I’m placing down the magma and all right Milo I wasn’t going to say it because I was going to leave this as a surprise but if I have barely any time left I guess I just have to come out with it the next biome I am going to be building is the end Dimension the end dimension in your tunnel yes exct exactly Milo I going to have such a crazy and insane tunnel you are going to travel through dimensions and the final location is actually the end it’s also not going to be very easy at all it’s going to be so difficult and I’m even going to make sure the entire thing is made out of endstone and this chorus fruit and maybe even some shulka boxes you have to jump on oh yeah this is going to be perfect all right I’ll need to make one last portal out of the nether although oh no because I’m on such a crazy angle this portal looks insane uh-oh Milo how much time do I have left I bet it can’t even be more than 30 seconds yeah well actually it’s 1 minute what Milo you’re actually right I only have 1 minute remaining oh boy I need to make sure I do this properly here the end section will first have some endstone pillars wao look at that actually wait this isn’t endstone this is Obsidian instead the endstone surrounds the entire cave oh yeah this looks so good but it’s still doesn’t look exactly like the end here I’m going to have something very dangerous Milo you’re going to have to be very care when you go through this area because these are end crystals end crystals are so powerful and if you do anything to touch them they’ll explode yeah I’ll be careful I’m always careful perfect well you’ll have to be super careful because after the end crystals are some chorus flowers but oh no I bet I only have 30 seconds left or maybe 20 or 10 this is really worrying but wait a minute why aren’t the chorus flowers growing oh no I guess I just have to add in some purple blocks right now oh no this is really bad hopefully by the time I go through your build and then you go through mine they’ll have grown in but uh-oh if they have not grown in quick enough I will lose and I’ll be totally toast all right I only have a couple more blocks left to place for decoration on the side and all right Milo soon I will be totally done all right I’m adding in the final few purple blocks right now and okay Milo 5 Seconds oh my gosh what only 5 Seconds all right I’m going to count down while I build 5 4 3 2 1 okay that is the final area but oh my goodness look they’re kind of growing but I wish they would grow quick oh my goodness I hope they finish growing by the time you have to do my parkour oh my goodness for now I need to go over and do yours come on you totally a not going to win welcome welcome welcome Milo this doesn’t say welcome it says welcon but all right I’m totally ready I’m going to beat your tunnel before you even tell me to start and wait a minute what Milo this is like a cobweb maze this is insane how am I even meant to get through this well you’re nuts that’s the whole thing oh Milo don’t even worry I’m actually going to get through this so easy because cobwebs are kind of see-through and I’m a really smart guy I’m going to walk around every single one of these just like this and oh Milo I think I’ve made it to the end now I just need to get over to this lava pit but oh my goodness it is four blocks wide and Milo did you just walk through it yourself this is a full block job do you think you can do it yeah I know I can and boom Oh no I totally almost Miss but okay please this fire can’t burn me out I bet there’s some way to put out this fire over here and wait there’s snow ha that powdered snow totally put out the fire Milo oh man you’re not meant to be blacking it oh sorry Milo I’ll go back in but hey look it looks like over on the other side there’s an area I can go to and whoa hey Milo these are just snowmen get him my Golems oh my gosh no way guys get back Milo I’m just kidding they’re actually not scary look I can even get them to grab snowballs hi why’ you just punch my go Milo you just told them to get me now I’m getting them back and hey now I have a bunch snowballs take that why AR they shooting you m because I’m a person they only shoot monsters and look I’m going to zoom through these lasers wow these lasers are actually really easy thanks for making them super easy to get through Milo um yeah you’re very welcome and wao hey a water section oh W I’m now taking a nice dip here hey this is so cool but hey what’s through here Mar chip come back come back oh okay sorry what’s in here well this meant to be the Shar what a Shar Milo I can’t fight a Shar right now I have one and a half Hots that’s really funny I was just trying to prank you oh my gosh Milo that is so evil but wao tiger shocks as well that’s insane one thing that’s also insane is how quickly I’m about to get through this place though ouch I’m hitting my head on the ceiling over and over again with these trampolines and O ow this is so painful and you know what I’m going to make it through in oh we do not talk about what just happened instead we can talk about why there are so many toilets on this lava ha this is my funny toilet parle oh my gosh Milo this is insane but okay I can totally make my way across I just need to know how tall these toilets are and wo they are pretty tall actually hey I think I can jump onto this one and then get across like that yeah one of these toilets is the one that I stole from your house along with the toilet paper wait a minute Milo one of these is mine yep I guess you can never guess which one it is oh my gosh I guess it’s the only one that’s clean but oh no I accidentally sat on the toilet that was really dangerous it almost put me in the lava and Milo why are there a th000 puffer fish here well you better not fall in buddy I’ll try my best Milo but I think I’ll be totally fine all right I need to jump and Milo you’re kind of standing on the ladder sorry let me get out of the way thanks Milo now I can jump and oh my goodness hey I totally made it hey you were meant to fall in what Milo no there was no way I was going to let myself Fallen there that would be too dangerous but oh Milo is this one of your final defenses yeah this is pretty much it oh well Milo I can just jump over it like this oh man wait a minute Milo how did you just get to the other side that’s funny much teleported oh Milo I don’t think I can teleport but hey how am I meant to get through this thing oh wait well that’s what you got to figure out oh okay this might be pretty challenging okay Milo good job this is a difficult one hey maybe I’ll throw my snowballs in wait Milo I tried to throw my snowball there but it opened when I right clicked it is this a door yeah that’s a door how did you find it so easily my that was so funny hey I actually really like that you know what even though I got through your tunnel pretty easy you actually did a really good job making it Milo you really think so yeah I know so you know what Milo now that it’s my time to rate your tunnel and I know you did so well I think I’m going to give your tunnel a score of four out of five wow that is actually a really good score that’s pretty much my best one in a while yeah it’s a really good build Milo you did such a good job and I would guess you’d be pretty safe to win but there is one thing that you have not seen yet what is it it’s my tunnel oh man now I’ve got to go through your tunnel oh yeah that’s totally right now Milo you only have a small amount of time to do it so you got to hurry okay I’m going to go really fast look at me go wao you’re doing a great job hey look there snow Golem’s down there and careful do not fall because that is not regular snow it is powdered snow oh man I don’t want to shiver in my boots no you totally don’t although if you do this part’s pretty easy so you can kind of just climb back out again also this is blue eyes so it’s really really slippery oh I’m going really good and yeah toy the really cold snow Milo there’s a way to get out over here oh you broke it anyway you know what that’s all right I’m just going to put it back there we go and wait you can’t walk along the sides yeah I can I can do whatever I want Milo that’s cheating oh my goodness okay at least the rest of my parkour course is really really difficult and oh no oh dang it you can just walk along the sides again ha you’re really a dumb dumb but watch you this is actually a really really good good tunnel thanks Milo and you’re going to like it even more the further you go through and hey look you’ve met our mushroom friends a the mushroom friends get out of my way what Milo be nice to him his name is Mumu you can’t be mean to Mumu I don’t like Mumu oh my goodness okay I don’t think Mumu likes you either but wow Milo you’re doing a great job with this mushroom parkour I’m actually a little worried that you might beat me yeah I’ve been training in hey I just fell oh well Milo come on you got to go through get up my me come on Milo you can do this here you got to jump here and jump on this bouncy mushroom to get to the next one but the stupid Mama gets in my way oh Milo don’t let them get in your way you just got to run and jump and keep going you got this I’m getting really grumpy and actually now that I think about it wait what do you mean now that you think about what Milo how did you build this all so fast um well I just um I built it using my Speedy hands and T and te of course yeah I don’t trust you for one second but watch as I get through this whole thing dang it I’m just going to walk what Milo oh my goodness okay I guess you can walk but you can’t get past this oh no you definitely got past that well Milo this section is now very very difficult oh man there’s so many animals get out of my way W Milo be nice to the animals oh my goodness you’re so crazy all right I’m going to get all the stupid parkour blocks yeah the parkour is really important in this section and there’s definitely not something else you need to do instead oh dang it why do these boys keep pushing me Milo you’re not Sprint jumping what are you doing I’m really trying to be smart about this okay whoa you’re on the parkour I guess the parkour is at least good for getting over the crowds of animals yeah and also I’ve got some eggs that I can throw at you what hey Milo don’t throw the eggs at me I totally Dodge them okay I’m getting across this is really good wao Milo you’re doing you’re totally doing it yeah exactly I’m actually going Zoom me well Milo you reached the end but wao it’s an iron door mommy in please well Milo in order to get through you actually didn’t need to do the Parkour in this Zone instead you needed to find a secret L okay no worries I’m going to do that right now oh wait you almost found it that was so close wait so does that mean it’s over here and wow it’s right here what Milo don’t break the L you meant to change it a I thought I was going to carry it over to the door a oh well I guess you can but I built all this Redstone here for nothing where’s a oh my gosh Milo you’re so crazy but look here is the next section and you should probably switch the lever off so the animals don’t get through um this place kind of reminds me of the scary Villages oh yeah it totally should because this is a village section and look you even have a little rabbit friend to come help you I don’t like him anyway where should I go well Milo that’s up to you to figure out you got to know exactly how you get through and oh no you already figured it out I’m actually smart yeah you totally aren’t oh dang it I thought you’d fall down but oh Milo I actually thought you would fall down and have to climb up through that so this is not the right way oh man I thought it was going to be the right way no but good guess though hey look Milo it’s Villages you better hope one of them is not angry Frank or angry Andy hi guys I’m really friendly Milo I’m just passing through okay luckily I think none of them are but that was a close one thank goodness they didn’t attack me yeah and wa look Milo you now made it to the next section um chip there’s actually lava here yeah that’s because this is The Village Blacksmith Milo you’re going to have to be very careful going through this part yeah and also I’m going to throw an egg for good luck what Milo that didn’t even make a chicken you just threw away an egg well I did it oh wow yeah you totally did but now you’ve reached the forest section Milo hey look dark leaves like when I guessed you were holding them yeah that actually was what you guessed me on that was very impressive Milo but now you need to jump on the hanging beehives and hanging Landon and uh-oh that didn’t go so well no it totally didn’t but H you can totally get back on Wow Milo you totally got up onto that beehive but now you need to jump across the last one and onto the cactus before it’s too late W this area is really pretty yeah it’s really cool you found the cactus Grove but be careful if you fall off you get pricked by the cactuses I simply want okay Milo sure I guess I believe you better be careful uh-oh I don’t know if that’s the right way well it’s going to be oh my goodness wow you made it across and Milo you only have one Cactus jump left then you’ve made it to the next section I’m gonna tell you my secret I’m sure Milo what’s your secret believing in myself wow that’s a very important secret but Milo you’re going to have to believe in yourself very quickly to get through these next few parts okay I’m going to do it really fast let’s go you totally got this wo Milo the leaves are dripping because the drip leaves and wait a minute did you just make it all the way to the dripstone section without falling off once I did it wow Milo that’s so impressive but now there are a few levels left and they are some of the most difficult that I’ve been able to make doesn’t look very difficult well Milo that’s cuz this is not parkour this is don’t get damaged you cannot let any of the dripstones hurt you otherwise you won’t heal and you’ll die before you get through the other parkour I’m going to try and be really careful you got this Milo I totally believe in you oh wait you’re actually making it through what I know I said I believed in you but I kind of wanted you to fail a little well chip well I’m not going to fail and it’s Rudd that you want me to fail wao Milo you just took some damage but be careful you cannot take anymore otherwise the skull sensors will summon the warden and he will hear you I’m trying to tip Tob trying to tip Tob but it’s so scary oh my gosh Milo run run into the next section now before he spawns quickly oh man I’m going to go okay now you’re in the nether you should be safe but be careful Milo all the parkour here is made out of magma blocks so you’re going going to need to take very little damage okay well I’m just going to crouch on them wow that’s a great idea that’s exactly what I would do but wait mile you got to actually Crouch crou it actually just bur me yeah it’s either crouching or ouch and you only have one option here I on the fire be careful Milo Don’t just run there’s so much fire here you’re not going to be able to get over unless you sneak okay I’m just going to wait for the fire to go out okay that’s a really good idea and wow it’s very impressive that you’re managing to survive all this fire CH can I sneak jump or let me across yeah of course just make sure you stop sneaking once you actually oh my gosh Milo this is not going so well for me yeah no it totally isn’t but hey I guess this is good practice oh my gosh Milo you’re so silly I’m just going to go my own way oh careful Milo there’s lots of fire that way yeah I’m not going to touch it I’m not a dumb Dum okay well Milo you’re almost in the final Zone and okay you are getting past all my fire I’m going to grab some flint and steel and block up the area on the floor and oh my goodness you just made it through yeah too SL Budd well Milo most people don’t know but endstone also Burns forever so you will not be able to just walk through the final section because I am adding some walls of fire oh no that’s scary yeah it is pretty scary but all right Milo here you go now you need to get through and do not damage the end crystals otherwise they’ll destroy you okay I’m just going to jump on top of them wao wow my Lord this is crazy and wao how does it feel to be inside an end Crystal wait I can’t can’t see it’s all in my face oh my gosh Milo you got to wait for it to go down that way you can actually jump across and see okay that was a little bit difficult yeah it was pretty hot and oh yes the chorus fruit totally grew just in time oh man I don’t really mess with chorus fruits yeah no I know you normally don’t because it’s very difficult but I’m going to add one last little barrier of fire here we go now Miler once you pass this fire barrier you will officially win my challenge all right really careful whoa yes you totally are maroin hey you found that platform I actually didn’t even think that you could jump on that yeah I’m full of the hacks wa wait a minute this chorus fruit totally grew oh no Milo you’ll need to go past it and find a way to get through using only the walls and this final jump okay I’m going to try and think about it really carefully you got this Milo come on come on okay I’m going to go here all right you got this in Milo the fire quick quick you need to get through and Milo you officially made it to the end what very yeah you’re just a little uh crispy right now but don’t worry once that fire ends you will have completed my tunnel W chip that tunnel was actually amazing I can simply not believe it yeah it’s pretty impressive huh but Milo now for the important bit what do you rate my tunnel out of five well after a lot of thinking and a lot of running and pooring I think I’m going to have to rate in a five out of five a five out of five five no way my load that is incredible I am so excited and wait a minute that means I win wait what do you mean this means your house will be flattened into a square get ready for a flat Square house in three 2 one what up you D to my beautiful house I flattened it into a square wow this is so funny but Milo now that I’ve flattened your house and that my house is safe from turning into a circle I have one last thing I’d really like to tell you what is that well it’s that I was actually cheating the whole time I found a secret spiral cave that already existed and I totally used that to win what you didn’t even build your cave CH I’m going to get you no [Music]

Milo and Chip are going head to head in a Noob vs Pro Build challenge! But who can build the Best Secret ROUND UNDERWATER Tunnel in Minecraft?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Chip you are always cheating and hacking with your mods that is why
    Milo never wins and it is not fair and it's not playing the game properly so play the game properly if u can't play hard-core mode then you will see how hard it is with no mods atleast your roblox channel is real.

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