Stardew Valley : Beginner’s Week One Guide

starting out in Stu Valley can be overwhelming for beginners so today I will give you a quick friendly beginner guide on what to do on your first week on the farm so what to do on sto Valley day one so the first day in the game is a Monday and You Begin your life in stardo Valley in your bed first thing to do is to collect the seeds inside The Farmhouse and head outside to clear a space to plant them your first objective should be to cut down enough wood to craft a chest which is going to cost you about 50 pieces of wood and lay out your very first crops next you would purchase seeds from Pier or JoJo Mar whichever you want once work on the farm is complete you should head into the town and begin to meet and greet with the citizens of stardo Valley you should continue to track down all the people as well as forage the mountain region the beach and the cinder up Forest as the first day comes to close plant the remaining seeds and water them something to keep in mind while exploring is clearing weeds with a site doesn’t use up any energy and can easily gather both fiber and mix seed so what to do on stardo Valley day two the second day is one that should focus Less on the farm and more on stardo Valley’s Pelican town after water and the crops that were planted yesterday you can head to the beach and meet Willie for the very first time after meeting Willie you should continue to introduce yourself to the other major towns folk to work towards the completion of the quest that asks you to talk to everyone the General Store run by stard Valley spear is closed on day Tre and so you should spend what money you have earned th far on on purchasing more seeds if you’re looking to earn more gold the Willie cut scene will grant you your first fishing rod and open up the fishing miname as a profitable Revenue stream if you don’t want to buy more seeds just yet you should continue to explore the town and surrounding regions to improve your Forin and fishing skill Farmers should make sure to explore the cindersap forest and check for spring onions near the sewer pipe they don’t sell for much but they can provide some additional energy in a pinch what to do on stardo Valley Day tree it always rains on the third day so you need not waste any energy watering crops instead there are two main activities to get caught up with meeting Town’s folk and leveling up your skills as one continues to play St your Valley they will naturally meet more and more residents of Pelican town but it doesn’t hurt to aim to get the majority of them out of the way as early on with all the villagers met and crops planted in water it’s a great day to dedicate to leveling skills particularly foren and fishing the foren skill naturally gains XP when players collect forage Goods out in the wilderness or when they cut down trees though wood cuton takes a lot of energy it’s not a bad idea to stock up on wood and clear more Farmland at the same time fishing is a bit less energy intensive and more profitable but you rarely get any meaningful materials aside from fish themselves cast your line right in front of the fish shop and once your inventory is full head inside and sell what you have caught and begin the process again what to do on stardo Valley day four with the the profits earned from foraging and fishing you can buy some of stardo Valley’s best spring crops and plant and water them unfortunately the more seeds that you plant the more energy and time it takes to get all of them watered so remember keep that in mind it is because of this delicate balance they should hold on to forage Goods that provide energy and consider some money on cheap food at the bar to keep yourself from collapsing during particularly busy days not really new opens up on this day so you can continue to focus on improving your fish foraging and farming skills as much as possible it is important to remember that conserving energy and stard Valley is crucial and you should make sure you go to sleep before midnight in order to ensure you recover as much as possible so what to do on stardo Valley day five there are three major developments on day five of stardy Valley First your pet arrives the local Minds open up and the first event at the community center can be triggered once you open your door stard Valley’s Rancher mariny will greet you with the animal that you chose when setting up your playr water your crops and your new pets bowl and then continue with the day you will also begin your journey with the community center the moment you enter Pelican town from the bus stop for leaving the farm you should first harvest all the crops that you planted on your first day then head to Pier to sell them don’t put them in the shipping bin the community center Cuts scene will play upon entering the town after which you can head to pierce before heading northwards towards the newly opened Community Center itself look for a golden scroll inside to continue with the quest after harvesting and selling crops and checking out the community center head into the mines and meet with Marilyn Marilyn will give you your very first sword and while you are there it’s not a bad idea to get started on the Min collecting a single copper ore will trigger an event for the next day and Grant you the blueprint for a furnace a little bonus tip I want to tell you guys the traveling car in St Valley should be in the cerap forest for you to visit as well the traveling car comes back every Friday and Sunday for the rest of the game so what to do on St D Valley day six as long as you collected at least one single copper ore Stu Valley’s blacksmith Clint should appear on your front step and awkwardly introduce themselves Clint can help you upgrade your tools which give you extra bonuses and reduces their energy cost by this point you should have reached farming level one and should be able to craft a scarecrow to protect yourself from birds that attack your farm and your crops fortunately this day is much less hectic than the previous one and you can focus on improving either your fishing farming Forin or mining skills aside from the recipes you can also improve your proficiency with the applicable tools for example the hoe and water and can are tied to fing and therefore reduce their energy cost next you should talk to the wizard to advance the community center Quest if you are able to activate the community center you should receive a letter from stardo Valley’s local wizard that is related to that quest line and can head over to see him on this day once inside his Tower you’ll be given the ability to understand the the bundles within the community center so what to do in stard Valley day seven the last day of this first week in stard Valley starts with the first episode of the queen of sauce on the TV after watching this program you should water your crops and can head over to the traveling car to browse its goodies other than this you should aim at checking off the easier quests that remain the ones Within Reach at the moment are initiation which is kill 10 slimes and visit the adventurers Guild we also have forg in ahead which is craft a furnace and smel and which is smelt the copper Bear all tree require that you spend some time in the mines in stard Valley but remember to bring in some type of food to help you with energy and keep your health topped up and that’s it for the step-by-step guide on what to do in your first week in stardo Valley if you enjoyed be sure to leave a like And subscribe for more stardo Valley videos I’ll catch you guys in the next one

In today’s video i will be giving you a step by step guide to your first week on the farm in Stardew Valley . From tips to tricks and making sure you do everything needed for progression later on in the game !

๐Ÿ“Œ Timestamps:

0:00 – Intro
0:10 – Day 1
1:00 – Day 2
1:57 – Day 3
2:57 – Day 4
3:42 – Day 5
4:48 – Bonus Tip
4:59 – Day 6
6:00 – Day 7
6:40 – Outro

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  1. Hey guys this was a must video to make as a lot of new players have acquired stardew valley of the Steam sale xD . Hope you enjoy it also let me know any other guides you would want me to make ๐Ÿ™‚

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