what are the chances of this? every single one from pixies

by taofrog_


  1. I don’t know the actual chances of it, but you are almost exactly 3× as lucky as the standard. You should have gotten 4 of those two items after 100 kills, but you got 11.

  2. chickennoodlebeast on

    The wiki is straight up lying that the fast clock is a 2% chance from pixies in the last work me and my friends played, which was vanilla, we literally got one every 5ish pixies.

  3. Every item has 1% chance to drop. So for you to get 11 of them after killing about 100 pixies is 0,0000000001%. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

  4. Disastrous-Being609 on

    Approximately 0.182% on expert/master mode which you are playing on

    0.04^11 * (1-0.04)^91 ?

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