The Stardew Valley Farms – Ranked!

staru Valley has eight different farm maps that can be chosen before the game can begin these are the standard farm riverlands farm Forest Farm Hilltop Farm Wilderness Farm Four Corners Farm Beach farm and Meadowlands Farm which of these are the best and which are the worst in this video I’ll be sorting these farms in a tier list ranging from Esa for the best Farms with the best perks through to D tier for the worst Farms with your worst perks these tiers will be represented by resources in serger Valley with s being idium a being gold B being iron C being copper and D being coal this video will however not be judging the farm maps on Aesthetics only on the advantages and disadvantages of picking each Farm first up is a standard farm this was a first Farm added in fact it was the only Farm available when the game was released as such this Farm lacks any special perks but it makes up for this with its size the standard Farm has 3,427 tillable tiles which is the most of all the farms and is even more than double the tiles of the Riverland Farm Forest farm and Hilltop Farm here’s the thing though is all this space needed there are basically two scenarios where the extra space is actually needed the first is minmax players who use every single tole of the farm to get as high as 100 million gold in the first year the second is that this extra space leads to more Stone spawning making it easier to get level two mining before day five compared to Farms that generate fewer Stones the point I’m making here is that the perks of the other Farms can easily make them better than the standard Farm as such the best spot to put the standard Farm is B tier Some Farms have perks that are easily worth the reduction in table tiles and some do not how much better or worse is the farm in question ranking the standard Farm as B tier will help to rank the other farms in comparison to it the next Farm to consider is the hilltop farm this Farm has a farming area broken up by a river and several Cliffs and as such only has 1,648 tillable tiles just under half that of the standard Farm what do you get for this reduction in table tiles a quarry that accumulates Stone nodes or nodes and Jo nodes over time this does make it easier to get stone and copper before day five but when day5 comes and the actual mines open the mines become a significantly better source of stone or and geodes the other difference with this Farm is with fishing on the standard Farm only trash can be fished on this Farm 50% of catches are river fish and 50% of catches are trash which is strictly worse than any genuine fishing area like the River Beach or lake where the odds of catching trash is usually between 30% and 15% and decreases with a higher fishing level in addition the Waterway is narrow meaning that the fish will be lower quality than they could be this is the case with almost every farm and as such it is almost never worth it to fish at the farm and thus fishing will not be a factor in ranking this or any further Farm unless mentioned to conclude with the hilltop farm this Farm map is CTI here because the Quarry which is obsolete by day five does not compensate for the reduction in table tiles the next Farm is the riverlands farm this Farm is the only Farm where there isn’t a flat chance of catching trash the only Farm where bubble spots appear and in addition to all that you start with a fish mocher in The Farmhouse the catch this Farm has 1,578 tillable tiles which is 46% that of the standard farm when it comes to fishing there is a 70% chance to catch fish from the Pelican town map and a 30% chance of catching fish from the cup forest with the only trash being trash that would have been caught out of town or Forest anyway this makes fishing here as viable as fishing Elsewhere on a trash basis alone but in addition to this due to the way fish chances are calculated for the riverlands farm the odds of catching catfish here is the same as a forest or town river there are only minor downsides to fishing at the riverlands farm such as there being four fish types there instead of the three at either River location but this can be easily compensated for by having a chest or shipping bin nearby the second factor is a free fish smoker the fish smoker is a machine that turns fish into smoked fish doubling their value on another Farm the only way to get one is to buy the recipe for 10,000g and craft them with 10 hardwood and one sea jelly River jelly and Cave jelly in that sense starting on the Riverland Farm is like starting with an extra 10,000 G and starting with the fish maker also gives an extra week or two of use with it as it would take at least a week to to get the 10,000 G to buy the recipe on the Riverland Farm you do only get one but one is all you need as such just on the fish maker alone the riverlands farm gets put in AER that’s right I think the riverlands farm is better than the standard Farm because the fish smoker makes it easier to get more money faster in the early game especially as a casual player once you’re at the point of using elevator strategies or skull Cav to to get early money this Farm is no longer optimal but there are other good Farms after all added in version 1.4 is the Four Corners farm this Farm is intended to facilitate multiplayer by having four different quadrants that are many versions of the forest Farm standard Farm Hilltop farm and riverlands farm however this Farm suffers from Jack of all trades master of none syndrome the perk of the forest Farm quadrant is a single respawning stump the perk of the hilltop quadrant is a smaller Quarry and the perk of the riverlands quadrant is a pond as usual there’s extra trash in the pond so fishing there is pointless but this Farm has only 15% fuel tillable tiles compared to the standard Farm it’s definitely worse in the standard Farm but not by the same level as the hilltop farm and therefore the Four Corners Farm is a beta Farm but definitely lower than the standard Farm next up is the beach farm this Farm has 2,700 tible tiles but only 202 of them work with sprinklers so effectively this Farm has only 6% of the tillable tiles compared to the standard Farm but there’s a lot of upsides to this Farm firstly this Farm spawns regular forage on the grassy portion and Beach forage on the well beach in particular the beach forage includes the noral shell which has the ability to SW outside of winter and thus is a way of completing the community center before winter this Farm also has a unique feature Supply crates these are crates that can wash up on the beach in the morning and drop items like geodes cooked dishes cooking ingredients and bombs neat but not that exciting in my opinion back to the space of the farm this Farm has 202 tle tiles that work with sprinklers and 2,500 tiles that can only be watered by watering can or rain but there are an additional 1,928 toiles that are not table but can have buildings built on them which means that the beach Farm has the most tiles overall this Advantage is seen in playthroughs where the whole map is filled with buildings like CPS fish ponds or sheds such as blades challenge of getting from fishing level zero to fishing level 10 in a single day another thing to consider is fishing there is a higher chance of trash on this farm so it isn’t worth fishing here for money but you can fish up oysters corals muscles and cockles unfortunately the actual beach map is a better source of these catcha considering how uncommon they are here the final factor with the beach is that the 202 tilable tiles are covered by 11 large logs require wiring and iron ax to clear this is a good thing with 11 large logs and 30 large stumps you can get 150 hardwood without the Foster profession or an average of 166 hardwood with it and this is the most available hardwood of all the Farms with the exception of the forest farm with extra hardwood extra space Supply crates and exra forage this Farm could get es here but since most of the tiles cannot be watered by sprinklers the beach Farm misses estia by a little bit and gets into AA the top of Aer but AER nonetheless the Meadowlands Farm added in the recent 1.6 update is based around animals and as such has a special grass that improves friendship gain with animals and comes with a coupe and two chickens for free however the Meadowlands Farm has 60% of the cable tiles of the standard Farm the coupe and two chickens is useful as a head starts for Community centered playthroughs as this saves you about 5,000 G as you otherwise would need to buy a coupe and two chickens the Blue Grass sounds like a really good perk of the metaland farm but the actual impact of this isn’t as big as it seems on any other Farm petting animals and having them eat grass Nets 23 friendship per day with the blue grass this is increased by 8 points to 31 friend a day the result it takes only two less days to get large eggs and milks and 7 to n less stay to get iridium produce in addition the blue grass is not completely locked behind this Farm the Blue Grass stter recipe can be bought from the nut room for 40 key gems such that at most the Meadowlands Farm is better in this respect in the first year only combined I think that this makes the metaland farm only slightly better than the standard Farm barely enough to make it into AER the riverlands farm and Beach Farm are definitely better than this one though the Wilderness Farm is intended to be the combat Focus Farm like the middle lands Farm the Wilderness Farm has 60% of the tilable tiles compared to the standard Farm what do you get for this monsters in my experience the monsters are simply annoying especially esally when the mines are a better source of monsters regardless of the Farm map chosen these monsters also appear at night which means that if you’re at the farm at night doing Farm chores like planting on the first of the month the monsters just get in your way and if you’re specifically wanting to fight the monsters you have to wait until night as such the Wilderness Farm is in my opinion the worst of the Farms not enough for f tier but definitely D tier the farm monsters just aren’t my thing I saved the worst for last and I saved the best for last the forest Farm may have 40% of the tillable tiles compared to the sanded Farm but it has extra forage bues wood skip can be C in the pond special weeds that drop mixed seeds more often and eight respawning stumps like the beach Farm the forest Farm spawns extra forage but the forest Farm also spawns forage not found on the beach Farm such as the morel Chantell purple mushroom and red mushroom this can be foraged for additional food but it also helps with bundles and the purple mushrooms are a loved gift for the wizard as well this Farm is also the only Farm to have a unique fish the wood skip it can be caught in the secret Woods regardless of Farm map but with the forest Farm it can be caught before for the x is upgraded at all which is useful in N situations however you almost never need more than one wood skip so once you catch one this Farm is equal to the other farms in terms of fishing the special weeds are neat but not a game changer finally the forest Farm comes with eight respawning slumps and in my opinion this alone puts this farming esta with the 1.5 update comes gja Island a new area that needs 200 hardwood to reach and with the respawning stumps this can be obtained in 3 days if you also clear out the secret woods every day and do this with your Forest profession for the extra 25% hardwood with the high amount of initial logs and sumps on the beach farm this can be done in one day but the forest Farm achieves this while having extra forage extra tile tiles and a handful of extra perks while also providing extra hardwood once Ginger island is unlocked for things like the house of grade and building the Ron’s house s tier so that concludes the eighth Farm but I’m not done yet is there’s two other things to rank firstly while I’m on the topic of the forest Farm there is the forest Farm on virgins before 1.5 the farm was a same but the hardwood output wasn’t as important yeah you could get the house upgrade in horse faster but this wasn’t as urgent as getting to Ginger Island quickly on 1.5 and Beyond pre 1.5 Forest Farm gets 8er secondly there’s the riverlands farm before 1.6 it didn’t come with a fish smoker as those did not exist back then and as such the only perk of the riverlands farm was the fishing which was and still is a little worse than fishing at the river with less than half the tiles of the standard Farm this would put the pre 1.6 Riverland Farm directly into CER the last thing to consider is how the farms in the lower tiers could be improved with any overhauls not happening due to concerned ape working on his new game haed Chocolatea any changes could only be minor but with the riverlands farm it is clear how even a small change can make a large difference following from the addition of a fish smoker to the riverlands farm the hilltop Farm could be improved by starting with a furnace this is not as big of a game changer as a fish smoker as once you reach the fifth of spring the mines become available and you would have the ability to make furnaces anyway but a day one furnace would give a head start unique to the hilltop Farm maybe not enough to make a tier but enough to make beer the Four Corners Farm is already beer but then two changes that could push it up higher firstly by replacing the respawning slump with a respawning log up to 10 hardwood could be obtained every day which is half that of the forest Farm secondly with one quadrant being devoted to fishing at minimum the pond shouldn’t have a flat chance of producing trash this would not make the pond optimal as the river lake and ocean would still be optimal in different situations but at least fishing there would not be absolutely pointless this change would bump the Four Corners Farm to a here between the beach farm and the Meadowlands Farm finally there’s the Wilderness farm with the monsters spawning at night I’m not sure what small change could improve this however with a change to the riverlands farm being equivalent to 10,000g an equivalent change to the Wilderness farm would be starting with a slime Hutch also worth 10,000 G and would encourage a combat related activity on the farm instead of having a day one cut scene with Marlin the Slime Hutch would have a crate with a slime egg in it and you would start with the ability to find more slime eggs from slimes in the wild these changes would improve the Wilderness Farm enough to reach beer making the night monsters more worth dealing with the standard Farm while B tier does not need improvements as it serves as a baseline option with all these serer Valley Farm Maps ranked I think that the biggest takeaway is that the riverlands farm got a lot better in the 1.6 update to the point where it’s the better Farm map to choose if starting over for 1.6 but this ranking is also my opinion on the do Valley Farm Maps so let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree with this and I will see you next month [Music]

Ranking the Stardew Valley Farms from S tier to D tier.


Footnote 1: Adjustments to Tier List

After completing a challenge run, the video of which is coming on August 1, I’ve decided that the Riverlands Farm is a little better than A tier. Between the Riverlands Farm and the Forest Farm, the better farm is dependent on whether you want to reach Ginger Island before or after spring of year 1.

If the goal is reaching the island in Summer or after, or even not at all, the secret woods is sufficient for hardwood needs, and if the goal is reaching the island in Spring, the money boost from the free fish smoker is less important as other, faster, money making methods become ideal.

An argument could be made to put meadowlands in C, but I don’t think it could be D tier.

Footnote 2: Four Corners Fishing

I thought that the pond on the four corners farm produced fish at a 50% rate, but it seems that it produces fish at a 0% rate, with the one fish you see being from the fishing tutorial and not the pond itself. I checked the footage, and can confirm that the tutorial fish is the only fish.

It’s sounding like this is a bug added in 1.6, but nevertheless, this doesn’t actually affect how I rank the Four Corners Farm, nor does it affect my suggestions on improving it.

Additional Viewing:

Bla_De: @BlaDeSDV

Can I MAX My Stardew Fishing Skill in One In-Game Day?

Music Used:

01 – Stardew Valley Overture
60 – Mines (Marimba Of Frozen Bone)
18 – Luau Festival
73 – Song Of Feathers (Emily’s Theme)
05 – Spring (It’s A Big World Outside)
33 – Calico Desert
100 – Summit Celebration

Additional sources:

Stardew Scroll Generator:

Images like the fish sprites, supply crate drops, slime hutch images, and other images were obtained from the Stardew Valley Wiki.

Farm map images were produced with the help of:

Fish chance source:


  1. There's also an option to enable/disable monsters on the farm when creating a save file, so the wilderness farm gets robbed of its individuality

  2. I think all farms would benefit from a reduction in fishing trash and to be equal with it's respective zones. I also don't think the Hilltop farm can be fixed without adjusting the river cutting through it.

  3. I don’t see how getting ONE smoker makes riverlands farm better than standard. Standard has way more space and is much MUCH better in mid/late game. You also can’t make much money on the beach farm so I don’t see why it’s “almost S tier”. It feels like you’re just rating them based on early game.

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