It’s always when you don’t need them anymore ๐Ÿ˜ค – Stardew Valley Tileman Challenge [EP 16]

hello everyone I’m Emma and welcome back to the Towman challenge we’re doing a Perfection run but I need to buy the map tows to get around okay so looks like we got another rainy day tomorrow I’m very pleased about that but I do want to go and um tend to something that I kind of forgot about last week and um thank you to the kind soul who left a comment on that video to let me know that I actually forgot this particularly important thing what’s the point in getting the four candles if we don’t go get the statue of perfection I’ve been missing out on free idium I’m going it now I guess I usually leave this in an area where I would be smelting stuff but I don’t think I’m going to remember to collect it as often as I should so I’m going to plop it outside my house I do have to go bring all this stuff up to the mines as well I think I finished actually sorting out the loot chest this time yeah we’re all good and I think we got some very important things to do today at some point I think I will go over to Ginger Island and just handle the weekly debris it is salmon Berry season but I don’t think I’m going to go out on my way to you know pick up all the salmon berries I mean I probably should I just feel like the blackberries are better I mean I guess I’ll grab a few I don’t know if it’s just me but whenever I try to justify myself doing something or not doing something and then torque myself into doing the exact opposite I mean I’m still not going to like specifically go around town just for the salmon berries but I will actually go and like pick bushes that I see have berries on them I don’t even really know why I’m explaining this in quite this much depth welcome to my brain I guess okay Island time I think we’ll start off on the farm side oh I should probably check for key quests as well not that I like desperately need them this this is the main reason I’m here look at all of these weeds or two of them I mean three I don’t want them eventually come in and eaten up all my crops we got one single muscle Rock here today not with a walnut in I guess that’s fine we’ve only got one left I have hope that we’re going to get it Mr key what have you got for me what again it’s a third week in a row what is this okay whatever I’m out of here I’m quite simply not doing either of those things it is just not happening bringing a gift to Leo for the day enjoy the mango and then I’m going to pop over to the dig site and just see if we can dig up any more golden coconuts please I mean it’s an omni jard I do kind of need it that’s fine I’m trying my best to wait a few days before I come back here to just kind of like let the Dig spots and like rocks and stuff build up there are a couple of other things I could do with checking on anyway like I can’t remember the last time I’ve been in here as you can tell by all of the eggs I’m still debating on whether I should actually make more Mayo machines than what I’ve got now though because with eight of them I do kind of go through the eggs quite a bit quicker probably could do more preserves jars at least though now I know I was doing something I can’t remember what the something is kind of annoying me a little bit oh I think what I want to do today actually considering like the Luck’s not all that good and anything like that I think I want to start kind of gathering the ingredients that I need for all of the cooking so this is what I’ve got so far I kind of thought it would be better than this let’s maybe get started the only thing I am going to leave for now with the fish I like to do those L just in case I accid accidentally use them on something else so um I’m just going to go ahead and grab like you know most of the ingredients that are in here then once I’ve done that I’m going to have a good handle on how many more ingredients I’m probably going to need I don’t even think some of these are actually required for cooking no so some of that I will pay attention too fridge space is very precious I we need to go buy some ingredients from Pierre as well I don’t know if I can make it over to him in time I might be able to especially if we got a little speed boost going on um maybe not from the crafting stand oh don’t have very much triple shot at all I don’t have many diamonds either all right let’s just get over there even if I over Buy on these I don’t think I’m going to care I rather do that then I have to make a second trip anyway hello Pier I would like do I have oil I guess I can F1 these as I go I could be making my own oil I’m going to need quite a lot of it though so let’s just buy more rice I don’t need that much of I need a lot of sugar and quite a lot of flour I think 50 might be Overkill oh the vinegar do I have the vinegar you own zero I don’t have any face what am I going to do I’ve got more Beats at home I will sell the Beats think I bought too many again but it’s fine I know for a fact I don’t have every single recipe and I’m okay with that the rest of the ones I think I need to learn are from Friendship so I’ve got the can’t remember what that is can’t remember what that is spicy e maybe cookies from Evelyn I think that’s rice pudding ice cream obviously oh the banana pudding recipe I need to get the tropical Curry one but Gus actually needs to go to Ginger Island which I’m having the worst luck with that that at the moment we’ll get as close as we can I do think I have most of them but at least this way I can round up what ingredients I still don’t have so I guess oh eggs and milk let’s go get eggs and milk definitely got plenty of those going on know for a fact I need cheese as well so let’s bring that with us I’m going to leave this Mayo here to remind myself that I have to refill this at some point I did also forget about the barn autog oh there’s only one of each okay whatever I absolutely bought way too many fridges but better to have too much fridge Bas than not enough I suppose I haven’t even thought about the fish yet so there is that so I guess let’s just uh get going ooh wait I think I need to oh no it doesn’t matter I was going to say I need to make some dishes with some dishes I already have but then I need to make that dish as well so there’s not really any point doing that I hope that made sense hey cook that’s how much I haven’t cooked I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these dishes I guess I’m just going to sell them maybe some of them I can gift to like this complete breakfast we might as well give that to Alex and anything with a speed boost I’m probably going to keep as well and like the cakes they’re good gifts too oh I forgot the rubub I’ve got rubub hang on whil I’m out here let me go through my gift chest so that that these don’t think I need to use the pepper poppers anymore Pizza probably who loves being hot pot Demetrius oh he’s already full oh those are love gifts too wait hang on other people love them we full of Maru I can’t remember o George loves fried mushrooms we can use that what was I here for again rubub there we go pie is done anyone love this jod and Maru okay perfect seems like Jody loves quite a few of the cooked dishes it seems uh Autumn’s Bounty I think that’s her Louis dish but I’ve already filled his I like I’ve been sleeping on these cooked meals especially if I was to use them with like I mean no one loves this but especially if I was to use it with like key seasoning that could get us places a little bit quicker um let me make a few more bread cuz I know quite a few dishes need them dishes the sea I know I’ve done so I can leave that out o I should have white algae somewhere I hope I ran out of cave carrots I think I’ve got some outside hopefully I remember that oh I don’t have an apricot either I need to check what my trees are done I still got a few days left I’m pretty sure Maple syrup’s another one I’ve forgotten about and my inventory is full okay gift check hary I’m just going to stick with coffees another one for jazz here uh Clint can just have gems definitely need some stuff for Kent and there we go I think I’m going to start actually selling off the rest because there’s no point me keeping them behind some have some decent Buffs but I’m probably not going to use them I will keep the tortilla cuz we’re going to need it for other things okay please tell me I’ve got another cave carot yes I do I also need need a maple syrup and should I go check the greenhouse I guess so why not um how long have I got 3 days okay so apricot I’ve still got a few days to wait for that’s fine I also just grab the white algae for the pale broth I think it is yeah pale broth just to get that done and I think most of the rest of them all like fish related now so I better go get some fish sorted obviously the poy I’m going to keep behind for Leo I’m about 99% sure that I’ve got all of the fish I need wait have I got any eels I don’t know if I do oh I don’t really want to catch eels I like really don’t want to do that I’m going to have to do that I can do that tomorrow obviously usually I’d wait for like grind week to do the fishing but it’s raining tomorrow and it might not rain next week I suppose I could use a totem no we’ll just do it tomorrow it’s fine like a oneoff okay fish dishes let’s go being careful to only cook the ones that need specific things oh void Meo I need some of that did I keep some I’m sure I must have kept some right still did not okay well let’s make some kind of wish I did this earlier never mind I’ve already hooked sushimi and Mai roll as well so I don’t even have to worry about those okay I think I’ve got most of the ones that I can cook now it’s just really waiting for oh tortilla have I done the fish taco no let’s do another one of them there we go that sorted so yeah I just need some eels I think that’s the main thing or the only thing I hope ah serpent go away I think it’s the first time I’ve seen one of those here this chest is unfortunately full um it’s going to have to go in my normal chest cuz I want to keep the salmon dinner for look only other dish I’m going to keep of the crab cakes to help me get along faster and the rest straight in the shipping bin do you know what I could actually probably catch he on the farm so where is my fishing rod there it is let’s see if we can grab the two we need I didn’t see any of my chests unfortunately just need one more actually you own one of these yeah I’ve been selling my ears if I’ve had them before I mean I definitely have had them before why didn’t I keep two ears I’m so annoyed probably because of the amount of fishing I thought I’d still be doing so I probably excuse me that was not late probably cu the amount of fishing I thought I’d still be doing and so at the time I probably went H I’ll just sell it I need the money please I just need one more then I’ll leave all you fish to get on with your lives I mean I got a diamond but still no second ear what is this please I’m begging you oh you you’re moving a bit more maybe you’re in Neil oh I don’t know though please be in Neil oh no not the idian bat okay oh thank goodness get me out of here and you go away now that I’ve got a decent way into skull Caverns the farm monsters are considerably harder I’m kind of glad that I didn’t do better before this point I guess let’s get to bed that’s 12 Grand I mean some from Mayo some from obviously the uh the cook meals that was a decent unexpected income and with those eels I’m going to put both of them in the fridge and I might as well just cook the one that I can do now does anyone love this jod jod loves so many of the cooked dishes what’s in the mail today largemouth bass oh that mail reminded me okay so um remember the mail we got from Ben like think it was sometime in Winter well basically that mail shows up when you’ve played an entire week straight in game and it will show up like after 7 days so obviously where I log out to move to a different setup to record The Grind week it hadn’t been showing up when I got to the PC cuz once you log off it goes away so obviously the only time that I’ve been able to see that mail is when I’ve been playing winter where I played 3 weeks straight on the other setup so ever since we’ve had the mod fixed that mail keeps coming it in the day that I log out essentially that’s kind of funny the entire time it was just kind of waiting for me there look like we got enough Dino WS to get an entire batch of Dino Mayo don’t like doing things if I can’t do a full batch there’s the void Mayo as well so we’ll go and do the I think it was the what is it called again strange bun strange bun needs the void mayo and that’ll be another one off the list I’ll probably also make this a gifting day as well there’s that strange button so if I check my collections tab now oh squid do I not have any squid oh no wait why have I not done spaghetti there’s no reason for me not to do that wait a minute oh if I don’t have any squid I’m going to be kind of upset oh my God I don’t all right I’ve added it to my list see this is why we do these things now I’m going to use magic bait to get it anything else I should be alarmed about I don’t think so I think I’m okay I think I’ve got the rest of the ingredients just got to wait on the aot and then just like get the rest of the recipes this is I’ve just noticed a starfruit day so we will go do that as well hopefully I’ve got enough seeds over there I should have just want to get the next batch of aridium in I was going to sell all of these but I think I’ll hold off until I’ve crafted every item I’m pretty sure the only crafting recipe I’m missing now is the ostrich incubator which obviously we’re waiting for the stupid fossilize skull and I still haven’t got the MiFi bat so I’m going to stop selling all of my idium until I finished with that I don’t think I’m going to need as many as I’ve got but I just want to be safe then sorry all right let’s grab all this star fruit let’s have a look oh I didn’t bring my watering can I’m going to need to go back for that 352 I don’t know if that’s enough I guess we’ll find out there are a couple of spots here that I do need to water these were housing taror before but obviously you just want to make sure that they’re done on the same day as the rest of these so watering them will secure that you just want to do a cheeky little muscle Rock check whilst we’re hereit oh my God that is the last warut we’ve done it um I think I should have another path piece up here I’m going to slap that down now cuz I will forget that is another Big Walnut task off the list I don’t have to do that anymore I’m so relieved make that go right now there we go we are done all five oh yeah there ain’t no way that I am filling out this entire place with the star fruit seeds not even close to enough okay let’s go get some more plus my watering can I’ve also brought some Omni JS with me to get some more artifact troves because we’re still missing a couple of pieces for the museum hello Sandy gift for you we should be almost there now about half heart to go with her and then as for the star fruit seeds let’s get I’m going to go with actually you know what I’m going to get a lot because we have another star fruit Harvest next week obviously it’ll be on Thursday now looking at the day and after that any that I don’t use we’ve got summer coming up and you bet I’m going to be growing nothing but starf fruit on the farm that does mean I should be able to get away with selling all of my gold fruit that is quite a lot of money as well I’m going to have a look if we can make some more preserves jars shortly as well because with the amount of ancient fruit I’ve accumulated I’m thinking I might just start turning that into jelly when it gets to this stage in the game I usually end up doing that anyway but I think it has reached that point now make sure these two spots get watered there we go these are ready to go for next time let’s go give Leo a gift as well there are still people here but I don’t think I’ve got anything that amazing for most of the people here Sam M rubbing Caroline Jody Leo I think most of my good stuff are at home yeah we’ll just give Leo a gift maybe I can catch everyone on their way home although that all depends on me finding Leo in time thought he might have been at the top of the then he was not hopefully I can make it to him before he goes to bed now he wasn’t in this house either earlier but I guess he must be on his way back oh no he’s there here we go gift for you what are we on five Hearts Leo’s friendship is always a little bit like alarming because of how late we get introduced to him it will be easier when he eventually moves to the valley I’m kind of intrigued as to what happens if you said no though should I do that actually before I ever do I kind of want to look up if he lose any hearts for it choices have no effect on friendship okay perfect that’s all I needed to know okay so it’s wood that I’m low on for The Preserves jars I guess maybe that’s going to have to wait for the grind week then don’t particularly want to chop wood anytime soon I guess as well the other thing is when we get kind of close to Perfection then I might at that point just start selling off a load of stuff including things like the ancient fruit but we’re a while away from that I think I need to be like maybe a million at most two away from doing that let’s make sure we get our date changed on the staff route there we go I know someone said about like making it a repeating thing but I think the way because it’s every 9 days it kind of ends up in an awkward place because the days do change for each month it’s not quite like I’d have to set it up so specifically that it leaves a lot of room for error for me 134 Grand lovely starfruit is such a good money maker even if you don’t even turn it into wine even better if you turn it into wine but you know what I mean I do have to water own today though so that kind of sucks hay does hate the rain we do have to balance it so that she gets some happy weather you know I think this also makes for an ideal gifting day too so we will go and do that let me grab all of my gifty bits in here and I’m going to go ahead and eat the crab cakes that we’ve got just to get around quite a bit quicker problem is I know for a fact I can’t fit all of these on me so I’m just going to have to do my best to be fair there are some things I don’t really need like my pan that’s space for two more gifts um pepper Popp is wait that’s just a speed boost so I don’t really need to keep that jazz is the only one that loves those don’t need a Leo gift we’ll just do we’ll do something like this let’s see how we go I know I don’t need my pickaxe and my Weaponry either it’s just like I kind of feel naked without those ones the H I do like to bring just in case we find any dig spots along the way uh Robin Robin’s full oh I didn’t need anything for Robin Maru have a rubar pie you know what I think we’re just going to do a little like Montage of this gifting cuz like you know what this looks like by now and uh I don’t need to talk through every single one okay the only person I didn’t manage to get a gift out to today was Sandy I was going to go over there today but I think I’m going to wait till tomorrow because I need to go over there anyway to buy Deluxe bead grow from her so I might as well just wait main reason this ended up taking an entire day as well was because I ended up kind of accidentally d pulling up on quite a lot of gifts and then therefore like not having the inventory space to have brought something for someone else so like all those Co dishes that jod likes I didn’t need to bring all of them I only needed to bring one and some people like Kent I’m pretty sure Kent’s actually a full friendship so I kind of brought him something for no reason rning Key’s kindness was the key Quest this week that would have helped so much okay another day to begin with watering let’s do this obviously where it’s rained I’ve not really done a travel check in a few days I think I’m going to have to go ahead and like cut down some more grass as well because there’s definitely not really any space to sniff out truffles anymore really especially cuz we’ve got some grass outside of the area anyway but being I said it is a decent luck day I feel like I should be spending this one in probably the volcano as well so we may well go ahead and do that um I’m going to bring all these bombs a couple of spicy eels and I think that’s about it don’t really know if luck really affects the ability for us to get the mummified bat where I said I usually would wait for this kind of thing for GR week I also don’t think it matters that much for this particular thing cuz realistically I mean I have monsters and stuff to go get over there but I think the throw of us trying to find this mummified bat that’s kind of worth it to me oh wait where am I going I need to go to the desert First grab one of my totems oh I’ve already got one left I need to be careful that doesn’t mean I’ve just put my watering can away for no reason cuz I am going to need it but this time I’ve actually got kind of a usable amount of bombs hi Sandy second gift for the wheat for you and there’s a full friendship we’ll get a load of deluxe speed grow I’m probably going to go ahead and just buy like I’m getting 800 and that’ll mean we’ve got almost a stack I think I’ve got like 180 or something on Ginger Island waiting for me I might just leave the spe gr here I don’t really need to bring it to the island anymore also got enough coconuts for a golden one so let’s grab that on the way was kind of hoping I might find some more in trees but never mind should we check the dig site as we go Pie as well why not if I have to cheuck away some bone frags then I do yeah nothing good here today I mean I suppose there is a chance that I can find some oh I didn’t bring my watering can all right we’re going to go without it all done is done I’ve already got the bridge oh I’m mad at myself I shouldn’t need any more dragon teeth but there is a chance a very small one that the lava L can drop the mummify back as well oh I I I very much recognize I the wrong word there I said back instead of bat I really don’t want a mummified back I do have a tiger hat though and as cute as it is I did commit to wearing this coconut helmet this stays on my skull until we get the other skull oh I’m trapped no I’m not no I’m not this was a mistake I should have just gone and got the watering can I’m too stubborn sometimes but you know what we’re just going to live with it I do kind of want like a decent cluster to bomb first I suppose I really should just be throwing them down anywhere I can’t remember who said that I can only get them with my pickaxe but like I said when I was trying to read about it there was nothing that said I couldn’t get it with bombs so I am still going to try kind of do a bit of both we we got it finally get me out of here there’s no reason to be in here anymore for today well there we go no watering can required that went way better than I thought it would Professor snail I have a gift for you I know it’s been a while but now we really do only have one piece left what have you got for me another Walnut think we get quite a few for the next one don’t we there should be all the warut that I have left a CP here um I don’t really have anything to give you right now I don’t have anything for any of these people that’s fine I am going to have another gifting day at some point later in the week because the Boost we get from the second gift is pretty good thought I’d at least get the talking friendship points in first though oh I do have an amethyst for Abigail why don’t we just go get that done I might have had some other stuff but I wasn’t really paying for the attention I think it’s time to sell some of our Ence this is kind of a ridiculous amount say goodbye to the pineapple seeds as well and all those bone frags are going to get put in here for more fertilizer oh I guess I put them in the chest but I’ve got the legs I’m pretty sure Clint should still be hopefully working so maybe we can go and like open some things even though he closes at 4: he should still be at his counter I mean like the furnace area in his shop whatever should still be there till around seven should have brought him a gift kind of forgot might get something out of one of these geod though should we start with a skull nothing good just a mahogany seed throw in a few Omni geod and please have something good in here ah an ancient seed not that I really need it anymore do I have anything you love the golden pump you’re not having the golden pump pump that is the one thing no I don’t think oh the arrowead I did get something I did literally just that get that donated and then yeah we’ve literally got I mean the collection’s going to show one thing to go but we do have that oh my God I found two I found two and I haven’t donated one I don’t want to talk about it why have I done this that so annoying I will go ahead and give away one of these spare lemon stones to the dwarf though I’m feeling nice well that worked out kind of well I am debating like I mean I feel like obviously now that it’s not one the wood from Robins is extremely expensive but then I’m trying to figure out if it’s like worth the investment isn’t it like 100 gold or something stupid for a piece of wood though for One Piece yeah I think I’d have to spend like several thousand gold just to make one single anything so maybe it’s not worth it all right well onto our Friday oh it’s a rubub day we have stuff to do okay do I have rubub seeds I’ve got quite a lot of them we might be okay actually what’s in the mail first vegetable stew recipe there we go the recipes are coming in O some wool from Emily I’m just going to sell that I’m not even going to turn into cloth cuz I’m feeling lazy I don’t even know if I’m even going to bother with the traveling cart today because all of the trees should be grown now I will check the greenhouse for that that means all the fruit we need should be covered for shipping I think one of the last items I need is actually a green tea which that’s going to involve stealing some tea from Caroline I’m not going to end up growing a tea sapling myself at this point I don’t think also got all this Oak resin oh I still haven’t repaired this tree I don’t know if I’m going to do it anymore I don’t know I can keep it like this for the Memories right I’m going to be careful this time if I do need to buy more seeds which I don’t think I do but if I do I’m going to be careful and make sure I only buy the amount that I need because I think I mean there’s a chance that this might be our last spring I don’t know though oh my God one of the rubab got struck by lightning that’s very sad but at least then that will Reserve money for future things I can always obviously buy the seeds again next year oh my God I lost a piece of path as well that’s not ideal I’ll repair that at some point when I remember I don’t know when that’ll be oh I’ve got 21 Z left that’s uh yeah I had too many okay let’s just sell off the fruit as it is um I think I will just keep the basic rubub for now I may may not need it but at least I got the choice can always sell it later you can’t really unsell something very easily I do think there are some things here I’m definitely not going to need anymore so I might just go ahead and sell the strawberries and the cauliflowers I just don’t really have a reason to keep all these around let’s ship all of those off and let’s go ahead and get rid of some of these bits of grass as well just to like give the pigs more room to hunt for truffles I think that’s part of my problem at the moment obviously we’ve got one out here there we go um let me cut down some more of this area as well cuz I really don’t need it hopefully we might get some more and there we go all of the fruit trees are now done I should have all the fruit I need going to make sure I ship one of everything cuz I definitely haven’t done that yet and I think it’s just the apricot that I need I don’t think I need the orange no no I don’t that should be another recipe done and I think there was like a vegetable medalie or something vegetable stew there we go there it is another two off the list there are also love gifts oh fruit salad here you go Haley that’s for you I know I don’t need to give hay any more gifts I just like giving her things making a gift should we go out and do another gift round this time it should be easier because I’ve given everyone at least one gift so we’ll grab those as our usual things I think I’ve already given Abigail two gifts bring those anyway right I only need one jod dish so we’ll only bring one blaz yams a Lis and pal I don’t need those anymore goodbye think I’ve actually got something for everyone I need I guess we’ll find out by going and doing it we’ll be drinking one of these coffees to hurry me along though Friday’s a pretty good day as well because a lot of people do go to the saloon so that will help quite a bit oh hi Alex um this is for you wait don’t eat oh my goodness that was close and um obviously we just did this so I will just probably skip over this other than maybe to tell you if we do complete any friendships cuz that is very important Sebastian is full there we go there we go um what do I do when I’m not working more fic comic books shopping and sports I kind of do none of those things oh no I don’t want to use friendship um comic books you probably want to hear comic books have I read the cave Saga X I won’t spoil it for you but oh man I I guess I’ve got to read that now oh I think I’ve got the cookie recipe as well I think I skipped that cut scene stuffing stuffing is for Evelyn here you go I was going to go in the saloon but it’s not very busy yet dwarf is going to be my final gift of the day never mind already done too um Maru I haven’t given a second gift too yet and that’s because I don’t have anything good on me that I want to give her so I think I’m just going to wait till tomorrow because I would assume by this hour she’s probably asleep I’ve also brought home some ores as well because obviously we’re going to need to craft with some of them uh is there anything that I can remove from here I mean yeah I’ll put the grass in here and I think that’s it really on to our Saturday 85 Grand yeah that for was very much worth selling okay let’s do a quick check of the shipping collection we’ve got large goats milk Mead green tea and the ostrich egg well the ostrich egg I’m probably just going to ship without I don’t think I’m going to hatch them anymore the ostrich egg I’m probably just going to ship without hatching it I don’t really feel there would need to wait that long anymore especially if it might still take us ages to get the skull maybe I should keep it until I’m sure I don’t know I’m always indecisive with these things the green tea I’m going to just steal a Caroline Leaf the ghost milk I’m just going to have to wait for and the Mead I don’t really have an excuse for the Meade maybe I should grab some honey and just stick it straight in the ceg shed ready for later I’m going to keep checking in here though until we get that big goat’s milk maybe I should actually put some extra effort into petting the goats too I’m also really hoping for a rabbit’s foot in here because I think it’s Pia’s birthday next week and I really need something there is not a rabbit’s foot okay wonderful maybe that’s my sign that I really do need to go and catch some squid to make the fried Camari that is one of the dishes I mean that’s the squid dish that I haven’t made now if I can make one fresh for that birthday all the better maybe I’ll key season it as well get an extra bit of a boost just to triple check my friendship menu I’m looking for anyone who has oh Harvey I missed Harvey as well okay well he can have a coffee so Harvey and Maru and that’s it nice and easy funny that it’s that exact pairing of all people that’s kind of funny Harvey he’s on the Move come back take a gift have a coffee run seven out of eight hearts as well so that’s almost done we say hello to Alex as well that friendship is very much lagging behind and where is Maru today maru’s on the Move I’m wondering there she is probably off to Ginger Island here you go have a jewelry and then I guess we’ll see what the Boost is like tomorrow with the new friendship week starting I do still want to visit the island today because I can’t remember when it was that the artifact spots reset or something or like at what point they build up and then like go away I can’t remember if it was tied to the foraging week which again that resets tomorrow so I should probably get over there and check to the D I mean we know I’m already on the island I mean it’s looking very spart so maybe not maybe I should have just left it left it to build up some more come on give me a palm fossil as well I really need that I’m really upet about that are there any other ways I can get it 0.8% chance from bone node 7% in the desert 0.6 in the beach oh I could also get it potentially in cindat Forest why oh interesting maximum chances in summer and fall in cindersap Forest so I might be able to find it there but yeah I guess I just need to check all the Dig sport areas for it I can still get it in Spring it’s just less of a chance look like the fairy Rose honey is ready to go again I will keep one behind to turn into me I think it’ll make it worth potentially less but I don’t think that matters we just want to cover the shipping I’m only making one I have the summer spangle honey all right well I’ll keep this one behind just in case the rest going in there actually let’s bring the summer spangle honey now that way I can’t forget I mean it’s only going to be tomorrow but still I’m also going to remember to leave one keg free for the green tea as well because I think we should be able to complete the shipping in its fullest next week since we haven’t got much hardwood I think I might actually pop down to the secret woods today because if there are any artifact spots and there happen to be the Palm fuzzle that we’re looking for then I’m going to regret not picking that up should probably check the desert as well right I don’t think I’ve gotten enough desert totems that is the problem I mean I could make one I don’t really want to do that we’ll see if I get back in time to get on the bus that will tell us as to whether or not we’re going so far absolutely no artifact spots in here that’s kind of upsetting we just have to hope for the other Seasons or just like any other sort I still can’t believe we found two two of them and neither of them got donated I’m actually really upset about that I don’t even think you can come from artifact Trove so um it’s even more fun I’m just going to have to keep checking I have a feeling that it’s going to end up that like I’m going to have these like few little things that I just have to like run around and hunt for I might structure Pam’s not even here that’s so annoying okay I guess I’m going to have to just trade for some more totems today what was I say yeah I might have to structure differently for like the last few goals so like if it ends up that like maybe I only need this Palm fossil and that’s the last thing and it takes forever I’m obviously not going to like do an entire gameplay week where we just like run to each area for the artifact spots oh no we didn’t find it today and start again I’ll have to figure that out we shall see when the time comes definitely nothing to dig here now though so no Palm fossil still for me can’t say we didn’t try mind you I’ve not been to the beach yet I could just Obelisk over there that’s nice and quick and just really want to try I’m also probably going to have to do some amount of Geo farming as well for the last few minerals lunarite that’s the only one left I’m pretty sure that’s just a frozen jod right Luna right Frozen and Omni jod okay that’s easy enough at least we’ve limited the area not noticing anything so far that’s going to help us no artifact spots in sight actually at all at least I got a few bits of extra Beach forage that I can sell I could probably also do in sorting out my gift chest as well because there are some people who have now hit friendship with they therefore do not need gifts from that chest cuz it ends up just kind of confusing me I end up bringing them with me for no reason and it takes up slots that I don’t need taken up let’s have a quick little look I mean some of them are good like emergency liked gifts actually no we’ll check tomorrow because we’re about to get a little friendship Boost from all of those double gifts we go to bed and we’ll check it out we’ve also got the usual fruit day to deal with tomorrow too and wine okay let’s look at these friendships so we got one more heart with money a heart and bit with kobus Clint’s kind of almost there Harvey and Sam are guaranteed to finish next week quite a lot of them are very close but I can go through this now and kind of know who I still need to keep gifts behind for so like Sebastian I don’t have to worry about but they are good liked gifts for a lot of people there’s anything for like Kent for example I could rather give Clint Gems we’ll just go ahead and ship it Mara loves these but she also loves strawberries which those are gold quality oh no I said I was going to keep things that have a speed boost didn’t I fish that out of there the rest of them I think I’m good to keep wait vegetable medal yeah okay we’re good we’re all good let’s tackle the ancient Fruit Harvest I think I’m just going to no I’m in here just harvest the damn fruit trees I get kind of lazy with these fruit trees once I’ve got everything I need from them and I end up just like not harvesting them at all I might as well Harvest them and just even Chuck them in the chipping bin it’s better than literally just leaving them here right extra money I mean I’m not going to do it every few days but at least every ancient Fruit Harvest surely but I’m in here just grab the fruit it only takes a second of course we got to go and do the same thing over here on the island oh we’ve also got the tarot for Island ingredients as well so we’ll grab all that that is very important I haven’t been paying attention to if Gus is coming to the island or not oh no I don’t think I’ve missed him actually I have hovered over the map on Ginger Island most days pring I haven’t missed a day this might be the last time I like need to plant tarot as well I just heard the sound go off so hopefully that should mean we’re good especially once we’ve actually shipped all of this and fruit wise I’m only going to keep behind the basic ones again um all of these can go should be a very good money day from all that wondering if it’s also time to like get a round of coffee and nah I’m not going to bother so let’s do this get all the wi going in this particular shed the other one is where we’ll do all of our like extra little Perfection bits which really is just the Mead and the green tea I suppose worst case scenario I need to at some point craft a what’s it called again the fairy d I need to craft one of those at some point for the crafting achievement so maybe I might as well craft one and use it to help finish the shipping let’s get the me in now there we go oh it’s 10 hours all right never mind no fairy does for me that’s going to be absolutely fine in fact I probably should have done it first thing in the morning cuz then I could have got another lot of wine in oh no wait still need to keep one free for the green tea let get all this in the shipping bin oh my God that’s going to be a good money day especially once we add all the extra stuff we just shipped as well plus we’ve got Caroline’s Island ingredients reward too o I do need to go to the desert today we need some more staircases like desperately and obviously whilst we’re over there we’ll go and give Sandy a gift I think s’s friendship should also be almost done oh no it’s full we don’t need to do that in that case flowers are coming out here too just not really in need I am hoping that maybe income wise next week we might be able to do the desert Obelisk which reminds me I don’t think have I bought I haven’t I haven’t got the desert totem recipe yet so I’ll go and buy that today oh I don’t know if I should delay the where am I going going I’m not going to Sand’s I don’t know if I should delay the desert Obelisk though because like I’m worried about I need to buy a load of star fruit seeds for summer I guess we’ll just see how much money we make next week there are all my staircases there’s that recipe I already traded for as many warp totems as I could I think it was yesterday so we’re good on those perhaps I check the traveling cart I’m wondering if the cart has like a chance of giving a squid maybe I’ve been missing out on that potential now we’ve got 39 staircases maybe that’ll make for a really good skull Cav Run next week we’ll see that’s kind of funny I’ve just done a quick check of the stardo checkup thing um I need one more house upgrade there I was all getting ready for like things like crafting and stuff like in my brain I’m still missing a major recipe so um maybe let’s go start that off with Rubin hopefully I should be able to make it in time there only one more house upgrade didn’t even notice spending all that time in my kitchen that I don’t have a basement hello Rubin can you upgrade my house 100,000 gold there we go I thought it was going to be 150 Grand kind of glad it’s not I’m not going to question it and even though we worked on some of the monster goals last week I don’t think I did a good little review of what we’ve got going on here so just over 300 slimes we’re over halfway on the void Spirits 10 more Dougies maybe I might be able to do that today not that many rock crabs quite a lot of mummies okay so we’re going to have to spend some time in skull cavins for sure we are very close on the magma Sprites though don’t think I’ve got anything to collect no I have not do we think we can find 10 doggies today doggies are kind of annoying to do I guess we’ll just go see I don’t know if monster mask affects doggies oh there’s one maybe it’s not going to be as hard as I thought I’ve already found two maybe resetting floor 15 is the way to go for these either that or I just got lucky cuz this time there are none I think I already did get lucky there’s me thinking it was going to be a nice like quick easy goal but no no never mind I guess I will wait okay yeah I did just get lucky I couldn’t resist doing one more okay let’s go home I will just do a quick little sort out because I know for a fact that there are some things in here that I definitely don’t need anymore like even if I just keep some just in case I know most of this I don’t really need and we might as well see a little bit of extra income from it see what kind of a boost we can give ourselves from some of these things still keeping a few of everything behind it’s kind of difficult to want to let go of a lot of this still kind of a stardo hoarder but that should also give us a really good boost so let’s see what that’s done for us and then we got our last grind week of spring oh we’ve got the quest completion noise there we go 59,000 gold most of which were like ancient fruit and wine but a good Boost from a lot of the other stuff too no point in just sitting there in a chest so yeah onto that grind week I was about to collect myle I guess I’m going to do it for the satisfaction anyway but I’m going to have to do it again when I move but yeah let’s do this let’s finish out spring the me had finished Brewing Monday morning I grabbed it whilst I was in the shed refreshing the pickles that went straight in the shipping bin along with a few other goodies and I think we’ve just got the goats milk and the green tea left now for shipping this day was for chopping more wood for processing machines then with no more trees left on the Tuesday I switched is into a gift spree plus I wanted to steal the tea leaves from Caroline I managed to get gifts out to most of the villagers that needed them this day plus a Quick Trip Around Ginger Island to hunt for Golden coconuts Wednesday I went to water the rhubarb as normal but it was already watered thanks Haley I did think the soil already look damp but I think it threw me off because usually when a spouse Waters crops it’s only like part of them and not all of them so go Haley I collected a green tea from the second shed and added 12 more preserves jws as well those will stay empty until the current batch of pickles are done that green tea of course got shipped then it was time for this year’s flower dance I had nothing to buy here from Pierre but I did need to spend some gold on TS to speak to everyone who still needed friendship points my lowest friendship here that will accept a dance request is Abigail you need four hearts and that’s exactly what we’ve got dancing together will raise it by an entire heart so now we have five first thing on Thursday I dropped off two dozen eggs to The Saloon fridge that means Gus can make another giant omelet might as well grab the extra cash the next D Fruit Harvest arrived on the island Farm then whilst I was also checking the place for Golden coconuts I dug up not one but two snake vertebrae I don’t even need these things anymore what is this another lot of Honey was ready to go as well then I got done with the replanting that afternoon any leftover time was spent down in the mine slaying void spirits but I did switch my focus for a little bit to finish off the douge go didn’t hit any others today though I got about 240 grand for the portion of starf fruit I sold then on the Friday I had a couple of exciting finds first in the CP finding an aridium rabbit’s foot for Pier’s birthday then in the the van the goats had finally produced large milk I don’t really know why I didn’t collect the rest of the animal products from the auto Grabbers I guess I was just feeling lazy but along with that goat’s milk I decided to Chuck the ostrich egg in the shipping bin I’m not that interested in hatching an ostrich this time I don’t really know when I’m going to end up with the incubator recipe but if I happen upon another egg I may well still do in the future we’ll see I made this a gifting day since it’s Pier’s birthday anyway but it looks like he’s taken this day off for a beach day I’ll go over to Ginger Island later I handle most of the gifts in town first and finished Leah’s friendship but going to find Pierre that afternoon was very much worth it because I finished his friendship too I cleared out the dig site whilst I was there and finally got another Palm fossil I still can’t get over the fact that this is my third one don’t worry I will be saving it to donate this time but we’ll do it together next week you might have noticed the ticket in my backpack there I brought Alex to see a movie again he’s still one of my lowest friendships so I really need this boost I do keep forgetting how good the movie theater is for friendship but for today’s snack I grabbed a salmon burger a guaranteed love for Alex I have also been grabbing the tea leaves most days this week my plan is to turn them back into tea to give back to Caroline Saturday I woke up to the full shipment achievement another big old Perfection goal done and dusted somehow this triggered me to pop over to the Wizards to build a desert Obelisk just one more to go there now too Caroline got a green tea for her second gift of the week whilst I was there to grab another leaf for a future gift it was then down to the beach for the day with some magic bait to try and catch that squid I only had the stuff to craft 20 magic bait which unfortunately was not enough today I don’t have the key jams to just buy more either since Mr key’s been pretty mean with the key Quest recently I activated the harder mind so we can come back on a future day to gather more radioactive ore I did stay in these normal mines for the rest of the night though it just gives me a little bit of an easier time with the monster slaying I even let myself pass out down here this time Sunday was the last day of spring so we’re going to be busy with prep first of all I got to harvest all of this rubub and even though half of my crop space is without sprinklers I still bought a whole load of pnip seies from PS obviously a good portion of these will still be used to hold my sprinklers over into summer but I did also decide to sacrifice them in the area I tend to water myself this should just saved me a whole bunch of time and energy from telling the ground with the farm now prepped for the new season I can move on to the weekly ancient Fruit Harvest but when I walked off to Ginger Island to get the fruit over there I got the cut scene with Leo being asked to move to the valley as promised I told everyone I think Leo should stay on the island turns out he decides to go ahead with the move anyway doesn’t seem to change any friendships either so there’s that I gathered all the fruit on the island and sold off all the quality ones before returning home to tend to the next batch of wine also added another 17 kegs in the process I then chopped down some new trees that popped up through the week there weren’t that many around but I at least wanted to gather some wood in prep for crafting every item soon all the wood we gathered on Monday I spent on jarz and kegs that took me into the nighttime so let’s have a look at our fish and loot [Music] review I mean there’s not a huge amount of stuff here in general the chest has all the stuff from the monsters laying in the mines and my backpack has the 17 fish I caught yesterday between the rhubarb the ancient fruit the wine and some other odds and ends we’re ending the season 600 Grand richer the season of starfruit is now upon us I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing season but anyway if you enjoyed the video please do hit the like button subscribe if you haven’t already thank you so much to my channel members and I will see you in the next video bye [Music] [Music]

What a way to end spring, the snake vertebrae floodgates have opened ๐Ÿ˜†

Fixed Tileman Mod – Tileman Revisited:
Thank you again to Ben for working hard on this!

We need gold to do lots of things in Stardew Valley, but what if you couldn’t even move anywhere without spending gold?! I’ll be doing a perfection run with the Tileman Challenge mod where I’ll have to buy my way around the map, and the cost will increase a bit over time, too ๐Ÿซฃ


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