Dear viewers, welcome to the "You Are Untalented" competition. Ah , here the competition is starting. The competition will be very fun. There will be Efekan Ali, Tepegoz, soldiers, babies, police officers, everyone in the competition. Hey audience, don’t talk among yourselves. Yes, dear viewers, excellent talents will come here soon, everyone will show off their talents, and at the end of the competition, exactly 1 prize will be given to the winner. There is a million dollar prize. What is it worth 1 million dollars? I wish Rüzgar or something had also participated. Then, without making you wait any longer, I invite one of our jury members, Mr. Acun, to the stage. Here you go, Acun Bey. Here you go Oh my god How are you and B did you call me vow Mr. Allen to you wait? I said anyway. Welcome Mr. Acun. Mr. Allen. Welcome too. You came without inviting me. But anyway, let’s go ahead and do it like this. Then, let me take my place and call our first skill. You also put a baldi button or something. It’s nice. Did you steal this idea from me? I’m thinking about that, but Mr. vow paste, what? stealing Am I a thief, putty Mr. Oh my god, what are we doing now, Mr. Baldi, are we going to sit? Yes, I am giving you all that money to sit, yes, then I invite our first talent to the stage with applause, who is coming, is Efik Anali coming or what the hell is he going to do? Hello dear members of the council, I am Tinky Winky. Welcome all of you. Tinky is my favorite student. Welcome too. First of all, introduce yourself to us. Tinky. Hello Mr. Acun, I am Tinky Winky. Oh my god. Welcome, Tinky. What do you do in normal life? El musk. I am in school. I’m going home Tiny . Aren’t you a little too old to go to school ? Yes, Mr. Acun, you are right, but unfortunately I cannot finish school. I have been going to the first grade for 15 years. Don’t worry about him. Mr. Tiny is a really smart student. Well, Tinky, I wonder what show you will do for us today, Elın Musk, I will do something, I will do something to everyone here. I’m going to break it like this, I’m going to break it, I’m going to shatter it, I’m going to show you my muscles, then let’s start. We’re waiting impatiently. Do n’t exaggerate, is it okay to break and spill? Don’t worry, teacher, everything is under my control. Let me start by breaking this table first. Then, okay, watch carefully, everyone. Watch carefully. How did I break the table? It’s that big. He broke the table directly. This is nothing yet. Wait, wait, I have a bigger surprise. I’ll break these bricks and show you. Now the surprise is rich. Let’s move away for a while. You never know what this maniac will do. Watch him. Look, who is he with one hand? Look. watch Watch that’s it, that’s it. Bravo Tinky, you’re a really strong person. What are you going to do with that refrigerator? Well, Tinky, this is special. My last surprise for you, my teacher. Watch. I’m throwing the refrigerator at your head with a single egg. Watch. Rich, step away, maniac. L. What is this maniac doing? He was going to come to us. vow. Are you a maniac, son? Are you crazy, press the buttons H who pressed that button who all of us pressed the buttons get out of the hall you will hurt people no one can press the button I will break your head now come here security guards don’t sleep Sariz Damn take this leave me get away get away from here let me go I’m talented let me go get your dirty hands off me and leave me Leave me vow Anyway, we are saved, then let’s continue the competition, then the next talent come come, the next talent come baby Police Bro, we are here, I am coming. Hello viewers, I am the baby soldier. Welcome to all of you. Our show will start soon. I am the baby police. Welcome, everyone. It was a nice entry. I liked it . Mr Allen Mr Allen He baldi Allen went to the toilet in the middle of the competition what toilet [Music] baby police brother Are you ready 1 2 3 come on come on they’re doing nice look I like it look baby soldier I’m coming brother Hoppa that’s it Wow baby soldier and baby police Look what they’re doing Brother, if you are ready, then let’s make our last move. I’m ready, brother, I’m ready, come on. Oh, I had to go to the toilet a lot. In the middle of the competition, I went to the toilet. What should I do? It’s a little bit sick in my intestines. My police officer brother, now whoops, that’s it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I congratulate you guys . Are you Yes Mr. Hoc, we are brothers. How did you like it? The hall liked you very much, guys, thank you very much. Oh my god, guys. I found you very successful too. But I was in the toilet in the middle of the competition. I’m sorry, be quiet, Mr. You, be quiet. Then, should we start voting? You’re very good. I’m eliminating you. I’m taking you to the finals. Then, I’m saying yes to you. Thank you. Thank you ! What no? You know, everyone liked it so much. I’m not the jury. I said no. Go on. Oh my god, guys, it’s my turn. I’m telling you yes. You’re going to say yes, not yes. Yes, sorry, Mr. Valy. I’m saying yes to you guys. You’ve ruined it again. Come on. Come on. We’re sending you off with two yeses. Go ahead. Well, at least they got two yeses, they’re in the finals. Yes, they have a chance to win 1 million dollars. The next person who thinks they are talented should come. I wonder who will come? Who will come? This baby soldier and the baby police officer will definitely come first. I liked it very much. Look, wait, we haven’t seen the others yet. We are going to go out with Ali in Efekan. Come my son, come bbb Come my son, come, come. Well done to my son, come like this, oh what is that dinosaur next to him? Hello, hello, that Godzilla hand, I trained him, we will show you with him. Now, baby Töz, if we don’t come first, I will break your head. One water, one water. Damn, one water, one water. y we will split the money wait Wow I’m so curious guys then start now let’s watch you we’re just getting started Godzilla Catch the sand Catch Ok sir I’m bringing it right away I’ve caught it Well done to my son Bring it let’s see Well done impressive for you Oh I’ve seen someone in my life from dinosaur Temp Wow well done baby eye Well done Godzilla for you. Well done, sit down girl. Well done for you. Here you see, look, he sat down. Now, everyone can do these. Yes, we want to see different things. Mr. Acun. We can do something if you want. Ask him a math question. He answers. Oh my god. If he gets the questions right, I will give Yes. Okay, let’s ask, then 2 times 2. How much is Godzilla Godzilla 1, my son, 2 times 2? How much is 2 times 2? Will he think about such a simple question ? I’m sorry, don’t exaggerate. I found a dinosaur. 2 times 2 is 8. Okay, okay, I may have misunderstood that, I’ll ask another question, Turkey. What is the capital of ? The capital of Turkey is Germany Oh my god I have never known a Dinosaur this big of a sucker in my life No no, press the buttons, let them go, this is nothing like Godzilla. I say no, no, I say no too, oh, I say no with stars, god damn you, Godzilla. Let’s do it for you too. Come here, go outside, I’ll ask you outside, go, go, everyone, follow you. No, no, no, go outside, do n’t hit him, it’s not his fault, don’t hit him, we haven’t seen any decent talent, anyway, let the next talent come. There is a difference between me and the other contestants. There is a big difference. I am smarter than them. I am more talented. There is a difference. Vowel rapper came. There is a big difference between Acun Bey and me. Acun Bey is a little richer than me. There is a difference. There is a big difference between me and Baldi. Baldi’s head is a huge difference . There is a difference. V Sak head, I didn’t expect this. There is a big difference between me and Mr. Allen. I can knock Mr. Allen down with one punch. There is a difference. Oh my god. I don’t want this. I don’t want this. There is a difference. There is a big difference between the audience and me. They are the audience. I am talent itself, there is a difference, it is disgusting, take it down, take it off the stage, I have never seen such a disgusting voice in my life, there is a difference, show it off, there is a big difference between you and me, this is talking shit to us, I will kill this one, shut up, shut up, shut up, I’m telling you no too. I say no, you called me an egghead Oh my god I say no too There is a difference There is a difference You are all jealous of me Jealous Sherifs You are the difference There is a difference Let the next talent come quickly I need to forget this quickly Efekan Come on brother It’s our turn Hello there We are on that stage Who do I see Hello I am Ali and me too Efekan Today we will do magic for you , I think we will see a good talent in the end, start kids. With your permission. First of all, I want to come to you, Mr. Ocun. I have chosen a bowl for you. Of course, you can come, dear Efekan. As you can see, I have a lot of cards in my hand. Soon Mr. Acun will choose one of these cards. Isn’t that right, Mr. Acun? Here you go. Then choose, who are you, magic? Who are you? The paste is a neat thing. Choose, okay, I chose this, it says 5 TL on it, oh my god, I wonder what they will do. Okay, my dear. Thank you, let me take the card back. Okay, now I will go on stage and while my brother Efekan goes on stage, two more people will come on stage with us. Do we need two people? Okay, should I send an audience? What’s going on? No, no , there is no need for an audience. You two are coming to the stage, let’s see. Yes Oh. my god I open it for the first time in my life. How did you do this? Wow, Efekan Ali. Look what these kids are doing, they will definitely be the first. They flew the men into the air, it’s a devil’s light. Yes, baldi, and you can’t be offended. We brought you to the stage, we want you to sit like this. You brought them here by flying, they make you sit here by flying. It won’t happen if we do everything, the show won’t be recognized, it will help us a little, then let’s start vow, what the hell is going on? Are you casting a spell on us now, baldi and no offence, you will run out of the hall soon Oh my god, these kids are taking over our minds. I think your stomach is starting to hurt right now, it’s very bad, your toilet has come. You’re going to go to the toilet, my stomach hurts. What’s going on? I can’t sit still. Help. I have to go to the toilet. Your stomach is starting to hurt as soon as possible. I think you should go to the toilet as soon as possible. Oh my God, don’t hold me back. I’m going to the toilet. I’m going to the toilet. Yes, dear viewers. Don’t worry, it won’t take long, kids, what are you doing? It’s the first time I’ve seen such a show in my life. Don’t worry, you’ll love it. I couldn’t understand why I chose that first card, but Sedin Sain, you’ll understand everything. Oh man, I found the reason for my stomach ache. This is the chest. Damn night. Did I eat a chest or what? I did it and the chest came out. Oh my god, kids, I got this key too. Here you go. So what’s going on? So, we thought it was one of you and the other one got the key. So, let’s open this chest and see what comes out. Efekan. Come on, brother, I’m here. I’m here. Let’s open this chest. Let’s see what comes out of it. If a diamond or something comes out, it’s mine. Yes, dear viewers, a card came out of the ballot box. This is the card. What does it say on it? Mr. Acun. No, I don’t believe it. How did you do it? It says 5 t. This is the card Acun Bey chose. This is the card that Mr. Acun chose. This is the card that he chose. These guys are definitely the first. How did they do this? We have come to the end of our show. Thank you for watching. Thank you, Yalın, pass, pass, let’s sit down like this. Damn, if we say no to them, they’ll send us to space or something. Oh my God Oh my god, I’ve never seen such a show in my life. Then let’s invite the other contestants to the stage and choose the winner. Damn, it’s for sure that we won’t win again. Did we win? What happened ? You didn’t like my song, why did you call me again? Do you want to listen to it again ? Yes, it will go to the winner now. I wonder who won? Did we win? As for the contestants, we have come to the end of the half. One person was going to win 1 million dollars here today. I will explain that person to you in a moment. I think there is no need to wait. Let’s explain. Yes, let’s explain. Okay. The person who won the time is Ali and Fekan. My brother, we won. Hurray, Wow, we did it, let’s announce the second one, the second ones are baby soldier and baby police Oh my god, there is no third place in the competition, you were both like [ __ ] Because Godzilla didn’t know what I did, there is a huge difference between me and the jealous ones. There is a difference. Don’t sing again, I’ll have you kicked out siren head. Wow, we won. We came first. Friends, did you like the magic trick? Write in the comments, okay? Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this. We came second. But okay, friends, share this video with your favorite friend. Don’t forget to send it , you can go to other videos by clicking on the cards, then see you in the next video bye bye h

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