The ULTIMATE Stardew Valley Farm TIERLIST

welcome welcome everyone to another study Valley video I had so much fun ranking all of the festivals in 1.6 so it seemed only natural to do a ranking of all the farm layouts as well now this video is of course my subjective opinion but the purpose is to help out newer or in the size of experienced Farmers when creating a farm which map is your favorite let me know in the comments Below in the last place we have the beach Farm now if you’ve been around my channel this one will probably be a bit of a surprise I actually love using this layout when playing but this ranking is mostly due to the fact that you cannot place any sprinklers on the sand this unique restriction forces Farmers to be extra creative when building up your funds now there is a small area that allows sprinklers but new players could easily find themselves buying too many seeds and getting stuck watering crops for a whole whole season the beach is still beautiful though so if you’re really into decorating this Farm has tons of potential you also get a small resource Boost from crates that occasionally wash up on shore you can get some bombs food or even retaining soil it’s a nice boost but even this is not enough to lift this one out of my bottom spot up next is the Wilderness farm this one has a fair amount of water flowing through it leaving little space for farming good planning is needed for this winding layout to become your new favorite at night monsters will spawn around the farm this might seem challenging but these monsters are actually quite easy to handle as long as you have a basic weapon it’s an easy way to gather monster Loot and level up your combat if you’re looking for a unique challenge is important to note that any Farm can have monsters spawning on it however you will see more monsters on the Wilderness Farm than any other now Monsters can’t spawn on any layout but from combat level 9 there is a chance that a iridium Golem will spawn on your farm they have a high chance of dropping iridum ore and seeds but for me the Wilderness Farm stays locked at second to loss in number six we have the Y Top Farm this was actually the first layout I ever picked so it has to have a special place in my heart this layout has a smaller farmable area than most of the others but makes up for it with a unique elevated design a river running through it and its very own little Quarry I’ve made some unique and interesting looking Farms on this layout so it stands out to me as someone who loves decorating their farm this mini Quarry is actually very effective at giving you a solid amount of stone and ore it will replenish between 7 and 13 items every 4 days making a decent source of raw materials for the early game once your farm outgrows the Quarry you could use it for processing machines or literally anything else at fifth place we have the riverlands farm it’s by far the most strange and intricate layout on this list making it more suitable for experienced Farmers with little space for crops and shockingly a bunch of rivers flowing through the riverlands farm looks extremely random when you first spawn in it this layout requires a fair amount of planning to build a workable and good-looking Farm because you will struggle without a healthy dose of creativity its best feature is that you can catch river fish on your farm which ranks this one higher than the beach and Wilderness farms in 1.6 the riverlands farm comes with a free fish smoker this is a real overpowered early game boost since smoking or catches doubles their base value this starting gift makes Farm fishing more valuable than ever and your wallet certainly won’t complain Four Corners comes in at number four I won’t lie I really really like this Farm layout first of all it is Absol absolutely huge you can plant close to 3,000 crops if you wanted to which is actually quite impressive this layout devise your farm up into four quadrants probably making it the best map for Co-Op where each player can have their own area to farm and build on if you’re playing solo you can logically separate things around your farm in the bottom left corner you can house all your farm animals with your crop field in the corner above it I like the symmetrical structure of the Four Corners Farm better than any any other layout it is also the second largest farm so that automatically makes it one of the better ones for New farmers coming in third we have the new Meadowlands Farm a lot of people are still on the fence of this Farm type is actually a viable choice and I’m pleased to announce that it actually is with the meand farm the farming skill is the main focus once again but this time it’s better used for launching than agriculture you famously start with a coupe already built on your farm and Incredibly this scoop comes with two started chickens this is a massive boost for the early game as the combined cost of the chicken scoop and the materials needed to build it add up to a whopping 10,000 gold but wait that is not all on this Farm there grows a unique kind of grass that’s right we got blue grass not only is it aesthetically pleasing but our animals seem to really love this new flavor of chewy grass eating this grass will make your animals gain twice as much friendship as from eating normal grass if successfully cut with a sight Blue Grass will produce two pieces of a instead of the usual one in second place is the forest farm this spacious layout is actually smaller than you think when it comes to farming there are four pools and a grassy area where no crops can grow but the forest Farm really makes up for this it has eight respawning hardwood stumps so you want to rush an axe upgrade if you’re starting here usually hardwood disappear went dropped so the forest Farm basically has an infinite Supply this feature works really well for getting fences and other wooden decorations for your farm I often forget to collect hardwood in the Seeker woods so this is much easier to remember to do suddenly realizing you need 200 hardwood when you have 10 is a special kind of pain I’m sure this comes as no surprise but the standard Farm takes first place and it deserves that top spot the standard Farm layout is under deniably the largest in the game being twice the size of the other farms and with almost nothing that obstruct your crops or bullings it really is the ultimate Farm layout for new players because you can’t really do anything wrong it’s also the best layout for people who want to become stinking Rich because you can grow a grand total of 3,400 crops on this Farm if you really want to to you could also build an insane amount of Barns and get as many pigs as your heart desires ERS yes the standard Farm layout is certainly great being a large open space for any type of farm which almost makes up for its greatest weakness being incredibly plain and uninteresting pick the standard farm for the space to do whatever you want and pick any of the others for their interesting designs and unique challenges they bring if we could pick the ginger Island Farm as our starting Farm where do you think it would be on this list it can grow anything at any time of the year but it is kind of small and cannot take buildings such as Barns and coups on it making it much more limited compared to the other Farm layouts thank you so much for watching this video it was kind of tough to make and ranking the layouts is a very tough decision I do think they’re all good but since I’ve gotten quite a few comments asking for this video I thought it was finally time to do it if you like this video consider leaving a like and hey why not subscribe while you’re at it for now I will see you in the next video [Music] he

Welcome, welcome everyone, to another Stardew Valley video. I had so much fun ranking all of the festivals in 1.6, so it seemed only natural to do a ranking of all the farm layouts as well! Now this video is of course my subjective opinion, but the purpose is to help out newer or indecisive experienced farmers when creating a new farm. Which map is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.

If you like this video, check out my 100 DAY videos:

100 Days of Cult Of The Lamb:
100 Days of Coral Island:
100 Days of Stardew Valley Expanded:
100 Days of Stardew Valley (With Magic):
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