I'm trying to figure out what (in-game/modded) hair style would best suit this character for my next play through but I'm struggling to find any. Can someone help me find a close enough match?

by UrFavouriteQueer

1 Comment

  1. AutoModerator on

    If you’re looking for help with a mod, make sure your post or top-level comment includes:

    * [a link to your SMAPI log](https://smapi.io/log) (see instructions on that page);
    * a description of the issue with as much detail as possible;
    * screenshots/GIFs/videos of the issue if applicable.

    See [common issues and solutions](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Player_Guide/Troubleshooting). If you’re having trouble installing SMAPI, see the [detailed Getting Started guide](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Player_Guide/Getting_Started).

    If you’ve already done these steps or you’re not asking for help with a mod, then please ignore this. Thank you!

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