Minecraft images that will definitely not make you cry.

Bye Mom what is your favorite custom Banner design no you know what you’ve done here you’ve given everyone the ability to do it now you’ve spread disaster Among Us dang it it is that time of the month again oh yeah you thought I was going to show a really weird video Dang this is sick good job this is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while if the breeze Rod makes the mace what about the Blaze Rod dude your hand is on fire myang lets you wax anything these [Music] days not enough people get this I reckon if you don’t know what they’re talking about they’re talking about the phases of the moon wait hold on wax goes from left to right uh [Music] [Music] [Music] thoughts close but there are no diamonds on the bottom I know you mean four because there are four corners here different colored enchantment tables can be possible with this oh I didn’t think of that are yall telling me I can finally have my very own yellow crafting table to match my skin I like it find the cobblestone an awful lot of creepers you’ve got over there that is an oddl looking tree the heck is going on over [Music] there smooth coal ore ew Fletching table UI idea sadly r/ Minecraft took the original this is so good customizing projectiles with items just like armor trims you can see exactly where the thought process here was this is way too good bouncing arrows teleporting arrows bigger snowballs looting arrows you can have an entire Fletching table update for this incredible stuff why does a magma bubble Vader pull you down isn’t H air supposed to go up yeah I made the same mistake it actually creates a Vortex of low density meaning it’s harder to float it’s physics what happened here tips game five tips game six they’re telling you tips of the game silk touch silk touch causes many blocks that would usually drop items to drop themselves instead it can be used on coal or wait what the heck is silk touch three [Music] [Music] can someone pleas your screen is cracked I’m sorry I know what you’re looking at but that’s just too distracting if you were to leash a Shuler would you leash it like this or like this it would be like a present that’s just I’d feel bad for the shulker it reminds me of that dog thing if a dog wore pants would hear wear them like this or like this just like how Minecraft put pants on mobs that one time that was just yesterday oh what are you doing oh this isn’t going to end how did that happen oh wait did they get pushed off because it’s an entity that’s falling oh that’s so sad you just walked away at the [Music] end I still occasionally think about her I tried helping her but it was all for nothing I hope that and despite all that I really miss her and her that ended horribly repair and disenchant enchantment table table well done let’s go gambling a dang it a dang it why is this meme everywhere seen it twice now let’s go gambling a dang it a dang it a dang it a dang it a dang it a dang it a dang it a dang it oh dang [Music] it oh dang it what the freak is that thing this makes me so uncomfortable yeah he’s angry at you for making this him into this H that’s not [Music] real tell me it doesn’t make sense it makes sense [Music] it got me wondering if that is trap doors and that is signs then actually one of the signs will be missing a [Laughter] trapo what happened entire screen just disapp appeared it’s like he went to a different dimension for like a second after I took this video my skin disappeared and my shield would not appear on screen you’ve grown something weird on it drowned boots are smaller than other zombie boots why the heck is that a thing working on a data pack that adds all the songs from the Minecraft OST as music discs I feel as though it would be so cool if we don’t just have that select few music discs but one that can play every song that we hear so we can play it again wow you’ve got every single one each with their own design dang that’s good the letter U on the new Minecraft themed keyboard is symbolized with totem of undying and not with USB charger block I’m disappointed yeah it’s interesting seeing these high ground keyboards which are sold out very quickly who decides that pickaxe is number two and sword is number three and finally just 2 years while fighting cancer later regarding newest Phenix sc’s video about r/ Minecraft Alex Testa it’s good to see you again I’m so happy you made it through if you guys remember Alex Testa made the Lego resource pack I don’t remember how long ago it was that I featured him it was such a good video that they posted and now you can get it by far my favorite community on Reddit heck yeah what did we do to deserve this just because all of you are so cool here’s a free link for brickcraft you guys all get it for free hey man it’s good to see you there’s good in this world we just got to find it

Support this man – Alex Testria: https://brickcraft.de/


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#Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang.
Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/

Wayne Jones – Mr. Sunny Face

#PhoenixSC #Memes


  1. 1:00 The reason the moon phases presented in the image show the moon waxing from right to left is because the moon does wax right to left but only in the upper hemisphere. If you live in the lower hemisphere, which phoenix SC does (Australia), the moon appears upside down because the lower hemisphere views the moon from an upside down angle and thus the moon waxes left to right from Australia.

  2. I havent watched the video yet. From the thumbnail, I'll guess what it says:

    I stil ocasionally think about her.
    I tried helping her, but it was all for nothing.
    And beside all that,
    I really miss her and her chest

  3. 2:52 when a methane gas bubble comes up in the ocean, you can fall down through it. It’s dangerous and the same happens with sinking ships. You should get a floating part or find a better survival strategy and get away from the ship.

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