Stardew Valley 1.6 | Winter On Meadowlands Farm | Part 50

[Music] hello and welcome back to the next episode of our stard Valley let’s play series it is the 25th day of winter Feast of the Winter Stars today we need to take jod her gift weather report says snow tomorrow fortune teller doesn’t really mean anything to us and living off the land ever had the urge to dig around in your neighbor’s trash if that’s your thing just don’t do it when anyone’s around yeah I I’ve learned the hard way about that but it’s totally fine they still love me here in the valley even if they do catch me every once in a while let’s go ahead and suck down those so we can get a little bit of a speed boost get a little bit of stuff done uh nothing there yet unfortunately hopefully that’ll be done maybe by the last day I no I think I planted those on the 21st it’ll definitely be the last day of winter before those are done which is fine I should probably think about laying some stuff out down in here maybe putting a little bit of pathing around I might scoop up is that a I thought I saw a worm spot in there and I swear I keep hearing a panning spot pop up somewhere here on the farm our trees are all doing good I was kind of worried they wouldn’t grow but I was hoping the speed grow would help with that or not yeah not speed grow tree grow oh mushrooms today uh can I grab that one and those also those are all going to go right into the mushroom dehydrator or the dehydrator I guess I’ll start over here first oh we have amarant today good and pumpkins it looks like and that’s it oh pumpkins can I put those back in amarinth is a fall those are really good for The Preserve jars I guess go ahead and make an couple more pumpkins I don’t want to put winter seeds in here at all uh I can yeah I don’t want to put any more of those in there we’ll just let those go and be them good morning ladies how are yall doing morning Jeffrey how are you and nothing in there today tomorrow we’ll have goat milk let’s check on the girls in here oh we get wool today good morning ladies how are you doing yes yes hello hello hello yeah Louise are you taking care of everybody I see you hiding back there Louise I don’t know what you thought you were doing did we get you we didn’t get you I’m sorry I just walked out and forgot about you there we go another egg hiding back there let’s get those working and I should probably hold on to an egg for cros huh I need to go down there and be a better friend to him I’m such a bad friend I forget about him all the time poor little fell let’s get those working I’ve got quite a few in here what was that dried pomegranate 1505 not bad at all I’ll just leave those in there I don’t need them right now all right chores are done here on the farm I’ve already turned everything in to every place I want to run over to the secret forest and get a little bit more wood I know we’ve got till 2:00 how are you guys doing have you expanded yet what are you waiting on not your family can grow even larger okay that’s fine and grab that real quick I want more hardwood we only have like 143 hardwood I know I’m growing it in the forest or in the desert sorry but you can always use more hardwood right no oh another Maple seed good and couple more winter roots and carrots sure why not I guess this is another good place to come looking for worm spots I never think of it though all right come on King let’s get out of here I don’t think I well maybe it’s only two I’m kind of curious on what our stuff is looking like down below if any of the trees have grown though probably not uh was that Leah over there it could have been uh no they haven’t grown that’s okay we’ll get them in the spring they should all probably magically pop up overnight was that Leah no I guess not it must have been a tree that I saw go ahead and grab you and head into town we don’t want to miss the festival not this one I like this one there we go pops me up at the top hey Mar leis how are you doing today is a time to be thankful for this year’s Good Fortune forget your worries for a day and relax oh I definitely plan on it Welcome To The Feast of the winter star it’s all you have to say hey Jazz oh presents yeah lots of presents and look at Pierre over there Selling Stuff H I’m still upset I didn’t win the ice fishing competition oh you have to get over it Pam what a beautiful tree it certainly is do you want to hear the legend of the winter star sure we haven’t heard it before in the night sky of winter there is a bright star only visible from the valley no one knows why this is but in times of old people could come from far and wide to see it they believed that anyone who laid eyes on the winter star would be blessed with Good Fortune even some even claim that the mysterious fruit fruit known as star drop is connected to the winter star in some way it is possible it does look like a star doesn’t it hey Marvin Marlin I always call him Marlin or Marvin I don’t know why good afternoon to you as well and poor lus over here I join in but I don’t think I’m welcome you are definitely welcome lus uh Demetrius hello I’ll probably get another tool set this year uh but they’re good for you spending time with family is tiring sometimes sometimes hi yena you’re welcome to join our family table if you need company I think I’ll be good hi Zena hello Maru Maru Maru good night I should just go back to bed I’m screwing up everybody’s name I’m thankful for my guitar and my skateboard oh and my family I guess oh you should always be thankful for your family all right Vincent can we a in presents now maybe here in a little bit okay o I’m stuck behind a tree can I get through there yeah there we go can’t check trash today though I see that oh hello well hello to you too oh my aren’t you cold dear in this freezing no it’s fine A Feast for some stupid star humbug I hope there’s a new camera for me under the spirit tree Zena what do you hoping to find under the spirit tree um you know what let’s go with the stylish pair of boot I see that would be a great gift I guess I don’t know I’m not into shoes guus was just telling me about his artisian candy canes a it’s a fine art making candy canes you’ve really got to search far and wide for the best ingredients they aren’t easy to come by these days no I suppose they wouldn’t be GS and Elliot what do you have to say why hello Zena it’s chilly is it no not too bad I think he had too much okay he had too much nog I’m thankful there are no medical emergencies this year I hope not how are you doing Clint all these happy families but for me just another lonely year you’re with people in the valley how can you be lonely I’ve met some people who believe in spirits and Magic but me I’ve never seen anything that could be explained by science couldn’t be explained by science I’ve had too much nog Abigail nothing like a piping hot Feast on a cold winter day huh absolutely not it always makes everything go down better H you wow you are gouging people for a fried mushroom the winter Banner sure we should probably get one of those uh light string a large light string would that be ooh if I put a window in the shed would that help maybe let’s get one window and I think I’m going to get a couple of these to put in the shed uh four of them maybe might do it I mean we might as well make it look semi nice in there though it’s probably not going to look great after the end of the holiday season right can I get back there and say hello to you my sales figures have been phenomenal lately thanks to the Feast of the winter star oh I’m sure that’s all you ever think about is your bottom line is it oh I think I need to give Jodie her gift yeah let’s do that let’s give her the diamond oh so it’s you ah a diamond thanks and then now we approach the tree and let’s see who our secret oh it’s Jazz she’ll probably give me one of the the dolls that I don’t need but it’s fine what do you think ja pretty tree this year isn’t it um excuse me I have a gift for you I found it last summer when I was playing at the beach I hope you like it I’m sure I’ll love it clay I do love it Jaz thank you I’m glad you moved here farmer Zena well I am too Jazz I am too all right well we’re going to take our clay and go home I think on that note uh Clay is fine the kids don’t ever give you much good normally it’s like one of the dolls but we’ve already gotten both of them thankfully and yes let’s go ahead and end the Feast of the winter star put our clay away and all the other junk that we’ve acquired throughout our morning it was a quick day but it’s fine you got to have quick days every once in a while um um let me see anything else those need to go in there we’re going to sell all this stuff on the last day of winter those I’ll just stick in the Whatchamacallit and yeah those need to go in there I should probably go up to the train station and plant a few of those others can we put these in here yeah it’s not bad it’s a little unbalanced but I could always bring the ones from the house out there I think those might look pretty good now oh cow statue or well cow decal that needs to go so if I put that in there that might actually help yeah I think I kind of like that I can I oh I can still put that up yeah but it doesn’t give light like it said it would I could have swore it said a large light Banner hm oh well I kind of like it actually let’s see what the window does during the day uh yeah maybe those were a waste of money but it’s okay we’ll make it back and let me go dump these off and we can’t put that that anywhere that cow statue or C not cow sticker I really really don’t want it I think it’s kind of weird give me those 25 more wood sure we are getting quite a good haul out of those I don’t think I need any more bait or anything that can just keep collecting I would kind of like to fill this all the way out in a around with these I probably should have run down to the beach no I couldn’t have anyways it wouldn’t have worked because we got locked off uh actually two more can this go in there yeah that’ll give me 22 I could actually make a few more um that go in there I can make a few more bee houses so I should probably do that not there where did Keep an extra in here it can go in there for right now I’m going to need another one for just decorations and that can go in there for more iron boets that I really really don’t need I was thinking of oh bee houses that’s what it was I knew I was thinking of something how many more can I make one two just two and then I ran out of coal totally fine I need to go kill some more of the the Sprites maybe I’ll do that tomorrow unless it’s a good luck day then we’ll probably just head up to the desert [Music] mine yeah I feel like I need to move that down one like it’s not quite lined up the way I like it but it’s okay I wish I had more wood to spare but we just don’t good night chicken let’s go ahead and jump in bed and tomorrow’s Clint’s birthday I think we can take him an iron bar I have a ton of them 3,000 yeah not that much but this R prum’s not too bad for just those and I don’t ever use them for anything else except Preserve jars occasionally if I run out of stuffff but I don’t typically run out yeah Clint birthday it is Friday traveling cart day weather report clear and sunny fortune teller says the day is in my hands so not a desert day which is fine get our speed boost on I’m going to need to make some more pepper poppers pretty soon we’re getting low on them and mail today here’s a vegetable from my little garden Carolyn well thank you Carolyn I want to make a fish Ste but I need an albore can I catch an albore sure I can go catch an albore it just says bringing one I already have albore that I could just turn in to him m i mean we could try hey chicken good morning dear how are you doing we’re going to get you a new pet fairly soon oh I saw those back there let’s grab those worm spots more another house plant how many house plants do I need get gravy that’s a little bit ridiculous let’s go ahead and pop you up there o another lava e rad thank you thank you thank you you actually I wouldn’t mind the lobi O row going first oh actually I want to sell that uh sure why not any wine no wine today actually it’s not that bad during the day it’s at night that we really need the lights though maybe if I get two sconces from Sandy that would that would help help it out in there a little bit I’ll definitely have to think about it and good morning ladies how are you all doing yep yep yep everybody’s happy and healthy and I don’t know if you’re wise but you’re doing things and that’s all that matters did I miss you how did I miss you another baby egg okay and two cloth not too shabby let’s go collect the milk or actually not the milk let’s say good morning to everyone I should get Jeffrey a friend Jeffrey is probably feeling a little bit lonely in here all by himself I know he’s got the other girls but they’re not quite on his level of of I don’t know I don’t know they’re not pigs I guess he might want another piggy friend and we get some star fruit today oh Should I stick those through the SE processor or should I put them in the cags I wouldn’t mind them going in the cags to be honest with you maybe we stick one through let’s stick one of those through and we’re going to stick both of them through yeah there you go I’ll be back for you uh yeah that’s the way I’m going to do it anything everything everything’s growing over here though I would like those carrots thank you very much I normally put flooring around those but I don’t know if I should with it being since I’m going to automate it I don’t think the mushroom logs can go on the flooring so that would seem like a waste but I could probably enclose it yeah maybe I’ll do that later to day oh I need to put this in the the seed maker also it’s done already okay we’ll put that through oh I got three of them let’s plant the five ancient seeds first all right not too shabby those are all planted now and let me go drop off these winter seeds in here we don’t need those and it actually looks like I have a few more things I need to get rid of think we’re good let me drop this egg off and we’ll just drop it off in here get it out of my inventory I do have coffee bean seeds so we can get some coffee moving around let’s put those in give me the gold out until we sell 15 of them I should be getting close on that these need to go I’m going to sell those oh I didn’t put my Peppers away that’s fine I’ll go back and do that real quick that can go and those can go oh no the mushrooms also the other is for Clint though it’s close enough I think to the next season that I could probably let’s just make nine more do I have any more no I don’t oh and I didn’t drop off the the carrot seeds uh yeah let’s go ahead and crack open those geod that we have while I’m thinking about it and and I should probably get a tool upgrade the hoe would that be enough time to 28th oh it’s such a bad time to get it upgraded but I think we need to get it up done to silver or not silver iron yeah let’s get our hoe upgraded to iron that’ll be a good idea it’s long overdue I’m going to miss out on a few worm spots but I guess in the grand schem won’t be all that bad nothing up here let’s head through town I love that I’m still moving fast oh and I need to head over to the beach and to the traveling cart o what do we have today a squid kid two of them uh sure uh that is the total different way of where I wanted to go but okay let’s get those morning jazz you like living on the farm well do I like yes I like living on the farm Let Me swim down here see if there’s any uh no just some clams oh I need those for one of the warp totems don’t I I should probably hold on to them just wanted to make sure there were no warm spots which there is let’s go ahead and S you up Rock not worth it and the Le fit and that seems to be everything let’s get out of here head over to CL oh there’s a train coming through I have not been to the train in a very long time I don’t know should I that seems like a frivolous thing to go do although it could be a cold car oh was such a hard decision maybe I’ll swing back up there after I’ve been in here oh it’s Friday he’s going to be at the community center why did I think I was going to get a tool upgrade today oh good gravy Clint I really hate [Laughter] Fridays oh man all right you know what he can wait for a minute on his birthday gift then I can always go and catch him in the bar let’s go up and check out the train it’s probably nothing special oh more carrots though maybe I’ll wait till after I plant my crops in the spring oh it’s the copper and stone one okay well I’ll take the free gifts thanks I appreciate that I could probably go swing over by The Corry and see if there’s any more whole ve in the quy that could be fun I love that car anything else you’re going to drop if not I’m out of here unless it’s on the other side of the train which is quite possible sometimes it does fall over here not on this occasion though well thank you for your Bounty it is much appreciated uh yeah let me head over to the Corey real quick after I grab this how you doing today lonus the water here comes from glaciers high up in the mountains what else you have to say I traveled to the source once just to pay my respects to the water you know you are such a wise person lonus I wish more people in the valley would listen to you just yeah you know lonus is the kind of person you really want to know I think like if I met him in real life I would probably be absolutely fascinated by his stories and could probably listen to him for hours and hours O Yay more coldain you know I think this place is filling up faster than it used to it used to take a long time for this Quarry to fill up I mean a lot of rock but nothing wrong with some rocks when you really need it all right that’s done and taken care of I swear I heard another panning spot pop up but again I don’t know if those are actually a thing or if it’s just in my head it just seems like whenever I hear one yeah there’s normally a panning spot all right can we reach that one yes we can and those are going to give me six copper that’s fine I will take the six copper let me head down and catch plant and then I guess I’ll go spend the rest of the day trying to find two squid kid and slaying some dust Sprites oh my speed buff were off at the worst possible time let’s go ahead and renew that it’s only 3 in the afternoon so why not you over here Clint yes there you are just staring at the boiler I should save up and buy a computer uh why I don’t usually get birthday gifts this actually means a lot Zena thank you you are very very welcome what would you do with the computer unless you’re going to design more more um weapons I don’t know can we oh we can actually put fish in there H interesting I should get a aquarium for the farm hey Sebastian where are you going up nope you’re in my way um don’t need to give him a gift today I don’t think we gifted him the other day uh you though on the other hand oh I didn’t go give George his gift can I can I not thank you you’re welcome Alex no no no thank you jump on your horse thank you good night what the heck buttons and stuff y’all all right let’s go ahead I guess I need to start on floor 90 and work my way down since this is where the squid kids normally are oh dang it I hate it when that happens all right we definitely need to get out of here it is getting late I’ve only found one squid kid but we did get quite a bit of gold so I’m happy about that leave the mine uh do I have room to grab things no not really I would like these though I I got a chair out of that okay um I think I don’t need what do I not need I don’t need those right now I want to take those back back came and I think I’m good to get out of here let’s get over to the bus stop I will quickly try and get everything put away before we need to dive into bed wow these episodes are just going so dang fast anything I want to sell yeah we can sell that you know I don’t know if I’ve sold any of the algae I’m pretty sure I’ve sold all the gems at one point or another I think I’ve sold one of those but I’m not sure we’ll double check I’m think I’ve sold some of those ores oh man bad time for everything to wear off I am going to pop the coal I got in there just because I want more be houses everything else can go in there 27 more gold not saby not at all and I guess for now we’ll just put the country chair away I really don’t have a need for it unless we actually can I give me those two will that fit up there yeah that’ll fit up there and if I actually take no come on give me that and then we put that one up there like that and then that can hang back there we just need something to balance it out on the other side not too bad a good use of those items let’s go ahead get in bed before I pass out it is 1:30 in the morning and we have a long way to go to get to bed I know I could move the bed but I don’t really like doing that let’s see how much money we made not a [Music] ton oh we did make over 10,000 so I guess that’s not too bad I would not say totally worth it but six mayonnaise I must not have collected it the day before not too shabby in the long run I will take that but for now thank you all so very much for joining me today I’ve been V girl I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope I see you in the next one [Music]

You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won’t be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community center, once the town’s most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness!

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