1. # Seed


    World Type (required): select “Large Biomes”

    Gamerules (optional): disable for immersion

    * Spawn pillagers patrols
    * Spawn Wandering Traders

    # Spoiler free overview


    * large, but not huge
    * no neighboring continents in close proximity
    * could be useful for terraforming (?): >!blob of warm ocean!< to >!negative X!<


    * medium sized island (less than 2k blocks travel to other side; and enough space to utilize elytra or maybe even horses)
    * land is mainly jungle (no crazy elevation), sparse jungle in a few spots, area with bamboo jungle
    * sandy beaches on different sides, coves formed by ocean and rivers

    **Outside world**

    Considering world type, *most of the stuff* won’t be hard to find *eventually* across the ocean.

    That’s all. Enjoy!

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