Hey Friends, I've been trying some experiments to change the floor of my city and neither of them look good. This was supposed to be a cyberpunk city but I think it's "too" white for a cyberpunk. What do you guys think?

by ItalianCaffeine

1 Comment

  1. YaBoyWooper on

    I think they are too messy and too similar to the rest of the buildings.

    Your already using iron all over the place for the floor of everything else. But this is looking like a bit more of a ‘main path’ like a street or such. I think its important you make it look pretty non descript and quite dark. It needs to stand out from the rest of the build in a positive way. At the end of the day its just the floor of a city. Which is quite frankly the last thing anyone cares about. I’d say scrap the yellow and the iron and use some really dark blocks and just make a basic sort of path. Or maybe even a road? Idk if thats suitable here or not.

    If that doesnt sound good maybe just make it a bit more.

    Also as i just typed all of that ^ i realise you might he reffering to literally every aspect of flooring you have shown. And in my opinion you need to drop the iron. It doesnt work well with iron alone as its got too much of a grid pattern going on. And my original point still stands. The floor needs to be dark and not that eye catching to draw focus to the buildings. The cool bits of cyberpunk. Maybe add little iron machines all over the place and little specks of colour on the floor so its like a cluttered dark gritty street. Deepslate blocks would be my go to. A nice mix of some deepslate bricks and some deepslate tiles i think, sparringly use blackstone for a bit of a grit and then maybe iron blocks rarely just for that sort of metallic tinge

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