I Built A House For EVERY BIOME in Minecraft Hardcore (#99)

I love building and thanks to all of Minecraft’s biomes there’s so many different blocks to build with and that gave me a pretty good idea we’re going to build a house in every Minecraft biome using all the unique blocks each biome has to offer as well as recreating the biome in a gigantic display so first off we got to go find a gigantic area to fit an army of houses over here not big enough over here oh there’s a giant burger in the way oh okay this could be good nice and flat I think this area will work right after all these mobs die it’s time to [Music] terraform okay I’m going to need some help here I’m going to borrow you and about 2 24 hours later and a lot of XP farm trips we have a giant hunk of land so my plan for displaying all these houses is by building a gigantic grid with every single Square holding its own unique biome which sounds all good and dandy but first off I got to figure out what materials we’re going to use for the giant grid and I kind of want something eye popping like maybe like a bluish color like that let’s just pop over here in the old wool factory and where is the blues aha up there all right do I have anything oh yes I got a bunch but I don’t have any space in my inventory one one second where are my shulker boxes they’re probably on this boat from last video i’ be taking these and let’s start making the grid oh my gosh what is happening right now where did all these zombies come from looking good looking good but I definitely want to fill in the in between bits between the squares with like a pathway kind of block wait a second did I just have a sick idea without even realizing it I mean this might take an extremely long time but this whole project will so why not and as I do this don’t forget to subscribe and hit the Bell and the final verdict is one gigantic pathway I like it and even if I didn’t I wouldn’t tell you guys because I’m not replacing all this that took forever transition so our plan is simple we are going to travel to a biome and collect all the integral blocks that make it up then we’re going to recreate the biome in our grid and build a unique house on top of it so the first biome we’re going to be doing is the PLS biome mostly because we are literally in a planes biome so it’s easy so when I look around this biome the big thing I see a lot of is grass a couple of stray trees here and there so if I can get a sapling that’d be really cool oh a little bit of flowers that’d be pretty okay let’s recreate the plains biome right here all right it’s coming along decently but it is pretty boring looking granted the plan’s biome is already a pretty boring biome on its own but I will not stand for it we’re going to throw in a garden over here a little pathway leading towards the house which is a phenomenal segue into actually building the house so for the pl’s house we are going to probably want a lot of stone let’s grab a whole bunch of smooth Stone switch out our pickaxes so we can grab some Cobblestone and besides that I mean the only other real Block in the plains biome is oak wood so that’ll be the main course all right ladies and gentle Giants let’s build ourselves a plains biome house the foundation will be a nice blend of oak wood with some Cobble in between and circle this all around and raise the whole thing up while also mixing in a little bit of smooth Stone sheep I need you sleep sleep sleep sleep SL slam SL SL SL [Music] a no no no no no all right we’re good we’re good oh all right where were we staircase floor walls and of course the roof wait who do I hear what’s going on buddy how you doing what do you got for me nothing too good oh no he despawned how unfortunate and surprising but okay check this bad boy out and I’m not going to lie to you guys I am so proud of how this thing came out there’s so many small details the inside’s nice and homey oh I forgot to put the windows up here as a matter of fact I might actually change those to Glass that looks kind of weird oh yeah that is so much better house number one of 16 down next up we’re going to move on to the spruce TGA biome and aha look at that there’s one right here I totally knew it was here I just wanted to sound surprised and this biome is a very interesting one because the blocks on the ground are crazy like we got podel coarse dirt and these random clumps of mossy cobblestone which I personally think will look sick in our build I’m also going to take some berry bushes and a few of these fern plants and after stopping back home to get some more fireworks I began building an amazing TGA biome display so for our Spruce TGA house I’m thinking a nice cabin Vibe would be perfect for this so we’re going to start off with a nice Foundation of mossy cobblestone and now we can take out a whole bunch of spruce wood and build the cabin up here on top of this [Music] platform and 3 seconds later there we go I totally planned on live commentating the entire thing but it just got kind of boring so I just built it and of course for the most important part and there we go for our next biome I wanted to build one of the funkier biomes in all of Minecraft the Mushroom Island now the funny thing is I’ve actually already built a house in a mushroom biome before but I have an interesting twist we can do three words giant mushroom Treehouse or is that two words kids stay in school so let’s grab a whole bunch of these mushrooms and of course we’re going to want a whole bunch of mycelium although I don’t want to tear apart the island right next to my house so maybe I’ll go somewhere else for this I’m like 95% sure there’s another Island around here somewhere nope that’s it’s a desert oh Pillager Outpost that’s kind of cool well I guess I was wrong cuz I can’t find any other Islands but I am going to hold out hope that I might potentially have some in my chest room back here at home my celium oh I do oh that’s perfect I should probably check my chest more often before I just go mine millions of [Music] blocks ready check this out diorite walls mushrooms on top and you make a little mini big mushroom how sick is that but okay let’s make the Treehouse so let’s start this off with a big stocky white stem and very simply we’re going to keep raising this thing up kind of like we’re building a treehouse cuz we are now we’re just going to make a mushroom shape and hope it doesn’t look stupid wait that’s actually not as bad as I thought now all we got to do is make a way to get up just poke a hole right in here and there we go Mushroom House is good though it does still look a tiny bit empty so we built the red mushroom a [Music] friend I was in the middle of doing a thing mushroom biome complete next up we’re moving on to the desert biome and my big inspiration for this house is going to be my giant desert pyramid that I made a few months ago just obviously a much smaller version that thing is way too big but okay let’s get a whole bunch of sand sandstone and we’re going to grab a little bit of red sand just for some extra contrast and after grabbing our materials we begin building an amazing mini desert pyramid which by the way came out a lot better than I actually thought how about that I love the details on it the inside looks nice and big I definitely messed up that corner there but ignore that now all we got to do is replace the ground with sand oh that’s going to be so annoying maybe we’ll just do Sandstone instead and just not tell anyone now I also did want to put some cacti and dead bushes around but I’m going to have to get creative here because yeah I’m lazy so if I hop down here and place some grass then put sand on top and put the cacti like that genius and just to top it off we’re going to put a nice gate here so the mobs can’t get into the house and of course Make this House a Home desert biome house complete but okay now that we have the hang of this thing let’s start knocking out some of these biomes so first off off we’re going to build our swamp biome house which consisted of a beautiful mud hut some mangrove trees and of course the watery Wetlands on the ground we then carried on to the Savannah Biome which was very simple just a cute little Acacia house and some acacia trees to surround it and finally we built a jungle house which required us to move our Beacon but once we did we built an amazing elevated bamboo house surrounded by podel and Cobblestone boulders all right look at us go we are making some real progress but now it’s time to move on to one of my favorite biomes in the entire game which is the flower Forest which I believe is right over here yep perfect very convenient and I want to make this one very unique and different and I kind of have a cool idea for this flower Forest terrain tends to be a little bit hilly so my plan here is to make a giant Hill and make our house as a hobbit hole inside the hill so first off we’re going to have to make a Giant Mountain here out of grass and stone which might require a little bit more resource Gathering ooh Emerald ooh another Emerald oh another Emerald I love this game and let’s see how good my Hill building skills are okay here’s what we got so far A little bit of like a mountain Hill shape with a hole in the middle which will lead into our Hobbit Hole home in here looking back I definitely wish I did not terraform this area cuz I could have just used the normal land but you win some you lose some but now that we have this hill complete we’re going to have to cover this thing in flowers and trees and make it look a little bit more like that place over there wow I’ll take some of you of course some of you oh some tall boys over here yes oh my gosh there’s so many different flowers I want oh [Music] hello and there we go we added down a ton of flowers and a bunch of creepers as well as making a pathway to get up on top of the mountain in case we ever fancy ourselves a little view which we probably will at some point so let’s begin by making a little bit of an entrance here using Oak and Birchwood and kind of make a little staircase that goes across like this yeah I like that and last but not least we’re just going to Simply hop inside of here and put down our four Essentials bed crafting bench furnace and double chest flower Forest complete oh that looks so good from me here now we’re going to go bang out the dark oak forest right after I grab some more food and make some more fireworks so the dark oak forest is I want to say this way over here oh this is definitely not the right place whoopsies aha there we go oh oh wait I forgot I totally forgot the last time we were here there was a giant fire and I ran away cuz I was afraid and and I didn’t fix it maybe we can still Salvage the inside or maybe not this is this is pretty bad well anyways my plan was to make a little mini version of a woodland Mansion as my house so I guess we can just sneak over here and grab some of these blocks and get up before the whole thing burns [Music] down okay I feel like I’m doing parkour now so it’s probably time to go all right let’s do this thing let’s make a mansion that looks like a woodland Mansion so we’re going to start with a nice Cobblestone base now we’re going to throw in our dark oak wood start building up our second floor and after we add a few more bits and Bobs we have this beauty the roof definitely is a little bit taller than a woodland Mansion but I wanted to make it unique and special so I think I did that pretty well ow so we’re going to throw down some of these dark oak trees and bone meal them plant some mini mushrooms just for some extra effect and color and most importantly smack a whole bunch of bone meal down and you know what I’m going to say now dark oak I fell dark o Oak Forest complete moving on we are now going to make a house for the snow biome which is quite literally the most obvious build idea of all time a snowy Igloo except make it like 10 times bigger oh funny enough I’m actually right near my giant snowy cabin which is also a cool build idea but not for today but I do wonder if I have any snow in here because I’m going to need a lot of snow for this Igloo it’s looking like no so far I might have just been lazy and put these down as decorations well okay never mind we’re off to get our own snow and the top of these ice spikes makes a very perfect place for [Music] it so we started by building a giant Circle and raising that thing up using snowy slabs we then built some ice spikes including one giant one which we transformed into a watchtower everything looks good but we have one more thing to do on the inside I took the liberty of acquiring Some Coal blocks because I want them make some friends to keep us company in the igloo bada bing bada boom and bada bum I made a penguin and we’re just going to make a couple more so we have a little happy family in here and there we go Igloo complete wait wait wait I’m dumb I forgot there we go all right egglo complete nice next up we carried on to the Cherry forest biome which came out absolutely beautiful but once that was complete it was time to move on to a very difficult biome the ASA biome so the vibe I’m getting for this place is like old western kind of theme you know what I mean with like all the orange and the dead bushes I just think a western build would be very very sick so let’s begin by recreating the Mesa biome first okay that seems pretty good I think it looks realistic enough now smack dab here in the middle we’re going to try and make kind of like a cowboy looking house which will include a lot of smooth Stone Spruce Wood and we’re going to repurpose some of the dark oak wood from that build over there for our roof and that right there gives us a pretty cool looking Western house but obviously fary is no dummy I understand it’s pretty empty here I could use some more details so I have a second idea we are going to make a railroad so step one we are going to need some railroad tracks rail rail English rail railroad railroad tracks do I have any oh I have a couple stacks all right that’ll do Railroad tracks railroad tracks so let’s raise up some pillars here with our wood then put the spruce down now we lay the tracks and ignore those guys over there add a few more details in and there we go a railroad track Mesa biome complete but we are now down to our last four biomes and I feel like we’ve already covered most of the main biomes in the game so for these last four we’re going to make some cool ones like underground biomes and other dimensions starting off with the Lush cave biome and lucky for us we don’t even need to go find a lush cave because I should have enough materials to actually build one just by scratch we’re going to want a whole bunch of clay Moss blocks and just to kind of fit with the whole cave theme I also would love to make an amethyst geode in the Lush cave I think that’ll look pretty sweet I just got to say the water is the most annoying part of this entire build just spread faster why are you so slow but okay we have a pretty decent start for the biome so now I want to make the amethyst geode and kind of make that our house in a way so let’s start here on the back and raise up a little bit of this stuff and make kind of like a dome shape in a way then we’ll cover the Dome and a whole bunch of and that’s not andesite uh amethyst I’ve been playing Minecraft for too many hours straight and last but not least we’re going to throw in a bunch of greenery to make the Lush cave look a little more Lush I do wish I had some of those little amethyst cluster things but unfortunately I don’t have any so we’re going to just not I’m sorry guys I’m just lazy that was kind of cool I am a genius but okay Lush cave complete we then decided to take our talents down to the deep dark where my plan was to make a little house resembling an ancient city but unfortunately I couldn’t get too much inspiration because of some unwanted visitors so I decided I’m just going to wing it I don’t know why I’m screaming it’s actually coming out pretty good there look I made a little portal thingy and then we hop inside the bottom here which will be our home deep dark biome complete now with our final two spots we’re going to make some other dimensions starting off with the ne nether where we have a very very interesting idea it’s objectively hilarious that I’ve built so many houses in the nether but today we’re going to build something completely different we are going to recreate the Nethers biggest structures and build a house inside of that like a nether fortress and a Bastion hello my friends oh there’s a lot of friends here all right chill chill chill chill okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m just going to slide down down here don’t fall okay no totem no totem and I’m going to take out my pickaxe I’m just going to grab a bunch of these materials and then leave oh I really want to loot those chests though what if I just be really quick and don’t die okay no no no I don’t trust it I don’t trust it I enjoy having a hardcore world but after grabbing some more supplies and replenishing my totem it was time to begin [Music] building that was the longest build I’ve done in the entire episode and I’m not even going to lie to you guys I already pre-planned this build like I already knew how it was going to look before I even started building it and it still took me like 3 hours but I’m not going to complain because it’s sick but okay nether complete now let’s move on to our final biome of the entire day which is the end biome now in great contrast to my nether build I have no idea what I’m going to do for an end build granted in the past I have built space stations but they kind of got torn apart by the Ender Dragon so I don’t really want to do those anymore can you imagine if my house was just a giant end tower that would be so stupid who would who would ever do that I think I’m going to do it for the meme also I’m just out of ideas so it’s easy wait why am I mining the tower I have so much obsidian back home I’ve mined a fair amount of end Towers back in my day now let’s go put these bad boys to use wait wait wait I need other blocks too okay first and foremost we’re going to replace the around with a Dark Void colored block like black concrete now we’re going to make a little floating end Island and finally we can build a giant Hollow end Tower I am not filling it in because I do not have the patience for that right now this video has taken many many weeks to complete ladies and gentlemen that is it allow me to carve out a door and place down our final set of house ascential I can finally say I have built a house in every single biome in Minecraft oh it’s glorious what a journey it’s been so on that note make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

Today we built a house for every single biome in Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore! This project required us to build a giant grid, and fill it up with replicas of all the different biome types in the game! We then build a custom-themed house for each biome, like treehouses, igloos, mansions, and even floating islands! Enjoy the episode!

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

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Bedrock: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=9e358f89-a8a7-4048-b8cf-0b5d8700d15d

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FarzyMC
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nick_farzy
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/farzymc
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/farzy/membership
Extra Farzy Content: https://www.youtube.com/@ExtraFarzy
Vlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NickFarzy
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farzymc
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/farzy

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, Sandiction and aCookieGod! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!

For business inquiries, use this email: farzy@thestation.io

#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay


  1. My siblings and I love your videos so much! We are always waiting for your newest videos! 99 episodes as well! I can't wait for 100! Also, you are such a good builder!😮

  2. You should make a video were you connect all ur builds with bridges and highways sents some of your builds are thousands of blocks away from your house

  3. Keep it up, Hardcore King <3

    By the way, for a future Minecraft challenge, can you try to survive in a Bastion or a Nether Fortress with no items (except bread) for 1 whole Minecraft day or less?

    Also, for a future video idea, can you please make a wolf city? Because you made an Allay city, Creeper city, and pig city, I thought it would only make sense if you made a wolf city.

    And congratulations, it’s almost your 100th episode! 🎉🥳

  4. I really love if YouTube give like button for specific part of the video so we can like our special part of video as well we can and see others favourite part of the video

  5. Hey Farzy I really like this series you’ve made and I’m deeply inspired my your creations so I’ve tried to load up some worlds to get a seed like yours but couldn’t get any good ones so I would appreciate if you could give me the seed for your world thanks!

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