1. I like space mods a lot just for the theme

    Also unpopular opinion, I think advanced rocketry is the better space mod out there

  2. benevolent_advisor on

    Well you do get a dungeon and uhh, then you go to mars and there’s also one dungeon, and uhhhh

  3. 1 out of those 20,000 blocks will be an ore of the kind you need to explore the next equally desolate planet!!

  4. [my discord](https://discord.gg/ExPVVPDAEH)

    [my twitter](https://x.com/thaboarr)

    I know most space mods are intended to have some element of realism to them but they exist in minecraft, you can rip through the fabric of reality into hell and an endless field of floating islands populated by an immortal dragon and utterly alien cities, I dont like how in most space mods the places you go are extremely uninteresting in comparison. I wish there were more space mods that did something more creative with where you go.

    I’ll be making more comics moving forward so stay tuned for those.

  5. Strong_Schedule5466 on

    Well, there is a tall evil black skeleton that wants to kidnap you, but to find his whereabouts you need to run across the entire Moon

  6. I always thought this back in the day. Need some dimension mod devs and space mod devs to collab and it would be perfect

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